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» You cannot cut a window or door in a residential building - the owner will die or there will be a major loss. Latest documents on the case

You cannot cut a window or door in a residential building - the owner will die or there will be a major loss. Latest documents on the case

Telephone consultation 8 800 505-91-11

The call is free

Door instead of window

The house is in common ownership. One owner wants to make a door in his wall instead of a window - an exit to the street, so as not to walk around the common yard. How to formalize this, do I need the consent of other owners?

Hello, dear visitor to the site, he cannot do this without your consent, and your walls may collapse, since the window is located in the main wall. Good luck to you and all the best, with respect, lawyer Ligostaeva A.V.

I bought an apartment in brick house on the 6th floor, they made a door instead of a window for access to the loggia, but this was not legalized. What should new owners do?

If the reconstruction does not affect the load-bearing wall, then it can only be legalized in court, since the work has already been completed. If the load-bearing wall is damaged, the court will refuse and order it to be restored to its original condition. You can go to the designers if you find it difficult to determine whether the load-bearing wall is affected or not. The court will still need their technical opinion.

We bought an apartment. In it 1) 3 built-in wardrobes were removed, 2) a door was made instead of a window and metal staircase. When inspecting and discussing the transaction with realtors, they verbally confirmed to us that everything was legalized.
Since we took out a mortgage and ordered a report from the appraiser, there was no doubt about the authenticity of the documents. After the transaction, I requested an appraiser's report - he did not notice (!) the lack of built-in wardrobes and the presence iron door with an iron staircase instead of a window. What consequences and risks do I bear as a new owner, and how can I reduce them to a minimum?

Hello. You can legitimize it yourself. Having carried out a construction and technical examination.

Can I make a door instead of a window in a multi-story building made of panels?

You CAN, but for this you need 100% of the general meeting of all owners of the house, since the wall is the common property of the apartment building.

The neighbors on the 1st floor removed the window and installed doors instead, cutting through a window opening, thereby not informing anyone and without presenting any papers for permission. What are our actions?! Who should I contact? We have an HOA.

Contact the housing inspectorate or prosecutor's office to conduct an inspection. To the court to bring the premises to their original position. There must be an architecture resolution.

In the bathroom there is a shower stall instead of a bathtub, and in the kitchen there is an arch instead of a door to the balcony and a window. Is this an illegal redevelopment? After the arch was made, the loggia was insulated, glazed, and a radiator was hung there. In the apartment heating system. We contacted the BTI about this issue, they replied that this is not considered redevelopment. I would also like to hear your answer. Do these changes to the apartment need to be included in the cadastral passport?

If BTI specialists have already answered you, then we are certainly not experts in this field. And how will you make changes to the cadastral passport without the conclusion of BTI specialists,

Good day! Replacing plumbing fixtures, sinks, slabs and pipes with similar ones in parameters and purpose, but provided that their location does not change, is not a redevelopment! You were answered correctly.

If the outer wall was damaged during the creation of the arch, then this is a redevelopment; the administration may give you instructions to bring the wall back to its original form.

Good day to you. If BTI specialists have already answered you, then we will certainly not be able to answer you. I wish you good luck in resolving your issue.

According to Art. 25 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the redevelopment of a residential premises is a change in its configuration, and the reconstruction of a residential premises is the installation, replacement or transfer utility networks, sanitary, electrical or other equipment requiring changes to the technical passport of the residential premises. The procedure for the actions of interested parties, as well as the grounds for reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of residential premises are established by Art. 26 Housing Code of the Russian Federation. Work that may include these concepts is listed in clause 1.7.1 of the Rules and Regulations technical operation housing stock, approved by Decree of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 N 170. In particular, the redevelopment of residential premises may include: moving and dismantling partitions, moving and installing doorways, disaggregation or consolidation of multi-room apartments, installation of additional kitchens and bathrooms, expansion of living space due to auxiliary premises, liquidation dark kitchens and entrances to kitchens through apartments or living quarters, installation or conversion of existing vestibules. “In the kitchen, instead of a door to the balcony and a window, an arch was made” - here you removed part of the wall under this window - this is an expansion of the area due to auxiliary rooms. I think you should still get a new technical plan and legitimize the work you have done. If you have any questions, you can call.

Is it possible to install a door to exit to the loggia instead of a window (disassemble brickwork under plastic window and put the door and window to the floor)? the loggia will not be heated. The house is brick, the apartment is on the 6th floor. If you do it and then legalize it in the BTI, is there a big fine?
Is it possible to remove load-bearing partition between the kitchen and the room, so that there is a large kitchen-living room? The remaining 2 rooms are fenced off with doors. The apartment is new, open plan, brick house, gas stove.

Good afternoon. To carry out such a reconstruction, you need to obtain permission from the administration, for this you first need to prepare a project. It will not be possible to legitimize it in the BTI; the BTI will simply take measurements and reflect the presence of illegal reconstruction in the registration certificate for the apartment. Then you will have to contact the Administration with an application to legalize it. In practice, the Administration usually refuses, after which you will need to go to court with a claim. Therefore, it is better to do everything legally - and there will be fewer nerves and cheaper. Just prepare a project and receive permission for this project from the Administration.

Question about installing a separate entrance to a residential apartment on the 1st floor by installing a door instead of a loggia window (not a load-bearing wall).
Namely, the consent of the home owners. How many consents need to be collected? The building is 2 years old (450 apartments) and is no more than half occupied.
Information from the Criminal Code - you need 50% +1 vote (difficult to achieve), from the town planning committee - 100% (which is not even theoretically possible).

Since we are talking about making constructive changes to common property, which are the walls of the house, it is necessary to obtain the consent of all owners. If not all apartments are sold, then the missing part can be agreed upon with the developer.

Unfortunately, it most likely won’t work with a separate entrance; your common property is reduced, which means pgo st. 36 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation - the consent of ALL homeowners in the house is required.

Good day. Due to the fact that we're talking about To change the design of the common property of all owners in accordance with Article 36 of the Housing Code, the consent of all owners of residential premises must be obtained.

Good day. Alas, but they correctly told you that the consent of all home owners is required in Article 36 of the Housing Code. All the best and thank you for visiting the site.

Good afternoon! I have a non-residential premises on the 1st floor, instead of a window I need to install front door. Do neighbors need consent?

Good afternoon. First of all, you need the consent of the administration for reconstruction. To do this, you need to prepare a project and submit a corresponding application to the administration.

We rented non-residential premises in a brick house, we want to make a door instead of a window, without a porch. Just metal door. In fact, we are not reconstructing the facade of the building, we are simply remodeling and removing the window sill. The width of the door will be the same width as the window, do we need the consent of 2/3 of the owners for this redevelopment?

You need 100% consent of the owners of residential and non-residential premises in the house, since the outer wall home, which is common property, the disposal of which requires the unanimous decision of all owners.

Can I install a door instead of a window in a residential area?

It depends what you mean. Housing complex of the Russian Federation. Article 26. Grounds for reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of residential premises 1. Redevelopment and (or) redevelopment of residential premises are carried out in compliance with the requirements of the law by agreement with organ local government(hereinafter referred to as the body carrying out the approval) on the basis of its decision.

Is it possible to make a railing from the floor instead of a balcony, and turn the windows into doors?

Only with the permission of the administration. Submit an application to the municipality. And get the approval of both meetings of the MKD, Article 44,46 of the RF Housing Code.

Is it possible to cut a door instead of a window in a residential building, thereby making a separate entrance on the ground floor, without a porch. The apartment is located in the city of Penza. What authorities should I contact if this is legal?

Hello, Article 7.21. Violation of the rules for the use of residential premises 1. Damage to residential buildings, residential premises, as well as damage to their equipment, unauthorized reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of residential buildings and (or) residential premises or their use for other purposes - entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one thousand to one thousand five hundred rubles. 2. Unauthorized redevelopment of residential premises in apartment buildings - entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of two thousand to two thousand five hundred rubles. See the text of the article in the previous edition. Good luck and all the best to you.

An expert builder can answer this question (about the technical feasibility of such a reconstruction of your home). Contact an expert organization that has such a specialist on staff.

Hello. You should contact your local architecture office with this question. They get permission there. It will be necessary to conclude that the state of the main building structures will not be violated. All the best. Thank you for choosing our site.

Hello. To do this, you need to order a reconstruction plan and obtain a building permit from the city administration (from the Department of Architecture). But for residential premises such permission is usually not issued. Now, if the apartment is transferred to the non-residential category and will be used as an office, then most likely such a permit will be issued. God help you.

Instead of a window in a non-residential premises, put a door - is the approval of the residents of the entire house necessary or not?

You don't claim to use the seats common use, therefore, you do not need the consent of the owners. But consent for the redevelopment of the premises from the municipality is required.

I live on the 1st floor, I did it 17 years ago glass door instead of a window, now after 17 years they are demanding that this door be removed and a window installed! The apartment is private! Do they have the right to do this?

Hello. Yes, if the door is installed without permits

I lived with my husband in his apartment without registration, left him for repairs, did the windows, doors, etc., everything is registered in my name, there are documents and almost all the furniture is registered in my name, can I go into the apartment and take any of the furniture without going to court.

If my husband doesn't mind. You lived without registration. Share property.

The thing is personal relationships, if you are already divorced, your husband’s apartment, he may not let you in, since this private property, all that remains is the division of property. Try to negotiate the division before the trial by entering into an agreement.

Question: in 1 sq.m. on the 1st floor (corner) make a door instead of a window. Is the consent of the residents necessary? Is transfer to a non-residential property necessary? Or not. Project, coordination with local organizations. The city of Gremyachinsk, Perm region. For a store selling spare parts. parts. Oils and chemicals are excluded, only iron. Thank you.

Hello! Consent is required from residents. GOOD LUCK TO YOU

Please tell me if instead of a window (exit from the room to the street) we put a door. Is this considered a redevelopment? It’s just that the old man has no other entrance; he climbs through the window to his home on a stepladder. An apartment for several owners, they put up a wall for him and now he has no entrance or exit.

yes, this is a redevelopment, the consent of the Moscow Region administration is required

A complaint against the owners must be filed in court

In apartment 1, the window in the kitchen was demolished and a door to the loggia was inserted in its place. And the batteries were moved from the kitchen to the loggia. Is it possible and how difficult is it to legalize such a redevelopment?

you need to take an opinion from the SES, BTI, draw up a redevelopment project and go to court.

Can I do additional door instead of a window in a house with 4 apartments (considered an apartment building, the apartments have rooms), but I want to make an additional balcony.

Hello! You can, only with the permission of all co-owners.

Is it possible to remove the window in the kitchen facing the loggia and install a door instead of the window?

you can, in in this case does not affect load-bearing structures and intended use of premises

Is it possible to demolish the cabinet under the window and put a door in place of the window?

Can. If you get permission.

In a new building there is access to a balcony - I would like to remove the window and door to the balcony, but instead of them (windows and doors) put sliding doors glass-metal plastic. Tell me, do I need a permit for this and where can I get it?

To redevelop a residential premises, you will have to take permission from Art. 29 Housing Code of the Russian Federation)

In general, this is a redevelopment, permission from the Moscow Housing Inspectorate.

How to rent out an apartment to a company on the ground floor, make a door to the street instead of a window, legally?

To do this, you need to convert the apartment into non-residential premises.

Hello. First, you obtain permission for refurbishment from the housing and communal services or construction department. Then you draw up a lease or rental agreement with the company. If residential premises, then rent.

I live with my grandson on the 1st floor corner apartment how to make a separate exit to the street instead of a window-door, where to start, where to go.?

This is a redevelopment of an apartment (or even a reconstruction, depending on the project). Registration of redevelopment is quite expensive and time-consuming. You need to start by contacting the Committee construction control city ​​administration for permission to approve redevelopment. The following documents will be needed: Application for redevelopment in the form, title documents for the apartment, redevelopment project, technical passport of the apartment, written consent of all members of the tenant’s family, conclusion of the authority for the protection of architectural monuments.

If instead of a window between the kitchen and the balcony we make a door, is this reconstruction?

Yes, this is a reconstruction.

Is it considered redevelopment if we want to remove balcony door along with the window? That is, we will not touch the stone partition that is under the window! Let's just make the exit to the loggia open. Do I need permission for this?

You need to contact the Moscow Housing Inspectorate with this question.

Telephone consultation 8 800 505-91-11

The call is free

Door instead of window

The house is in common ownership. One owner wants to make a door in his wall instead of a window - an exit to the street, so as not to walk around the common yard. How to formalize this, do I need the consent of other owners?

Hello, dear visitor to the site, he cannot do this without your consent, and your walls may collapse, since the window is located in the main wall. Good luck to you and all the best, with respect, lawyer Ligostaeva A.V.

I bought an apartment in a brick building on the 6th floor, they made a door instead of a window for access to the loggia, but this was not legalized. What should new owners do?

If the reconstruction does not affect the load-bearing wall, then it can only be legalized in court, since the work has already been completed. If the load-bearing wall is damaged, the court will refuse and order it to be restored to its original condition. You can go to the designers if you find it difficult to determine whether the load-bearing wall is affected or not. The court will still need their technical opinion.

We bought an apartment. In it 1) 3 built-in wardrobes were removed, 2) a door and a metal staircase were made instead of a window. When inspecting and discussing the transaction with realtors, they verbally confirmed to us that everything was legalized.
Since we took out a mortgage and ordered a report from the appraiser, there was no doubt about the authenticity of the documents. After the transaction, I requested the appraiser's report - he did not notice (!) the lack of built-in wardrobes and the presence of an iron door with an iron staircase instead of a window. What consequences and risks do I bear as a new owner, and how can I reduce them to a minimum?

Hello. You can legitimize it yourself. Having carried out a construction and technical examination.

Can I make a door instead of a window in a multi-story building made of panels?

You CAN, but for this you need 100% of the general meeting of all owners of the house, since the wall is the common property of the apartment building.

The neighbors on the 1st floor removed the window and installed doors instead, cutting through a window opening, thereby not informing anyone and without presenting any papers for permission. What are our actions?! Who should I contact? We have an HOA.

Contact the housing inspectorate or prosecutor's office to conduct an inspection. To the court to bring the premises to their original position. There must be an architecture resolution.

In the bathroom there is a shower stall instead of a bathtub, and in the kitchen there is an arch instead of a door to the balcony and a window. Is this an illegal redevelopment? After the arch was made, the loggia was insulated, glazed, and a radiator was hung there. The apartment has independent heating. We contacted the BTI about this issue, they replied that this is not considered redevelopment. I would also like to hear your answer. Do these changes to the apartment need to be included in the cadastral passport?

If BTI specialists have already answered you, then we are certainly not experts in this field. And how will you make changes to the cadastral passport without the conclusion of BTI specialists,

Good day! Replacing plumbing fixtures, sinks, slabs and pipes with similar ones in parameters and purpose, but provided that their location does not change, is not a redevelopment! You were answered correctly.

If the outer wall was damaged during the creation of the arch, then this is a redevelopment; the administration may give you instructions to bring the wall back to its original form.

Good day to you. If BTI specialists have already answered you, then we will certainly not be able to answer you. I wish you good luck in resolving your issue.

According to Art. 25 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the redevelopment of a residential premises is a change in its configuration, and the redevelopment of a residential premises is the installation, replacement or transfer of utility networks, sanitary, electrical or other equipment that requires changes to the technical passport of the residential premises. The procedure for the actions of interested parties, as well as the grounds for reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of residential premises are established by Art. 26 Housing Code of the Russian Federation. Work that may include these concepts is listed in clause 1.7.1 of the Rules and Standards for the Technical Operation of Housing Stock, approved by Decree of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 N 170. In particular, redevelopment of residential premises may include: moving and dismantling partitions, relocation and installation of doorways, disaggregation or consolidation of multi-room apartments, installation of additional kitchens and bathrooms, expansion of living space due to auxiliary premises, elimination of dark kitchens and entrances to kitchens through apartments or living quarters, installation or refurbishment of existing vestibules. “In the kitchen, instead of a door to the balcony and a window, an arch was made” - here you removed part of the wall under this window - this is an expansion of the area due to auxiliary rooms. I think you should still get a new technical plan and legitimize the work you have done. If you have any questions, you can call.

Is it possible to install a door to the loggia instead of a window (disassemble the brickwork under the plastic window and install a door and window to the floor)? the loggia will not be heated. The house is brick, the apartment is on the 6th floor. If you do it and then legalize it in the BTI, is there a big fine?
Is it possible to remove the non-load-bearing partition between the kitchen and the room so that there is a large kitchen-living room? The remaining 2 rooms are fenced off with doors. The apartment is new, open plan, brick house, gas stove.

Good afternoon. To carry out such a reconstruction, you need to obtain permission from the administration, for this you first need to prepare a project. It will not be possible to legitimize it in the BTI; the BTI will simply take measurements and reflect the presence of illegal reconstruction in the registration certificate for the apartment. Then you will have to contact the Administration with an application to legalize it. In practice, the Administration usually refuses, after which you will need to go to court with a claim. Therefore, it is better to do everything legally - and there will be fewer nerves and cheaper. Just prepare a project and receive permission for this project from the Administration.

Question about installing a separate entrance to a residential apartment on the 1st floor by installing a door instead of a loggia window (not a load-bearing wall).
Namely, the consent of the home owners. How many consents need to be collected? The building is 2 years old (450 apartments) and is no more than half occupied.
Information from the Criminal Code - you need 50% +1 vote (difficult to achieve), from the town planning committee - 100% (which is not even theoretically possible).

Since we are talking about making constructive changes to common property, which are the walls of the house, it is necessary to obtain the consent of all owners. If not all apartments are sold, then the missing part can be agreed upon with the developer.

Unfortunately, it most likely won’t work with a separate entrance; your common property is reduced, which means pgo st. 36 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation - the consent of ALL homeowners in the house is required.

Good day. In view of the fact that we are talking about changing the design of the common property of all owners in accordance with Article 36 of the Housing Code, it is necessary to obtain the consent of all owners of residential premises.

Good day. Alas, but they correctly told you that the consent of all home owners is required in Article 36 of the Housing Code. All the best and thank you for visiting the site.

Good afternoon! I have a non-residential premises on the 1st floor; instead of a window, I need to install an entrance door. Do neighbors need consent?

Good afternoon. First of all, you need the consent of the administration for reconstruction. To do this, you need to prepare a project and submit a corresponding application to the administration.

We rented non-residential premises in a brick house, we want to make a door instead of a window, without a porch. Just a metal door. In fact, we are not reconstructing the facade of the building, we are simply remodeling and removing the window sill. The width of the door will be the same width as the window, do we need the consent of 2/3 of the owners for this redevelopment?

You need 100% consent of the owners of residential and non-residential premises in the house, since the outer wall of the house is being reduced, which is common property, the disposal of which requires the unanimous decision of all owners.

Can I install a door instead of a window in a residential area?

It depends what you mean. Housing complex of the Russian Federation. Article 26. Grounds for reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of residential premises 1. Redevelopment and (or) redevelopment of residential premises are carried out in compliance with the requirements of the law by agreement with the local government body (hereinafter referred to as the body carrying out the approval) on the basis of the decision made by it.

Is it possible to make a railing from the floor instead of a balcony, and turn the windows into doors?

Only with the permission of the administration. Submit an application to the municipality. And get the approval of both meetings of the MKD, Article 44,46 of the RF Housing Code.

Is it possible to cut a door instead of a window in a residential building, thereby making a separate entrance on the ground floor, without a porch. The apartment is located in the city of Penza. What authorities should I contact if this is legal?

Hello, Article 7.21. Violation of the rules for the use of residential premises 1. Damage to residential buildings, residential premises, as well as damage to their equipment, unauthorized reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of residential buildings and (or) residential premises or their use for other purposes - entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one thousand to one thousand five hundred rubles. 2. Unauthorized redevelopment of residential premises in apartment buildings - entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of two thousand to two thousand five hundred rubles. See the text of the article in the previous edition. Good luck and all the best to you.

An expert builder can answer this question (about the technical feasibility of such a reconstruction of your home). Contact an expert organization that has such a specialist on staff.

Hello. You should contact your local architecture office with this question. They get permission there. A conclusion will be needed that the condition of the main building structures will not be compromised. All the best. Thank you for choosing our site.

Hello. To do this, you need to order a reconstruction plan and obtain a building permit from the city administration (from the Department of Architecture). But for residential premises such permission is usually not issued. Now, if the apartment is transferred to the non-residential category and will be used as an office, then most likely such a permit will be issued. God help you.

Instead of a window in a non-residential premises, put a door - is the approval of the residents of the entire house necessary or not?

You do not claim to use public spaces, so you do not need the consent of the owners. But consent to redevelop the premises from the municipality is required.

I live on the 1st floor, 17 years ago I made a glass door instead of a window, now 17 years later they are demanding that this door be removed and a window installed! The apartment is private! Do they have the right to do this?

Hello. Yes, if the door is installed without permits

I lived with my husband in his apartment without registration, left him for repairs, did the windows, doors, etc., everything is registered in my name, there are documents and almost all the furniture is registered in my name, can I go into the apartment and take any of the furniture without going to court.

If my husband doesn't mind. You lived without registration. Share property.

The point is in personal relationships, if you are already divorced, your husband’s apartment, he may not let you in, since it is private property, all that remains is the division of property. Try to negotiate the division before the trial by entering into an agreement.

Question: in 1 sq.m. on the 1st floor (corner) make a door instead of a window. Is the consent of the residents necessary? Is transfer to a non-residential property necessary? Or not. Project, coordination with local organizations. The city of Gremyachinsk, Perm region. For a store selling spare parts. parts. Oils and chemicals are excluded, only iron. Thank you.

Hello! Consent is required from residents. GOOD LUCK TO YOU

Please tell me if instead of a window (exit from the room to the street) we put a door. Is this considered a redevelopment? It’s just that the old man has no other entrance; he climbs through the window to his home on a stepladder. An apartment for several owners, they put up a wall for him and now he has no entrance or exit.

yes, this is a redevelopment, the consent of the Moscow Region administration is required

A complaint against the owners must be filed in court

In apartment 1, the window in the kitchen was demolished and a door to the loggia was inserted in its place. And the batteries were moved from the kitchen to the loggia. Is it possible and how difficult is it to legalize such a redevelopment?

you need to take an opinion from the SES, BTI, draw up a redevelopment project and go to court.

Can I make an additional door instead of a window in a house with 4 apartments (considered an apartment building, the apartments have rooms), but I want to make an additional balcony.

Hello! You can, only with the permission of all co-owners.

Is it possible to remove the window in the kitchen facing the loggia and install a door instead of the window?

you can, in this case it does not affect the supporting structures and the intended use of the premises

Is it possible to demolish the cabinet under the window and put a door in place of the window?

Can. If you get permission.

In a new building there is access to a balcony - I would like to remove the window and door to the balcony, but instead of them (windows and doors) install glass-metal plastic sliding doors. Tell me, do I need a permit for this and where can I get it?

To redevelop a residential premises, you will have to take permission from Art. 29 Housing Code of the Russian Federation)

In general, this is a redevelopment, permission from the Moscow Housing Inspectorate.

How to rent out an apartment to a company on the ground floor, make a door to the street instead of a window, legally?

To do this, you need to convert the apartment into non-residential premises.

Hello. First, you obtain permission for refurbishment from the housing and communal services or construction department. Then you draw up a lease or rental agreement with the company. If residential premises, then rent.

I live with my grandson on the 1st floor of a corner apartment, how can I make a separate exit to the street instead of a window-door, where to start, where to go?

This is a redevelopment of an apartment (or even a reconstruction, depending on the project). Registration of redevelopment is quite expensive and time-consuming. You need to start by applying to the Construction Control Committee of the city administration for a permit to approve the redevelopment. The following documents will be needed: Application for redevelopment in the form, title documents for the apartment, redevelopment project, technical passport of the apartment, written consent of all members of the tenant’s family, conclusion of the authority for the protection of architectural monuments.

If instead of a window between the kitchen and the balcony we make a door, is this reconstruction?

Yes, this is a reconstruction.

Is it considered a redevelopment if we want to remove the balcony door along with the window? That is, we will not touch the stone partition that is under the window! Let's just make the exit to the loggia open. Do I need permission for this?

You need to contact the Moscow Housing Inspectorate with this question.


Historical buildings in St. Petersburg are overgrown with unplanned staircases leading through unplanned doors to shops, bars and laundries appearing on the ground floors. Who allows all this?

R the result is a disfigured facade

For six years now I have been monitoring the damage to the facades of old houses on Bolshaya Morskaya Street. A typical example was house 46.

In 1996, Governor V. Yakovlev (who once was like this in St. Petersburg) signed two orders to transfer residential apartments No. 22 and No. 34 to non-residential buildings for offices. In 2001, in August and November, two more orders appeared, and two more apartments, Nos. 5 and 27, became an office and a department store. Then there were a lot of different things, the premises, having become non-residential, changed owners and functions many times, which ultimately led to the fact that the facade of the house was completely disfigured. To the right of the main entrance there was once a door to the basement, a staircase and a canopy, but now everything is abandoned and boarded up. To the left of the main entrance, a door to the basement was also broken, a canopy was made, first there was a Taj Mahal cafe, then some kind of bar... Attached to the canopy above the entrance to the bar on the right is a staircase to the mezzanine, leading to another company. The result is the mutilated facade of house 46.

It is not an architectural monument, but it is an architectural monument - located next to it, no. 44 on the street. Bolshoy Morskoy. And houses 43, 45, 47 standing opposite, houses 43 and 45 (P.N. Demidov’s houses) were designed by O. Montferrand, and house 47 was designed by E.I. Nabokova. And in the very center of this ensemble, the façade of house 46 is being defaced by private owners as if it were a country barn that can be rebuilt as desired.

Construction of an attic at Gagarinskaya street, 1

The photographs taken by Alexander Makarov show house 6 on Gagarinskaya Street. In the summer of 2010, one staircase was added to the façade. In April 2012 there were already two of them. The staircases are multiplying, the façade is becoming more and more disfigured.

Again, house 6 is not a protected object of cultural history, but directly opposite there is house 3 - the palace of N. A. Kushelev-Bezborodko, a monument of federal significance. By the way, in 2012, damage affected it directly - next to it stands building 1, the house of G. A. Kushelev-Bezborodko, facing the embankment. Kutuzov and is an architectural monument of federal significance, which has now begun to be barbarically reconstructed. The building was occupied back in 1995, and, as indicated in the just distributed materials of the ERA group, “as a result of an on-site inspection, it was established that a 2-story attic is being built on the front wing of building 1, which leads to a gross distortion of the general volumetric-spatial solution of the monument..."*.

The entrance to the basement took up half of the sidewalk on Bolshaya Konyushennaya, 2

Another photograph taken by A. Makarov shows a view of house 2 on Bolshaya Konyushennaya Street. A pit of considerable depth and area was built, and a fence was built. In addition to the ugliness and damage to the facade, all this construction product almost completely took over the sidewalk. The photograph shows a lamppost; it is so positioned relative to the pit with an impressive fence that it is no longer possible to carry a stroller with a child or a disabled person on such a sidewalk. And it is quite obvious that permission to login device basement was given in violation of the rules of improvement.

This is an aesthetic and landscaping aspect. But there are others, for example, household ones - noise, vibration, odors. When there are bars, restaurants, cafes, galleries, etc. under residential apartments. - residents become uncomfortable. Therefore in last years One of the most typical complaints from citizens was a complaint related to the transfer of residential premises to non-residential premises.

Based on citizens’ statements, Legislative Assembly deputy Alexey Kovalev wrote a deputy request to the governor of St. Petersburg (dated February 24, 2012). Taking into account the great social significance of the problem, I will retell it in detail, since this document, firstly, explains well to citizens their rights, secondly, outlines the range of documents related to the problem, thirdly, shows the existing judicial practice, from which it follows that first district administrations, and then the courts make decisions not in favor of citizens, i.e. carry out anti-people policies.

Deputy Kovalev writes

Alexey Kovalev wrote that he has received numerous requests from owners of premises in apartment buildings with complaints about the actions of regional interdepartmental commissions (IMC) to approve projects related to the arrangement of separate entrances to non-residential premises on the first floors, as well as in basements and socles apartment buildings. Such separate (or additional) entrances are usually equipped on site window openings in residential premises transferred (optionally - planned for transfer) to non-residential premises for the purpose of their commercial use...

In accordance with the Rules for the maintenance and repair of facades of buildings and structures in St. Petersburg, actions related to the installation or change appearance windows or entrances are allowed by agreement with the owners of buildings and structures.

Obtaining the consent of the owners is actually required by both the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (Article 36, subparagraph 3 of paragraph 1), and the Rules for the maintenance of common property in apartment building, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 13, 2006 No. 491. Since it says that load-bearing structures apartment building(including foundations, load-bearing walls load-bearing columns, etc.) belong to common shared ownership.

However, district administrations, acting on behalf of St. Petersburg - the owner of premises in the same apartment building, a participant in the right of common shared ownership of common property, do not insist on the obligatory observance of these rules.

Thus, on January 20, 2012, the Vasileostrovsky District Court of St. Petersburg considered a civil case on the claim of one of the owners of the premises of apartment building No. 37 on the 12th line of V.O. against another owner of the premises in the same building to declare illegal the latter’s actions to install an entrance on site window opening in the front facade of the house. The court decision rejected the stated demands. From the case materials, it is clear that the decision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to approve the project was made in the absence of the consent of all owners of the premises of the house.

This example is extremely typical. Complaints from owners to district administrations in most cases remain unsatisfied, including with reference to Part 2 of Article 40 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation - although it has nothing to do with the case. The norm of this article states that when carrying out redevelopment and reconstruction of premises, the consent of the owners of the premises of an apartment building is not required, except in the case where such reconstruction is impossible without the addition of part of the common property in the apartment building.

But the organization of separate entrances to the premises on the first floors is associated with the dismantling of window sill brickwork in the main façade walls, that is, it is an intervention in the common property of the house.

From the responses of officials of the district administrations, it is clear that neither they nor the district MECs regard the construction of separate entrances as an operation with the common property of an apartment building, and therefore projects for such work are approved by the MEC in the absence of the consent of other owners of the premises.

Even if there are decisions of general meetings of owners of apartment buildings to refuse the so-called. investors in the construction of additional entrances and notification of such decisions to district administrations, the latter still coordinate projects for equipping individual entrances.

As a result, Deputy Kovalev asked the governor to inform him whether he considered it necessary:

Organize a review and generalization of the practice of coordinating projects related to the arrangement of individual entrances by district interstate commissions;

Amend the Regulations on the district MEC, allowing them to approve such projects after receiving a decision from the general meeting of owners.

There is nothing to comment here except one nuance.

On the one hand, we have the “Rules for the maintenance and repair of facades of buildings and structures in St. Petersburg”, approved by Decree of the Government of St. Petersburg dated September 14, 2006 No. 1135, according to which the actions in question are allowed in accordance with design solution, agreed with the owners of buildings and structures.

On the other hand, the Regulations on the district MEC, approved by Decree of the Government of St. Petersburg dated 02/04/2005 No. 112, are in effect, and here the powers of the MEC include the approval of projects for the installation of additional entrances to non-residential premises of an apartment building without changing the purpose non-residential premises, and coordination with the owners of buildings and structures is not required.

There seems to be a contradiction. In fact, there is no contradiction, and both documents should be used together. For there is no document that would cancel or limit the rights of owners.

But they pretend that the “Rules for the maintenance and repair of facades of buildings and structures in St. Petersburg” have nothing to do with such cases.

Vice-Governor Kozyrev answers

Vice-Governor Sergei Kozyrev responded to the deputy on behalf of the governor. His initial thesis is that the issues of transferring residential premises to non-residential premises are regulated by Art. 22 - 24 of the Housing Code (LC) of the Russian Federation, and an exhaustive list of documents is indicated in Art. 23. “Granting the consent of the owners of the premises,” Kozyrev emphasized, “Art. 23 is not provided for, therefore the requirement of the authorized body to provide such consent will be illegal.”

This is an example of a typical bureaucratic balancing act. Indeed, in Art. 23 of the Housing Code states that in order to transfer residential premises to non-residential premises, the applicant submits five documents to the district MEC. Including “prepared and executed in in the prescribed manner reconstruction project."

This is where the consent of the owners should be contained, since the “Rules for Maintenance and Repair...” establish the procedure for preparing and processing projects, and this includes the consent of the owners.

So, in fact, everything is simple: Vice-Governor Kozyrev is trying in his answer to defend the illegal practices of district interregional commissions, administrations and courts. And here’s what’s curious: the power in the city has changed, but the war between officials and the people continues successfully old scheme.

Next, Sergei Kozyrev delved into the problem related to Art. 36 and 40 of the Housing Code. In short, we are talking about the following. If, when converting residential premises into non-residential premises, the size of the common property of apartment owners in an apartment building does not decrease, then their consent to the alterations is not required. If it decreases, then it is required. Let's say they set up a store in the basement of a building. The basement is common property. And then the consent of all owners is required. Or, to set up a store, a part of a corridor or staircase is grabbed...

But, Kozyrev emphasized, “if the redevelopment project provides for the installation of a separate entrance, and such a device is impossible without the use of the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building, the consent of all owners for such redevelopment and (or) reconstruction is not required.”

At the same time, Mr. Kozyrev delicately omitted the fact that the wall of the building is also always the common property of all owners of the residential premises of an apartment building, and the transformation of a window opening into a doorway is certainly accompanied by the elimination of part of the wall. At first, Kozyrev simply avoided this point, and then, referring to judicial practice, absurdly stated: “The installation of a door from a window without expanding it cannot be interpreted as carrying out reconstruction.”

Thus, Vice-Governor Kozyrev argued in his answer that a door can be made from a window on the first floor of a house without widening the opening in the wall. Something I have never seen is that in order to install a door to a store created from a residential apartment on the first floor of a building, it was not necessary to increase the window opening.

At the end of his answer, Mr. Kozyrev wrote for some reason, stating that according to clause 3.1.2 of the “Rules for the maintenance and repair of facades of buildings and structures in St. Petersburg”, it is not necessary to obtain the consent of the owners of premises in an apartment building.

While the specified paragraph says the following: “Actions related to the construction, reconstruction, elimination of entrances... installation door designs, canopies... the arrangement of stairs and pits... must be agreed upon... with the owners of buildings and structures.”

Why it was necessary to write an outright lie is known only to Kozyrev himself.

Regulations and attics

By the way, a little earlier - in December 2011 - the now former vice-governor Roman Filimonov answered the same questions to Kovalev.

Considering what they have done to the facades of St. Petersburg houses, it is especially funny to read such reasonings from Filimonov as: “It is not allowed... to add stairs and canopies that violate the composition and historical appearance of the facades, the elimination of historical door leaves..." At the same time, the official had to note that "a significant part of the changes to the historical facades of buildings is the result of unauthorized activities of citizens and legal entities... produced in many cases in the period before the approval of the Law and Rules.”

It is noteworthy that the “Rules” mentioned by Filimonov were adopted on September 14, 2006, and ugly stairs, violating the composition and historical appearance of the facade of building 6 on Gagarinskaya Street, appeared in 2009 - 2010 and 2011 - 2012.

In the same letter from Filimonov, the “Architectural and Artistic Regulations of Nevsky Prospect”, approved by order of the KGA dated May 28, 2010, are mentioned. According to clause 2.2.7 of this document, “in the territory of OZ-1, it is allowed to install attics on the front buildings without changing the roof configuration (it is allowed to increase the ridge elevation by 1 m, on courtyard buildings with a partial change in the roof configuration).” In this regard, the question arises: what to do with the attic on the building on the corner of Nevsky and Karavannaya streets, which began to be built after the adoption of the Regulations and which clearly provides for raising the roof ridge by more than one meter? Continue to walk with your head down and not notice anything?

* In the same materials of the ERA group, an interesting detail is noted: “The territory of the monument is under layered security. Even the contractor’s equipment at the entrance is first passed through the external fence, after which the gate is locked, and only then the secondary gate is opened, directly for entering the property.”.


BREAD IS THE HEAD OF EVERYTHING! Eh! Soaring, you are not the same, don’t bite off a piece of mine and don’t drink from my cup. You'll ruin it, go and soar. You will take all my power through your mouth. You'll make me weak.

The cut or broken side of the bread should be placed inside the table. In the same way, you definitely can’t put the kovriga or kalach with the “underneath” [bottom] crust facing up. In the first case, there will be little bread, and in the second, in the next world [the devils] will be held upside down.

When dividing the family [family division], the eldest cuts the loaf of rye bread into slices according to the number of men sharing or existing in the family. The person separating takes his part and moves away from the table. The women pour the kneading mixture and take away their parts.

In the old days, there was a custom not to destroy a whole loaf of bread in the evening. They said that “the carpet is sleeping.”

You can’t poke bread with a fork - in the next world [the devils] will lift it with a fork.

IN FAMILY LIFE. You cannot put the child down or sit him on the table - he will become capricious.

You can’t grab a child by the legs - it could be bad for him - he won’t be able to walk soon.
When the bride walks down the aisle, she must place a silver coin under her left heel, which means she will not need money when she gets married.

During an illness, you should not take off the shirt you were wearing when you fell ill, otherwise the illness will not go away soon.

For the deceased, a tow is placed in the coffin, and sometimes even pure flax fiber, so that it lies softer in the ground.

RELIGION AND CHURCH HOLIDAYS. The people of Russia are prayerful. But we, the Cheldons, don’t know them [prayer]. There are seven people in our family, and Ivan is the only one who knows “Father” and “Virgin Mary”.

After Easter until Trinity, you cannot throw anything out of the window - Christ is standing there - “so as not to hurt him.”

On the evening before the holidays, you should not sweep the hut and throw away the rubbish from it. The owners will not have wealth.

You cannot stretch out on the bench with your feet towards the shrine - God will take away the power.
Every holiday necessarily begins the day before at sunset and ends with sunset. The eve of the holiday is called "suppers".

(Folklore of the Angara region of the early 20th century // Living Antiquity: Journal of Russian folklore and traditional culture. –Novosibirsk, 2000. No. 2. P. 45-46.)



A famous scientist and researcher of the Siberian region P. A. Rovinsky was once asked by an old-timer from Transbaikal: “What is this? You don’t know the most common Russian words, are you a foreigner?” “Chaldon” was amazed that the “man from Russia” did not know “the most ordinary Russian words”:

Zontuglo - stupid, an old man, smoke - on the contrary,

Kuryagashka is a spring lamb, khanazany is bald.

Kanturga - pouch with tobacco,

The result of research by P.A. Rovinsky began with “Notes and a dictionary of the Siberian dialect”, published in the News of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Geographical Society in 1873. The following is said about the Siberian dialect: “The Siberian dialect came from the North Russian, but two hundred years of disunity, completely different historical conditions... gave an original direction. Talk Eastern Siberia has special phonetics and many unique grammatical forms. The dictionary contains more than 3,000 local words not known in the general Russian language.”

But back in the first half of the 19th century. A.P. Stepanov, the first Yenisei governor, wrote about the old-timers that “their reprimand is more gentle, and their conversations are more polite... A peasant woman says “You” to her friend. They say: “Hello, bro!

Other researchers also paid attention to the politeness of their address and the peculiarity of the dialect of Siberians, for example: after sneezing in the direction, the Trans-Baikal Siberians say: “Your Grace’s napkin!” The sneezer thanks: “The beauty of your grace!”

It must be emphasized that there was no single dialect for all of Siberia; each locality had its own characteristics. However, a Siberian easily understood a Siberian, because many words and entire expressions served to communicate between “their own”. In the Yenisei province they even expressed the count in local words:

One is one, floundering is four,

Empty - seven, couple - two,

Chivildy - five, according to the present - eight,

Yerakhty - three, Evoldy - six,

Dakinis - nine, vchkin - ten.

Words of local origin denoted most of the tools and household items, breeds of livestock and objects of the peasant farmstead, past and future days. Many originally “Great Russian” words were modified. The Yenisei Siberians often replaced some letters with others, “threw away” individual sounds when pronouncing. For example: sir - master, gumaga - paper, noble - knows, games - we play, ghouls - we walk; or “sch” to “shsh” - chashsha, shshavel, shshikolda.

Many words were used with the addition - chi: help. lighten up, drag, bake, cut, take care; and with the addition - ka: na-ka, take-ka, no-ka, go out-ka, find-ka, etc.

The endings were discarded: simple, high tree, smooth path, white fur coat, etc. Many words appeared in the past as a result of a “rough”, harsh way of life: roar - scream, goiter, slurp - eat, teeth - rude, chubrychnut - urpast, etc. In conditions of pronounced individualism and ridicule of vices, the following words were natural: to scold - to shout stupidly, to find fault - to slander, to sniff - to cry, to gossip - to disturb, etc.

The words, phrases and pronunciation of the inhabitants of the northern provinces of European Russia played a special role in the formation of the old-timer dialect.



It’s important - meanwhile

Azoino - hard

Azyam - woolen Armenian

Come on - let's go

Anbar - barn

Anadys - then

Ariasina - thin pole, club

To resist - to resist

Badazhok - walking stick

Crimson - red

Bazan - scream, roar

Balagan - hut

Balda - beater

Basque - beautiful

Bastryk - oppression on a cart of hay

Shoes - boots

Bayat - talk

Pregnancy is an armful

Grace - abundance

Blessed - restless

To fornicate - to wander

God's arc - rainbow

Botalo - “bell” of a cow

Talking is no use talking

To lie - to lie

Jaw - the lips of a person (mockingly)

Buzz - get drunk

Bus - light rain

Gurgling - playing with water

To mumble - to mutter

Buzz - eat greedily, untidy

To exist - to freeze out (to exist)

Bystrukha - an energetic woman

Vazhnya - barn with hayloft

To wander around - to procrastinate

Brew - food supply

Varnak - criminal, convict

Vengat - cry

Springish - pockmarked

Welcoming - general: friendliness, courtesy and talkativeness

Vetlyanui is a lively and talkative, friendly person

It hurts - really

I'll spring - last spring

Vitushka - pretzel

Vitsa - rod, rod

Take care of - take care of children

Voltage - absorb moisture

Volokchi - to drag

Yell - scream

blowing - deepening in the bliss at the root of a tree

Vyzhiga is a lost man who has squandered everything and is capable of all sorts of dirty tricks.

Vytaraska - goggle-eyed

Tower - ceiling, attic of a house

Vytnik is a slacker

Make noise - make noise

Laugh - mock, laugh

Galitsa - mittens

Galama is a clumsy person

Bark - call

Glezky - slippery

Glubnik - west

Glyza - heap, lump

Wait - wait

To soothe - to calm down

Homoyun is a diligent man in housework and family

Gorlopan (bawler) - a loud, noisy person trying to take over by shouting

Lips are mushrooms

Gubnik - mushroom pie

Guzno - bag

To shout - to shout rudely

Dakha - goat fur coat

Dennoi is a rascal

Diviltse - small mirror

Dokuka - request

Domovina - coffin

Stay ahead - first

Dorodno - a lot

Finish - do

Enough is enough

thorough - smart, reaching everything with his mind; highest degree of intelligence

Drynnoshshepina - thin long girl, woman

Durnichka - stupidity, ignorance, lack of education, bad habits

Duyka - snow with wind.

Stuffy - smelly

yewon che - that's what...

Shredded - fresh

Yeman - goat

Enchit - cry

Erepenya - a grumpy person

To grow up - to scold

To squirm - to persist

Polite person - polite person

Roast - orange

Zharovy - lean, lean

Zhban - wooden mug

Jelly - cleanse

Zhirnik - lamp

Once upon a time - stingy, miser

Fattening - living in contentment

Zhurba - grumpy

Zaberegi - edges of ice near the shore

Zavorot - turn of the river

Yesterday - day three

Immediately - immediately

Zarot (zarod) - haystack

Morning - tomorrow

Zenki - eyes

zaturan - flour fried in oil

Zehlo - wide throat

I'm wintering - last winter

Zosky - hard, strong

Gaze - look

Zyuzya - drunkards

To make trouble - to make trouble

The Imals are blind man's buff

Ilimka - boat

Fright - fright

Serviceable - prosperous

21.03.2011, 23:33

22.03.2011, 00:54

Write a complaint to the Housing Inspectorate, the Prosecutor's Office and Rospotrebnadzor.

22.03.2011, 01:02

Sorry! Please point me out - what has changed in the Legislation and when - regarding the transfer of residential apartments to non-residential stock?

22.03.2011, 01:16

According to ch. 3 and ch. 4 Housing Code Russian Federation A local government body does not have the right to take into account the consent or disagreement of the owners and users of other premises in an apartment building when making a decision on refurbishment, redevelopment of residential premises, transfer of residential premises to non-residential premises, or non-residential premises to residential premises.

22.03.2011, 01:17

I dug up a little here

Norms Art. 23 and 26 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, without requiring the consent of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building, are in conflict with Art. 44 of the RF Housing Code on the following grounds:
- reconstruction of an apartment building (including its expansion or superstructure), construction of outbuildings and other buildings, structures, structures, repair of common property in an apartment building must be based on the decision of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building (clause 1, part 2 Article 44 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation);
- the competence of the general meeting of premises owners includes making decisions on the limits of use land plot, on which the apartment building is located, including the introduction of restrictions on its use, transfer of common property in the apartment building for use (clauses 2 - 3, part 2, article 44 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).
Also according to Art. 137 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, in cases where this does not violate the rights and legitimate interests of the owners of premises in an apartment building (i.e., it does not contradict decisions made in accordance with Article 44 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation), the homeowners association has the right:
1) provide for use or limited use part of the common property in an apartment building;
2) in accordance with the requirements of the law, in the prescribed manner, build on, rebuild part of the common property in an apartment building.

22.03.2011, 01:19

from which I conclude that without the consent of the owners of the apartment building to reconstruct the premises, they do not have the right to create a second entrance with a staircase. I’m also already thinking about a housing inspection))

22.03.2011, 02:34

Is it possible to obtain such permission without the consent of the owners?

Or maybe the decision was made after the meeting was held in absentia?

22.03.2011, 03:09

22.03.2011, 08:50

the opinion of the owners does not matter, there must be a resolution on the transfer to a non-residential fund from the administration, only then can a door be made

Made me laugh :)))

22.03.2011, 12:11

Today I found out from the chairman of the HOA that supposedly a year ago an absentee vote was held (and there was no notice about it anywhere) and the owner collected 2/3 of the votes. Permission to cut down the door has been received. I think the chairman doesn’t say everything, because... I think he got “his” too. BUT I will file a complaint with the housing inspectorate, let them check it.

22.03.2011, 12:14

the opinion of the owners does not matter, there must be a resolution on the transfer to a non-residential fund from the administration, only then can a door be made

What about Art. 44? LCD?

22.03.2011, 12:37

Why would a hairdresser in your home be a problem?
Felling external wall threatens to collapse the house?

22.03.2011, 12:42

22.03.2011, 12:51

Experts, tell me. The situation is like this:
We live in a small 3-entrance, ten-story brick house, 4 years old. We have an HOA. The owner of a 1st floor apartment decided to make a hairdresser out of his two-room apartment. At the HOA meeting, which took place 4 years ago, a majority vote decided that the HOA was against non-residential stock in the house and against the hairdresser. Now the legislation has changed and no one asks us, as owners of apartments in an apartment building (members of the HOA). Work has been underway to renovate the apartment for 2 months now. Now they are going to cut through the entrance door (the second one) from the apartment window to the street (along the external wall).
But the question arises: How do you know if this is legal? Were they given permission to do this and by whom? Are they required to provide this information to HOA members and the chairman upon request? Is it possible to prevent and suspend these actions on legal grounds?

We just won a lawsuit on a similar issue...

22.03.2011, 13:44

Article 22 of the RF Housing Code has changed.

22.03.2011, 14:00

Article 22 of the RF Housing Code has changed.

When? we won in February.

22.03.2011, 14:20

I can't find something right now

22.03.2011, 14:56

We are now preparing a complaint. As it turns out, a lot of people are not happy with this hairdresser. There are activists who have already prepared a complaint to the prosecutor’s office. I think the case will go to court.

22.03.2011, 14:57

We just won a lawsuit on a similar issue...
when did the legislation change?

Tell us more about your experience?

22.03.2011, 14:58

Yes, I am primarily concerned about safety. We all know how all these redevelopments and reconstructions fit together.
Then, after some time, the owner can sell this premises and there may be something else there (pancake houses, wine bars, underground casinos, etc., etc.).

If the door is made in place of the window opening, safety does not suffer in any way.
The supporting structures remain unchanged. As for the rest, the owner can do whatever he wants (with the approval of the administration, of course). Here we have ground floor At first we opened a grocery store, everything was fine. And now the drinking establishment with all that it entails, literally and figuratively. So if there is a hairdresser, rejoice.