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» Aluminum rack ceiling: installation and features of the suspended structure. Aluminum slatted ceiling Installation of false ceiling from aluminum panels

Aluminum rack ceiling: installation and features of the suspended structure. Aluminum slatted ceiling Installation of false ceiling from aluminum panels

High performance characteristics, presentable appearance and ease of installation are just some of the positive properties, testifying in favor of aluminum slatted ceilings. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the features of this design and the technology of its installation. In this article, we will tell you how to make an aluminum ceiling with your own hands, show photo and video instructions.

Slatted ceilings are one of the types of suspended ceilings. The suspension system allows you to attach rails made of different materials, including aluminum. They are made of plastic, aluminum or steel tape, having a thickness of 0.4–0.7 mm, a length of up to 6 m and a width of 50–300 mm.

If you order blanks for slatted ceilings by individual sizes, then you will be given the length of the rails with an accuracy of up to 1 mm.

Installation of a rack aluminum ceiling is carried out only after completion of plastering and subsequent complete drying of the walls and floor finishes.

If you decide to install an aluminum panel ceiling in your bathroom or kitchen, then you will not regret it a bit, as it is not only reliable and durable, but also fits into almost any design. A wide range of rails is able to satisfy the needs of even the most demanding customers. Reiki are smooth and perforated, matte and glossy. They imitate the texture of wood and even leather. As for the shape of the rails, they are rounded and rectangular. A huge number of colors and shades is simply amazing. Reiki are installed along, across the ceiling and even diagonally. Thus, you can visually reduce or increase the space.

Such ceilings are still distinguished by interfluve joints. With open mounting, small gaps of 15 mm remain between the rails. A decorative profile is attached to them. With a closed joint, the aluminum panels overlap each other. There are also such slats that are joined closely, due to which a blind joint is obtained, that is, without gaps.

Comb or universal carrier rail, corner profile, as well as adjustable suspension - these are the main components suspension system. The comb is a galvanized bar with special clamps into which the rails are mounted and fixed.

As for the suspension, it consists of a rod and a bracket. In this case, the rod is attached to the main ceiling, and the bracket is attached to the carrier comb. Installation false ceiling carried out at a distance of 5–12 cm from the main one. This distance is determined on an individual basis, depending on the communications located on the ceiling and personal preferences.

If you have already decided on the color and type of ceiling, then you need to calculate the amount of materials:

  • Measure the perimeter of the ceiling. This measurement will indicate the required number of purchases of a U-shaped profile that is fixed on the walls, which will help to neatly adjoin the ceiling to the walls.
  • Calculate the length of the combs. To do this, mark the ceiling, perpendicular to the direction decorative panels, in steps of up to 1 m.
  • Determine the area of ​​the ceiling covering. To do this, calculate the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

After that you can buy necessary set materials for arranging an aluminum ceiling, according to your calculations.

Before proceeding with the installation of an aluminum slatted ceiling, you will need to collect the following tools and materials:

  1. Ceiling kit with profiles, panels and stringers.
  2. Perforator.
  3. Dowel-nails and screws.
  4. suspension elements.
  5. Building level, tape measure, marker and ruler.
  6. Screwdriver.
  7. Pliers.
  8. Drill.
  9. Knife and scissors for metal.

If you correctly mark the ceiling, then the installation will take place without any difficulty. So, first of all, mark the perimeter. This is necessary for attaching the U-shaped profile. If you are dealing with an ideal ceiling, then you are extremely lucky. In this case, you just need to draw a line on desired height from the ceiling.

In the process of marking the perimeter along the ceiling, which has a different level, you will have to carry out more complex calculations. The indentation from the edge of the wall in this case will depend entirely on the filling of the interceiling space.

If no communications are hidden in the ceiling, then the indent from draft ceiling should be minimal, namely 5 cm. But, before you make the markup, decide whether you want to mount lighting devices in the ceiling. If so, a 5 cm indent will not be enough.

Now make the markup for the stringers. All the lines you have drawn should be parallel to the side wall and to each other, and perpendicular to the end wall and the direction of the individual panels.

Fasten with dowels U-profile. Indent from the edges by 5 cm, and then make holes with a drill. The step between them under the fasteners should be approximately 0.5 m.

Holes should be drilled with outer side profile. This measure will avoid the formation of burrs, which subsequently interfere with the fit of the profile to the wall. Prepare places for suspensions in accordance with the existing markings. Adjustable hangers make it possible to level the ceiling. The extreme points should be located from end walls at a distance of 30–40 cm. Perform intermediate points in increments of 1.2–1.5 m. Fix the stringers, on which aluminum rails will subsequently be fixed. There should be a small gap of about 1 cm between the profile attached to the wall and the stringers. It is important to observe this condition so that the finished ceiling does not deform during temperature changes.

Before installing the ceiling structure, cut the panels to the desired length. It is important to make them 3-5 mm shorter than the distance between the profiles into which the end sides of the panels will subsequently be inserted. Now it's time to assemble the ceiling surface. Insert the panels into the stringers until a characteristic click indicates that the rails are fixed on the comb.

If the last panel does not fit, then there is nothing left but to cut it off. Mark the cut points, then make perpendicular cuts on the side of the panel to be removed. Sections of the panel formed by notches should be broken off by bending / unbending the aluminum. Fill the rail into the profile, screwed to the wall, with the cut off side, and fix the other edge on the stringers.

To make this process faster, install the cropped panel penultimate, and last panel shorten by 14 mm.

When installing the slats in series, you must run them diagonally into the profiles screwed to the wall. In contrast, the last panel must first be shifted to the side, bringing its first edge into profile as much as possible. Thus, both ends of the panel will be evenly located in relation to the wall. Now you can fix the panel on the carrier rail.

Spotlights harmonize better with slatted ceilings. For this, holes are made for them in advance. draw a circle desired diameter at the place of installation of the lamp. From the center of the circle to the outer line, make cuts along the radius. To do this, you need metal scissors. Bend the resulting petals into inside ceiling. The installation of the lamp will be better if you make narrow petals.

When installing a rack ceiling made of aluminum, make sure that the integrity of the finishing layer of the panels is not violated during the process. Scuffs, scratches and other mechanical damage will only worsen the appearance of the finished ceiling.

Anodizing panels gives the most stable and durable coating, as opposed to other types of decorative finishes.

Aluminum ceilings get dirty faster in the kitchen. However, taking care of them is quite simple. They are not afraid of water. And this means that the surfaces of such ceilings can be washed with a sponge in a soapy solution.

Slatted aluminum ceilings are environmentally friendly, so they can be used even in the bedroom and children's room.


We invite you to look step by step instructions how to make your own aluminum ceiling:

The aluminum ceiling is a lightweight suspended structure. With such a system, it is possible to short time to improve the premises, while the costs will be minimal. Thanks to such systems, it is easy to hide existing defects, damage, cracks, ventilation system, electrical wiring, pipeline.

Features of suspended aluminum ceiling

The ceiling, made of aluminum slats, has the appearance of a single surface. In fact, during installation work, the ceiling is made up of individual elements that may differ in shape and color scheme. Due to the fact that images can be applied to the material, it is possible to emphasize the design of the room, and with the help of lighting fixtures, focus on any elements.

Structures using cassettes have a completely different look. As a rule, this option is a classic, used more often for offices. The surface is monotonous, cassettes are used in the form of squares or rectangles.

If we consider such designs in terms of popularity, then two options can be distinguished:

  • with a smooth surface- after the ceiling is assembled from panels of the same size, small gaps remain, which are almost invisible to the naked eye;
  • alternating profile- for such purposes, rails are used, the distance between them is masked with the help of intermediate inserts, which may differ in color.

Before starting installation work, it is recommended to first study the features of each option.

Open aluminum system

Aluminum ceiling system open type includes rails between which special inserts must be installed. As a rule, the gaps between the tiles are covered with thin strips, which not only allow you to eliminate gaps, but also serve as decorative elements on the ceiling.

Suspension systems may vary in design and color scheme. Depending on the design of the room, it is worth choosing the color of the ceiling and decorative elements.

Closed aluminum system

For aluminum systems closed type no need to purchase and install intermediate strips. If this model is chosen, then the panels should be installed tightly to each other, leaving no gaps. Everything else closed systems similar to open ceilings. The principle of installation and components are identical in both cases. Closed-type aluminum ceilings are in most cases mounted in public spaces.

Complete set of aluminum ceiling systems

Before proceeding with the installation, it is worth purchasing everything you need for work. The ceiling system kit includes the following items:

  • depending on the total area the premises may include mounting rails, combs or traverses;
  • starting profile, which is mounted around the entire perimeter of the room to the walls according to pre-applied marks;
  • the surface of the ceiling structure being erected consists of the main profiles and rails, often strips 10 mm wide are used for installation;
  • intermediate inserts are used to connect the main rails, as a rule, they are most often found in such structures;
  • suspensions - rods or metal plates used in the process of mounting a frame system with a major ceiling, if the inter-ceiling space is up to 10 cm, then it is best to use plate suspensions, when the distance is 10 cm or more, it is recommended to give preference to spring rod suspensions ;
  • fasteners, including self-tapping screws or dowels;
  • if provided by the project, then it is worth purchasing lighting fixtures.

After all the components are assembled, you can proceed with the installation work on the installation of the aluminum system.

Choice of aluminum panels for the ceiling

To minimize the cost of purchasing material for mounting an aluminum system and to be sure of the quality of the purchased structure, it is necessary to pay attention to Special attention choice of aluminum slats. It is worth considering the following factors:

  • length - on sale, as a rule, there are strips 3-4 m long, if these dimensions are not suitable, then you can contact a construction company that cuts the material for services;
  • width - unfortunately, the choice is small and the width of the panels varies from 9 to 20 cm, the best option is the choice of material with a width of 10 cm;
  • thickness - this indicator directly affects the reliability of the entire structure, the ideal thickness of the strips for aluminum systems is 0.5 mm.

On sale you can find rails of several types:

When choosing an aluminum ceiling, you should pay attention to the presence of a protective film and the absence of damage. The quality of the ceiling depends entirely on the thickness of the purchased rail.

Advice! The color of the aluminum ceiling must match the design of the room. If necessary, the ceiling can be painted using enamel for this purpose.

How to install an aluminum panel false ceiling

Whichever version of the aluminum ceiling is chosen, installation work should begin with surface preparation. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. They make measurements - calculate the number of panels, lighting fixtures, material that will go to the frame.
  2. Prepare the surface of the ceiling.
  3. Acquire the necessary finishing materials.

Also, do not forget about construction tool And Consumables, since during the installation of an aluminum ceiling, not only hardware will be required, but also drills, a primer.

To prepare the ceiling, you will need to remove the previous finishing material, remove decorative elements, eliminate cracks and treat the surface special tool which will prevent the growth of fungus.

Attention! On this stage it is best to make the wiring of electricity, choose places for installing fixtures. The wire should be placed in corrugated pipe to prevent shorting.

Do-it-yourself installation of aluminum suspended ceilings: video

Installation of an aluminum ceiling is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Work begins with markup. To do this, 13 cm recede from the wall and draw a horizontal mark on the level.
  2. After the height of the room is determined, they begin to install the carrier and guide profile around the entire perimeter. For a rack ceiling, the guide profile is placed perpendicular to the guide rails.

  3. The guide profile must be attached to the load-bearing floors with adjustable hangers, after which it is leveled.

  4. To fix the hangers, it is worth drilling holes in the ceiling, hammering anchors into them. Hangers are installed so that they are on the same level, while a step of 1.2 m must be observed.

  5. The ends of the guides are placed on the shelves of the corner profiles, but do not rely on them. If it is planned to install cassette aluminum ceilings, then transverse inserts are attached to the longitudinal guide profile using special locks.
  6. Bearing rails must be fixed to suspensions. Before proceeding with the installation of aluminum panels, it is worth removing the protective film. If you need to mount lighting fixtures on the ceiling, then it is worth cutting holes for them first. As a rule, the slats snap onto the ledges of the suspension system.

  7. The panels are fixed on the traverses, after which the tongues located on the supporting rails are snapped into place.

In the process of performing installation work, it will be necessary to install lighting fixtures, if any.

Attention! It is worth working with slats as carefully as possible, as they can easily be deformed.


Aluminum ceiling - great option, if you want to ennoble the room as quickly as possible. Installation work do not take much time and effort, they can be carried out independently. If you follow all the recommendations and steps for installing an aluminum ceiling, the design will last for many years.

Suspended ceiling systems have become widespread throughout the world due to their ease of use and high functionality. Not so long ago, suspended ceilings made of aluminum have gained particular popularity - ultra-modern, lightweight, quick to install, but expensive compared to other suspended structures. If you are thinking about installing an aluminum false ceiling in your home or office, it will be useful for you to get detailed information about them.

Description of aluminum suspended ceilings

Suspended ceiling systems rack type are becoming more popular every day, as they can be equipped not only inside buildings, but also outside. Such designs are not afraid of low temperatures, corrosion, humidity and fires. They do not deteriorate and do not fade over time, so they are perfect for rooms with high demands on the characteristics of the ceiling.

A special type of suspended systems are aluminum slatted ceilings, which are panels with a length of 3 to 4 meters, a width of 5 - 20 centimeters and a thickness of about 0.6 millimeters, which are equipped with special connections. When the ceiling composition is assembled, the joints between the slats become invisible, and the ceiling looks solid and solid.

If necessary, you can order aluminum panels of non-standard sizes. However, in practice, buyers rarely resort to such an opportunity. In addition to the main panels, which have a width of 50 - 200 millimeters, manufacturers produce narrow insert panels that create a contrast with large panels due to color and size, as well as due to the texture, which can be perforated or smooth.

Spotlights or raster fixtures are installed in aluminum slatted ceilings. For round lamps, it is customary to cut holes in rails, and for raster lamps, buy a rail with holes already made called a screen. Often the screen is sold with lamps. Not so long ago, curved elements from rails appeared on the market. With their help, you can form bends and combine two rooms with different height ceiling.

Slatted panels are painted in any tone of the color table, often all sorts of images are projected onto them, they can have a relief or mirror surface. These features can be used to create an unusual interior solution, reproduce the necessary surroundings and arrange non-standard lighting. In particular, a modular lighting system with multi-colored lamps and sources of different power looks great on a suspended aluminum ceiling.

Aluminum slatted ceilings are best suited for schools, medical facilities, supermarkets and shops, restaurants and nightclubs. in city apartments and country houses such suspension systems are most often installed in rooms with high humidity - bathrooms, kitchens, saunas and swimming pools, as well as on summer terraces, playgrounds and gazebos, because aluminum is not afraid of rain, frost or sun.

Advantages of slatted aluminum ceilings

Suspended aluminum ceilings have many advantages over other ceiling systems. Consider their most important advantages:

  • The aluminum ceiling is versatile - with its help you can complete the ceiling decoration in a non-residential or residential type room.
  • One of the main advantages of aluminum ceilings is the ease of their installation and dismantling. Such a ceiling can be partially disassembled if you need to get to the electrical wiring, which is located in the interceiling space. After such work, cassettes or rails are easily installed in their original place without losing their decorative properties and functionality.
  • It is customary to install a suspended aluminum ceiling at any level and at any angle to the base ceiling, which helps to hide all the flaws in the draft surface and possible communications. Adjustable hangers create a perfectly flat ceiling plane.
  • Aluminum is a very light metal, so such a ceiling does not require a powerful suspension system, which ensures the safety of their operation. At the same time, there is no danger that some kind of rail will fall off and fall on a person.
  • Aluminum - pure material from an environmental point of view, which does not emit harmful substances into the air, even at high temperatures.
  • Aluminum is practically the only suitable material, which does not rust, which makes it a leader among other options. Aluminum is resistant to aggressive environments ( household chemicals, disinfectants). Suspended aluminum ceilings are almost not subject to aging, therefore they are able to keep original view and quality under the influence of these factors.
  • Caring for aluminum panels is very simple and does not require much effort: they are washed without difficulty, and after removing dirt, they are simply polished with a napkin or soft cloth. At the same time, the ceilings are not subject to aging, so there is no need to renew the coatings - regular washing is quite enough. And if there is a scratch or dent, then you just need to change one rail, leaving the rest of the ceiling alone.
  • Suspended aluminum ceilings have a great appearance, high reflective characteristics and a variety of colors, which allows them to be equipped to embody a wide variety of design ideas.

Types of suspended aluminum ceilings

There are two main types of aluminum suspended ceilings on the market - cassette and rack, which differ from each other geometric parameters lining. There are some differences in the frame system, as shown in the drawings and photos of aluminum suspended ceilings.

Rack aluminum ceilings may differ in the width and color of the rail, its profile and fastening method:

  • Slatted aluminum ceiling. In such a system, narrow gaps remain between the panels, which can be closed with special inserts or left open, depending on the conditions of use of the ceiling and your desire. If additional ventilation is needed in the room, then it is better to leave the space between the rails open.
  • Rack ceiling of the closed type from aluminum. This design forms a continuous surface without gaps between the panels. When installing profile rails, such a surface comes out ribbed, and when installing slotless rails - smooth and even.

Cassette aluminum ceilings are a modular ceiling system that consists of individual rectangular or square cassettes. You can also find more complex cassettes. The cassettes differ in size and color among themselves, but it is worth paying special attention to the design differences:

  • Cellular design with clear boundaries of each module. Cassettes are inserted into the hanging frame system, which remains open.
  • Solid surface. Cassettes are installed on the frame from below, and they hide it with themselves.

Concerning colors, then rack and cassette aluminum ceilings are different color- from snow-white to black. The most popular are suspended ceiling systems with a metallic effect (silver, gold and chrome) and a mirror surface. Interesting solution consists in the use of a combination of cassettes and rails of different colors. When arranging an open rack ceiling, a contrasting combination of inter-rack inserts and rails is often used.

Installation of suspended aluminum ceilings

Installation of suspended aluminum ceiling is not the most simple process However, if you take the matter seriously, then it is quite possible to do it. In this regard, a lot depends on the size and shape of your room. Naturally, the simpler the form, the easier it is to make the settings. In ideally square or rectangular rooms, there should be no issues associated with installing an aluminum slatted ceiling.

Suspended ceiling construction

If you decide to buy a slatted aluminum ceiling, then remember that the price of a suspended aluminum ceiling includes: a rail, a plinth, a suspension, the rails themselves and fixtures. Let's take a closer look at these elements:

  • Laths are aluminum panels, which have special joints in their design, which remain invisible after completion.
  • The tire is a bar with teeth, for which the rails cling. Pay special attention to the selection of tires for rails, because a certain type of tires, unfortunately, does not fit all aluminum rails.
  • Suspension is a wire that is attached to concrete ceiling. Tires with aluminum slats are attached to the suspension. Because of this, in fact, such a ceiling is called suspended. Remember that high-quality suspensions have the ability to adjust in height.
  • Plinth. This structural element of a suspended aluminum ceiling plays a purely decorative role, because it closes the gap between the ceiling and the wall, in general, like an ordinary plinth.
  • Lamps. Always remember about lighting fixtures, as there are situations when the owners remember about the sources of lighting only after the installation of the slatted ceiling. You can purchase ready-made aluminum strips "screens" with installed spotlights.

You should immediately warn you that aluminum suspended ceilings, regardless of their type - cassette and rack, are produced by many different manufacturers. Their products differ in the size and profile of the slats, as well as the configuration of the suspended frame. Therefore, it is recommended to buy ready-made kits exclusively from one manufacturer, and not to assemble the ceiling from different components.

In order not to overpay for the material for the suspended aluminum ceiling and be sure of the strength of the entire suspended structure, and this important argument, it is recommended to carefully consider the choice of aluminum slats. When choosing the size of aluminum strips (rails or cassettes), you need to pay attention to the following information:

  1. Length. The choice in this regard is very small - aluminum strips can have a length of 3 to 4 meters. If you are not satisfied with both options, you can find a company that provides cutting services for this material.
  2. Width. The choice is also not very wide - the thickness of the aluminum slats reaches 9 - 20 centimeters. An excellent solution is aluminum slats with a thickness of about 10 centimeters - they are the most popular.
  3. Thickness. But the choice of the thickness of the aluminum strips will determine whether the ceiling will turn out to be reliable, and subsequently whether you will overpay for its installation. Ideally, the thickness of the aluminum slats should be 0.5 millimeters.

Remember that there are three types of slats - open, closed and with inserts:

  • Closed aluminum slats look like a wooden lining.
  • In the case of choosing open rails, there should be a small gap between them. It is recommended to install such open slats only in rooms whose height is more than 5 meters, so this type of slatted ceiling in the bathroom is unlikely to be appropriate.
  • And the third type, aluminum slats with inserts, are similar to open ones, however, it is customary to mask all the gaps with narrow strips of aluminum.

When choosing a suspended aluminum ceiling, you need to pay attention to the presence of a protective film, the presence of dents and the thickness of the rails. The thicker the slats are, the stronger the ceiling will be. Protective covering required for the safe transportation of the ceiling from the shop to the aluminum false ceiling installation site.

It is recommended to choose the color of aluminum rails, taking into account big picture room design. If you want to equip a "mirror" ceiling, then you should choose a chrome aluminum ceiling. Well, if you decide to repaint the ceiling, for this you just need to apply a layer of enamel.

Installation instructions for aluminum ceiling

The installation of a rack or cassette aluminum ceiling begins with the marking of the surface. At a distance of at least 13 centimeters from the main plane, a marking line must be drawn along the walls. In order for it to be located in the same horizontal plane, it is recommended to use a laser or water level. You can get away with using a spirit level, but it's not that accurate.

Having determined the height of the ceiling, you need to install an angular supporting profile around the perimeter of the room, drilling holes along the marking line and fixing it with self-tapping screws with dowels every 50-60 centimeters. Along the perimeter of the room, guides should be installed in the corner profile. If you are setting up rack ceiling, then the guides should be placed perpendicular to the direction of the rails that you have chosen.

The guide profile is fixed to the bearing floor with adjustable hangers, then they are leveled. Hangers are attached in this way. Drill holes in the ceiling and hammer anchors into them, which have a diameter of 6 millimeters and a length of 40 millimeters. Hangers are attached to the anchor so that they are at the same level. To control the level, you can use a laser indicator or construction thread. The step between the suspensions should not be more than 1.2 meters.

In this case, the ends of the guides will simply lie on the corner profile shelf, however, they do not rely on it. In the case of installing cassette ceilings, transverse inserts are attached to the longitudinal guide profiles using special locks.

Attach the load-bearing tires to the suspensions with the same step as the suspensions themselves were installed. To do this, put them on the hangers with special holes. It is recommended to align the carrier rail by moving the quick clip.

Now the turn of the most trembling moment has come when installing an aluminum false ceiling with your own hands. Remove protective film from rails. If you want to install ceiling lamps, holes should be cut required size in advance. The slats should be snapped onto the ledges of the suspension system, and if you are equipping a cassette ceiling, then such slats can simply be inserted into the finished cell or fastened in the same way as the slats.

It remains only to fix the panels on the traverse and snap the tongues that are located on the carrier rail. In the course of work, you still have to install lamps in the ceiling, if they are provided for by the project. Remember that when installing a suspended aluminum ceiling, you cannot deform the rails, but they are quite easy to deform.

Suspended ceiling structures give many advantages - hide the flaws of the base and communication, level the surface, quickly assemble, suitable for installing built-in lighting. If you decide to mount a false ceiling, you can choose between slatted structures, plasterboard ceilings, Armstrong panels, cassette or stretch coatings.

In our article we will talk about rack ceiling coverings - their advantages, disadvantages, characteristics, cost and installation sequence.

Advantages and disadvantages of rack ceilings

Rack ceiling has the following advantages:

  1. You can install the rack coating in any room and outside it, because the material is resistant to high humidity and temperature extremes, it is durable, does not oxidize and is not susceptible to mold and rot. In addition, the entire structure is considered fireproof.
  2. Aluminum false ceiling hides defects base surface, communications and speakers building construction. Installation of the suspension system takes place without special preparation of the base ceiling surface.
  3. Installation of the rack ceiling can be done by hand. At the same time, the structure can not only be assembled, but also disassembled on its own, if it is necessary to replace the rail or repair utilities.
  4. You can install built-in lighting, hidden lighting or pendant lights in the coating.
  5. The metal slats from which the ceiling is made are produced in different sizes, colors and different options coatings, which allows you to create unique ceilings in terms of design and select products for the style and color of the interior.
  6. The surface is unpretentious in care, it can be washed detergents and water.
  7. The whole structure can be repeatedly mounted and dismantled. After dismantling, the rails and accessories can be used to assemble a new ceiling in another room.
  8. High technical and operational characteristics of the material provide an impressive service life, which reaches up to 20 years.
  9. Possibly device multilevel ceilings with straight and curvilinear transitions between tiers.
  10. If it is necessary to ensure effective ventilation of the ceiling space, open slatted ceilings can be made without inserts, when there are gaps between the individual elements for free air circulation.
  11. Metal surfaces are highly reflective, so with the right choice of lighting, you can save on electricity.

The main disadvantage of slatted ceiling systems is the same as with all false ceilings - they reduce the height of the room, because they are mounted at some distance from the base ceiling surface. Minimum Height the lowering of such a ceiling is 50 mm. But the use of mirror rails allows you to visually increase the height of the room and expand the space.

Another minor disadvantage of such a coating is that in order to replace one element or access the overhead space, the entire coating will have to be disassembled. It's all about fixing the rails. The surface is assembled sequentially, so it will not work to dismantle one or more rails in the center of the coating.

The cost of installation of rack ceilings

If you are interested in the price of a rack ceiling, then the cost of the panels depends on their size, type of coating and color. The cheapest items start at $6.7 per square, while the most expensive gold and chrome strips cost up to $16.6/m².

In addition to the rails themselves, you will have to buy components for assembling the supporting frame. Usually the cost of their purchase is + 20% to the price of coverage. If the installation is carried out by professionals, then the assembly will have to pay from $ 8 per square meter.

Technical characteristics of slatted ceilings

For the manufacture of rails used aluminum sheet up to 0.4 mm thick. The elements themselves are long strips with rounded edges for fixing on the holder. Usually slats are produced 3-4 m long, but six-meter panels are made to order. On sale there are perforated elements. The width of the rail reaches 30 cm.

Rack structures are of two types - open and closed. open systems in turn, there are inserts and without them. The difference between closed and open structures is that in the first case, the rails are mounted end to end without gaps and inserts, and in the second case, they are installed at a short distance from each other. This gap can be left open to ensure ventilation of the ceiling space, or closed with inter-rail inserts and get interesting design surfaces, especially if you use inserts that differ in color and texture from the panels.

Accessories for slatted ceiling

Suspended aluminum rack ceiling is assembled from rails and a set of parts for the manufacture of a supporting frame.

For work you will need the following components:

  • stringers (holders, traverses or combs) are long steel tires with locks on which rails are hung;
  • adjustable galvanized steel hangers are needed to fix the stringers to the ceiling surface and adjust the position of the entire structure in one horizontal plane;
  • reiki is cladding panels aluminum with decorative coating or perforation;
  • inter-rail inserts are aluminum narrow strips that close the gaps between panels in open systems;
  • the perimeter corner profile is mounted on the walls along the perimeter of the room and acts as a decorative element, hiding the ends of the rails and their junction with the walls.

The device of the rack ceiling pie with lamps

The design of the rack ceiling covering consists of a supporting frame and rails. In this case, all the components of the structure are arranged in the following sequence from top to bottom:

  • if it is planned to insulate and additionally soundproof the ceiling, then the material is fixed to the base ceiling surface;
  • followed by engineering communications - ventilation ducts, electrical cables in corrugation and other systems;
  • on adjustable suspensions, load-bearing tires (stringers) are attached to the base ceiling;
  • from below, slats are attached to them, which are latched by means of a special lock on the tire;
  • after that, the installation of lighting devices is carried out.

Do-it-yourself installation technology

We will consider the assembly sequence of the rack covering using the example of mounting an open type system with inserts, because this option is used most often. To clearly understand how the installation of the rack ceiling with your own hands, the video instruction will help:

Material Quantity Calculation

To calculate the amount of material, we need to know the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and its perimeter. The total number of U-shaped baguettes that are attached to the walls is found by dividing the perimeter by three (this is the length of one profile) and rounding the number up.

The number of stringers is determined taking into account the fact that these parts are mounted on the ceiling in increments of 120 cm. At the same time, please note that the direction of their installation is straight opposite direction panel installation. To count the number of stringers, we divide the ceiling with lines with a given step. We calculate their total length and divide by three (the length of one stringer). The number is rounded up.

It is not difficult to find the number of hangers, knowing that they are mounted along the stringer attachment line in increments of 120 cm. To do this, we divide the total length of the strips on the wall by 120 and find the number of necessary hangers.

Number ceiling slats determined based on the area of ​​the room. It is important to take into account the width of the bar and the presence of inter-rail inserts. In closed systems, only the number of rails is counted.

Tools for the job

To mount an aluminum rack ceiling, you will need:

  • perforator;
  • self-tapping screws and dowels;
  • screwdriver;
  • laser level;
  • drill;
  • scissors for metal work;
  • pliers;
  • building level;
  • roulette;
  • ladder;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • paint cord;
  • drill attachment for drilling holes for built-in lights.

Room layout

Before making a suspended rack ceiling, you need to mark up the room. If the base ceiling is even, then we simply put down the distance by which our ceiling covering and draw lines on the walls.

indoors with uneven ceiling we act differently. We find the lowest angle and measure down the required distance. After that, using laser level we beat off similar marks on other corners and connect them with lines on the walls. ceiling surface we draw lines with a step of 120 cm, along which suspensions for stringers will be attached.

Important! Do not confuse the direction of the lines - they are made perpendicular to the direction of laying the rails.

Frame installation

The frame is mounted in the following sequence:

  1. According to the markings applied on the walls, we need to fix the wall profile of the U-shaped section. To do this, we drill holes in the profile and the wall in increments of 500 mm, but we place these holes at a distance of no more than 5 cm from neighboring walls. We fasten the profile to the walls with dowels and self-tapping screws.
  2. According to the markings on the ceiling, we mount suspensions for stringers. For fixing we use dowel-nails. We mount the extreme suspensions from the wall at a distance of 300 mm, and we fasten all other elements in a row in increments of 120 cm.
  3. We cut the stringers to the desired length and attach them to the suspensions. In this case, the length of each holder should be 5-10 mm less than the width or length of the room.
  4. We adjust the length of the suspensions so that the entire structure is in the same plane.

Installation of metal rails

We cut each rail along the length of the room so that it is 0.5 cm less than the distance between opposite wall profiles. Remove the protective film from the element. We start the ends of the rail into the wall profiles, turning it diagonally. We fix the central part of the part on the stringer latches.

The last element is cut to the required width. To do this, we draw a longitudinal line and make transverse cuts from the side of the cut part. Then, using scissors, we cut the part along the drawn line. We start the rail with the cut edge into the groove wall profile, and snap the edge with the lock onto the stringer.

Suspended aluminum rack ceiling is an excellent solution for both compact rooms and spacious halls, including public purpose. Resistant to moisture, mechanical damage and temperature extremes, the panels can be used in rooms with aggressive environments. Tangible bonus - modern aesthetic appearance and the possibility of combining with built-in luminaires.

Structural device - what is included

To install the system on your own, you need to clearly understand what a rack ceiling device is and what they are used for. individual elements. The standard set includes:

  • stringers (also called combs, traverses) - needed for attaching canvas panels;
  • suspensions - allow you to adjust the height of the stringers, mounted directly on the base of the ceiling;
  • aluminum rails;
  • inter-rail inserts for open systems;
  • corner profile for decoration and masking of joints.

In addition to the construction device, in order to do the installation with your own hands, you need to be able to correctly calculate the amount of materials and fasteners. To do this, measure the length and width of the room, multiplying the results by two. The final number will determine the desired length of the frame.

The next step is to calculate the area of ​​the main ceiling and the area of ​​the aluminum strip. Calculating the area of ​​​​the ceiling is simple - the length is multiplied with the width. The area of ​​the rail is calculated in the same way.

To find out the number of rails required for installation, the ceiling area is divided by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bone strip. 15% is added to the result in case of damage to the material during installation.

Initial stage - foundation preparation

Despite the fact that the base under the aluminum slats will not be visible, some surface preparation work will have to be done. Even the simplest installation of a slatted ceiling in a compact bathroom or hallway involves working with a cleaned and relatively flat ground. In addition, before laying the structures are determined with engineering communications- those of them that will pass behind the rails in the interceiling space are carefully fixed, if necessary, isolated, tested, etc.

The distance between the base and the rails depends on the number of communications and lighting equipment intended for embedding. The largest quantity places will require lamps based on incandescent lamps - up to 130 mm, less - LED and halogen devices (up to 70 mm).

The lower the height of the walls in the room, the more restrictions are imposed on the distance between the rack and the main ceiling. In a room with a ceiling height of up to 2.5 meters, stringers are attached to the ceiling, leveled with linings, and only pendant lights are used that do not require additional space. In narrow rooms with ceilings up to 2 meters, stringers are generally excluded from the installation process, laying the rails on wall corners using self-tapping screws.

Markup and a set of tools - an important preparatory step

Any installation instruction begins with a list of tools needed to carry out the work. In the case of an aluminum slatted ceiling, this is a standard set of:

  • roulettes;
  • perforator;
  • screwdrivers;
  • knife
  • scissors for metal;
  • pliers;
  • fastening elements.

Of great importance on the final result will be the correct execution of the markup. Start by drawing a line parallel to the wall at a distance of 300 mm from it on two parallel sides for attaching the stringers. These lines mark the entire ceiling, keeping a distance of up to 1.2 m between them.

On the finished lines, the places for mounting the suspensions are marked. They should be removed from the wall at a distance of no more than 400 mm in increments of 1200 mm. Perpendicular to the lines of the stringers, mark the mounting line of the rails (distance from 300 mm). An orthogonal grid is created, the step sizes are 05-1 m.

At the same stage, the places for attaching lamps and decorative elements are marked. It is important that they are placed between the stringers.

On the surface of the walls, mark the level of the suspended ceiling using a level.

How to mount a rack structure: a step-by-step process

An aluminum rack suspended ceiling is installed in several stages according to the finished layout. Start with the installation of stringers. Here it is necessary to remember the parallelism of their axes. The first to mount the suspensions using self-tapping screws or anchors installed in pre-prepared holes. There are suspensions on studs, springs and self-tapping screws.

Here it must be borne in mind that suspensions are used only in rooms with ceilings from 2.5 meters. low ceilings imply fastening the rails directly to the base.

To properly install the ceiling, the stringers are mounted in such a way that the first panel is fixed in its entirety, and the finish panel is adjusted in width and with a gap of up to 5 mm from the wall.

After installation, the stringers are leveled using adjustable hangers, depending on their design. When using hairpins, they move the clip, spring - tighten the spring, on self-tapping screws - screw in or vice versa, unscrew the screws.

Continuing to install suspended ceilings from aluminum panels with your own hands, after installing suspensions and stringers, they move on to skirting boards. It's about O decorative element construction, the purpose of which is to hide the joints between the rails and the walls. Skirting boards should be installed as evenly as possible, using self-tapping screws in increments of 600 mm.

Finishing the frame with slats - how to do it right

With the transition to finishing the frame with planks, the installation of a rack aluminum ceiling can be considered almost complete. This stage is the simplest, requiring minimal cost time. The strips are fixed only after the wires, pipes, ventilation and other communications in the interceiling space are tested and carefully fixed.

The first rail is mounted, starting from the wall where the uncircumcised element was supposed to be installed. You can start the installation from any wall only if the width of the rail is a multiple of the distance between the walls.

Panels in which it is planned to install fixtures are prepared with metal scissors, depending on the type of device. If this hanging lamp, then the diameter of the hole corresponds to the installation fittings, the point ones will require the device of holes corresponding to their diameter.

When the assembly of the aluminum ceiling is completed, the canvas is checked for evenness using a level.

Features of installing the design in the bathroom

Installing a ceiling based on aluminum rails in the bathroom has its own characteristics. Most of the details are related to non-standard sizes and room shapes. It is easy to install the ceiling in a square or rectangular bathroom, which will be much more difficult in rooms with an outstanding configuration.

Mount the ceiling in the bathroom from aluminum profiles and in no case from wooden, unstable to moisture. Lamps are used protected from water and moisture, if the height of the ceilings allows - install ventilation grates to create a normal microclimate. But warm and soundproofing materials in the bathroom it is better not to lay. Additional layers will take away the height already limited by the ceiling.

In the video below you can see how to properly install slatted ceilings in spacious and compact rooms with your own hands.