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» Paving slab production technology. Construction of a vibration table from improvised means. DIY technology for making concrete paving slabs

Paving slab production technology. Construction of a vibration table from improvised means. DIY technology for making concrete paving slabs

Paving slabs - simple and reliable way arrange a garden path, path, driveway at the dacha or lay out a platform in the courtyard of a private house. Depending on the place of application to tile covering Paths have different requirements regarding strength and installation method.

One of the factors that determines the longevity of a tile walkway is the installation solution. However, many people prefer to make paving slabs with their own hands.

Vibration-pressed or vibration-cast tiles

From a technology point of view industrial production, tiles can be made in two ways:

Vibro-cast paving slabs(cheaper, used in private construction).

Manufacturing technology: concrete mortar poured into molds that are placed on a vibrating surface. During vibration, the solution evenly fills the mold and air bubbles come out of it. Afterwards, the forms are placed on drying racks. After 2-3 days, the tiles are removed and dried.

Vibropressed paving slabs(more resistant, intended for use in places with intense load).

The production technology is similar, but the solution is additionally pressed with a press (vibropress). The result is a more compacted mixture and, accordingly, a stronger material structure. The tiles are dried in special chambers.

You can only make vibro-cast tiles for paths and paths yourself. Let us immediately focus your attention - homemade paving slabs are not intended for laying in areas of heavy traffic, but will become indispensable for the formation garden paths in the country.

Which paving slabs are better – vibro-cast or vibro-pressed?

According to reviews on the forums, 80% of users agree that the best paving slabs are those that are made in a factory using vibrocompression. It is more expensive (~20%), but more durable. The point is that the resulting concrete is more dense and has fewer pores; therefore, the tiles absorb little water, do not crumble and are resistant to abrasion.

But pressed tiles have a limited selection of colors and shapes, while cast tiles, on the contrary, are easy to manufacture, which means they are more affordable, plus, you can cast almost any shape, and have a large selection of shades.

The tiles are subject to the greatest damage in winter, when water that gets inside the concrete freezes and expands. Of course, you can protect vibration-cast tiles with hydrophobic compounds, but this will not make them last forever; their service life is shorter than that of pressed tiles. However, for private use on a limited budget, you can get by with homemade paving slabs.

How to distinguish vibro-cast tiles from vibro-pressed ones?

Visually. The first will have a heterogeneous smooth structure, the second will have a homogeneous, rough structure. Paradoxically, the vibration-cast one is more beautiful in appearance (at the time of sale) - bright, smooth (examples in the photo). The difference manifests itself during operation.

Advantages of paving slabs

Why did paving slabs become popular, leaving asphalt, concrete and embankment far behind? Because paving slabs for paths in the country have a number of advantages over other types of coating:

– moisture and vapor permeability of the coating. Under the path made of tiles, natural microflora is preserved, and moisture evaporation occurs as when loosening the soil, i.e. more uniform. This does not interfere with the growth of the roots of shrubs and trees, and plants growing along the garden path last longer without watering;

– aesthetics. Thanks to various shapes and colors, tiles can be made beautiful drawing(lay out an ornament, pattern) on country path; – maintainability and the ability to replace, move concrete tiles if necessary; - longevity. Cooked and
, will be in operation for 50 years; – the ability to create paths of complex configurations with your own hands.

There are two ways to obtain tiles for sidewalks and paths.

  • First, buy ready-made paving slabs. Less hassle, faster, simpler and not much more expensive. But no one is immune from counterfeiting in this branch of production, and manufacturing paving slabs with your own hands gives you confidence in its quality.
  • Secondly, do it yourself. We will consider this method in detail, starting with the material and ending with unmolding.

Master class on making paving slabs

Material for making paving slabs

You can’t make a quality product from just anything. Therefore, in the listing process we will focus on the properties of the material and the requirements for them.

1. Cement

Determines the quality of the tile. What cement should I use for paving slabs? To make the solution, you need high grade cement (M400 is a minimum, ideally M500). The grade of cement indicates its compressive strength. Accordingly, the higher the grade of cement, the stronger the concrete solution, which is the basis for the recipe for the production of paving slabs. The use of M-500 cement will give the tiles such properties as frost resistance, strength and water resistance.

Only fresh cement is suitable for making tiles (during a month of storage, cement loses 5% of its properties). You can check the quality of cement by squeezing a handful of powder in your fist. If it leaks through your fingers, the material is fresh; if it clumps into a lump, it’s better not to buy it.

Note. You should not try to save money by purchasing the M 300 brand, because... in this case, cement consumption will increase significantly.

2. Filler for cement (concrete) mortar

  • large filler. Screenings, small crushed stone, slag or pebbles are used as filler. They must be clean to work.
  • fine filler. This includes sand of fraction 0.4-0.6 mm. It is important that it does not contain impurities and clay.

3. Water

For solution used drinking water room temperature.

Sold in powder or ready-mixed form. Why do you need a plasticizer? Designed to impart additional properties to the solution, reduce the consumption of cement and water, increase the density of concrete, and facilitate the process of mixing the solution.

Which plasticizer is better for paving slabs?

The following received good reviews: Westplast, PLASTIMIX F, POLIPLAST SP-1, Master Silk. But the best (popular among users) is the additive Superplasticizer S-3.

Adding a plasticizer to the concrete solution guarantees low abrasion of the tiles and their moisture and frost resistance.

5. Dye for paving slabs (pigment)

Paint allows you to create tiles different colors. It is important that coloring pigments were lightfast. Considering the high price of dyes (from 1,500 to 8,600 thousand rubles), two-color paving slabs are in demand. Dye is added to the top layer, the bottom remains gray.

Material prepared for the website

6. Fiber fiber (reinforcing fiber)

Fiber for concrete is needed to increase the strength of the tiles. Polypropylene fiber is used to reinforce concrete (fibers up to 20 mm long and 10-50 microns in diameter).

For example, polypropylene fiber Micronix 12mm. (RUB 165.00/kg), chopped glass fiber (RUB 145.00/kg) or basalt fiber MicronixBazalt 12mm (RUB 98.00/kg) (in order in the picture).

Note. The length of the fiber should not exceed the diameter of the largest aggregate in the concrete solution.

A well-greased mold will make it easier to remove the tiles.

You can buy a special lubricant for molds, for example, Lirossin (Ukraine, 210 rubles/5 l.). This is a concentrate that is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. Or Emulsol (Russia, 175 and 40 kg barrel, sold on tap for 38 rubles/l).

How to lubricate molds for paving slabs at home?

Users advise not to spend money on industrial lubricants, but to use analogues (substitutes):

  • motor oil (can be used);
  • soap solution. The cheapest solution of water and detergent, which helps to quickly remove tiles from the mold;
  • sunflower (vegetable) oil.

Some craftsmen use a saline solution, but it leaves salt stains on the tiles, and silicone and plastic molds quickly become unusable. Others suggest covering the mold with two layers of varnish. This coating will ensure easy sliding of the tiles. But, this method is applicable only for plastic forms, plus, the varnish quickly deforms, which will affect the quality of the sides and front surface tiles

Tools and equipment for making paving slabs

Depends on the quantity of tiles being produced.

The simplest solution is to use an old washing machine switched on to spin mode. Such homemade vibration table for paving slabs, allows you to obtain a perfectly compacted (rammed) mixture for the manufacture of road slabs.

3. Rack for drying paving slabs (dryer). Any place where the tiles will dry in the mold for 2-3 days, without the mold for another week, and then finally dry for another month.

4. Bucket, basin or suitable container. Serves to heat the mold with tiles and facilitate the process of removing the tiles from the mold.

5. Molds for making paving slabs. There are no problems at all with the forms due to their diversity (can be ordered in the online store). To speed up the process, it is better to immediately purchase a dozen forms.

Types of tile molds

. Used for the manufacture of tiles of complex shapes with different structural surface. The elasticity of the material (silicone) is both a plus and a minus of the form. The advantage is that they reproduce the drawing in the smallest detail. Disadvantage - the form expands (swells) from the concrete and changes its shape, which affects the geometry of the product (deformation). One form is designed (withstands) 50 cycles.


Used to make a simple pattern. Advantages of a plastic mold: flexibility, strength and durability. The estimated service life of the molds is 800 cycles.


Polyurethane holds its shape better than silicone, but is more expensive. The polyurethane mold is enough for 100 cycles.

How to make molds for paving slabs with your own hands

Several options for making molds from improvised materials:

  • Wooden forms can be knocked together from scraps of plywood or boards, and fastened together with metal corners.

It will not be possible to make a mold from wood with complex geometry. The wooden mold can be made in the form of a triangle, square, rhombus, rectangle or hexagon.

Note. When planning to make a mold for paving slabs, please note that it is taken into account inner dimensions.

  • Plastic molds can be made from strips cut from utility boxes. It is difficult, but quite possible, to make a complex polygonal shape, the diagram of which is given below.

Note. In such homemade form The tiles are cast directly at the installation site.

  • Forms from food containers (bowls, trays, plastic containers)
  • Make it yourself from polymer (but this is already from the category of private entrepreneurship, all that remains is to register an individual entrepreneur and open your own business - a business for the production of paving slabs on an industrial scale).

Advice. When choosing a curly shape, pay attention to the presence of halves and parts (component elements, fragments) in order to avoid unnecessary cutting of the tiles when laying.

When studying the question of how to make paving slabs with your own hands, it is important to pay attention to how to choose the right proportions and how to mix the solution for laying.

Mortar for paving slabs - proportions, composition, preparation

To begin with, we will provide a ready-made recipe for a solution for paving slabs with a given thickness of 60 mm. And then we’ll tell you how to mix the components correctly.

The composition of the solution for paving slabs is given in the table

Components (additives) Proportions for manufacturing in% For 1 sq.m. tiles For 1 cubic meter solution
Cement M 500 21 % 30 kg 500 kg
Screenings or fine crushed stone 23% 32 kg 540 kg
Sand 56% 75 kg 1300 kg
Plasticizer S-3 0.7% by weight of concrete 50 gr 1.9 liters
Dye 7% by weight of concrete 700 gr 10 kg
Fiber fiber in quantity per 1m3 of concrete 0.05% by weight of concrete 60 gr 0.7-1.0 kg
Water 5.5% by weight of concrete 8 liters 130 liters

From 1 cubic meter solution can be made 16.5 sq. m. paving slabs, with a thickness of 60 mm.

To prepare a good solution for paving slabs, you need to mix the components in a concrete mixer in a certain sequence, with a certain mixing mode.


1. Preparing the solution

The plasticizer is mixed with a small amount of water and poured into a concrete mixer. Only warm water is used for mixing, because... Additives do not dissolve in cold conditions. When stirring, you need to ensure that the plasticizer dissolves completely.

The dye is also mixed with hot (approximately 80 °C) water in a ratio of 1:3. It is necessary to ensure that the coloring solution is homogeneous. The presence of lumps will result in the appearance of craters on the front surface of the tile.

Next, filler (crushed stone and sand) is added one by one, then cement. Periodically, water is added to the cement-sand mixture for more convenient mixing. The bulk of the water is supplied at the end of the batch.

Optimal mixing mode (time) cement mortar

The mixture for paving slabs is ready when it adheres to the trowel in a dense mass without spreading. When pouring, the solution should easily fill the mold.

2. Preparing the mold

The surface of the mold is lubricated with the selected lubricant. During the process, you need to ensure that no stains from the lubricant form on the surface. The form should be slightly oily for better glide of the product over the surface.

Notes Excessive lubrication causes depressions in the tiles. If it is insufficient, removal is difficult.

3. Manufacturing technology of paving slabs (molding)

At this stage, the solution is poured into molds. Moreover, if two-color tiles are made, then the mold is filled with gray concrete by 75%, and then filled with colored concrete. The break between fillings should not exceed 20 minutes. Otherwise, the layers of the solution will not adhere firmly to each other.

Filled forms need to be shaken and placed on a vibrating table. The duration of the mold's stay on the vibrating table is 5 minutes. An indicator of readiness is the appearance of white foam - this means that all air bubbles have been knocked out of the solution. Excessive vibration treatment (shaking the mold) can lead to stratification of the solution. The signal to stop vibrations is the settling of white foam.

Advice. When making two-color paving slabs, vibration must be carried out after pouring each layer. The second vibration lasts 2-3 minutes, and foam may not appear.

4. Drying paving slabs at home

Forms filled with solution are placed on racks for subsequent drying, which takes 2-3 days. The drying place should be protected from direct sunlight and well ventilated. To reduce the rate of moisture evaporation from the solution, it is better to cover the molds with plastic wrap.

5. Unmolding paving slabs (removal from mold)

How to remove tiles from the mold?

To make the extraction process easier, you can lower the filled form for 5 seconds. into hot (about 60 °C) water. The heat expands the mold and the tiles are removed without defects or problems.

The product should be knocked out on a soft base, for example, spread out an old blanket.

Please note that the removed tile holds its shape well, but the mortar has not yet hardened completely, so the composition will crumble and may crack or break. The removed tiles are stored on the same drying racks for another week. Then it can be put on a pallet and finally dried for another month. During this period, the tile will gain the required strength.

How much does it cost to make paving slabs at home?

This is not idle interest, but rational approach, requiring calculations and budgeting to determine budget and profitability.

Calculation of the cost of manufacturing paving slabs

Material Price
Cement (M 500 Portland) 300-500 rub/bag 59 kg
Crushed granite fraction 3-10 mm (the larger the cheaper) 1,500-2,000 rub. per cube
Sand sifted 600 rub./m3
Plasticizer (S-3) 80 rub/l
Dye from 1500 to 8600 rub/25 kg
Cost depends on resistance to environmental influences
Fiber fiber from 98 to 165 rub/kg
Mold release agent from 0 to 100 rub/l
Shapes (price varies depending on shape, size and material)
- plastic from virgin plastic:
69-200 rub/piece. (depending on size) 43-60 RUR/piece.

made from recycled plastic:
43-60 rub/piece.

- silicone 120-150 rub/piece.
- polyurethane 200-370 rub/piece.
- simple “bricks” from 30 rub/piece
- original up to RUB 1,500/piece

The table shows approximate prices per unit of production. The total amount depends on the expense.

The price of ready-made paving slabs of a simple configuration starts from 200 rubles. per sq.m., textured from 450 rub. Multiply by the required square footage (area) and add delivery. Compare your results. On average, savings range from 10% (for local tiles) to 25% (for branded tiles). At the same time, it should be understood that each manufacturer, in a competitive environment, strives to reduce the cost of its products as much as possible. As a rule, this affects quality, which cannot always be determined immediately, but only after some time.

Defects in paving slabs

In favor of making paving slabs yourself, the following can be noted:

  • confidence in the quality of the product;
  • the ability to make tiles in between other tasks;
  • fascination of the process;
  • a beautiful result and pride in one’s own success.

Paths and areas paved with paving slabs look aesthetically pleasing. This coating is durable, reliable, has a long service life, and is easy to care for. But if you purchase the material on the market, the cost of finishing the paths can be significant. Therefore, many owners produce paving slabs themselves and lay them themselves. Fortunately, there is everything for this on the market today. As part of today's review, we will try to sort out the whole technological process making paving slabs with your own hands, and also consider how to lay them.

Today, two technologies are mainly used:

  • vibration pressing;
  • vibration casting.

How do they differ from each other?

Vibrocompression technology

This is an industrial method of producing paving slabs, which uses special equipment consisting of a press and a vibrating table. The tiles are laid on the table, cement mortar with the addition of pigments is poured into it, after which the mixture is subjected to great pressure from the press. During the process of pressure, the table immediately vibrates, which evenly distributes the poured solution throughout the entire volume of the mold.

The tile material is accurate in shape and size, its density is increased, which means its strength will be great. This technology Depending on the type of equipment used, there is practically no manual labor, and there are no problems with unmolding. More recently, steaming was used for this finished products to remove it from the molds. This increased the cost of products. Today, all this is not used, so prices for paving slabs have dropped sharply.

But the topic of the article is how to make paving slabs with your own hands, so we won’t talk more about this method of producing them. The only thing we note is that products made using this technology are superior in quality to homemade ones. And, accordingly, they will have a longer service life.

Vibration casting technology

This production method can be classified as “do-it-yourself”. True, for this you will have to make a vibrating table. More about it below, but now let’s look at the principle of producing paving slabs using this method. Firstly, to produce tiles you need to purchase molds. What does the market offer today?

Molds for DIY paving slabs

There is no need to talk about size and geometric shape here. In this regard, the choice is huge, and every consumer will find an option that will satisfy him in all respects. The choice is based on the material from which the forms are made. Today manufacturers offer three varieties:

  1. This polyurethane molds for making tiles or paving stones that can be used for up to 100 cycles. They are well suited for those who decide to make a small volume of tiles.
  2. Plastic. These molds can withstand up to 250 revolutions.
  3. Made from special plastic type rubber, withstanding more than 500 cycles.

Buying molds for paving slabs today is not a problem. The main thing is to make a choice. For small volumes, polyurethane ones are suitable. For example, if you purchase five pieces, you can make 500 tiles, which is a considerable amount. In addition, molds made from this polymer are very cheap, so they will not greatly affect the cost of the final product.

Technology for the production of paving slabs using vibration casting

So, for this you need a vibrating table on which the forms are installed. A standard cement mortar is poured into them, to which plasticizers and pigments are added. The main requirement for paving slabs is full-body color.

The vibrating table turns on. Inside the mold, the solution is evenly distributed throughout the entire volume, while all the components are mixed even better, the air comes out, and it is this that causes the deterioration of the quality of the product. The laitance moves and concentrates near the walls of the mold. During the vibration process, the tile becomes smooth and even in geometry. The most difficult thing is to remove the finished product from the formwork. Therefore, this method is proposed - the tile along with the mold is immersed in hot water (not lower than +40°C), the plastic or rubber becomes soft, which makes it possible to remove the finished product without any problems. paving material.

In the same way, you can make double tiles, in which the lower part is ordinary gray cement mortar, and the upper part is colored. To do this, the colored mixture is first poured into the mold, and after 30 seconds the gray mixture is poured. After 30-40 seconds you can turn on the vibration table.

Attention! Paving slabs produced by vibration casting must be in the mold for two days. Only after this can the formwork be removed.

How to make your own vibrating table for paving slabs: photos, videos and drawings

The drawing below shows what the vibrating table is assembled from. In fact, these are two separate structures that are connected to each other by springs. The lower table has a standard shape with four legs and a reinforced base, because it must withstand significant loads not only from vibration, but also from the forms with cement mortar placed on the upper table. The top table is a kind of trough with small sides.

Now, as for the drive, which should create vibration. There are a lot of different options here:

  1. There are special vibrators that are attached to the top of the vibrating table (to the bottom surface). An eccentric is already inserted into their design, which creates vibrations. This is the most convenient option, but expensive, because the vibrator is not cheap.

  2. You can use an electric sharpener, on the shaft of which two weights offset relative to each other and the center of rotation are installed. It is the latter that create displacement of the device itself, due to which vibration of the entire structure occurs.

  3. You can use any electric motor whose shaft is unbalanced. For example, as shown in the photo below, you can use several nuts welded to each other and mounted on the motor shaft. Instead of a pyramid, you can install any weight, the main thing is that it is located relative to the axis of rotation on one side.

  4. You can make a separate eccentric in the form of a shaft mounted in two bearings. This structure is attached to the upper table. In this case, the shaft must be unbalanced. Rotation of the eccentric will be transmitted by an electric motor (here you can choose any one), which is installed on the structure of the lower table (the location does not matter). Most often, the rotation transmission element is a belt.

Be sure to watch the video that explains how the vibrating table was made from a profiled pipe.

Advantages and disadvantages of paving slabs made using different technologies

The table shows that paving slabs produced by vibrocompression are in all respects better than homemade ones. Let's add here the exact geometric shapes, so it’s easier to work with such tiles. Although it has one drawback - it is difficult to cut such a stone, it is too strong.

Step-by-step instructions for making paving slabs with your own hands at home

First of all, you need to choose a form for paving slabs, which, as already mentioned, has different sizes, traditionally the size is 500×500×50 mm. We will deal with this form specifically. But first let’s designate from what solution the product will be poured.

Most often, the recipe consists of several standard components:

  • cement M500;
  • a mixture of crushed stone and sand in a 1:1 ratio, where crushed stone of a fraction of 5−10 mm is used;
  • pigment;
  • plasticizer

As for the latter, the market today offers a huge assortment. These are both dry additives and liquid ones. The main thing is to accurately maintain the concentration of the plasticizer relative to. The dry additive is added to the solution in a ratio of 0.7% by weight of cement.

To prepare the solution at home, you will need a regular construction mixer. You can do the mixing in a bucket, taking into account the volume of the required solution, so that it is enough to make tiles located on the vibrating table. For example, if only four tiles are placed on the table, then the minimum volume of the batch should be enough to fill four forms.

Photo Description of work

The cement mortar is laid out in molds.

The vibrating table turns on. Under the influence of vibration, the solution inside the mold begins to take on its dimensions.

If necessary, the solution is added to the molds.

As soon as the solution fills completely inner space forms, equipment can be turned off.

The next stage is drying. This process can be carried out naturally. The sun's rays should not fall on the tiles; it is good if the room is ventilated. It’s even better if the process is carried out outdoors under a canopy. The main task is the horizontal arrangement of forms filled with cement mortar.

The last stage is unmolding. The mold with the tiles is turned over and they begin to bend the edges of the mold and corners, gradually removing it completely.

Step-by-step instructions for laying paving slabs with your own hands

Despite the apparent simplicity of laying tiles, paving stones or with your own hands, this is actually a process that requires a special approach. Therefore, knowing the nuances will help you carry out the installation correctly.

Photo Description of work

The turf is removed, on which the paving slabs will be laid.

Curbs are installed that will form the boundaries of the sidewalk or site. They are installed on sand-cement mixture. Required condition– alignment of each border horizontally, for which a long rule is used.

Laying paving slabs is done on sand, so you need to fill the space between the curbs with this bulk material. The sand must be compacted well. Please note that the thickness of the applied layer should fill the space so that there is room for laying the tiles at a height flush with the curbs.

Now a mixture of sand and cement is prepared in a ratio of 1:5, which is poured over the sand cushion. Paving slabs will be laid on it. This layer must be leveled and compacted to prevent sagging of the tiles.

You can start styling. It is better to do this from the corner of the site.

We laid the tiles and tapped them with a mallet to press down the flooring.

A prerequisite is to check each laid element for horizontalness. A building level is used for this.

In this way, the entire platform or sidewalk is assembled; all elements of the flooring must be checked by level with each other.

Attention! Even at the stage of filling the sand cushion, care must be taken to finishing It was a little slanted. This is done so that rain or melt water does not stagnate in the finished area.

We also suggest you watch the video on how to properly lay paving slabs.

And two more points:

  1. If possible, the laid material should be compacted using a vibrating table.
  2. Between the elements you need to sprinkle a mixture of sand and cement in a 1:1 ratio, which will fill the gaps between the tiles. This will give stability to the entire structure.

Alternative technology

Today it is possible to solve the problem of finishing sidewalks and platforms in more in a simple way. To do this, you will have to purchase a special form, consisting of several cells that form paving slabs. IN in this case We are not talking about vibration casting, because the mortar is poured at the place where the tiles are installed. That is, right on the paths or platforms. But this technology for laying paving slabs also falls into the “do-it-yourself” category, because the elements themselves will be poured directly by the owner of the site.

The formwork that is sold specifically for this technology does not determine the size of the paving slabs, because there is a huge range in terms of variety of shapes. To help you understand what we are talking about, look at the photo. Although we must pay tribute that cells can be geometric shapes: rectangles, ovals, circles and others.

The technology itself, in terms of preparation, is carried out in exactly the same way as was described above with laying the finished product. That is, a sand base is prepared and curbs are installed. After which the form is placed in place, leveled, and cement mortar is poured into it. After two days, unmolding takes place. As you can see, it takes two days to dry, which means that to increase the speed of work you will have to purchase several forms.

Cost of paving slabs from the manufacturer

Buying paving slabs today is not a problem. The market is simply flooded with products different forms and sizes, colors and shades. Depending on the amount of cement mortar used for the production, the cost per element is calculated, and therefore the price of paving slabs.

Photo Size, mm price, rub.

500×200×50 – curb.83

300×300×50 – Florida grey.56

500x500x50 – 12 bricks.140

Let us add that paving slabs from the manufacturer are not only a material made from cement mortar. This and ceramic tiles in the form of bricks, which are impossible to make with your own hands. A model of such an element called "Lode BRUNIS" Brown and dimensions 200×100×52 mm costs 45 rubles. The price of cement paving slabs with dimensions 400×400×40 mm is 65 rubles.

How to check finished tiles for quality

It is almost impossible to visually determine whether the tile in front of you is of high quality or not. But there are some tricks that will help you choose more or less high-quality material:

  1. Tap it. If the sound is ringing, it means the tile density is high. Accordingly, the strength is at the proper level, the product is well dried.
  2. Bright color is a sign large quantity added pigments. And they lower quality characteristics material.
  3. If the color on the cut is located only in the upper part of the product, then there is a high probability that the color will disappear or fade over time. The pigment should be evenly distributed throughout the entire body of the tile.
  4. The absence of bubbles and cracks is also a sign of quality.
  5. The presence of a certificate indicates that production is organized according to standards or technical specifications that are registered with government agencies.

So, we discussed the topic of production and laying of paving slabs. If you have any questions, we are ready to answer them. Contact us in the comments.


Nowadays it has become very fashionable to lay out paths and rest areas with paving slabs, however, not everyone is able to purchase ready-made material due to its high cost. It is quite possible to make this finishing material on one's own. In addition, it is possible to make tiles in accordance with your personal requests and needs.

Making paving slabs with your own hands has many advantages, since the finished product: has original design, can be of absolutely any color, quite durable and hardy. The production of pavement tiles is considered quite complex and labor-intensive process, especially considering the lack of experience in its manufacture. In addition to preparing forms and tools, it is important to correctly calculate the proportions of the solution for pouring.

There are only two types of manufacturing of these products, namely, by vibration pressing and vibration casting.

The production of tiles using the vibration pressing method involves the use of a thick cement mixture with the addition of a small amount of water. Making tiles by vibrocompression involves preparing the mixture in a vibropress. For homemade For tiles, the vibration casting method is most suitable. To produce tiles using this method, you will need a concrete mixer, a vibrating table and casting molds.

Paving slabs are considered simply ideal option for arranging a summer house and country house. Its affordable cost and ease of installation make this material ideal for creating beautiful and comfortable walking paths. This coating has long been considered one of the most beautiful and durable. However, due to the high cost of finished tiles, not many people decide to purchase them. To improve your summer cottage or country house, you can make tiles yourself. To make tiles yourself, you first need to prepare the mixture, observing all the required proportions. The recipe for the mixture is quite simple, however, you definitely need to know what components to add and what the proportions should be.

To make the mixture you need to take:

  • Binding components;
  • Water;
  • Fillers;
  • Special additives;
  • Dye.

Cement is used as binding components. The grade of cement is selected depending on the degree of compressive strength of the component. It is best that the cement grade is M500. The filler can be sand and crushed stone, or just clean sand can be used.

A plasticizer or dispersant is used as special additives. These mineral additives must be used, as they increase frost resistance and give the products greater strength. In addition, they increase the elasticity of the finished tile and give its surface a beautiful glossy shine.

When producing tiles, you definitely need a dye, since when used correctly, the durability and attractiveness of the finished product increases. As a percentage, the amount of dyes used should be no more than 4-5% of the total mass concrete mixture.

It is desirable for the dyes used to be lightfast and resistant to adverse weather conditions, and also insoluble in water. When preparing a concrete mixture, be sure to distribute the dye evenly. The recipe for preparing a mixture for tiles varies depending on the requirements for the resulting product.

Optimal composition of mortar for paving slabs

At self-production For tiles, it is important not only to make the product correctly, but also to determine the composition of the solution, which is often quite difficult to do. When preparing the solution, you need to take into account such factors as the type of raw materials used, as well as the conditions for pouring and drying the products. Before you start making tiles, you need to prepare the ingredients, a vibrating table with ideal flat surface and shapes.

Sand-cement mixture is made from such components as:

  • Cement grade M500 is white;
  • Fine river sand;
  • Granite crushed stone fraction 3-5 mm or screenings;
  • Water;
  • Liquid dye;
  • Plasticizer;
  • Dispersant.

The technology for preparing the mixture is quite simple. Initially, you need to mix the sand well with cement and the prepared plasticizer, and then add crushed stone, which, if desired, can be replaced with screenings. In the end in small portions you need to add liquid. The consistency of the resulting solution should be strong enough so that it sticks easily to the trowel, however, the mixture should not crumble or crack when lightly tapped on the form. The consumption of components largely depends on the required characteristics of the finished product, which is why it is calculated separately. Important! If all the required conditions are met, you can get paving slabs High Quality, which will be characterized by high strength and durability.

How to make paving slabs at home

The most popular element for paving paths in country house or at summer cottage, central squares and city streets are considered to be paving slabs or figured paving elements.

The main advantages of FEM are considered:

  • Ease of manufacture;
  • Attractive appearance;
  • Easy installation.

The tile manufacturing technology means that after preparing the mixture, it needs to be poured into molds located on a vibrating table. Before pouring the mixture, the molds must be lubricated with an oil product. The vibration process lasts only a few minutes and its duration depends on the thickness of the tile.

Excess concrete must be removed with a spatula, and if the mixture sinks too much in the molds, then you need to add concrete mortar and continue vibrating.

The surface of the solution is then smoothed, and then the filled forms are transferred to pallets. Depending on the air temperature and size, the tiles need to be dried for 2 to 4 days in a special drying chamber. In this case, it is necessary to maintain a certain air humidity and temperature. After drying, the molds are placed in an evaporation bath. When carrying out heat-steam treatment, it is necessary to set soft hardening modes and the temperature should not exceed 70 o C. The removal of finished products is carried out on a special table or manually. It is worth remembering that maximum strength occurs only after 28 days.

DIY plasticizer for paving slabs

Now there are many options for paving slabs, thanks to the use special forms in its manufacture and dyes of different colors. Many people prefer to make tiles themselves, but you need to know how many components to take when producing them. In addition to the main components, plasticizers are also used.

These substances help:

  • Improve the quality of manufactured products;
  • Simplify the process of forming tiles;
  • Improve the appearance of the finished product.

When producing tiles, the plasticizer must be prepared in advance. To do this, dry plasticizer is poured into water heated to 40 o C in a 1:2 ratio. Then the mixture must be mixed for 15 minutes using a mixer attachment. When the solution is ready, it needs to be left for some time. It is best to prepare the plasticizer in the evening, and in the morning you only need to stir it for 15 minutes.

Making paving slabs (video)

In order for the product to be durable and resistant to negative atmospheric conditions, it is imperative to comply with all the required conditions for the manufacture of tiles and use only high-quality materials.

Now almost every person has personal plot, be it a dacha or a residential building, where there are recreation areas, paths, paths, parking lots and other various places where the human foot directly “steps.” It's no secret that in modern society everyone wants to achieve the best, unique design on their site, both in the architecture of the house and in the landscape of the surrounding area, and this can only be achieved with their own hands and imagination. Now it has become very fashionable to lay out paths and recreation areas with paving slabs, but not everyone can afford it.

Everyone dreams of beautiful design garden paths. You can achieve an unusual result by doing the paving yourself.

In this article you will learn how to make paving slabs yourself.

DIY tools for making paving slabs

The manufacturing technology is quite elementary, since you can make paving slabs yourself even at home. In order to make paving slabs yourself, you will need a simple tool:

  • concrete mixer;
  • vibrating table;
  • picking shovel;
  • metal bucket;
  • pallets.

Forced-action concrete mixers are designed to load from 40 to 300 kg of concrete mixture. Vibrating tables can have almost any size working surface.

There is no need to be intimidated by such things as a concrete mixer and a vibrating table. Nowadays, many people build houses with their own hands, and perhaps they will rent you a concrete mixer, and you can make a vibrating table at home yourself. For this you will need metal corner 50*50 - use welding to make a table frame. The vibration motor will be the starter from the car, with two massive washers screwed onto the shaft. The holes on the washers must be offset. Vibration can be adjusted by moving the washers apart from each other. To vibrate the table in a horizontal position, you need to connect the vibration motor to the legs of the table in a vertical position; you can make the tabletop yourself from chipboard, a sheet of iron or other available material.

If for some reason you were unable to make a vibration table yourself or it is too difficult for you, there is the simplest option. After you have poured the solution into the mold, place it on a stool or other surface that is level. Then take a hammer or mallet and create the vibration yourself by tapping the surface of your stand until bubbles form on the workpieces. The appearance of bubbles will mean that there is no more air. So, now that you have all the tools, proceed directly to manufacturing.

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Material for making paving slabs with your own hands:

  • cement grade not lower than A-Sh-500;
  • dyes;
  • plasticizer (C-3);
  • granite screening;
  • lubricant for molds.

Which is made at enterprises, differs from the one that was made independently in that it is made at the enterprise in accordance with GOST 17608-91. It must meet very stringent requirements, since it is used not only for the home, but also for road surface, where there used to be paving stones. Therefore, the tile must have very high frost resistance, at least 300 periods of freezing and thawing. Have a strength of at least 40 MPa, moisture absorption - no more than 5% and wear resistance - no more than 0.7 g/cm. To make paving slabs that are not inferior to factory ones, it is necessary to take great responsibility for the selection and quality of the material.

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Forms for tiles: preparation

This house is called vibratory casting. Before starting work, you need to select forms for pouring. The most the best option are plastic molds. You can also make the form yourself. By making shapes with your own hands from various available materials, you yourself choose the geometrically most interesting shape for yourself. Before starting pouring, it is necessary to lubricate the molds with a special lubricant so that the tiles can be easier to remove later.

If you haven't found a specialized lubricant, you can make it at home yourself, but be careful: it requires precise proportions. To make the lubricant yourself, you need to take 50 g of machine oil and dilute it with water. This amount of oil is diluted in 1.5 liters of water. This mixture must be shaken with great force for about 40 minutes. I would like to warn you about experimenting with lubricant proportions. There is a possibility that the lubricant will be too greasy and the entire batch of tiles will be rejected. After a very greasy lubricant, the paving slabs turn out to look like shell rock, due to the fact that depressions form in it. If the lubricant, on the contrary, is not greasy enough, it will be much more difficult to remove the finished tiles from the molds. Lubricant is also used to increase the service life of molds. If you lubricate them well, you can use one tile about 600 times.

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Preparing concrete for making tiles with your own hands

We prepare the dye and plasticizer ourselves. The proportion of the plasticizer should be 0.5% of the total dry solution. The plasticizer cannot be added dry; it must be diluted in hot water in a proportion of 200 g/l. Plasticizer must not be diluted in cold water, since it will not dissolve. Stir the plasticizer until completely dissolved; even the slightest sediment will cause craters in the finished product. Next, you need to make a dye solution, its amount should be at least 5% of the total volume of the mixture in dry form. Otherwise, the finished tile will lose color very quickly. The brighter you want to make the product, the higher percentage of dye you need.

The only drawback of the dye is its price, but we can also solve this issue. Pour half colored and half uncolored concrete into the mold - it will be even stronger. The dye must also be diluted beforehand. warm water until completely dissolved in a ratio of 1:3. When preparing the concrete mixture, be careful with water: the consistency of the finished solution with plasticizer and dye should resemble wet sand.

Add water and cement to a concrete mixer, mix until the mixture is homogeneous, then add granite screenings, mix well until smooth. Add pre-diluted plasticizer and dye, stir until a bright, fully colored mass is obtained. Since it is quite simple to do, below is an approximate calculation to produce a large volume of tiles. Based on these numbers, you can calculate for yourself how much material you will need to make the required amount of paving slabs for your site.

Consumption of components for manufacturing per 100 sq.m with a product thickness of 5.5 cm:

  • cement - 3.6 tons;
  • granite screenings - 4.5 tons;
  • plasticizer S-3 - up to 0.7% by weight of the concrete mixture;
  • dye - 5:10% by weight of the concrete mixture.

For many country property owners topical issue What remains is the technology for making paving slabs with your own hands.

And indeed, if you acquire certain skills in working with paving stones, then garden territory you can transform it beyond recognition, make a hard surface in the yard or install garden paths.

Manufacturing methods

In practice, two main methods are used. First, let's get acquainted with the nuances of obtaining the material in question using the vibration casting method. This method is characterized by its comparative cheapness and the possibility of obtaining high-quality building materials even by inexperienced workers.

The technology for producing the material is as follows. The prepared working solution is poured into greased molds. Next, they are installed on a vibropress and compacted until air bubbles are released. Next, the raw material is placed on special racks for drying. After about two days, the tiles are knocked out of the molds and reused.

Paving stones made by vibrocompression differ from their analogues in their improved resistance to mechanical stress and high strength indicators. Such materials are intended for laying coatings in critical places, for example, car parks.

Note: You can only make vibro-cast paving stones with your own hands, which can be used for constructing garden paths. Homemade materials cannot be used for a long time as a covering in places where vehicles are moving or parked.

The technology for producing vibropressed tiles is somewhat reminiscent of the work on producing tiles using the vibration casting method. Ready solution passes through a special press, so the products have improved strength indicators. At the final stage of work, the material is dried in special steaming chambers.

Which is better

According to the majority of consumers, approximately 80% of the total number of respondents, the best performance is achieved by materials that were produced in a factory using the vibrocompression method.

Such products are slightly more expensive, about 20%, but they are much more durable. The concrete mixture has a more dense structure and has fewer pores, which improves the frost resistance and abrasion properties of the surface.

It is important to know: pressed paving stones, which are present in construction stores, is limited in shapes and shades, cast tiles, on the contrary, have many different shapes and colors.

The maximum destructive effects occur with the coating in winter time year, when water gets inside the concrete, it expands and destroys its structure. The surface of materials made by vibration casting can be protected by introducing special water-repellent substances into the base composition, but such elements will not make it last forever, but will only increase its service life.

Special tools

To obtain the materials in question, you need the following tool:

  • Concrete mixer of a certain volume.
  • Factory or homemade vibration table.
  • Rack for laying forms of paving slabs (used as a dryer). Drying of raw materials will take place in this place. The initial process takes two or three days, then the paving stones are knocked out of the mold and laid to dry for another month.

Good to know: A similar unit is used to remove air bubbles from the concrete mixture during compaction.

  • Containers for warm water. In them, products are removed from the formwork;
  • Matrices or forms. They can be made from scrap materials or ordered from online stores.

Types of forms

One of the most popular forms for paving stones is silicone. Such products are used to create complex shapes. Such formwork allows you to obtain a pattern with a different textured surface.

The disadvantage of the product is considered to be limited use (no more than 50 cycles). Subsequently, the shape loses its original geometric dimensions.

The next type, plastic formwork, is used to produce simple products. The main advantages of such structures are considered to be high levels of durability and strength. Such products can withstand up to 800 cycles of pouring and hardening of the working mixture.

Forms based on polyurethane are somewhat similar to silicone formwork, but they are more expensive and have a longer service life (up to 100 cycles).

Many private developers are interested in the question of how to make a form for paving stones themselves. The most popular option is considered wooden formwork made from pieces of plywood or thin boards.

Take note: When making the mold, internal dimensions are taken into account, which will correspond to the dimensions of the finished product.

Such shapes are made in the form of a square or rectangle, as well as a hexagon. Metal corners are fixed at the junctions of adjacent elements.

Preparation of the solution

The basic composition of the paving mortar must contain the following components:

  • 21% binder (cementm500);
  • 55% sand purified from large impurities;
  • 24% of granotsev;
  • 0.7% plasticizer (you can take grade C-3);
  • 7% pigment dye
  • reinforcing fiber 0.05%;
  • 5.5% water.

To obtain a high-quality mixture, it is necessary to mix all of the specified raw materials in a concrete mixer. First you need to dissolve the plasticizer with a small amount warm water and pour into the mixer. The drum of the unit rotates until the plasticizer is completely dissolved in the liquid.

The pigment dye is also mixed with water heated to 80 degrees until completely dissolved; these components of the mixture are taken in a ratio of 1 to 3. After pouring the required amount of water into the concrete mixer, sand and crushed stone are added alternately, then a binder (cement). For effective mixing, water is periodically added to the raw materials. The last time this is done is at the end of the batch.

Step-by-step description of the process at home

First you need to properly prepare the forms. For this they inner surface coated with mining or other type of lubricant.

At the formation stage, it is necessary to pour the prepared solution into the molds. If there is a need to produce material with a colored surface, then 75% of the formwork is filled with ordinary gray concrete, the remaining 25% with colored concrete.

Forms filled to the top with the solution are gently shaken and placed on a vibrating table for about 5 minutes. The products are removed from the table after a white film appears on the surface. Whiteness usually indicates the release of air bubbles from the concrete. When making two-color paving stones, each layer is compacted separately.

Expert advice: If oil is applied generously, small depressions may form on the surface of the tile, but if there is not enough lubrication, it will be difficult to pull the paving stones out of the mold.

The next stage of work, drying, involves placing the products on racks for a period of up to three days. The drying room must be equipped exhaust ventilation. In addition, people should not enter the warehouse for storing finished products. Sun rays. To reduce the intensity of moisture evaporation from the surface of the material, the form with concrete is covered with a transparent plastic film.

The final stage is removing the tiles from the mold. This process is carried out in a special container with water heated to 60 degrees. Under the influence of heat, the mold expands, as a result of which the tiles are removed without any problems. The product is knocked out onto a soft mat and placed to dry for another month (for final hardening).

Manufacturing cost calculation

Price calculation is necessary if this material will be used for subsequent sale, as well as to determine the savings between do-it-yourself paving stones and factory-made products.

The main money will have to be paid for the raw components of the concrete mixture and formwork. Here are approximate prices:

  • 50 kilogram bag of Portland cement grade 500 - 400 rubles;
  • Crushed stone small fraction– 1750 rubles per m3;
  • Sand purified from harmful impurities – 600 rubles per m3;
  • Pigment dye - about 5000 rubles for a 25 kilogram bag;
  • Plasticizer grade S-3 up to 80 rubles per liter;
  • Lubrication within 100 rubles. Per liter;
  • The cost of the molds depends on the dimensions and material of manufacture, ranging from 30 to 1500 rubles.

Price regular tiles with a smooth surface it starts at 200 rubles/m2, a textured one costs even more – about 450 rubles/m2. .

If you carefully calculate all the costs, then paving stones made at home will cost 10-30% less than factory-made products.

How to make colored paving slabs

  1. There are several ways to make colored paving stones at home. Let's describe the most popular of them:
  2. The second option for painting tiles is to apply color to the inner surface of the mold. The material acquires the selected color after direct contact of the concrete mixture with the pigment dye.
  3. Coloring finished materials carried out using a spray gun.

Keep in mind: when mixing several colors, a more interesting texture of products is obtained.

As we can see, the process of making paving slabs at home is quite simple. If you become familiar with the production technology and have at least a little desire, you can make a hard surface in the yard of a private house and even make money by selling paving stones.

For detailed instructions on how to make paving slabs with your own hands, see the following video: