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» Choosing bricks for the stove. What brick is best to use for laying a stove? What is the difference between fireclay and fireproof

Choosing bricks for the stove. What brick is best to use for laying a stove? What is the difference between fireclay and fireproof

Owners of private houses are happy to decorate their homes with fireplaces and stoves made of brick. This gives it a unique flavor country estate, and the stove installed in the bathhouse is not only decorative element, but also performs functional duties. In order to lay out a fireplace, the master requires not only theoretical knowledge, how to practical experience. He must know the laying technology, and which brick for fireplaces and stoves will be most appropriate in a given case.

What to consider when choosing a brick

High temperatures during combustion can lead to very rapid destruction of materials; their selection must be approached with the utmost responsibility and care. First of all, this applies to brick. It must be remembered that saving in this matter can be much more expensive and become a source of unforeseen situations.

Materials for stoves and fireplaces must have certain properties and be selected depending on the location of their installation. The main role here is played by the maximum temperature regime that a particular type of brick can withstand.

Based on the fact that the temperature in the furnace during fuel combustion reaches almost 1000 degrees, the material for its construction must necessarily have fire-resistant properties.

In addition to high temperatures, chimneys contain soot. When it dissolves in condensate, an aggressive environment appears that negatively affects the brick. In addition, at maximum temperatures it can spontaneously ignite. Therefore, when choosing a material for the construction of a chimney, you should take into account such characteristics as:

  • fire resistance;
  • resistance to acids and alkalis;
  • strength.

The main mass of a stove or fireplace is made of ordinary stove bricks, which have a high density (grade M175 or more) and a low water absorption coefficient. In addition, it must be full-bodied. Only if these conditions are met will the design have the necessary heat capacity and durability.

Nowadays, refractory bricks are easy to purchase in specialized retail outlets, but it is recommended to choose products famous manufacturers. Do not be seduced by low prices and unjustified advice, as well as promotional offers.

Speaking about finishing materials, it should be noted that there are no special requirements for them. Therefore, the owner can choose them based on his taste and material well-being. For finishing use:

  • facing brick for fireplaces (brand M150 and higher);
  • tiles;
  • ceramic tiles;
  • a natural stone.

When choosing a facade material, do not forget that in most cases it will be exposed to high temperatures. Another piece of advice is that the products must be marked to indicate that they belong to the same batch, otherwise the quality and shade of the bricks may differ slightly from each other.

You should pay attention to the appearance of the facing surface. It should not have chips, heterogeneous inclusions or crumbled areas.

Types of stove and fireplace bricks

The material is fake diamond, made from natural mineral components and having the correct geometric shape. For bricks, baked clay is used, containing aluminum oxide, alumina and silica, fireclay, as well as other impurities. The dimensions of an ordinary stone with a height of 65cm are 230x114cm or 250x120cm.

Ceramic bricks should:

  • accumulate a large amount of heat and retain it for a long time;
  • have a sufficiently long service life;
  • be environmentally friendly, without harmful impurities;
  • observe optimal ratio"price quality".

Manufacturers produce three main types of bricks for home stoves and fireplaces:

  • fireclay (fireproof) - intended for laying out fireboxes. Withstands high temperatures thanks to fireproof clay. Retains its properties after repeated heating-cooling cycles. Reacts poorly to alkalis and acidic environments;
  • stove - made for chimneys and the mass of a stove or fireplace. Ensures uniform heating and further distribution of heat throughout the room;
  • facing (decorative) – used for finishing. Features a wide selection of colors and shapes. May have a rough or smooth surface, matte or shiny. Figured elements give the fireplace or stove individuality and a unique charm.

The marking of fireclay bricks contains the letter “Ш”. A stone that can withstand temperatures up to 1400 degrees is designated by the letter “A”. Bricks marked “B” are installed in areas exposed to heating up to 1350 degrees.

You can determine whether a material is burned or not based on two signs. Firstly, when struck, the product emits a loud metallic sound and breaks into separate pieces without crumbs. The brick, however, should not crumble. Secondly, its natural color is straw yellow. A lighter shade indicates insufficient processing of the artificial stone.

There are two types of facing bricks for fireplaces.

  • The face brick is different flat surface and clear dimensions. In addition to the traditional shape, manufacturers additionally produce corner or wedge-shaped elements, products with rounded edges, wavy or rough surfaces, etc. Color can vary from light yellow to black. Most often, face stone is chosen for cladding fireplaces.
  • Non-face brick has a heterogeneous shade and structure. Its cost is lower, but some difficulties arise during installation due to the presence of various swellings and cracks on the surface.

Fireclay brickdo not usefor cladding due to the fact that it has a high coefficient of expansion. In this case, the walls of the fireplace or stove will overheat significantly.

Famous manufacturers

On construction market Today you can find many manufacturers specializing in the production of materials intended for the construction of various furnaces. They produce facing and fireclay bricks for fireplaces, and the price of the products varies depending on the quality and type of material.

Professionals prefer the following brands:

  • Terka (Estonia – Russia – Germany – Belgium);
  • Lode (Latvia);
  • Borovichi (Russia, Nizhny Novgorod);
  • Pobeda and Legend (Russia, St. Petersburg);
  • Vitebsk workshop (Belarus, Vitebsk).

The products of these manufacturers are in constant demand and allow you to create any oven, from traditional Russian to street barbecue.

A properly laid stove or fireplace made of high-quality brick does not smoke and lasts for decades. Much depends on the correctness of the first kindling. To do this, a “kindling-burning-cooling” cycle is performed several times with an incomplete but uniform loading of the firebox with wood.

Cycles should be performed with minimal interruption, almost one after another. In this case excess moisture, located in the masonry, will gradually evaporate, and the mortar with brick will become solid.

The inner surface of the firebox and chimney must be flat and smooth. Any protruding relief will delay removal carbon monoxide, leading to poor traction, and the depressions will contribute to the accumulation of soot.

IN modern houses Increasingly, they began to equip such an interior element as a stove, or in other words, a fireplace.

Brick-lined stove photo

However, in addition to the installation itself metal structure the furnace needs to be lined in order to give it a more complete aesthetic appearance innovation. Of course, if you use the services of qualified specialists, they will equip you with a warm corner in a short period of time without any problems or effort. But if you still decide to do everything yourself, then you should know some nuances, the observance of which will allow you to avoid unnecessary financial costs and purchase fireproof facing material.

Which brick is better to use for lining a stove?

Installing a stove in a residential building or apartment is a fairly serious process and requires special attention to performing a particular task. Incorrectly selected material can lead to rapid wear of the cladding, which in turn will entail additional costs for the purchase of new material.

Red brick can be used for cladding

Today, there are quite a large number of types of brick products, each of which is designed to perform a particular job. At the same time, the performance characteristics of each type are also different. For laying a fireplace or stove, you can use only two materials:

Considering that the operation of a stove or fireplace involves periodic changes temperature regime and constant change of heating and cooling processes, then you only need to use for cladding quality brick, which is also resistant to combustion.

And also fireclay

Fire brick white obtained from raw materials such as refractory clay. Traditionally, it is used for its unique properties: excellent strength and increased fire resistance.

But red brick is not able to withstand high temperatures. Therefore, it is used for finishing surfaces where direct contact with fire is not expected. However, the choice of this material should be treated with special attention. Cracks on the edges are not allowed. The masonry must be perfectly level.

Cladding a stove or fireplace with brick or other building material will allow you to decorate the structure in a variety of colors and textures, giving a special charm to the entire interior of the interior space.

In fact, there are a huge variety of facing materials. You can create a kind of imitation natural stone, if you use rusticated brick. Or, for example, artificially age the surface of the fireplace using the usual sandpaper And vegetable oil. Read more about artificial “aging” of brick.

Brick brand for oven cladding

Brick, like many other building materials, is distinguished by grade, which is a unique characteristic of compressive strength. The higher the strength index, the denser the product. Thus, we can make a logical assumption that the density of the brick is directly related to the heating rate and heat retention time. Of course, a brick with a high density takes longer to heat up, but at the same time it is able to retain heat for a long time even without the presence of a heating source.

The working surface should be rough for better adhesion, and the front surface should be smooth for better aesthetics.

Particular attention is paid to facing the stove or fireplace with brick, depending on the conditions of further operation of the hearth. If the stove is intended to be used as the main source of heating in a house or a specific room, then it is better to use brick grade M 250 or higher. The heating rate in this case does not matter. The main thing is that the hearth is able to hold optimal temperature indoor air. If the fireplace will be used in the future as an additional source of space heating and you plan to flood it from time to time, then you can choose a brick with a mark indicating a lower density of the product.

The higher the grade of brick, the more attractive its surface is. The front surface is perfectly smooth and even, without small cracks or chips, and the working surface is rough, which ensures maximum adhesion to the mortar.

Manufacturers of facing bricks for lining stoves and fireplaces use modern technologies production of this building material. Besides classic version Products today can be purchased facing in a variety of shades and textures. The surface can be either smooth or rough, corrugated, chipped, or imitating antique stone.

General requirements and manufacturers

Standard brick is used at many stages construction work. However, it is not suitable for lining fireplaces or stoves. The main reason is the product’s instability to high temperatures. In addition, simple brick does not have an attractive enough appearance to be used for cladding indoor surfaces.

Cladding a fireplace or stove must be done only with ceramic solid bricks, which have special properties:

  • heat resistance;
  • heat resistance;
  • ability to retain heat for a long time;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • product density.

Brick good quality, which is intended for cladding the fireplace, is quite easy to check yourself. You need to lightly tap on it, and in response you should hear a ringing and clear sound. And in the event of a strong blow, the product should break into fairly large pieces. If a dull sound is heard, and small crumbs are formed instead of large pieces, then such bricks are not recommended for lining a heating center.

Brick LODE photo

Brick production is carried out not only by large enterprises, but also by small organizations.

As a rule, local raw materials are used to produce this building material. If you plan to use domestic bricks for cladding a fireplace, then first coordinate the purchase with a specialist who is able to assess the quality of the product and its suitability for such work.

In most cases, preference is given foreign manufacturers, whose product has long proven itself in the consumer market around the world. The highest quality is considered to be Lode (made in Latvia), which has the best performance characteristics among analogues. Besides, finished goods have excellent decorative properties. The brand of brick intended for furnace cladding is M 500. It is worth noting that this manufacturer gained its popularity due to compliance with all technological processes, the result of which is a brick of impeccable shape with clear geometric dimensions. The only disadvantages include: high cost products.

Facing brick TERCA photo

To cheaper options facing material for stoves and fireplaces we can include TERCA brick, which, in principle, is produced in many countries of the world, including in Russia. The shape of the product can be either standard or with rounded sides.

You can also purchase facing bricks from Borovichi (Nizhny Novgorod), which has a good reputation and is brand M 250. As an alternative, you can find products from the following brands: “Vitebsk Workshop” (Belarus), “Legend” and “Pobeda” (St. Petersburg) . You can read more about brick manufacturers.

We line a metal stove with refractory bricks

Before you start installation work When installing a fireplace or stove in a certain room, you must first prepare the area. Indeed, in addition to installing the metal structure itself, it is necessary to consider many other factors.

For cladding metal furnace follow the rules:

In order to ensure uniform heating of the room, it is necessary to line the metal stove with refractory bricks. There are enough reasons for this:

  1. thanks to gradual heating, the brick retains heat for a long time;
  2. in a sauna steam room, stones or bricks are heated more efficiently, which allows for the optimal amount of moistened steam;
  3. if the stove is lined with brick, then there is no need to constantly maintain the fire, since the brick retains heat for a long time;
  4. The brick protects against burns in case of contact with the surface of the stove.

In order to line a metal stove with bricks, it is not at all necessary to be a qualified specialist. It is enough just to have a set of appropriate tools, bricks, mortar. Having familiarized yourself with the sequence of actions, you can safely begin to work.

Those who like to take a steam bath in a Russian bathhouse know very well that a brick stove and a metal heater are, as they say, two big differences. According to some lovers of light steam, these are generally two different philosophies and two different views on bathing matters.

Of course, modern compact metal heaters have many advantages. These include:
- small size;
- light weight, not requiring a capital foundation;
- ease of installation even without experience.

But brick oven there are advantages that often tip the scales in favor of choosing brick construction. Here are just the main ones:

  • a brick stove retains heat perfectly;
  • produces softer steam;
  • the bathhouse does not cool down for a long time, warming up with accumulated heat;
  • more durable when using high-quality heat-resistant bricks.

Brick stoves also have disadvantages, which include large dimensions compared to metal stoves, a longer time required for warming up, as well as the need to involve a master stove maker who knows how to properly fold the stove so that it heats up quickly and took a long time to cool down.

If these disadvantages are not significant for you and you want to have the softest steam possible and spend less fuel on maintaining desired temperature, then the choice here is clear. However, before construction begins, you need to decide on the material from which the stove will be laid out.

Today on the market you can see many different offers with quite tempting prices. But how can you avoid making a mistake and choose a brick for the stove that will last a long time and provide the bathhouse with soft warmth?

This is what we will talk about in this article.

What kind of brick can be used for the stove?

Different sections of the kiln have different requirements for the bricks from which they are laid.

Maximum temperature stresses occur in the furnace. Temperatures can reach 1200°C. The figure below shows graphs of the combustion temperature of firewood at different relative humidity of wood and different excess air coefficients (α):

Not every brick can withstand the effects of such heat without destruction. Therefore, to construct a combustion space, a brick with maximum heat resistance is required. As a rule, this is fireclay brick.

In cast iron heaters, a significant part of the heat generated when burning wood is transferred to the steam room directly through the walls. In this case, the temperature of the flue gases turns out to be quite low - no more than 300-450°C.

Unlike cast iron heaters, in a brick stove much less heat is transferred through the walls of the firebox, due to the much lower thermal conductivity of the brick. Therefore, the temperature of the flue gases in it is much higher and reaches 800-900°C. As you yourself understand, the chimney structure in this case should have much higher heat resistance. Therefore, in brick heaters, heat-resistant ceramic solid bricks are most often used to install gas ducts.

Fireclay brick

Fireclay bricks are made from refractory clay with a high content of aluminum oxide. Fireclay bricks are produced in accordance with GOST 8691-73 "Fire-resistant products general purpose. Shape and size."

The size of the ShA-5 and ShB-5 brick is 65x114x230mm:

The size of the ShA-8 and ShB-8 brick is 65x124x250:

The main physical and chemical characteristics of bricks ША-5 (8) and ШБ-5 (8) are given in the table below:

Indicator name

Standard for the brand

Mass fraction, %:

Al2O3 no less

Fire resistance, °C, not lower

Additional linear shrinkage or growth, %, no more

at temperature, °C

Open porosity, %, no more, for products of the group:

Compressive strength, N/mm2, not less, for products of the subgroup:

Starting temperature of softening, °C, not lower

The industry also produces fire-resistant fireclay bricks of the following types:



Size, mm

Softening temperature, °C

straight one-and-a-half

straight three-quarter

end wedge

end wedge

rib wedge

trapezoidal transverse


Of all the brands produced, ShA and ShB bricks are most often used for the construction of stoves and fireplaces. ShKU finds its application in the lining of steel-pouring ladles in steel production, and the ShPD is used for lining domains.

You can watch tips on choosing bricks for the stove in this video:

Bricks produced by "LODE"

Refractory bricks produced by the Baltic company "LODE" are very popular for the construction of furnaces.

The table below shows the main characteristics of LODE fireclay bricks:

The company has a representative office in our country.

How to choose the right refractory brick when purchasing?

In order not to run into a batch of low-quality bricks, it is best to buy them from large, time-tested manufacturers, searching for recommendations and reviews on the Internet.

When inspecting a batch, be sure to pay attention to the uniformity of size by comparing several bricks. The deviation in the dimensions of the length/width of products should be no more than 2 mm.

Visual inspection can help identify defective bricks. For example, large black spots indicate non-compliance with the temperature regime during firing and indicate overburning.

Cracks are also not allowed. This product will quickly crumble during use.

Also, the body of the bricks should not contain large lumps of unmixed clay or any foreign inclusions.

A good fire-resistant brick should have an even color, a uniform structure and, when tapped with a hammer, produce ringing sound, indicating the high density of the material and the absence of internal voids.

What bricks cannot be used when laying a stove?

Not for construction sauna stove use hollow red bricks made from ordinary clay, products made from silicate materials and slotted bricks.

Due to lack of necessary physical properties such a material will not be able to withstand thermal stress and may soon simply collapse, turning into brick chips.

In addition, it should be remembered that the laying of stoves is also carried out using a special mortar made from refractory clay and brick chips. Regular masonry mortar is not allowed.

Layout of a brick stove

In order for the stove to heat up quickly and cool down for a long time, retaining heat, you will need to find a stove specialist who knows his business, or rummage through forums on the Internet in search of optimal settings.

But in general, the furnace layout looks like this:

The numbers in the figure indicate: 1- foundation; 2 - waterproofing (roofing felt); 3 - floor;
4 - brick base of the stove; 5 - firebox; 6 - chimneys; 7 - facing; 8 - overlap; 9 - pipe; 10 - roof slope; 11 - slide valve.

A foundation is laid in the lower part, transferring the load from the weight of the stove to the ground. The foundation can be made of monolithic reinforced concrete or from foundation blocks suitable sizes, pre-processed coating waterproofing to prevent corrosion of the material from which the foundation is made.

Most often, the top of the foundation is located slightly below the level of the finished floor of the bathhouse. A layer of roofing felt is laid on top of the foundation and then 2-3 rows of durable bricks, on which the stove itself will stand. Brick for this area should be selected based on sufficient strength and resistance to freezing in winter period. Here you can use slightly burnt fire-resistant bricks (grade III).

As mentioned above, the greatest thermal load is experienced by the material from which the combustion chamber is laid out. Here temperatures reach 1100-1200 degrees Celsius. Only fireclay bricks can withstand such temperatures without destruction. In this case, you should choose only products of the first grade.

The main part of the furnace volume is occupied by gas ducts of a rather complex configuration, providing not only good draft, but also receiving the bulk of the heat of the outgoing flue gases, accumulating in and then releasing this heat into the steam room. Since the temperature of the flue gases of a brick kiln does not exceed 900°C, red solid ceramic heat-resistant bricks are quite suitable for installing flue ducts.

For the installation of a chimney, bricks should be selected based on resistance to temperature changes. after all, during the heating of the furnace inside smoke channel the temperature can reach 300°C, and it can be bitterly cold outside.

To ensure that the pipe does not collapse from such changes, it would be preferable to install a two-layer structure, where inner layer the trunk is laid out of heat-resistant brick, and the outer one is made of brick having the lowest density and the greatest resistance to heat transfer.

Facing bricks for subsequent finishing can be grade II. Small flaws will subsequently be hidden by plaster or tiles.

Before starting masonry, experienced craftsmen They sort the bricks, since there may be products of different types on one pallet.

How to calculate the required amount of bricks?

In order to purchase the required amount of brick, you will need to make a calculation based on its size and the dimensions of the stove.

Knowing the size of each type of brick from which a certain part of the oven will be laid, you need to calculate the number of rows in height and width, adding an allowance for the thickness of the seams (approximately 10 mm) and a certain percentage for breaking and fitting.

It's better to buy it right away required quantity with a small reserve than to buy additional material later in case of shortage.

Building a stove with your own hands is not an easy task. Usually, to do it yourself, you need to know many important nuances, which you need to study and test in practice. One should not ignore the experience of skilled stove makers, already acquired over centuries, because every detail matters here.

For the construction of stoves and fireplaces, there are special materials, the main goals of which are to reliably protect the firebox from the spread of flame outward, to ensure optimal conditions operation of the furnace, and also perform its task for a sufficiently long time. Special varieties of bricks fully possess all these characteristics. Here's what it looks like and where it's used


Few people know the varieties of this building material. Apart from the traditional “white” and “red” used in the construction of walls of private houses, there is also a special category that has many excellent characteristics.

If we talk exclusively about the construction of a stove or fireplace, bricks must have the following qualities: fire resistance and refractoriness.

For this, a special composition is used, as well as a type of firing, which will give the material exceptional hardness and insensitivity to extreme heat and temperature changes. To one degree or another, each of the following categories fits this definition.

The video tells you which brick to choose for laying a stove:

Ceramic "red" This is probably the most common category. Ceramic bricks are made from two types of clay: red and blue. After firing, they acquire hardness and fairly good fire resistance. This material can withstand temperatures up to 800º C without damaging the structure. This automatically excludes it from the list of possible “candidates” for laying the firebox (combustion temperature regular firewood

reaches 900 º C), but for other furnace work it is quite suitable. Typically, stove makers build a system of wells, as well as the upper part of the chimneys. There are also stoves made from almost only ceramic bricks . At the same time, their useful life is quite long, but usually modern quality

firing of bricks does not work in comparison with previous options.


An ideal option for stoves and fireplaces, it can withstand temperatures up to 1500º C, does not crack when cooling and is characterized by a low degree of hygroscopicity.

The production of fireclay bricks uses fireclay and special powder as raw materials, which is responsible for the integrity of the structure.

  • It is very important to maintain the firing temperature correctly; the slightest fluctuation will lead either to glazing of the surface or to the creation of a loose, moisture-absorbing structure.
  • There are three standard sizes of fireclay bricks:
  • 230×114×55 mm.

230×114×65 mm. 250×124×65 mm. Physical characteristics: yellow –

beige color with small splashes of red or brown. The marking must necessarily include the abbreviation “ША” or “ШБ”. It is used for laying the heating chamber, as well as for lining the firebox. Important nuance. : You cannot install fireclay bricks on regular cement mortar

A special mixture is required for perfect adhesion and long-term use.

Typically, when constructing stoves, refractory bricks are used for the body and chimney ducts. This significantly reduces the cost of work, since refractory bricks are by default much cheaper than fireclay bricks.

The endurance limit of such a material is up to 1000º C, excellent fire-resistant characteristics and the ability to retain heat for a long time also contribute to its popularity. The only negative: it is not intended for surfaces that will have open contact with fire, so the firebox compartment is not made from it.

But at what temperature you can lay bricks, information on

  • 250×85×65 mm.
  • 250×120×65 mm.

Physical characteristics: produced in red or Brown. Red refractory clay and quartz sand are used in production. The masonry mixture should also be approximately the same composition. Often available for sale together with bricks from the same manufacturer.

What is the difference between fireclay and fireproof

First of all, this is, of course, the composition: fireclay is made of refractory clay with an admixture of a special substance - fireclay, which determines the amazing structure of this material. When producing refractory bricks, the clay content will be significantly less, diluted with quartz sand. Fireclay is not added to refractory bricks.

The video explains the differences between masonry bricks:

It should be noted that the differences between the two types of bricks will be not only in composition. For both types of masonry, a solution is used that is closest to the chemical content of the material itself. In this case, the thickness of the binder layer will also differ.

For fireclay bricks, 2 mm of mortar will be enough; refractory bricks need twice as much. These numbers are not taken out of thin air: this is exactly how much needs to be left for comfortable thermal expansion of the material.

Processing bricks is quite difficult, so there are two options: either calculate clearly and down to the last millimeter required dimensions future construction. The second method is preferable: to trim excess parts, it is best to use a special power tool and its accessories - a cutting machine, a circular saw.

How to choose the “right” sample

Despite the fact that chemical composition each of the above-described types of this building material must be identical; there are many cases when a material is obviously of poor quality and cannot withstand long-term “extreme” use.

In order to protect yourself from unnecessary worries and financial losses, and to buy truly high-quality products, it would be useful to know the following information.

In the video there is more information about what kind of brick is used for laying stoves:

But what is the consumption of cement and sand for brickwork, you can find out from the article on

How to choose bricks:

The video explains how to choose bricks for stoves:

But you can see what a red one-and-a-half facing brick looks like

Which one is better for a fireplace?

The design of the fireplace comes in a variety of forms, but they are united by their main components: the firebox, where the fuel is burned directly, as well as the chimney system, on which the heating efficiency and ease of use will depend.

As in the previous case, it is better to use the following system: line the mouth of the fireplace with fireclay bricks, use fireproof bricks for the upper part of the chimney, and make the rest of the structure from ceramic ones.

Thus, you can significantly reduce costs without sacrificing the quality and durability of the building.

Collapse If you decide to build a reliable brick oven for a country house, knowing the rules for choosing the main material for work - refractory bricks and average prices in your region will help you. Material from domestic and Belarusian manufacturers

the most in demand, but it is important not to chase the advertising crane and not buy a defect.

Short description

Refractory bricks for stoves are capable of not collapsing and deforming under the influence of high temperatures - the main difference from conventional building materials. It is made from several types of clay with the addition of substances that increase the heat resistance of products. It is recommended to use several types of building materials when laying individual parts

ovens. To cover the outer layer, red ceramic or white silicate is used, and the firebox is lined with fireclay bricks. It is important to maintain the overall color scheme of the heater on the outside and inside. In order not to overpay, for a household oven you should not buy parts with a brand above M-300

. The digital value indicates the safety factor of the products. If the grade is below 100, the material is of poor quality with improper geometry and density of the material. M-500 bricks are used for laying industrial or powerful units.

Classification and characteristics

firing of bricks does not work in comparison with previous options.

You can see the photo of fireclay bricks for the stove above. These solid products must be made to specific dimensions, without chips or voids. Such products can withstand heating temperatures up to 1500 0 and are not subject to deformation or destruction from such temperatures.

It contains up to 70% refractory clay with the addition of fireclay chips. After molding, the parts are subjected to strong heating, and aluminum oxide forms on the surface, giving the material additional strength.

According to GOST requirements, several types of fireclay bricks are produced:

  • ША - ordinary blocks that can withstand heating temperatures from 1750 0;
  • SB is the most popular type for home construction, capable of withstanding heating temperatures up to 1600 0;
  • The markings “PB” and “PV” belong to semi-acid blocks, which contain an increased content of silicon oxide. This construction material can be manufactured with 30% voids - this significantly increases its heating and cooling time. The best option when building a chimney, barbecue or tandoor;
  • “ShL” is a lightweight brick with a high level of fire resistance.

In terms of size, a lot depends on the series and type of blocks. Rectangular ones have dimensions (W, D, H) - 114/230/64 mm or 172/230/76 mm. if the main dimensions are 114/345 mm, such blocks are made only 76 mm thick. blocks of the "Flance" type are manufactured in 2 main sizes - 114/230/64 and 114/230/38 mm. Square blocks are available in sizes 230/230 mm, thickness 64 mm and 76 mm.


The composition of these blocks additionally includes coke, quartz, and pressed graphite powder. These additives increase the level of resistance to high temperatures up to 1000 0 compared to conventional building blocks. This material is used for lining outside ovens, it is not considered a fire-resistant material. But such material is able to withstand low temperatures, accumulate and gradually release heat into the room.

Several types of such blocks are produced with polished surfaces and chamfered for laying decorative bas-reliefs. The dimensions of refractory bricks for furnaces have one standard - 120/250/65 mm, but several types of such blocks are produced that differ in shape and appearance. To construct an arch or form a corner, shaped or radial products are produced.

Based on the colors, you can choose the appropriate shade - from straw to traditional red. In terms of strength - the maximum permissible marking of blocks for laying the M-150 furnace.

All other characteristics should be selected according to your climate zone and furnace power.

Which fire brick is suitable for the stove?

Heat-resistant bricks for the furnace must be selected based on the power and size of the unit. For a home or sauna heater - on interior decoration For the combustion chamber and cooking cavity, it is better to use fireclay blocks marked ШБ; for the chimney, blocks with the index “ПБ” are suitable.

Depending on the overall color scheme of your room, you can cover the outer layer with stove bricks marked M-150.

Construction of a firebox using fireclay bricks

Every part can be made from the best material. For the manufacture of outer wall, which will be plastered or the foundation, you can use refractory bricks with deviations in geometry. Such low-grade bricks are much cheaper, but will require more attention when laying.

For a sauna heater, you will need to buy non-fireclay and non-quartz material - this is work for ceramic waterproof brands of blocks. Clinker tiles are best suited for this - but such material is expensive.

Important! When choosing a material for construction, you should not chase its cheapness. Be sure to check all documentation and quality of materials.

How to choose quality brick?

When purchasing, we will be sure to selectively inspect the entire batch of blocks and perform a visual inspection of the material. Experienced builders recommend converting Special attention to several table points.

Color It must be painted evenly over all surfaces and on chipped or cut areas. If you see cleared areas, such material did not withstand a certain place under the influence high temperature during firing. Dark spots at the fracture sites indicate a violation of the temperature regime; such bricks were subjected to high temperatures.
Interspersed. If small inclusions of a different color are found at the fracture sites, such blocks contain an impurity that is not always useful. If mica-coated areas are found on the surfaces, it is not recommended to buy such material; it is 100% defective.
Block shape. It must be geometrically correct, with right angles. There are significant chips or other defects on the edges - this is a mismatch or defect.
Dimensions. If during measurement a 2 mm deviation from the block dimensions is detected, such products were made in violation of technology.
Sound. If a brick “sings” with a clear sound when struck and there is no significant dent on the surface, you can safely pay for such a product.

Manufacturers and prices

Manufacturer and name of blocks Material strength value Frost-resistant


Dimensions (W/D/H) in mm, weight Average price per piece
"Sha-22" from the Borovitsky plant of refractory materials. 114/230/65 or 55,

From 63 rubles

Red kiln brick from the Vitebsk brick factory.
Rectangular red heat-resistant brick for ovens from “Lode”
"SHA-5" red fireclay brick. Novomoskovsk. 200 F25 114/230/65, 30 rub.
Single stove solid brick. Manufacturer: Gzhel.

The cost of fireclay bricks for a stove is almost 2 times higher than the price of stove blocks. The most popular among stove makers are blocks from the Borovitsky and Novomoskovsky brick factories. Among ceramic finishing— bricks from the Lode company stand out. Vitebsk M-200 blocks are the standard of this series of products.

Where can I buy?

This question is important for many home craftsmen. Definitely large specialized construction stores. It is better if the company is an official dealer of the manufacturer.

The most important thing is where to buy stove blocks. It is much more important to check their quality and all documentation from the sellers. Sometimes construction markets charge high prices for products from well-known brands. Use the data provided in this article and carefully check the quality and measure the dimensions of heat-resistant bricks. At the slightest deviation, think - maybe go to another store and look for quality material?

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