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» Choosing a sewing machine Jan. Janome sewing machine: Japanese quality at a reasonable price

Choosing a sewing machine Jan. Janome sewing machine: Japanese quality at a reasonable price

Modern sewing machines no longer look like their antique counterparts. appearance, not at times the increased functionality. About the best popular in 2017-2018 sewing machines for the home will be discussed in our rating.

The assortment presented in stores is so wide that when buying it is advisable to imagine in advance by what criteria the proposed models differ.

Criteria for choosing a good sewing machine

Control type can be mechanical, electromechanical and computer, depending on the method of constructing the line. Electromechanical, as a rule, are not too expensive and are intended for occasional home use, while electronic counterparts are more suitable for those who sew frequently (for example, to order). For the pros, it is better to choose computer-controlled models, which often have an embroidery module.

Shuttle type represented by a vertical or horizontal shuttle, while last option most often characteristic of professional, complex models and creates much less noise.

Functionality sewing machine is determined by the number of possible operations, which includes a variety of types of stitches, and methods for making a buttonhole, and additional embroidery options.

Equipment each model directly depends on the previous criterion. Depending on the model, additional needles for fabrics of different weights, interchangeable presser feet, as well as tools for servicing the sewing machine may be attached. It is desirable that the machine has a special compartment for storing all sewing accessories.

Which brand of sewing machine is best?

The undoubted leaders in the production of sewing machines are deservedly considered as European manufacturers - Bernina, Pfaff, Husqvarna and Asian firms Janome, Brother, Juki, Jaguar. The products of the American brand are also appreciated. Singer. At the same time, each company regularly improves its models, not yielding to competitors in assembly quality.

The most popular inexpensive sewing machines now are still models from a Japanese company. Janome(production is located in Japan, Taiwan and Thailand). In the assortment of this company there are many models for both beginner craftswomen and for infrequent home use, as well as professionals. A large number of positive reviews about the machines of this company are captivating - both from craftswomen and from specialists and masters of service centers. On the heels of her popularity in Russia comes another Japanese company - Brother. For regular sewing, masters still recommend choosing from Janome - there are more metal parts in the design of these machines, they are more reliable.

Masters advise when buying to pay attention to the weight of the machine - the heavier, the more metal parts inside.

For home, for occasional use, you can choose between Janome and Brother - according to the principle - what you like and the availability of the necessary functions. Here, sometimes light weight can even be an advantage - it is easier to get it out and then return it to a storage place.

Concerning Singer- so it was they who in 1851 put up for sale the first in history sewing machine(it cost $ 100), conquered the market and have been holding it for a century and a half. Time-tested quality. Deserves respect! (By the way, the Podolsk sewing machine, popular with our mothers and grandmothers, was produced at a factory that previously belonged to Singer).

But the Japanese are clearly leading the modern market (among household ones - Janome and Brother, among more professional models - Janome, Juki, Swiss Bernina). Among these manufacturers it is better to make a choice.

Janome sewing machines are known all over the world. The Japanese company has been on the market for over 100 years. During this time, a number of models that the company offers has grown. All variants are characterized high quality, reliability, fashion design. It is difficult for a consumer to navigate in a large abundance of high-quality machines offered. The company presents modern and multifunctional Janome sewing machines, how to choose the best one without overpaying?

To do right choice, it is necessary to clearly define which operations will be performed on the machine. Janom offers a large selection of specific areas that may not be needed in the work. Some overlocks and coverlocks perform 20-27 operations. Many models have computer program, which performs all the functions. Such sewing equipment is indispensable in production, in professional workshops, less often it is used in household level. With amateur use of the machine, most professional operations are not performed. It makes no sense to overpay for something that will not be in demand.

The basic rules for choosing a sewing machine should be:

  1. The demand for the proposed functions.
  2. Work speed.
  3. Shuttle location.
  4. Power consumption of the engine.
  5. Ease of maintenance.
  6. Machine dimensions.
  7. Reliability.
  8. The quality of the operations performed.
  9. Ease of replacement of defective parts (both technical and the ability to purchase the right thing in the shop).
  10. Existence of illumination of a working surface.

Also, the choice should be made based on financial capabilities. Not always the best expensive thing turns out to be the best.

Janon's affordable sewing machines are not inferior in quality and reliability to expensive options.

All models of the company are characterized by automatic winding of the thread on the bobbin, the presence of various paws for performing the corresponding operations, instructions in Russian.

Regardless of the model, all machines are equipped with convenient needle threaders, covers, a set of tools for small repairs.

When choosing, special attention should be paid to the speed of work. The principle - the faster the better, justifies itself in computer models of sewing machines or experienced professionals. A beginner seamstress may not have enough skill to handle high feed rates. In this case, situations are possible in which the seams on the product will have to be flogged and corrected. When working with delicate fabrics, this leads to damage to the product, which cannot be repaired.

An important point is the possibility of after-sales service, store guarantees.

Types of sewing machines manufactured by Janome

Sewing machines are designed for professional use and for easy technical solutions in home conditions. Budget options are designed for hobbyists who do not need complex operations. The minimum set of functions that may be needed in Everyday life, - such a specificity of household models.

The company's machines have a different principle of operation - electromechanical machines and computer-controlled models. The first option is the most familiar, computer - the latest developments of the company.

Janom machines with an electromechanical principle of operation are divided into classes according to functionality:

  1. Sewing machines.
  2. Overlocks.
  3. Coverlocks.
  4. Sewing machines.
  5. Embroidery machines.

All machines of the company are characterized by high quality of operations, durability, reliability.

In turn, each type has specific varieties. Overlocks and coverlocks are divided by the number of threads that do the work, the number of operations.

Sewing machines

The most in demand at the household level is the basic budget model– Janome grape. She performs simple technical tasks related to tailoring and repairing clothes. Works with all types of fabric. The shuttle is vertical, performs 15 operations, electromechanical motor. Makes blind stitches, reinforced stitches, straight stitches, as well as simple overlock and Finishing work. The fabric feed is uniform, without jerks. The inner frame is metal. The machine is durable good quality lines. Various Models This line differs only in design. For amateur use, this option is optimal.


Designed for processing the edge of the product with a sequential chain seam. Overcasting (the old term) cuts uneven fabric, fixes and fixes the edge. The latest MyLock models have proven themselves well. They work with 2 - 4 threads, convenient fabric supply, perform both flat seams and rolled seams. The maximum number of seams subject to household overlockers is 8. All models are reliable and easy to maintain. Some may have a presser foot pressure regulator, knives. The maximum speed is up to 1300 stitches per minute.

For professional models, the horizontal arrangement of the shuttle is typical.

Industrial options are equipped with a switch from 2, 3 thread seam to 4 thread, speed - 1500 stitches / min, perform 13 operations, work with all types of fabrics.


Coverlocks combine the function of an overlocker and a conventional sewing machine. Perform up to 20 operations (both sewing and overlock), work with all types of fabrics. Differentiated fabric feed, presser foot pressure regulator, trimming the edge of the fabric during the operation. This is a professional (the most expensive) technique that is in demand in factories, workshops, and can be used in everyday life, as it combines the functions of an overlocker and a sewing machine. With such a model, you do not have to spend money on specific machines, besides, it will save space.

Janome sewing machines

Machines of this class are designed for operations on the processing of the edge of elastic fabrics. Knitwear, stretchable products - everything that has the ability to stretch can only be sewn with high quality on machines of this type. The seam of the product is stretched, repeating the shape of the edge, while after processing on a sewing machine, the thread does not break, but stretches along with the fabric. After stretching, it takes its original position, leaving no loops, elongated threads.

New models of the Cover Pro line have:

  • thread tension control system;
  • switches for heavier and lighter fabrics;
  • seam reinforcement system;
  • LED illumination of the working area.

The new Janom sewing machines have an enlarged working platform and adjustable fabric feed. They can work with 2, 3, 4 threads, all of them have adjustable presser foot pressure.

Embroidery machines

Without such technology, the work of modern sewing masters is impossible. They carry out children's applications, embroidery. Models are equipped with a hoop that regulates the supply of fabric and threads.

Modern models can embroider with several types of stitches, cope with patterns of any complexity. Such machines have specific requirements for selection:

  1. Reliability of fixing the hoop.
  2. embroidery speed.
  3. Reliability of tissue fixation.
  4. Carriage travel width.
  5. Work platform size.

The most convenient automatic embroidery machines.

computer cars

Janom is one of the founders of a new direction in the clothing industry - management technological process using a computer. There is nothing surprising in the fact that it is today considered the leading manufacturer of computerized sewing machines.

New versions of sewing equipment operate in automatic mode, with the function of sewing without a pedal, perform up to 100 operations. Equipped with a display (both simple and liquid crystal), an automatic threading device, stitch width and length adjustment. Like all computers, such machines have memory, several alphabets.

Advantages of computers:

  1. Automatic threading.
  2. Automatic stitch type selection.
  3. Sewing adviser.
  4. Work with all types of fabrics.
  5. The presence of the function of counting stitches.
  6. Line quality control system.
  7. Sewing without a pedal.

At the same time, the cost of a computer machine is not much higher than a regular one.

When buying an automatic machine, you should pay attention to the presence of a foot for an automatic buttonhole in the kit.

The Janome MC6500 Professional semi-industrial computer machine performs 135 operations, has 7 loops in its arsenal, and the speed is 1000 stitches / min. Auto thread cutter, needle threader, horizontal hook, embroidery function, darning.

Consumer and industrial computer models replace several narrow-profile machines that perform various special functions. These are new generation machines that will eventually replace electromechanical models.

If you keep up with the times, then such a model is ideal.

Most popular machines

The leader of the 2019 ranking among sewing machines is Jan. A Japanese firm with manufacturing facilities in Taiwan and Thailand was able to provide high quality at a relatively low cost. Great intellectual potential and cheap production played an important role in this.

Another Asian company, Brother, being a competitor to Janome, is adequately represented at Russian market. It is difficult for a beginner seamstress to determine which sewing machine is better - Brother or Janome. Both Japanese companies carefully control the quality of their equipment, work on the introduction of new products.

Firms of American and European production of equipment for the clothing industry showed themselves well. Everyone is familiar with the German company Singer, which was bought by the Americans.

More familiar in recent times on the Russian market is the company Janom.

Experienced professionals say that, among other things, when comparing, you should pay attention to the material from which the body is made, as well as the weight of the machine. Metal cases are valued more because they have a greater margin of safety.

According to customer reviews who used machines from various companies, a popularity survey was compiled.

Among amateur computer machines, the Janome Dekor Computer 4030 model is recognized as the best.

The leader in sales in the Russian market is the inexpensive model Janome grape.

Despite the fact that the Brother company is actively moving forward in the Russian market, the leadership continues to be held by the Janom company. Today, this company is most fully represented in the sewing market, and consumer demand for its products remains high. constant demand and positive reviews consumers gained her great popularity. Which is the best Janome sewing machine to choose: electromechanical or computer, the consumer decides.

NameJanome 419S/5519.
Control typeelectromechanicalcomputerelectromechanical
Number of sewing operations19 30 15
Making a loopmachineautomatic, number of types of loops: 6semi-automatic
Stitchesoverlock, blind, elastic, elastic blindovercast, concealed, elastic
Pricefrom 11100 rub.from 16000 rub.from 5850 rub.
Where could I buy

For beginner needlewomen, the desire to sew is usually ahead of any elementary experience. And, given the variety of modern sewing machines, it is not surprising to get confused.

In order to save you from my mistakes of youth and mistakes in general, I will tell you how to choose a sewing machine for home use.

Sewing machine- This is a relatively young invention that came into use a little over a hundred years ago. And, you know, the absence of an overlock and an electric filling did not at all prevent the couturier of that time from creating masterpieces of sewing craftsmanship.

It is easy to conclude from this: you can sew on any machine, even if it has a very simple mechanism and it was made in the middle of the last century. Another thing is that modern machines will save you nerves with fast and trouble-free operation and will not take up much space.

Yes, yes, you need to start by preparing for the choice of a sewing machine.

What will this training consist of?

  • decide for what purpose you need a machine;
  • decide what fabric you are going to work with;
  • calculate your budget.

When you complete these three points, you will already have information with which you can come to the store and consult. Every day people come to me and cannot really answer the question: “Why do you need a sewing machine?”

But this is a defining moment: if you want to seriously replenish your wardrobe or occasionally sew clothes for children, the quality of the machine, its functionality and, of course, the price will depend on this.

What types of sewing machines are there and how to choose?

  1. Manual cars imply that you will rotate the wheel that sets the machine in motion with one hand, and control the feed of the fabric with the other. The mechanism of such machines is quite simple, and you are in full control of the process. Perhaps this is where the pluses end: basically, such models are already outdated, and in the event of a breakdown, you are unlikely to find spare parts.
  2. Foot cars very similar to manual ones, with the exception that the machine is set in motion by pressing the pedal. The transmission mechanism converts your pressing energy into rotational drive energy. They borrow the main pros and cons from the first type of machines. But among other things, they also take up a lot of space: they usually look like a small chest of drawers.
  3. Electric carsbest option for housewives and beginner needlewomen. They provide a wide range of functions: several types of seams, control of the work and speed of the needle using a pedal, precision in work. Under the body of such a machine, all the same mechanical parts, but they are powered by electricity. The cost of such a machine is usually in the region of 2-5 thousand rubles.
  4. computer machine is the next generation after electromechanical. The difference is that its actions are controlled by a computer board and a special processor. This allows her to store a huge number of different stitches and even give advice on their application: she is truly versatile. The main disadvantages of such models are: high price (2-5 times more than for electric ones) and excessive functionality (in most cases at home you will not use even half of the functions).
  5. Sewing and embroidery devices contain the functions of industrial embroidery machines. They are ten times higher than the cost of conventional machines and allow you to embroider complex patterns. As attractive as these models are, my experience is that they have rarely been useful. There are several reasons for this: they are too expensive, it is very difficult to learn how to use them, it is easier to order embroidery from masters with normal equipment and many years of experience.
  6. I am often asked the question: "How to choose a sewing machine with an overlock." Overlock- This is a sewing machine that is necessary when working on sheathing the edges of fabric. Overlock allows you to cut off excess fabric, process the cut itself, and also stitch the parts together. There are models that will help you work with complex seams, all kinds of stitches, and indeed carry out many other operations.

There are many sewing shops in my city where they will tell you which sewing machine to choose. It’s good if you come across an experienced consultant who correctly describes possible options.

But in practice, very often come across green students who offer everyone the same thing on tracing paper. So that you do not become a hostage to such a situation, I will briefly describe, How should a good sewing machine be judged?

  • shuttle type: can be vertical (installed on inexpensive models) and horizontal (expensive and professional cars);
  • puncture force depends on the power of the machine; inexpensive electric machines often work only with light fabrics;
  • stitch types: computer models usually contain a large bank of loops, and electric models have only a few options;
  • sewing speed- a characteristic important for experienced craftsmen: if you have just started sewing, try to do everything slowly and efficiently to hone your technique;
  • presser foot pressure: this parameter must have wide range or automatic setting.

TOP-5 most popular brands


This Japanese company has been producing masterpieces in the field of sewing for almost a hundred years. During this time, Janome has become one of the most popular brands of sewing machines.

Janome now produces both entry-level options (Janome 743) and more advanced models (Janome Sewist 521/SE518).

In order to choose a good sewing machine, consider them in more detail:


  • wide range of fabrics;
  • the ability to adjust the width of the lines;
  • the ability to change the length of the zigzag;
  • can sew straight stitch, zigzag and elastic zigzag;
  • standard equipment.

Price: from 3.5 thousand rubles.


  • horizontal shuttle;
  • a large number of operations (18);
  • adjusting the pressure of the foot on the fabric;
  • overlock imitation;
  • loops in semi-automatic mode;
  • extended set.

Price: from 10 thousand rubles.


Well-known American brand, distinguished by quality and reliability. The company offers a wide range of sewing tools at the best prices.

If you don't want to overpay for unnecessary functionality and you don't have the experience to understand how to choose good sewing machines, Singer is perfect for you.


  • capable of performing 25 different operations,
  • has 4 interchangeable legs,
  • the presence of a needle threader,
  • modern design
  • the possibility of smooth adjustment of the width and length of the stitch.

Price: from 7 thousand rubles.


  • 8 lines
  • the presence of a sleeve platform,
  • loops in semi-automatic mode,
  • great modern design.

Price: from 6 thousand rubles.


Another good quality Japanese brand. In the common people, he was called the "Japanese zinger." If you don't know which sewing machine to choose for your home and how, choose Juki and you won't go wrong.

Machines of this brand work with all possible fabrics and are made in a variety of configurations. Production is organized in China.


Swiss brand with a factory in Taiwan. Produces good sewing tools with great functionality.

By purchasing a machine from this company, you will get high quality, many types of stitches, adjustable width and length of stitches. In other words, another worthy option.


If you can afford an expensive tool and have a lot of experience, choose the German brand Pfaff. It focuses on the production of professional cars and produces three main lines of models: Platinum line, Silver line and Golden Line.

The machines of this company are very high quality: they are almost silent and do not require lubrication. Rest assured that a properly selected Pfaff electric machine will serve you well for many years to come.

Where are household sewing machines sold?

Each city has special sewing shops, and Sterlitamak is no exception. In addition, the network has a huge number of online stores with online consultants who are ready to help you choose a sewing machine.

Summing up

In this article, I tried to exhaustively answer the question: “How to choose a sewing machine?” Let's recap the main points.

First, decide why you need a sewing machine and how much money you are willing to spend on it. If you are a beginner seamstress and have a limited budget, ideal option will be an electromechanical machine.

Sewing machine for home is better to choose from budget options. If you plan to sew professionally, pick up a machine from one of the professional brands (for example, Pfaff). It will cost you a lot of money, but in return you will get a wide range of functions and the possibility of long-term and hassle-free use.

Many of us still remember old grandmother's sewing machines that could make one straight line and tapped softly while working. But the industry does not stand still, and since then there have been models with many useful features. No more spending months practicing zigzags, blind stitches, overlock stitches and quilting. The new sewing machine will do this by itself, just give the right direction.

One of the world leaders in the production of cars is the Japanese company Janome. She has long taken the second position in the development mechanical models, and in the production of computer sewing machines, it has no equal in the world. The modernized factories of the company produce more than a million models annually, surpassing such industry giants as Singer and Zeng Hsing in total terms.

Janome products are distinguished by high quality and reliability, which is confirmed by the world-renowned ISO 9002 certificate. Despite the sophisticated technology inside the machines, specialists managed to achieve ease of use, which attracts both beginner craftswomen and professionals. The peculiarity of the products is that the assortment is quite unique - even a sophisticated user will find something suitable among 280 different models.

Since its inception in 1921, the company has stood out for its innovative approach to the development of sewing machines. In 1979, the company's specialists released the world's first computer model, and a little later - the first computer embroidery machine. Nowadays, attention to this brand is attracted by a large number of positive reviews and satisfied customers who have appreciated advanced technologies. Today the company offers a wide range of machines and accessories.

Top 5 Best Janome Sewing Machines

5 Janome JK 220S

The best performance for its value
Country: Japan
Average price: 14,000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

This electromechanical sewing machine has a vertical hook that can automatically process buttonholes and turn off the fabric feed. The manufacturer has taken care of the convenience of the user, so it is impossible to chew the fabric or make an extra stitch, the mechanism will stop itself. In addition to 23 standard operations, this model has the best overlock functionality. The foot rises by 11 millimeters, the kit comes with several additional ones: for a hem and a zipper. The standard equipment is richer than in most other models: 6 different legs, a seam guide, a seam ripper, several screwdrivers, an oil can and a solid case.

Needlewomen appreciate the Janome JK 220 S for its simplicity and rich feature set. Indispensable for home sewing of any fabric (including naughty canvas and jeans), the machine makes the stitches beautiful and even. Even for a novice user, the fabric will not wrinkle, the threads will not tangle or break.

4 Janome DC 4030

The easiest to use
Country: Japan
Average price: 18,000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

This Janome model is one of the best for both beginners and experienced needlewomen. The sewing machine is capable of performing 30 operations, including all the main types of stitches: blind, overlock and elastic. The stitch width reaches 7 mm, which allows you to sew even thick and difficult materials. The machine is equipped with a display that shows all the details of the process. If the seamstress has set too high a speed for the selected fabric, then Janome will emit a soft signal, the corresponding icon will appear on the screen.

Janome DC 4030 is equipped with an additional platform, lighting and a secret compartment for sewing accessories. Even during heavy sewing at 820 spm, the adjustment is soft and responsive. A beginner can easily handle the machine, and a professional will appreciate the variety of useful functions of this model.

3 Janome My Excel W23U

The most powerful
Country: Japan
Average price: 17,000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The Janome electromechanical machine is equipped with a rotary horizontal hook, has a power of 85 W and a light button for convenient operation Anytime. It is capable of performing 24 operations, including 4 types of lines: secret, elastic, overlock and elastic-hidden. The weight of the machine is only 10 kilograms, which is surprising, because all the parts are made of the best quality metal.

Thanks to the unique "loop-automatic" function, even a novice needlewoman will be able to perform neat loops. Hidden under the cover of the sewing machine are instructions for using each function, indicating the optimal stitch length and width. In their reviews, experienced seamstresses especially note the ability to set the needle position, a simple needle threader and a pressure regulator. Beginning craftswomen will like automatic regulator speed, which itself determines the comfortable pace of sewing.

2 Janome My Style 100

Best budget model
Country: Japan
Average price: 6,000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The Janome sewing machine is equipped with a horizontal hook for easy threading. It is capable of performing 13 different operations, including 4 types of stitches and semi-automatic buttonholes. For ease of use, a backlight with a small lamp and a free detachable sleeve have been added. Learning how to work with Janome will not take more than 10 minutes, since the setting is done using 2 wheels on the top with designations in the form of pictures.

Users leave positive feedback about the pressure regulator, thanks to which the layers of fabric fit snugly together, do not move out or wrinkle. If the machine makes a soft tapping sound, it must be lubricated with machine oil. The kit comes with a screwdriver, a set of needles, a ripper, bobbins and brushes. Even a novice needlewoman will be able to get to work right away.

1 Janome 4100L

The most multifunctional
Country: Japan
Average price: 16,000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

This nimble and lightweight machine is equipped with a computer-type control that takes the work process to another level. The Janome 4100L does most of the work by itself thanks to the horizontal rotary hook and presser foot pressure regulator. Electronic controller automatically changes the puncture force, allowing you to work with the most capricious fabrics. At any time, you can manually change the sewing speed, turn on and off the material feed and the backlight.

Sewing craftswomen leave positive feedback about the ability of the machine to create 7 types of loops and cope with complex fabrics such as tarpaulin, leather and tulle. The above average cost is due not only to a large set of functions, but also to low power consumption - only 50 watts! After work, the machine can be covered with a soft cover that comes with the kit.