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» Control grass with salt and vinegar. How to get rid of weeds once and for all? Secrets of clean garden beds. Types of solutions with acetic acid

Control grass with salt and vinegar. How to get rid of weeds once and for all? Secrets of clean garden beds. Types of solutions with acetic acid

Immediately after the pleasant sowing of seeds and seedlings, the summer resident begins a difficult period of fighting weeds, which grow better and faster than any crop planted on the territory. Of course, if your dacha plot is small, then you won’t feel any special problems, but what about those who have 20 or 40 acres of land? How to get rid of grass in your garden once and for all folk remedies?

Getting rid of weed once and for all
Since summer passes quite quickly and not a single summer resident wants to spend it raising weeds, effective methods and means have been invented to make life much easier. What are these methods and how to use them?

How to get rid of grass in the garden - options

Many gardeners simply dream of forever forgetting about such troubles as weeds. But this cannot be done fully. Why? Even if you regularly uproot all the weeds, the seeds of these pests are in large quantities in the soil, so they germinate immediately. Of course, it is better to destroy weeds at an early stage, otherwise its root system will completely drown out the weak roots vegetable crops. In addition, weeds feed on the juices of a fertile plant, depriving it of nutrients.

Today there are two known methods to combat harmful vegetation:

  1. Mechanical.
  2. Chemical

Mechanical The method involves pulling out weeds by hand. But there is a guarantee that after this the weeds will not come back from new strength- No. Weeds grow especially actively after rains, so this option is more suitable for those summer residents who have a small area. If you decide to use mechanical method, then pay attention to the processing rules land plot: for this it is important to use garden tools and uproot plants without leaving them in the soil.

Concerning chemical method, it includes the use of herbicides. But this method can be dangerous for planted crops, so it is not recommended.

How to fight weeds with folk remedies

Before herbicides were invented, people dealt with weeds using folk remedies, which turned out to be no less effective. We offer you several effective ways.

Alcohol. If you want to grow a crop on summer cottage without using chemicals, then use an alcohol solution. To do this, mix alcohol in a ratio of 1:10 with water and pour it over the future planting site. There will be no weeds in the coming season.

Soap, vinegar and salt. This composition has the effect of a herbicidal soap. To prepare the solution, mix salt, grated laundry soap and vinegar in equal proportions. Let it brew. After this, you can spray the weeds with it.

Many owners of suburban areas try to replace purchased herbicides with “folk” remedies. Acetic acid is usually used as the simplest and safest. For spraying beds, a 5% solution is most often used.
For yard treatment You can also use a more effective “folk” weed killer – vinegar and salt. Prepare such a herbicide as follows:
3.8 liters of vinegar 9% is poured into the bucket;
half a glass of salt is poured there;
add a little liquid soap;
everything is thoroughly mixed.

Use vinegar weed killer in the same way as chemicals. Spraying should be carried out as carefully as possible. Allow drops from the spray bottle to contact cultivated plants, it is forbidden. Best time for processing - early morning.
Typically, white vinegar is used to kill weeds. You can also take apple one. Summer residents who decide to use this “folk” herbicide should be aware that large quantities it is capable of leaching nutrients from the soil.

Vinegar and salt. This combination also has a deadly effect on weeds, destroying them forever. To prepare such a solution, you need to mix 5 liters of vinegar and a glass of salt. Mix all this thoroughly and treat the weeds. Because it's pretty dangerous drug, make sure that it does not come into contact with healthy plants.

Soda. This product acts as a natural alkali, so it will not harm the soil, but will destroy weeds. To use soda, you need to pour it on the root of the weed and wait for the result, which will not take long to arrive.

Sawdust. This method is suitable for those who have brightly colored beds and they are clearly marked. In the fall, you need to sprinkle sawdust on the edge of the bed and dig it up. With the arrival of spring, fill the edges of the bed with sawdust again and leave it like that. The root system of the weed will not be able to break through the sawdust, so it will die.

Today you can purchase gentle chemical preparations that, when correct use, will not harm your crops. Now you know how to get rid of grass in the garden once and for all using folk remedies. We hope that our tips will help you grow rich harvests of your favorite vegetable crops in your summer cottage.

Weed guide: photos, types, names, control measures

To save your crop from the “invasion” of weeds, you need to understand what kind of plants they are and how to deal with them. We have compiled a visual table with photos, descriptions and the most effective measures control of common weeds.

Not all weeds are equally harmful. Some of the weeds can be used to feed livestock and poultry, some of them are medicinal plants. But among the “weed” family there are also poisonous specimens. Our table will help you navigate the types of weeds and wisely select measures to combat “illegals” on your site.

Control measures:

  • treatment with natural borax after the emergence of the weed, as well as herbicides (Roundup, Lintur);
  • weeding
Type Height (length) Where does it grow? Peculiarities
herbaceous perennial 10 cm On shady lawns and lawns
  • In large doses the plant is toxic;
  • sometimes used in folk medicine for asthma, pneumonia, stomach and liver diseases;
  • used for flavoring kvass, alcoholic and tonic drinks

Control measures:

  • mulching;
  • repeated cutting;
  • digging the soil in autumn and spring;
  • treatment of seedlings with herbicides based on imazapyr, glyphosate and ammonium glufosinate
Type Height (length) Where does it grow? Peculiarities
climbing perennial Up to 1.8 m In sunny areas
  • Possesses medicinal properties, widely used in folk medicine (most often as a laxative, diuretic and choleretic agent);
  • root shoots germinate at a distance of up to 9 m from the mother lash

Control measures:

  • early tillage in the spring (the seeds will germinate shallowly and the plants will be easy to remove);
  • weeding before seed formation, preferably at the beginning of flowering;
  • mulching beds and tree trunks;
  • sowing the site with winter rye, which displaces galenzoga
Type Height (length) Where does it grow? Peculiarities
herbaceous perennial 10-80 cm In well-lit vegetable beds
  • Originally from Mexico, artificially introduced into Eurasia;
  • one plant produces up to 300,000 seeds

Control measures:

  • mulching beds and tree trunks;
  • treatment with herbicides immediately after soil cultivation before sowing (Gesagard, Amiben, Kambilen) and after emergence - with herbicides Betanal Expert, Gesagard, Dianat, Kambilen;
  • weeding
Type Height (length) Where does it grow? Peculiarities
herbaceous annual Up to 1 m Grows in moist soils
  • Good honey plant;
  • used in folk medicine as a hemostatic, laxative

Control measures:

  • mulching beds and tree trunks;
  • treatment with pre-emergence herbicides during spring cultivation (Glyphos, Roundup, Tornado);
  • treatment of plants with a 30% solution of potassium salt;
  • weeding (weed stems must be taken outside the site);
  • repeated digging of the earth
Type Height (length) Where does it grow? Peculiarities
herbaceous perennial Up to 2 m In areas with fertile soil
  • Used in folk medicine to treat joint diseases, radiculitis, and also as a hemostatic and multivitamin agent;
  • young leaves and shoots are edible

Control measures:

  • mulching beds and tree trunks;
  • treatment with pre-emergence herbicides during spring digging of the soil and post-emergence herbicides (Esteron, Chistalan) in the early stages of weed growth;
  • weeding in the flowering phase before seeds appear
Type Height (length) Where does it grow? Peculiarities
herbaceous annual Up to 30 cm On sandy, rocky soils
  • The seeds have medicinal properties and are used for gastrointestinal disorders as a diuretic;
  • leaves and shoots are poisonous

Control measures:

  • mulching beds and flower beds;
  • weeding (before the seeds ripen);
  • treatment with post-emergence herbicides in the basal leaf phase (Agritox, Agroxon, Herbitox, Metafen)
Type Height (length) Where does it grow? Peculiarities
herbaceous perennial Up to 30 cm Lawns and lawns in sun or partial shade
  • The leaves have medicinal properties, are edible, contain vitamins B 2 and C, carotene, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, choline, manganese, iron

Control measures:

  • mulching beds and tree trunks;
  • treatment with post-emergence herbicides in the early stages of weed growth (Lontrel, Lontrel-300, Ballet CE);
  • weeding
Type Height (length) Where does it grow? Peculiarities
herbaceous perennial Up to 20 cm On moist, dense soils
  • Has antiseptic properties;
  • used in folk medicine in the treatment of respiratory diseases, gastritis, to improve digestion;
  • young leaves are eaten;
  • one plant produces up to 15,000 seeds

Control measures:

  • mulching beds and tree trunks;
  • treatment with herbicides before sowing seeds and planting seedlings or in the early stages of weed development (calcium cyanamide, Amiben, Kambilene);
  • weeding
Type Height (length) Where does it grow? Peculiarities

herbaceous annual
(sometimes biennial)

10-80 cm On any type of soil
  • Forage plant;
  • used in folk medicine in the treatment of hypertension, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, bladder, rheumatism;
  • tolerates trampling well

Control measures:

  • mulching beds and tree trunks;
  • treatment with herbicides before emergence and in the early stages of weed development (Dianat, Difenamide, Amiben);
  • weeding
Type Height (length) Where does it grow? Peculiarities

herbaceous annual

Up to 130 cm On any type of soil, including arid
  • One plant produces up to 500,000 seeds;
  • has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic properties;
  • leaves are edible;
  • seeds can be fed to poultry

Weeds are a serious problem in any garden. They are unpretentious, very resilient, quickly growing, wild plants. They not only cause inconvenience to gardeners, but also harm various crops grown on personal plot, drowning out their plantings, and thereby reducing their productivity, reducing weight, spoiling appearance and worsening taste. In addition, many weeds, for example, wormwood, quinoa, dandelion, ragweed, burdock, coltsfoot and many others, can provoke severe allergic reactions.

Autumn and spring digging of soil often does not give long-term positive results, since the roots and seeds of most of these plants are very frost-resistant and tenacious. Therefore, they continue to germinate, and mechanical procedures (weeding, mowing) to destroy them have to be carried out regularly throughout the entire summer season. Since manual weeding takes a lot of time and has little effect, and chemicals remain in the soil for a long time, which can harm plantings, gardeners have to look for alternative ways destruction of weeds. In order to destroy weeds on garden plot, you can use natural herbicides - vinegar and salt. They are less safe to use and, when used correctly, do not cause significant harm to cultural plantings.

Vinegar solution

How to use vinegar natural remedy in weed control, is based on the action of acetic acid, which literally burns any vegetation. It is used as a separate component or in combination with other substances that enhance its effect. In addition to the fact that vinegar-based mixtures allow you to destroy weeds, they also make it possible to get rid of ants that often settle in garden areas. In order to prepare effective formulations with vinegar, you can use the following recipes:

  • Add ten milliliters of liquid soap or dishwashing detergent to one liter of vinegar. Mix the mixture thoroughly. Compositions with this consistency are more convenient to use than simple vinegar;
  • In a container with one liter of vinegar, dilute one tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Citric acid will enhance the effect of acetic acid and make the recipe more effective;
  • Add three tablespoons of lemon juice to half a liter of vinegar. Combine the liquid with two teaspoons of liquid soap and three tablespoons of alcohol. If the weeds are small, then the resulting composition must be diluted by half with water before use;
  • Dilute two glasses of vinegar with one glass of water. Add one teaspoon to the mixture citric acid, two tablespoons of alcohol and two teaspoons of dishwashing detergent;
  • Pour a tablespoon of orange or clove vinegar into a bottle with one liter of vinegar. essential oil and beat the mixture thoroughly.

To prepare these compositions, you should use eighteen percent or even stronger vinegar. A solution of lower concentration will be less effective, and the treatment will have to be carried out several times.

Method of using mixtures and precautions when working with them

Vinegar does not have a selective effect and destroys all vegetation it comes into contact with. Therefore, in order to remove weeds from the garden plot and not cause harm to the plantings of cultivated plants, a number of rules and recommendations should be followed:

  1. 1. If weeds are in the beds, then to spray them you need to use a sprayer that is set to jet mode and not spraying. You can also use a brush or brush. This is necessary to ensure that the compositions fall only on weeds, without touching cultivated plants;
  2. 2. When processing lawns, roadsides, garden paths and other places where only weeds grow, you can use spraying of the prepared compounds or lightly spraying the area with a watering can;
  3. 3. Vinegar-based mixtures should be used to treat trunks, leaves and flowers. They should not be allowed to come into contact with large quantity on the ground, because they destroy not only the plants themselves, but also bacteria and other microorganisms found in the substrate, which are necessary for the full development of cultivated plants. For the same reason, liquid antibacterial soap cannot be added to the formulations;
  4. 4. When destroyed, very large plants with hollow trunks, it is recommended to cut off part of them and pour liquid into the cavity. This will activate and accelerate the process of weed death;
  5. 5. Dishwashing detergent is often used to prepare the mixture; it helps the compositions stick to the foliage. But you need to take only those that do not contain phenols, phosphates, sodium hypochlorite and various bleaches. All of them are toxic substances and cause great harm environment, including the soil in which they remain for a long time and can negatively affect its composition and the quality of plantings;
  6. 6. If your homemade herbicide contains liquid soap, then it is best to use a household product that contains a minimum amount of additives;
  7. 7. Before you start killing weeds in your garden, you need to know the weather forecast for several days in advance. To process the grass, calm and sunny weather is needed so that the wind does not spread the mixture to crops growing nearby. Since it takes several hot days for the weeds to completely die, there should be no rain for two or three days after treatment. With such weather conditions Sun rays will activate the effect of vinegar, which, in the absence of precipitation, will remain on the plant. Otherwise, it will not be possible to obtain the required effect;
  8. 8. Treatment of weeds must be carried out before their seeds ripen, which, once in the soil, begin to germinate and form new thickets of unnecessary grass;
  9. 9. After the weeds treated with vinegar are completely dry, you need to collect them and remove them from the site. If young growth appears, the treatment will need to be repeated;
  10. 10. When using vinegar for weeds, you should use household gloves to avoid irritation or even burn your skin. It is also recommended to wear safety glasses to protect your eyes from fumes.

Sprinkling with salt

The use of ordinary salt gives good results when controlling weeds. But at the same time, you need to know that in the future, no cultivated plants can be grown in areas treated with its use for several years. Therefore, it is best to use salt in the yard, in places where only weeds grow.

There are several ways to kill weeds using salt:

  • Dissolve one hundred and fifty grams of salt in two liters of slightly warmed water. Both kitchen and stone ones are suitable for this. After this, pour the liquid into a spray bottle or fill a watering can with it and treat the area with weeds;
  • You can use dry salt. To do this you need to water well. weeds, and while it is wet, sprinkle it generously with salt. After a few hours, repeat watering. This method of treatment will not only kill existing weeds, but the salt flowing into the upper layers of the soil will not allow new ones to germinate. You can additionally add salt to the soil under large weeds.

Weed control in the garden is carried out every year, subsiding only in the winter. Until chemical preparations whose action is aimed at destroying weeds appeared on sale, the most effective method There was constant weeding from early spring until autumn. Gardeners who deny the possibility of using herbicides in their garden plots use such a time-tested remedy as vinegar in this war. The article will discuss how vinegar affects plants, in what proportions it should be diluted and what to add to enhance the effect.

Impact on weeds

Weeds, with their violent growth and uncontrolled reproduction, cause significant damage to the yield of cultivated plants. To destroy them back in Soviet times began to use the developments of chemist scientists. Initially herbicides ( chemical substances, killing plants) were used to destroy weeds only in agriculture, but in last years They also appeared in retail sales. Those same gardeners who do not want to use the achievements chemical industry on a personal plot, this is successfully used folk remedy from weeds, like vinegar.

Its effect on plants is similar to herbicides both in intensity and mechanism of action:

  • destroys (burns) the membranes of plant cells, causing them to dry out and die;
  • blocks photosynthesis processes, which causes a sharp stop in the growth of weeds and leads to their death;
  • stops all metabolic processes and depletes plants at the cellular level, blocking the synthesis of amino acids, cellulose and fats;
  • upon contact, it penetrates not only into the above-ground part of the grass, but also into root system, providing a complex effect.

Types of solutions with acetic acid

Typically, to enhance the effect, weed killer vinegar is used by gardeners in combination with table salt, lemon juice, laundry or green soap. There are a lot of recipes, each of them is effective.

Acetic monosolutions of different concentrations

Using table vinegar to get rid of weeds is not difficult. The usual recipe is very simple: you need to spray 9% acetic acid on the plant, it will die very quickly. This method is suitable for targeted extermination of individually growing weeds.

One more effective option, which is used in the extermination of perennial weeds with deep roots - diluting a 40% solution of acetic acid with water in a 1:1 ratio. This weakly diluted weed killer kills even the most chemical-resistant weeds.

A more gentle method is to use 6% table vinegar. The recipe is as follows: weed vinegar (2.5 cups) should be diluted with 1 liter of water. After preparation, the above-ground parts of weeds are sprayed with the mixture.

With the help of acetic acid, you can overcome even perennial aggressive weeds that grow their roots into the soil to a depth of 6 m. Getting rid of weed growth for several seasons with the help of a vinegar solution is a completely doable task.

Vinegar solution with citric acid

Some experienced gardeners It is recommended to add citric acid to enhance the effect of the working solution. The recommended ratio is 3:1, add 1 part citric acid to three parts vinegar (concentration of at least 15%). After dissolving the acid crystals, pour the mixture into a spray bottle and spray the plants.

This solution is also effective in combating both weed colonies and individually growing individuals.

Vinegar solution with salt

Removing weeds with vinegar and salt is considered the most effective way control of weeds in the garden plot. This combination of ingredients in the working solution gives maximum effect in short time. Vinegar and salt against weeds are diluted with water in the following proportion: per liter of boiling water you need to take 5 tablespoons of 40% vinegar, 2 tablespoons table salt. Mix everything and, without cooling, pour over the weeds. Some recommendations advise not to add salt, but to sprinkle the weeds on top after treating with a vinegar solution.

Vinegar, salt and soap

In order for the vinegar and weed salt to retain their effect for as long as possible and for the best adhesion of the working solution, add a little laundry or special green soap to it. Some experts advise using dishwashing liquid. In this case, table vinegar (15%) is taken undiluted, 150 g of table salt and one tablespoon of soap are added per 1 liter. Laundry soap needs to be grated. Pour acetic acid over the salt, add soap and mix thoroughly until the salt is completely dissolved. Then the weeds are watered or sprayed.

When using working solutions that include vinegar and additional components, you need to remember that these products kill any plants they come into contact with. Therefore, in close proximity to vegetable gardens and garden crops the weeds are sprayed, covering the cultivated plants with protective materials.

In places large cluster To control weeds, agronomists advise using not spraying, but a method of total watering of soil and plants.

This will get rid of all weeds for a long time. But we must take into account the fact that cultivated plants in this place will also not be able to grow for 2–3 seasons. This method is preferable not for beds, but for garden paths, spaces along fences, etc. During processing, it is important to observe:

  • following conditions
  • processing time – before the weeds begin to bloom (late May – early June);
  • carry out work in dry, hot and windless weather, these conditions accelerate the action of the working solution; do not allow liquid to come into contact with garden and garden crops

, this will lead to their death.

The more accurately you follow the conditions, the more effective the result will be.

Precautionary measures Vinegar, even in a diluted state, is a volatile chemical active substance

  1. . The higher its concentration, the stronger its effect on the skin and mucous membranes. Therefore, when working with it, you need to take precautions, especially when preparing a working solution from acetic acid, inhalation of vapors of which can lead to burns of the respiratory tract, and if it comes into contact with the skin, to a chemical burn.
  2. Carry out all work with gloves, protect your mouth and nose with a bandage or respirator.
  3. Mix the ingredients carefully, avoiding splashing and contact with the skin.

If the solution gets on your skin, it should be washed off immediately with water. To summarize, it should be noted that the use of a natural herbicide - vinegar to combat weeds does not pose a danger to domestic animals and beneficial insects

, unlike herbicides produced by chemical industry enterprises, and the efficiency is much higher.

Yes, weeds can be controlled without chemicals. It’s more difficult, often not cheaper at all (though sometimes it’s completely free), but it’s possible. We have collected the most effective methods.

The following funds can, of course, be used en masse if you have enough funds and desire for this. It seems to us that their targeted use is most appropriate, when weeds sprout in some places of the lawn, among the pebbles that you may have covered paths or boundaries with, in the cracks between the masonry paving slabs on the same paths or patios, etc.

1. Soda.
In an article about the use of soda in the garden (you can read it), we already talked about the fact that this homemade alkali can also be used quite effectively against weeds.

2. Salt.
Another home helper to combat unwanted plants- salt. Sprinkle evenly a small amount of add salt to the bed around the planted crops, moving some distance away from them. Salt will not only kill weeds, but when dissolved in upper layers soil after watering will not allow new ones to grow for some time.

3. Vinegar
Homemade acid simply burns the plants. Pour the required amount into a spray bottle and spray the weeds. Be careful if vinegar gets on cultivated plants, it will have the same effect on them as on weeds.

4. Herbicidal soap
Remembering vinegar and salt separately, one cannot help but mention this effective remedy based on them. To make your own “weed killer,” mix equal parts of salt, vinegar and grated laundry soap. Spray the mixture onto the weeds.

5. Blowtorch
But it will help to burn out weeds in the truest sense of the word blowtorch. Personally, we doubt whether this method has any right to exist. Fantasy somehow immediately imagines an unrealistic action with an angry (weeds brought...) summer resident in leading role, burning out everything in its path….

Speaking of the right to exist, I would like to note that we tested homemade alkali and acid in our own experience, and they turned out to be quite effective in the fight against spot “sprouting”.

The foreign press offers two more ways. We have not experienced them, so if anyone has already dealt with them, we will be glad to see your comments.

6. Feed grain
For those who don’t know what it is, let’s mention that feed grain is essentially ground grain waste (mostly non-standard and unripe grain). This product is used all over the world to produce valuable feed for our domesticated friends, big and small. But, as it turns out, it can also be used in the garden. Foreign publications write mainly about feed corn; in our country oats and wheat are more often used. I think it is better to use corn, on which the research was carried out.

And these studies revealed that such a product prevents the development of a plant from a seed. A certain type of gluten in its composition works as a kind of contraceptive against germination. Therefore, it is most advisable to use the product somewhere in the middle of summer, after the nth weeding, when the cultivated plants have already reached some heights and such a blocker will not be dangerous for them.

7. Alcohol
Oh, and I don’t even know which Russian summer resident would use alcohol to fight weeds... but still, we’ll write about this method, often mentioned by Western sources. Its essence lies in the preliminary “disinfection” of the soil, about a month before planting cultivated plants. The alcohol is diluted with water 1:10, and the soil is treated with the solution (11 liters of this solution is enough for about 2-2.5 acres of land). Researchers from the USA write that weeds will no longer grow on such land, at least in the coming season.

Massive weed control.

8. Of course, miracles do not happen, and I hasten to disappoint many who are sure that now in this article we will find a panacea for all the troubles gardeners have associated with the massive infestation of the garden with weeds. No. However, you shouldn’t immediately run to the store and buy Hurricanes and
other. In mass control of weeds, the well-known folk method helps perfectly - mulching with organic or non-organic materials.
Well, we didn’t discover America. However, a huge number of summer residents who know everything perfectly positive points mulching, for some reason it is not so and they are in a hurry to use it to combat weeds....

What mulch is most effective against weeds?

Well, with inorganic, i.e. film, everything is basically clear. In stores today there is a huge selection of spunbonds and other effective covering materials that breathe, but do not allow anything unnecessary to develop.

But when it comes to organic matter, we give our preference to sawdust and paper (newspaper, cardboard). We consider them the most convenient and effective as protection against weeds.

If you know others effective means, be sure to write about them in the comments to the article. We will be very grateful for the valuable information for us and our readers!

Weeds interfere with cultivated plants and spoil our mood by colonizing garden beds, garden and garden paths, flower beds and trunk circles trees. They are omnipresent, you have to fight them from spring to autumn, weeding alone is not enough. Many summer residents make homemade herbicide for weeds from vinegar and detergent.

The weed poison is prepared quickly, and the feedback from use is positive.

Woodlice vinegar

It is very difficult to exterminate woodlice; it reproduces not only by seeds, but also by pieces of stems. If the torn grass is left in the garden bed, roots will grow from the stem and the weed will begin a second life. Considering this and the fact that up to 25,000 seeds ripen on one woodlice bush per season, you understand what an indestructible plant this is.

It is not called woodlice for nothing; it loves moisture very much and in a rainy summer it can turn any bed or potato field into a solid green carpet. Weeding woodlice is difficult, it is intertwined with the stems of young carrots, parsley, dill, and it is simply impossible to separate it from them.

You can use chemicals against woodlice: “Zero”, “Glyph”, “Hurricane”. Not all summer residents are ready to do this; the benefits of pesticides may not be comparable to the harm they cause to the soil and crops. It is better to prepare a homemade herbicide for woodlice and other weeds from vinegar, salt and detergent.

The solution is dangerous for vegetables, so you need to spray it carefully, directly on the tender stems. In the fall after harvesting and in the spring before planting vegetables, it is easier to destroy woodlice with a homemade herbicide. You can safely spray the weed with a solution of vinegar (1 tbsp), salt (1 tbsp) and detergent (2-3 tbsp). The solution should not get on the soil so as not to cause harm. beneficial bacteria and the earthworms that live in it.

Advice! Place the woodlice torn from the ridge in one place and spray with vinegar. She definitely won't take down new roots. Dried stems after processing can be disposed of.

Woodlice burns after being exposed to a homemade weedkiller made from vinegar, salt, or detergent. This radical method of combating woodlice will be useless without additional measures:

  • do not put woodlice in the compost heap;
  • loosen the soil more often, damaging the woodlice roots;
  • in autumn and spring, dig deep into ridges and row spacing, burying seeds in the soil;
  • deoxidize the soil dolomite flour or ash;
  • Weed out flowering woodlice weekly, not allowing the seeds to ripen.

By combining weeding with treating weeds with vinegar, you can get rid of the ubiquitous woodlice.

Vinegar from harmful dandelion

Lawn owners are familiar with the problem of weeds that spoil its appearance. Most weeds are destroyed using a trimmer or lawn mower. Regular lawn mowing eliminates many weeds, but not dandelions.

These perennial weeds are not afraid of frost, have a powerful root, and the seeds are easily carried by the wind. You need to sweat thoroughly to remove it from the roots. mature plant. The most unpleasant thing is that the remainder of the rhizome is enough for the appearance of a new dandelion bush.

Using vinegar, you can completely destroy dandelion roots. Safely remove it and other weeds that have found their way between the tiles of garden paths, patios, and parking areas. Dandelions are removed using a special device - a weed extractor or a long scoop to remove roots.

Carefully pour a solution of vinegar and salt onto the remaining root in the ground. Table vinegar 6% or apple cider vinegar is suitable. For 1 glass you need 1 tbsp. l table salt. The holes left after removing the weeds must be filled with fertile soil and sown with seeds.

It is easier to control dandelions and other perennial weeds in the fall. You can treat the leaves several times with a weed killer made from vinegar and detergent:

  • table vinegar 1 l;
  • liquid soap 10 ml.

The burning solution will reach the root through the leaves, which will lead to the death of dandelions and other perennial weeds.

Fighting wheatgrass

Wheatgrass grows on different soils, resistant to frost and drought, propagated by seeds and vegetatively. It is considered the most malicious weed, as it quickly takes over large areas of the garden and vegetable garden.

Many gardeners fight it with the help of chemicals. Reagents used:

  • Glyphos;
  • Agrokiller;
  • Tornado.

Since it is impossible to use herbicides in the garden more than once in 3 years, you need to look for new methods of control, because weeds are constantly growing. Wheatgrass is especially harmful to strawberries, raspberries and potatoes. It is very difficult to fight it in raspberry bushes; it literally intertwines the bush with its roots. To combat wheatgrass among folk recipes you can find a simple and reliable way, tested by time.

It contains vinegar, salt, detergent from weeds. When manufacturing, you should adhere to certain proportions:

  • table salt ½ cup;
  • dishwashing liquid 1 tsp;
  • vinegar 9% about 4 l.

All ingredients are mixed. The solution is poured into a sprayer. Treat wheatgrass leaves in the morning when there is no wind, sunny weather. Treatments will have to be repeated during the summer, as new growth will come from the roots. In parallel, you can use other methods of combating wheatgrass. For example, after treating the soil with vinegar, you can cover it with a layer of mulch; it will inhibit the growth of new weeds.

Terms of use

You need to use vinegar, salt, and weed killer in sunny weather. It is worth listening to the forecasts of weather forecasters. You can start fighting if they promise at least 3 days without rain. In the damp rainy weather There is no point in treating weeds with vinegar; everything will be washed away with water.

Advice! By removing weeds during flowering, you deprive it of the opportunity to reproduce by seeds.

The sun increases the efficiency of processing. In hot weather, vinegar burns out weeds faster. The result of the treatment is visible after two days. Dried plants can only be collected and removed. To carry out weed treatments, you need to have vinegar, detergent, household gloves, a brush or sprayer.

You can treat virgin soil overgrown with grass with vinegar using a watering can, but in the garden and vegetable garden where cultivated plants grow, it should be applied with a brush or carefully sprayed onto the leaves. Vinegar has a bad effect on the soil and kills beneficial microorganisms, so you should not spill it on the ground.

A few more tips for using vinegar, salt, and detergent against weeds:

  • First cut off the tall weeds, apply the herbicide to the rest of the stem and root zone;
  • read the composition of the detergent; preparations containing toxic substances (phenols and phosphates) are not suitable for preparation;
  • While working, protect your eyes with goggles and your hands with gloves.

It is more convenient to work in calm weather. Processing costs less and is safer for humans. With gusts of wind, vinegar can get on your skin and cause irritation.


Vinegar, detergent and salt are a good alternative to toxic chemicals. They are considered environmentally friendly. Affordable price and ease of use increase the attractiveness of the herbicide prepared based on folk recipes.