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» Remove clogged sinks at home. The solution to the age-old problem: how to easily clear the blockage in the bathroom and sink

Remove clogged sinks at home. The solution to the age-old problem: how to easily clear the blockage in the bathroom and sink

Raising water in the sink in the kitchen due to a dense blockage is an unpleasant event for any housewife. The cork is formed in the pipes gradually from the regular accumulation of polluting particles and, increasing in size, it completely blocks the draining of water. Beyond Influence human factor the appearance of a cork is facilitated by the specific arrangement and condition of the pipes in the system of house communications. Regardless of the reasons that affect the appearance of blockages in the pipe, you should know how to clean the blockage in the kitchen sink at home using various means.

How to clean a blockage in the sink in the kitchen at home in various ways

Before you begin to eliminate blockage in the sink, you need to understand the reasons for its occurrence. The choice of a way to eliminate it will depend on the sources of formation of a blocking plug. The main causes of clogged pipes are:

  • Poor plumbing condition. Over time, it corrodes and breaks down. Rust accumulates on the walls of pipes, narrowing the passage for draining water. Food leftovers, edible fat and other household waste, settling on the areas affected by corrosion, completely block the pipes, forming a blockage;
  • Deposits of salts of heavy metals in running water. Heavy growths on the walls of pipes, accumulated under the influence of hard water, are compacted and further form blockages that prevent the passage of water;
  • Accumulation of fat, food debris, hair and other household waste. Small particles of food and fat after washing dishes, hair and foreign objects that have accidentally entered the water supply become common cause clogged pipes in the sink in the kitchen;
  • The specific design of the sink, affecting the formation of blockage in the siphon. The clogging of dirt and grease often occurs in the siphon of the sink due to the peculiarities of its structure. Small diameter, curved or flat design, tightness - affect their gradual clogging with food waste during operation.

Knowing the reasons that caused the formation of a plug in the water supply, you need to choose the appropriate way to clean the blockage in the sink in the kitchen at home with improvised means.

Mechanical way to remove blockage

This method implies self-elimination blockages with the help of means intended for this and the physical efforts of a person.

Decontamination chemicals

If it was not possible to eliminate the blockage by mechanical means, you can resort to specialized chemical agents. The choice of professional preparations intended for cleaning water pipes from blockages is quite extensive. It is determined by price and quality characteristics. Deservedly popular are such tools as Mister Muscle, Tiret, Mole. Their effectiveness in removing blockages has been proven in action repeatedly.

To remove the blockage, you must carefully pour the liquid into the hole in the sink and leave for several minutes in accordance with the instructions. These chemicals are highly effective and quickly cope with even serious blockages. If the product comes into contact with the surface of the sink or other kitchen items, they should be rinsed with plenty of water to avoid damaging the surface.

Blockage chemicals are highly potent concentrates containing sodium hydroxide as the active ingredient. The high toxicity of these drugs can cause serious harm to health. When using them, the prescribed safety measures should be observed: wear gloves on your hands, and a respirator for respiratory protection on your face. In case of contact with skin or eyes, rinse thoroughly with water.

Folk remedies

Cleaning a clogged sink folk remedies. The tools needed to clear the blockage are usually always at hand, they are non-toxic and allow you to quickly deal with the problem.

  1. Salt solution. A strong solution of salt will help eliminate fat clogged in the pipe. In a glass of water, you need to dissolve a few tablespoons of salt, place and pour the resulting concentrate into the hole in the sink. Leave for 5 minutes, then actively clean with a plunger;
  2. Baking soda. This product is almost always in the kitchen. Its action in the fight against stagnant blockages is very effective due to the alkaline environment that is formed when soda is poured into the drain hole. The well-known professional tool Mole. To prepare the solution, you need 5 tbsp. soda and 200 ml of water. Baking soda must first be calcined on a scorch for 5 minutes and allowed to cool. Then it is gradually added to a glass of water and stirred. During dissolution, residues may form a slight precipitate. The resulting solution is poured into the sink hole and left for 5-10 minutes. Then the drain should be rinsed running water to eliminate the remnants of blockage;
  3. Vinegar and baking soda. 3-5 tablespoons of soda are poured into the drain hole, and then a glass of vinegar is added. As a result of mixing, a chemical reaction is formed with the release carbon dioxide and heat, which helps to dissolve the mud plug. After graduation chemical reaction Rinse the sink hole with plenty of water.

    Advice. Do not use undiluted vinegar on plastic, chrome and brass pipes, as this may render them unusable.

  4. Vinegar, baking soda and washing powder. To prepare a cleaning mixture, you need to mix 3-5 tablespoons of soda and the same amount washing powder. The resulting mixture must be poured into the hole of the sink and pour it with one glass of vinegar. Leave the cleaning mixture to act for 20 minutes. Then flush thoroughly hot water.

Folk remedies for cleaning pipes from blockages are easy to use and effective. But, in order to avoid a recurrence of this problem in the future, it is better to observe preventive measures for the formation of blockages.

Preventive measures

An easy way to prevent clogged water pipes is to remove food debris before washing dishes or placing them in the sink. Stores also sell special nets for drain holes that keep all the remnants of food from the dishes. In addition, many modern sinks are equipped with special nets or glasses included in the drain of the sink to trap food waste. A less common way to get rid of blockages is to use a garbage disposal. This device - after flushing food waste into the drain - grinds them without the use of sharp objects and pours the crushed particles into the sewer.

Advantages of the garbage disposal:

  • allows you to get rid of food waste in the bin and the associated unpleasant odor;
  • has universal properties and high reliability: it grinds not only the peel of vegetables and fruits, but also meat bones;
  • invisible in the kitchen, works almost silently;
  • easy to operate, except for washing with water does not require additional care;
  • has disinfectant properties;
  • compact, takes up little space under the sink;
  • prevents clogging of the siphon.

The only drawback of the garbage grinder is the specific size of the hole for attaching to the sink drain. It's not suitable for everyone kitchen sink.

Daily washing of dishes in the sink in the kitchen at any time can end with a stop in the drain of water due to a blockage in water pipe. To solve this problem, you need to know how to clear the blockage in the sink in the kitchen at home. different ways. Their use will allow you to get rid of clogged drains quickly and efficiently.

How to clear a blockage in the sink - video

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A strong sewer smell, slow draining or stagnant water are clear signs that your kitchen plumbing is clogged. The cause may be a build-up of grease particles, more serious contamination with food waste, or a defect in the pipe connection. In the vast majority of cases, you can deal with the problem yourself. We figure out how to clean the sink at home, study the nuances and choose the best method.

  • Mechanical - hit foreign objects into the drain
  • Operational - clearance cast iron pipes decreases due to corrosion and greasing.
  • Violation of installation technology. Debris accumulates in areas with an incorrect slope of the pipe.

A specific smell is a clear sign that the sink in the kitchen is clogged

Clogging is not the only cause of stagnant water. At mechanical action pipes can move, resulting in a change in the location of the drain or the level of the slope of the drain. In a gravity sewer system, these factors reduce the rate of outflow of liquid - solid particles gradually accumulate on the inner walls, narrowing the lumen of the pipe. In such cases, improvised means can not be dispensed with, you will need the help of a professional plumber.

Food leftovers must not be thrown into the drain

First aid for blockage

What to do if the sink in the kitchen is clogged? The most important thing is not to panic. Perhaps the simplest steps will be enough to solve the problem:

  • If the pipes are steel, pour boiling water into the drain hole, if the pipes are plastic, let them go hot water from the tap.
  • Mix a glass of soda with 0.5 cups of salt, add a glass warm water, stir until dissolved, pour into the sink and wait 10-15 minutes. Rinse the pipes with strong water pressure.
  • If you have a vacuum cleaner with a blow function, wrap its tube with a thin cloth and fit it tightly into the drain hole. Turn on the device - a powerful air stream will push the plug.

If these measures did not help clean the sink, then more serious weapons will have to be used.

Mechanical cleaning methods

The most common location for blockages is the siphon connecting the sink to the sewer system. In second place is the corrugated drain pipe, in third place are more distant sections of the pipeline. Such plugs can be dealt with by mechanical cleaning, a plunger or a plumbing cable.

Dismantling the siphon

How to clean the siphon under the sink

The easiest way to wash the plastic model:

  • Place any container under the siphon.
  • Unscrew the retaining rings at the top and bottom.
  • Carefully remove the siphon from the pipe.
  • Remove debris, wash the inner walls with hot water and degreasers.
  • Assemble the structure.

Cleaning a cast-iron siphon is more difficult - you have to unscrew the bolts and clean the entire system with a cable. If your sink is often clogged, it is better to install modern plastic pipes.

Accumulates in the folds of the corrugation a large number of mud

How to clean a corrugated sink drain

Grease, soap and small dirt particles accumulate very quickly on the corrugated parts. Such drains must be cleaned and rinsed regularly:

  • Unscrew the tube from the sink mount.
  • Drain the water into a bucket or other container.
  • Disconnect the lower part from the sewer drain.
  • Stretch the tube to straighten the wrinkles.
  • Close one side with a piece of plastic bag, fix it with an elastic band.
  • Pour hot water into the pipe detergent.
  • Close the other side in the same way.
  • Grasp the structure carefully with both hands and shake the water, making circular motions.
  • Remove the plugs, pour out the water and reinstall the corrugation.

This method is most often used when you need to urgently clear a clog in a kitchen or bathroom sink. If time suffers, it is easier to buy a new corrugated drain and replace it.

How to use a plunger

The "grandfather" method copes well with small traffic jams, consisting of small particles food waste and garbage. The classic plunger, consisting of a wooden holder and a dense rubber cap, fights blockages most effectively. Many plastic models are purely decorative and break on first use.

How to clean a clogged sink with a plunger

To clear a blockage in a kitchen sink, pour hot water into the sink (the container should be about half full) and place the bottom of the plunger over the drain hole. Press the tool vigorously, creating pressure drops. As a result of these actions, the cork is pushed out, and water passes into the sewer.

Important: For a two-section sink, you must purchase two plungers. When a blockage occurs, they are used at the same time - this increases the suction power. If there is no second appliance, close the second drain damp cloth and secure it with your hand.

How to use a plumbing cable

What to do if the sink is clogged, and the above methods do not help? Most likely, dirt has accumulated in sewer pipe, and it can only be cleaned with a plumbing cable. It is a coiled wire with a handle on one side and a mini-drill or brush on the other. The thickness of the base is selected according to the size of the pipe. There are manual and electrical models. The latter rotate with a screwdriver or drill, the cable is wound on a special drum.

Electric plumbing cable

The procedure is simple:

  • Insert the end of the cable with a drill into the drain pipe and direct it towards the intended location of the plug.
  • While driving, carefully scroll the cable with the handle.
  • As soon as you feel an obstruction, make a few gentle back and forth movements to clear the blockage.
  • Just carefully remove the plumbing cable, rinse it.
  • Flush the pipes with hot water or a strong saline solution to make sure the plug is destroyed.

Important! Plumbing cable is well suited for removing blockages in metal pipes ah - it removes not only debris, but also part of the accumulated rust. With plastic, you should be careful not to damage the thin walls.

We use improvised means

Mechanical methods can be supplemented with home "chemistry":

  • Remove accumulated water in the sink.
  • Pour a glass of soda into the drain and fill it with the same amount of vinegar.
  • Close the hole tightly and leave it for half an hour.
  • After 30 minutes, add about 0.5 liters of boiling water.
  • Let stand for a few minutes and rinse big amount hot water.

This is interesting: Soda can be replaced with a couple of Alka-Seltzer tablets. Dip them in the drain hole, pour a glass of vinegar, rinse with water after 10 minutes.

Baking soda and vinegar are the simplest weapon against blockages.

Top 5 best store-bought pipe cleaners

Manufacturers of household chemicals know exactly how to clean the blockage in the sink in the kitchen. There are liquid, gel-like and powder (granular) products on the market. Granules work most actively, but gels are less hazardous to health. The following are the best trade marks:

  • Chirton "Clean gutters". Bluish granules based on sodium nitrate and caustic soda in 15 minutes remove blockages and clean bad smell from the sewer. The dosage is very convenient - the bag is designed for one filling. Minus - a rather pungent smell, but it quickly disappears.
  • Gel with chlorine, sodium and potassium hydroxide, active additives. Effective as a preventive, works well as a remedy emergency assistance. Inexpensive, safe for plastic, has a neutral odor. Cons - long duration (at least an hour), not suitable for aluminum pipes.
  • Bugs "Pothan". Granules based on surfactants and caustic soda in a large package (600 g). Very effective and fast (3 minutes), but very caustic and dangerous to health. It is better to use it to deal with serious blockages; for prevention, it is worth choosing a solution more delicately.
  • Sanoks "Clean stock". The bottle is enough for two applications, suitable for all types of pipes. Amphoteric surfactants supplemented with sodium hydroxide cope with prevention, but large blockages are beyond their strength.
  • Mole (various manufacturers). Contains a surfactant modified acetic acid and the same potassium and sodium hydroxide. It takes from 1.5 to 8 hours to work, but the tool is cheap and is sold in almost all hardware stores.

New design of the time-tested product

Numerous gels and powders work on the same principle, the difference is only in concentration active substances. What to choose to clean the sink from blockage? For difficult cases concentrated products are suitable, in simple situations it is better to use lightweight formulations (prophylactic). Regardless of the brand you choose, you should always wear gloves and a face shield. Do not save on flushing water: the more fluid, the less dirt will remain in the pipes.

Important: When cleaning plastic pipes be careful as they are easily damaged. To smooth inner surface practically do not stick fatty deposits. Works well with small bumps household chemicals or plunger.

This is what a hydrodynamic nozzle looks like

Heavy Artillery - Hydrodynamic Pipe Cleaning

If you have not been able to clean the clogged sink at home, you will have to resort to the help of specialists. In the arsenal of professional plumbers there is hydrodynamic equipment that destroys traffic jams at the point of their occurrence. A hose with a fixed nozzle is lowered into the sewer pipe, the type of which depends on the purpose of the device and specific conditions. Water is supplied through the hose under high pressure, destroys the blockage and washes away plaque from the pipe walls. The nozzle creates additional mechanical pressure.

Important: Specialized equipment is quite expensive, but in Lately manufacturers offer hydrodynamic nozzles for mini car washes.

Cleaning pipes with a hydrodynamic nozzle

Preventive measures

In order not to think about how to clean the sink from clogging, you should regularly carry out preventive maintenance:

  • Do not pour leftover food and grease from dishes into the kitchen sink.
  • Use plastic or metal mesh catchers.
  • At least once a week, flush the drain with hot water (metal pipes - with boiling water), use special prophylactic agents once every 2-3 weeks.
  • Change or flush corrugated siphons in a timely manner.

Prevention - The best way clogged kitchen sink

If none of the above methods helped to cope with the blockage, most likely, the plug formed in the depths of the sewer system or the reason lies in a serious violation of technology. In this case, you need to contact professionals.

Video: hydrodynamic pipe cleaning

Video: what methods of removing blockage are more effective

The frequency of unpleasant situations like a clogged toilet or sink is small, but still this phenomenon happens. This is due to the usual negligence in the operation of plumbing. Housewives in the kitchen may encounter them if there is no special grate for collecting garbage in the sink.

Often the problem occurs in the bathroom, where the pipes are clogged with hair, bars of soap and other items. A clog in a sink is a dense deposit that interferes with the normal operation of the pipelines.

The flow of water becomes more difficult, which leads to inconvenience and poor drainage. Therefore, it is worthwhile to solve an acute issue quickly. You can always call a duty or private plumber, but this:

  • money spendings;
  • long search for a specialist;
  • loss of precious time calling and waiting for a specialist.

All this does not speak in favor of turning to the master. This means that you will have to look for an alternative. The issue can be resolved in several ways. Of course, you can try all the means in turn, or you can choose only one. In any case, you can achieve the desired result.

Plunger application

At home, there are not always chemicals. Therefore, you will have to use the traditional means of struggle - the plunger. The device has been used for many generations. With it, you can.

For those who don't know.

A plunger is a device that is a tight rubber cap with a wooden or plastic handle.

The product works on the basis of water hammer. This means that pollution under the action of the plunger will move through the pipe to the riser.

A simple device should be easy to use: the cap is pressed against the drain hole, at the same time, the user cleans the pipes with sharp movements of the handle. As a rule, 2-3 pushes are enough. In rare cases, more than 5 translational movements will be required.

After the operation, the water should leave the sink. A blockage in the sink can be large if, after using the plunger, the water drains slowly or does not drain at all.

Then the procedure should be repeated. At the end, you need to remove the pieces of pollution that have appeared in the sink. If the plunger does not help, you should resort to other methods of cleaning.


Unlike the traditional way, the drugs will do everything themselves. In this case, you do not need to use physical force.

Chemical compositions are designed to eliminate contaminants in sinks and sewer pipes.

Such accessories consist of acids and alkalis, therefore they can dissolve various fractions that interfere with the passage of water.

To clean metal pipes, you must choose one of the following tools:

  • Mole;
  • Tiret;
  • Mister Muscle.

One of the most popular is Domestos. It is also suitable for metal-plastic products. You can buy the drug in a household chemical store.

How to remove a clog in the sink using the purchased product? Everything is very simple: you need to pour it into the sewer pipe and wait about 5 hours.

It is necessary to use chemicals in protective rubber gloves to avoid injury.

Sometimes the method does not give a tangible result after the first application. In such cases, it is recommended to try again. This is a significant drawback of the method.

The use of soda

To quickly remove pollution will help the usual food supplement. Using baking soda is another effective way how to clear a blockage in a sink. There are a large number of recipes for preparing the active mixture.

The principle of their work is based on the process of dissolving fatty deposits in the pipes. This will reduce the density of the fractions and their volume. After that, the water will be able to calmly push the pollution into the riser.

Mix recipes:

  1. You need to fall asleep 3 tbsp. spoons of soda into the pipeline. Next, hot water is poured into it in large quantities.
  2. The same amount of ordinary soda should be poured with a glass of vinegar (200 ml). The liquid should be infused for 10-15 minutes. After that, you need to pour hot water into the riser. Fat deposits are removed due to a chemical reaction (extinguishing soda with table vinegar).
  3. The improvement of the second method is due to the addition of washing powder. Soda along with laundry detergent are added in equal amounts. After you need to add vinegar. Further, a large amount of heated water is passed through the pipeline. The latter is used 20-30 minutes after the start of the chemical reaction.

How to clean pipes at home video

The method is most effective when cleaning the kitchen sink. In other cases, it may be invalid due to the lack of a fatty component in the deposits.

Siphon cleaning

If the plunger does not cope and household chemicals cannot help resolve the issue, you need to clean the siphon. The method is considered radical, but valid.

Siphon cleaning is considered the most effective way, which will definitely help if the problem does not lie deeper.

How to remove blockage in the sink by parsing the bathroom?

You should follow clear instructions:

  1. Siphon removal. At the same time, it is worth taking care that there is a bucket under it.
  2. The next step is to unscrew the lower and upper retaining rings. Immediately after this, you need to disconnect the siphon from the pipeline.
  3. Debris removal, hot water rinsing. You can degrease the surface.
  4. Assemble the structure in reverse order.

If applicable corrugated siphon, then its flushing looks somewhat different. It is necessary to wrap one of its ends with polyethylene (a regular bag will do), then water is poured into it, and the other end is closed.

After that, the siphon straightens, and the master performs circular movements with the device. Water should wash away all fat deposits.

mechanical cleaning

Rope for cleaning the toilet and sink

Manual work to remove blockages is not the most pleasant, but it can still become a necessity.

Elimination of pollution by this method is considered one of the most effective.

At the same time, the complete safety of pipes and rubber gaskets is observed. It justifies the whole process.

The cleaning device is a three-meter wire, which is wound into a spiral. One of its endings looks similar to the Boers, the other ends with a handle.

The thickness of the device can be different, it is selected depending on the cross section of the sewer.

Cleaning is carried out in the following order:

  • the end of the cable is placed in the pipeline;
  • the wire is scrolled around the axis with a handle;
  • a cork made of debris breaks through with the help of translational movements back and forth;
  • extraction of the cable and cleaning from contamination.

After that, you need to make sure that the pollution no longer interferes with the optimal operation of the drain. The pipes are thoroughly washed with hot water or an alkaline solution.

This method will help if the others did not give the desired result.

Every second person in his life faced with the fact that the water remains in the sink and does not go through the drain. This is not a very pleasant situation, which is called in simple words- "contamination".

To cope with such a difficult task, it is necessary to carry out competent cleaning. Of course, you can call a plumber, who is quick, but you can try to fix the problem. on your own, unless a blockage has formed in the sewer pipe of the entire house.

Determining the location of the blockage

Before going into the sink, you need to determine where the blockage has formed. In the event that a “cork” has formed in your apartment, there are several ways to get rid of it.

To determine if the problem is actually in your apartment, and not outside of it, you need to flush the water in the bathroom. If there water goes down the drain, then there is a blockage between the kitchen and the bathroom.

In order to fix the problem that has arisen, you do not need to buy special equipment. In city apartments, fixing the problem is much easier than in private houses, since they have a shorter drain route.

To remove the blockage, you can use a cable, plunger or special tool that clears blockages.

Preparatory work

There are a few steps you need to take before clearing a blockage in your sink. First of all, it is worth checking the siphon that is connected to the sink. We unscrew the cover, which is located at the bottom. In order not to spill water on the floor, put an empty bucket under the siphon. In this place, various kinds of garbage often accumulate.

The cover surface is thoroughly cleaned of dirt. Also, do not forget about the siphon itself. Garbage and food residues can accumulate on its inner wall. To remove the litter, you can use a regular stick.

The next step is to move on to the flexible connector. So that the elimination of blockages does not entail a breakthrough of the "corrugation", it is necessary to use rags. Sometimes the same actions are done with the sink itself.

Cleaning the sink with a plunger

First of all, you need to use the most in a simple way. Most likely, everyone has such an item as a plunger. To remove garbage, you must perform the following steps:

  1. We remove the blockage in the sink. For example, hair and leftover food.
  2. Remove the filter plug from the drain hole.
  3. It is best to close the overflow protection with tape or a wet rag.
  4. Pour hot water into the sink.
  5. Apply a lubricant to the surface of the plunger. For example, vaseline. This will ensure good contact with the sink.
  6. Install a plunger over the drain hole. It is important that when installing the tool, the water displaces all the air from the bowl.
  7. Raise and lower the plunger handle with quick movements. It is enough to make 15 translational movements.
  8. If the water still does not drain through the drain, and the blockage in the kitchen sink remains, repeat the above step.

Wire sink cleaning

In the event that there is no plunger at hand, you can use a plumbing cable.

  1. We install a bucket or basin under the pipe so as not to wet the floor.
  2. We remove the curved riser. If it does not give in, you can use a gas wrench to help loosen the mount.
  3. Drain the contents of the bent pipe into a bucket. Also, do not forget that removing blockages in the riser is enough important process. Debris can be removed with a stream of hot water.
  4. We remove the horizontal pipe that connects the "trap" and the water supply. We put the cable into the hole until it rests.
  5. It is important to make sure that a blockage has become an obstacle to the plumbing fixture, and not a turn in the riser.
  6. The cable handle must be turned clockwise. Simultaneously with the turns, you need to press on the cable, trying to deepen it in the pipe. As soon as the blockage is passed, you need to turn counterclockwise and return to the starting position.
  7. After making sure that the blockage in the sink in the kitchen is removed, it is necessary to remove the cable from the riser.
  8. After setting the trap and the horizontal tube in place, turn on the hot water.

Cleaning with chemicals

A fairly popular way to clean blockages is to use chemicals. Congestion cleaning fluids can be purchased from the market or from a specialized store.

Some believe that the effect will be greater if you use a large amount of cleaning agent. This is a wrong idea, which is also costly.

It is best to follow the instructions, then you can easily find out how to remove the blockage in the sink:

  1. First of all, it should be remembered that for each type of litter, its own remedy is used. For example, to eliminate hair and soap, you need to use acid preparations. Before buying, consult with the seller.
  2. Chemicals are not recommended for cleaning kitchen sinks. Acid or alkali can splash out of the pipe and onto the surface of the sink. There is also a possibility of contact with the skin.
  3. Frequent use chemical substances can destroy the sewer pipe.
  4. Before cleaning, open windows and doors to ventilate the room. Wear gloves on your hands and a mask on your face.
  5. It is strictly forbidden to mix acidic and alkaline substances. This may cause an explosion.
  6. After completing all the above steps, pour the substance into the drain hole of the sink.
  7. After a few minutes, turn on the hot water to see if the blockage in the sink has cleared.

Cleaning with a spiral cleaning machine

There is another way to clean blockages, which is most effective. Pipes of small diameter can be cleaned with special automatic equipment. Unfortunately, only specialists have a cleaning machine. Of course, you can buy this equipment in a store, but it is very expensive and requires special skills to use. The specialist knows how to clear the blockage in the sink using a spiral machine.

In order to deal with pipe blockages as little as possible, it is best to use special filter plugs. Such items will not allow debris to enter the sewer.

Sewer smell in the kitchen

Sometimes situations arise when an unpleasant smell is felt in the kitchen. The cause must be found as soon as possible. Do not try to eliminate the unpleasant odor with fresheners and similar products. Otherwise, you can simply harm your health.

Reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the sewer:

  • First of all, you need to walk around the entire apartment. If an unpleasant smell is in all rooms, then the reason is hidden in the sewers of the whole house. This means that you need to contact a plumber. When the cause is eliminated, sprinkle all pipes with bleach.
  • An unpleasant odor can occur due to debris in the siphon. The question arises of how to clean the sink from blockage. First of all, we get rid of hair and food residues that emit bad smell. To do this, we disassemble the siphon and clean it.
  • There are times when a crack forms in cast iron pipes. An unpleasant odor may come out of it. The crack can be repaired with cement, after diluting it to a consistency that looks like plasticine. In the event that the pipes are rotten, they must be urgently replaced.


In order not to wonder how to clear the blockage in the sink, you need to keep it clean. First of all, you need to get rid of garbage and leftover food in a timely manner.

When cleaning sinks and pipes, pour out as much as possible more water. Thus, the dirt will quickly be removed from the walls of the riser.

As for private houses, it is best to clean with a hydraulic method, since the length of the sewer system may be too long.

Timely removal of blockages will reduce the likelihood that a plug will form in the pipe, which will prevent the drainage of water. Any of the above methods will help bring the sewer system in order.

A clogged sink is a common occurrence in a kitchen sink. To be able to deal with this kind of problems, you should remember a few useful advice. If you know how and how to clean the sink in the kitchen, you are not afraid of any blockages.

Methods and devices


The first thing to do with a clogged kitchen sink is to unclog it with a plunger. The plunger is a wooden handle, at the end of which a rubber dome is fixed.

Here is an instruction for using this miracle of engineering:

  1. Open hot water
  2. We are waiting until some water is collected - up to 5 - 7 cm deep;
  3. We cover the drain hole with a rubber dome;
  4. We perform vigorous up and down movements, pumping water through the pipe;
  5. We remove the plunger and look: if the water freely goes into the drain, then we have dealt with the problem;
  6. If the water does not go away, repeat the above steps again until the blockage goes away;
  7. If the blockage does not go away after 5 - 6 attempts, you should resort to other cleaning methods.

Advice! This simple universal tool must be in every apartment, because its price is cheap, and the benefits are enormous. This is probably the most effective way to clean sinks, bathtubs and toilets.

soda and vinegar

Another simple and simple way using improvised means. If a plunger doesn't work for you, get some regular baking soda and vinegar. You will also need a kettle of boiling water and a thin stick.

  1. Wipe the sink dry with a cloth;
  2. Pour in half a glass (100 ml) of baking soda;
  3. Pour half a glass of vinegar;
  4. Pour the baking soda into the drain hole. If she falls asleep badly, push her with a stick;
  5. Pour vinegar into the drain hole;
  6. Boil a kettle of water;
  7. Pour boiling water into the drain hole.

Important! Before the described procedure, check what your siphon is made of. A siphon is a tank under the sink. If it is made of thin-walled plastic, boiling water can ruin it. In this case, just pour hot (70°C) water.

After you have done all the items on the list, try cleaning the sink with a plunger. Perhaps she will break through without him, but it's better to play it safe.

Siphon and pipe cleaning

Since we have already talked about the siphon, we should immediately talk about this plumbing unit. It is designed to cut off sewer gases and fumes so that an unpleasant odor does not penetrate into your kitchen.

Also, a variety of small and not only garbage settles in this node. Therefore, siphons periodically become clogged, especially under kitchen sink in which dishes and products are washed.

If the plunger and soda with vinegar did not help, then the blockage is too strong. It is located, most likely, in the siphon, or under it. In any case, the siphon will have to be disassembled.

This does not require any special skills or talents, it is quite possible to do it yourself.

So let's do next sequence actions:

  • With a wrench, unscrew the cover of the cleaning hatch of the siphon of the standard model (not bottle);
  • If you have a bottle siphon (this is the one that has a side outlet and a large bottle-shaped bowl at the bottom), then unscrew the sump with your hands;
  • If the design of the siphon does not imply access inside, unscrew the top and bottom fasteners and remove the entire siphon;
  • We are waiting for the water from the siphon to pour into a bucket;
  • We wash the siphon with detergent, remove sediment or plug from it;
  • We clean the pipe section above the siphon with steel wire;
  • We check the pipe section under the siphon: pour water into it and see if it leaves or not;
  • If the water leaves well, put the siphon in place and tighten the fasteners;
  • If the water does not go into the lower pipe (which goes after the siphon), then it should be cleaned;
  • The pipe can be cleaned with a metal cable or steel wire: at the end of the wire we bend the hook, and insert it with the other end into the pipe, rotating as we go, we do the same with the cable;
  • When the cable or wire hits the cork, we try to push it through, while rotating the cable or wire;
  • Gradually, the cork will be pressed through, and the water will begin to go into the pipe;
  • If the cork does not give in, you will have to apply chemistry.

  • Pour or pour the agent (the photo shows an example, any agent will do) to clean the pipes into the downpipe and wait according to the instructions;
  • Repeat cleaning with rope or wire.

Important! If you have a pipe cleaner and time, you can not disassemble the siphon, but pour the product directly into the sink drain, pour boiling water on top (or it is better to follow the manufacturer's recommendations) and after the allotted time just clean the pipe with a plunger.