Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» An exhibition about medicinal plants for the curious is organized in the children's library-branch N1 named after. A.S. Pushkin. Scenario for a mass event to introduce medicinal plants of the Lipetsk region “Green Pharmacy” Scenario for the healing potential of gifts

An exhibition about medicinal plants for the curious is organized in the children's library-branch N1 named after. A.S. Pushkin. Scenario for a mass event to introduce medicinal plants of the Lipetsk region “Green Pharmacy” Scenario for the healing potential of gifts

Contest participant:

Tyurina Larisa Viktorovna

Musical Director,

MADO kindergarten No. 80

city ​​of Tyumen

Journey to the land of medicinal plants

summer fun for older preschoolers


To evoke joyful emotions in children and enrich them with new vivid impressions.


To consolidate children's basic knowledge about plants growing in the Tyumen region, their beneficial properties

To instill in children a caring attitude towards plants.

Continue to teach children how to expressively perform basic dance movements using world music.

Continue to develop basic singing skills: expressiveness, musicality, intonation purity.

To support children’s desire to listen to both classical and Russian folk music, as well as the music of the peoples of the world, and to respond emotionally to it.

Preliminary work:

  • Individual and group work on learning musical and poetic material;
  • Individual and group conversations about the healing properties of plants, their diversity in their native land;
  • Use of popular science, fiction, medical literature, illustrations and poetic works describing flowers and herbs;
  • Compiling stories and fairy tales about the unusual adventures of plants;
  • Making attributes, wreaths, and costume elements for entertainment.


Adults: Flower Girl, Gardener, Aphid.

Children– flowers, herbs, insects

Progress of the event:

The holiday is held in summer time on the street.

♫ Music by E. Grieg “Morning” sounds(Appendix No. 1)

Children take their places on the playground and are greeted by the Flower Girl with a basket in her hands, covered with a blanket.

Flower girl. Hello, Dear guests, I am glad to welcome you to the Flower City. Dear guys, the wonderful time of summer is in full swing! You can’t count all the summer joys: swimming, mushrooms, fishing, hiking... So many things summer gives! But in the summer there is the most charming activity, one that is not available in winter, autumn, or spring. Can you guess, my young friends, which one? (children speak out) Then I'll have to sing a song for you. Maybe my song will give you a hint?

Sings without finishing the last word each verse, forcing the guys to guess it and finish singing it.

♫ Song of the Flower Girl, music. L. Tyurina, lyrics. N. Maloy, Appendix No. 2

Summer is a wonderful time.

The kids are screaming... (“Hurray!”)

We have both rivers and forests

Gives in the summer... (miracles).

Who performed the miracle?

Summer into a fairy tale... (turned)?

Who made the whole world like this:

Loud, joyful... (colored)?

The whole earth has become circled

Bright, colorful... (carpet),

Where under the dome of heaven

It turns lushly green... (forest).

And flowers bloom around

Unprecedented... (beauty).

Among the ears of corn by the river

Turned blue... (cornflowers),

And, greeting the guys,

The bells are ringing).

How nice it is for you to run

Through the chamomile... (meadows)!

Here on the mirror of the river

They danced... (floats),

And around - gentle, pure.

White lilies... (flowers).

The bees are flying merrily

For honey... (aroma),

To the world of goodness and beauty

They transform the world... (flowers).

Flower girl. Guys, guess what we admire in the summer?

Children. Flowers.

Flower girl. Indeed, flowers are my most good friends, and I am their patroness. (He takes the cover off the basket, and it is full of flowers.) All my life I have been working with flowers: I collected them in the meadows, grew them in the garden, tied them in beautiful bouquets and gave them. And people, seeing the flowers, were transformed before their eyes: their wrinkles smoothed out, their eyes brightened, and smiles appeared on their faces...

I have a favorite flower, do you know what it’s called? (takes out a seven-flowered flower from the basket).

Children answer

Flower girl. That's right, Tsvetik - the seven-colored flower is dear to me also because he knows how to fulfill various good wishes. Want to try?

The children answer.

Flower girl. Well then help me say the magic words

You fly, fly, petal,

Through west to east,

Through the north, through the south,

Come back, having made a circle,

As soon as you touch the ground,

To be in my opinion led!

Flower girl. Order it now for us

The flowers performed the most tender waltz!

♫ Children perform a dance composition to the music of A. Grechaninov “Waltz”.(Appendix No. 3)

Children - Flowers are applauded. Burdock, Dandelion, Lopushki, Cornflowers, and Chamomile remain in the center.

Flower girl. What a wonderful waltz it turned out to be!

My flowers are not only wonderful dancers, but also wonderful poets. However, they will not reveal their talents without the help of Tsvetik - the seven-colored one. Do you want to know what flowers twirled in the waltz? (tears off a petal, says) :

You fly, fly, petal,

Through west to east,

Through the north, through the south,

Come back, having made a circle,

As soon as you touch the ground,

To be in my opinion led!

Flower girl. Order that my plants

They told poems about themselves.


S. Pshenichnykh

Burdock said:

I'm a true friend

Everyone around knows about it!

And they remember, by the way,

That I'm very intrusive!


I. Vinokurov

He's standing by the stitch

On a thin leg,

Proud of the renovation -

A downy hat.

Try on that hat

The beetle wanted

Barely touched

She scattered.


Yulia Lebedushkina

1. Look near the path,

Where yesterday the streams laughed,

Warm green palms

They held out the bursts to the sun.

2. How much warmth there is in this leaf!

You are with everyone, just like with me,


R. Kudasheva

1. I'm all blue, I'm all bright,

Visible everywhere in the ripe rye.

It's hot for me even at noon

Children walk along the boundary.

Between the ears their little hands

They choose cornflower -

They love my little eyes,

I love my flexible stem.

2. A fly lands on me,

And the bee flies towards me,

Field Mouse

It won't harm me.

And me, spinning at will

A moth visits...

I am the beauty of the rye field,

Bright blue cornflower.


The center is yellow, the edge is white.

On a green leg. I'm your girlfriend.

I want to please you all

I wish the children health,

Kiss everyone in the circle!

Flower girl.(addresses flowers) Thank you, dear flowers, you made us very happy. (children) Guys, I see that you are very attentive; you probably observe plants very carefully during walks with teachers, do you know how to identify them? Please name the flowering plants in your kindergarten.

Children. Asters, marigolds, alyssium, lilacs, phlox, lilies of the valley, pansies, lilies, irises, “jolly guys”, etc.

Flower girl. Guys, I invite everyone to play with my flowers. Do you agree?

Children's answer.

♫ Children perform the Hungarian folk song “Wreath”, arr. T. Popatenko, Russian. text by N. Naydenova(Appendix No. 4)

Flower girl. The wreath turned out very beautiful. Do you know that flowers and herbs are not only beautiful, but also useful? How are they useful?

Children's statements.

Flower girl. Want to meet a true plant connoisseur? Then we need to use the magic petal of the Seven-flowered Flower. (background music sounds, children pronounce words, echoing the Flower Girl):

You fly, fly, petal,

Through west to east,

Through the north, through the south,

Come back, having made a circle,

As soon as you touch the ground,

To be in my opinion led!

Flower girl. Tell us to hurry up

We would have met the gardener!

Background music plays and the Gardener appears. He has gardening tools in his hands.

Gardener. Hello children, welcome to the land of Medicinal Plants! I'm glad you stopped by to see us!

Flower girl. Hello, Gardener, what are you doing?

Gardener. I’m preparing supplies of medicinal plants for the winter, it’s time. But the problem is that I forgot what some plants are called and what they are needed for? Maybe your children can help me figure it out?

The game “Useful Plants” is being played.

Plants (plantain, chamomile, mint, linden) are laid out on the table. The child picks up or points to a plant and names it. The one who has a costume of a given plant (Chamomile, Mint, etc.) comes out and talks about its healing properties.


The traveler's friend, the plantain,

A modest, inconspicuous leaf,

He's on a cut finger

Lay down like a wet patch.

Many of us are unaware

That a cure has been found

Right there, on the path, at your feet.


There is a lot of aroma in the house,

If mint is drying in the house.

mint cake,

Mint infusion spoon -

No more nausea

There is no hoarseness in the throat.

Validol, toothpaste –

Mint everywhere!

We collect not in vain

This grass, guys!


You can't count all the flowers,

There is pharmaceutical chamomile.

You need to know about chamomile.

White tiny flower -

For poultices, for lotions.

If inflammation

Decoction - calming.


Linden - a remedy for colds,

Everyone knows about it everywhere.

Although the linden color is inconspicuous,

But healthier than tea No.

For sore throats and colds

They drink healing linden tea.

They say when they are sick:

“Come on, linden, help me out!”

(Sunday Christmas)

Gardener. Well done, thanks to you I will attach nameplates to the plants and will treat my friends in winter if they get sick. Guys, I'll open one for you little secret. Scientists and I have noticed that when beautiful music plays, plants begin to feel better. Can't we please the plants with something today?

Children offer options.

Flower girl. Guys, the proposal is accepted - let's sing a song!

♫ Song “Summer Flowers”, music. E Tilicheeva, lyrics. L. Nekrasova

(Appendix No. 5)

Gardener. Yes, the song is wonderful, flowery. Guys, who do you think helps plants bloom?

Children guess.

Gardener. Our Seven Flower Flower really wants these friends to appear here.

(background music sounds, children pronounce words, echoing the Flower Girl):

You fly, fly, petal,

Through west to east,

Through the north, through the south,

Come back, having made a circle,

As soon as you touch the ground,

To be in my opinion led!

Flower girl. Let the butterflies and moths

They flocked around to see the flowers!

♫ The song “On the Lawn” is performed, music. L. Tyurina, lyrics. L. Dymova.

(Appendix No. 6)

Gardener. Guys, why are butterflies, moths, dragonflies, and bees called helpers of plants and flowers? Maybe we should catch them all with juice for the collection, because they are so beautiful?

Children. There is no need to catch butterflies and bees; without them, flowers will not bloom. Insects carry pollen from plant to plant, and bees produce honey.

Gardener. Well done, you know everything.

Unpleasant music sounds, Aphid (dressed in a pungent green suit) sneaks out, comes closer to the children, tries to “tear off the leaves”, touch the “plants”.

Aphid. Finally, in our country of Medicinal Plants, new, unspoiled flowers and herbs have appeared! You can spoil them, bite them, chew them, leave holes in the leaves. That's how delicious it is! (plucks leaves from a bush, pretends to eat, chomps, throws them away).

Gardener. Oh, you nasty Aphid, why are you spoiling our plants?

Aphid. It’s very appetizing, and the patterns of holes on the leaves look like lace! (shows to children)

Gardener. No matter how much I fight with you, I still can’t destroy you!

Flower girl. This, gardener, is because you are the only one fighting pests. And today there are many of us, we will help you. Really, guys?

The children agree.

Flower girl. Just, Gardener, can you tell us what needs to be done in order to defeat pests and protect plants?

Gardener. Guys, to protect plants, you need to know some rules. Dangerous insects you can win chemicals. But drugs that help plants have chemical composition, hazardous to human skin. Therefore, to use them you need to wear rubber gloves, galoshes and spray the plant only with a special sprayer. I have already prepared the Green Elixir for Aphids and her accomplices. We need to treat lilac bushes and irises (or other faded plants) very quickly so that pests do not have time to spoil our flowers.

The game “Save the Plants” is being played.

Children are divided into 2-3 teams (depending on the number of participants). For each team, rubber gloves, galoshes and a spray bottle for spraying plants filled with water are laid out on a large piece of cardboard. The task of each player is to put on galoshes (the child’s shoes are not removed) gloves, take the sprayer, run to the indicated bush, spray water, return to your team, transfer the attributes to the next player.

The team that completes the task faster than others wins.

Gardener. Well done guys, we probably destroyed all the pests.

Flower girl. Look, we helped the flowers, but the Aphid is still happy and plotting some nasty things against our plants.

Aphid. (sarcastically) Night will come, everyone will fall asleep, and right there I’ll start feasting on leaves and flowers!

Flower girl. Gardener, what to do? What other way is there to control pests? How can you defeat Aphids?

Gardener. (whisper) Guys, I remembered! You can defeat this pest with soap! And so that she doesn’t guess how we will harass her, we will use cunning. We will dilute the soap with water, pack it in cones and get soap bubbles (distributes to children). Hold on, children, let's all start blowing together.

Flower girl. And in order for everything to work out for us, I will ask for help from Tsvetik-seven-flowered.

♫ Music sounds " Bubble", unknown author.(Appendix No. 7)

Children blow bubbles, the Flower Girl says:

You fly, fly, petal,

Through west to east,

Through the north, through the south,

Come back, having made a circle,

As soon as you touch the ground,

To be in my opinion led!

Flower girl. Command the evil Aphid to defeat.

Let peace reign in our country!

Aphid.(“flies away”, disappears) Ay-yay! I don't want to leave, there's a lot there delicious plants! The soap is stinging, ah-ya-ay!

Gardener. Thank you guys for helping to rid the country of medicinal plants of harmful insects. For this I want to give you floral soap, from medicinal herbs cooked. So that your faces and hands are always clean, so that you remember medicinal plants and always treat them with care, so that you don’t tear them or trample them in vain.

Flower girl. My dears, you and I had a great time, and we didn’t even notice when it was time to return to kindergarten, the teachers were waiting for us. Well, Seven-flowered Flower, help us out one more time!

(background music sounds, children pronounce words, echoing the Flower Girl):

You fly, fly, petal,

Through west to east,

Through the north, through the south,

Come back, having made a circle,

As soon as you touch the ground,

To be in my opinion led!

Flower girl. Tell us to hit the road quickly,

It's time for us to return to kindergarten!

Background music sounds, “the children are returning.”

Flower girl. Here we are at home, the sun is shining, the birds are singing. And plants look at us in a special way, as if they were experts. Let us also treat them with respect. And here the lilac bush shakes its head at us, probably wants to tell us something special. Let's come closer (a note in the shape of a flower is attached to the lilac branches).

“Dear guys, I watched you throughout your entire journey to the land of medicinal plants and decided that you deserve the title “Young Naturalist.” This title is awarded to those who protect and care for the nature of their native land. I think you deserve some encouragement. A surprise awaits you in the rowan meadow.


Children follow the tracks painted on the asphalt to a rowan meadow. There, under the rowan trees, there are thermoses decorated to look like mushrooms, containing rosehip decoction.

Flower girl. What a surprise! Tasty and healthy.

And we have the last petal left.

(background music sounds, children pronounce words, echoing the Flower Girl):

You fly, fly, petal,

Through west to east,

Through the north, through the south,

Come back, having made a circle,

As soon as you touch the ground,

To be in my opinion led!

Flower girl. Make the music sound sooner,

And spread a meadow of flowers everywhere!

♫ Children perform the song “The World is Like a Colorful Meadow” from the film “One Morning”, music. V. Shainsky, lyrics. M. Plyatskovsky. (Appendix No. 8)

Flower girl. It's a pity to part with you, kids,

It's time for me to get ready for the journey.

I will always be glad to visit you.

Just don’t forget to invite them to visit.

Background music plays, the Flower Girl waves her hand and leaves.

At the discretion of the music director, riddles, games and other additional material may be used for entertainment.

Riddles about flowers


Rye is earing in the field,

There in the rye you will find a flower,

Bright blue and fluffy,

It's just a pity that it's not fragrant.


I am a herbaceous plant

With a lilac flower,

But change the emphasis

And I turn into candy.


Hey, bells, the color is blue,

With a tongue, but no ringing!

Water lilies

Jugs and saucers

They don't drown and don't fight.

Lily of the valley

Even at night there is an ant

Will not miss his home:

The path is a path until dawn

Lanterns illuminate:

On large pillars in a row

White lamps are hanging.

Water lily

You saw on the water

White flowers.

These river residents

The petals are hidden at night.

The sun is burning the top of my head,

Wants to make a rattle.


I remember this year,

They bloomed in the garden.

Dressed up like actresses

In a white dress...


On a green fragile leg

The ball grew near the path.

The breeze rustled

And dispelled this ball.


On a winding path

The sun grows on a leg.

As the sun ripens -

There will be a handful of grains.


The sisters are standing in the field:

Yellow peephole

White eyelashes.

Game “I was born a gardener”

Conditions: number of participants – at least seven people.

A leader is selected - a “gardener”. The rest of the players think about who will be which flower. The presenter should not hear this. Once the players are ready, he says:

I was born a gardener

Seriously angry

I'm tired of all the flowers,


and names any flower (rose, violet, etc.). The player who chose the name of this flower must immediately say “Oh!” And the gardener immediately asked: “What’s wrong with you?” Flower - answer: “In love.” Gardener: “Who?” Flower: “In...” - names any flower. The one who thought of the name of this flower responds, and the above-described dialogue is repeated.

And so on until all players have taken part in the game. Then they can come up with new names for colors.

Appendix No. 3

"Waltz" by Grechaninov

Part I. (piano performance) The girls imitate the awakening buds, the boys jog between them in small steps. Then they stop in the center, raising their arms up to the center, placing one foot back on their toes.

Moths and butterflies appear, “revive the buds with their wings”, then they are located in the center of the circle, alternately raise their “wings”, perform a “spring”.

Part II. (orchestral performance) The flowers “bloom” and rearrange themselves in a “snake” pattern from small circles into two large ones.

The final. Flowers move in two circles in opposite direction, freeze in pairs, placing one hand on each other’s waist, raising the other up, with the leg pointed on the toe.

Appendix No. 4

“Wreath” Hungarian folk. song, arr. T. Popatenko, Russian. text by N. Naydenova

Children are divided into two subgroups. One subgroup “weaves a wreath.” They stand in a circle. Another subgroup is “flowers” ​​(Cornflowers, Porridge, Buttercups, Roses). They are standing outside the circle. Introduction. The children are listening.

1. We weave, we weave,

We are making a wreath.

Come to us quickly

Blue cornflower!

Children walk in a circle to the right, holding hands. At the end of the song they stop and raise their hands - they make a “gate”. For the new introduction, the Cornflowers run into the circle and form a small circle.

2. We weave, we weave.

We are making a wreath.

White porridge,

Come to us, little flower!

The children again go in a circle to the right, and the small circle goes to the left. Kashki stands up to join the circle. And the Cornflowers are spinning in place one by one. Then Kashki stands in a circle with Cornflowers.

3. We weave, we weave.

We are weaving a wreath.

White porridge,

Come to us, little flower!

The movements described above are repeated with new colors.

4. We weave, we weave,

We are making a wreath.

Scarlet rose,

Come to us, little flower!

5. Here's what, here's what

We made a wreath!

That's how good he is

Our colorful wreath!

Two circles move with singing. To roleplay, the flowers stand in a common circle. At the end of the roleplay, you can let the children dance freely.



1. In harmony with nature. Minsk: IOOO Krasiko-print, 2002.

2. Kashigina E.A. Summer holidays. Vol. 1. Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2006. – 31 p.

3. Mishchenkova L.V. 25 educational activities for first graders. – Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2007. – 160 p.

4. Nikitina V.V. 300 best games for children's parties. – M.: LLC “ID RIPOL classic”, 2008. – 221 p.

5. Outdoor games and fun. Comp. N.V. Chamarova, M.A. Shuh. – Donetsk: Stalker, 2006. – 127 p.

6. Syanova E. Scenario for holidays in kindergarten and school. M.: ZAO Slavic house books, 2002

7. Scenarios school holidays, comp. A.V. Sokolov. – M.: School Press, 2001.

Application: sheet music on 7 sheets, song lyrics, dance descriptions, 3 phonograms.

Sponsors of the summer holidays and entertainment script competition “The long-awaited time, the kids love you!”:

Sofia Morozova
Scenario of a mass event to get acquainted with medicinal plants Lipetsk region "Green Pharmacy"


introduce medicinal plants of the Lipetsk region;

Provide knowledge about the simplest ways to use some medicinal plants for treatment.


Give ideas about how to use these plants for treatment;

Consolidate children's knowledge plants in the role"Unravel the Confusion"

Introduce with poems and riddles about medicinal plants.

Fostering love for the nature of the native land;

Environmental education.

Progress of the EVENT

The hall is decorated with decorations reminiscent of a forest edge

Sounds to slow music (the text is accompanied by an image on the interactive board):

Here in the forest thickets, where everything is sweet to the heart,

Where clean air it's so sweet to breathe

There is healing power in herbs and flowers,

For everyone who knows how to solve their mystery.

(V. Rozhdestvensky)

(Fairy Flora enters the hall)

FLORA: - Hello guys! I am Fairy Flora. And all these possessions are mine.

Our land is generous. AND grow there are thousands of different plants. Its forests, mountains, steppes conceal huge natural resources. Do you guys know that among all the trees, bushes, grasses you have friends - plants, possessing medicinal properties?

Man has long noticed that animals, among the many plants are chosen only by those that will help them heal. People started studying these medicinal plants and their properties. In Rus', such people were called “herbalists.” Having studied medicinal properties of plants, they entered them in a special book. This is how knowledge about the medicinal properties appeared plants which we are currently using.

The forest is like a fairy tale kingdom,

It's all around medicines are growing,

In every grass, in every branch -

Both the medicine and the pills.

Well, what and how to treat,

We can teach you.

All healing plants

We know without exception.

You just need to not be lazy,

You just need to learn

Find in the forest plants,

Which are suitable for treatment!

To get to know some of the medicinal plants, growing here in the Lipetsk region, we guys are going to go to "green pharmacy» . So called pharmacy, which sells various medicinal plants, herbal mixtures, herbal tinctures.

In order to find out what is in our green the pharmacy needs to collect the lotto. But to do this, you need to solve riddles.

1. Carved outfit,

Scarlet lips are burning,

Scarlet earrings,

Scarlet boots,

The beautiful soul stands -

He is ashamed of his beauty,

bowed her head,

I dropped my earring. (Kalina)

Kalina - Russian ritual plant, symbol of pure love. In spring it is completely covered with a lace of large white flowers. And in the red juicy berries there is a single flat heart-shaped seed...

In medicine, viburnum bark is used as a hemostatic agent. Viburnum berries have a beneficial effect on the heart. Fresh berries have a bitter taste. They make very tasty jams and compotes.

A Russian beauty is standing in a clearing.


2. Red cones are hanging

On a thorny bush,

Hanging in disarray -

Tender and sweet,

It's hard to climb up to them -

Yes, it's delicious. (Raspberries)

Raspberry is a perennial shrub whose shoots bear fruit in the second year. The berries ripen in July-August.

The great wealth of vitamins and many other substances puts raspberries among the most valuable berries. Raspberries are used as a homemade diaphoretic for colds. The fruits improve appetite, regulate the activity of the stomach and intestines, and soothe pain in the gastrointestinal tract. Raspberry leaves are used to make complex tea, possessing high taste and medicinal properties.

Let's find a card with this plant and place it on the playing field.

3. White flowers,

small leaves,

Heal the heart

Calm your nerves (Valerian)

Valerian - perennial plant up to 1, 5 m. The name comes from the word "to be healthy". Russian common names for valerian - "cat grass", "cat root"- Not random: cats love this very much plant and literally fall into euphoria from the smell of valerian. This circumstance is specifically stated in the instructions for storing roots. valerian: “the room where valerian roots are stored must be inaccessible to these animals.”

Valerian - was widely known folk medicine. Currently, preparations from valerian roots are used as a sedative for nervous overexcitation, as well as to regulate the activity of the heart.

Let's find a card with this plant and place it on the playing field.

4. In a green blouse,

in a white sundress. (Birch)

Birch is the tree most beloved by the Russian people; it is a symbol of our country. There are about 120 species of birch trees. In our country, sagging and downy birch trees are common, the leaves, buds, bark and wood of which contain medicinal substances.

A thick dark liquid is obtained from wood - tar, one spoon of which, according to the saying, spoils a barrel of honey, but... heals wounds, ulcers, burns and skin diseases. And birch sap is very healthy drink. It is recommended as a general tonic. It is collected in the spring, in April. Since time immemorial, Russian people have been steaming with a birch broom in the bathhouse. Birch leaves have ability to kill pathogenic microbes.

Let's find a card with this plant and place it on the playing field.

5. A fashionista like this

The earth has not yet seen

He loves it very much in the summer

Show off in a downy hat. (Dandelion)

Ripe dandelion seeds are carried by the wind, hence its name.

ABOUT medicinal Ancient people also knew the properties of dandelion and used it widely and variedly. In Russian folk medicine, dandelion was considered "elixir of life". Infusions of dandelion roots are used to stimulate appetite and improve the functioning of the digestive organs. Dandelion flowers are used to make jam and put them in salads.

Let's find a card with this plant and place it on the playing field.

6. You injured your leg while hiking,

Fatigue doesn't let me go -

Bend over: soldier by the road

Ready to help you along the way. (Plantain)

Plantain is popularly called "fellow traveler", "cutter", "boil grass".

Fresh plantain leaves are used as a wound healing agent. The leaves are very good for treating calluses.

Let's find a card with this plant and place it on the playing field.

7. The bunch of berries is beautiful,

Yellow or red,

I'm afraid to get it -

I'll prick myself on the thorns.

But I respect you since childhood

Heart remedy. (Hawthorn)

For medicinal purposes, flowers collected in dry weather at the beginning of flowering, when some of them have not yet bloomed, as well as flowers with young leaves collected at the same time and fruits without stalks during the period of full ripening are harvested. The fruits are edible, but tasteless and dry. Therefore they are rarely used.

In medicine, a liquid extract or tincture of hawthorn flowers is used for heart diseases. People covered fresh fruits with sugar. They were used to make jelly in winter, and the berries were added to compotes or brewed instead of tea. Instead of tea, young hawthorn leaves were also brewed. People also use hawthorn as a living fence. A living hawthorn fence has served for centuries, and neither man nor animal can pass through it.

Let's find a card with this plant and place it on the playing field.

8. Berry, but not raspberry, not strawberry, not viburnum,

It has an inky color, but it’s not blueberry, no. (Blackberry)

Blackberries are not only tasty, but also healthy. Berries contain a lot of vitamins. Why do people need vitamins? (Children's answers). To be healthy, to help the body overcome diseases. In addition, blackberries are medicinal plant, which cures many diseases.

Blackberries are also used to make various delicious sweets: candies, marmalade, jam. In the old days, people knew how to make purple dye from dried berries and dyed paper and fabrics with it.

Let's find a card with this plant and place it on the playing field.

9. This weed is not simple,

Both green and yellow.

Cleanses the body cleanly

He is boldly friends with Moidodyr. (Celandine)

Celandine is a perennial herbaceous plant plant With beautiful leaves and bright yellow flowers. Celandine grows in forests, in clearings, in parks, gardens, grown in vegetable gardens and dachas. It is collected in June-July.

The aerial part is used in medicine plants and roots. It is used to make preparations for the treatment of warts, liver and gall bladder. Celandine can only be used as prescribed by a doctor, as it is highly poisonous. plant.

Let's find a card with this plant and place it on the playing field.

10. What kind of girl is this?

Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,

she doesn’t sew anything herself,

and in needles all year round. (spruce)

WITH medicinal purposes They use spruce needles and young cones. They contain essential oil, tannins, resin, and vitamin C. Fir cones are used as a decoction to treat sore throats and tonsillitis. For external treatment of skin lesions, an ointment is sometimes prepared by mixing equal amounts of spruce resin, wax and butter. This ointment is used for boils, pustules, ulcers, wounds and abrasions.

Let's find a card with this plant and place it on the playing field.

Surprise moment: Hedgehog appears.

HEDGEHOG: So many medicinal plants here in the Lipetsk region. I want to show and tell you a fairy tale about some of them. It's called "The Tale of medicinal plants» Peter Sinyavsky.

(A presentation for a fairy tale is shown on the screen)

FLORA: - Thank you, hedgehog, for such an interesting fairy tale. Let's say goodbye to the hedgehog.

FLORA: You have guessed all the riddles and now you know what is in « Green pharmacy» .

FLORA: Guys, I have a lot of books about medicinal plants. And I want to give you some of them. They tell you how to properly collect and dry plants, within what time frame this should be done. Why and how to use it medicinal plants so that they benefit you and not harm you. Which plants You can use it yourself, and some only on the recommendation of a doctor.

And most importantly, how to save plants so that they go to not only you, but also other people. When collected medicinal plants you must remember to keep them in nature. Under no circumstances should you collect everything. plants. When collecting flowers and harvesting grass, it is necessary to leave a few blooming plants on one square meter for seed propagation. When collecting fruits, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the fruiting shoots; do not pull them out plants with roots or breaking branches; when collecting annual fruits plants It is necessary to sow some of the collected seeds. When harvesting underground organs (roots, rhizomes) everything is completely destroyed plant, so sowing its seeds in the same place is mandatory!

Popular wisdom says: “He who grows flowers brings joy to himself and to others.” Living on Earth, we must constantly remember about protecting nature and increasing natural resources.

If it doesn't plants, then we, people, will no longer be on this planet!

To the pleasant music, Fairy Flora gives the children the eldest and preparatory group books « Medicinal plants» . The children leave the hall.

Scenario extracurricular activity for children 10-13 years old “Green pharmacy around us”

Purpose of the event: develop cognitive interests in the study of medicinal plants of Donbass and their use for various diseases.
Objectives of the event: continue to acquaint students with medicinal plants and their practical use in folk medicine for various diseases; cultivate a caring attitude towards them, instill a love for the nature of Donbass.
Children's age is 10-13 years.
Hall decoration: original drawings of medicinal plants for children; applications of medicinal plants “Which plant is superfluous here”, photographs of the nature of Donbass, illustrations, herbariums.

Progress of the event

Teacher. Guys! Last year we got acquainted with the main medicinal plants of Donbass.
In forest thickets, in fields and meadows,
Where everything is sweet for the heart,
Where there is clean air,
It's so sweet to breathe
Found in herbs and flowers
Healing Power:
For everyone who can
Unravel their secret...
And now we have to find out how they can be used in practice for various diseases. After all, not all diseases need to be treated immediately using tablets and powders. Nature has given us such a huge number of medicinal herbs. Surely, your grandparents used plants for many diseases. They used them to treat bronchitis, colds, stomach, liver and... This list can go on and on. And this knowledge and skills were passed on from generation to generation. This is how the science of healing with plants appeared and it is called PHYTOTHERAPY.
Herbal medicine, both in Russian folk medicine and in folk medicine of all continents and times, has been and remains the main type of treatment. Vegetable world always gave a person an extensive and fairly large set medicinal products. Herbal medicine has a centuries-old tradition, because medicinal properties plants were already used when most modern drugs there was no sign of it yet. Our ancestors successfully treated many diseases using healing potions prepared from medicinal herbs, berries, and fruits. After all, medicinal plants contain vitamins, microelements, essential oils, inorganic salts and organic acids. The effect of using correctly selected and prepared medicinal plants can be equal to the use of generally accepted medicines. But the advantage of herbal medicine is that it has a softer, more gentle effect, and has much fewer contraindications and complications after taking drugs of chemical origin.
1st student.The herbs must be bowed
And fall in love with them forever.
Herbal medicinal stock
Will be able to help you in difficult times.
2nd exercise j. Grasses grow in summer,
They are stored for the winter.
If there is a flaw in health,
You need to read the ABCs of grass.
3rd student. All medicinal herbs
Nature is full of herbs,
This has been known for a long time.
4th student. Man and beast and bird
They can be treated with herbs.
So that maintain health,
You need to be friends with herbs.
5th student. Chamomile, mint, plantain
Help heal wounds,
But be CAREFUL with herbs!
You have to know moderation in everything!
And today we will hold an event with you dedicated to the use of medicinal plants in folk medicine.
Teacher. First we will do a little warm-up with you. To do this, I need two teams that will compete in various competitions. So here we go.
Competition 1st. Team members take turns to name as many medicinal plants of Donbass as possible. The team that names the most medicinal plants wins. For each plant the participant receives 1 point.
Competition 2nd. Each team will be given a set of medicinal plants and diseases for which the plant can be used. The team must correctly connect the medicinal plant and the disease.
Medicinal plants:
1. Althea, mother and stepmother
2. Chamomile and St. John's wort
3. Rowan and rosehip
4. Valerian, lily of the valley
5. Peony, motherwort
6. Sphagnum moss, plantain
7. Nettle
8. Burdock, burdock
9. Cornflowers, blueberries
10. Dandelion, corn (name what exactly is used)
1. Vitamin deficiency
1. Bronchitis
2. Diseases of the organs of vision
3. Hemostatic
4. Sedative
5. Liver diseases
6. To strengthen hair growth
7. Heart
8. Stomach diseases
9. For wounds, cuts.
Answer: 3-1; 9-2; 7-3; 1-4; 4-5; 10-6; 8-7; 4-8; 2-9; 6-10.
Competition 3rd. Find the extra...
The teams will be given tests containing diseases and several options for medicinal herbs. Members of each team must cross out the extra plant with this disease in 1 minute. The team that correctly identified the “extra” plant during this time wins.
Question 1: The juice of which plant is not used for a runny nose?
a) aloe;
b) colanchoe;
c) grapes
Question 2. Which plant is not used as a heart plant?
a) lily of the valley;
b) valerian;
c) marshmallow
Question 3. What plant infusions can be antipyretic and diaphoretic?
a) linden
b) raspberries;
B) motherwort
Question 4. Which plant is used to remove warts?
a) celandine;
b) nettle;
c) mint
Question 5. Which plant is not used for eye diseases?
a) cornflower;
b) series;
c) blueberries
For each correct answer the team receives 5 points.
Competition 4. Each team will be given a “grid” containing medicinal plants from Donbass. In 1 minute, team members need to find these medicinal plants and then explain how to use them.
"Grid" for team 1.

"Grid" for team 2

Competition 5th. The author of the famous lines is encrypted in this grid: “The doctor treats diseases, but nature heals.” Teams must find the author of these lines in 1 minute.
C a P g o t i k p f s p t o k g k r o a d l t a
(answer: Hippocrates)
Competition 6th
Each team is invited to solve “its own” crossword puzzle about medicinal plants of Donbass.
Crossword for team 1. If the team correctly answers the crossword questions horizontally, they will be able to read the name of the “vitamin” plant vertically.
Questions. 1. This plant has a second name: salvia. The name of the plant comes from the Latin word “to save”, to protect. This plant is light- and heat-loving, with violet-blue flowers. It strengthens gums in case of bleeding and in general for throat diseases.
2. This plant is also called blue St. John's wort. It has unique healing properties that were known to the inhabitants Ancient Greece and Rome. In folk medicine, it is used in the treatment of respiratory diseases, digestive disorders, for rapid healing of wounds; a decoction of the leaves is used to rinse the mouth during inflammatory processes. Housewives use it successfully in cooking.
3. The medicinal properties of this plant were mentioned in medieval treatises. The properties of this bitter-tasting plant are noted to “strengthen the stomach”, relieve pain in it, in case of flu, gastritis, liver and gall bladder diseases. The infusion is used to lubricate the affected areas for cuts and insect bites, use for hair loss, and relieve fatigue.
4. On the roadside lawn he was golden like the sun. But it blossomed and looked like a fluffy white lump. On a hot day, the carpet is cheerful, the bees love it very much, the bumblebee flies from afar to amber flower. And how delicious and medicinal the coffee made from its roots is!
5. This plant has been cultivated since the 17th century. It was grown in royal and monastery gardens. But the most wide application this plant received when the Caucasus, Crimea, Bessarabia, middle Asia. A whole direction has emerged in medicine - treatment with this plant: seeds, roots, berries, juice, leaves, even ash and water from it. And kids love dry berries so much!
6. This flower and medicinal plant has another name “capuchin” and it came to Europe from the countries South America. Due to the fact that it is not whimsical and does not require special conditions, has taken root well in climatic conditions Russia and Europe. Excellent honey plant. Essential oils used not only in traditional, but also folk medicine for severe hair loss. It is part of drugs that are used in the treatment of sore throat, bronchitis, and tinctures are prepared from the leaves for the treatment of kidneys.
7. This perennial tree can be white and even “goat”. Grows on the banks of rivers, streams, ponds, in gardens, near roads. Its bark is used as an analgesic, tonic, increases blood clotting and even strengthens the nervous system and diseases such as tachycardia and colds.
8. She better than plants replaces the rest of the seven doctors, doctors and others and doesn’t fool anyone. There is more vitamin A and C in it than in an egg. Lots of vitamin K and healthy protein.
(Answers: 1 – sage, 2 – hyssop, 3 – wormwood, 4 – dandelion, 5 – grapes, 6 – nasturtium, 7 – willow, 8 – nettles A)
Crossword for team 2. If the team answers the horizontal crossword questions correctly, they will be able to read the vertical name of the plant, which has been used in folk medicine for more than 2,000 years. Tea with this plant is a delicious aromatic drink that has a number of healing properties. This is a drink that gives pleasure and at the same time calms you down. nervous system, “strengthens and invigorates the body.”
1. We encounter this plant every day when we brush our teeth and more... “It improves appetite and does not harm health”
2. It got its name because its branches are completely covered with sharp thorns, like the skin of a prickly forest dweller. And we use preparations from its leaves for coughs and flu as a diaphoretic and for liver diseases.
3. This tree blooms later than others, but the smell is such that all the honey bees in the area flock to this smell. And the flowers help cure you of colds.
4. This plant is also called blue St. John's wort. It has unique healing properties that were known to the inhabitants of Ancient Greece and Rome. In folk medicine, it is used in the treatment of respiratory diseases, digestive disorders, for rapid healing of wounds; a decoction of the leaves is used to rinse the mouth during inflammatory processes. Housewives use it successfully in cooking.
5. The resin secreted by this thorny tree can be used for gums and is part of a medicinal forest balm.
6. In French they call her Lilas, which means “lilac.” In countries Western Europe and America, the name of the plant is associated with the color of its flowers. Translated from Persian it is simply “flower”, and in Iran and Turkey it is called “fox tail” because of the shape of the inflorescence. In Russia, it was grown both in ancient landowner estates and in parks. But it's not only beautiful plant, but also healing, and there are so many varieties of it in Donetsk!
7. This healing plant came to us from South Africa. The pulp of the leaf heals cuts and wounds and treats burns. Juice is good for treating a runny nose if you drop it into your nose.
(Answers: 1 – mint, 2 – blackberry, 3 – linden, 4 – hyssop, 5 – pine, 6 – lilac, 7 – aloe)

Teacher. In the meantime, our “intellectuals” are solving crossword puzzles, I will hold a “blitz tournament” with you and find out how much you know the rules for collecting and preparing medicinal plants. For each correct answer you will receive 1 point, which will add to the piggy bank of one or another team. We are starting our “Blitz tournament”.
1. What is considered a medicinal raw material?
2. What is the source for collecting medicinal plants?
3. Is it possible to collect medicinal plants near roads?
4. What should you consider when collecting medicinal plants?
5. Is it possible to collect medicinal plants listed in the Red Book?
6. In what weather are the above-ground parts of plants harvested?
7. Is it possible to collect wilted flowers, flowers affected by diseases and pests?
8. At what time of day should you collect medicinal plants?
9. In what weather are the above-ground parts of plants harvested?
10. When should you collect the petals of essential oil roses and other similar plants so that the oils do not evaporate?
11. When should you collect bark and from which trees?
12. During what period of plant development are medicinal herbs collected?
13. How will you collect the herb St. John's wort, string, motherwort, wormwood?
14. At what time of year are roots, rhizomes, tubers collected and in what way?
15. At what time of year are tree buds collected?
16. How should medicinal herbs be dried?
17. At what temperature should medicinal raw materials with a high content of vitamin C be dried?
18. How to determine whether medicinal plants are dried or not?
19. Is it possible to pull out plants by their roots?
20. How should I pick berries and at what time of day?

Teacher. So. The blitz tournament is over and you have shown good knowledge of medicinal plants and contributed to the treasury of each team. And now we can sum up the results of the event, which the jury will tell us about.
Jury member. Guys! To summarize, it can be noted that you have demonstrated your knowledge of medicinal plants and herbal medicine. And according to the sum of points, we do not have a winner - both teams scored the maximum number of points and therefore FRIENDSHIP WON!
Teacher. And now we'll go to a "tea party" with medicinal herbs, dedicated to friendship and our “intellectuals”.

Kirilenko L.K.

additional education teacher

Donetsk Scientific Center


round table in a mug


Topic: “Apothecary garden”


To consolidate children’s understanding of medicinal plants, their health values, and rules of use;

Cultivate a caring attitude towards plants.


Introduce students to the variety of medicinal plants, rules and terms of collection;

To develop the cognitive activity of circle members;

Develop the ability to apply knowledge acquired in the circle classes;

Foster love and respect for nature.

Preparatory stage:

- a selection of poems about medicinal plants;

A selection of illustrations of medicinal plants;

Preparing tea and dishes for tasting it.


Illustrations depicting medicinal plants;

Exhibition herbal infusions medicinal plants;

Video film “Medicinal plants”.

Poems about medicinal plants: E. Evtushenko, Y. Kim, N. Zabolotsky, E. Vaks, A. Barto.

Participants: Chairman " Round table", the leader of the circle, guests, members of the circle.

introduction circle leader. People have long noticed that many plants cure ailments. I began to remember what helps with what. I remembered that animals are also treated with plants, and among the great variety they find what they need. Knowledge about the healing properties of plants was passed on from generation to generation. Even 4 thousand years ago, recipes for treating 450 plants were described in Egyptian papyrus.

Look around you when you are in the forest, field or country house in the summer. Here is a rosehip bush with fragrant pink flowers, and nearby there are thickets of white chamomile, which looks at you with a yellow eye. A birch tree rustles its leaves temptingly, inviting you to relax in the shade of its branches, and somewhere you are greeted by a hawthorn bush...

“Healing herbs, healing herbs!

There is no useless grass on earth!

You need to know all the plants

Protect and protect them.

After all, from the herbs of the forest kingdom

People make medicine!”

Now we will hold a round table with you, which is dedicated to the kingdom of medicinal plants. Guests came to our round table: a florist, an ecologist, a tourist, and, of course, a herbalist. And he will be the chairman of the round table.

(Then the chairman of the round table introduces the meeting participants).

Chairman: The selection of medicines in the natural pharmacy is rich and varied. Healing properties medicinal plants due to active substances, which are formed in plants. They are the most valuable, although they are found in plants in minimal quantities. These substances help the sick body cope with the disease (these are glycosides, alkaloids, tannins, micro- and macroelements, and others).

And now the floor is presented to the participants of the Round Table.

Florist(shows pictures of rose hips, and on the table there is a glass with rose hips). Asks the room a riddle:

"There are flowers on the bushes

Simply a miracle of beauty!

Thorns - claws

They are guarding the flowers."

It is not for nothing that this thorny shrub received such a name: sharp thorns will cause trouble to anyone who thoughtlessly wants to get acquainted with this handsome man. At the beginning of summer, the rosehip bush is decorated with fragrant flowers that resemble a rose. Medicinal raw materials there are fruits of various shapes and sizes (shows a glass with fruits). Rosehips are harvested before frost when they are fully ripe. At home, the fruits are dried at a temperature of 90-100 degrees Celsius, avoiding burning. Properly dried fruits should have a brownish-reddish or yellow. Preparations from rose hips have a choleretic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, and hemostatic effect. They are used for gastric ulcers, prevention of ulcers, and diseases associated with vitamin C deficiency. Especially in childhood. Flower petals boiled with honey have a preventive effect.

Traditional healer(shows an illustration of a “mother and stepmother” plant):

The snow has barely melted in April

On slopes or along roads

Look! Spring is already trying on

From mother and stepmother wreath!

What kind of plant is this? The snow has just melted, and in the sunny heat the first yellow flowers have already appeared on bare stems (shows a picture of a plant). When the flowers bloom, white fluff balls will appear in their place, and in them parachutes with seeds. At the first slight breeze they will fly apart different sides, and where there were yellow flowers, green leaves will appear. (Asks a question to the audience: “Which of you knows why the plant received such a name?”)

Club members from the audience: One side - the lower side of the leaves is pubescent, warm when touched - “mother”, scolding - green, cold - “stepmother”.

Traditional healer: Mother and stepmother leaves are brewed as tea and drunk as a tea for coughs.

Tourist(shows a drawing of valerian officinalis) and asks a riddle:

Cat grass -

Correction for the sick

Spine for the first aid kit

To help the heart.

Well, of course, you immediately recognized this plant. And that's what it is

represents a. This is a slender plant with a height of 15 to 45 cm with a short creeping rhizome. Beautiful feathery leaves, pale pink or pale lilac fragrant inflorescences - umbrellas. You need to look for it in damp places, near ponds among bushes. Biennial rhizomes with roots serve as medicinal raw materials. A lot of raw materials are required, so the plant is now grown in the fields. Valerian officinalis is used for insomnia, nervous shock and difficult experiences.

Enters into conversation Biologist. And I will tell you this riddle:

"Sticky Buds

Green leaves

With white bark

Stands under the mountain"

Of course you all guessed that we're talking about about birch. What kind of tree is this?

(a club member from the audience: “This is a forest beauty. There are about 120 species of birch trees on earth, but not all of them have white bark. Some birches have yellow or completely dark, almost black”).

Biologist continues. Birch has served faithfully for many centuries, benefiting not only the soul, but also the body. Since time immemorial, Russian people have steamed with birch brooms in the bathhouse. Birch leaves have the ability to kill pathogenic microbes in 2-3 hours. Infusions of birch buds and young leaves were used internally for colds, aching joints, and stomach diseases as a diuretic, diaphoretic, and choleretic agent. Particularly useful is the use of birch sap, which is collected in early spring. It causes a general strengthening effect and increases the body's resistance.

Ecologist. And what harm is done to the tree when collecting birch sap! The bark is damaged and the protective function of the tree is impaired. Birch sap is collected only from old trees that are subject to felling.

Chairman: " Good people, it is with honor that I bring such news.

That listening to them is not a sin. Joy will be here for everyone.

A wise, glorious, great doctor has come to you,

Which will properly heal any ailment.”

Doctor(asks a riddle and shows the drawing to the audience).

Paired leaves -

Amber flowers,

The fruits are insidious.

They both treat and cripple.

(from the audience members of the circle: “This is St. John’s wort”).

Doctor: " Yes, it's St. John's wort. People consider it a remedy for 90 diseases. “Just as bread cannot be baked without flour, some diseases cannot be treated without St. John’s wort,” says popular wisdom. The medicinal raw material is herbs. It is collected during flowering, cutting only top part 10-20 cm long. Dry it in dryers at a temperature of 50-60 degrees Celsius in attics and under a canopy. This plant has a strong bactericidal effect and is used as an astringent, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory agent, and for rinsing the gums and mouth. St. John's wort oil is used to lubricate affected areas of skin and wounds.

Coming out students, who are holding drawings of plants with the words: “Why did they forget to invite us to the round table? What would an apothecary garden be without us?”

First student with a plant pattern “shepherd’s purse”:

In vacant lots and along roads

Weed with white inflorescence.

But study its properties,

Maybe look at it the wrong way.

Stop the bleeding

In China, it is a salad for the table.

The weed is tenacious,

There are so many seeds in the fruit

Similar to a bag.

Second student. And I'll tell you about the linden tree.

Linden - a remedy for colds,

Everyone knows about it everywhere.

Although the linden color is inconspicuous,

But there is no healthier tea!

For sore throats and colds

They drink healing linden tea.

They say when they are sick:

“Come on, linden, help me out!”

Third student(shows a drawing of a dandelion).

A fashionista like this

The earth has not yet seen.

He loves it very much in the summer

Show off in a downy hat.

This is a dandelion. The ancient Greeks also knew about the medicinal plants of dandelion and used it widely and variedly. In folk medicine, dandelion is considered the “elixir of life.” Infusions of dandelion roots are used to stimulate appetite and improve the functioning of the digestive organs. Jam is made from dandelion flowers. What would a spring salad be without dandelion leaves?! After all, this is a storehouse of vitamins!

Biologist. Ripe seeds are carried by the wind, hence the name “dandelion.”

Fourth student: And I will tell you about such a plant as celandine.

This weed is not simple,

Both green and yellow.

Cleanses the body cleanly

He is confidently friends with Moidodyr!

The aerial part of the plant and roots of celandine are used. Preparations are made from it for the treatment of warts, liver and gall bladder diseases. This is a perennial herbaceous plant with beautiful leaves and bright yellow flowers. Celandine grows in parks, gardens, vegetable gardens and dachas.

Fifth student. Well, what would an apothecary garden be without viburnum (shows a drawing and holds a brush of viburnum).

Collect my bark

Needed in early spring.

Stop the bleeding

When bleeding by me.

Miracle decoction

Both young and old can drink!

Well, in the fall it’s a gift,

Clusters of fire berries,

Get ready for the winter, guys!

There are a lot of vitamins in them!

The aboveground part of plants accumulates the maximum amount of substances most often during the flowering period - at this time they need to be collected. Roots and rhizomes - late autumn, after the aerial part has withered. The buds are collected in early spring, when they are swollen but have not yet begun to grow (March-April), and even earlier for birch and pine.

The above-ground part of the plants must be collected in good, clear weather, since when moistened by dew or rain they deteriorate and lose their medicinal properties. The underground parts of plants are collected in any weather, and before drying they must be washed from the ground.

How should you properly dry medicinal plants? After all, their beneficial properties depend on this. Before drying, the plants are sorted. Branches with buds are cut and tied into bunches, which are dried in the open air or in a well-ventilated area. After drying, the plants are threshed. Plants dry quickly in the attic. Store in paper and cloth bags, boxes, dry, dark, clean rooms.

Takes the floor Ecologist. Medicinal plants are plants that come to a person’s aid. But we must not forget that these very plants can disappear from the face of the earth if people barbarically destroy them without caring about reproduction. Here's what the May lily of the valley can tell you about this.

Sixth student(with a drawing of a May lily of the valley addresses the audience):

I have a convincing request to the guys:

In the spring they tear us everywhere, we wither in bouquets in vain,

We are now threatened with extermination everywhere, friends!

I must tell you all that you can’t gather us together!

Ecologist. When collecting flowers and preparing leaves and stems as medicinal raw materials, it is necessary to leave several flowering plants for seed propagation. When harvesting leaves, only the lower ones should be collected so as not to damage flowering and fruiting. Harvesting of buds is carried out in densely planted cutting areas or during tree felling. When picking fruits perennial plants You cannot uproot plants or break branches, and when collecting seeds of annual plants, you must leave and sow some of the seeds.

Chairman. We discussed many issues related to medicinal plants and learned a lot of new and interesting things. Well, now I invite all participants of the Round Table to our cinema hall to watch a video about medicinal plants. And after watching the video there will be a surprise - a treat with a decoction of rose hips and linden with apples and cookies.

An extracurricular activity in biology “Healing Plants” is held at school with the aim of developing students’ environmental literacy. Among its tasks are the historical, aesthetic and moral education of schoolchildren, the development of responsibility in relations with nature, and the education of children healthy image life.

Preliminary preparation.

Students choose in advance a plant that they will talk about at the evening, select poems, songs, and riddles about it. From this plant they prepare drinks, creams, lotions, and arrange compositions.

Progress of the event

When your heart is not at peace,
When you can't control yourself,
Stay in the forest in a sunny clearing,
And all sorrows will be removed as if by hand.
A.K. Celje.

Presenter 1: Dear Guys! Today at our evening you will get acquainted with amazing plants that help people treat diseases and maintain health.

The construction of urban and industrial complexes has led to a disruption in the connection between man and natural environment. The high pace of today's life, the intensity of the work process, stress of various types and many other factors place increased demands on all organs human body. Various herbal remedies can be of great help in correcting and restoring strength.

Presenter 2: Knowledge workers and everyone who works with people need positive psychological effects, for example, evening walks to a park, square, where the peaceful sound of trees calms and encourages. The aromas of some herbs - thyme, mint, scented geranium, pine needles, lavender, sage... calm nervous excitement. Infusions are prepared from these plants and sprayed into sleeping areas. Baths with hops, fragrant calendula, string, valerian and their mixtures are good for relieving stress.

Presenter 1: It is advisable to take these plants (nervous calming) internally in the form of tea, drinks, juices, and better - in the afternoon, at night. Sensitivity to herbal remedies is individual, so each person selects plants for himself personally. After 1.5 months, the plants are changed, because the body can get used to them.

To stimulate decreased appetite, plants with a bitter taste are used 20-40 minutes before meals. These are tinctures of wormwood, dandelion, yarrow, as well as onions, garlic, wild garlic...

Presenter 2: The green world of our planet has always been close to man. The wisdom of nature-loving people has created immortal monuments not only of scientific but also of literary creativity. Even doctors wrote poems about herbs. In the 12th century, for example, the poem “On the Properties of Herbs” was written. Its author is a doctor and pharmacist Oda, who lived in France. The poem mentions 77 medicinal plants, says how and where they grow, and why they are useful.

This is how it is written about the benefits of the well-known chamomile:

The wise Asclepius gives a lot of praise to anthemia, that is, chamomile...

...excellent for treating liver suffering,
you will drive away the chill, and often the whole fever...

And this is not the only poem about healing herbs written in ancient times.

The Salerno Code of Health, compiled by the famous physician Arnaldo de Villanova (14th century), is well known:

Add roses and flowers and love pains will subside,
If you eat cherries, you will receive considerable benefits:
They cleanse the stomach, and remove stones from the core,
You will get good blood from the pulp of the berries.
Peaches, along with new wine, are taken by right.
So there is a custom to combine nuts with grapes.
Raisins are not good for the spleen...
Rose, verbena, dill, hemedonea, also rue -
Everyone takes the medicine, which makes vision sharper.

Presenter 1: In the soul of every person there lives love for his native land. We must know and remember that living plants are human safety, and their death is his death. And today we will try to learn something new about the life of Mother Nature.

Presenter 2: The world of flowers is amazing. Each flower has its own character, its own purpose, its own secret, the secret of beauty... There are legends and stories about many flowers. Here is one of them.

The rose, according to Greek legend, was born together with Aphrodite - the goddess of beauty and love - from sea foam and at first was white, but from a drop of the goddess’s blood, pricked on a thorn, it became scarlet.

The Romans' love for roses was so great that they began to use the lands that had previously been occupied by cereals for plantations. There is even a line in the poems of the poet Martial: “Egyptians, send us bread in exchange for our roses.”

The Roman Emperor Nero once paid a barrel of gold for roses brought from Alexandria in winter. Roses were placed in bowls at feasts. Wanting to amaze the guests, they showered them with roses. The bride was decorated with a wreath of roses and the wedding bed was showered with petals. Roses were thrown at the feet of the victorious warriors.

Persia is considered the birthplace of the rose. In ancient times, this country was called Gulistan - the land of roses (“Gul” means “rose”).

The most fragrant roses were grown by the Thracians who lived in the Kazanlak Valley (Bulgaria). Rose oil was obtained from them. Roses began to be grown in our gardens and parks under Peter I.

Presenter 1: We invite students of grade 6a. They will tell us about the beneficial properties of roses and tea.

Presenter 1: Thank you for useful information. The jury evaluates the performance.

Presenter 2: Up to 130 chemical compounds have been found in tea leaves, and many of them have medicinal properties. Young leaves are especially rich in healing substances: a quarter of all biologically active substances of the tea bush are concentrated in the top three leaves. Caffeine, the content of which is premium grades tea reaches 4%, has a tonic effect.

Presenter 1: What do you know about tea?

Quiz for the audience.

  1. Who opened the tea? (They say that the goats ate tea leaves from an evergreen bush and began to behave strangely, noticeably more lively than usual.)
  2. What are the benefits of tea for the human body? (Restores strength, calms the heart, lowers blood pressure, protects against colds (contains vitamin C).)
  3. In which country do you drink tea the most today? (The record holders for tea drinking are the British. Men drink more women. Per year per person – 1800 cups. And also Ireland.)
  4. When did tea become famous in Russia? (In 1638, the royal steward V. Tyumenets, being an ambassador to Mongolia, first tried the drink, which he liked, and Altyn Khan sent several vessels of tea as a gift to the Russian Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich.)
    For a long time, this drink was considered rare among us and belonged to the nobility. But gradually tea drinking became so popular that it turned into a national custom. And it was here, in Russia, that the samovar was invented.
  5. Explain the expression “To indulge in some tea.” (The peasants drank tea only in special cases: he was too expensive for them.)

Presenter 1: We invite students from grade 6b to perform. They also prepared information for us about medicinal plants. And which one - try to guess!

Questions for viewers:

  1. The scientific name of this flower is “Roman grass”. It is also called popovnik, divination, navels, sunflower.
  2. What flower is called the flower of lovers?
  3. How beautiful the flower is, it looks like the sun! (Chamomile.)

Presenter 2: Where did the expression “They robbed you like crazy” come from?

The meaning of the saying is to take everything from a person and leave him naked. This saying appeared thanks to the bast shoes that peasants in Rus' used to wear. Bast shoes were woven from linden bast. One pair contained the bark of 2-3 stickies. There the trees stood, stripped, completely bare. But besides weaving bast shoes, linden was also used as a medicinal plant.

Presenter 1: Students in grade 6b will tell us about linden and chamomile.

Presenter 2: Thank you for the useful information. And now – a game for the audience “Listen Don’t Yawn.”

Conditions. 2 people per class are invited. Each student is given a sign with the name of the plant, which he pins on his chest.

(Approximate names of plants: tomato, cabbage, birch, rose hips, linden, strawberries, hazel, carrots.)

The guys line up in one line, the leader reads out the task - signs characteristic of plants. The student must find a match between the trait and “his” plant. If the answer is correct, he takes a step forward; if the answer is incorrect, he is eliminated from the game. The points earned are credited to the class team.


  1. Perennial plants (birch, rose hips, linden, strawberries).
  2. Herbaceous plants(tomato, cabbage, strawberries, carrots).
  3. Shrubs (rose hips, hazel).
  4. Annual plants(tomato).
  5. Angiosperms (all).
  6. Forming a root vegetable (carrot).

Presenter 1: Thanks to the participants. And now the riddle:

Try to guess who the five brothers are:
Two are bearded, two are beardless,
And the last fifth one looks like a freak:
Only the beard is on the right, not a trace on the left... (Chapals of a rose hip flower.)

Presenter 2: Difficult? Then another mystery.

Sits on a stick, wearing a red shirt.
Is your belly full and full of pebbles? (Rose hip.)

Well done! You guessed it right. Students in grade 7a will tell us about the beneficial properties of rose hips and calendula.

Presenter 1: Thanks for the useful information. And for the spectators we will play the game “Taster”.

1 person per class is invited.

Exercise: identify the plant used to brew herbal tea by taste and smell.

Infusions used: chamomile, oregano, currants, strawberries, mint.

For a correctly guessed plant - 1 point. The points scored are credited to the team's treasury.

Presenter 2:

It was not a green flock of moths that sat on the bushes.
That spring day the currant leaves turned green.
And in the summer I’ll see her in the shady garden -
My currant will put on a red monisto.

Presenter 1: As you may have guessed, we will talk about currants. And grade 7b will present it to us.

Presenter 2: Thanks for the useful information. The jury calculates the overall results.

And for everyone else it is announced game "Love at first sight".

We invite 12 participants. The first 6 participants receive pictures of “fruits”, the other 6 – “synonymous words”. Task: find a pair.

For example: hazel - hazel, aspen - trembling poplar.

While the jury sums up the results, a musical break is announced.

The jury speaks, the teams are awarded.

Presenter 1: If only white flowers bloomed in the field?

Presenter 2: You and I would soon get tired of admiring them.

Presenter 1: If only yellow flowers bloomed in the field?

Presenter 2: You and I would get bored with such beauty.

Presenter 1:

It’s good that there are daisies, roses, asters, cornflowers,
Dandelions and porridge, forget-me-nots and frying.

Presenter 2:

It’s good that people are not similar in eye and skin color,
How beautiful is the colorful world, the multi-colored globe!

Best wishes! See you again!