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» How to prepare basil for cough. Traditional medicine recipes using basil. Basil juice for cystitis and cough

How to prepare basil for cough. Traditional medicine recipes using basil. Basil juice for cystitis and cough

Hello everyone!

Each of us, dear readers of my blog, alas, but at least once suffered a cough - the main symptom of an autumn cold or winter hypothermia.

In general, coughing is a protective reaction of our body.

With its help, the body releases mucus in the bronchi, which occurs as a result of inflammation and bacterial proliferation.

Therefore, it is always very important to treat a cough correctly, not to suppress it, but to help it fulfill its protective function to the fullest.

I think that many of you have repeatedly tried to treat a cough at home, using various inhalations, infusions and decoctions. medicinal herbs. Yes, the effectiveness of folk remedies for coughs has been tested by time.

But, you can use them only if you are sure of the cause of your cough, that is, if it is caused by an inflammatory process in the body (acute respiratory infections, hypothermia), and arose as a result of inflammatory diseases of the lungs or bronchi.

Therefore, let's take a closer look at how to get rid of a cough so that it is not only effective, but also safe for your health!

How to get rid of a cough - folk recipes

Cough is a forced exhalation through the mouth caused by contractions of the muscles of the respiratory tract due to irritation of receptors located along the entire respiratory tract (in the nose, paranasal sinuses, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, pleura). The physiological role of cough is to cleanse the respiratory tract of foreign substances and prevent mechanical obstacles that disrupt the airway.

Why do you need a cough?

Folk remedies for coughs are mainly aimed at thinning mucus and making it easier to separate from the walls of the bronchi, as well as to drain it out.

By cleansing the bronchi, we rid the body of bacteria and relieve inflammation. The inflammation goes away, the cough goes away.

If your cough is dry, suffocating, occurs as a result of nerve irritation, COPD, bronchial asthma, allergic nature, or is caused by chronic diseases, the use of folk cough remedies may be ineffective and even dangerous.

In this case, you should definitely contact a specialist and not self-medicate.

Traditional recipes for cough treatment

I tried to make a selection of the most effective homemade cough remedies based on herbs, spices and food.

  • Anise infusion

To prepare the “Anise Infusion” we will need the following ingredients:

  • anise - 2 tablespoons seeds
  • honey - 2 tablespoons
  • water - 200 grams (1 glass)

Cooking method:

  1. Making anise infusion is actually one of the simplest.
  2. Place the anise seeds in a suitable container and pour boiling water over them.
  3. Then put it on low heat for 20 minutes, this will be enough. Next, let’s cool our drug to room temperature.
  4. Strain the cooled infusion through cheesecloth or a sieve and add 2 tablespoons of honey.
  5. The infusion should be taken orally before meals 3 times a day, 3 tablespoons or 50 grams.
  • Anise-fennel infusion

This infusion also contains anise seeds and to prepare it you will need the following ingredients:

  • anise - 1 teaspoon seeds
  • fennel - 1 teaspoon
  • water - 200 grams (1 glass)

Cooking method:

  1. Pour boiling water over the anise and fennel seeds and let it sit for half an hour.
  2. You can use a thermos as a vessel to help the infusion brew better.
  3. After brewing and cooling at room temperature, strain the infusion through a sieve or cheesecloth.
    It is taken before meals every 30 minutes in a dosage of 2-3 tablespoons.
  • Turmeric for cough

To prepare you need to take:

  • turmeric - 1 teaspoon
  • milk - 200 grams (1 glass)

Cooking method:

Add a teaspoon to a glass of milk and bring the drink to a boil.

It should be consumed hot before bed.

Turmeric has a beneficial effect on our body and has a warming effect.

  • Basil tea for cough


  • fresh green basil leaves
  • water - 200 grams (1 glass)

Cooking method:

  • In order to prepare the drink, you need to take green basil leaves and pour boiling water over them, I brew them in a thermos.
  • After the drink has infused, you can take it 2-3 times a day, 50 grams.
  • Green basil has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.
  • From cough

To prepare it you will need the following ingredients:

  • figs - 5 pieces (you can use both fresh and dried)
  • milk - 400 grams (2 cups)

Cooking method:

  1. Place it in a small saucepan and fill it with two glasses of hot milk, preferably just boiled.
  2. Cover the saucepan tightly, allowing it to brew. After the infusion becomes warm, it is ready for use, then we will mash the soft fruits.
  3. It is recommended to drink the infusion 3-5 times a day warm, half a glass. Used mainly for bronchitis and sore throat.
  • Cough honey

Honey has long been known for its healing properties, and honey in honeycombs is a treasure trove useful vitamins and microelements.

When you have a cough, especially a dry one, it is very good to simply chew a piece of honeycomb.

  • Pepper paste with honey

Ingredients used:

  • ground black pepper - ¼ teaspoon
  • honey - 1 tablespoon

Cooking method:

To prepare the drug, we need to thoroughly mix ground black pepper and honey.

The prepared paste should be taken by sucking after meals 3 times a day.

  • Cinnamon paste

To prepare the paste, take the following ingredients:

  • cinnamon - ½ teaspoon
  • honey - 1 teaspoon

Cooking method:

To prepare the paste, you will need to mix so that there are no lumps left. It should be taken by sucking 3-4 times a day.

  • Ginger tea for cough


  • ginger - half a teaspoon of powder
  • cloves - a quarter teaspoon
  • cinnamon - a fifth of a teaspoon

Cooking method:

Tea is prepared by mixing all three components, that is: cloves and cinnamon, which we place in a thermos and pour boiling water over it.

Let the tea steep for about 30 minutes. You need to drink tea 4-5 times a day.

  • Asafoetida paste for whooping cough and bronchitis

To prepare the pasta you will need:

  • asafoetida - a fifth of a teaspoon
  • onion juice - a quarter teaspoon
  • honey - 1 tablespoon

Asafoetida is an Indian spice used in Vedic cooking. It replaces onions and garlic well, leaving no odor, and is used in powder form.

Cooking method:

To obtain a healing paste, you need to mix all the ingredients: asafoetida, onion juice and honey. Take the product 4 times a day, 1 teaspoon.

  • Cough herb infusion

When preparing the infusion we will need:

  • anise - a quarter teaspoon
  • fennel - a quarter teaspoon
  • - a quarter of a teaspoon
  • dill - a quarter teaspoon
  • coriander - a quarter teaspoon

Cooking method:

You need to take all the ingredients, place them in a thermos and pour one glass of boiling water.

Let the composition infuse for half an hour, after which it can be taken one glass 4 times a day.

  • Tangerine decoction for cough

What is the benefit of this decoction, or rather tangerine peels?

The fact is that tangerines contain a substance - synephrine, which relieves swelling and removes mucus, thanks to which it allows you to remove mucus from the lungs and bronchi.

To get tangerine decoction we need the following ingredients:

  • peels of fresh tangerines - 2 - 3 medium size
  • water - 200 grams (1 glass)

Cooking method:

It is necessary to pour boiling water over the tangerine peels and let them brew for 30 minutes. After the specified time, strain the broth and drink 1 glass on an empty stomach in the morning.

  • Pine decoction

Let's prepare a decoction of pine buds, for which you will need the following components:

  • Dry pine buds - 15-18 pieces
  • Water 1 glass

Pine buds can be bought at any pharmacy.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour boiling water over the pine buds and let it brew for 40-50 minutes.
  2. Then strain and take 1 tablespoon of the decoction 4-5 times a day, preferably before meals.
  • Onion gargle for old cough

I hope from the recipes listed above, you can find at least one acceptable for yourself, prepare it and help your body cleanse your bronchi of phlegm, mucus, bacteria and everything that causes inflammation and provokes a cough.

In general, today, in my opinion, The best way to combat cough is inhalation through a nebulizer with saline solution. This is especially effective for children.

Be healthy and take care of yourself.

And of course, in any case, remember that for any disease, before self-medicating, you should consult with a specialist and listen to his opinion.

Alena Yasneva was with you, bye everyone!

Photo @ Author belchonock/

Basil is an excellent antibiotic. It protects the body from almost all types of bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Basil relieves fever, relieves flatulence, improves memory, sleep, increases mucus production during a runny nose. Having a diuretic effect, basil reduces the concentration of salts in the urine, thus preventing the development of kidney stones.A few leaves added to tea or food cleanses them and kills germs.Basil contains rutin, vitamins PP, B2, which strengthen the walls blood vessels, as well as hair and nails. Basil is also high in calcium and vitamin C. Therefore, it is used for diseases of the bladder, stomach, kidneys, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, hypertension, bloating and flatulence. Basil strengthens the immune system and is recommended as healthy seasoning even with HIV infection and oncology. Basil is an excellent remedy for rheumatism, headaches, vomiting, amenorrhea, and more.

To strengthen the immune system All you need to do is drink a cup every day basil tea. To do this, finely chop the leaves and brew with boiling water like tea; after a while, the broth can be strained and drunk with honey.

You can rinse your mouth with basil decoction - it gets rid of unpleasant odor and protects against caries. You should not chew basil leaves - they contain harmful substances. In addition, basil decoction strengthens the gums, which means it prevents tooth loss.

For sore throat It is recommended to rinse your mouth with a decoction of this herb.

For colds and flu Pour 2 tablespoons of basil herb into 1 glass of boiling water, after 45 minutes, strain and drink in small portions during the day.

For sore throat mix 1 g of basil essential oil with 50 g of powdered sugar. Take 1 tablespoon of the mixture after meals.

For severe cough Basil inhalations help. Mix basil and eucalyptus essential oils in equal proportions, dilute them in a glass of boiling water and inhale the vapors of the oils, tilting your head towards the glass, after covering it with a towel.

For those who have cataracts or glaucoma , it is useful to wash your eyes with water and a few basil leaves soaked in it. For lotions, pour 2 tablespoons of dry basil leaves into 1.5 liters of boiling water, cool, strain through cheesecloth. Apply eye lotions 3 times a day or use as an eye wash.

Infusion, decoction, tea with basil ease menstrual cramps . It’s easy to prepare tea: pour a glass of boiled water over a few leaves and leave until it cools. For infusion, pour 1 part basil into 10 parts hot water, wait until it cools and take 1/3 cup 3 times a day. Useful as a means of calming the nerves. A weaker infusion, diluted 1:20, drink 2 tablespoons 4 times a day for colds and flatulence.

For chronic fatigue Pour 1 tablespoon of dry basil herb into 1 glass of boiling water, and after 20 minutes you can drink the infusion. It is recommended to take it before bed as tea.

For diarrhea Fry 4 - 5 tablespoons of grass seeds in a dry frying pan. It is enough to chew 1/2 teaspoon per day, divided into 3 doses, 20 minutes before meals.

Basil seeds can heal cuts and scrapes . To do this, pour 1 tablespoon of grass seeds into 2 glasses of boiling water, leave for half an hour, and you can wash the wounds or apply lotions for an hour - up to 5 times a day.

For epilepsy Squeeze the juice from fresh branches and leaves of the plant and place 10 drops in each nostril 3 times a day.

At cholelithiasis The following decoction helps a lot: pour 2 tablespoons of basil flowers with a glass of boiling water, boil, cool and strain. Take as a diuretic.

For increased fatigue Take 1 tablespoon of basil herb, pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 20 minutes. Drink as tea with sugar or honey no more than 2 times a day.

Basil perfectly refreshes and tones the skin . Take 4 tablespoons of the herb, pour 1 liter of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes over low heat, strain and pour into warm water into the vonnu. The body's tone will increase, metabolism will improve, and it will go away. nervous tension. Take a bath for no more than 20 minutes. Rinsing with basil decoction also has a good effect on the condition of the hair.

It is better not to be treated with basil: for thrombosis and thrombophlebitis of the veins of the lower extremities, for bleeding disorders, after myocardial infarction.

During pregnancy and childbirth, basil should not even be eaten.


Basil is truly a royal plant. That's exactly how it is with Greek language its name is translated. In Europe, Asia and Russia it is widely used as a spice. In India, it has been used as a medicinal plant for more than 5 thousand years; it was worshiped in Persia and Ceylon. Today, a rare garden bed in Russia can do without this aromatic herb. There are about 150 species of basil. Only a few are used in cooking and folk medicine. Their beneficial properties and contraindications for use will be discussed.

The most common types of basil are:

  • Camphorous or fragrant. It has a rather tart or pungent taste (depending on the variety), reminiscent of cloves. One of the varieties is Thai basil, which has a pronounced anise flavor. An indispensable component in Thai cuisine.
  • Purple basil. Compared to its green relatives, it is more saturated with esters and contains more vitamins.
  • Lemon basil. Its leaves exude delicate aroma lemon. Housewives love it for this and gladly add it to preparations as a spice and flavor drinks with it.
  • They are all in equally good for the health. The plant is used fresh and dried, decoctions, infusions, alcohol tinctures are prepared from it, and essential oil. In addition to leaves and stems, seeds are also used.

    Composition and beneficial properties

    The plant has complex composition, in which you can find not only a lot of useful substances, but also compounds that force you to use it with caution.

    Table: composition of vitamins and minerals in 100 g of fresh basil

    Useful material Content
    Vitamin A, RE 264 mcg
    Vitamin B1, thiamine 0.034 mg
    Vitamin B2, riboflavin 0.076 mg
    Vitamin B4, choline 11.4 mg
    Vitamin B5, pantothenic 0.209 mg
    Vitamin B6, pyridoxine 0.155 mg
    Vitamin B9, folate 68 mcg
    Vitamin C, ascorbic acid 18 mg
    Vitamin E, tocopherol 0.8 mg
    Vitamin K, phylloquinone 414.8 mcg
    Vitamin RR, NE 0.902 mg
    Betaine 0.4 mg
    Potassium 295 mg
    Calcium 177 mg
    Magnesium 64 mg
    Sodium 4 mg
    Phosphorus 56 mg
    Iron 3.17 mg
    Manganese 1.148 mg
    Copper 385 mcg
    Selenium 0.3 mcg
    Zinc 0.81 mg

    Nutritional value of fresh basil (per 100 g):

  • calorie content - 23 kcal;
  • proteins - 3.15 g
  • fats - 0.64 g
  • carbohydrates - 2.65 g
  • dietary fiber - 1.6 g
  • water - 92.06 g.
  • Benefits and medicinal properties

    Phytoncides have an antiseptic effect. Vitamins strengthen the body as a whole, and also help increase vascular elasticity and resistance to infections (vitamin C and P), strengthen nervous system(B vitamins), help maintain visual acuity (vitamin A).

    The herb has the ability to relieve muscle spasms and heal wounds. It has a carminative effect, eliminating flatulence. Antioxidants in its composition protect blood vessels and the heart, relieve stress and depression. When combined with honey, it increases brain activity.

    The royal herb has a slight diuretic effect, it cleanses the kidneys, prevents the formation of stones and promotes the elimination of uric acid.


    In recipes traditional medicine use all parts of the plant except the root.

    Any basil-based home remedy can be used for no more than 21 days.

    Table: uses of basil

    Application area Form and method Wound healing Oil dressings Cold treatment Adding oil to liquid for hot inhalation (2 drops per glass), for cold inhalation - 5 drops Depression and fatigue Using ether in an aroma lamp (3–5 drops per 15 sq. m) or a bath with its addition (5–10 drops dissolved in milk) Relieving toothache Essential oil applications Skin diseases (ringworm, psoriasis) Basil oil, paste (fresh herb, ground in a blender with the addition of vegetable oil) Gingivitis Rinsing with a decoction of dry herbs (1 tablespoon per glass of water)
  • insomnia;
  • depression
  • Tea from fresh leaves, basil sachet at the head of the bed at night
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • flatulence.
  • Infusion of dried herbs and fresh leaves (1 tablespoon of dry raw materials and 2-3 fresh leaves of the plant per glass of boiling water) Conjunctivitis Rinsing the eyes with an infusion of fresh leaves (3-4 fresh leaves per 1 glass of water)
  • cough;
  • bronchitis;
  • whooping cough;
  • asthma.
  • A decoction of dried herbs (1 tbsp) with honey (1 tbsp) and ginger (1 tsp powder) in 3 cups of boiling water (cook for 10 minutes over low heat). Fever due to cold Tea made from basil and cardamom beans (3 - 5 pieces per glass) with sugar and milk For weight loss Adding seeds to drinks and desserts Cancer prevention Constant consumption of drinks with seeds For runny nose and cough Juice of leaves and stems with milk (10 drops per glass) Diuretic for cholelithiasis Infusion of plant flowers (2 tablespoons of dried flowers per glass of boiling water)

    How to prepare the tincture correctly? How to use essential oil? We offer you several recipes that we hope will benefit you.

    Basil tea

    Tea is used as a monocomponent remedy and as a basis for the preparation of complex potions. It will require fresh grass (40 - 50 g) and 4 glasses of water. Thoroughly washed and dried leaves are poured with boiling water and infused for 20 minutes. The result is an aromatic drink of greenish-violet or Pink colour. It can be enriched useful supplements- lemon, honey, raspberries, herbs.

    To do healthy drink from fresh raw materials all year round, freeze the stems and leaves for future use immediately after harvesting.

    To rejuvenate the body

    Drop basil essential oil into a glass of warm water, add a teaspoon of honey and add the juice of half a lemon. Mix the mixture thoroughly and take the course in the morning for 3 weeks.

    For psoriasis

    Basil essential oil has an antimicrobial, healing and cooling effect on affected areas. You can simply lubricate the surface of the skin with oil or apply compresses with it. To do this, 15 drops of ether need to be diluted in 30 ml olive oil.

    Warming cough lozenges

    Boil two potatoes in their skins, mash thoroughly, add 4 drops of ether of this plant, 1 drop of iodine and a third of a teaspoon of soda. Stir and form into flat cakes. They should be applied to the chest (avoid the heart area) or to the back and kept until completely cool.

    Restorative decoction after a stroke

    For it you will need 1 tablespoon of dried basil and onion peel, 5 tablespoons of rose hips, half a liter of water. Dry raw materials are poured with boiling water and cooked over low heat for 10 minutes. The broth is infused in a thick-walled ceramic container for about 8 hours. Every day you need to drink from 2 to 6 glasses.

    For cancer

    Any drinks with basil are beneficial for cancer patients. The seeds of the plant are especially effective for the prevention of cancer. They can be added to juices, tea and desserts. In complex therapy, they will have a strengthening and restorative effect, especially after chemotherapy sessions.

    How to prepare seeds

    For medicinal purposes, only those seeds taken directly from the plant are suitable. Before adding to medicinal mixtures and drinks, they must be soaked. A teaspoon of seeds is poured warm water and leave until they look like transparent eggs. The seeds are not soaked for future use.

    Purchased seed seeds cannot be used; they are chemically treated.

    Alcohol infusion

    For alcohol infusion, take 10 g of dried basil and a glass of vodka. Infuse the mixture without access to light for 14 days. The finished tincture is used for gargling at the rate of 2 teaspoons per glass of water. A few drops of it, dissolved in a tablespoon of water, will save you from headaches.

    Basil for men

    Basil has aphrodisiac properties. Its ability to increase potency in men and stimulate mutual attraction has been used since ancient times. In Romania, it was once customary for the bride to give the groom a sprig of this plant at her wedding.

    Even the aroma of a plant can have a stimulating effect, while relieving tension and relaxing the nervous system. A bath with the addition of basil ether works well - 5-6 drops of oil should be mixed with honey and added to water.

    Benefits for women

    Having an antispasmodic effect, basil is able to eliminate menstrual pain; it is useful to take it during menopause. Basil essential oil is widely used in cosmetology as part of anti-aging creams, shampoos and nail strengtheners. Hair is treated with its decoctions and infusions. The use of basil has a good effect on problem skin.

    During pregnancy and breastfeeding

    During breastfeeding, basil can be added to food without large quantities, it supplies the body with vitamins and minerals, in particular, it is a valuable source of iron. However, frequent use may reduce breast milk production.

    Basil decoction is prescribed to complete lactation.

    During pregnancy, it is better to avoid consuming basil, since the esters it contains can negatively affect the course of pregnancy (the tone of the uterus increases). Basil can be used externally for conjunctivitis and for rinsing the mouth and throat for colds.

    Basil in cosmetology

    Basil is an excellent skin and hair care product. The fresh plant is used to prepare masks, the decoction is used to rinse hair, and the essential oil is added to shampoos and masks for weakened hair.

    Purifying face mask

    Finely chop a few fresh basil leaves and crush them lightly with your hands to release the juice. Add classic (without additives) yogurt and a teaspoon of boiled water. Mix and apply the mixture to your face. The mask exposure time is 10 minutes. Removable with a napkin.

    Lightly crushed fresh basil leaves are good to wipe the skin with. The juice of the plant makes the skin smooth and elastic and removes the vascular network.

    Hair rinse infusion

    2 tablespoons of crushed fresh leaves or dry raw materials are steamed with 2 cups of boiling water and left for half an hour. Regular use of rinse makes hair shiny, makes it easier to comb, stops hair loss and accelerates hair growth.

    Contraindications and possible harm

    fragrant plant Contraindicated for people suffering from the following diseases:

  • cardiac ischemia;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • hypotension;
  • diabetes;
  • epilepsy;
  • childhood up to 7 years.
  • Daily consumption of basil in any form can be harmful to health due to the mercury compounds it contains.

    In the presence of serious diseases, the use of basil as medicinal plant must be agreed with the attending physician.

    Video about the benefits of basil essential oil

    Paracelsus also said that only the dose distinguishes a medicine from a poison. As beneficial as basil is, its use and application in home treatment there must be a reasonable standard. Be healthy!

    Basil - also known as regan (not to be confused with oregano), regan, reikhan, raikhon, raikhan, rehan, tulsi - is considered a favorite of Italian and French chefs, a sacred plant for Hindus and an integral ingredient in Ayurvedic medicine. Interestingly, basil is truly a “universal fighter”: it is eaten raw, brewed, dried, used internally and externally, applied to wounds, and added to cosmetics. What is contained in the “royal grass”? The fact is that the modest-looking leaves contain almost a complete range of useful properties: vitamins, minerals, acids, tannins, tannins, phytoncides, flavonoids. And this is all with small quantity contraindications for use

    What is rich in basil?

    Essential oils, present in abundance in basil, determine not only the specific spicy taste of the plant, but also its beneficial features. Scientists at the University of Malaysia have proven that a substance called eugenol reduces the activity of enzymes that promote inflammatory processes in the body - by the way, there are even separate solutions of eugenol with a concentration of up to 95%, which are used mainly to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Basil essential oil contains a lot of eugenol, so the plant has an effect that relieves inflammation and pain.

    This is what basil leaves look like

    The combination of linolenic, rosemary, and oleic acids effectively destroys the bacteria of staphylococcus, enterococcus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Antiseptic properties are also imparted to basil by substances such as camphel, citronellol, myrcene, linalool, cineole, citral, limonene, and terpineol. Some of these substances, by the way, also have a sedative effect, so it is indicated for nervous disorders and headaches. The plant contains natural antibiotics - phytoncides, which help strengthen the immune system.

    Thanks to the ability of the “royal herb” to fight various kinds of bacteria and microbes, it is successfully used to treat diseases of various etymologies. Camphor is known for its beneficial effect on the respiratory system; this substance helps with cough and removes phlegm from the lungs. And the content of phytonutrients allows the use of basil not only for mild respiratory diseases, but also for asthma and even tuberculosis.

    High iron content increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, minerals help strengthen the heart muscle and normalize blood pressure. Vitamin A is very good for vision, and in combination with vitamins C and PP, it improves immunity, makes blood vessels more elastic, and improves skin condition. Vitamin C in combination with potassium has a general strengthening and calming effect. Vitamin K helps the absorption of calcium, activates the synthesis of proteins that regulate blood clotting, and promotes cell restoration - this vitamin is especially necessary for people during the postoperative period.

    Basil can even be grown on a windowsill in a pot.

    Beta-carotene is an enemy of free radicals, which destroy nerve fibers, cause the aging process, and form malignant tumors. Beta-carotene also protects body cells from destruction and lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, which promotes rejuvenation and reduces the risk of heart disease. Flavonoids, which are present in abundance in basil, protect the cells of the body and turn it into a powerful antioxidant that can even fight cancer.

    Doctors spoke back in ancient times that it is capable of making the body more resilient, stronger and more resistant to various types of diseases. And they were not wrong: the antioxidant effect of basil was officially proven by scientists from the Pune College of Pharmacy, located in the state of Maharashtra. Indian specialists presented the research results at the British Pharmaceutical Conference in Manchester.

    Basil has found its “place in the sun” not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. It is no coincidence that the extract of this plant is an ingredient in many creams, masks, and shampoos - mainly due to its well-known antioxidants. Due to the antiseptic properties of the plant, facial products based on it to eliminate pimples, acne, acne. Fresh plant juice helps cure even psoriasis and ringworm. The oil based on it is also famous for its moisturizing properties, has a rejuvenating effect, and helps fight wrinkles.

    For hair care, the product is valuable because it can improve blood circulation and awaken hair follicles.

    There are no comrades for taste and color: plant varieties The variety of beneficial properties of basil for humans is comparable only to the impressive number of varieties of this plant. Let's start with what we have, which is not consumed as food: for example, it includes a variety with the romantic name “Thai Queen”. We are interested in the so-called vegetable basil. There are about 70 varieties of edible plants alone, all of them are divided into two categories: purple and green.

    Sometimes, for example, lemon or Thai varieties are separated into separate categories, but this is already a classification based on taste and place of origin. Depending on the shades of taste, in addition to lemon, there is pepper, clove, clove-pepper, caramel, vanilla, cinnamon, licorice, anise, mint.

    Basil has a truly wide variety of varieties.

    In Europe, preference is given to green basil, which has a softer and more refined aroma.

    Here are the main types of green basil:

    Genoese or Italian;



    Camphor or mint-leaved;






    Basilisk. Mainly used in oriental cuisine purple basil , characterized by a higher content of essential oils and, therefore, a more pronounced spicy taste. Peoples of the Caucasus, Malaya and Central Asia The plant is valued precisely for its sharp, rich smell. This category includes the following types


    Common basil;


    Purple or Dark Opal;

    Red ruby;

    Indian (holy basil, also known as tulsi); Which type and variety is of greatest value in terms of health benefits? Correct answer: any. Plant varieties differ appearance , place of cultivation and, of course, taste characteristics. The content of useful elements in all varieties is approximately the same. To nourish the body useful substances

    and maintain immunity, it is enough to include the product in the menu from time to time - fortunately, cooking knows many ways to do this. You can use fresh leaves for salad (they go especially well with tomatoes), add to stews, sauces, meat and fish dishes, omelettes, soups, marinades.

    Useful ingredients: oil, juice, seeds, leaves, etc. It is valuable that a plant like basil contains no unnecessary substances. For medical and cosmetic purposes, the juice from it, leaves in fresh or dried form, decoction and infusion from the leaves, as well as the seeds of the plant are used. I also found an essential oil based on it, obtained from the plant by distillation. You can buy this oil at any pharmacy. Not this, but a remedy close to it in its properties - if suddenly you don’t have a distiller at hand - you can prepare it yourself. The easiest way is to add to any vegetable oil basil and heat in a water bath for 5-6 minutes.

    Basil decoction is tasty and healthy

    The table shows the diseases for which one or another is used. dosage form, and methods of application.

    The solution for compresses is prepared as follows: 3 drops of essential oil are dissolved in 15 ml of water. Use immediately; store in the refrigerator for no more than a week. The composition of the rinsing solution is slightly different: 20 ml of infusion is added to a liter of boiled water, which is easy to prepare yourself. 15 g of dried leaves are poured into 100 ml of water and kept in a water bath for half an hour. The liquid is stored in the refrigerator, shelf life is 7 days.


    Basil based drinks

  • To prepare a cough drink, you need to throw 8-9 leaves of the plant and a chopped clove of garlic in 100 g of boiling water and cook for 15 minutes. You can add honey and ginger root. Drink 3-4 times a day.

    Basil tea helps with flu and colds: the leaves are brewed with boiling water along with cardamom, cloves, and milk is added. Once the drink has cooled a little, you can drink it. Consume after every meal.

    For chronic flatulence: brew 2 teaspoons of dry leaves with 200 ml of boiling water. We drink 2 cups a day for a week, take a break for 2 weeks, and repeat the course.

    Recipe for cystitis, stomach ulcers and cough: mix 2 teaspoons of basil juice in equal proportions with water and honey. Drink 2 times a day before meals.

    General strengthening tea: pour 2 tablespoons of dry leaves into 300 g of boiling water, leave for half an hour. Drink 1 glass per day. The course is 10 days, then you need to take a break for 10 days. To achieve the effect you need 3 courses.

    Healthy and tasty lemonade: mix 20 g of fresh basil, 2 lemons, 250 ml of ice and 750 ml of water in a blender. Drink immediately.

    Seed dessert

    Basil seeds help remove toxins and speed up metabolism. To prepare a tasty and healthy recipe, pour 1 teaspoon of seeds with water at room temperature and stir. After a few minutes, the seeds will swell and look like eggs. Before use, add fruits, berries, yogurt or coconut milk. In Asian countries, seeds are added to drinks: juices, smoothies, milkshakes.

    Basil - features and nuances of use for men

    In addition to its general strengthening effect on the body, basil is important for a man’s health because it helps normalize reproductive function, enhances potency and libido. Its use as a natural aphrodisiac was popular back in Ancient India. Beneficial influence plants on the male body is explained as follows: the microelements present in the composition improve blood circulation, have a positive effect on endocrine function, and stabilize blood glucose levels. Iron is necessary for proper operation nervous system, potassium and magnesium - to strengthen blood vessels, and zinc - to restore hormonal levels.

    The simplest, but no less effective method The use of basil for men is tea, infusion or decoction of the leaves of the plant as a dietary supplement to food.

    To make a decoction to enhance potency, you need to pour 4 tablespoons of fresh leaves of the plant into 1 liter of boiling water and cook for 7-10 minutes. Then you need to let the drink brew for half an hour. Take 3 times a day, 75 ml after meals. You can add honey and lemon.

    To prepare tea, just pour 50 g of fresh leaves into 1 liter of boiling water and brew like regular tea. Drink 1 glass 2 times a day.

    To make the drink even more effective, you can diversify the composition for the decoction or tea with leaves of rosemary, sage, mint, thyme, raspberries and currants. You cannot expect a magical immediate effect from the drug for erectile dysfunction. The first results usually appear after 2 weeks of regular use. The course is 1 month. It is also useful for men to add hot bath basil essential oil. This is a great way to relax, relieve stress and recharge your batteries. The recommended dose is 10 drops per bath. And, of course, do not forget about eating fresh basil.

    Useful properties and secrets of use for women

    Basil is recommended to be included in the diet of women with menstrual irregularities and severe menstrual pain. Is it possible to eat basil during pregnancy? On the one hand, the leaves of this plant can eliminate the symptoms of toxicosis and cure headache, increase immunity - in particular, resistance to viral diseases. In addition, pregnant women are usually deficient in vitamins and minerals, and basil is a source of beneficial microelements. The potassium contained in basil helps prevent cramps, iron helps cope with anemia, and calcium helps strengthen bones and teeth.

    It must be borne in mind that a large number of essential oils present in the plant increase the tone of the uterus. Excessive consumption of basil this feature plants threatens miscarriage or premature birth. Therefore, if you are prone to uterine hypertonicity, you should not use the product. In the first and third trimester of pregnancy, it is recommended to eat basil in an amount of no more than 20 g and no more than 2 times a week. Another contraindication is instability of blood pressure during pregnancy. And, of course, you need to introduce basil into your diet carefully: individual intolerance may be absent in a woman, but appear in a child.

    But the external use of basil has no contraindications during pregnancy. Moreover, inhalations, decoctions and infusions prepared based on the plant will help expectant mother at a time when the most harmless diseases threaten complications, and the use medications has a lot of restrictions.

    During pregnancy, basil should be used with caution.

    During breastfeeding Basil, like any other product, should be introduced into the menu of a nursing mother with caution. On the one hand, this product promotes lactation, improves digestion and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, on the other hand, it can become an allergen for the baby. It is recommended to add herbs and spices - including basil - to the diet when the child is between 3 and 6 months old. Try to introduce basil into the diet, preferably in minimal quantities in the first half of the day - if no negative reaction is observed after 2 days, the dose can be gradually increased.

    Basil for beautiful skin and hair

    Many products for the care of mature skin contain basil oil: the substances contained in the plant help eliminate wrinkles, increase skin elasticity, and protect against harmful effects. sun rays. Here are a few recipes for anti-aging masks based on basil, which you only need to do once a week:

    Grind ½ avocado and 5 fresh basil leaves using a blender. Apply the resulting paste to your face and wash off after 15 minutes.

    Mix 10 chopped fresh leaves with 1 teaspoon of oatmeal and the same amount of milk powder. Dilute with purified water to obtain a thick paste, apply to face for 10 minutes.

    Grind 3 basil leaves and ½ in a blender fresh cucumber. Apply the mixture to your face, wait 20 minutes, rinse with cool water.

    Mix crushed dry basil leaves and full-fat cottage cheese in a 2:1 ratio and apply to the face. Wait until the mixture dries and rinse with warm water.

    Another indication for using basil for facial skin is inflammation, acne, and increased oiliness. You can make your own face mask by grinding fresh basil leaves in a blender. The resulting mass should be applied to the face for 15–20 minutes. This simple recipe will help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and the camphene present in the leaves will make the procedure not only useful, but also pleasant: the basil mask has a mild cooling and soothing effect. The product should be used 1-2 times a week for 2 months.

    Basil decoction can be used instead of a facial toner - this product will help refresh your complexion and forget about acne. To prepare a decoction, you need to chop 3 tablespoons of fresh leaves, pour 1 liter of boiling water and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. When using dried leaves, reduce the amount of raw material by 2 times. Another option for use is to make cosmetic ice from the decoction and wipe your face with it every morning. Fresh basil juice will also be useful for problem skin - it is applied pointwise to areas prone to inflammation, 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 week.

    Basil-based products also help with hair loss. To strengthen your hair, accelerate its growth and add shine, it is enough to use an infusion of basil leaves as a rinse after each shampoo. To prepare an infusion, brew 1 tablespoon of fresh leaves in 0.5 liters of water and let steep for 30–40 minutes. You can complicate the recipe by adding mint and rosemary leaves. In this case, all ingredients are mixed in equal proportions.

    Basil for the skin of the face and hair can be used as a self-sufficient remedy or added to your usual masks, creams and shampoos. Effective method is to enrich cosmetics with basil essential oil: the recommended dosage is 2–3 drops of oil per 100 ml of product.

    For weight loss

    Thanks to its ability to speed up metabolism, basil is a faithful companion to almost any diet. The easiest way to use it is to add fresh or dried leaves to dishes. This will practically not change the calorie content of food, but the metabolic rate will change significantly. Another method that does not require special effort- eating basil seeds with herbal teas, fruit or vegetable smoothies, low-fat yogurts. Just add the seeds before cooking. clean water and leave for 5-7 minutes to swell.

    You can prepare a drink based on basil and ginger. For this we need 1 grated ginger root, 5-6 chopped basil sprigs and the juice of 1 lemon. Mix all ingredients, add a little sugar and yeast. The first day the drink is infused at room temperature, the second day in the refrigerator, and on the third day the “lemonade” is ready for consumption. It is enough to drink 2-3 glasses of drink a day, and after 2-3 weeks you will notice the result. The maximum duration of treatment is 1 month. Another option is to add fresh or dried basil leaves to your tea 2-3 times a week. In this case, the duration of use is unlimited.

    Like any medicine, basil in too large quantities turns into a poison that can cause severe poisoning. When using a decoction or infusion for rinsing the mouth, you should follow the dosage: some substances that make up basil tend to destroy tooth enamel. The use of basil has contraindications. Of course, there can be no complications due to a couple of leaves of the plant, but you should refrain from taking more significant amounts without consulting a doctor if you have one of the following diseases:

    low blood pressure;

    cardiovascular diseases;


    coagulation disorders;

    cardiac ischemia;


    If basil is not yet integral part your food, be sure to try using it as a seasoning - the taste of the “royal grass” is very interesting. Experiment with types and varieties of basil - and soon you will become so familiar with it that the need to take basil as a medicine will disappear by itself. Combine business with pleasure!

    Basil has long been highly valued - this can be judged by its name, which comes from the Greek basili kohn, which means “royal”. Signs of basil use have been found even in Egyptian pyramids. Therefore, it is not without reason that some chefs consider him a king herbs. In India, basil is considered a sacred plant. It is believed to provide divine protection, energy and strength that protects the living space, cleanses the aura and strengthens the immune system.
    This annual grows up to 30-80 cm and is quite bushy. It blooms from July to September with white-pink flowers collected in inflorescences.
    Basil requires fertile, well-watered and breathable soil. It loves light and warmth, and does not tolerate frost.
    Features of the workpiece
    Basil contains essential oil rich in camphor. Its content in the plant is highest during the budding period.
    For treatment, grass is used (stems without lower lignified parts, leaves, flowers), which can be collected several times during the summer.
    Cutting greenery from young plants should be done before flowering, collecting leaves and cutting off branches 10-12 cm long. Mass cutting - before flowering, when the leaves and young shoots are most fragrant.
    Basil has an astringent, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, and antiseptic effect. Thanks to the latter property, basil is useful to use during flu epidemics!
    Should dry in the shade. Before storage, it is better to grind the dry mass, pour it into a tightly sealed container and place it in a dark place. At the same time, the healing properties and aroma are preserved for 3 years.

    Useful properties of basil

    One name hides more than 70 plants, and all of them are basil from the Lamiaceae family! You and I are most familiar with fragrant and mint basil. They not only make food healthier and tastier, but can also help out during illness. In the homeland of basil, in India, scientists have found that this plant can restore strength and youth.
    Basil is perhaps the most widely used spice in cooking, but less is known about the effect of this plant on human health. Modern researchers have proven the existence healing properties basilica, which ancient doctors believed in. Basil has a diaphoretic, antipyretic, antispasmodic effect, strengthens the nerves, is good antiseptic. It removes excess mucus from the lungs and nasal passages, heightening sensory perception and improving absorption nutrients, strengthens nervous tissue, improves memory. Dishes with basil are also very useful for arthritis and rheumatism.

    Uses of basil

    The plant raises overall tone, restores the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and stimulates digestion. Helps with upper respiratory tract infections, inflammatory kidney diseases and circulatory problems. Its healing properties are used to treat depression and strengthen the nervous system. Caution in use is necessary for cardiovascular diseases, thrombosis and thrombophlebitis, bleeding disorders, pregnancy, and also after heart attacks.

    Basil for motion sickness in transport

    During the trip, keep two basil leaves in your mouth and you won’t get motion sickness

    Basil for heaviness in the stomach and bad mood

    Pour 1/4 liter of boiling water 1-2 tsp. herbs, let it brew for 10-15 minutes, strain and drink a cup if necessary. The course of treatment for diseases of the stomach and intestines (especially chronic flatulence) is as follows: drink 2 cups daily for 8 days, then take a break for 14 days and drink again for 8 days.

    Basil juice for cystitis and cough

    It is pressed from the above-ground part immediately before flowering begins. Leaves, clusters of future flowers, and unripe parts of the plant are collected. The juice tones, has a stimulating effect on the nervous system and has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body. They treat not only genitourinary disorders, inflammation of the bladder, but also bronchitis, any cough and many inflammations. That is, you take the juice for 10 days, then take a break for 10 days, take 3 courses in total, and get rid of internal inflammation. In one summer you can thoroughly improve your health if there are no contraindications, for example, with a stomach ulcer.
    You can take no more than 2 tsp per day. juice - 1 in the morning and 1 in the evening. In this case, the juice must be mixed in equal proportions with honey and water, since in pure form it can irritate the stomach and esophagus. That is why it is consumed after meals.

    Eye fatigue during work, decreased visual acuity

    There is an excellent folk remedy for the above problems - this is an infusion of basil.
    To prepare the infusion you need to take 2 tbsp. l. dry basil leaves and pour 1.5 liters of boiling water. When cool, strain through cheesecloth. You need to wash your eyes with this infusion and apply lotions to your eyelids 2 times a day.
    Do this regularly for 10-12 days in a row, then take a break and treatment for a few days and repeat again. Inflammation and redness of the eyelids, pain in the eyes will disappear, and red blood vessels will no longer be visible on the whites.

    Tea for colds

    And drinking and brewing it is very simple. Take 1 tsp. dry basil or 30 g of fresh leaves, pour a glass of boiling water. Let sit for 5 minutes. Then add lemon juice to taste and sugar or honey. And drink to your health! Properly prepared basil tea changes color 3 times during the brewing process. At first it is purple, then lemon juice turns it pink, and by adding honey at the end, you will see that the drink turns yellow.

    Cocktail to support immunity

    Chop 100 g of fresh basil, mix with the juice of one lemon, pour 2 liters of hot water boiled water(but not boiling water), leave for 15 minutes. Strain, cool, add honey to taste. Drink during the day.
