Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Bathhouse 4x4 layout. Layout of baths with separate location of sink and steam room. Materials for interior finishing works

Bathhouse 4x4 layout. Layout of baths with separate location of sink and steam room. Materials for interior finishing works

The desire to acquire a bathhouse in which the whole family can take a steam bath, or have a spiritual time in the company of friends, is born immediately after the happy acquisition of a plot of land on which one can realize a dream. Those developers who completely entrust construction and landscaping to a contractor or guests from the Central Asian republics delve into the essence of design the first time - at the stage of choosing a beautiful house/bath drawn in Photoshop, the second - when the picture in a glossy magazine critically does not coincide with the work of the hired hands builders. To avoid such a traumatic inconsistency, you can independently prepare a 4x4 bathhouse project and begin to implement it, spending a minimum of effort and money, since such a project will take into account not the interests of the designer and the inevitable margin, but the preferences of the owner, who sensibly saves every penny.

Bathhouse 4x4

Project, plan, drawing - what's the difference?

For many developers, who are faced with the need to prepare a simple construction project for the first time, garden plot, is a revelation that a plan is different from a drawing, and a project is not only a set of pictures with dimensions, but something much more! Developing a project for a 4x4 bathhouse is not difficult even for an owner who is unprepared and far from construction; the main thing is to understand that the project is not a sketch on a piece of paper, or even a carefully executed drawing. A project is a set of sequential actions that includes all stages of preparation, planning, construction, connection to communications and subsequent maintenance of a future building.

IN project documentation everything is taken into account!

Starting with a geodetic survey of a site and geological surveys, ending with calculating the cost of hardware - nails and staples that may be needed when building and finishing the bathhouse of your dreams.

Selection of planning solution

A 4x4 sauna is a small structure, but this does not mean that it can be placed anywhere on the plot of land.

Layout option 1
Layout option 2 Layout option 3

During the operation of the bathhouse, it is necessary to use an open combustion source - a stove. Therefore, comply with the requirements fire safety. When choosing a place to locate the bathhouse, you must proceed from the following requirements:

  • The location from the border of the site is at least 1 meter, if it is a one-story building without a foundation - a rare case of building a panel sauna with an electric fireplace. Or - 3 meters - if the bathhouse has a foundation, the building itself can be classified as residential premises. All requirements for the placement of a building can be studied by reading the following documents:

  • Communications are the most important requirement when choosing a place to build a bathhouse! It is unlikely that anyone will enjoy wearing it for several hours before taking a steam bath on the frosty evening before Christmas. ice water from a well located at the other end of the site or completely beyond its border. The bathhouse should be located close to the water supply and collection system Wastewater(septic tank). Otherwise, a situation is possible when after bath procedures the beds with your favorite strawberries will find themselves flooded with soapy water, or the apple tree, which has delighted its owners with its fruits for decades, will begin to wither.
  • Coordination with neighbors. If SNiP is observed, it is usually not necessary to coordinate the design of a 4x4 bathhouse with the owners of neighboring plots. Exceptions are cases when the site is burdened with an easement. If there is a path along it to the neighboring plot, a water supply system has been laid, there is a single entrance, etc. In this case, it is necessary to either change the location of the planned bathhouse or move the easement encumbrances to another location.

Foundation design

In theory, foundation laying design begins with geological surveys. Determine the structure of the soil, the depth of soil water, and the depth of soil freezing. Based on this data, choose optimal design foundation. Most developers neglect these requirements and build the foundation on the principle of maximum cheapness, forgetting about the saying: “Cheap cheese only comes in a mousetrap!”

IMPORTANT! Neglect of foundation construction results in thousands of dollars in costs to eliminate flaws made during construction!

Columnar or pile foundation at first glance it seems to be the simplest and cheapest option. In fact - drilling holes or renting a unit for tightening screw piles can cost much more than prefabricated strip foundation from FBS. The second disadvantage of a pile foundation is the cold floor! The costs of insulating the basement and firewood for heating the bathhouse will “eat up” all the savings when laying the foundation!

4x4 pile foundation project
Bathhouse foundation made of foam blocks

Log house design

A 4x4 sauna cannot be called small. If it is built according to the principle of a Russian steam room, then this is quite a sufficient area. If you build a sauna, it will be a bit cramped since you will have to divide 16 m2 into three rooms:

  • Steam room;
  • washing room;
  • Waiting room.

Agree that 5.33 m2 per room is too small even for one person, not to mention any company or a shared bathhouse for the whole family.

Not like this large bathhouse it is rational to build according to the classical Russian layout - a single space combining a steam room with a washing room. The steam in such a bathhouse is humid, rarely above 70°C, but it is healthier, easier to tolerate for women, the elderly and children, and the bathhouse, in addition to its hygienic functions, can be used for household needs - as a room for washing and drying clothes, drying autumn preparations, as a backup living space in emergency situations.

Roof design

Modern lungs Decoration Materials allow you to easily install attics or a second unheated floor, which is used in warm time of the year. Depending on the developer’s imagination, the roof can have a wide variety of looks.

The simplest one is gable with a slight elevation angle attic space used only for drying brooms or storing equipment. Less popular pitched roof. Her discomfort is reflected in winter time– if you arrange a slope angle that ensures the snow melts off on its own, the bathhouse will look ridiculous, and if the angle is made flat, you will have to clean the roof of snow several times during the winter.

Proportions gable roof baths

Hip and half-hip roofs at bathhouses are very rare. Usually, when designing, they strive for maximum cost reduction, and a hip roof is difficult to construct, requires certain skills and is large in area, which affects the price of the roofing material.

Drawing rafter system hip roof

Mansard roof- the most common solution that gives the building the appearance of a hearse! Unfortunately, functionality does not combine with aesthetics. When designing a bathhouse with a second floor, think about how often you will have the desire to go up to the second floor after the steam room to feed mosquitoes there.

Attic roof of the bathhouse

Drawing up an estimate for the project

The most unpleasant part of the job is drawing up estimates. 4x4 sauna - a fabulously beautiful dream begins to take on material shape when the developer calculates how much it will cost him to spend time in a steam room.

The main mistake of an inexperienced developer is that he only considers the cost building materials. Without taking into account the costs of design, documentation, transport services for the delivery of building materials or rental of special equipment: drilling rig, manipulator-loader, hiring workers to perform labor-intensive work.

Often the project does not take into account such “little things” as:

  • Pipes for the device drainage system baths
  • Materials for electrical wiring.
  • Thermal insulation materials that serve to ensure fire safety.

IMPORTANT! If the sauna is equipped with an electric heater, energy costs can be comparable to the monthly energy consumption for the rest of the household!

Compact sauna 4x4 m - an excellent solution for small area. Even in conditions of such a modest-sized design, you can quite successfully arrange all the necessary premises, resulting in a full-fledged, functional and comfortable bathhouse.

By reading the information below, you will learn about the most optimal options location interior spaces baths 4x4 m, the choice of rational dimensions of each of them, the features of the interior decoration, as well as additional related nuances.

Drawing up a project for any bathhouse, and a building measuring 4x4 m is no exception, begins with designating the location of the most important rooms of the building in question, i.e. steam rooms, wash room and the dressing room.

Important! If a 4 by 4 bathhouse is built from logs (and this is the material most often used in the construction of structures of such modest size), keep in mind that inner space as a result, it will be slightly less compared to the outside. When performing calculations, subtract from inside of the logs used, the thickness of the log (in the case of felling “into the paw”), or add an additional 250 mm to this thickness (in the case of felling “into the bowl”). This will allow you to perform the required calculations as correctly as possible.

For example, if a bathhouse is built from logs 400 cm long and 24 cm in diameter, cut into a bowl, inner dimensions such a structure will not exceed 3x3 m. Take these points into account in advance, wisely selecting the size of the logs and the cutting method, focusing on the desired internal dimensions of the bathhouse.

When drawing up a project, remember the following important nuances:

  • It is best to plan a small bathhouse this way: the internal space of the building is divided into 2 equal parts. The first room is equipped with a rest room. The second part is again divided into two - for a steam room and a bathroom/washroom. As a rule, a steam room is made bigger size than a washing room, but the same dimensions can be maintained - as is more convenient for the owner;
  • To save space in the steam room, it is widely practiced to install the stove near the wall in the relaxation room. In general, the heating unit can be installed in any room. The main thing is that fire safety requirements are met, the necessary heating efficiency is ensured and, of course, the personal wishes of the owner are taken into account;

  • It is strongly recommended to include a vestibule in the layout of the bathhouse - this will allow you to comfortably use the steam room during the cold season. It will be possible to install a stove in the vestibule to save space in other rooms.

Prices for sauna stoves

sauna stove

In the process of designing a compact bath, you need to take into account a number of additional important nuances:

The layout of the bathhouse can be supplemented with a terrace or porch, at the discretion of the owner. In general, with design internal layout 4 by 4 baths usually do not pose any difficulties. You just need to first familiarize yourself with all the possible nuances of the work being performed so that you don’t have to redo anything in the future.

Bathhouse layout options 4x4 m

Basic information

The simplest version of a 4x4 m bathhouse is a structure consisting of one room, which simultaneously serves as a locker room/dressing room and a steam room. An electric or conventional wood-burning stove is installed in the corner of the steam room. The room is equipped with 2-3 shelves 50-60 cm wide or more if free space allows. Along with this, this type of layout is extremely inconvenient, because it is much more comfortable when the bathhouse has both a washing room and a rest room. Moreover, in a space of 4x4 m it is quite possible to arrange them.

The standard layout includes a relaxation room, which simultaneously serves as a dressing room and dressing room, a steam room, and a washing room. The stove is usually installed in a steam room. As a result, the adjacent room (usually a relaxation room) is heated by heat emanating from the wall adjacent to the steam room.

If your budget allows, you can even build a small bath house with a 4x4 m attic. The first floor is reserved for a steam room and standard accompanying rooms, and on the second you can make a billiard room, extra room rest or even a full bedroom.

One of the most popular and good options The internal layout of a 4x4 m bath is shown in the following image.

The proposed project includes attached terrace dimensions 150x400 cm. There is enough space to install a compact table and chairs. In the warm season, you can while away the time here with a cup of tea or another drink after visiting the steam room.

The entrance leads to the dressing room. This room can simultaneously be used as a rest room, locker room, storage space for firewood and other accessories. The stove is installed in the steam room. The firebox door of the heating unit is located in the dressing room.

The installation of the stove is carried out with the obligatory fulfillment of fire safety requirements: the walls around it are sheathed with fire-resistant material, a sheet of metal 10 mm thick is laid in front of the furnace firebox.

Also very successful is the 4x4 m bathhouse project presented in the following image.

In accordance with the previous recommendation, the interior space here was first divided into 2 identical parts, one of which was eventually equipped as a spacious lounge. The other half was again divided in half, subsequently allocating one part to the steam room, the second to the washing room. In this project, the furnace is fired from the washing room.

If desired, you can install the stove against the wall of the steam room adjacent to the rest room so that the unit is fired from a large room. In these moments, the owner is guided by his personal preferences.

For comfortable operation of the steam room in the cold season, the project can be equipped with a small vestibule, as in the image below.

The area of ​​the steam room's interior is determined in accordance with the expected number of visitors. In general, wash rooms in compact baths are in most cases made to a minimum size so that there is enough space to install a shower stall and, if necessary, a toilet. This option will allow you to allocate more free space to the steam room.

Advantages and additional possibilities of 4x4 layout

Despite such modest dimensions, a space of 4x4 m is quite enough to arrange all the necessary premises:

  • steam rooms;
  • dressing room/rest room;
  • washroom/bathroom;
  • terraces/porches.

Having a covered terrace is a big advantage. Firstly, there is an additional equipped place for relaxation. Secondly, if there is a terrace, bad weather will not be able to spoil your visit to the bathhouse.

Along with this, if the space is limited to the strictly considered 4x4 m, in order to equip the terrace you will have to significantly reduce the dimensions interior rooms. In general, the owner will still have to sacrifice something in order to make the most efficient use of the available space, and what exactly is something everyone decides for themselves.

Interior dimensions

An important stage in drawing up the internal layout of any bathhouse is determining the optimal dimensions of each room, taking into account the available space. Calculations are usually carried out in accordance with the expected number of people who will simultaneously be in the room being equipped. For example, 1-2 people will be more or less comfortable in a steam room with an area of ​​3-6 m2, for 2-3 people you need to arrange a room of a larger size - on average 4-8 m2, etc.

The information given in the following table will allow you to quickly navigate and correctly determine the internal dimensions of each bath room.

As noted, the main rooms of any bathhouse are the steam room, wash room and dressing room, as can be seen in the following image.

Key information for each room listed is provided in the following table.

Table. Bath premises

RoomBasic information

If previously the dressing room was used primarily as a locker room, as well as a place for storing dry firewood and other bath accessories, now this room is often additionally equipped as a rest room. To do this, it is enough to place a table, chairs or a corner in the dressing room, as well as a TV and musical equipment, if space allows and there is a need for it.
When calculating the area of ​​the dressing room, be guided by the following rule: for 1 visitor at least 1.3 m2 of free space. At the same time, the mentioned 1.3 m2 does not include the space occupied by furniture and technical equipment.
To ensure the required level of air exchange and overall greater comfort of use, an adjustable window is installed in the dressing room.
Important! The door leading from the dressing room to the steam room is installed with the expectation of opening strictly in the direction of the first.

The key functions of this room are fully demonstrated by its name. For maximum ease of use, the washing machine is equipped with both cold and hot water supply. The water is heated by the furnace, electric water heater or other available methods.
Design the washing room in such a way that each visitor is given free space of at least 1-1.2 m2.
The equipment for the washing station is at the discretion of the owner. For example, you can get by with installing a regular shower tray, but it is much more comfortable to place a full-fledged shower stall in the washroom.

The design of the main bath room is carried out taking into account many important nuances and additional points, among which:
- dimensions of the furnace and features of its installation;
- free space between the heating unit and the objects closest to it;
- approximate number of people visiting the steam room at the same time;
- dimensions of shelves and their number, etc.
If you follow current requirements, the steam room must be designed so that each visitor is given at least 1 m2 of free space if the person sits while in the bathhouse. The mentioned quadrature does not include the space occupied by objects internal situation steam rooms, walkways, etc.
It is recommended to make the steam room at least 200-210 cm in height - this will ensure optimal performance heating and will allow every average visitor to comfortably use the bathhouse. Regarding the length and width of the steam room, everything depends on the specifics of the project. Along with this, it is necessary that either the length or width of the room exceeds 2 meters.

The issue of designing shelves as one of the key elements arrangement of the steam room.

So, if they are placed on shelves, their width should be from 90-100 cm, and their length should be at least 180-200 cm - such dimensions will be comfortable for most visitors with an average body constitution.

If the steam room space is not enough to arrange “lying” shelves, you will have to limit yourself to installing shelves for sitting. Recommended dimensions of such elements: length - in accordance with the size of the steam room, width - 40-50 cm.

Plans for bathhouses with separate steam room and shower: a – bathhouse for 1-2 people with seated seating in the steam room
Plans for bathhouses with separate steam room and shower: b – bathhouse for 2-3 people, who can be accommodated in the steam room while lying and sitting; c – bathhouse for 3-4 people with accommodation in the steam room both lying down and sitting: 1 – hanger for things; 2 – dressing room; 3 – steam room; 4 – shower; 5 – bench; 6 – shelves; 7 – place to rest (bed); 8 – doors; 9 – oven; 10 – table; 11 – cabinet

The lower shelves are traditionally made the narrowest - this part of the steam room is the least hot, which is why children usually sit below. Draw up a project with the expectation that there will ultimately be at least a 1-meter gap between the top shelf and the ceiling of the bathhouse. The recommended distance between the shelves themselves is 350-500 mm.

Plans for baths with a combined steam room and shower: a – for 1 person; b-for 2 people; c – for 3 people:
1 – steam room-shower; 2 – dressing room; 3-doors; 4 – shelves for sitting; 5-stand; 6 – oven; 7 – bench; 8 – shelf-bed; 9-bed; 10 – chair; 11 – table

If desired, the owner can change the recommended dimensions at his discretion. It is only necessary to control that, as a result, each visitor to the steam room feels comfortable in it and, at the same time, observes the basic safety regulations.

Possible configuration options for shelves in the steam room are presented in the following image.

Regarding the interior lighting of the steam room, there are only 2 recommendations:

    materials of manufacture and design lighting fixtures must be designed for use in a bathhouse;

    the installation of lamps must be done so that there is enough light in the steam room and the light does not “hit” the eyes of the bathhouse visitors.

We design the interior decoration of a 4x4 m bath

In addition to the nuances internal location bathhouse premises and their dimensions, special attention should be paid to the finishing of each room. Traditionally, natural and environmentally friendly materials are used in the interior design of bathhouses. safe materials, a favorite among which is wooden lining.

Materials for interior finishing works

Wood – natural material, meeting all basic sanitary and hygienic standards and requirements for issues interior design buildings and rooms with high humidity and temperature.

Wood is a natural living material

Wood, unlike various kinds of artificial “brothers”, does not emit components harmful to human health during the heating process. Besides, natural material characterized by excellent thermal properties, impressive durability and relatively low thermal expansion.

However, not every type of wood will “feel” equally good in a bathhouse. Since ancient times, Russian steam rooms were finished mainly using larch, cedar and linden. Among modern options Abashi wood is highly respected - lining made from this material is ideal for finishing the inside of bathhouses. Basic information regarding the materials mentioned is given in the following table.

Table. Properties of materials for finishing bath rooms


During heating this material releases a number of different essential oils, under the influence of which the air around is saturated with a pleasant aroma. In addition, allocated essential oils have a beneficial effect on the human body.
During operation, linden does not lose its original color, which makes it possible to think much less often about the need for repeated repairs. finishing works in the bath.

A material that is rapidly gaining popularity for the improvement of interior bath rooms. Tropical wood is characterized by minimal thermal conductivity and promotes effective heat retention in the bathhouse, almost without heating up during operation.
The material has a visually pleasant yellowish tint and an almost uniform texture, due to which finished finishing looks very nice.

The material “feels” great in the temperature and humidity conditions typical for a steam room. When heated, cedar wood releases a pleasant aroma of pine needles.
When choosing cedar lining, consider one very important point– low-quality material during operation may begin to intensively release resin, so it is recommended that finishing be carried out exclusively using high-quality boards designed specifically for the planned event.

Edged or tongue-and-groove boards made from hardwood are excellent for cladding ceilings. Coniferous species are not suitable for finishing floors - during the heating process, many of them release resin, the contact of which with the skin leads to burns.

Prices for lining made of different materials

wooden lining

Walls in the steam room

The finishing of the steam room should be done using wood as much as possible. High Quality, because It is in this room that the most severe operating conditions are created.

Important! When covering the steam room with clapboard using nails, fastening must be done using the “sunk-in” method. The boards are not directly covered with anything after sheathing, because... when heated any paints and varnishes begin to release substances harmful to humans.

Designing interior decoration steam rooms, be sure to provide for the installation of a high-quality thermal insulation layer - thanks to it, the heat will be retained inside the room for as long as possible, which will avoid excessive and inappropriate heating costs. Thermal insulation is usually installed in combination with hydro-vapor barrier materials, which ensure a longer service life of both insulation and finishing materials. If you wish, you can buy combined material, combining the functions of insulation and vapor barrier, for example, based on mineral wool with foil coating.

The cladding of the steam room is best done using hardwood. Favorites include abashi and linden. A more budget-friendly and quite good option is aspen.

Prices for mineral wool

mineral wool

Steam room floor

When designing a floor, you can give preference to a leaky or non-leaky wood structure, or a permanent concrete floor. Concrete floors are usually finished with tiles. The advantage of this option is that it lasts longer compared to wooden structures life time.

Boards require much more frequent repairs compared to concrete and tiles. If selected wood flooring, for its arrangement it is better to take an edged or tongue-and-groove board. The flooring elements are attached to pre-arranged timber joists. The floor design is traditionally made with a slight (usually 2 mm per 1 m) slope in the direction of the drain hole.

The decoration of the relaxation room is done at the discretion of the owner - here the temperature and humidity conditions are not as extreme as in the steam room, so the choice is limited mainly by the preferences of the owner, the available budget and the features of the project.

Wash room finishing

The walls in the washing room can be covered with clapboard made of larch, or any of the previously mentioned materials. The main requirement is that the finish must be as resistant to moisture as possible.

In view of the mentioned requirements, the most preferred finishing option for the wash room is wood coniferous species, for example, cedar or pine. These materials tolerate contact with moisture normally, maintaining key performance and aesthetic qualities for many years of service.

Video – Bathhouse 4 by 4 layout inside

It is not always necessary to build a large bathhouse on a site; if the area is not very large, then it is quite possible to get by with a smaller one. If, then, by installing a table and several chairs, it will be pleasant to relax on it.

The size of the dressing room allows you to put a wardrobe, a bench there and remove the fire door. It’s convenient to place a shelf nearby to store some firewood. Now it is easy to use as a relaxation room, since one of its walls is as much as 4 meters.

4 by 4 bathhouse projects made from logs or timber are truly high-quality buildings that combine efficiency and functionality. They are designed for a family with average income. In this case, options are possible: simple one-story ones, or with an attic and terrace.

Bath design

The first place any construction begins is the foundation. It is constructed depending on the type of soil. But the most suitable support-columnar one made of brick.

It is quite enough for such a relatively lightweight design. Excavation work consists of preparing the construction site.

4x4 bathhouse projects are distinguished by the fact that, with a modest size, they will accommodate all the main rooms:

  • Washing;
  • Steam room;
  • Waiting room.

If finances and the size of the plot allow, the bathhouse can be supplemented with a terrace. It will serve as an additional place to relax.

It is advisable to build a bathhouse near artificial or natural reservoirs, so that after the steam room it will be pleasant to plunge into cool water. Natural lakes or ponds must be located at least 30 meters away to avoid flooding.

Wash room

The most the best sauna one with all the walls made of wood - made of logs or timber. They provide excellent thermal insulation, but at the same time allow air to pass through - natural air exchange occurs, regulating humidity.

There will always be a pleasant woody aroma in the room, which appears within a few minutes after the stove starts heating.

  • A simple and durable ceiling for a washing room is a hemmed ceiling, when the surface is covered with clapboard. First, several layers of thermal insulation are laid on the ceiling beams, after which it is covered with boards from the attic side.
  • A solid wall should be installed between the steam room and the washing room, and not a panel partition;
  • The door from the steam room to the washing room should not have locks.

Note! The floor in the washing room must be dry and non-slippery. And no cold elements except water. The air temperature is higher than in the waiting room, but lower than in the steam room.

Steam room: features

Should I cover the steam room with clapboard? This question worries many who decide to build a bathhouse on their own. It all depends on what material was used for construction. The timber requires mandatory additional thermal insulation.

But with a log the situation is different; the diameter of the logs has a direct influence:

  • 4 by 4 bathhouse projects made from 200 mm thick logs do not require cladding, they will retain heat well;
  • 150 mm - insulation is done at will, if it is important to save additional centimeters of area, then you don’t have to sheathe it. But then the heating of the steam room will last longer, and the heat will remain for less time;
  • 100 mm – clapboard cladding and insulation are required.

Shelves in the steam room should be placed at different levels to select an acceptable temperature. The price of arranging a steam room directly depends on its design - usual country style will cost much less than a stylized one.

To decorate the steam room, only certain species of wood are used - linden, cedar and larch, but today this list has been expanded and aspen and abashi are allowed. They don't highlight harmful substances, keeping beneficial features for a long time.

Waiting room: features

It is advisable to do it in the dressing room big windows, but high from the floor, the higher the better. To cold air didn't stretch across the floor. The vestibule must be insulated, otherwise the heat from the steam room will flow away faster. you need to organize it taking into account the fact that you will have to undress in it, that is, be sure to install hangers or a closet.

There are certain requirements for the premises:

  • No drafts;
  • Good lighting; there is no need to make it too dim, like in a steam room. It is better if the light is natural;
  • A sufficient area is required, at least 1.3 square meters. meters per person;
  • If a stove firebox is installed in the dressing room, then the approach to it should not interfere with the rest of the vacationers moving around the bathhouse.

The finishing of the dressing room can be done in classic style using deciduous trees - alder, linden or birch, but to save money, coniferous trees - spruce or pine - are allowed. Resin will not be released from them, since there is no elevated temperature.

Instructions for carrying out construction work recommends everything bath rooms cover with impregnation. It will extend the service life.


The size of the bath does not affect its benefits. By properly planning the space, you can achieve its maximum functionality. The project plays in this matter main role— it contains all the information about what the bathhouse will be like, materials for construction and finishing, a clear interior plan ().

The video in this article will tell you in detail about the features of medium-sized baths.

Many owners of private houses sooner or later catch themselves thinking about what is on their property. This great idea, the bathhouse itself, steam room and sink, the layout of which can be very diverse, will give a lot of pleasant emotions and many hours of relaxation. Of course, you should carefully prepare for the construction of such a structure on the territory. The bathhouse has a special atmosphere and safety requirements, so you need to think through everything down to the smallest detail.
Design and layout of a bathhouse with washing and steam room

It is very important to take into account many factors that will be decisive in the question of which pair to be on. These questions are:

Interior decoration and design of a relaxation room in a bathhouse

These are just some facts that must be taken into account in the process of preparing for the construction of a place where you can steam, swim and just have a good time with intimate conversations.

You should understand what should be in the bathhouse. This:

  • Steam room;
  • or shower;
  • Toilet;
  • Locker room;
  • A place to rest (usually located in the dressing room).

Layout with dimensions of a bathhouse with a relaxation room
Everyone can adjust these spaces by adding something of their own. However, each of the rooms must be in a bathhouse; you can only add an additional one.
In addition, the structure should be erected taking into account safety requirements, namely fire safety.

Example of finishing and design of a washing room

What materials can you choose for construction?

Most often found in private areas. However, depending on which one or other sizes, the choice of materials may vary.

Bathhouse layout option 4 by 6 meters

A selection of options for steam room layouts in a bathhouse
Most often, bets are placed on the following types raw materials for construction:

Read also

Step-by-step construction of a bathhouse

Each of the presented materials is worthy to serve as the basis for the construction of a bathhouse. The main thing is to follow the rules and requirements when constructing a building yourself.

What must be in the sink

The layout of a 3x5 bathhouse or other parameters must necessarily include such spaces as a sink and steam room, a bathroom, and a locker room.
Of course, if desired, each owner of a land plot can independently decide to supplement the space with non-main premises. For example, billiards, a recreation room and much more that can only come to mind.
The washing room must have:

  • Swimming pool or shower with cold water;
  • Sink for washing.

An example of placing a sink in a steam room

These are the attributes that you can’t do without in a washing room. The main thing is to do the layout correctly so that all the parts are located in the right places and are comfortable for use.

Layout of a sauna with sink and terrace

It is also worth making sure that the washing room prefers coatings that are resistant to moisture and high temperatures. This can be tiles, wood coated with special solutions.

An example of tiling a bathhouse sink

As a rule, a shower room or swimming pool is placed in such a way that it is convenient to enter after warming up in the steam room, that is, next to the steam room.

What should be present in the steam room

If the space of the bathhouse is three by four meters, then you won’t be able to speed up too much in the process of thinking about the layout of the room. In small baths of minimal size, the dressing room, small sink and the steam room itself are also quite compact.

In the steam room, for the comfortable use of this room, there must be niches on which you can sit. Often this design is made in the form of steps.

Drawing and layout of a compact steam room

This makes it possible to accommodate even the smallest space, quite a lot of people. The layout of the steam room is usually standard. Typically, heating sources are located in the far left or right corner. That is, firewood or stones onto which special mixtures are poured to achieve indoor desired temperature. Heat sources are placed on a special heat-resistant surface, making it possible to comply with safety precautions.

Layout and design of a steam room in a wooden bathhouse

Niches are located under the wall, usually “V” figurative form. In the middle of the steam room, as a rule, there is a wooden stand, which provides comfort when leaving the steam room.

Functional, beautiful buildings on the land please the owners and provide the opportunity to use them all year round. Such buildings include 4 by 4 baths. Good size medium capacity. It can accommodate 3-4 people comfortably. These dimensions are suitable for families and entertaining guests. You can invite relatives and carry out procedures together.

What should bath complexes be built from?

Profiled timber is high-quality raw material. It has the following advantages:

  • low thermal conductivity - this contributes to a long cooling process. Heat is stored for a long time, there will be no losses.
  • various designs - there are square, rectangular and intricate solutions. You can build an irregularly shaped frame.
  • quick assembly- experienced craftsmen complete the work within 2 weeks.
  • slight shrinkage - gives the right to immediately use the object.
  • decorative appearance steam rooms - does not require facade finishing. In this case, it is necessary to treat the wood with protection from moisture and fire.
  • environmental friendliness - wood pure material. It allows the building to breathe. A healthy microclimate is created in a wooden structure.
  • low prices - savings occur in comparison with logs. This construction will be cheaper if the contractor has his own production.
  • baths made from 4x4 timber are durable - they last for more than 50 years, without requiring additional investments.

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