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» Growing strawberries in a greenhouse all year round at home. How to grow strawberries on a windowsill or balcony all year round

Growing strawberries in a greenhouse all year round at home. How to grow strawberries on a windowsill or balcony all year round

Strawberries are the most long-awaited and in demand in middle lane berry for most consumers. Unfortunately, the season of its mass ripening is very short. It is usually only 2-3 weeks at the end of May and beginning of June. But amateur gardeners often grow homemade strawberries at home, right on the windowsill at any time of the year, obtaining small harvests of this beautiful berry.

Home cultivation of any crop is characterized by small areas due to the limited size of window sills and a number of difficulties in maintaining the required lighting and air humidity. However, those who are seriously interested in this usually build a small greenhouse for strawberries, or adapt a balcony for this.

Strawberries in pots in winter

The best option with this method is to dig up a strawberry bush in the fall and store it in the cold until mid-December. Next, the bush is awakened, forced to grow actively and produce a harvest in early spring.

The dug up bush is planted in a pot that matches the size of its root system. The soil can be prepared from 1 part humus, 1 part soil from a coniferous forest, 1 part sand. But store-bought soil for strawberries or universal soil is also suitable.

The pot is placed on a balcony or in another cold room and stored at a temperature no higher than +10 degrees, watering infrequently. In this case, you don’t have to worry about the lack of lighting, since in this mode the processes of photosynthesis in plants stop.

To awaken strawberries, they are brought into a room at room temperature (you can go straight to the windowsill) and wait for the first new leaves to appear. When this happens, it is necessary to add additional light to the bushes. In December and January, on cloudy days, the duration of illumination is usually 3-4 hours a day; on clear days, 2-3 hours is enough. In February you can reduce it by 1 hour, and in early March you can turn it on only in cloudy weather for 1-2 hours. From mid-March, additional lighting is no longer required.

A more difficult way is strawberries from seeds. In this situation, the first harvest can only be obtained in May, and for this you will have to try.

Seeds are sown in January-February in shallow containers with sandy soil. A mixture of commercial soil for seedlings and coarse sand is suitable. The seeds do not need to be covered with a layer of soil, just spread over the surface. After this, the soil is sprayed with a spray bottle, and the container is covered with a plastic bag or mini-greenhouse.

Shoots appear after 3 weeks. They are kept on the windowsill at room temperature and be sure to highlight it, preferably with phytolamps or DNAT or DNAZ lamps.

Important! The seedlings are planted after 2-2.5 months, when they reach a sufficient size, and a fertile soil mixture is already provided for the grown seedlings.

Use of ready-made automated systems

The easiest way for those who are willing to spend money is to purchase a ready-made automated system for growing strawberries. On Russian market The Fazenda Green system is popular.

It is a wall-mounted shelf with three shelves, each of which contains 7 pots. Each shelf is illuminated by a phytolamp with an ideally selected radiation spectrum. Also, each container is connected to a compact drip irrigation system.

The system is equipped with sensors that monitor the level of illumination on the shelves, humidity in the pots and themselves regulate the switching on and off of lamps and water supply.

Growing in bags

Growing strawberries in bags is no fundamentally different from growing them in pots. A special feature of this technology is the possibility of planting bushes in several rows. This allows you to save space in a cramped balcony or small greenhouse.

To do this, a polyethylene or burlap bag is tightly filled with soil, sealed, and placed vertically. Then, holes are carefully cut in it with a knife for planting bushes. The distance between the holes is 10-15 cm. They can be cut into many rows along the entire height of the bag.

Seedlings (taken from the garden or grown from seeds) are planted in the cut-out cells. Further care behind them is the same as when growing in pots.

Using hydroponics

Hydroponics is an advanced method of growing crops indoors. With this method, the yield sometimes increases several times than with traditional cultivation in the ground.

This is achieved thanks to a number of factors favorable to success:

  • possibility of precise dosing of applied fertilizers;
  • saving water (the same water can be reused);
  • no weeds;
  • compact placement of plants in several levels.

The hydroponic method requires special equipment, which you can either purchase or make yourself.

To make a hydroponic installation, you will need PVC pipes with a diameter of 10-15 cm. Holes are made in them at a distance of 10-12 cm to suit the size of the pots. The pipe system can be placed in several rows horizontally one above the other. At the highest point there is a container with a working nutrient solution.
Often such a system is equipped with a pump and an automated system that allows liquid to be passed through pipes 2 times a day for 5-10 minutes, pumped into the upper reservoir and circulated again. For home use, a reservoir is sufficient, and the solution can be circulated manually by opening the valve 2-3 times a day.

Important! It is preferable to use plastic pots with large drainage holes. Their size should correspond to the volume of the root system of the grown strawberry bushes.

Strawberries are placed in pots and fixed either with a special hydroponic substrate or with pebbles or expanded clay.

The pots are inserted into the pipes and a test run of the liquid is carried out for 5 minutes. As a result, the strawberry roots in all containers should be moistened by at least 2/3 of their height. If this condition is met, then the system is ready for use.

Varieties for year-round cultivation

Only remontant hanging varieties of strawberries are suitable for home use. This will provide constant harvests of berries throughout the year, since these varieties are able to bloom and bear fruit regardless of the season. Also, the bushes of such strawberries are very decorative, so they will also serve for aesthetic purposes.

Remontant strawberries are represented by a great variety of varieties, and new ones appear every year. But the requirements for them for home cultivation remain unchanged.

They have to:

  • be capable of self-pollination;
  • have high immunity to fungal diseases, resistant to adverse factors external environment(primarily temperature);
  • have precocity;
  • form large berries(according to the principle: less, but better).

Here are just a few possible options for growing at home: Pineapple, Selva, Crimean remontantnaya, Queen Elizabeth, Garland, Geneva, Darselect, Moscow delicacy, Sakhalin.

What to choose - seeds or seedlings?

All flower growers, summer residents, gardeners who are wondering what is preferable: growing remontant strawberries from seeds or propagating them with mustaches - you need to remember one thing once and for all important point. Remontant varieties reproduce only by seeds!

However, if we are talking about growing strawberries at home by forcing them, then, of course, it makes sense in the fall to dig up a bush from the garden bed, which at one time was obtained precisely from seeds. In other words, growing a bush from seeds at home is a longer and more labor-intensive process, which, however, is also practiced.

Conditions for growing berry crops

The main factor that allows remontant strawberries to bear fruit throughout the year, and not just at the height of the season, is timely application of fertilizers.

  • Lighting. It should be enough, especially in winter. At a minimum, you need to use 2-3 fluorescent lamps per bush, but it is strongly recommended to purchase phytolights.
  • The soil. At home, strawberries are often affected by fungal diseases, so the soil is either purchased in a special store (where it is already disinfected) or disinfected on its own. Best ways disinfection is calcination, watering with phytosporin and a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Caring for strawberries at different times of the year

Strawberries at home often suffer from lack of light and drafts (in winter), dry air (in midsummer), and fungal diseases.

Therefore, it is important to properly care for it at different times of the year.

  • At the end of autumn and beginning of winter, while strawberries are on winter “rest”, they are not often watered. The main thing is not to overwater, thereby preventing the root system from rotting.
  • When it is brought indoors, the main factor becomes additional lighting, since in winter and early spring there is an acute shortage sunlight.
  • The first feeding can be done only when the first flowers appear. If we are talking about the forcing method, then this happens in March, and if the plant is grown from seeds - in early May. To do this, use either complex organic fertilizers or a mixture of mineral fertilizers with equal contents of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. If the plant was planted in new soil in the fall, then you can do without fertilizing altogether or apply the solution in a lower concentration than indicated on the package.
  • In summer, strawberries need moderate watering and fertilizing. Regardless of whether the method of forcing or growing from seeds is used, strawberries are fed with complex fertilizers 2-3 times during the summer, and also once in September (which will allow for another 1-2 autumn harvests).
  • In extreme heat, strawberries are either taken out into the open air to a shaded place, or surrounded with containers of water to increase air humidity. They do the same thing in winter if heating batteries They dry out the air too much.
  • In the first half of autumn, you can continue to care for the berries as if summer was not over yet. From the end of September, artificial lighting is turned on for 1-2 hours a day. When the strawberry finally stops bearing fruit, the owner has the right to decide its fate: plant it in open ground, move it to the balcony for the winter, or get rid of it.

Practice shows that at home it is very difficult to preserve a bush until next season. Even if this is successful, the strawberries do not bear fruit as abundantly as in the past. That's why The best decision- plant it in the garden, and next year - take a bush from open ground or stock up on seeds.

Growing strawberries at home all year round is ensured not only by selecting a remontant variety, but also by other simple secrets:

  • When using the forcing method, gardeners use one trick that allows them to extend fruiting throughout all four seasons. To do this, the dug strawberries are stored in regular refrigerator. The bushes awaken not simultaneously, but in waves with a difference of a month. Thanks to this, you can even achieve year-round fruiting of strawberries! That is, the first bushes should be removed in December, and the last ones in May. At proper care the latest of them can give the last harvest even in winter!
  • The second secret is hand pollination. The recommendation has already been given above to purchase self-pollinating varieties, but additional hand pollination, as practice shows, increases yield.

Reasons for lack of fruiting

If strawberries do not bear fruit, then it is obvious that some mistakes were made in growing them. But which ones?

Let's look at the most common of them.

  • Overfeeding with nitrogen fertilizers. As mentioned above, strawberries are fed with complex fertilizers with approximately the same content of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. If the balance is upset in favor of nitrogen, then strawberries will actively increase green mass, preventing fruits from forming.
  • Lack of lighting. This is especially true in winter period and until mid-March. In winter, this demanding crop is catastrophically lacking in light. Fluorescent lamps produce a very weak luminous flux, and if the strawberries were illuminated with them, then it is not surprising that they do not bear fruit. Those who seriously want to take up this business should purchase either special phytolights or powerful HPS or DNAZ lamps from 250 W.
  • Lack of fertilizing. Starting from May, strawberries need phosphorus-potassium and complex fertilizing. This should not be neglected.

Growing strawberries at home is not too easy, but not too easy either. difficult task. This is a demanding and vulnerable crop that produces extremely valuable fruits. Probably everyone would dream of getting the long-awaited berries at a time when the strawberry season has long passed or has not yet begun. Well, everyone now has such a chance. Armed with knowledge and patience, anyone can succeed in this field.

The announced technology is suitable both for industrial scale and for growing strawberries at home (the only difference is the size of the room and the amount of harvest).

Strawberry- This is not only an early-ripening and productive berry that does not require high labor costs when growing it, but also an excellent opportunity for earning money. However, having come to the idea that you can make good money from strawberries, almost everyone who wants to start a similar business is faced with basic technical problems:

– How to establish year-round cultivation of strawberries?

In order to answer this question with maximum clarity, below you will be presented with a clear and harmonious system that allows you to understand not only the agricultural technology of growing strawberries, but also to obtain real data on necessary equipment and all kinds of components expressed in specific numbers. All this will allow you to significantly save time and money by spending necessary calculations right here and now.

Premises for growing strawberries.

Growing strawberries all year round is possible not only in greenhouses, but also at home. Absolutely any room is suitable for this purpose, and even city ​​apartment(you can actually grow strawberries at home)! How this is possible, you will understand a little later. Now I will explain what requirements a strawberry plantation must meet in a room with a complete lack of sunlight.


In order to ensure normal photosynthesis for strawberry bushes, you need to create artificial lighting. For these purposes, 4 types of lamps are suitable:

  1. Fluorescent lamps.
  2. Sodium lamps high pressure.
  3. ESL (energy saving lamps).
  4. Metal halide lamps.

In our case best option- This high pressure sodium lamps. The fact is that the high pressure of sodium vapor in the lamp allows the output to produce spectra such as red and blue radiation, which in their parameters closest to the bright summer sun.

At the same time, it is not enough to simply install a lamp over a certain area of ​​the bed, since its light must be evenly distributed over the entire surface. That is, the lamp must be enclosed in a special lamp equipped with a reflector, which helps not only to optimize lighting, but also helps to reduce electrical appliances throughout the entire area of ​​the strawberry plantation, thereby reducing electricity costs.

Sodium lamp characteristics:

  • Optimal power is 400 W.
  • Lighting area – 1 m².
  • The height above the level of the bed is no more than 1 m.

That is, in order to illuminate 1 m² of bed, you will need 1 lamp. In this case, the lighting intensity should be at least 12 hours for day-neutral varieties of remontant strawberries. And here a natural question arises:

– How much will such a pleasure cost, in terms of electricity costs?

And here a rather impressive figure emerges - 1296 kW of electricity per year. To be more precise, over 9 months in rubles this is approximately 2 thousand.

But these costs will be more than outweighed by the yield, which, all things being equal, can reach 40 kg of strawberries per 1 m². But the wholesale cost of 40 kg of strawberries in winter will plunge you into a slight shock - at least 20 thousand rubles! Well, does such income make it more fun? Then read on.

The technology for growing strawberries in a greenhouse also requires additional lighting. Let’s say the thermos greenhouse option that I proposed in the article about, which allows you to save up to 75% of electricity for heating it, also requires artificial lighting, especially in winter time. It’s just that in the case of a greenhouse, the lighting intensity will be significantly less.

Strawberry beds.

Strawberry beds are, of course, a general expression, and essentially you will have to design three-row shelving.

Optimal width such a rack is 1 m (), height 1.5 meters, length arbitrary. The rack needs to be divided into 3 rows and containers should be installed in each of the rows: the width of the container in the lower part is 15 cm, in the upper part 20 cm, the height of the container is 20 cm, the length corresponds to the length of the rack. The distance between rows of containers is 20 cm.

Since the racks will bear a high load, it is better to make them welded from metal profiles. For containers, materials such as plywood, fiberboard, plastic, wood, etc. are quite suitable.

Other characteristics of a closed room:

  • Air humidity – 75-80%.
  • The air temperature is 20-22°C, but not more than 25 degrees.
  • Ventilation is moderate.

So, we’ve sorted out the room and its equipment and now we’ll look at the basic methods of growing strawberries in such unusual conditions.

Preparing compost for growing strawberries.

Basic compost composition for strawberries– this is 80% light sandy loam and 20% humus.

And here you need to be careful with humus, since many people confuse it with manure. Manure and humus are completely different things, and it is the latter that comes from the former. It does not matter what type of manure served feedstock for the formation of humus, the main thing is that the humus is kept. That is, it must be at least 3 years old, the humus must be uniform in color and without any ammonia smell.

The second point that you should pay attention to after thoroughly mixing all the components of the compost is its pasteurization. It would be nice if you equipped a special compost pasteurization chamber (read more about compost pasteurization in the article). But if you do not have such an opportunity, then you can go another way.

To pasteurize compost you will need a container closed type any volume. After the container is filled, thoroughly pour the compost with water and place it on low heat. The main thing is to arm yourself with a thermometer with a division scale up to 100°C and make sure that the temperature of the compost fluctuates in the range of 55-60°C for 10-12 hours, while constantly stirring it.

Before filling containers with compost, they must be equipped drip irrigation system. And no matter what methods you use to grow strawberries, this watering system is optimal for each of them. Just surface watering for strawberries is not recommended.

A drip irrigation system for strawberries is arranged as follows:

  1. Pour a 10 cm high layer of compost into each container.
  2. We lay tubes over the surface of the compost in containers.
  3. We make holes in the tubes based on water consumption - 3-4 liters. per 1 m² of shelving per day.
  4. We install a water container 1 m above the level of the rack and connect a pipe system to it.

If it is not possible to automate such an irrigation system, then the required water flow (3-4 liters per 1 m²) is measured experimentally, as is the actual size and number of holes in the tubes.
In addition to its main function, the drip irrigation system serves as a tool for delivering strawberry bushes nutrients. These can be water-soluble fertilizers and growth regulators. But whether to use them or not, everything will depend on specific situation.

Well, when the irrigation system is installed and adjusted, all that remains is to fill the containers with soil and proceed to growing strawberries.

Choosing a strawberry variety.

I personally cannot advise you on which particular variety of strawberries to grow. The fact is that strawberry varieties are constantly updated and selected, but the main criteria for choosing a variety for year-round cultivation I'll give you strawberries:

  • First, it must be a variety classified as remontant type of strawberry neutral day (such strawberries bloom several times a year).
  • Secondly, the period of formation of berries and ovaries in this variety must be continuous.
  • The third is the maximum possible size of the berries and their uniform color at the ripe stage.
  • Fourth - high taste, as well as a strong aroma of berries.

Establishing a mother plantation and year-round strawberry crop rotation.

Let's immediately determine the technological period for fruiting strawberries. We will have it 9 months, from September to May, since growing strawberries in the summer using the technology I proposed is unprofitable due to its low cost and high competition.

In order to prepare a good mother plantation, capable of producing a stable harvest already in September, it is necessary to plant it in early April. This is done in two ways: either by growing remontant strawberries with seeds, or by growing them with seedlings.

If you do not have the required number of seedlings obtained from your strawberry plantation, then the second method is the least preferable. It’s just that in this case you run the risk of purchasing strawberry planting material that does not fully correspond to its original varietal qualities. That's why best method the laying of the first plantation is the seeds.

Strawberry seeds are sown in small boxes, previously with well-moistened soil and only lightly cover them with a thin layer of earth. At the same time, the germination rate of strawberry seeds is quite low and does not exceed 50%. The main criterion for high seed germination is bright sunlight, in our case the light of a sodium lamp, as well as high humidity of the soil surface.

High soil moisture should be maintained by spraying water on it, i.e. drip, surface watering is inappropriate in this case, since the water will erode upper layer soil.

After the first shoots appear and the strawberry seedlings take root, carry out the first picking, planting the strawberries in a checkerboard pattern - 5X5 cm. Approximately 1.5 months after the first picking, carry out the second picking, planting the strawberries or in rows, with a distance between the rows 20 cm, or in a checkerboard pattern - 10X10 cm.

As a result, after all this work, you should receive the required number of strawberry uterine bushes, which are at a stage close to budding. In terms of time and quantity, this is expressed as follows: by the end of July, you should grow 100 strawberry bushes per 1 m² of shelving.

But already in the second year of growing strawberries, you can obtain planting material not using seeds, but using young sockets. That is, year-round crop rotation in this case will cost you completely free. This is done quite simply. In the month of April, the free plots of land in containers are inoculated with tendrils, and by the end of May, young strawberry bushes, called rosettes, are obtained.

From all of the above, it becomes clear that all strawberry beds require annual updating. And this is not just a whim, but a necessity, since remontant strawberries, unlike ordinary garden ones, rarely bear fruit for more than 2 years.

The planting of mother bushes on the plantation is carried out at the end of July, and by this time it is advisable to obtain planting material that is just gaining color. Further care comes down to watering, fertilizing and, of course, harvesting.

In conclusion, I would like to note that in order to reproduce planting material, you need to equip a room equal in area to the room with the main strawberry plantation, or simply grow planting material in open ground.

Strawberry is the most popular berry, as it appears on our table first among garden crops. But summer passes quickly, and you always want berries, especially in winter. Breeders have developed varieties that grow and produce high yields of tasty berries all winter long. How it is done industrial cultivation strawberries in the greenhouse all year round? Read the article about which varieties are suitable for this.

Growing strawberries

Depending on production capacity and economic opportunities, different methods of growing strawberries are chosen. Dutch technology is very popular. How it works? Industrial cultivation of strawberries is carried out through continuous planting of seedlings throughout the year, regardless of the season. After a month or a month and a half, when the harvest is over, the plants are thrown away and new ones are planted in their place.

In order for strawberries to bear fruit quickly, the plant bushes receive special nutrition, which is supplied to them through pipelines. The drip method of liquid supply is used.

Following this technology, plants in a greenhouse can be placed vertically in pots or horizontally on racks. For comfortable growth, they need to be provided with decent maintenance:

  • Normal lighting. If it is not enough, additional light sources are installed. Approximate calculation: for six square meters of area you need only one sixty-watt light bulb. If you increase the daylight hours to twelve to sixteen hours, the strawberries will bloom in ten days.
  • Watering using a drip system. It must be carried out regularly and consistently.
  • The optimal humidity in a greenhouse is no higher than eighty degrees. This is achieved through regular overhead watering. The procedures are stopped during the flowering period, since water entering the vegetative part of the plants leads to fungal diseases.
  • If the greenhouse does not have a ventilation system, the room must be ventilated. Level control carbon dioxide carried out by special sensors.
  • Needs constant support temperature regime. Eighteen to twenty-one degrees are enough before flowering begins, and twenty-eight when the first flowers appear.
  • If necessary, artificial pollination of plants is carried out.

Planting strawberries in a greenhouse is carried out in the same way as in open ground. Planting material is seedlings obtained by rooting mustaches and seedlings grown from seeds. Industrial cultivation of strawberries is carried out with seedlings purchased in specialized stores or nurseries.

Strawberry varieties for industrial cultivation

There are a huge variety of strawberry varieties and hybrids. But for industrial cultivation in greenhouse conditions Far East, Siberia and the Urals are better suited for remontant varieties. There is no need to create artificial pollination for them, since they are self-pollinated varieties. Remontant strawberries ripen early, which ensures good harvest even when the bushes are dense.

This strawberry belongs to the group of day-neutral plants, so there is no need to install additional lighting in the greenhouse. There are many remontant varieties, some of them are presented below.


This variety of strawberry is popular and is grown everywhere in open ground and in greenhouses. The value lies in high quality berries, attractive form. The fruits are well transported and stored for a long time without compromising quality, even at room temperature.

This is a dessert variety of Dutch selection. The berries are different large sizes and bright red color with a shiny surface. They have a wide cone shape and amazing taste. The disadvantage of this variety is its susceptibility to fungal diseases and low frost resistance. In order for plants to survive until spring, they need to be covered for the winter.


This strawberry variety has a high yield. If you plan to grow strawberries on an industrial scale, Honey is ideal for greenhouses and open ground, as it has good transportability. The berries of this variety are large, with thick skin and dark red color, have a piquant taste with sourness and a glossy shine on the surface. The harvest is harvested when the berries are fully ripe.

This strawberry variety is disease resistant. It is not afraid of temperature changes, heavy rains and frosts, if grown under open air. Strawberries grow even in soils with excessive calcium content.


When growing strawberries in industrial greenhouses for business, it is recommended to start with this remontant variety, which gardeners love. After all, this strawberry bears fruit for the longest time. The berries have excellent taste and excellent presentation. They are transported without loss of quality.

Large, elongated berries have an attractive cone shape. They are consumed fresh and processed: confitures, jams, and preserves are prepared. Strawberries are resistant to late blight, verticillium and other diseases. Tolerates adverse weather conditions.


This variety of remontant strawberry from America is new. But it has managed to prove itself in the best possible way, especially for those who plan to start industrially growing strawberries in a greenhouse all year round. Portola is a continuation of a variety with a good reputation - Albion. But the new variety has a yield higher than its predecessor by thirty percent.

The berries are very large, heavy, their weight reaches thirty grams or more. They are distinguished by their expressive shape, in the form of a wide cone. The flesh is firm, without crunch. Very pleasant, harmonious taste.

The disadvantage of the variety is its weak resistance against diseases such as brown spot. Therefore, preventive treatments with fungicides, such as Quadris, should be carried out regularly.


This remontant variety strawberries from California. It is a continuation of Albion, only its yield is twenty-five percent higher. Industrial cultivation of Monterey strawberries is a good choice for successful business. Especially for the autumn-winter and spring periods. The berries are large in size, the pulp is juicy and has a sweet taste.

Industrial greenhouses

In order to obtain tasty and healthy berries for a long time, they are grown in greenhouses, which come in two types:

  • Seasonal. They are more popular because their construction requires little investment. In such greenhouses they grow cultivated plants vegetable gardens and orchards from March to November, that is, until the time it is necessary to heat the room.
  • Year-round. The construction of such greenhouses requires large investments. This is due to the construction of equipment rooms. Such buildings are highly profitable, since vegetables and fruits are grown in them all year round.

Greenhouses for growing strawberries on an industrial scale differ in many other ways. Thus, glass covering is used for seasonal greenhouses, since its installation requires a durable frame.

Polycarbonate has gained great popularity as a covering material. It is easy to install, has great strength, high thermal insulation properties and transmits light well. It withstands temperature changes and is easily transported without being deformed.

Beds in greenhouses are arranged in the ground, on racks (horizontally) or in hanging bags (vertically). The frame of greenhouses can be wooden, metal or polymer. The choice of greenhouse depends, first of all, on financial capabilities and production space.

Strawberries in open ground

Industrial cultivation of strawberries in open ground is simple and has good economic benefits. This is achieved due to the fact that strawberries grow on soils with different granulometric compositions.

To ensure high yields, the soil is filled with fertilizers, green manure and perennial grasses. Dry areas, damp areas with a lot of stagnant water and marshy areas are unsuitable for growing strawberries. Surface occurrence groundwater undesirable.

Industrial cultivation of strawberries is carried out on flat areas or gentle slopes. If you place it in low places, it may suffer from frost. There should be a natural or artificial reservoir near the site.

The beds with strawberries are surrounded on all sides by tree plantations. They are planted in blocks of 4x10 hectares, which are separated by internal roads three to four meters wide. Rows for planting strawberries must be at least one hundred meters wide.

Crop rotations

Industrial cultivation of strawberries involves such agrotechnical measures as designing crop rotations. Growing in one place, strawberries produce high yields for three to four years. Then it weakly resists frost, is more often affected by diseases, and its berries become smaller. As a result, productivity decreases.

The crop rotation of each farm is made taking into account production conditions and economic opportunities. An example of seven-field crop rotation for the Black Earth regions of Russia:

  • Strawberries are planted in the first field.
  • On the second, third, fourth - fruit-bearing strawberries grow, they give good harvests.
  • In the fifth plot, where strawberries grew, oats or rye are planted to prepare green mass for livestock feed.
  • At the sixth site, a vetch-oat mixture is being planted, from which feed is prepared for livestock.
  • The seventh plot is left fallow and nothing is planted on it.

How to prepare the soil?

Before planting strawberries, in open ground or a greenhouse, the soil is plowed to a depth of forty centimeters or a little less. Then its surface is leveled with a harrow, first in one direction, then in the other, and at the end of the process - across the rows.

The next step is the application of manure. Per square meter of chernozem soil is thirty to forty tons, podzolic soil is eighty to one hundred for the same area. About a couple of years before the planned planting of strawberries in a new place, one field participating in crop rotation is selected, and from three to six tons of lime fertilizers per hectare are applied to its soil.

Planting strawberries

The technology for industrial cultivation of strawberries can be different, but most often they use a single-row planting method. Plants are planted in rows, the distance between them is seventy to ninety centimeters, and between seedlings - fifteen to thirty.

If strawberries are grown using mulch film (in open ground), planting is done in a two-row manner. The distance between the rows is eighty-five centimeters. But in one row, strawberries are planted in two ribbons, the distance between them is thirty-five centimeters, and between the plants in each ribbon - fifteen.

The planting pattern is directly related to the period of use of strawberry bushes. If a crop will not grow in one field for long, the plants should be planted densely, as with the Dutch technology in a greenhouse.

The optimal timing for planting in open ground conditions is considered to be late summer - early autumn and early spring. But it is still better to plant strawberries in early autumn. This time is characterized by heavy precipitation, which is favorable condition for good seedling survival. For areas where there is little snowfall, it is not recommended to plant strawberries in the fall, as the plants do not have time to get stronger and may freeze.

Strawberries are planted on an industrial scale on large plantations special machines, which are called transplanters (brands of units - SKN-6, SKNB-4A and others). If it is not possible to use machine labor, manual labor is used. But first they water and mark with a Belarus tractor with a cultivator attached to it.

These terms do not apply to strawberries growing in a greenhouse. Thus, following Dutch technology, seedlings are planted every month and a half, regardless of the time of year.

Strawberries are tasty, sweet berries, and therefore almost everyone loves them. That is why such a business is so attractive and popular among those who know how to work on the land: your favorite berries are always on the table, and there is an opportunity to make good money.

What are the advantages of a berry growing business?

The main advantages of this business are:

  • relatively small initial investment initial stage;
  • the ability to grow berries in any season;
  • good income in winter;
  • short payback;
  • Harvesting does not require much effort.

It would be fair to warn about the risks of such a business:

  • plant disease and harmful insects may appear;
  • If not properly cared for, the plant can deteriorate: wither, rot.

Therefore, to avoid loss and disappointment, thoroughly study all aspects of this business before you start.

Options for growing strawberries and their features

There are several options for growing berries (in open ground, closed, protected), each of which has its own advantages. Assess your strengths and financial capabilities. In addition, it is important to decide whether to plant only seedlings or grow berries.

Home cultivation (indoors)

A business growing seedlings and strawberries can be done even at home - it does not require a lot of space or investment. You can grow berries in a small area: on a balcony, loggia or in a garage.

Suitable for growing your favorite berries at home Dutch technology. The essence of the method: a plastic bag is filled with perlite and peat. Next, holes are made in it for seedlings, irrigation pipes are installed and the system is set up artificial lighting. Three bags can be placed on 1 square meter.

At the initial stage, watering can be done independently, that is, manually. A drip system can be installed later. You will also have to pollinate the berries - at home, strawberries do not pollinate themselves. A brush with natural bristles is suitable for this. If the plantation is large, you can use a home fan.

Since the plant needs air circulation, the room in which you decide to grow strawberries should be well ventilated. To do this, just keep the window open. It should be taken into account that strawberries really need light. Therefore, it is advisable to choose sunny side for seedlings.

Growing berries at home is suitable for beginner businessmen. In this case, it is more convenient to build a business on growing seedlings rather than on fruits.

Greenhouse (protected ground)

The method of growing berries in a greenhouse is an option for those who want to engage in such a business all year round. This will require corresponding costs: installation of a greenhouse structure, equipment for irrigation and heating, lighting of the greenhouse. The greenhouse method of growing strawberries requires many times more expenses than growing them in open ground. But, accordingly, the income is higher.

A plant in a greenhouse matures several months faster than in open ground. Artificial ones influence this optimal conditions for growing. With proper care, the berries will be beautiful and healthy.

Strawberries in a heated greenhouse are often planted in the soil. You can also plant the plant in small containers - special berry blocks or in boxes filled with a mixture of coconut shavings and peat.

By the way, in greenhouses you can also grow flowers for sale and have another source of income.

Open ground

Growing berries in open ground is possible only during the season. There are also pros and cons here. The advantages, of course, include minimal investment compared to other methods. Strawberries are easy to grow in season and not difficult to sell. The taste and aroma of strawberries grown using this method cannot be compared with others. This growing method is great for beginners in this business.

The disadvantages include the risk of possible negative influence of nature. For example, strawberries can burn in the sun or, conversely, freeze. In addition, the plant must be replanted every 4 years.

Start-up costs

Costs directly depend on the plant growing option:

  • Home planting in protected ground.
  • Greenhouse planting in closed ground.
  • In open ground.

At the initial stage, home planting of berries requires the purchase of:

The method of growing strawberries in a greenhouse, in addition to those listed above, requires the following costs:

  • construction of a greenhouse;
  • providing lighting and water supply to it.

Growing a plant in open ground requires the following costs:

  • purchase of planting material;
  • soil treatment against harmful insects;
  • fertilizers

Which variety to choose for business

It is better to choose varieties for growing strawberries different periods maturation. In this way, “downtime” during the ripening process can be avoided.

Early ripening varieties

Early varieties include:

  1. Olivia – winter-hardy variety, withstands the difficult Russian climate well. Such strawberries have a spectacular presentation - the berries are large, correct form, withstand transportation well.
  2. Alba is one of the best early varieties for the industry. Strawberries are resistant to disease, tolerate transportation well and have a long shelf life.
  3. Clery is an excellent choice for business. This variety is perfectly preserved during transportation and produces a lot of planting material (whiskers). Clery's look is very impressive - a bright berry, like lacquered skin, the kind of strawberry you want to buy.

Early ripening varieties require special care:

  • regular watering with water no colder than 25 degrees;
  • mulching the beds with compost;
  • ventilate the plant in sunny weather.

Medium ripening varieties:

To run a business, you can choose the following varieties:

  1. Marmalada is a variety with the advantage of high yield. Strawberry of regular conical shape with shine.
  2. Arosa is also a good choice to grow. The berries of this variety are bright orange in color and slightly flattened in shape.
  3. Asia – has a high sugar content, making the berries very tasty. Strawberries are resistant to frost, disease, long-term storage. This is one of the best varieties for the industry.

Medium ripening varieties need mainly the following:

  • correct control of temperature conditions;
  • drip irrigation.

Late ripening variety

Late-ripening strawberries suitable for growing for sale include a variety such as Malvina - sweet berries, with subtle aroma. Strawberries are resistant to natural influences, but are susceptible to insect damage.

Variety care:

  • This strawberry is characterized by leaf growth, therefore, to improve ventilation, light and ripening of the berries, it is better to thin out the leaves during the fruiting period;
  • the variety requires fertilization with nitrogen substances, and it is very important that the application of fertilizing is moderate.

Remontant varieties

The difference between remontant varieties is their ability to bear fruit three times during the growing season. Best options for business:

  1. Monterey is a variety suitable for growing in a greenhouse. Great harvest, juicy berries.
  2. Portola – new variety, is an improvement on Albion. It differs from it in a milder taste and high yield.
  3. San Andreas - similar characteristics to the Albion variety, but the San Andreas berries are larger. Strawberries are resistant to bad weather and disease.

Caring for remontant varieties includes:

  • abundant watering;
  • loosening the soil;
  • treatment against pests and diseases;
  • fertilizing the soil;
  • weeding;
  • for some varieties - removal of the whiskers.

Garlic planted between the bushes will protect strawberries from pests.

The video provides tips on growing strawberries from a plant expert in the Green Garden community. The expert will tell you about the seasonal features of plant care:

Strawberry marketing options

The most acceptable ways to sell goods:

  1. Home delivery of strawberries is a popular way of marketing in a populated area, for example, a million-plus region.
  2. Sales through supermarkets.
  3. Delivery of berries for processing.
  4. Sales through our own outlets: market, store in a supermarket or mall. This option is suitable for selling large volumes of strawberries.

Each sales option requires the preparation of certain documents!

Profitability of strawberry business

To calculate the profitability of strawberry sales, you need to calculate all expenses: from the purchase of materials to the delivery of goods to the buyer. Don't forget about your monthly electricity and heating costs. You also need to know the expected profit.

A square meter of seedlings yields 4.5 kg of fruit per month - this formula should be the starting point for calculating monthly profit. That is, a plantation with an area of ​​50 square meters will produce 225 kg of berries per month.

Depending on the season, the cost of berries varies dramatically. The average price is considered to be 400-500 rubles. per kilogram. Accordingly, a plantation with an area of ​​50 square meters will bring an income of 90 – 112.5 thousand rubles monthly.

Thus, the liquidity of the strawberry business is only a few months.

The opportunity to earn a high income from the sale of strawberry berries or seedlings is the main reason why amateur gardeners have retrained as businessmen. Regardless of the season, competition comes only from imported expensive goods with average taste, which is also a big advantage of this business.

The strawberry business is gaining more and more momentum every year. An area of ​​10 square meters is sufficient to grow berries for sale. m., and the demand for them is huge most of the year. It is enough to survive the end of May and the beginning of June, when strawberries are actively ripening in the open ground. The rest of the time, your strawberry growing business will flourish and bear fruit with high income. Of course, if it is organized correctly.

Despite the fact that strawberry is considered a rather capricious plant, it is affordable and highly profitable business. Harvesting on average three times a year, including in winter, guarantees a stable year-round income.

Is this your business?

Before you begin to draw up a business plan for growing strawberries, evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of this business. Accessibility and a low entry barrier are not a guarantee of success. You must be confident in your readiness to overcome possible difficulties in starting and running a strawberry growing business.

You will have to grow strawberries in a greenhouse or greenhouse, which is quite logical. In open ground, it bears fruit from May to June, not to mention the fact that in winter it is generally difficult to grow anything on it. In addition to the fact that a greenhouse allows you to grow strawberries at any time of the year, it has a number of other advantages:

  • the harvest does not suffer from bad weather, whereas in open ground you can lose up to 30% of the berries;
  • you can get by with a significantly smaller area;
  • strawberry business at home pays for itself in a season;
  • the berries look more presentable and supermarkets are more willing to buy them;
  • in the off-season, especially in winter, you can set a high purchase price;
  • The profitability of growing strawberries for sale can exceed 100%.

As for the shortcomings, the most critical are:

  • the entrance fee to a greenhouse business may be higher than when starting a business growing strawberries on open ground;
  • plants must be artificially pollinated, irrigated, and illuminated;
  • The taste of berries is significantly different from those grown in natural conditions.

Start-up costs

Like any business, growing strawberries will require start-up costs. First of all, for the purchase of seedlings. The culture reproduces through “antennae”. It is best to take healthy “whiskers” of the first and second order with a developed rosette and roots. When choosing a variety, you should focus on its yield. The most prolific varieties are considered to be Vigee, Glima, Red Capulet, Cambridge, Kama, Volya, Elsanta.

The next stage is the selection of premises and equipment for the greenhouse. Depending on the scale of the business and budget, you can build a polycarbonate, glass or frame greenhouse covered with film. Film is the cheapest, but in winter it will not protect your crop from frost. You can grow strawberries in a glass greenhouse all year round. It has enough light and is well heated. But it requires large investments in the equipment of the premises, especially if you build it from scratch: laying the foundation, erecting walls, roofs, heating system etc.

In terms of ease of organization, a polycarbonate greenhouse would be the optimal solution for growing crops all year round. This is a frame structure that does not require the installation of a foundation. It differs from the first type of greenhouse in that the frame is made of galvanized metal and covered with polycarbonate. The price of such a design depends on the method of galvanizing the frame, the thickness of the polycarbonate and their manufacturers. Such a greenhouse will serve all year round for decades. By letting in maximum sunlight, it will increase the yield of your strawberries. Therefore, if you are aiming for large volumes of production, it is better to choose this type of greenhouse.

On average, it will cost about $6 to equip a square meter of a greenhouse and the same amount to purchase seedlings. That is, a square meter of plants in a greenhouse will cost $12.

Growing methods

The most common are two methods of cultivating strawberries in greenhouses for year-round yield. The first, simple and straightforward, is planting in containers filled with soil. Depending on the area of ​​the greenhouse, the containers are arranged in one row, in a cascade or vertically.

IN Lately The second method, the so-called Dutch method, is gaining popularity. In this case, special bags about two meters long filled with soil are used to plant seedlings. Holes about 8 cm in diameter are made in them, where the plant is planted. The advantage of the method is that three such bags can be placed on one square meter of space. You can hang them anywhere - in a garage, shed, on a balcony or loggia - it is only important to provide lighting and organize an irrigation system.

Whatever method you choose, in order to harvest berries all year round, you need to properly care for the tubers. First of all, plant in prepared soil. You can use soil from the garden, or mix it halfway with purchased soil. To be safe, before planting, it is better to treat the mixture with a solution of potassium permanganate and fertilize it.

The tubers are planted shallowly, but not too high, so that the root system is not exposed when watering. You can water the plants with a watering can, but make sure that the water does not flood the fruits and leaves. Therefore, it would be smarter to install a special irrigation system that will supply moisture directly to the root of the plant. Strawberries love warm water and watering at least once a day.

Particular attention should be paid to the air temperature inside the greenhouse. In summer it should not exceed 25 degrees Celsius, and in winter it should not fall below 18.

Pollination of flowers

In order for strawberries to bear fruit all year round, you need to make the most of each flowering period by pollinating the flowers. In the greenhouse, in artificial conditions, the fruits will not set by themselves. Moreover, the lifespan of the flower is short - one to four days, although the flowering period itself can last several weeks. Several methods are used for pollination.

If the plantation is small, use the manual method - transfer pollen from the stamens to the pistil with a soft brush. The procedure must be carried out every morning on each flower. If there are too many tubers for such painstaking work, you can recreate natural conditions. For example, imitating the wind, point a fan at the flowers. On large plantations, it is recommended to install a hive with bees or bumblebees during the flowering period.

Sales issues

Sales largely depend on the quality of the berries. Therefore, they must be collected manually into plastic boxes or baskets of 1-3 kg, in which it will be sold. The main thing is not to pour it from one container to another.

The method of marketing depends on the time of year. In summer, strawberries disappear faster from markets, and in winter, the main source is supermarkets.

Strawberries that have lost their marketable appearance, but still retain their taste, can be sold to processors for the production of yoghurts, jams, and juices. This source will cover approximately 30% of the berries grown.

Business profitability

The level of profitability depends on the size of the business and the method of growing berries. It is logical that the larger the greenhouse, the more complex its installation, the greater the entry threshold will be. Organizing a small plantation at home (on a balcony or garage) will require minimal initial costs. In the latter case, there is no need to hire workers to care for the plants - you can do everything yourself. And the Dutch growing method minimizes costs as much as possible.

The open ground berry season is short, no more than two months a year. The rest of the time, the owner of greenhouse plants can receive excess profits by setting a high purchase price. On average, a kilogram of strawberries costs $8 at this time. You can collect up to 30 kg of berries per square meter in two months, that is, the net income will be $240.

Business challenges

The biggest problem with growing strawberries is reliable heating in winter, not to mention light. If this is not organized, there is no point in taking on this matter. Plants require constant care. Even a small plantation on a loggia should be given at least three hours a day. On large areas You definitely need to hire workers. Organizing cultivation on a large scale will require significant investment.

Therefore, the main difficulty of the business lies in growing berries. But its attractiveness is that there are practically no problems with sales.

Growing strawberries as a business: where to start?

Strawberries are delicious and healthy berry, which is eaten fresh and is actively used in cooking. Its only drawback is seasonality. You can treat yourself to fragrant juicy strawberries only a couple of months a year. Supermarkets sell imported berries, but they cannot be compared with the exquisite summer delicacy from your own summer cottage. Growing delicious, fragrant strawberries can become a very promising business that brings a stable income.

Growing strawberries as a business: main advantages

Growing strawberries has many benefits:

  • the berry has excellent taste;
  • strawberries are undemanding to care and have high yields;
  • the berries can be sold fresh and used for homemade preparations and semi-finished products;
  • different cultivation options are possible;
  • the business does not require large investments and quickly generates income.

You can grow strawberries different ways. Many hobbyists start with mini-plantations located in own apartment. A seasonal business can be organized by growing berries in open ground, on a country plot or on a specially organized farm.

Larger harvests will be provided by our own greenhouses, which are often combined with open plantations. Each method has its pros and cons; entrepreneurs planning to grow strawberries on an industrial scale should weigh the pros and cons in advance.

What kind of business can you open with minimal investment and get a guaranteed profit, you can find out here.

The most popular ways to grow strawberries

How to grow strawberries all year round at home - technology and secrets.

How to grow strawberries all year round at home?

In a city apartment, you can organize a miniature plantation by installing shelving on an insulated loggia. This option could be An excellent training ground for a budding entrepreneur.

The productivity of a mini-greenhouse is quite comparable to industrial options, the only limitation can be its small area. You can plant strawberry bushes in pots or plastic bags. Early ripening remontant varieties that bear fruit several times a year are suitable for cultivation.

For successful fruiting you need good lighting, properly organized watering and fertilizing. It is recommended to alternate complex and organic fertilizers. At home, you can grow not only adult fruit-bearing bushes, but also replacement seedlings. It is cheaper to grow your own young bushes from seeds than to buy them from greenhouse owners.

Productivity home greenhouse quite high. With the right varieties, it will be up to 4 kg of berries per 1 sq. m. m.

A promising and profitable home business for women: ideas and interesting proposals in the article at the link.

How to grow strawberries in open ground: step-by-step instructions

For growing strawberries open method You can use a summer cottage plot or rent land from the countryside. Strawberries ripened outdoors have a particularly vibrant taste and aroma.

In addition, you can save on the construction of greenhouses, lighting and heating. One of the disadvantages of this method is the seasonality of the business. In open ground, strawberries will bear fruit only 2 months a year.

For open plantations, classic and remontant varieties of domestic and foreign selection are suitable: Korona, Tribute, Pineapple, Queen Elizabeth, Sakhalinskaya, etc. It is worth choosing varieties suitable for dense planting, this can significantly increase the profitability of the plantation.

You can read how to grow sturgeon yourself at home and what you will need for this here.

How to grow strawberries in open ground: step-by-step instruction with recommendations.

The production process is simple. The earth is plowed up and divided into high ridges, the space between them is covered with film. Fertilizers are applied to the soil.

Strawberries can be grown in one place for no more than 2 years, after which the plantation will have to be moved and other crops planted on the vacated lands.

Strawberries in a greenhouse all year round as a business: where to start?

Those who have decided to get seriously involved in the strawberry business should organize greenhouses, which will significantly extend the strawberry fruiting season. In greenhouses, berries can be obtained until October, and they are also ideal for growing seedlings.

They can be combined with open plantations, this will make it possible to increase production per season without spending extra money on additional greenhouses.

Strawberries in a greenhouse all year round as a business require significant investment. The premises are built from a metal frame or other suitable materials, welded shelving is placed along the walls.

Strawberries can be grown in the ground, but hanging Dutch technology will help save space and increase profit per square meter.

In this case, pots or bags are filled with a light soil mixture with a large amount of sand and peat, and a strawberry bush is planted in each. Hanging technologies will protect plants from pests, gray rot and other diseases characteristic of this crop.

After the construction of greenhouses, it is necessary to equip them with lighting, organize an irrigation and ventilation system. Self-pollinating remontant varieties are suitable for growing in a greenhouse; classic varieties can be grown in open ground. For successful growth, add to the soil nitrogen fertilizers, which can be alternated with organic matter.

How to open farming from scratch and what documents are required for this - read the publication at the link.

Growing strawberries as a business: is registration required?

Legal Issues: Who Needs Official Registration?

Summer residents and owners of private farmsteads can sell strawberries without registering as a legal entity. There are no taxes levied on such activities, and there is also no need to obtain certificates. If you decide to organize industrial production and expand sales, you will have to register as individual entrepreneur.

By indicating the production of agricultural products as your main activity, you will receive significant tax benefits and the opportunity to obtain very profitable loans necessary for business development.

When registering an individual entrepreneur, enter processing of agricultural products as an additional activity; in the future, this will help expand the enterprise and significantly increase the profitability of the business.

An individual entrepreneur needs to obtain a declaration of product conformity (issued in veterinary laboratories and SES). After this, you need to visit Rosselkhoznadzor and issue a certificate for the agricultural products that you will produce (strawberries). The process of collecting documents will take several days; you need to do the paperwork in advance.

You can find out how to register an individual entrepreneur with the Pension Fund of Russia and the Social Insurance Fund in this article.

Business plan for growing strawberries with calculations

As an example, consider the following step-by-step strawberry growing business plan for a small strawberry greenhouse. The size of the future plantation is 120 square meters. m. For its equipment you will need:

  • metal profile;
  • film for greenhouses;
  • tubes and containers for installing a drip irrigation system;
  • incandescent lamps;
  • containers for planting plants;
  • planting material.

An approximate business plan for growing strawberries with calculations of costs and income.

Equipment for a greenhouse will cost 50,000 – 60,000 rubles. It is worth considering that the useful area occupied by the racks will be about 80 square meters. m.

Monthly maintenance of the greenhouse (watering, heating, lighting, fertilizers) – 15,000 – 17,000 rubles. One person can handle the work on the plantation quite well. Most often, the maintenance of one small greenhouse is carried out by the business owner.

Productivity per 1 sq. m – 4.5 kg of berries per month. From 80 sq. m usable area per month you can get 360 kg of berries. At an average price of 600 rubles per kilogram, the profit will be 216,000 rubles per month.

The greenhouse will fully pay for itself in the third month of operation and will achieve a stable profit.

How to sell strawberry products?

The main problem of the strawberry business is the sale of finished products. Grown strawberries need to be sold as soon as possible; the delicate berry quickly loses its attractive appearance. Most often, novice entrepreneurs sell their crops at the market. If you have all the necessary certificates, you will be able to rent a place or get your own permanent counter.

Another option is to hand over products for sale to already working sellers. The advantage will be saving time, the disadvantage is the need to share profits with the seller. In addition, when put up for sale, unsold products will return to you, and it will no longer be possible to sell them.

It is possible to sell berries through stationary stores. They are ready to consume large volumes of products, but the low purchase price greatly reduces the profitability of the enterprise.

Much more profitable project– sale of harvest to restaurateurs. By concluding an agreement with cafes or restaurants, you will provide yourself with permanent sales channels. Correct sorting of products is very important.

Catering needs berries different varieties, from small and fragrant, used for mousses, creams and sauces, to large and dense, suitable for decorating desserts and garnishing. Don't limit yourself to restaurants settlement, if there is good demand, you can arrange delivery of products to neighboring cities.

A promising option is to organize the processing of our own products. You can freeze the berries and sell them all year round under your own brand, make jams, jellies, marmalades, and marshmallows.

Finished products can be delivered to stores, sold on the market or at specialized fairs. Many entrepreneurs sell homemade products through social networks and their own online stores.

You can find out how to open an online store from scratch for free and what documents you will need for this here.

As an additional business, you can sell seedlings of your own production. Strawberries are one of the most popular and favorite berries. Grown bushes of promising varieties are in constant demand among summer residents and gardeners.

Growing strawberries as a business is best started with a small greenhouse or open beds. After making sure that investments and expenses are in line with the business plan, you can think about expansion and processing production. At this stage, you will need hired personnel who will not burden the enterprise’s budget, but will contribute to its prosperity and profitability.

More information on how to grow strawberries different ways for sale, you can get in the following video instructions:

Personal farming is becoming more and more popular and is increasingly reaching the market level. Such a business brings in good money, and it is also full of options for running it. Today we will look at growing strawberries as a business: profitability, self-sufficiency, reviews from successful entrepreneurs and their recommendations on how to avoid various troubles. Let's begin.

What is this business?

The strawberry business has a low barrier to entry and we will dwell on this point in more detail later. In addition, growing products at home is quite easy, it does not require too much a large number of equipment. But there are also disadvantages.

The organization requires quite high costs for heating and water consumption, especially in winter. If you fail to set up enough heating in the winter, you will not be able to grow berries suitable for sale. In addition, you will constantly have to care for the plants.

It is unlikely that the owner of such a production will allow strangers to be in his own home, so your time will be spent on caring for strawberries, and although growing strawberries is not difficult, it is time-consuming. Remember that the self-sufficiency of this business is really high; a season is enough to recoup the opening costs.

Where should you grow berries?

You can grow strawberries in a greenhouse or in open ground, and the choice here is quite easy.

The open ground option is quite constraining for the entrepreneur, since the berries will bear fruit only from May to June, while winter production is completely impossible. A greenhouse is more suitable, and here’s why:

  1. Allows you to establish year-round production of berries.
  2. Eliminates the influence of weather on yield.
  3. Costs far less land.
  4. Has a great interest in shops and supermarkets.
  5. Provides the opportunity to receive huge profitability in the autumn-winter season.
  6. Excellent payback in just one season.
  7. Does more aesthetic appearance fruits

Undoubtedly, the advantages are good, but it would be wrong not to note the disadvantages of the greenhouse. The disadvantages are the following:

  • The costs of opening a greenhouse nursery are really high compared to the costs of an open field nursery.
  • The need to organize artificial pollination.
  • The berries begin to acquire a less natural taste, reducing the natural aroma.
  • Constant lighting of the earth is necessary, close to natural, which will cost money.

Analyze the disadvantages and advantages different options and choose what your industrial strawberry growing will be like.

Choosing a variety

When home production entrepreneurship depends solely on how successfully you purchase seeds and how tasty your berries turn out. In addition, the variety of strawberry affects the success of its cultivation in certain conditions.

Due to the fact that the berry reproduces with “whiskers”, remember that for business it is worth purchasing plants that have grown from “whiskers” of the first and second order. It is important to monitor the development of the rosette, the strength of the roots and directly find out about the yield indicator.

Here are the best varieties of strawberries according to many entrepreneurs:

  1. Alba - fairly small bushes give high yields. It is considered an early variety, has excellent disease resistance, has bright red cone-shaped berries and this type doesn't lose for long. Excellent transportability.
  2. Darenka is a domestic variety that resists fungal diseases and is not afraid of pests. Reviews speak of the excellent taste of the fruits, and they are also very large and elastic.
  3. Octave is perhaps the earliest variety among those presented, ideal for growing in greenhouses, but also suitable for open ground. Extremely productive and quite resistant to mechanical impact during transportation. It has the most pleasant aroma.
  4. Sonata - this variety is distinguished by extremely juicy and tender fruits, sweet taste and pleasant aroma, therefore it is one of the best for sales in stores. It boasts good resistance to pests and tolerance to temperature changes.
  5. Rusanovskaya is another greenhouse variety that allows you to harvest several times a year. It has a fairly pleasant round shape of the fruit, a red juicy color, and is perfectly stored for a long time.
  6. Honey is one of the best options for making money, as it begins to ripen extremely early. It has fairly large bright berries in the shape of a cone, but the taste is sweet and sour for everyone. The berries have a delicate aroma, tolerate temperature fluctuations well, but are sensitive to soil nutrition.

In addition to these representatives, professionals note decent characteristics and predisposition to growing in nurseries in the following varieties:

  • Elsanta;
  • Will;
  • Kama;
  • Cambridge;
  • Red Capulet.

Looking for a greenhouse

We continue to search for the necessary premises for breeding. Of course, you can buy a separate plot where the greenhouse will be maintained, but the necessary acres are now difficult and expensive to find, so it’s worth asking yourself the question of finding land at the very beginning. If the search for a site is completed, then it’s time to find out what kind of greenhouses should be installed for industrial cultivation.

They are sold in the following types:

  1. Glass.
  2. Polycarbonate.
  3. Film-frame.

Greenhouses of the latter type are the most budget-friendly and affordable, therefore they are more often bought up by novice entrepreneurs, but this is wrong. The diaper usually does not help protect plants from banal frosts, not to mention really low temperatures.

A glass nursery is better suited in this case; besides, the walls allow for excellent heating of the area inside. But the downside is the need for a special foundation, for which some people have neither money nor enough space.

Polycarbonate greenhouses are the most expensive, but the most effective in this business. They do not require a special foundation, are durable and really do their job honestly. Strawberries grown in polycarbonate greenhouse all year round, it will recoup the costs of the business within a season, so if possible it is better not to skimp.

Once you download a sample strawberry farming business plan, you can use it to create your own.

How to grow fruits?

Your future business is based on growing strawberries, so you need to be sure that you will be able to grow the crop correctly. For cultivation in a greenhouse nursery, avid gardeners have established two main types of strawberry cultivation.

The first one is really simple and understandable even for a novice entrepreneur: you need to strew the soil with strawberries in special separate containers. It is the area of ​​the nursery that influences the number of containers and their arrangement: in a row, in a cascade, vertically. You just need to prepare the most convenient layout and don’t think about the soil under the greenhouse.

There is also a second option, the most popular among people already experienced in this field, which helps grow strawberries on an industrial scale. It is called Dutch and it is assumed that strawberry or wild strawberry seedlings must be planted in special bags with soil two meters long.

The seedlings themselves are planted through separate holes eight centimeters in diameter. This method wins over the first in that it allows you to fill much more space with plants. You can hang the bags, lay them out on the balcony, place them in the garage - it is important that the plants receive a sufficient amount of lighting and nutrition, as well as protection from external influences.

Gardening Tips

Whatever option you choose to grow strawberries all year round, it is important to properly approach the care of the plant and timely procedures. Here are some main rules and recommendations:

  • Seedlings must be planted strictly in prepared soil. The soil can be taken from the garden; purchased soil is only suitable mixed with garden soil.
  • Also, before planting, it is worth treating the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate. It doesn’t hurt to add fertilizer to the food.
  • The tubers themselves must be planted low at an average depth, so as not to expose the root system and give the plant full light.
  • Even when watering plants with a watering can, you can flood the leaves and the fruits themselves, so watch this.
  • For a real business, it is preferable to acquire a real irrigation system that supplies moisture directly to the roots of the bushes. It is quite rare that a nursery is sold with the support of such a system.
  • Water for strawberries specifically must be warm, and it is important to water at least once a day.
  • It is necessary to maintain the plant at a temperature no higher than 25 and no lower than 18 degrees Celsius all year round.

Your business idea is to independently grow strawberries for sale, because you are solely interested in the fact that the grown strawberries can be sold in stores or in the hands of other people. Be sure to follow the implementation of each point.

We are trying to sell the goods

Enough money was spent on the opening, so I want to recoup the costs as quickly as possible. Having grown your own strawberries, it is important to make them look marketable and pleasing to the eye.

Home business allows you to treat the fruits more carefully, so be sure to try not to overfill or unnecessarily rearrange the strawberries. For real the right decision is the option of collecting berries in plastic one-kilogram containers and transporting them to the place where the goods are sold.

Where to start selling your own products? There is a dependence on the season. During the summer, it is quite effective to sell homemade berries at the market. In some cities, you may even be able to find a free corner or space near other vendors, but it is important to make arrangements to trade at your chosen location.

Winter time opens up more chances to earn money by selling berries yourself and selling them in supermarkets. Your project has the right to enter into an agreement for the supply of products, fulfilling the requirements of the store. It is also possible to build connections with strawberry processors for the production of juices, yoghurts and other products.

Video: business growing strawberries all year round.

How profitable is the strawberry business?

To begin with, it is worth making a mini-table with an approximate list of expenses and amounts that will be spent on opening and starting this business.

Remember that you will have to spend some money monthly on purchases, utilities and transport services, as well as other costs. It’s even easier to figure out income: getting 5 kilos of berries from one square meter, a total of 1,500 kilos is collected from three acres. On average, you can earn 500 rubles per kilo of strawberries. In a month, a sale can bring in about 750 thousand rubles!

Well, in winter, the price of berries increases significantly, so from paying monthly expenses on average for the year you will receive 240 thousand, which makes the strawberry business a leader in profitability. In addition, in the future it will be possible to expand plantations and recruit workers.

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A friend came to see me in winter and brought me juicy strawberries. Not with an artificial taste, which is often sold in supermarkets, but with a real berry taste that cannot be confused with anything else! It turned out that a friend grew these strawberries on her windowsill in her apartment.

She told me how to raise it at home. And now all the window sills of my apartment are filled with pots of aromatic berries, which my family eats all year round. In this article I will tell you what variety of strawberries would be better suited for home cultivation, I will describe the composition of the soil, the nuances of planting and care rules.

Many people think that it is enough to transplant any variety of strawberries from their summer cottage to an apartment for the winter, where they will bear fruit. Alas, this is not true.

To make it possible to grow such a delicious berry in your apartment all year round, you need to take into account not only the room temperature, lighting, humidity, but also the variety of seedling.

It must be repairable, unpretentious to humidity and room temperature, lighting. Typically, this variety lives no longer than 3 years, since it bears fruit all year round. These varieties are considered the best:

  • Aisha.
  • Albion.
  • Brighton.
  • White dream.
  • Homemade delicacy.
  • Geneva.
  • Lyubasha.
  • Queen Elizabeth.
  • Selva.
  • Supreme
  • Tristan et al.

Choosing a location and lighting

The most best place For growing berries, a window sill is considered, since there is a lot of light there, which is what this plant needs. It will be great if the windows of the room face east or south.

If all the windows face north, then you need to take care of additional lighting in the form LED lamps, which must be turned off at night so that the plant can rest. Since the days are short in winter, the lamps are turned on twice a day: from 6 to 9 am and from 5 to 9 pm.

Lamps are placed on western windows only if the plant begins to stretch out strongly in search of light or the color of the leaves changes due to lack of lighting.

Temperature and humidity

To grow the berry crop itself optimal temperature air temperature is from +17 o C to +20 o C. In no case lower, since the crop will begin to freeze and get sick. If suddenly the heating in the room is turned off, you must immediately turn on the heater to maintain the required air temperature.

And since the air from heating or a heater always becomes dry, it is necessary to increase the humidity by regularly spraying the bushes warm water. You can place a small container of water next to the pot.

It is advisable to ensure that the air humidity does not exceed 80%, otherwise destructive fungal diseases may develop on the greens.

Choosing a container for planting

To grow a berry crop from scratch you will need only three containers:

  • Low rectangular container for seeds.
  • A regular glass for sprouts.
  • Spacious pot for seedlings.

If you plan to plant several seedlings in one pot, then it should be long and rectangular, with a volume of about 10 liters, so that the crop in it is not cramped. And for one seedling, a small pot or flowerpot is enough, from which the berries will hang beautifully.

The first transplant into a glass is carried out after the first two leaves grow on the sprout. And then, when more than 6 leaves appear on it, they are replanted again, but in a larger container.

If the crop is planted in a common large container, then the distance between the bushes should be at least 15 centimeters so that they are not crowded. There must be drainage holes at the bottom of each container so that the liquid does not stagnate.

The soil

It is best to buy soil for planting from the very beginning at a gardening store rather than collecting it on your own. summer cottage. And the second option is highly discouraged by experienced gardeners, since it may contain pathogenic bacteria that can easily destroy all the seedlings.

But if you disinfect the soil collected from the street in any way, for example, heat it in the oven or pour it thoroughly with a solution of potassium permanganate, then this mixture can be used for planting after seven days. It should consist of equal parts of sand, humus and coniferous soil.

The soil must be very loose so that the plant's roots can receive enough oxygen. The finished mixture is enriched with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.

Preparation of seedlings

From proper preparation seeds depends on the health and fertility of the seedling. But it's better to do this for an experienced gardener, and for a beginner it is advisable to immediately buy ready-made seedlings, which are purchased only in trusted specialized stores or nurseries.

The variety must be remontant, that is, very prolific. Such strawberries begin to bloom within a month after transplantation into home potty, and after another month the first fruits ripen.

If a remontant variety grows on a summer cottage, then you can continue to grow it in the apartment; for this purpose, the largest rooted rosettes are cut off from it in the fall.

Then they are transplanted into separate pots, having previously cut off all the old leaves, leaving only a couple of the youngest leaves on each bush. After which the container with the bushes is placed in a cool and shaded place for two weeks so that the plant adapts to the new place.

Sowing seeds

This method is much more complicated than growing from seedlings. It is recommended to harden the seeds first. To do this, in July-August, carefully laid out seeds are placed on a damp cloth and covered with another piece of damp cloth. All this is carefully put into a plastic bag and placed in the refrigerator (not the freezer) for exactly a month.

After a month, the seeds are removed from the refrigerator and the planting procedure begins:

  • For seedlings, take a flat, shallow box, which is covered with previously prepared soil.
  • All this is slightly watered.
  • The seeds are evenly scattered over the soil at a distance of 2-3 centimeters from each other.
  • Cover with a thin layer of earth on top.
  • The box is covered with transparent plastic film and placed in any warm place.
  • As soon as the first shoots have hatched, the plastic film is gradually removed over two days, and the box is moved to a lighted windowsill without drafts.
  • As soon as two true leaves appear on each sprout, they are transplanted into separate cups.


The pot in which the strawberries will constantly grow must have drainage holes, since berry crop does not like constantly wet soil. First, the bottom is filled with any drainage: pebbles, small pieces of brick, crushed stone.

After which the pot is half filled with earth. And in a separate glass, a weak solution of potassium permanganate is diluted, into which the strawberry roots are lowered a few minutes before planting.

If the root system has grown too much, then they are slightly trimmed, since they should be in a straightened state in a container with soil. The cut roots must be moistened in a weak solution of heteroauxin.

After that, the seedling is carefully lowered into the pot, watching the roots so that they do not bend, and the rest of the soil is covered on top. The main thing is not to deepen the bush too much. After the work is done, the plant is watered.


The water is infused for exactly 24 hours, only then watered with it. Never use cold or tap water, otherwise the plant may get sick. If the water is highly chlorinated, then it is passed through a filter. The liquid for spraying is prepared in the same way.

Watering is done twice every seven days and is always done in the evening, as soon as the sun has set. It is not recommended to water more often, otherwise the roots may rot. Immediately after watering, the soil is slightly loosened so that the roots receive oxygen. The frequency of spraying depends on the percentage of dry air in the room.

Top dressing

To increase productivity, the berry crop is fed once or twice a month immediately after the first true leaf grows on the sprout. Gardening stores sell a wide range of fertilizers specifically for berry crops.

The main thing to remember is that it is not advisable to overfeed strawberries or strawberries with nitrogen-containing fertilizers, as they accelerate the growth of leaves, thereby reducing the number of fruits.

To increase productivity, it is better to give iron. If you don't want to use modern drugs iron-based, you can simply stick a rusty nail into the soil

If you don’t want to feed the plant with chemicals, you can prepare the fertilizer yourself:

  • Pre-assembled eggshells chop well.
  • Pour it into a three-liter jar by a third.
  • 200 grams of wood ash are sprinkled on top.
  • The container is filled to the brim with warm water.
  • Leave for about five days.
  • Strain well.
  • A liter of this infusion is diluted with 3 liters of water.
  • Water strawberries twice a month.


Since the berry crop grows very quickly, it must be pruned so that the growth does not go into leaves and tendrils, but into fruits. If a seedling is grown from seeds, then the first 2-3 flowers are simply picked off, not allowing them to ripen.

If the seedling is cut from the mother bush, the flowers are not picked. The mustache is cut off only if there are no plans to reproduce or replace adult bushes with young ones.


Since there are no pollinating insects in apartments, especially in winter, you need to help the flowers to pollinate so that they bear fruit. This can be done in two ways:

  • During active flowering, alternately pass the brush over the flowers.
  • A fan is placed next to the plants so that it moves pollen from one flower to another.