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» Window sill insert in plastic windows. How to properly install a window sill on plastic windows. Types of films by type of coating

Window sill insert in plastic windows. How to properly install a window sill on plastic windows. Types of films by type of coating

PVC windows have proven themselves well and are very popular, while their installation is mainly included in the cost of the product, which cannot be said about the window sill slab. Therefore, let's look at how to install it correctly plastic window sill yourself.

In fact, the choice of window sills is quite large. They are made from wood, natural or, as mentioned above, from plastic. So why should you give preference to last option? Of course, you can purchase any other, but it is PVC that will have perfect combination pricing policy and quality.

Thus, although wooden ones are considered environmentally friendly and natural, they nevertheless have quite serious disadvantages, which has led to a decrease in their popularity. For example, they are very picky about care, afraid of various chemicals and abrasive materials, and paintwork must be updated at least once every three years. Besides, they are afraid high humidity, fire, and the highest quality products have very high cost. What about stone window sills, their price is also not affordable for everyone. And the installation is quite complicated, so it’s very difficult to do it on your own.

Deprived of all these features modern type PVC window sills. Let's take a closer look at all their advantages, and, of course, their disadvantages. The first is ease of use. Basically, to give it back to him original appearance just wash it off clean water, but in case of more serious contamination, plastic is not afraid of exposure to chemicals. In addition, the installation of plastic window sills is very simple.

It is also impossible not to note the excellent strength characteristics of these products, their resistance to moisture, temperature changes, and fire. There is no need to worry about them turning yellow when exposed to sun rays, this won't happen. Despite the fact that white specimens are mainly in demand, you can order a PVC window sill of absolutely any color. The only inconvenience is that you will need to wait a little while this product will come to your city. And, by the way, their price is significantly lower than that of analogues made from natural stone or expensive wood, while modern plastic is also considered environmentally friendly.

The disadvantage is the likelihood that after just a few years various small cracks, creases and other defects may appear on the surface; however, with proper use, such problems arise many years later. You can still hear a theory about the dangers of plastic, however, this has not been confirmed by anything.

Before considering installation, it is worth making a choice, and for this you should know the entire range of such products. Products differ in the type of coating. The most common are window sill slabs covered with PVC film. They are characterized by not very good resistance to mechanical damage and thermal effects. In addition, over time they lose their appearance as they absorb dirt, dust and dyes, so they require careful care. But their main advantage is their low price.

The next type of material is laminated paper, which has excellent characteristics. This CPL coating, obtained by pressing paper sheets impregnated with melamine resins, is resistant to various mechanical stress, high temperatures, humidity, chemicals. Its only serious drawback is the impossibility of restoration.

But the option that has EPL coating can rightfully be classified as a premium class. This product not only has excellent strength characteristics (the surface is almost impossible to scratch), but it even has antistatic properties, so dust will have to be wiped off much less frequently than with its analogues. Also the window sill has the most different variants designer execution, and it is also very pleasant to the touch. It will be velvety and warm, even if the room is quite cool.

How to install a plastic window sill - let's act

Having understood the types and features, you should pay attention to how to install a plastic window sill yourself.

How to install a plastic window sill - step by step diagram

Step 1: Measurements

So that the work goes easily and quickly, and the PVC plate fits harmoniously on seat, measurements must be taken correctly. First, we measure the depth of the window opening, or rather, its lower part, which our window sill will subsequently decorate. To this value you should add 12–17 cm, since the element itself should protrude by about 10 centimeters, and it will go under the window frame by about 2 cm. We add 10 cm to the total length, so that in the future it will go under the side slopes of 50 mm on each side.

Step 2: Surface Preparation

This stage is practically no different from others. preparatory work, so we take a brush and a vacuum cleaner in our hands and clean the surface from various debris, dirt, etc. Then we treat it with a primer and let it dry thoroughly. However, there are some individual points, for example, you should check how tightly the window itself is inserted. If there are gaps between the frame and the window opening, they should be eliminated immediately, otherwise heat loss in winter cannot be avoided.

Step 4: Direct installation

It's time to figure out how to attach a plastic window sill, and what we need for this. In principle, nothing special: wooden wedges or special linings that can be found in any hardware store, low expansion foam and a construction gun. First, we do a fitting to adjust the height of the wedges. The fact is that you need a slight slope (no more than one centimeter) from the frame, then condensation and moisture will not flow into the junction of the window and the window sill, which could lead to the formation of fungus. We also check the level so that the slab does not have differences in length.

Then, having installed the window sill and finally checked all the slopes, we blow out the space between it and the surface of the opening with foam. Why should it have a low expansion coefficient? Yes, everything is very simple, otherwise she will simply lift the product. Next, we place a weight on the surface, a weight of 15 kg will be quite enough, and wait until everything dries. Now you can admire the result, because the installation of the plastic window sill with your own hands is completed.

If the house has windows, then there must be window sills. A well-installed window sill performs not only a decorative function - it serves as protection for the room from the penetration of cold.

Structures can be wooden, granite or PVC. Installing a PVC window sill with your own hands can only be done after studying the technology for installing PVC products.
  1. Why PVC window sills
  2. Preparing the installation site
  3. General recommendations

Why PVC window sills

  1. Unlike wooden window sills, PVC products perfectly withstand sudden temperature changes.
  2. High resistance to impacts and scratches.
  3. Does not require anti-corrosion coating.
  4. The presence of chambers provides good thermal insulation qualities.
  5. Installation of the window sill can be done independently.
  6. Easy care during use.
  7. PVC perfectly resists long-term exposure to moisture.
  8. Possibility of installation for both plastic and wooden structures windows

Selection of tools and material

High-quality installation of a plastic window sill with your own hands can only be carried out with making the right choice source material, tools and accurate implementation of installation recommendations.

During installation you will need:

  • Window sill made of polyvinyl chloride and caps for its ends.
  • corner, building level, marker and tape measure.
  • Silicone sealant and polyurethane foam.
  • Jigsaw, hammer drill and screwdriver.
  • Cement mortar.
  • A stationery knife and a clean rag.

Preparing the installation site

A new PVC window sill will look good if you carefully prepare the area for its installation. This is especially important when replacing old windows. After dismantling the outdated window opening, check for chips and cracks around the window. If necessary, the masonry should be restored. Remove fine debris and dust, and apply a primer to the base.

Important! Before installing a PVC window sill, check the quality of installation window frame to avoid cold penetration into the house.

Once the new window has been installed and the base for installing the PVC window sill has been carefully prepared, you can begin measuring the space and preparing the window sill for installation. Before installing a plastic window sill, it will have to be cut to the width and length of the opening.

The width of the window sill can be the same as the slopes or a little larger. The length of the product must be cut 4-6 cm longer than the distance between the slopes. Two horizontal cuts are made in the vertical slopes, into which the window sill will be inserted.

Plastic window sills can be installed in three ways:

  • To fasten the product, polyurethane foam or special glue is used.
  • The window sill is secured using brackets.
  • To install a PVC window sill, a profile is used.

Instructions for working with glue

Step #1. On the side slopes of the window opening, cut two notches at the same level, and clean the window sill base well and, if necessary, deepen it.

Step #2. Before installing a new window sill, dry the surfaces and coat them with primer.

Step #3. Insert the cut-to-size window sill into the grooves under window frame.

Step #4. Use wooden wedges to wedge the window sill between the frame and the window opening. Insert wedges in the middle and edges of the window sill.

Important! There should be no gaps between the window sill and the window frame.

Step #5. Install pads between the window sill and the window opening so that the surface of the structure is horizontal.

Step #6. Pump polyurethane foam with a small expansion coefficient between the PVC window sill and the window opening. To prevent the window sill from rising, place a load on top of it.

Step #7. Install plugs on the side cuts.

Important! A window sill that protrudes strongly beyond the wall must be strengthened by applying cement mortar.

Step #8. 12 hours after foaming the window sill, remove the load.

Instructions for installation on a rigid base

This installation of a PVC window sill is considered the most durable and durable.

Step #1. Mark and trim the window sill as in the previous installation option.

Step #2. On pre-cleaned window opening execute cement screed. Adjust the height of the screed so that the new window sill fits exactly into the grooves of the window frame.

Step #3. To attach the product, use liquid plastic or silicone glue.

Instructions for working with brackets

Step #1. A stand profile is installed under the window and securely fastened. At least 4 brackets are mounted in it with self-tapping screws. Maximum distance between the brackets there is 25 cm. Fastening is best done with self-tapping screws with press washers.

Step #2. The PVC window sill is being installed on brackets. When properly seated tightly, you should hear a click.

Step #3. The window sill and frame are connected using screws.

Step #4. The wide window sill is additionally fixed to cement mortar.

Instructions for working with metal profiles

Step #1. Attach to the window sill block in a horizontal position metallic profile L or U-shaped.

Step #2. Install the cut window sill into the groove and secure it with self-tapping screws.

Step #3. Blow out the free space between the new structure and the base with foam.

Step #4. The structure can be further strengthened using cement mortar.

  1. When working with a hammer drill, protect your hands with gloves and your eyes with special goggles.
  2. Polyurethane foam sticks much better to a wetted surface. Before foaming, wet the surface of the base and the back of the window sill using a spray bottle.
  3. It is best to pump the sealant in strips, leaving space between them.
  4. The protrusion of the window sill beyond the window slope line should not be more than 60 mm, and the length should exceed the width of the window opening by a maximum of 15 cm.
  5. If the length of the window sill should be strictly horizontal, then the width should be slightly inclined from the window. The slope should not exceed 3%.
  6. When installing window sills, it is necessary to take into account the location heating devices so as not to worsen the microclimate of the room.
  7. The rigidity of a PVC window sill increases significantly when using a wooden backing. All bars must be the same size. The length of the bar is equal to the distance from the window frame to the edge of the opening. The distance between the fixed strips is 25 cm.
  8. After the foam has completely hardened, its excess is removed. The wall under the window sill is puttied and decoration begins.

After reading the article to the end, you learned how to properly install a polyvinyl chloride window sill in several ways. Each installation method has its own advantages and disadvantages. At the right approach and high-quality execution, installation of a new window sill is not as complicated as it seems at first glance.

Watch another video about installing a window sill. The apartment owner shares his installation experience.

Windowsill - required element any window opening, performing both decorative and, in many cases, practical function. After all, this is one of those places where they are often located flower pots or other small items everyday life

In the past, openings were most often decorated wooden crafts, and with the advent of plastic windows, window sills began to take up space in the interior from similar material.

Advantages and disadvantages of PVC products


To the benefits Products include the following properties:

  • the material is not afraid of moisture and temperature changes;
  • It does not require special care;
  • the design is lightweight;
  • does not require periodic touch-ups, and is also not subject to shrinkage and warping, unlike wooden products;
  • The window sill can be installed in any length, width and shape.


  • plastic is inferior in strength to the same wooden products;
  • when used as a glossy coating decorative film the window sill is easily scratched and its appearance deteriorates;
  • Hot objects placed carelessly (for example, a pot or frying pan removed from the heat) can significantly damage the surface.

Installation methods

Installation of a plastic window sill can be done in one of several ways:

  1. Using a special solution. This method was often used in the past, but now, thanks to the emergence of new ones, it is practically not used.
  2. Using spring brackets, which are screwed to the substitution profile with self-tapping screws, and the window sill itself is installed in the groove between the window and the bracket.
  3. Using self-tapping screws. This is the most quick way, in which the window sill is attached with self-tapping screws to the window frame.
  4. Another option is to install a window sill without any fastening elements(staples, screws). This is the most time-consuming method, but at the same time the most reliable. The window sill is fixed using wedges that are driven under it, thereby tightly pressing the edges of the slab to the frame.

Required tools and materials

In order to change the window sill you need to prepare a small set of tools and materials:

  • window sill and end caps to connect the panels;
  • a container of polyurethane foam and a gun for working with it;
  • perforator;
  • level, tape measure, simple pencil or marker;
  • jigsaw or grinder;
  • stationery knife;
  • cement mortar.

This process is not complicated and is performed as follows. Along the ends of the slab and along the entire length of the slope a niche is hollowed out using a hammer drill.

After this you need pry the slab with a pry bar or hit with a hammer. The window sill thus freed is carefully removed from the niche.

Or this gentle option is possible with sawing the window sill in the middle:

Preparing the base

Installation work

After the base is ready, you need to measure the niche and, in accordance with the obtained dimensions cut out the window sill from a pre-purchased blank using a jigsaw or grinder.

If necessary, the thickness of the wedges is increased or decreased. The installation of the window sill must be carried out taking into account the fact that the slab should have a slight slope towards the room (1-2 degrees). This will allow condensation and water from watering the plants to drain onto the floor, allowing liquid will not collect under the stove.

After fixing the window sill, the space between it and the base is filled with foam. For better fixation, the plate can be press down evenly with a weight.

You can put 3-4 five-liter water bottles as cargo. In this position the structure is left for 2-3 days so that the foam hardens well, then remove its excess with a stationery knife.

It is advisable not to overload the window sill, as in this case its surface may become deformed.

How to seal foam under the windowsill?

You can do this in one of two ways:

  1. Seal the foam cut flush tile adhesive solution. If the walls will be painted in the future, you need to putty the area plastered with glue. If you plan to glue wallpaper, the surface is treated with an acrylic primer.
  2. In the second case, the foam should cover with vapor-permeable tape, then install a decorative strip (PVC, aluminum or wood) on top.

Find out how to properly seal the foam with a solution from the video:

A few points to consider when installing a window sill.

When working with a hammer drill, it is advisable use personal protective equipment(glasses, mittens).

The window sill should not protrude beyond the slope line more than 6 cm, otherwise air circulation may be disrupted, which will lead to fogging of the windows.

Polyurethane foam will stick much better, if the surface with which it will be in contact is pre-moistened.

Having familiarized yourself with how to replace a PVC window sill, you can conclude that this the procedure does not require professional skills and special tools.

The main thing in this matter is to be careful and Don't make mistakes with sizes when cutting slabs Therefore, the rule “measure twice, cut once” is more than appropriate in this case.

How to repair a window sill - watch all the installation secrets in the video:

Nowadays they are gaining more and more popularity plastic products. This material is quite practical and reliable, and also not expensive. If you decide to change wooden windows for plastic ones, and you don’t want to overpay for installing a window sill, or you just want to install a window sill with your own hands, then this article is just for you.

Preparatory stage includes measurements of the future design, as well as all materials and tools, as well as preparation window opening to install a new window sill.

Before purchasing, you need to take several measurements, namely:

  • Window sill width. It is equal to the width of the window opening plus 10-15 centimeters.
  • Window sill length. Measured as the length of the window opening plus 10-15 centimeters.

Please note that it is too large and wide window sill can significantly impair air circulation, therefore, water droplets will accumulate on the windows and their service life will be reduced.

Of the tools, you should prepare or purchase:

  • Jigsaw or grinder.
  • Level.
  • Hammer.
  • Angle-ruler.
  • Masking tape.

Materials you will need:

  • Construction foam.
  • Sealant.
  • End caps.
  • PVC panel suitable size.
  • Plastic substrates.

Preparing the surface for installing a window sill

First, you need to remove the old structure. This is done using a jigsaw or hacksaw. Next, you need to remove the cement screed around the edges.

Clear the space of debris, loose material, insulation, and everything else. This will ensure reliable fastening of the new window sill. It is best to vacuum the base under the window sill, this way you are guaranteed to reliably clean the base.

If you are planning to install a window sill with projections on the sides, then you should create small openings so that the panel fits in easily. First, a notch is made on the wall, then an opening is knocked out with a hammer the right size. The openings must be the same on both sides and such that the PVC panel can be easily inserted.

After cleaning the base under the window sill, it should be well primed to ensure adhesion of the solution to level the base.

If you are only planning to replace the window sill, and the windows remain old, then the width and height will be the same as the width and height of the old wooden window sill. All you have to do is remove it and transfer the measurements to PVC panel. If they plan to change the windows or new windows have already been installed, then the dimensions of the window sill are calculated again. It is important that the window sill is installed only after the installation of the new windows has been completed. When taking accurate measurements before cutting, it is important to take into account that the window sill should extend 10-15 centimeters under the window frame, and the protrusions on the sides should not exceed 5 centimeters. The window sill should be made at an angle so that the absolute height under the window frame and the height at the periphery differ by 2-3 millimeters.

Installing a PVC window sill with your own hands involves cutting the material. You can order PVC cutting at a hardware store or do it yourself using a jigsaw.

Once you have your PVC panel cut out, follow the instructions:

  • Cut the bars for the substrates. They can be either plastic or wooden. Their width should not be less than 5 centimeters, and their length should be the same as the width of the base, excluding the window frame. The thickness of the substrate is selected based on the height of the window opening and the width of the PVC panel. Please note that the PVC panel must fit freely between the window frame and the substrates.
  • The optimal number of substrates is 2-3 pieces per meter of length. Before installing them, the base must be properly leveled.
  • The base is leveled using cement mortar or alabaster mortar. This is done to ensure that the window sill does not have significant irregularities and maintains the integrity of the structure.
  • After the base is leveled, it is checked with a level.
  • Supports are installed every 40-50 centimeters. After this, they are checked by level in two directions. The supports can be tilted away from the window, but the angle of inclination should not exceed 0.5-1 degree.
  • To check the correct installation of the supports, a control installation of the panel is done. If it fits in well and lies flat, then work continues.
  • Before you start fixing the window frame, you should first clean the window frames from protective film and install plugs on the ends.
  • The supports are securely fastened, and only after that the plastic panel can be installed. To ensure that it adheres to the base as best as possible, it is tapped with a hammer. After that, control measurements are made again with the level in two directions. If the panel lies flat, then work continues; if not, the panel is removed and the supports are aligned.
  • Small gaps should be left on the left and right to prevent the panel from deforming. At the end of the work, they are sealed with sealant. The gaps should be no more than 5 millimeters. This is done so that the foam does not deform the window sill.
  • All cracks and voids are filled with foam. Some experienced experts advise filling the voids between the supports not with foam, but with some kind of solution, for example, gypsum or cement. In this case, the support will be securely fastened.
  • If you are afraid that the window sill may become deformed under the influence of foam, then leave several weights on it for a couple of days. Although, this should not happen if you left small gaps on the left and right.
  • After the foam has completely dried, the excess should be removed with a knife, all remaining cracks should be filled with sealant, the joints between the window sill and the wall should be leveled and puttied. This way you will give your window sill a neater look.

In order to better understand the sequence of work, we suggest you watch the DIY installation of plastic window sills video.

Unlike plastic, wood gives the interior a touch of luxury and home comfort. But, at the same time, wood is a heavier and more capricious material.

The preparation process is no different from the preparation process for a plastic window sill.

The plane is cleaned and primed, leveled and supports are installed. The only difference is that a wooden window sill also needs metal frame.

Wood is a rather heavy material. Small blocks of aerated concrete or wooden blocks. It is best if the gaps between these blocks are minimal. All cracks should first be filled with a solution of cement or gypsum.

To ensure that the window sill does not hang in the air and is securely attached to the surface, screws are screwed from above onto the base at a distance of 30-40 centimeters. The caps of the screws should stick out as much as necessary so that the window sill fits tightly to the base of the window frame and does not hang in the air. To prevent the screw caps from falling inward, they are coated with plaster or cement around them. Then, it is applied to the plane construction foam. Special attention is given to the surface under the window, the rest of the space is filled evenly with foam.

After all the work has been completed, it is placed on top wood panel window sill, blown with foam at the seams. After a few days, the foam is cut off and the cracks are filled with sealant.

Installing a window sill with your own hands on a plastic window requires certain knowledge, therefore, carefully re-read the instructions and watch the training video before you begin.

Installing a window sill involves such basic types of work as: surface preparation, leveling, fastening the base, fastening the window sill, sealing the structure.

Today we will describe everything technological aspects fastening and sealing of window sills of plastic windows for various options installations. When completing the installation process of PVC windows, the same close attention is required as when attaching the frame and when forming foam joints.

Requirements for preparing the opening

Although the installation of the window sill is carried out at the final stage, the possibility of correct installation depends on timely preparation. There is no universal recipe, because the material and structure of the walls can be completely different, and the window sill itself can have various purposes. However, there are a number of nuances that should be considered in advance.

The most important requirement is the quality of preparation of the lower edge of the opening. Ideally, preparatory plastering is carried out, due to which a flat horizontal plane is formed under the frame, which serves as the basis for subsequent leveling of the window and support for the window sill. It is important to remember that the window sill never rests directly on the prepared plane. Availability warm seam helps to avoid freezing and the resulting formation of condensation in the lower junction.

You will have to work hard on the side edges of the opening. Classic method installation involves inserting the ends of the window sill into the slopes, but the depth of this insertion itself is practically not regulated by anything. Construction practice shows that the optimal depth for covering a window sill with a slope is 30-50 mm. However, if the slope is performed plastic panels, the window sill should protrude 15-20 mm beyond the framing decorative profile. Thus, on the side edges it is necessary to cut two niches at the level of the upper edge of the installation groove.

Correct installation of the window sill is impossible without following the correct installation sequence. Please note that first the frame is secured and the external waterproofing is glued, then the glass unit is installed in place and foam seams are formed. At this stage, the lower plane of the opening should be leveled, hems should be made in the corners, all surfaces should be dust-free and primed, and the internal sealing tape should be glued. Only after these requirements are met is it possible to install a window sill. Finishing of the slopes is carried out at the final stage.

Options for the position and function of the window sill

The installation of a window sill is carried out with some specific differences depending on the purpose of this structural element. There are three most common options:

  1. The window sill simply forms the lower junction node.
  2. The window sill will be used to install flowerpots and other items.
  3. The window sill is designed for operating loads over 30 kg/linear. m.

In almost all the described cases, the window sill also covers heating device located under the window. If there is none, the window sill has practically zero overhang, that is, it protrudes above the plane of the wall solely by the thickness of the visor. Otherwise, the window sill should completely cover the heating device with an overlap of about 10-15 mm.

If the window sill protrudes above the wall plane by more than 2/3 of its own width, its installation is carried out in the same way as for increased operating loads. This method consists of placing at least 2 support brackets under the window slab. per linear m. For fastening these brackets, longitudinal dovetail grooves are provided on the back side of the window sill. Downside The brackets are attached to the wall with plastic dowels, and they are hidden in hems 20-30 mm deep, which are subsequently walled up. The window sill brackets are fastened to the wall using final stage installation after landing on polyurethane foam. In frame buildings, for the purpose of strengthening, the lower edge of the opening can be formed by a wider board, which is supported from below by slopes, but the thickness of the board should not exceed the protrusion of the canopy above the rear plane of the window sill.

Also, the window sill can have one or both open ends, for example, when decorating parapets panoramic windows or balcony blocks. In this case, it is highly desirable that the open corner is supported by at least one bracket, which will prevent the window sill from being undermined upward. To mask the cut edge, you will need an end cap for the entire depth of the window sill.

Marking and trimming

Before you begin attaching the window sill, it needs to be “sized” in accordance with the size of the opening and frame, as well as taking into account the desired amount of protrusion. The window sill is trimmed on three sides - two lateral and one rear, facing the inside of the installation groove. Easiest way to trim electric jigsaw, and in its absence - hand hacksaw with small teeth.

The back side needs to be cut first. If the window is installed correctly and the width of the slopes at the bottom on both sides is the same, this step can be skipped. Otherwise, longitudinal trimming helps to level out installation flaws and ensure that the window sill protrudes above the wall plane on both sides equal value. Please note that the plastic window sill has a cellular structure, which can complicate cutting if there is a vertical jumper on the cutting line. In such cases, it is recommended to slightly increase the projection of the window sill.

Trimming the ends is carried out in such a way that the final length of the window sill is equal to the sum of the length of the visible part of the frame, openings and side projections. To facilitate installation, the rear corners can be cut obliquely so that at the edges the window sill goes deeper into the body of the slope by at least 20 mm and about 30-50 mm in the places of the side projections. When the trimming is completed, decorative caps need to be glued to the ends of the window sill, shortening them if necessary. Before installation, two marks must be made on the rear edge of the window sill, the distance between which is equal to the width of the visible part of the frame, while equal symmetrical indentations should remain on the sides. Thanks to this marking, you can easily align the window sill with horizontal displacement.

Window sill installation

Before fixing the window sill, you need to select support pads, which are usually used as sets of mounting wedges, glued together to prevent displacement. The pads are placed on the lower plane of the opening with a distance of 25-30 mm from the front edge. The thickness of the linings is selected so that the window sill has a slight slope towards the room of the order of 1-1.5°. The installation step of the linings should not be less than 60 cm for window sills with a purely decorative function and not less than 40 cm for increased operating loads.

When everything is ready, the window sill is installed on the pads and pushed with the rear edge until it stops in the installation groove. You can slightly widen the gap in this assembly and fill it with plastic sealant, removing the excess after the window sill is pressed into the groove. Next, you need to select a wide board and place it on top of the window sill so that the longitudinal axis is located strictly along the line of installation of the pads. After this, a pressure of about 15-20 kg is installed on the board. linear meter. In this case, the load must be placed with a slight offset towards you, ensuring that the back of the window sill is pressed tightly against the edge of the installation groove without any gap.

When positioning is completed, foam is injected into the gap between the window sill and the opening. It would not be superfluous to first irrigate the cavity with water from a spray bottle, which will contribute to more active polymerization. First, the deepest part of the gap is foamed, which is filled 100%, so that when the foam expands, it tightly presses the slab to the frame. After this, you need to wait until the filler has completely expanded and partially polymerized, and then check that the installation is correct and that there are no shifts. If everything is in order, the remaining space is filled with foam by approximately 50-70% of the volume, taking into account further active expansion. The gap must be filled in such a way that, after increasing in volume, the foam fills the space between the pads, but does not protrude beyond them, thus forming a groove about 30 mm deep for further sealing.

Repairing gaps

To maintain the integrity of the finish, the cracks under the window sill, notches in the slopes and the places where the brackets are attached must be sealed, bringing the adjacent sections of the wall into a common plane. Polyurethane foam is not suitable for this; in monolithic buildings it is better to use ordinary cement mortar; in frame buildings, fill the voids with fragments of polystyrene foam or mineral wool, and then carefully “go around” the window sill with finishing material.

It is better to fill gaps at a stage when preparations for interior decoration. This ensures that the seal is covered by a general preparatory and decorative layer, which will reduce the likelihood of cracks and unevenness. Particular attention should be paid to the gap under the window sill. Although it is almost never visible, a thin gap almost always forms between the plastic and the body of the wall. In this place, it is recommended to select a shallow groove of about 5 mm with a thin scraper, and then fill it with a thin strip of plastic sealant.