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» Entrance door size. Standard sizes of metal entrance doors

Entrance door size. Standard sizes of metal entrance doors

To choose the type and size front door you need to approach it responsibly and seriously, guided by the principle: measure seven times - cut once. After all, high-quality functionality and practical ease of use over a long period of use depend on this. Regular standard entrance sizes metal doors most often used in standard projects multi-storey residential buildings: “Stalinka”, “Khrushchev” and panel high-rise buildings. Most families in Russia and the CIS countries live in them and, until recently, only standard sizes metal doors. The first armored doors were manufactured by a small number of private firms, did not have a very attractive appearance, and were also functional and quality characteristics. But at the same time, they were in great demand and were quickly snapped up by consumers who did not pay attention to the fact that the dimensions of the entrance metal door opening and the dimensions of the metal entrance door frame were not compatible.

Due to the fact that these overall dimensions did not coincide for many apartments or private houses, when installing armored doors it was necessary to carry out a lot of additional work in order to increase or decrease the size of the opening for a metal door in the wall. This required a significant investment of time, physical strength and financial resources. During installation, some installation rules were not followed, so after some time such doors failed due to distortion of the structure. As a rule, repairing such a door was more expensive than installing a new one. When installing metal doors in old houses, it was usually possible to increase the size of the opening for the metal door by dismantling the old one wooden box. IN panel houses, where, due to space saving, the doors were very narrow, the size of the opening for the metal door had to be increased by destroying the side parts of the walls. Nowadays, all these old problems have become irrelevant. After all, the market today offers a huge range of metal doors of all sizes. And each buyer can choose not only standard sizes of metal entrance doors, but also purchase metal entrance doors non-standard sizes or order metal entrance doors by custom sizes.

Metal door sizes

Different types and sizes of metal doors allow you to determine the most suitable option for every house, apartment, warehouse, industrial premises or office. A wide range of steel doors domestic and imported products are manufactured taking into account safety standards, strength, fire resistance and burglary resistance. According to these standards, the total thickness of the door leaf should be from 2 mm, in the case of using one sheet of steel, to 6 mm when using welded ones spot welding sheets of structures. To impart rigidity to the door leaf, V or U shaped “stiffening ribs” can be placed between the sheets of steel. Most often, standard metal doors consist of two sheets of steel. Domestic sizes of metal doors usually have thicker steel sheets, while imported ones have thinner ones. For example, the sizes of Chinese metal doors, regardless of their dimensions, rarely have a steel leaf thickness of more than 3-4 mm. An exception is made-to-measure metal doors according to customer dimensions. Such designs may contain large quantity steel sheets in the door leaf. Therefore, custom-made metal doors can be of any required thickness, overall dimensions and external decorative design. But at the same time, metal doors according to the customer’s dimensions must comply with safety standards and dimensional parameters, which establish the possible dimensions of the frame of metal doors and the size and thickness of the steel sheet (GOST R 51072-97, GOST 31173-2003 and GOST 6629-88).

Dimensions of metal entrance doors

You can determine the exact dimensions of metal entrance doors yourself, or by contacting professional craftsmen at a company that will install them. Measurements must be taken as accurately as possible. Determine the size of the doorway for a metal door without dismantling old box only approximately possible. In this case, it is better to consult with specialists. They will not only recommend the optimal model in terms of quality and functionality for a particular home. But they will also calculate the dimensions of the frame of metal doors, as well as the prices and sizes of metal doors. Based on these data, it will be easy to understand whether it is worth buying a ready-made door block or whether it is better to order the production of metal doors according to the dimensions determined as a result of measurements. The varied sizes of Chinese metal doors most often allow you to select the dimensions of metal entrance doors required for installation.

Standard sizes of metal doors

Basic standard sizes of metal doors and doorways regulated by the requirements of SNiP and GOST. If the size of the opening does not meet these requirements, it must be brought to the required standards before installing the door. The table shows their main parameters:
SNIP Size of metal door leaf, mm
GOST 6629-88 Metal door frame size, mm Opening dimensions, mm
Height Width
21-7 2000x600 2050x668 2050-2100 670-720
21-8 2000x700 2050x768 2050-2100 770-820
21-9 2000x800 2050-868 2050-2100 870-920
21-10 2000x900 2050x968 2050-2100 970-1020
21-13 2000x600 (two units) 2050x1268 2050-2100 1280-1320

The last row shows the standard sizes of double doors. It is worth noting that the dimensions of Chinese metal doors are much more options dimensional design and do not always correspond to the data given in the table. After all, these rules apply only to domestic and European manufacturers who comply with the standard dimensions of metal doors during production, and may not be taken into account by Chinese companies.

Steel doors of standard sizes can be selected and ordered from the assortment presented in the online store catalogs. The main standard models are:
“Standard” - a basic economical model with vandal-resistant imitation of valuable wood species decorative coating And complete set main fittings and accessories.
"Elite" - modern model with hidden hinges and reinforced lock body and crossbar system.
“Platinum” is a classic elite model of a metal entrance door with a reinforced protective protector of the security mechanism.
"VIP" - modern door with reinforced crossbar system, “Interactive” cylinder.
“Metallic”, “Quadro”, “Stained glass”, “Grandstyle” - glazed metal entrance doors of various designs.
“Arch” is an arched type of standard door.
And many other models.

Metal doors of non-standard sizes

Most often, metal doors of non-standard sizes are ordered for installation in private houses, cottages, country houses, warehouses, production premises and offices. Such doors can differ significantly from standard designs in their dimensions, increased level of strength and safety. To non-standard door blocks also apply double doors, thick armored doors, glazed doors and other original steel products. As a rule, prices and sizes for double-leaf metal doors and other non-standard versions of door blocks are determined depending on the type and quantity of materials used in their manufacture, as well as their cost. The cost of work also includes the production of drawings according to the customer’s sketches and the level of complexity of the work performed, the cost of equipment, as well as its additional equipment. The number and degree of secrecy of locks also significantly influences the price. In this case, the law most often comes into play - the more expensive the production and material are, the better the quality and durability become. Increases the cost and additional reinforcement of the door leaf, as well as the type decorative finishing. Therefore, metal doors of non-standard sizes can cost the customer much more than standard door blocks of simple design. But this price will guarantee the reliability, durability, strength and unique originality of the doors. And also the object of the admiring glances of friends and the envy of enemies.

If we talk about public, administrative, industrial or other buildings, then there is no single regulatory framework for the size of metal entrance doors. The required dimensions of the block are selected for a specific opening, and, as a rule, the box is ordered. Identified inconsistencies in linear parameters are easily eliminated using external framing elements (platbands). Therefore, we can only talk about generally accepted sizes

How to choose a door is a separate topic that was. But the question of what dimensions of metal entrance doors along with the frame should be taken into account is not as simple as it might seem. They still need to be correctly identified, since there are not so many design options for door blocks (in terms of linear parameters). Manufacturers focus on traditional, standard openings.

The procedure for taking measurements

Dismantling all door frames until the frame is completely exposed.

Assessing the condition of the opening. Much depends on the deterioration of the structure. We will have to determine what is more rational - install a door with a frame bigger size, but widen the opening, or vice versa, narrow it somewhat and buy a smaller block.

Domestic manufacturers supply the market mainly with boxes with parameters (cm) 203 x 90. A complete list of standard sizes is given in the table:

Most companies do not particularly adhere to standards in the process of manufacturing door blocks (especially since they are somewhat “vague”). Before going to the store, you should check linear parameters opening, and “measure” each model you like individually.

On a note!

  • Doors less than 900 mm wide are not installed as entrance doors in residential buildings. Such models are only suitable for emergency exits.
  • For those who are more interested detailed information, it is worth familiarizing yourself with GOSTs No. 24698 of 1981 (residential buildings) and No. 31173 of 2003 (buildings for various purposes).

A metal entrance door is presentable, reliable and excellent protection from bad weather and uninvited guests. All more people give preference to similar models, since they have already proven their practicality, durability and high level protection. But people live in houses different years buildings and in private houses.

In addition, metal entrance doors are an integral attribute of a reputable office, law firm and others. public places Therefore, different sizes of products are required. In this article we will find out how to decide required size entrance metal door. In addition, we will find out how you can insulate the product box in order to survive the winter safely and comfortably.

Let's find out what elements and parts are included in a standard metal entrance door. So this is:

  • Directly the canvas itself.
  • Frame.
  • Framing,
  • Special reinforcements that make the door a more reliable structure.
  • Seal. It is necessary for warmth, and for the door to fit tightly to the jamb: it closes and opens without problems.
  • Platbands are also part of the multi-component structure.
  • Various additional accessories: peephole, door lock, pen.

Here's how to install electronic lock on the front door with your own hands, this will help you understand

As you can see, there are many elements that make up a door. And it is necessary that they all function properly - only then will the product fully fulfill its role as the main “guard” of the home, and will not allow the owners of the house or apartment to freeze. But what kind of self-adhesive sealant exists for metal doors, and how to use it, will help you understand this

On video dimensions entrance metal doors with frame:

Please note that the size of the product is affected by the type of material from which it is made. For example, if the door is armored and thick, then the size for the same opening will be larger than that of a product made from a regular profiled pipe. In addition, the size largely depends on the seal that is used in this product. For example, the seal can be four- or six-rib, which gives additional rigidity and, accordingly, the thickness of the structure.

Taking into account the above and other nuances, the approach to choosing a metal entrance door should be individual. If the owners of standard standard housing built during the Soviet Union may not bother too much with the size, then those who bought housing in a new building will have to approach their choice with the utmost care: after all, modern housing has an individual layout, unusual solutions, different heights of ceilings and openings. But is it possible to change the lock on a metal door, and how to do it correctly, it is indicated


Previously, entrance doors were sold separately from the frames, and the buyer purchased the door leaf itself separately and the trim separately. And now the usual practice is to sell a ready-made block along with the box, which simplifies the task for both the seller and the buyer.

  • And the standard sizes adopted in our country take this point into account. Let's find out which door sizes are the most popular and recommended by state standards.
  • So, if the height of the opening is from 207 to 210 cm, and the width is 88-96 cm, then the size of the metal entrance door with a frame should be 205 cm high and 86 cm wide.
  • If the width of the opening is the same, however, the height is 98-106 cm, then the product must be purchased in the following dimensions: 205 cm in height and 98 cm in width. following parameters: 205 cm high, and 88 cm wide.
  • If the opening is very wide (100-108 cm) with standard height, then the size of the metal door should be 205 cm high and 98 cm wide.

But how to choose a seal for metal doors, and what you should pay attention to, is outlined

Here are the sizes of metal entrance doors that are considered standard. Please note that the dimensions are included with the box. The given parameters can be taken as a standard, and based on them, calculate the size for individual planning.

Models of metal doors

Almost everything modern manufacturers They produce metal doors according to the same standard standards. Let's tell you a little about these standard models so that you have an idea about them.

In addition to those listed, manufacturers offer others interesting models entrance metal doors. A variety of finishes, materials, degrees of protection and other characteristics allow the buyer to choose a product with any requirements. Such a door most often contains fairly thick glass, but if you still have to change it, then it is best to familiarize yourself with the information about

How to measure

Before placing an order on the appropriate website or going to the store, you must carefully take measurements from your own doorway so that the selected product matches the declared parameters as accurately as possible. Several recommendations for taking measurements.

Take all necessary measurements from the wall. If old trim prevents this, remove them. In addition, it is necessary to clean the base of the door from crumbling plaster so that the dimensions reflect as accurately as possible real parameters opening.

You can take measurements with a tape measure or a sewing centimeter. Once you have measured the height of the opening and its width, check the standard dimensions above, and if your measurements differ, measure them again. If the secondary control measurement showed the same results, it means that the product will have to be purchased non-standard.


When purchasing a metal entrance door, you need to think about protecting it from the cold, especially if the product does not provide any “built-in” insulation. The realities of our country do not allow us to simply door leaf, and this especially applies to owners of private houses. Let's find out what points need to be taken into account when choosing material for insulation and carrying out the work itself.

Keep in mind that the metal from which the door is made is an excellent heat conductor, so the outer, street side of the door will have almost the same temperature as the inner, home side. Due to the temperature difference between outside condensation is likely to form, which will negatively affect metal elements, accessories, and the canvas itself. This happens when the door is not insulated. In addition, the lack of proper insulation of the metal entrance door leads to the fact that wind and cold penetrate into the gap between the leaf and the frame, which worsens the microclimate of the home. For those who want to learn more about how insulation occurs iron door, it's worth going to

Material selection

So, in order to eliminate the above shortcomings, it is necessary to carry out work on insulating the door. Most often, special materials based on fiber or foam are used for this. Let's take a closer look at the issue of choosing insulation.


This category includes mineral and stone wool, which can be made of hard slabs or soft rolls. The advantages of these materials include their remarkable thermal insulation capacity, non-flammability, excellent sound insulation qualities. Moreover, their installation will be completely uncomplicated, accessible even to a person far from any construction work.

Fiber insulation

But fibrous materials also have their downside - their fear of getting wet. If condensation accumulates on such insulation, over time this can lead to the loss of volume of the wool and subsidence. Because of this subsidence top part the door may be unsecured. Due to this significant disadvantage, cotton wool is not used to insulate the entrance doors of private houses. However, it can be used if the door leads to a high-rise apartment.


This category also includes polystyrene, whose bubbles are filled not with air, like foam plastic, but with nitrogen. These materials have a solid form, are produced in slabs, are easy to cut, and are easy to install.

Foam insulation

At the same time, the thickness of the slabs can be different, which makes it possible to choose the optimal one for a particular case. These materials are not afraid of moisture, so they are quite suitable for entrance doors in private homes.

The frame at the metal door is made from a corner fixed in the walls with metal pins. And between the box and the wall itself there is usually a gap, which the craftsmen hastily seal with foam during installation. But foam is a very short-lived material, quickly deteriorating, and because of this losing its performance characteristics. If the frame of your front door is insulated in this way, then it would be reasonable to remove the old foam and install new insulation - with cotton wool or polystyrene foam/polystyrene.

To carry out the work professionally, clean the wall adjacent to the box from any remaining foam or other old insulation. Remove the plaster to a solid base, remove the resulting dust.

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Wet the wall surface with water and then mounting gun Blow out all visible cracks and holes in the wall with foam. Once the foam has expanded to a solid shape, cut off any protruding pieces.

Then lay the selected insulation in the gap of the box, fitting it tightly to the size of the opening.

These simple manipulations will make your home much warmer, and your door will be protected from condensation and reliable.

We examined the features of selecting the size and insulation of metal entrance doors. Now, with a minimum set of tools and necessary details, you can easily make your home warmer, and also competently choose the right size metal door.