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» Knauf technology installation of drywall pdf. Partitions of the Knauf system: advantages and disadvantages, features of use

Knauf technology installation of drywall pdf. Partitions of the Knauf system: advantages and disadvantages, features of use

Partitions from plasterboard sheets(GKL)

Sets of materials necessary for the construction of partitions The consumption of materials is given per 1 sq. m of partition (based on a partition measuring 2.75 m x 4 m = 11 sq.m without openings and cutting losses).


Name of materials
included in the kit

Unit change

Consumption per 1 sq. m

933 04 250
933 04 350
933 04 450

Screw TN 25, length 25 mm
TN 35 35 mm long
TN 45 45 mm long

29 (34)

13 (14)
29 (30)

13 (14)
29 (30)


29 (30)

13 (14)
29 (30)

Putty "Fugenfüller"(for seams)

Reinforcing tape

Dowel "K" 6/35

Sealing tape


Insulation material(mineral wool)

Profile PU 31/31(corner protection)

according to customer needs

1. Values ​​in parentheses are given for the case when the height of the partition exceeds the length plasterboard sheet .
2. *Depending on the type of sheet, packaging, etc.
3. ** Not required when connecting profiles special tool using the "cut-and-bend" method.

1. After marking, cut the gypsum fiber sheet on a flat, hard surface with a gypsum fiber board cutting knife. Along the marking line, using a metal ruler or strip as a guide, draw the knife several times with force until a cut is formed, guaranteeing a subsequent break along the marking.

2. Place the cut sheet on the edge of the table, and then separate parts of the sheet from each other by breaking it.

3. The homogeneous, fairly dense structure of the gypsum fiber sheet allows for high-quality cutting using a hacksaw or jigsaw.

4. If the cut edge of the gypsum fiber sheet forms in the structure partitions, cladding or ceiling external corner, which does not require protection corner profile, it is processed with a roughing plane.

Frame installation

1. Mark the position partitions And doorways on the floor using a tape measure, meter and cord breaker. Using a plumb line, transfer the markings to ceiling. This operation is greatly facilitated by the use of a special laser device.

2. After cutting onto guide profiles (PN), intended for installation on the floor and ceiling, as well as on rack profiles (PS) adjacent to the walls, stick sealing tape, which serves to improve the parameters partitions on sound insulation.

3. In accordance with the markings, fasten the guide profiles to the floor and ceiling using dowels (in case wooden structures - screws). Install fasteners in increments of no more than 1 m. Install and secure in the same way the outermost rack profiles adjacent to the walls.

4. Install the rack profiles into the guides with a pitch of about 603 mm and align them vertically. Do not fasten to the guides. When cutting, it is necessary to take into account that the length of the stand should be 10 mm less than the actual height of the room.

5. If necessary (for example, extensions), fasten the rack profiles using screws LN 9. The connection must be made with an overlap of at least 10h, where h is the height of the profile back in mm.
For PS 50 overlap - > 500 mm,
PS 75 - > 750 mm,
PS 100 - > 100 mm.

What is the KNAUF system, its advantages. The materials used in the kit are in accordance with GOST standards. Tips for installing various systems. Video examples of systems from a global manufacturer.

Knauf wall cladding system

The finishing material plasterboard is widely used in repair work. They line walls and ceilings, create arches and partitions. To do the job correctly, you must adhere to the rules. To make work easier, global manufacturers produce complexes.

The Knauf system is the wall covering most used by craftsmen.


Working with KNAUF plasterboard sheets is practically no different from installing other gypsum boards. However, the manufacturer produces the necessary components to create plasterboard surface. All materials assembled into a set for wall cladding are called a system. This simplifies the work because all components are made for each other. There is no need to think about installing non-standard additional elements.

Pros of using technology

The KNAUF complex includes all the necessary elements for cladding a wall or creating a partition. This has advantages:

  • use of materials High Quality, which guarantee a long service life;
  • ease of calculation necessary materials for installation;
  • KNAUF kit includes detailed instructions by assembly;
  • If you purchase gypsum boards and components separately, some small details are often forgotten. Everything is included in the kit.

Each structure has its own purpose: ordinary partitions, double cladding, and so on.

Types of plasterboards used in KNAUF systems

The gypsum plasterboard kit for wall cladding has the following types of sheets:

  1. Drywall gray– thickness from 9.5 mm. used in rooms with moderate humidity.
  2. Green moisture resistant sheet– systems with such sheets are used in wet areas.
  3. Green with red inscription, combined - a combination of moisture-resistant and fire-resistant materials.

Wall cladding systems are carried out using 2 methods: frame ( metal lathing from profiles) and frameless (gluing sheets to an adhesive composition).

Knauf installation technology: drywall, walls and partitions

Knauf installation technology is not much different from the generally accepted work on wall cladding and creating partitions.

When assembling the structure, you must adhere to some rules:

  1. plasterboard sheets are fixed to a metal or wooden frame from the center or from the corner. This is done so that the fox does not become deformed. For fixation, use NK 11 screws.
  2. To create a strong joint between the sheets, they are mounted close to each other, without leaving a gap.
  3. GKL is mounted so that there are no cross-shaped seams. Sheets on the surface must be shifted.
  4. To use the frameless method, you need to choose 12.5 mm sheets.
  5. To glue the sheets, use PERLFIX glue. After gluing, the master has 10 minutes to level the sheet on the surface.
  6. When laying thermal insulation material for fastening the gypsum board to the frame base, the kit includes 35 mm screws for wooden base and 25 mm for metal profiles.
  7. The KNAUF profile is cut with metal scissors.
  8. Before fixing, soundproofing tape is applied to the guide profiles.
  9. For good sound insulation, you need to retreat at least 50 mm from the rough wall to the guide.
  10. If a partition is created Knauf systems, with a room height of 2.80 m door leaf must be 90 cm wide and weigh up to 25 kg.

Knowing these rules, the assembled assembly will be a strong, rigid structure.

On what surfaces is cladding acceptable?

The Knauf design is applicable in various areas: walls, ceilings, floors.

Frameless method applicable to concrete, brick walls. When installing the system using this method, you need to choose the right primer.

The frame method is used if the room is damp, the walls tend to become damp, and there is a desire to improve sound and thermal insulation with the help of additional material.

  • There are kits for creating suspended ceilings;
  • kits for working in the attic - fastening from the rafters.

KNAUF plasterboard kits are mounted on various surfaces. Each of which has its own requirements and compliance with certain rules.

How much does cladding cost?

Knauf produces a large number of complexes applied to various surfaces with different configurations. Price policy depends not only on the complexity of the system itself (the suspended ceiling has a large number of components), but also on the materials (gypsum board 9.5mm or 12.5mm).

Fireproof gypsum plasterboard has the highest cost among all sheets, and double cladding with sheets is much more expensive than installation in a single layer.

How effective is Knauf drywall/walls/partitions technology: heat consumption standards

Knauf kits use heat and sound insulation materials in accordance with GOST 9573-96, 21880-94, 10499-95, as well as materials included in the “List polymer materials and structures approved for use in construction by the USSR Ministry of Health" - M. 1985. Having a conclusion of compliance sanitary standards Legislation of the Russian Federation.

To maintain indoor heat consumption standards, KNAUF systems have materials that are calculated individually for each case (dry but cold rooms, wet rooms).

The thermal insulation layer is placed only in the frame base. It is impossible to use insulation in the frameless method.

Covering walls with plasterboard: is it possible to do it yourself?

To install the gypsum plasterboard system, detailed instructions are included in each kit, so it is not necessary to call a specialist. However, we must not forget that the gypsum board sheet has its own weight and at certain installation work It will not be easy to lift it alone with glue or to the ceiling.

Specialists know the intricacies of working with various systems, this guarantees not to make mistakes and get a strong, durable design.

Examples: video tutorials

The use of the frameless method is shown in the video:

Sound insulation of walls with 1 layer cladding in the video:

Assembly of the KNAUF gypsum board partition and 2 layers of sheets:

KNAUF is a global manufacturer of mixtures, profiles and plasterboard sheets, widely used in various installation and repair work. Knauf systems allow you to reduce the time for purchasing materials, make your work easier when doing it yourself, and prevent mistakes that will subsequently affect the entire structure.

Useful video

Drywall is used to create arches, various decor rooms, partitions, wall openings, etc. Creating beautiful decorative elements cannot do without a strong support, which is represented by Knauf partitions. What is a Knauf partition? In fact she looks like plasterboard construction, whose frame consists entirely of metal profile. The design is created using a special technology that eliminates various unforeseen circumstances.

Knauf partitions can be different. They are installed in different rooms, with different sound insulation, for different purposes. Partitions can be different types and are divided according to certain parameters.

According to their design, partitions are divided into:

  • Partitions with one layer of cladding;
  • Partitions with two layers of cladding;
  • Partitions with three layers of cladding;
  • Partitions with one layer of cladding consisting of super Knauf sheets moisture-resistant on a single-type frame.

In addition to these types, there are partitions with built-in special channels for ventilation and communication. Next parameter, according to which the partitions are divided - this is the frame, or rather its type. Frames can be double or single.

The use of partitions based on a double frame is recommended if you need to create a strong a reliable wall, which will withstand heavy .

Creating partitions with single frames is recommended in places where sound insulation is not so important and the walls will not be burdened with heavy pieces of furniture or appliances. We can conclude that the double frame is more durable.

Knauf plasterboard partitions: main advantages

Why is drywall so popular? Knauf partitions? Since the 90s, drywall has been almost synonymous with the word European-quality renovation. On Russian market this material appeared thanks to the Knauf company. The material was accompanied by instructions that described in detail how to create various designs from plasterboard sheets. The technology has gained great popularity due to the excellent quality of the product.

The main advantages of Knauf plasterboard partitions are as follows:

  • Installation of partitions can be carried out independently without the involvement of specialists; detailed instructions are included in the product;
  • It is very easy to calculate the required amount of material and its cost;
  • Each kit has the required number of parts, it is impossible to forget anything;
  • The kit will provide quick and easy process creating a partition;
  • The Knauf material is very durable, so the partition can withstand even an earthquake.

The use of Knauf partitions is still popular today. The correct selection of a set of partitions can provide excellent sound insulation, high strength and reliability of the walls. As mentioned above, there are different strengths and sound insulation, depending on the type of room you should choose a suitable kit.

Technology for installing partitions from plasterboard Knauf

The installation technology using the Knauf system is not much different from the standard installation procedure. However, there are still some differences, which will be discussed below. Together with the drywall material, the Knauf company brought special technology And general recommendations for the installation of partitions.

They look like this:

  1. Each set of partitions has top and bottom rails and posts. These racks can have different widths, which depend on the height of the room where installation is intended, as well as on the weight of the overall structure.
  2. To attach the guides, it is recommended to use dowels; it is necessary to fix at least 3 points.
  3. To install rack profiles, a distance of 600 mm should be maintained; in some cases, the distance can be reduced.
  4. To secure the racks, you should use the “notch-and-bend” method; it is permissible to use special self-tapping screws from Knauf.
  5. To attach a device to suspended ceiling, it is necessary to comply with the fire resistance class.
  6. Mineral wool can be used for sound insulation.
  7. To install sheets, you should use the “end-to-end” method, i.e. lay them without a gap.

In addition to the above recommendations, it is necessary to take into account the installation features of the frame. In order for the entire system to serve for a long time, you need to ensure that the joints from the gypsum plasterboard partition above the door opening are not located on the racks attached to the frame. Instructions for assembling the frame for fastening gypsum boards in our material:.

In addition, the seam must be made so that it is in that part of the intermediate guide that is located above the horizontal beam. Horizontal beam serves as the upper limit. Following these recommendations will help you make a long-lasting, high-quality design.

High-quality gypsum board partitions using the Knauf system: what will influence the choice of set

Exist Various types partitions that suit different room parameters. At the moment, there are about 25 kits for installing partitions using the Knauf system on sale. All sets are marked with the letter "C", which is combined with a specific set number.

To select the right installation kit, consider the following factors:

  • Height of the room or space;
  • Desired noise level;
  • Possible load on the wall in the form of furniture or equipment;
  • Availability of communication systems;
  • Door type or lack thereof;
  • Desired height of the partition;
  • Room temperature and humidity level;
  • Type of room and its purpose (bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, living room).

Having decided on the parameters of the room, it will be much easier for you to choose a partition. For example, a bedroom adjacent to the kitchen or living room requires a high degree of sound insulation, so the installation kit should be selected accordingly. If the bedroom is adjacent to the wall of the neighboring apartment, then even more so the partition should have a high degree of protection from unwanted noise.

Modern Knauf technology and drywall: walls and partitions (video)

Plasterboard partitions Knauf - worthy and reliable way to build a wall in the desired location. Simplicity and ease of use and installation will help make the installation process easy and enjoyable. With this technology, the issue of unnecessary noise will be closed for you forever.

Distribution internal space In a house or apartment, dividing rooms into rooms today is most efficiently and quickly accomplished by installing plasterboard partitions using KNAUF technology. Application modern materials allows you to assemble internal structures of any complexity in any operating conditions. The main advantages of the technology were rapid installation, a high degree of constructability and sound insulation properties due to the use of fillers.

The partitions are frame structure with double-sided lining sheet plasterboard and filling soundproofing material. They provide for the installation of sockets, laying electrical and low current wiring, internal pipeline fittings. The structures are designed for use in both dry and wet areas, as well as for hanging furniture and resistance to mechanical stress.

Features of the partition

Depending on the conditions and architectural features Rooms have different requirements for the partition. The main criteria to build on are:

Choosing drywall

GCRs vary in thickness and specialization. In terms of thickness - sheets for frame (12.5 mm) and frameless (9.5 mm) installation. Since the partition is made on a frame, you should choose plasterboard with a thickness of 12.5 mm.

9.5 mm sheets are designed for adhesive mounting or sheathing old surface with support on the entire plane. At the same time, dividing plasterboard into wall and ceiling is erroneous.

According to their specialization, gypsum plasterboards are divided into standard, moisture-resistant, impact-resistant and fire-resistant.

The moisture-resistant material is used in wet rooms - bathrooms, swimming pools, bathrooms, kitchens, etc.

Impact-resistant is used when there is a likelihood of mechanical impacts provided for by the purpose of the room, for example, gyms, children's rooms. Due to its increased strength, such plasterboard is also used for the construction of structures 8 m or more in height. Fire-resistant HA is used in rooms with increased fire safety requirements, as well as for lining areas where it is planned to install a stove, boiler or electric heating devices. Standard ones are cheaper and are great for dry residential and public spaces.

Double or single layer sheathing

Covering the frame with HA sheets can be done in either one or two layers. An ordinary partition that does not perform load-bearing functions, performed with single layer cladding. If necessary, hang any equipment, furniture on it or perform cladding with massive ceramic tiles, the sheets are mounted in 2 layers.

If it is intended to use impact-resistant sheets with two-layer sheathing, the first layer can be made simple drywall. It is also possible to implement a “warm wall” using IR heating film. In this case, the film is mounted on the first layer of HA, and the second layer can be applied in sheets 9.5 mm thick.

Selecting Profiles

Galvanized PN profiles with a base of 50, 75 or 100 mm and a shelf width of 40 mm are used as guides. Rack-mounted - PS must correspond to the guides, so they have a corresponding base width that is 2 mm smaller with a shelf width of 50 mm. All KNAUF profiles have a wall thickness of 0.6 mm, which differs from products from other manufacturers with a wall thickness of 0.4 mm.

The choice of size is made depending on the height of the partition and sound insulation requirements. For a height of up to 3 m, it is enough to use a profile with a width of 50 mm, from 3 to 5 m - 75 mm, and over 5 m - with a width of 100 mm. Naturally, the wider the frame, the greater the distance between the walls will be, and, therefore, the thicker the sound insulation layer. Therefore, if the requirements for sound insulation performance are increased, then even for standard height 2.5 m partitions, profiles should be chosen wider.

Frame installation

The assembly of plasterboard partitions using KNAUF technology begins with the installation of the frame. This part of the structure will be hidden and, if mistakes are made, the entire structure will have to be dismantled. Therefore, this stage must be taken with complete seriousness and compliance with all rules.


Marking the structure should begin from the floor. To draw an even line, you need to measure the extreme points and stretch the thread between them. You can transfer the markings to the walls and ceiling using a plumb line. The partition installation lines are marked with a pencil on all 4 planes (walls, floor and ceiling).

Professionals use a laser level for these purposes, which speeds up and simplifies the process. You also need to mark the location of the doorway, marking it on a line drawn on the floor.

Installation of guides

Before installing the guide elements, sealing tape must be applied to the sides adjacent to the walls of the floor and ceiling. This will reduce sound transmission and prevent cracks in the finish.

The profiles are set at an angle between the base and the shelf along the marked lines. Fastening to the floor and walls is done with plastic dowel-nails, and to the ceiling - with metal anchor dowels. Guides on the floor are not installed at the doorway location.

Installation of racks

Based standard width GKL - 120 cm, racks are installed in increments of 40 or 60 cm, so that each sheet rests on vertical profiles along the edges and in the middle. The required number of racks is cut so that their length is 1 cm less than the ceiling height. This is done for ease of installation and compensation for the deflection of the ceiling, as well as seismic loads.

Then the racks are inserted into the lower and upper guide profiles with shelves in the direction of installation of the drywall and are aligned strictly vertically. Verticality is verified using a leveling rod. Immediately after alignment, the stand is fastened to the guide using a cutter.

Installation of doorway profiles

Taking into account the massiveness of the doors, as well as the dynamics during their operation, they are used for the doorway reinforced profile UA with a wall thickness of 2 mm. According to the marking of the opening, 2 sections of UA profiles are aligned vertically into the guides and through them secured to the floor and ceiling with dowels using special adjustable brackets. The upper contour of the doorway is limited by a horizontal section of the PN profile, fixed in the same way as lintels.

Often they use 2 rack profiles inserted into each other in the form of a box, but this is not enough for the weight of the door and the dynamics of the loads.

Installing jumpers

The jumpers are made from a guide strip and installed in a horizontal position between the racks at the calculated locations of the horizontal joints of the GC sheets. To do this, a profile is cut 20 cm longer than the distance between the posts. Then 10 cm is measured on both sides and the shelves are cut at an angle of 45° from the intended line to the edges of the shelves. After which the edges are bent at right angles. In each horizontal line, jumpers are mounted alternately, alternating with bent ends up and down.

Thus, the bent parts are put on the racks and do not interfere with each other. The jumpers are also secured using a cutter. When the frame is installed, a dividing tape is glued along the junction with the ceiling in order to prevent the appearance of cracks in the corners.

Installation of gypsum boards

Installation of drywall is carried out in conditions of relatively constant humidity, so work should be planned after completion of all wet processes - pouring screed, plastering and drying. After delivering the HA sheets to the installation site, they must be kept for 24 hours to acclimatize (even out the humidity). During this time, the material is stored in a horizontal position without direct contact with the floor. In an inclined position, the sheets may become deformed.

Sheathing of the frame starts from the bottom with a distance of 1 cm from the floor. Based on the standard sheet length of 250 cm and the height of the ceiling, as well as taking into account the gap between the bottom end and the floor, it is necessary to calculate the height of the required section of gypsum board under the ceiling. According to the Knauf plasterboard installation technology, it is not allowed to use sections shorter than 40 cm, so if, as a result of the calculation, this size turns out to be smaller, then installation must begin with half a sheet. All horizontal ends are processed with a special edge plane, with a chamfer angle of 22.5° to a depth of 1/3 of the thickness. For installation bottom sheet you need to prepare linings 1 cm thick to maintain the appropriate distance from the floor.

Installation is carried out staggered so that the horizontal joints do not coincide along the same line and are spaced at least 40 cm in height. The sheets are fastened to the frame using TN 25 screws in increments of 25 cm. The screw is screwed in with a distance from the end edge of at least 15 mm and from the longitudinal edge - 10 mm. The screw must penetrate into the frame to a depth of at least 10 mm, and the head must be recessed by 1 mm. The sheets are not attached to the guides on the floor and ceiling.

To cover doorways, the vertical joint should not be in line with the opening, so in sheathing material make an L-shaped cutout.

After covering one side of the partition, mineral heat and sound insulation is placed in the cavity between the walls. It should be laid tightly against the frame elements without gaps. Roll or slab material selected according to thickness equal to the distance between the walls.

The wiring is then pulled through the structural holes in the racks. If necessary, you can drill additional holes in advance and process their edges so as not to damage the insulation of the wires. After this, you can begin covering the second side using a similar technology.

Upon completion of the installation of drywall, holes are drilled in the designated places using an annular cutter for installing sockets.

It is more convenient to install sockets opposite each other on both sides of the partition. This saves wiring, but reduces the soundproofing properties of the partition, so it’s better to do it right and install adjacent sockets with a horizontal offset of 10-15 cm.

Putty joints

Vertical and horizontal joints are treated with a primer 3 hours before puttying. The seams are sealed with high-strength gypsum putty in 2 stages. First, the joints are covered with putty. Immediately apply a paper reinforcing tape over the fresh solution, lightly pressing it in with a spatula. The corner joints of the partition with the wall are reinforced with perforated corner profiles. The covering layer is applied to the seams only after the first layer has completely dried. In the case of two-layer sheathing, the joints of the first layer are puttied without reinforcing tape.


The formed partition plane is a rough surface and is subject to facial finishing. Wallpapering and painting can be used as cladding. water-based paints or tiling.

In any case, the entire surface will have to be puttied and leveled to the level of the seams. Before puttying, it is advisable to treat the entire surface with a primer, and after it dries, putty the screw heads.


The putty is applied in a thin, even layer. The starting layer will be enough for subsequent wallpapering with a preliminary primer. wallpaper glue according to the manufacturer's instructions.


To paint the wall must be brought to perfect condition. To do this, a finishing gypsum solution is applied over the dried starting layer. After drying, sanding with a float and the obligatory primer are carried out. If you neglect the primer before painting, the paint on the seams and between them will be absorbed unevenly, resulting in stains.


For facing wall tiles, an ideal surface is not required and you can limit yourself to only a starting layer of putty. It should be borne in mind that tiles are usually used in wet rooms, and this favorable conditions for fungal growth. Therefore, before puttying, the primer should be made with a special composition containing a fungicide.

Before laying, the wall is covered with a special waterproofing compound intended for subsequent laying of tiles. The composition is applied with a brush, preferably in 2 layers. The tiles are laid after the waterproofing has dried using tile adhesive, just like on other surfaces in damp rooms.

Hanging furniture and equipment

As already mentioned, plasterboard partitions using the KNAUF system, designed for hanging shelves, cabinets and other interior elements, are made with two-layer cladding. The technology for fastening hinged elements depends on weight, which determines the choice of fasteners.

For fastening the following are used:

  • butterfly dowel – up to 10 kg;
  • Driva dowel – up to 30 kg;
  • metal dowel for hollow structures Molly – up to 50 kg;
  • when hanging 45-75 kg in advance, two racks of reinforced profiles are used in the frame, as for the doorway. An embedded part is installed on them - a traverse, into which a self-tapping screw will then be screwed through the gypsum board without the use of a dowel.

For reliability, when selecting a fastening structure, it is necessary to take into account a safety margin of at least 30%.

If you decide to renovate your apartment, correcting uneven walls and ceilings, insulating the room, creating an elegant design with various multi-level structures and lighting, then you should definitely pay attention to such a material as drywall. It makes it possible to create new look your apartment, and, very importantly, with your own hands. Working with him is a pleasure; even a beginner with no experience in construction can handle it. Another important advantage is that all this will cost quite cheap compared to other types of finishing. But when you go to the store, you see many types of drywall sheets from different manufacturers. Namely, the quality, durability and reliability of repairs largely depend on the choice of gypsum boards. Drywall Knauf- a good option, acceptable at a price that will pay off over a long service life. In this article you will find information about the products of this manufacturer and, most importantly, how to build, observing Knauf technology, plasterboard walls and partitions, as well suspended ceilings from gypsum board from this manufacturer.

Knauf requirements for wall and ceiling frames

Knauf provides a huge part construction market. It produces drywall of many types, profiles, various building mixtures, thermal insulation materials. Therefore, it would be good to buy all this as a set. This will simplify and speed up the work, and increase the reliability of the design. If it is not possible to purchase a kit, then you need to take care of the proper quality of materials purchased separately so that their characteristics are as close as possible to Knauf products.

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The basic requirements that are necessary for the long service life of Knauf drywall are:

  • It is necessary to carry out installation using Knauf GKVL. This prevents damage to the material when the frame profile freezes
  • To prevent deformation or sagging of the frame under the weight of gypsum boards, long profiles should be installed in a checkerboard pattern
  • For fastening, special Knauf screws or LN9 screws are used, you can also use a drywall cutter
  • Joining sheets above a doorway is prohibited; this is done so that vibration and the weight of the door itself do not damage the connection of sheets
  • After assembling the frame, it is imperative to protect its surface with thermal insulation tape to protect it from freezing

Under the guidance of these rules, following all Knauf instructions and recommendations for installing drywall, you will achieve best result, and the renovation will not have to be updated for many years.

Installation of drywall using Knauf technology

Installation of Knauf plasterboard sheets is not much different from working with plasterboard from other manufacturers. The difference is that Knauf produces almost everything that is needed for covering walls and ceilings with plasterboard, and all of this is complete system, which will simplify and improve the work, because all parts fit perfectly together, there is no need to suffer with non-standard fasteners and other troubles.

Technology of wall cladding and installation of partitions from Knauf plasterboard

Under gypsum board Knauf walls prepared in the same way as for other brands. First, they clean off the remnants of past repairs (old wallpaper, frame elements). The surface is primed and treated with special compounds to protect against corrosion. If there are cracks in the wall, they must be sealed with plaster.

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Instructions for installing Knauf drywall on walls and when creating partitions:

  1. A frame plan is thought out, and a sheathing is created based on it - first vertical guides, followed by horizontal ones. The more horizontal, the greater the strength and rigidity of the structure. The frame is mounted from a galvanized steel profile, preferably it should also be of the Knauf brand. But you can also use wooden blocks to create a frame;
  2. The frame comes in two types: static and suspended. The first is mounted directly on the wall, which is why it is considered more reliable, while the second is mounted on specially designed hangers. This takes up space in your apartment, but can be very convenient for hiding communications;
  3. The voids between the profile are filled mineral wool or other similar material for better thermal insulation and protection from external noise;
  4. If you need to cut a sheet, use a hacksaw to mark the entire surface of the sheet, and then carefully break it off. The ends are treated with a primer;
  5. Drywall is attached to the profile either with Knauf screws or self-tapping screws. The step should not be more than 25 centimeters; according to the calculation, there are 8 screws for each sheet;
  6. A special tape is glued to the joints of the sheets, which is then covered with plaster;
  7. Drywall requires only a primer for finishing, then it can be laid on it decorative tiles or wallpaper.

Technology for installing Knauf plasterboard on the ceiling

Assembling the frame for plasterboard Knauf produced in several ways depending on design features the ceiling and the room itself. Used for this and wooden beams, and a metal profile. Five types of structures are most often used:

  • "System 111". Used for wooden blocks. The frame is biaxial. The material is wood coniferous species, humidity no more than 12%, otherwise after drying the frame will be greatly deformed
  • P 112. Made from Knauf metal profile, also biaxial
  • P 113. The same frame as the previous one, but executed in one axis. For these two types, a regular galvanized ceiling profile is used
  • P 131. A significant difference from the others is that the profile is fastened not to the ceiling, but to the walls. Should provide even greater rigidity, so reinforced Knauf profile, intended for creating plasterboard partition systems
  • P 19. Complex multi-level design is a prominent representative of architectural and decorative ceilings

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Installation wooden frame happens in several ways:

  • Using direct suspension or quick suspension. When using the second one, you need to change the mounting side one by one
  • Directly to the ceiling with self-tapping screws

The frame is made of a metal profile and is mounted with multi-level suspensions. P 113 is used where there will be heavy ceilings, so the material for it is wall profile, and the distance between the dowels should be no more than 30 cm.

You will significantly reduce the time spent on repairs and save energy if you follow some tips and recommendations:

  • Fastening sheets should start from a corner or from the center in order to protect the sheet from deformation and cracks
  • You need to chamfer the edge of the sheet using a drywall plane. But for different types at different angles (45 or 22.5)

Knauf technology for installing drywall involves sealing seams using a special tape:

  1. First, the seam is filled with putty;
  2. Then laying down the tape for the seams;
  3. Cover the tape with a thin layer of putty.

Also, a special Knauf dividing tape is installed between the gypsum board sheet and the outer corner.