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» The herb Datura common. Preparation and storage of dope. Datura grass - photo and botanical description

The herb Datura common. Preparation and storage of dope. Datura grass - photo and botanical description

Have you ever thought about how the world works harmoniously? It's about not about our constant bustle, problems and eternal search for income. Stop for a minute, take a break from what we are doing. Look at what was created not by us, but for us - nature. She is amazingly harmonious. There is nothing superfluous or unnecessary in it; any plant or animal takes its place and is just waiting for our close attention to bring benefit. For example, common datura. Do you think it is harmful, are you trying to clear your garden of a poisonous plant? And you are wrong. The reason for this is lack of knowledge. Let's replenish them.


Datura common (photo below) is difficult to confuse with other plants. He is big, even huge. The bush can grow up to a meter in height. The leaves are beautifully cut. They look powerful, fresh, attractive (for those who eat grass). Only animals will not feast on them. They are repelled by a strange, even disgusting smell. Datura grass flowers are so magnificent that this plant has attracted attention landscape designers. It can be seen in flower beds and lawns. The plant is used as an ornamental. Moreover, it has a fairly long flowering period: almost all summer (depending on climatic conditions) it delights spectators with huge bowls of white flowers. You just need to keep in mind that the plant is poisonous. Flowers can be intoxicating (hence the name) with just their scent. In hot weather, in the absence of wind, it concentrates around the plant. It is not advisable to plant such “decor” in the area near children’s playgrounds, institutions, cafes, and so on. Kids may not realize that they should run away from a cloying aroma. The result is a hospital.

Retreat for parents and “responsible persons”

Probably no one needs to be convinced that kids are interested in everything. Datura grass attracts them with its appearance. Big leaves, you want to “explore” the magnificent flowers. And such an idea is ripening in the heads of not only the smallest “naturalists”. Children up to seven years old (or even older) do not give up the infantile habit of tasting everything. But if kids, without hiding, put everything in their mouths, then “well-mannered” kids will try to bite the object they like on the sly. Ask them if in doubt. It is clear that in the described plant they can be attracted by fruits and flowers. Datura is dangerous and poisonous. It’s not like trying it - it’s not recommended to even pick up individual parts. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor your children if there is dope grass nearby. Don't take it lightly similar situation. In addition to its own substances, the plant also absorbs nitrates from the soil. Contact with it can cost the child's health. It’s better to be careful than to “work for a pharmacy” and reproach yourself for lack of foresight.

Datura grass was revered by almost all Indian tribes of the Central and South America. They learned in their own way, taking into account their own beliefs, to use its poisonous properties, so to speak, for good. The Aztecs, for example, chewed leaves to induce trance. This was not done with the aim of getting pleasure from drug intoxication, no. In this way they solved the problems that arose. The Indians believed that in such a state they would be able to lift the veil of secrecy and receive necessary information. They usually asked about who stole a certain thing, whether it could be returned, and where it was located. Also, using Datura vulgaris, they tried to obtain information concerning personal life, as well as health. A person who tasted parts of a poisonous plant experienced hallucinations of various types. Some saw pictures, others heard voices, some went “on a journey through the astral plane.” However, researchers confirm that intoxication produced positive results. Things were found, betrayal was revealed, and so on. Flowers were held in special esteem in China. Datura was considered a sacred plant there. There is written evidence that it was used to prepare various medicines. In particular, flowers and seeds were used as a component of preparations for rashes on the face, nervous disorders and chills. As you know, Chinese medicine is recognized as an official science. Naturally, no one will refuse such a useful plant as Datura. It is very rich, from a medical point of view.

Why the plant attracted scientists

Note that information about Datura came from different sides Sveta. The Indians have already been mentioned. Let us mention that they also used this plant to make medicine. The drugs were used for seizures, skin rashes, to treat wounds and in other cases. But in India it was useful as a hallucinogen. The Austrians echoed the southerners. It was customary to throw an entire bush onto hot coals. The acrid smoke obtained in this way was inhaled and fell into a trance. And if in India this method was part of spiritual practices, then the Austrians were attracted precisely by drug intoxication. It doesn’t matter how we feel about it now: we had no idea about the dangers of intoxicating substances a hundred years ago. Nevertheless, the experiences of various peoples have attracted the attention of scientists. They began to study the plant, and not just admire its flowers. Datura revealed to them many of its beneficial properties, which are now successfully used.

About how to prepare

First of all, you need to remember that Datura vulgare is a poisonous plant. Extreme care should be taken when harvesting. The seeds and leaves of the plant are valuable. Grass is mowed only in dry weather, because wet leaves turn black if they are torn from the stem. Collection time is the beginning of summer, when the plant collects sap. Tear off the top leaves and dry in the oven. However, it is not recommended to raise the temperature above forty degrees. When the seeds are ripe, their collection begins. The leaf is also harvested during this period. Just dry it in a draft. The grass is considered ready when it becomes brittle. Just take the leaf in your hands. If it breaks with almost no pressure, then you can pack it for storage. Datura ordinary does not lose its properties for two years. Then it’s better to throw away the grass and collect another batch.

For agriculture

You probably know that when cultivating fields (and even small vegetable gardens) you cannot do without poisons. Any producer - from a large producer to an amateur - wants to preserve his harvest, which all kinds of pests “sharpen their teeth” on. So, it turned out that it is not at all necessary to buy chemicals if Datura vulgare grows in the garden. Its use leads to the same result as the use of expensive insecticidal preparations - this is the first thing. And secondly, it doesn’t have side effects. The infusion is used to spray plants against caterpillars, mites, cabbage moths, and bedbugs. The fruits do not accumulate toxic substances, which, having dealt with the pests, are washed away from the surface. Datura tincture is given to large animals for seizures, and the leaves are added to pig feed. It is believed that this increases the proportion of fat in their meat.

Datura in pharmacology

Specialists in the manufacture of medicines use hyoscyamine, which the plant is rich in, for their purposes. Preparations with this substance tone the respiratory system, block the activity of choline-reactive systems, help reduce the secretion of glands (sweat, salivary and gastric), and reduce muscle tone. Pharmacologists have developed a number of tinctures and medications recommended for the treatment of cough, bronchitis, and seizures. They have both antiseptic and calming effects. In the pharmacy you can also find drugs for the treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers, colitis and constipation, prepared on the basis of extracts of this plant. However, resorting to self-medication with their help is not recommended. Be sure to seek professional advice as they also contain poisons. The attention of oncologists was also attracted by Datura vulgaris, the seeds of which, together with Adonis, gave positive dynamics in the treatment of stomach tumors.

How to use it yourself

After consulting a doctor, you can try using Datura vulgare for ailments. The price in a pharmacy, for example, of five grams of seeds fluctuates around one hundred and fifty rubles. Agree, it's not that expensive. And they are used for epilepsy, cancer pain (stomach pathology). One teaspoon of seeds is poured with boiling water in an amount of 200 ml. They insist for half an hour. Then strain. You need to take one teaspoon at a time. An infusion of the leaves treats hemorrhoids. To prepare warm sitz baths, twenty grams of powder are infused in a glass of boiling water for an hour. Then dilute with ten liters of warm water. Powdered leaves help relieve shortness of breath and cough. If you suffer from asthma attacks, then you need to breathe in the smoke from this raw material. In other cases, the powder is taken orally in small doses (literally at the tip of a knife).

For beauty

Cosmetologists are also interested in Datura vulgaris. It definitely helps with hair, which so irritates beauties with its unwanted appearance in “wrong” places. You need to buy dry raw materials at the pharmacy. Pour one hundred and fifty grams into a liter of boiling water and simmer over low heat until the mass becomes homogeneous. Interestingly, this drug can be prepared for future use. It will be suitable for use for a long time. Just take it out and apply it to required areas. When it hardens, wash it off (along with the hairs that irritate you). Sometimes the decoction is used for douching: a teaspoon of dry product per half liter of water. Cook for five minutes. Set aside, strain and use. Douching can be done daily for no more than three weeks. Please note: Datura is extremely poisonous! Therefore, even its external use requires special caution.

Contraindications and side effects

Attention! When using Datura, you must carefully monitor your health. It is recommended to involve relatives in this process. The plant can affect the psyche. The patient himself may not recognize the deviations. Poisoning is very likely. Of course, if the rules are followed, this rarely happens. However, knowing the signs of unexpected troubles never hurt anyone. They are: sore throat, nausea, dilated pupils, vomiting, dry mouth, increased excitability, hallucinations, paralysis. If at least one of the listed symptoms appears, you should urgently seek help. You cannot cope on your own, without a specialist, and the consequences can be very sad. Keep in mind that poisoning may take up to fifteen hours to appear. Be careful. Otherwise, like the ancient Aztecs, you will go to the astral plane to resolve your issues, and you may not be able to return.

Let's summarize. Datura common is dangerous, but very useful plant. It must be handled with extreme care. Self-indulgence and frivolity often lead to disastrous endings for those who do not study the world, trying only to take from him, without giving anything in return. And in our case, all we need to do is treat the useful representative with respect flora, take some time to understand what its strength is.

A mysterious plant with beautiful flowers and a southern aroma, it is known as a powerful hallucinogen. Ancient peoples used Datura in cult rituals, occultism and herbal medicine.


The exact homeland of Datura has not been established. Mentions of the grass are found in legends of all continents except Australia. One version says that Datura was brought by Columbus's sailors from the American continent. According to another, tribes of wandering gypsies found intoxicating grains near the Caspian Sea and spread them throughout Asian countries. But the greatest popularization of henbane was facilitated by healers who transported seeds on their travels.

Henbane was often used for magical rituals. The Aztec tribes considered the flower sacred. Priests used it to induce hallucinations to contact spirits. Datura fruits were sacrificed to deities.

In the Middle Ages, Chinese doctors treated various ailments with dope. And the Hindus, with the help of henbane wine, plunged into ecstasy. In European countries, there once lived a legend that using the datura herb, sorcerers could prepare an ointment that would allow them to fly.


Datura (lat. Dature) or dope is a poisonous, herbaceous plant and is part of the nightshade family along with potatoes and tomatoes.


Datura flower is a spreading bush with showy tubular flowers with a flared end. A description with a photo will give a complete picture.

The height of the perennial reaches 1.5 m. During frosty winters it is grown as an annual. Datura has a thick, erect stem with a hollow structure. Sometimes colored red-violet at the base. The first, central shoot bifurcates at a height of about 30 cm. A conical bud grows in the fork. It grows and opens into a funnel with a diameter of up to 20 cm.

The large, fragrant flowers resemble a lily with five petals. White or purple flowers are arranged singly in the convolutions of the stem. The next flowers will appear in 1-2 weeks. The bush will be completely covered with flowers closer to autumn, when several flowers will bloom every night. Hybrid forms of Datura bloom in purple, yellow, lilac, cream, purple flowers. The buds open in the evening and bloom for only one night. At the peak of flowering, the opened flowers fill the night air with an exotic fragrance.

Datura fruits are ovoid capsules with small spines. The internal structure of the box is divided into 4 sections. Each fruit contains about 800 seeds. Rounded black grains, compressed, irregularly kidney-shaped. They have increased endurance and remain viable for decades.

Flowering begins in July and lasts until the end of September, when frosts begin. The fruits ripen in September-October.

The branched tap-type rhizome is quite long and white in color.

The arrangement of large, toothed leaves on long petioles is alternate. The size and shape of the leaves depends on the location. In the root part they are narrower and longer, planted on a short petiole. The upper surface of the leaf is velvety, dark green in color, the underside of the leaf is a shade lighter.

The flower is popularly known by several names: crazy grass, henbane, angel's pipe, datura grass, Lunar flower. Datura lives in small groups in vacant lots, along roads and along the edges of vegetable gardens.


In biology, there are 13 species of dope, and each of them is poisonous. The concentration of toxic substances is related to the season and place of growth. There are regular, double and semi-double species. The following became widespread on the European continent:

Breeding on site

During the flowering period, Datura looks very attractive. Gardeners plant certain varieties of Datura in garden plots for decorative purposes, especially since the plant is unpretentious in care. And flowering is accompanied by the spread of a pleasant aroma with tropical notes, covering other odors on the garden plot.

For full growth and abundant flowering, a flower needs a lot sunlight, regular watering and loose soil. In the shade, the plant grows poorly and looks unattractive. The need for moisture is explained by increased evaporation through large sheet plates. Due to lack of water, the flower's leaves and buds fall off. The soil should be nutritious and rich in organic matter. Acidic soils are not suitable for growing.

During the season, feeding is carried out every week, alternating mineral composition and organics. Flowering is stimulated by hard water, such as milk of lime. Unopened flower tubes indicate a lack of nutrition and moisture.

The bushes are transplanted into pots for the winter and placed in a non-residential, bright room with a temperature no higher than +15°, otherwise the plant will stretch. Rarely watered. After wintering, when some of the leaves fall off, pruning is done.


Seeds are often used for propagation. In spring they are soaked in hot water 0.5-1 hour. Then only the specimens that have settled to the bottom are placed in containers with soil. Germination conditions are dark shelter and temperature 10-12°. Shoots will appear in 15-30 days. Then they are already kept at t=25°. Closer to summer, in last days May, seedlings 15 cm high are planted on the site.

You can use the cutting method. Used for rooting warm water or nutritious, moist substrate. Select cuttings with 2-3 nodes. They are cut off immediately below the node. A film bag and a warm place will help speed up rooting. Young leaves will appear in 10 days.

Plantings on the site are spaced freely, leaving about 1 m between bushes. Young plants produce flowers in the first year.

Medical use

Use healing properties Doctors have also learned to use Datura herbs Ancient Greece. Avicenna characterized the plant as an excellent drug. Hyoscyamine contained in henbane helps reduce the secretion of sweat and salivary glands, reduces the production of bile and stimulates the activity of the heart muscle.

Tannins, alkaloids, carotene, oils, trace elements and fats have been identified in henbane. Alkaloid content in various parts is different. Most of them are concentrated in foliage and stems.

In pharmacology, the production of drugs with datura intended for the treatment of:

  1. Bronchitis and asthma
  2. Ulcers of the stomach and duodenum
  3. Cholecystitis and colitis
  4. Tachycardia
  5. Neuralgia and mental disorders
  6. Rheumatism

Decoctions are used for rinsing rubs and enemas. Oil infusion is useful for constipation as an internal remedy. The leaves, crushed into powder, are mixed into cigarettes for asthmatics.

In veterinary medicine, henbane relieves cramps in livestock and promotes the growth of the fat layer in pigs.

When treating with dope, it is important to remember the dosage and consult a doctor so as not to harm your health. At independent procurement Healing raw materials from dope require compliance with several rules:

  • Collection should be carried out in a warm and sunny weather after 10 am.
  • Be sure to use gloves and not touch the plant with your hands.
  • Do not dry in a living room or in an oven.

Raw materials are sorted into leaves, flowers and seeds. Use separately and store in a closed container. Shelf life – 2 years.

Harmful effects

Datura is poisonous and should be handled with caution. The herb is definitely contraindicated for people with glaucoma. They are even prohibited from being near the plantings. Do not take during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. It happens that small children are attracted to boxes of datura grass. They open them and push the seeds into their mouths, which causes poisoning.

Toxic substances begin to act on the body quickly. Signs of poisoning include blue lips and mouth, dilated pupils, rapid heartbeat and speech impairment. The temperature rises and swelling of the face appears. In severe cases, seizures and hallucinations are observed. If there is no help, the respiratory system is blocked and a person may die.

Long-term use of drugs with dope, in addition to its therapeutic effects, leads to mental disorders.

Datura at the site

Datura is used in landscape design in single and group plantings. It looks impressive in the background of mixborders. Spreading bushes with prominent flowers will decorate the flower garden and provide a source of pleasant scent.
Indian view from bright flowers Suitable for pot and container growing.

Decomposed plants serve as small fences and successfully fill empty spaces after perennials bloom in early spring. If you install additional support, the dope will be pulled up to eye level.

Watch also the video

In the article we discuss Datura vulgare. You will learn what medicinal properties it has, how to prepare raw materials, how to prepare medicines based on it and how to use them. You will also learn what precautions and contraindications there are for Datura.

Datura vulgare (stinking) - annual flowering herbaceous plant family Solanaceae. Popular names for Datura include stupor-grass, divtree, fool's-dope, stupor's potion, stinking dope, prickly apples, badura, cocklebur, thistle, crazy grass, datura. Latin name: Datura stramonium.

What does it look like

Appearance (photo) of Datura common. This is a densely branched plant up to 1.5 meters high. The root system is taprooted, developed, and powerful. Stems are erect, bare, yellow-green in color.

The leaves are on fleshy petioles, alternate, ovoid in shape with large teeth along the edges, pointed. Top part The leaves are dark green, the bottom is slightly lighter.

The inflorescences are large, solitary, and develop in the axils of the leaves. The corolla and calyx of the flower are funnel-shaped with fused petals. The flowers are pale white in color and exude a sweet, intoxicating aroma.

The fruit is a multi-seeded capsule with four nests, light green in color, covered with prickly thorns. At the time the seeds ripen, the capsule becomes woody and acquires a gray-green color. When fully ripe, it opens into four doors and releases seeds.

Datura seeds are matte black in color, kidney-shaped, about 3 mm in size, have bad smell. Up to 800 seeds ripen in one box. The flowering period is from June to August, the fruiting period is from late July to October.

Where does it grow

It grows in trashy places near homes and along roads. Prefers moist, organic-rich soil. In Russia, the common datura can be found in the Astrakhan, Volgograd, Samara and Saratov regions. The plant also grows in countries of Eastern Europe, in the Caucasus and Central Asia.

Some gardeners grow datura vulgare in their country houses and personal plots. This is a fairly unpretentious plant to grow, but very dangerous, especially for children and pets. Planting and caring for dope yourself requires increased precautions.

For more information about Datura, watch the following video:

Leaves and fruits

In ancient times, the plant was used as a hallucinogenic in various occult rituals and as a pain reliever for the seriously wounded. Today in medicine the leaves and fruits of Datura are used as an antispasmodic and sedative.

In pharmacognosy, the plant is chemical composition defined as toxic, which in small doses can have a therapeutic effect for various diseases.

Chemical composition

The plant contains a large amount of alkaloids (about 0.25%) belonging to the tropane group - hyoscyamine, atropine and scopolamine. Datura also contains the following biologically active substances:

  • essential oils;
  • fixed oils;
  • organic acids;
  • flavonoids;
  • phenolic compounds;
  • steroids;
  • tannins;
  • carotene;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • minerals;
  • ash.

Medicinal properties

Datura has the following medicinal effects:

The plant is used in the treatment of the following ailments:

Dosage forms plants (tincture) can be bought at any pharmacy. The preparation of medicinal raw materials is carried out in dry, windless weather, observing safety precautions and using personal protective equipment. Collect developed leaves as soon as the datura begins to bloom. Collection can be carried out until late autumn.

To dry, the leaves are laid out on a tarpaulin in a layer of 2-3 cm in a shaded, well-ventilated room - in the attic or veranda.

During the drying process, the leaves must be mixed. In automatic dryers they dry at a temperature of 40-45 degrees.

The seeds are collected when the capsule is cracked in half. They are carefully shaken onto paper. Store medicinal raw materials in a dry place away from food products and others medicinal herbs in a tightly closed container. Shelf life: 2 years.

Currently, independent collection of dope is not practiced due to the high toxicity of the plant. For pharmaceutical use, it is cultivated only in specialized garden farms.

How to use

Datura vulgaris is used as a medicine. IN folk medicine Decoctions, oil, powder, water and alcohol tinctures are prepared on its basis. The plant is also used in cosmetology to remove unwanted hair on the body.

Produced from Datura the following types medications:

  • ointments and rubbing gels;
  • antitussives;
  • sedatives;
  • cigarettes for asthmatics Astmatol and Astmatin;
  • seed oil.

Ready-made medicinal raw materials can be purchased in pharmacies or online stores specializing in the sale of herbal medicines. average price— 200 rubles for 50 g of dry herb and 300 rubles for 100 ml of concentrated dope seed oil.

For hair removal

Toxic substances from the plant destroy hair follicles and inhibit hair growth. After a course of procedures, the hair becomes brittle, weak and gradually falls out.

To remove unwanted vegetation, prepare a concentrated decoction of dope, tinctures of vegetable oil or alcohol. Alcohol tincture is suitable for oily skin, and oil tincture is suitable for dry skin.

Before applying the product, be sure to test for allergic reaction. Lubricate with the resulting product small area skin on your wrist and wait at least an hour.



  1. Datura (leaves) - 150 g.
  2. Clean water - 1 l.

How to cook: Pour water over the dried dope leaves and place over medium heat. After boiling, reduce the heat and evaporate the liquid until the volume of the broth is reduced to 200-250 ml. Cool and filter the product. Store in a tightly closed glass container.

How to use: Soak a cotton swab in the broth and lubricate the scalp. Apply the product daily until the vegetation disappears completely.

Alcohol tincture


  1. Datura (seeds) - ½ cup.
  2. Food or medical alcohol (96%) - 1 glass.

How to cook: Grind the seeds in a mortar. Do not grind them in a coffee grinder, the seeds are poisonous! Place the raw materials in a glass container and fill with alcohol. Seal tightly and let steep for 3 weeks.

How to use: Apply a few drops of the product to your hair and gently rub into the skin. Carry out the procedure with gloves. Apply twice daily. After the procedure, do not wet the treatment area for an hour. The course is 1.5-2 months, depending on the thickness of the hair. After 2-3 months, repeat the course if necessary.

Oil tincture


  1. Datura (seeds) - ½ cup.
  2. Olive oil - 1 glass.

How to cook: Grind the seeds and pour oil into them in a glass container. Seal tightly and let steep for 3 weeks.


  1. Datura (leaves) - ½ tsp.
  2. Wormwood - ½ tsp.
  3. Tansy - ½ tsp.
  4. St. John's wort - ½ tsp.
  5. Drinking water - 250 ml.

How to cook: Mix the herbs. Take 1 tablespoon of the mixture and pour boiling water over it. Let it brew for 6 hours. Filter the infusion through cheesecloth.

How to use: Take the infusion in the morning on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is up to 2 weeks.

Ingredients: Datura (leaves) - 1 tbsp.

How to cook: Heat a frying pan, place the leaves in it and cover with a lid. As soon as they start to smoke under the lid, remove the pan from the heat.

How to use: Carry out the procedure outdoors or with a window open. Lift the lid and inhale the smoke. It is advisable that the smoke also gets a little into the eyes. The duration of the procedure is no more than 1 minute. If you feel unwell, stop the procedure immediately.

Tincture for motion sickness

For motion sickness and nausea, take Datura powder or prepare an alcohol tincture from the leaves. These recipes should never be used on children.


Ingredients: Datura (leaves) - 10 g.

How to cook: Grind the dried leaves in a mortar to a fine powder.

How to use: Dissolve 0.2 grams of powder in a glass drinking water. Take at the first symptoms of seasickness. Store the remaining powder in a tightly closed jar.

Alcohol tincture


  1. Datura (leaves) - 100 g.
  2. Edible alcohol (40%) - 500 ml.

How to cook: Fill the medicinal raw material with alcohol and let it brew in a cool, dark place for 7 days. Filter the tincture through cheesecloth.

How to use: Dilute 10-20 drops of the product in 100 ml of drinking water. Take when the first symptoms appear.

Bath for rheumatism

For rheumatic pain, take a bath with a decoction of dope leaves, and also use an oil or alcohol infusion to rub sore joints and muscles. Datura quickly relieves pain and inflammation.


  1. Datura (leaves) - 20 g.
  2. Clean water - 5 l.

How to cook: Boil water and pour boiling water over the crushed dope leaves. Let sit for 30 minutes. Filter the broth.

How to use: Draw a bath and add the cooled broth to it. The water temperature should be no higher than 35 degrees. Bath time is 10 minutes.

Infusions of dope seeds in alcohol and oil are prepared according to the recipes described above. The rubbing procedure for rheumatism is carried out wearing disposable gloves. Apply a few drops of the product to the painful area of ​​the body and rub in with massage movements.

Alcohol tincture for cough

For bronchial asthma, shortness of breath and severe cough, an alcohol tincture is prepared. Datura dilates the bronchi, relieves muscle spasms, reduces coughing and makes breathing easier.


  1. Datura (seeds) - 50 g.
  2. Edible alcohol (70%) - 250 ml.

How to cook: Grind the seeds in a mortar, place them in a glass container and fill with alcohol. Let it brew for 14 days. Shake the container periodically. Filter the finished tincture through cheesecloth.

How to use: Dilute 2 drops of the product in 15 ml boiled water. Take the product no more than 4 times during the day before meals.

Cigarettes for asthma


  1. Datura (leaves) - 8 g.
  2. Henbane (leaves) - 2 g.
  3. Potassium nitrate - 1 g.
  4. Cigarette paper.

How to cook: Grind all ingredients in a mortar and mix thoroughly. Roll small thin cigarettes with the mixture.

How to use: Use one cigarette at a time to prevent severe coughing and choking in asthma.


Datura vulgaris and medicines based on it have the following contraindications:

  • individual intolerance;
  • allergy;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • age under 18 years;
  • glaucoma;
  • alcohol or drug addiction, including a history.

In case of overdose, the following symptoms may develop:

  • dizziness;
  • clouding of consciousness;
  • intoxication;
  • hallucinations;
  • memory impairment;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • dry mouth;
  • severe weakness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • convulsions;
  • dilated pupils;
  • visual impairment.

Do not ignore the symptoms, stop using Datura immediately and seek help.

Precautionary measures

Due to the high content of alkaloids, Datura vulgare is classified as a highly poisonous plant. Please observe the following precautions when using it:

  1. Don't inhale the smell flowering plant, do not pick flowers for decorative purposes and do not pick dope leaves with your bare hands.
  2. When collecting and preparing dope, use disposable gloves and a respirator.
  3. Wear a disposable medical mask when making leaf powder and grinding seeds.
  4. After working with medicinal raw materials Wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  5. Keep Datura and its products away from food products.
  6. Make sure that medicinal materials are kept out of the reach of children.
  7. Do not use the plant in medicinal purposes without prior consultation with the attending physician.
  8. Follow the exact dosage of Datura-based products.
  9. Like any drug, Datura is addictive. Products based on it are not intended for regular and uncontrolled use.
  10. If possible, avoid using the plant in favor of traditional medicines.


The plant has the following taxometric classification:

  • department: Flowers;
  • class: Dicotyledons;
  • order: Solanaceae;
  • family: Solanaceae;
  • genus: Datura;
  • species: Datura vulgare.


The genus Datura includes 13 species of flowering herbaceous, less often tree-like, plants. The most common types of dope are:

  • ordinary or smelly;
  • violet;
  • Indian;
  • Indian or harmless;
  • blood red.

Datura common infographics

Photo of the common datura, its beneficial features and application
Infographics on Datura vulgare

What to remember

  1. Datura is a highly poisonous plant. Be careful!
  2. Follow the dosage of medicinal raw materials exactly.
  3. Before taking Datura-based medications, consult your doctor.

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It’s worth saying right away that in all sources this plant, which belongs to the Solanaceae family, is considered extremely poisonous. Before consuming Datura vulgare, you need to clearly determine the optimal dosage. It is best to purchase ready-made natural preparations in pharmacies.

For a long time, Datura common has a bad reputation due to the fact that it contains dangerous hallucinogens. As a result, the plant acquired several unpleasant nicknames, such as “stupid drunk”, “stupid potion”, “crazy grass”, “prickly apples”, etc. The Latin name of the plant is translated as “smelly weed”. This attitude towards Datura vulgare appeared due to its specific and extremely unpleasant odor. It is through him that a person’s consciousness becomes clouded.

The plant itself is very tall for herbaceous crops - 120 cm. Its root is large and strong, and has a white color. Datura stems can be either straight or branched. It is highly not recommended to touch, much less rub the leaves of Datura in your hands. After such manipulation, the flower will “stun” you with an unpleasant smell and its intoxicating effect. The same thing will happen if you are close to the white flowers of the plant, which are quite large in size.

The shape of the Datura fruit is an ovoid capsule. As protection, there are spikes on the outside of this shell. Inside one such box you can find up to 800 dope seeds. If you look at them, you can clearly see that all the seeds are black in color and relatively large in size. With their help, all representatives of Datura vulgare can reproduce. If you dare to taste this plant, it will turn out to be salty and bitter.

The flowering period of this plant begins in July and ends only in September. The fruits ripen around October. Datura is widespread almost everywhere and can easily be found as a weed crop. The main areas of distribution are the middle and southern zones of the Russian Federation, including the Caucasus. But on the territory of Ukraine and the Crimean Peninsula, the common datura also likes to settle.

By the way, this plant is very unpretentious, so it can be seen both on the coastline of rivers and along road routes. Datura will not disdain to settle near garbage dumps, along residential buildings, and simply in littered areas with poor soil.

Preparation and storage of dope

Are its leaves used to produce medicines based on Datura vulgaris? the apical part and the seeds of the plant themselves. The territories of the following countries are usually used to collect raw materials: Ukraine, Georgia and Russia, more precisely its southern part, closer to Krasnodar and Stavropol region countries.

During the entire process of collecting dope, the specialist should only wear gloves. The plant can be dried immediately somewhere in the shade, not far from the place where the raw materials are collected. Then the grass is sent to the attic or to a special dryer. At the same time, you must always remember that the room in which the datura will dry must be constantly ventilated. Temperature during the drying process, the plant can reach up to 50 degrees, but it should not fall below 40 degrees.

Datura seeds are collected already during the period of their full ripening. After sorting collected material, it is sent for drying. During the entire storage period, you should ensure that the finished raw materials are stored in airtight packaging, or better yet, in a jar with a tight-fitting lid. Although grass in the form of a harvest can be stored for up to 2 years, every year it is necessary to update the stock with newer ones. The method of disposal of unused product is incineration. After any contact with dope, even with gloves, you should immediately wash your hands thoroughly.

Use in everyday life

Datura has long been considered a witchcraft herb by the Slavic peoples. But thanks to such fame, the plant did not get along in the everyday life of ordinary people, except that various witches and healers had them in their homes, each for their own purposes. Due to its unusual, rather pleasant appearance, the common datura is Lately began to be represented in the form ornamental plant. Avid gardeners take extreme care of Datura to ensure it continues to grow and bloom in their borders throughout the summer. To create improved conditions for the plant, flowerbed owners try to fertilize the soil. Even before transplanting the seedlings, they often add a manganese solution to protect the plant from fungal infection. Despite all of the above, the common datura performs one main role– cures numerous ailments.

Composition and medicinal properties of Datura vulgare

  1. A distinctive feature of Datura vulgare is the high content of various types of alkaloids: they, as a rule, belong to the same tropane group of these substances. They are hyoscyamine, atropine, and scopolamine.
  2. If the muscles are subject to any kind of spasm, then a medicine based on dope can quickly relieve the resulting discomfort, including its calming properties. With all this, the patient’s nervous system will also be in a complete state of rest. And a variety of lotions from this plant can combat erysipelas of the eyes.
  3. Pharmacists have produced several medications that are actively used in the treatment of a number of diseases. For example, an anti-asthma product is sold in the form of a brown-green powder. The smell of this drug is very specific. One dose contains only half a teaspoon of the presented mixture. In order for it to bring the desired effect, it must be set on fire and inhaled into oneself. Very often, because of this, a homemade cigarette is made for convenience. But you don’t have to worry about creating it, but simply buy such cigarettes ready-made at the pharmacy. They are called none other than Astamol.
  4. Astamatin is another mixture to which crushed dope is added. This drug, like the anti-asthma preparation, is prescribed for bronchial asthma. Astamatine can also be purchased in the form of cigarettes for convenience. The mixture, as in the first preparation, contains, in addition to dope, crushed henbane leaves and sodium nitrate.
  5. Datura oil was created to effectively combat rheumatism and neuralgia. The drug is a clear liquid with an oily base. Its color is yellow-green, and the specific smell remains in this case. The drug, as a rule, is already included in ready-made ointments of liquid consistency, produced for rubbing sore spots.
  6. The use of Datura vulgare in folk medicine

    Datura infusion for rectal prolapse (severe cough with pain, as well as convulsions)

    5 g of crushed dope leaves are diluted in 3.5 liters of boiling water and infused. Next, the infusion cools to optimal temperature so that you can take baths while sitting. The course of treatment lasts up to 12 days, and the duration of one procedure is 12 minutes.

    Datura juice to reduce increased female sexual desire (for depressive disorders and epileptic seizures, priapism)

    The daily dose for drinking juice is 1 drop for 2 tbsp. l. boiled water, at least three times a day.

    Tincture of Datura seeds for fairly frequent coughing attacks

    When used externally, this tincture is useful for mastopathy, as well as for detecting tumors in the mammary glands. First, you need to dilute the crushed seed with alcohol (70%) using a ratio of 1 to 5. The resulting contents are left for further infusion for 2 weeks. You should take the alcohol tincture no more than 4 times a day and always before meals. Each time you need to use 2 drops of tincture per one tablespoon of plain water.

    Datura infusion together with Adonis for the detection of stomach cancer

    4 g of dope seeds and a fruit capsule, as well as 4 g of adonis, are mixed together, and then the resulting mixture is poured into 200 ml. boiling water After the infusion has stood for half an hour, you can begin to use it. Daily dose – 1 tbsp. l. up to 3 times a day before meals.

    Datura powder for frequent hiccups (severe stomach pain)

    The powder should be taken orally with water. The daily dose is no more than 0.3 g per day. This powder should be consumed 3 times a day.

    However, it is better to choose doses in all of the listed medicines that are less than those given in many traditional medicine recipes, so as not to get serious poisoning.

    Contraindications for use

    This medicine is strictly prohibited for use if you have glaucoma.

    Appointment of Datura as medicinal product should only be performed by a doctor. In this case, the entire course of treatment, the medical worker is obliged to monitor the entire treatment process, strictly monitoring the dosage used by the patient.

    At the first suspicion of dope poisoning, you must contact an ambulance, and also try any by known methods cause a gag reflex. The main signs of poisoning with this drug: vomiting, dry mouth, speech disorder, redness of the skin, tachycardia and hallucinations. Even researchers in the fields of botany and medicine are afraid of the unpredictability of the latter.

    After poisoning, death may occur due to paralysis of the respiratory center or serious complications in the form of swelling that occurs under the skin of the face, as well as the forearms and legs.

    In the absence of appropriate knowledge and skills in the preparation and storage of datura vulgare, you should not engage in independent production of medicines based on it. One mistake in handling this plant can also lead to fatal poisoning.

Datura common is one of the most poisonous plants. Contains alkaloids that relax smooth muscles and increase heart rate.

It also has other names - “henbane”, “stupid grass”, “stupid drunk”, “crazy grass”. At correct use plant, its properties can be used to benefit humans.

The Datura plant is herbaceous annual, belongs to the nightshade family. In Russia it is widespread in Astrakhan region and the lower reaches of the Volga. Datura grass grows in garbage dumps, ditches and along roads.

Datura has a powerful root system, erect, forked, branched stem. The leaves of the plant are dark green in color, oval in shape with jagged edges. The flowers are large, single, and look like a small white lily. They emit a sickly sweet aroma. The capsule fruits are covered with sharp thorns and are divided into four sections. The seeds are small, matte black. Up to 800 pieces ripen in one box.

It should be noted that Datura is a source of the following substances:

Datura in the garden plot

In addition to the common datura, there are also decorative types. They are used to decorate flower beds and garden plots.

The following varieties are used as decorative ones:

Thanks to abundant flowering, the ornamental datura has won the recognition of gardeners. The fragrant aroma of the plant will mask the unpleasant odor from cesspool or compost heap. The decorative properties of grass are used in flower beds and front gardens.

Reproduction methods and care

At the end of summer, seeds are collected from the bursting capsules. Dry in the open air for a week, store in a dark place in a paper bag.

In early March, the seeds are soaked for 2–3 days in a weak solution of manganese. Then they are planted in containers with loose soil.

The first seedlings appear after 10 days. Seedlings are grown at a temperature of +20...+22⁰С, at the end of May the sprouts are planted in the ground.

For planting, choose open sunny places. Datura is a moisture-loving plant and requires regular watering and spraying. During the flowering period, it needs additional feeding. Mineral complexes are applied directly under the root.

Gallery: Datura common (25 photos)

Medicinal properties of Datura

The tincture is used for liver diseases as a choleretic agent. Relieves kidney and stomach colic. As an additional treatment, the tincture is prescribed for colon cancer.

Collections from the leaves of the plant cope with diseases nervous system: epilepsy, panic attacks and insomnia. As a symptomatic remedy, it is used to treat bronchial asthma.

A decoction of flower seeds helps with uterine erosion and hemorrhoids (douching, enemas). Rubbing herbs with oil relieves pain from arthritis and gout. Lotions from the decoction resolve hematomas and lumps due to mastitis.

Procurement of raw materials and recipes

The leaves and fruits of Datura vulgaris are collected during the ripening of seeds in dry weather. Then dry in a dark place for 2-3 weeks. The raw material is considered suitable for use when the leaves begin to break and crumble easily. The harvested plant can be stored for no more than 3 years.

The following recipes are used in folk medicine:


Due to the fact that the juice of the plant has toxic properties, the use of the herb for medicinal purposes has a number of contraindications. These should be remembered:

In any case, before using infusions and decoctions of dope, be sure to consult your doctor.

Poisoning with Datura vulgare

It should be remembered that Datura is a very toxic herb. Therefore, when treating with decoctions and tinctures from the flower, you must follow all recommendations and not exceed the dosage. If there is Small child, then the poisonous plant Datura vulgare should not be planted in the garden. Out of curiosity, a baby may swallow grass seeds, which will lead to disastrous consequences.

Signs of poisoning:

  • facial redness;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • mental excitement;
  • dilated pupils;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • hallucinations;
  • headache;
  • bloody diarrhea;
  • fever.

Symptoms in severe cases:

  • drop in blood pressure;
  • breathing problems;
  • convulsions;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • heart failure.

First aid

At the first symptoms of poisoning poisonous plant, you need to call an ambulance. You can help the victim before the doctor arrives in the following ways:

  1. Prepare a strong saline solution (50 g of salt per 1 liter of water). The patient needs to undergo repeated gastric lavage and artificially induce vomiting.
  2. Give the victim any sorbent: activated carbon, White clay, Lactofiltrum.
  3. In case of fever, the patient's body is wiped with a damp towel.
  4. If the poisoned person has lost consciousness, then perform an indirect cardiac massage.

Medical measures for poisoning

In severe cases, the patient is hospitalized in the intensive care unit. The following events are held there:

  1. If breathing is impaired, tracheal intubation is performed.
  2. Proserin (5 ml) is administered subcutaneously.
  3. An intravenous drip is placed (saline solution, Galantamine).
  4. Diazepam is used to eliminate mental agitation.
  5. In case of fever, a solution of Analgin with Diphenhydramine (2 ml) is administered intramuscularly.

Magical properties of Datura

In India, the Datura flower was used for magical rituals aimed at improving material wealth. In Tibet, an intoxicating potion was made from the leaves of the grass and mixed into the food of young girls. Then they were kidnapped and killed, sacrificing them to the goddess of death Kali. The Aztecs inhaled the scent of flowers for an hour; this ritual was believed to enhance psychic abilities.