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» Asphalt crumbs. How to lay asphalt chips with your own hands How to lay asphalt cut

Asphalt crumbs. How to lay asphalt chips with your own hands How to lay asphalt cut

Asphalt crumbs – relatively new material, which is used in road construction. It belongs to secondary materials; crumbs are produced from cut old asphalt concrete pavement.

Asphalt crumbs – best option for high-quality and economical road surfaces. The scope of its application is wide:

  • secondary roads without significant traffic;
  • roads in courtyards, paths in squares, parks;
  • sidewalks;
  • utility sites, parking lots, sports grounds.

Asphalt crumbs have many advantages. It consists of granules of asphalt concrete and bitumen - thanks to this, the technology for its installation is very simple, and the cost of the material is much lower than that of new asphalt. If you follow the rules for laying crumbs, you can get a wear-resistant, durable coating that does not require repair for a long time. Due to its size, the crumbs are packed tightly and fill all the voids, and over time the coating becomes more compact and stronger.

Laying technology

When constructing new roads, the following technological process should be followed:

  1. Leveling the earthen base.
  2. Laying geotextiles if road durability is required.
  3. Laying sand and compacting it.
  4. Laying and compacting crushed stone.
  5. Laying the first layer asphalt crumbs, thickness of at least 10 cm, its compaction.
  6. Laying the second layer and compacting it.

This is a standard technology that is used in the construction of secondary roads in cities and towns. They require durability and good quality coating, and in this case, despite all the complexity and cost of the technology, it turns out to be simpler and cheaper than laying new asphalt concrete.

But when arranging sites or parking lots, an access road to a private house, improving the quality dirt roads more economical technology can be used. It involves the following processes:

  1. Cleaning and leveling the base.
  2. Laying and compacting crushed stone.
  3. Pouring a layer of bitumen.
  4. Filling with asphalt chips in a layer of at least 20 cm and compacting them.

Another, economical option is to pour bitumen directly onto the earthen base, backfill and compact the crumbs with a layer of 10 cm. Next, pour a new layer of bitumen and add another layer of crumbs. This option is suitable for park paths, sidewalks and so on.

Compaction of asphalt crumbs is carried out both using a road roller and using a vibrating plate or hand roller. At self-installation the crumbs can be compacted by the wheels of passing cars.

Thus, there are three technologies for laying asphalt chips, each of which is used for arranging a specific type of coating. But in all cases, the use of recycled material reduces the cost of construction, without compromising its quality. Provided that the technology is followed and the crumb is of good quality.

How to determine the quality of crumbs

It depends on many factors, but the main ones are the source of raw materials and the production method. The source of raw materials are roads that are being repaired. More high-quality coating– on the main roads, that is, the little ones from there are better.

As for the production method, there are two of them: using a cutter and using a stationary crusher. Milling production is carried out on site, immediately after the asphalt is removed. The milling cutter crushes the asphalt, and the finished product is immediately sent for shipment. This crumb is of higher quality, but it is produced only during road repairs.

With the help of a crusher, the production of crumbs is carried out all year round, but its quality may vary - it depends on the quality of the raw materials and the size of the resulting fractions. But the cost of the material is cheaper.

Asphalt crumbs are classified as secondary building materials, the advantage of which is an attractive price. When compared with crushed stone, the price of crumbs is almost three times lower. At the same time, in some areas it becomes a full-fledged substitute for crushed stone, and sometimes even surpasses its qualities.

We are counting required quantity and lay it down
Asphalt crumbs are laid either manually using shovels or with an excavator. A dump truck first delivers it to the installation site and pours it out in several portions evenly over the site that will be paved. The territory must be prepared in advance - cleared, removed all unnecessary, leveled as much as possible.

The layer should be approximately 15-20 cm - this is enough to form a dense coating. The final stage is rolling. If the crumbs are laid on country roads, they do not resort to the help of an excavator - compaction by the wheels of passing cars is enough.

Quantity required material It is calculated very simply: the area of ​​the road to be filled needs to be multiplied by 0.2. The resulting figure shows the quantity cubic meters material to create a layer 20 cm thick. It must be taken into account that the thickness will be halved after rolling and will become 10 cm, so there is no point in saving and making the initial layer less than 15 cm. It is important to take into account the so-called errors - holes, potholes, irregularities, backfilling of which will require additional crumbs. Therefore, to the obtained result you need to add a little more material as a reserve.

Working with crumbs is so simple that you can do it without large quantity people to pave the roadway. Of course, provided that the area of ​​the plot is not huge - up to 100 m2. The skating rink can be rented, and it is easy to operate it yourself. It is necessary to roll the crumbs until they harden. If possible, it is advisable to fill the top with a bitumen mixture.

Advantages over crushed stone and sand
In summer when high temperatures air, asphalt chips rolled into a monolith together with bitumen inclusions form a very strong bond. In addition, it does not cause harm to the car body, even if it flies out from under the wheels, which cannot be said about crushed stone.

Another advantage over crushed stone and sand is stronger compaction. After some time, the asphalt crumbs become similar to the asphalt of city roads - as if appearance, and by quality characteristics. It’s not for nothing that it’s called cold asphalt or black crushed stone. In addition, the susceptibility to the destructive influence of water is very small, so the service life of such a coating is long.

The use is gaining momentum, especially among owners of private houses with their own driveways. According to some forecasts, such popularity may provoke an increase in price by 20-30%, but so far the price remains the same low.

Roads are an eternal problem and Achilles' heel our country. There are a lot of roads in Russia, and the road network includes not only federal highways, but also local roads, all kinds of rural roads and temporary roads, on the site of which it is only planned to build a permanent highway.

Every year huge amounts of money are allocated for the construction and repair of roads, and every year we hear that this is just a “drop in the bucket.” Road repairs are inevitable, but you need to approach them wisely, because even a small budget can be spent so that the price-quality ratio is optimal. It’s not for nothing that they say that “savings should be economical.” This means that you need to treat everything you have with care. For example, old asphalt, which is removed during road repairs in order to put a new one in its place road surface, can be reused by making asphalt crumbs from it This material began to be actively used not so long ago, but has already become popular and in demand.

The VICCO company specializes in the supply of recycled materials in St. Petersburg and the region. Among the range of recycled materials supplied by the company, there is asphalt chips. In this article, specialists from the VICKO company will tell you what asphalt crumbs are, and will also share several tips on laying this material.

Asphalt crumbs are modern material, which is a product of recycled asphalt pavements and is suitable for constructing roads of varying quality. In addition to construction, asphalt crumbs can be used to fill roads in the internal territories of holiday villages. Such roads are subject to less stringent requirements than roads with high traffic loads, so asphalt chips will perform their function properly.

It must be said that the asphalt crumb itself, as well as its installation, will cost much less than laying a new asphalt surface, and the quality will be lower. high level. All this is due to the fact that asphalt crumbs retain almost all the basic properties of an asphalt pavement. In particular, the composition of asphalt crumbs includes bitumen, which is a binding and at the same time a sealing element that extends the life of the road.

The undoubted advantage of asphalt chips is that, if desired, it can be laid on our own, without hiring a whole team of workers for this, however, if we're talking about O small area, because otherwise it would be better to entrust the work to professionals, for example, contact the VICCO company. If you nevertheless decide to carry out the work of laying asphalt chips yourself, then adhere to the following plan.

To begin, determine the area of ​​work and order asphalt chips; the approximate consumption of this material will be about 15 tons per 100 sq.m. You will also need a roller whose weight will not exceed 10-14 tons. Such a skating rink, as a rule, can be rented from companies that supply asphalt crumbs. Now you can proceed directly to the process itself.

Before laying asphalt chips, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work, in particular, leveling holes, cutting down bushes, if any, removing grass and foreign objects. The leveled soil layer can be shed bitumen mastic, this will help increase the adhesion of asphalt chips to the road surface, but you can do without it.

Asphalt crumbs are laid evenly, and it is better to lay them in two layers of 8-10 cm each. After laying the first layer of asphalt chips, it must be compacted, and only then proceed to laying the next one. Moreover, if you use asphalt chips to arrange a sidewalk, then you can use a vibrating plate for compaction, and if you use a roadway or platform, a roller. Once the compaction is completed, the work can be considered complete.

Thus, laying asphalt chips can be done on your own; it is interesting that over time, the asphalt crumb coating only gets better, as more and more cars roll it over. Of course, asphalt crumbs still retain a relatively loose structure, so they are inferior in their operational characteristics asphalt, however, it is noticeably superior to the coating of crushed stone and sand.

The VICCO company will supply you with asphalt crumbs in the required volume and to the maximum short time. We work with both corporate and private developers, and are also ready to advise you on all construction issues. Contact us!

Crumb asphalt consists of crushed materials. Often the material is used in various areas related to road construction. It has become most widespread in modern times, thanks to the advancement of technology, namely after the introduction of a special unit that is capable of removing layers of long-term coating without damaging the base of the “cushion”. In this article we will describe in detail how to lay asphalt chips with your own hands.

Asphalt crumbs contain bitumen and recycled construction crushed stone. Depending on the classification, the fraction does not exceed a few cm. Multi-raw material crumbs, formed from the composition of crushed stone, sand, bitumen, and concrete, are also found. Experience shows that multi-raw material crumb behaves most optimally under our conditions.

The crumb goes through a certain preparatory cycle before it turns into the finished product. The cycle consists of several stages at once:

  • removal of old coating;
  • removal to the factory;
  • splitting up;
  • sorting and dispatch.

Where is this material used?

The use of asphalt crumbs can be found in many areas. To a greater extent it occurs when:

  • Construction of roads, highways;
  • Construction of small sites near country houses;
  • When sprinkling stadiums and play areas in parks and outdoor entertainment centers.

As you can see, it can be used in many areas; it is not uncommon to find crumbs in forested areas of parks, where bicycle and pedestrian paths are sprinkled. When constructing new highways, asphalt chips are used to strengthen exits and shoulders, protecting the new road surface from deformation and vibrations. Interesting feature recent years- this is what many construction companies use crumbs to sprinkle the top layer of the base before laying the finished floor. This serves as additional insulation from the damp foundation.

Today, the baby has become popular among summer residents because of its relatively high cost. Modern village roads are built from crumbs. Indeed, in comparison with similar crushed stone or concrete roads, it has significant differences:

  • It is highly resistant to moisture and various weather conditions;
  • Durable;
  • Not washed away by floods;
  • Significantly lower in cost, given the low production costs.

Technology for laying asphalt chips

This technology began to be used in road construction relatively recently, but in a short time it has fully confirmed its advantage. As mentioned above, asphalt chips are a secondary product, more precisely the result of multi-layer removal of the old road surface followed by crushing. Despite the low cost of production, the material is distinguished by its significant strength and can be processed.

One of the main advantages of this material is considered by many to be the ability to densely fill all voids and cracks in the coating. Even with time and gradual compaction with the help of cars, such a coating only becomes stronger and more durable. Due to the dense laying, the road is practically not subject to erosion.

Working with such material is incredibly simple; the main thing is to know the basic cycle and laying technology, which includes several successive stages:

  1. The first thing to do is to clear the masonry area as efficiently as possible, and then lay the so-called “cushion”. In each specific case, it may differ depending on the specification of the future road. For example, you can use crushed stone, concrete or broken brick. In some cases, it is justified to lay several layers of the listed materials.
  2. After this, the surface must be carefully leveled using special road equipment.
  3. Next, pour out the material of the future coating and level it over the entire plane.
  4. The last stage includes compaction with rollers. After all the above stages, the road is ready for use.

Note: here it is necessary to note the peculiarity that for such coatings it is not recommended to use rollers weighing more than 10 tons. And if you pre-fill the canvas with bitumen, you can achieve better strength and impermeability of the coating.

Considering the main advantage of such a material, such as low cost, everything more people They fill the roads in their areas with crumbs. In addition, it is gradually replacing classic materials, such as paving slabs and paving stones, used for arranging playgrounds and park areas.

When installing yourself manually it is necessary to similarly preserve the technology and stage-by-stage work in order to achieve a positive result.

Note: Special attention pay attention to the route of communications. Take into account the fact that sooner or later you will have to change pipes and the like, which will accordingly lead to the destruction of the canvas.

When we have determined the size of the plot, we order about 10-12 tons of asphalt chips per 100 square meters. Consider the amount of work. If the area is really large, it is better to rent a small skating rink. As a rule, the factory selling the material will be happy to lend its equipment for use, of course for an additional fee.

When the material is ordered, you can begin preparing the site, namely removing the top layer of soil. Keep in mind that you will have to remove at least 20 cm. As a result, a characteristic trench will form. If desired, you can put a layer of geotextile on the bottom, it will prevent soil subsidence.

A mound (cushion) of crushed stone and sand is laid on top of the geotextile or earth. Each layer is at least 3-5 cm. In principle, if the site is not planned high pressure, you can do without these materials.

Note: the volume of soil is large, so take care of removing the soil in advance.

After all preparatory work You can safely start pouring out the crumbs; you need to do this sequentially. For convenience, you should get a couple of assistants, because it will be difficult to cope with such a volume of work alone. The crumbs are poured out in small “batches” to avoid the formation of voids. If the area is large, it is better to use a roller. There is nothing complicated in managing it, but at the same time you will save a lot of time and effort. To achieve coating strength, bitumen emulsion should be applied first. Thanks to bitumen, it will only be stronger and will also become resistant to temperature changes during the cold period.

The technology for laying on roadsides and ramps is identical and is carried out according to the same scheme. The material is considered the best alternative to crushed stone and sand, but in comparison with the classic coating it does not have enough strength; after all, the crumb is loose in structure.

Important points

Working with asphalt crumbs is simple, but you need to know certain points. Asphalt crumbs must be placed in several layers - this mandatory requirement for major roads. The first layer of at least 7 cm should sink well after compaction. After which only the second “cake” is poured, also at least 7 cm. If the material is placed in parks or in local areas, such as entrances to a house or garage, then it is permissible to use one layer, but not less than 10 cm.

Simple and affordable way DIY arrangement of areas and paths near the house - laying asphalt chips obtained by recycling old asphalt pavement after its layer-by-layer cutting and crushing. This recycled material, unlike paving slabs, does not require preliminary calculations and complex installation measures, ensures high density and uniformity of the coating due to the bitumen contained in the mixture. Often used for pothole repair of ordinary roads.

To cover 100 m2 you will need approximately 10 tons of material and a roller - manual or conventional. This consumption rate is sufficient to improve the area near the house. The created layer is 40 mm. Its service life is 7-10 years.

Work order

  • Marking the site, removing 15-25 cm of soil while maintaining a slight slope for drainage of melt and rainwater.
  • It is recommended to cover the bottom with geotextiles.
  • Installation of borders and posts.
  • Laying a layer of sand with a tamper, and then crushed stone, also with a tamper. For the home site, a 15 mm thick crushed stone layer is sufficient. The grain size of the material is 20-40 mm. In areas with high groundwater, larger fractions are used - 70-140 mm. They act as drainage.

How to lay asphalt chips?

In areas of up to 100 m2, work can be carried out independently; for larger areas, it is recommended to find helpers.

The technology is quite simple:

  • the material is scattered around the perimeter and leveled;
  • roll with a hand or large roller;
  • To give additional strength and durability, the coating is filled with bitumen emulsion.

Self-laying asphalt chips near the house

The simplest and accessible method arrangement beautiful paths and the parking lot near the house is asphalted. It uses asphalt chips. Its installation does not require precisely calibrated calculations and lengthy installation, unlike concrete slabs and paving slabs. Even if you are new to construction, laying asphalt near your house will not be difficult. Let's consider the algorithm of actions preceding this operation, as well as the asphalt paving procedure itself.

Work begins with digging a pit. Its depth should take into account all elements: sand cushion, crushed stone and asphalt itself. The end result should be in line with the rest of the area. It is advisable to compact the bottom of the path base with a vibrating plate.

Pour the required amount of crushed stone onto the bottom in an even layer and level it. For a home plot, a layer of 15 cm with a fraction with a diameter of 2-4 cm is sufficient. Larger fractions of 7-20 cm are required if groundwater come close to the surface. In this case, the crushed stone will serve as drainage. Do not forget to compact the crushed stone with special vibrators and rollers up to 6 times. It is at this stage that slopes are created (0.5 cm per meter of track) where the water will flow rainwater. Also at this stage they are laid decorative elements: fences, posts, curbs, hatches.

The final step is laying the asphalt. They place it at the rate of 1 ton per 10 square meters. This is enough for pedestrian paths and parking lots near the house with a thickness of 4 cm. For compaction they use special machines and vibrating plates. If you plan to lay several layers, then bitumen is applied between them for adhesion. The asphalt being laid is periodically watered with water to better sealing. Correctly completed stages of work will ensure impeccable service of the asphalt pavement for 7-10 years.

Laying asphalt chips

After removal, worn-out road surfaces turn into recyclable materials. The crushed material is used in the production of asphalt, construction and landscape design. Its use reduces the load on Natural resources.

Composition of asphalt crumbs

The main components of the material are gravel, crushed stone, sand and bitumen. Concrete may also be present as a binder. The ratio of components depends on the brand of asphalt, type and condition road surface when removed. On average, a crumb includes:

The concentration of the latter in crumbs is less than in asphalt - the binding component leaves the coating during the operation of the road, creating the need for its repair.


The product is a crushed road surface. It is carried out at the repair site - asphalt paving equipment includes equipment that crushes the road surface. Grinding is carried out after removal. Pieces of asphalt are sent to granulate into crushers.

The result is crumbs 3–5 mm in size, differing, depending on the production method, in the following parameters:

Tiny may include different types asphalt - this affects the weight and other characteristics of the product. So, the mass is 1 cubic. m of crushed pavement varies between 1.5–2.0 tons. The heaviest is asphalt concrete; mixtures without cement have less weight due to the absence of fine fractions.

Disposal Alternatives

Initially, crushed asphalt paths were used as temporary routes in landfills. Otherwise, the material acted as waste that did not decompose in environment. Without a solution to granulate the asphalt mixture and add it to new products, the debris left behind from road repairs would clutter landfills while increasing pressure on natural resources. Recycled bedding replaces primary components.

What is asphalt crumb good for?

The material is used by industrial enterprises and individuals. Recyclable materials are included in new asphalt mixtures. Depending on the type of product (cold or hot), the waste coefficient in the new material is 0.25–0.6. That is, the share of crumbs reaches 25–60%.

The material is also used for the following works:

  • local repairs - the crumb will reduce the consumption of primary asphalt when filling holes;
  • preparing the base of the route;
  • covering secondary and country roads with low traffic levels;
  • strengthening artificial relief - recyclable materials can be used to fill the shafts of railway and highway tracks;
  • improvement of household and public areas - laying of asphalt crumbs is carried out in parking lots, country roads, sports fields and floors of technical premises.

To work with recyclable materials, you will need equipment capable of compacting and melting the bitumen into the mixture. The last procedure is not necessary - you can put the crumbs without heat treatment - binder will bind particles together during compaction.

Technology for laying asphalt chips

The application process depends on the area of ​​application - when strengthening the relief, the mixture is scattered in an even layer (at least 20–30 mm) and leveled with a roller tool. In the case of laying paths, the site is first marked, and soil is excavated inside the contour of the future roadbed. Crumbs are poured into the recess and then compacted. The principle remains the same when creating secondary highways and landscaping the yard.

How to lay asphalt chips with your own hands

First of all, the required volume of raw materials is calculated.

Paths made of asphalt chips in the country will require a depth of 30–40 mm. With a width of 50 cm per 100 m of coverage, you will need 0.15 cubic meters. m of material. Or 0.23–0.3 tons of product, depending on density.

With a Kamaz carrying capacity of 6 tons, one vehicle is enough (almost 2 kilometers worth of raw materials) to mark routes in the yard and fill holes behind the gates.

  1. Marking - a diagram of paths is drawn, which is transferred to the territory of the site.
  2. Preparing the site - 30-40 mm recesses are dug in the marked contours - the basis of future paths, boards or a concrete window sill can be placed at the bottom of straight sections to strengthen the structure in loose soil. Instead, geotextile bedding can be used.
  3. Filling the crumbs. If you plan to melt bitumen, you will need a tin barrel and thick gloves. A rake can be used for leveling.
  4. Tamping. For large jobs, such as priming the road in front of a private house, a miniature skating rink is rented. Decorative and narrow paths inside the yard are compacted manually with a roller tool. Wait at least 24 hours for the material to cool or set before using a new route.

Laying asphalt chips with your own hands is easy. The presented algorithm is also suitable for improving technical premises: a barn or a garage. When creating the basis of a parking space, the weight of the vehicle is taken into account. A parquet SUV will require a thicker floor compared to a passenger model.

Alternative options

Road recyclables can be replaced with sand, crushed stone or mixtures of materials obtained from nature. Expanded clay is also used - a voluminous porous product of clay processing at high temperatures. These structures lose out to waste road repairs by cost, durability or need to use natural resources.

Pros and cons of using asphalt crumbs

Reducing the burden on the environment and utilities is one of the main advantages of the material. Lining with recycled materials leads to less use of gravel and bitumen - products of the mining and oil refining industries. The advantages of the decision to lay asphalt chips also include:

  • pavement strength - a mixture from the highway will ensure the strength of your home driveway;
  • weather resistance;
  • aesthetic appearance - combines the external characteristics of gravel and asphalt pavement.

Disadvantages of the product are considered to be color changes caused by weathering on coverage, and ambiguity in quality. The crumb composition can include different types of asphalt: from the classic mixture to concrete and sand variations. This makes it difficult to determine the final characteristics of the product. Residual traces of spills of oil, acid or other aggressive substances that occurred during the operation of the track can affect the health of users of the track made from recycled materials.