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» Private house in America. How are houses built in the central US? You can't fence the house

Private house in America. How are houses built in the central US? You can't fence the house

AND country houses many books, articles have been written and many documentaries have been shot, but we believe that FORUMHOUSE users want to learn from the lips of our compatriots about how the American frame house.

What are houses built from in America?

Most homes in America are built with a basement and a two or three car garage. This is already a classic. Moreover, in 90% of cases the garage is combined with the house, and you can enter it from inside the living space. The number of storeys depends on the wishes of the customer, but we will not open America if we say that it significantly increases the living space - after all, now the boiler room, workshop or gym is located in the basement.

Due to the presence of a basement, a two-story house with equal area with a one-story one it will be much cheaper.

The construction of houses in the USA has a number of features: a porch must be built, on the ground floor the kitchen must be combined with a living room, and a toilet must be installed in the master bedroom.

Almost no one buys wardrobes across the ocean, and for storing clothes they use a built-in wardrobe, the size of which is more reminiscent of a small room.

But before we get to technical description the process of constructing frames, one should understand the popularity of this technology in America. After all, for some reason, overseas no one seeks to build a home from or!

Participant of our trawl Polgray about how Americans build houses:

Main argument is that Americans, unlike us, are a very mobile people. They change their place of residence very often. And every time they need an inexpensive, practical and prefabricated house. That's why they choose frames. But they have no prejudices about the fortified house, the heat capacity of brick and stone.

Expensive and prestigious housing in America is also technology. The difference in price accrues due to the area, location of the site and internal and exterior finishing Houses.

Classic American frame house

As mentioned above, most houses overseas are built with a basement. In America, unlike throughout Russia, it is practically not used. The main types of foundations are the classic slab and the freezing depth strip.

The average plinth height is 8 feet, which in metric terms is about 2.4 meters.

Construction of the frame of a house with a building area of ​​15x12 m takes on average 5-6 days. This speed of operation is achieved thanks to well-established technology.

American house construction technology

User of our portal (nickname Gorelkin ).

– This speed is achieved thanks to calibrated material and factory-made trusses. They are already delivered to the construction site assembled from the factory, as are the stairs, which saves us from the need to build a rafter system directly on the construction site.

The trusses themselves and large walls are lifted not by hand, but by crane, which also significantly speeds up the process of constructing a frame house.

During construction frame houses most commonly used technology platform– when first the floor joists are sewn up with OSB sheets and already on this - flat surface are engaged in the construction of walls. The construction site is prepared for the arrival of a team of framers or frame builders in advance. The site has electricity, communications and an asphalt road. All material has already been delivered. And the main tools of a brigade of three framers are as follows:

  • Three manual circular saws;
  • One miter saw;
  • Reciprocating saws;
  • Cassette and drum type nailers;
  • Compressor;
  • Staplers: one manual and one pneumatic for covering walls and OSB roofs. With this easy and convenient tool sheathing is done faster and more conveniently than with a gun.

The main tools are provided by the foreman; the framer only has a carpenter's belt and various small things.

Particular attention should be paid to the material used in the construction of a frame house in America.

  • Size of racks for external and load-bearing interior walls is 2x6 24 inches on center. The height of the first floor is 94 or 104 inches, the second floor is 92 inches;
  • Interior non-load-bearing posts are 2x4s 16 inches on center;
  • Osb is used 0.5" on walls and roof, 3/4" on floor;
  • The floor joists are made of 2x10 16-inches on center;
  • Racks are always delivered in bundles, cut to the required length. For contact between wood and concrete, a special lining tape is used;
  • Nails are standard 3 inches.

1 inch is approximately equal to 2.5 cm. All lumber has strictly maintained geometry and is well dried. Also a feature of overseas technology is the fact that wood impregnated with an antiseptic, or as it is also called here - brilliant green, is used only when laying it on concrete, while the frame itself is assembled from untreated protective equipment wood.

Construction of houses in America.Work organization

The team's approach to building the house is interesting.


– Each brigade has its own order and its own rules. Two people make markings on the foundation. All sizes are strictly according to plan. One person uses a stapler to stuff a special lining sponge onto the bottom trim board. The sponge must be placed around the entire perimeter of the house. The strapping board is attached to the foundation with bolts pre-installed when pouring concrete. Two people nail the so-called to this board. skirt - 2x10 board around the entire perimeter. The foreman marks the location of the floorboard. The skirt is stuffed, let's throw on the logs. After which one worker goes to assemble the frame of the garage, while the other two lay the floors.

In America, mineral wool is mainly used as insulation for walls, and the roof, due to its complex shape and large quantity cavities are insulated with ecowool. All connections of the windbreak are taped.


We level the walls before covering them with OSB . We check the diagonals and fix them. That is, we are already raising an exact rectangle. Here, of course, it is important that the foundation is level. According to tolerances and discrepancies, in practice it was 1/4 inch for a wall 10 feet long, but this is not fatal, it is important to maintain the dimensions in the kitchen and bathroom. Sometimes we had to break down walls and redo them too. The rule “break, don’t build” doesn’t work here; remodeling always takes longer than building.

In most houses, all communications, ranging from water pipes, and ending with laying the electrical cable, are carried out hidden - inside the walls. Moreover, unlike our PUE, the American unified set of building codes and regulations Uniform Building Code depending on the state, allows execution hidden electrical wiring V wooden houses without the use of metal pipes. It is also possible to quickly build houses due to the detailed design of the house, where all dimensions, location of rooms and communications are indicated.


– The speed of building a house is greatly influenced by smooth and dry lumber. And the fact that the walls are assembled and sheathed on the floor. The use of factory trusses, which we lift by crane, also significantly speeds up the work. If the trusses are correctly and evenly aligned, cutting the OSB is necessary to a minimum.

The timing of the work is interesting - it takes one day to prepare the gables, three hours to install everything with a crane, and one day to hammer in the OSB roof. After that they come roofers and cover the entire roof in one day.

In America there are practically no so-called generalist specialists. Each team deals with its own area of ​​work. The foundation is poured alone, carpentry work others, and internal communications are carried out by others, which significantly speeds up the construction time of the house. Americans build a frame house in 2-3 months from the start of work to the turnkey delivery of the house. Moreover, the concept of “turnkey” means that all that remains is to get the furniture and you can already live.

In the base, in all houses, provision is made for the installation and connection of all necessary communications, from the sewerage system to fiber optic cable for high-speed Internet and satellite television.

Speed ​​times money

The interior of modern American houses is quite simple, traditional and inexpensive in design. Here you will not find unnecessary expensive interior bells and whistles made from expensive materials. The entire interior of the house is tied to reducing the cost of construction and increasing functionality. However, all interior solutions are such that they look great and look expensive.

The main effect is achieved by imitation of expensive materials and thoughtful decoration of house interiors. For example, internal stairs in houses are assembled on a wooden frame made of oriented particle board, painted, plastered and covered with carpet. IN last years with compliance with requirements fire safety Metal frames are increasingly being used. In any case, you will rarely see a wrought iron staircase or marble steps.

A noticeable drawback of the interiors of our houses, even the most expensive ones, is that the interior is often very “flat” in expression and color. The American interior of the house, on the contrary, is built on expressive color combinations and contrasts. Simple interior architectural forms, such as arches, niches, double and triple ledges, are also used a lot. Almost all houses are decorated with overhead elements made of polyurethane foam - platbands, baseboards, sockets - adding coziness to the interior of the house. Please note that there are no houses in the interior sharp corners- they are all smoothed out.
UPD: kniazhna - The corners are not smoothed in all houses, but in new and renovated ones Lately smooth out, yes.

What are the features of the layout of American houses? Internal interior zoning modern house designed in such a way as to keep the guest in the front part of the house, which usually looks the most formal, and to hide as much as possible from prying eyes all the internal chambers of the inhabitants of the house. Usually, at the entrance to the house, there is a small area with a table and chairs, or with small sofas, where you can talk with the visitor without taking him inside the house. For the same purpose, if there is no such area in the house, the visitor finds himself in the living room - a large common room that usually opens into a kitchen, dining area and recreation area. Here in the same large room the whole family gathers. Non-ceremonial breakfasts and lunches are usually held on small tables either in the kitchen or next to the kitchen. For dinner parties, there is a separate formal table in a particularly formal setting, located either in the dining room (traditional homes) or in the living room - a large family room.

Often the living room ceiling has a second light, or if the house is one story - a cathedral type ceiling - when there is no traditional flat ceiling and the entire space is open to the rafters. Another feature of American houses is the almost complete absence ceiling lamps. A chandelier in the traditional sense can only be present in the living room, if the height of the ceilings allows. Otherwise, lighting is achieved by a combination of wall and table lamps, switched on from one block of switches (switches in English - that’s the difference in mentalities!) These switches are mainly one or two all-American models and at a price - even Turkish ones don’t sell them for that kind of money.

In the living room there is always a gathering area, often combined with a home theater and the obligatory fireplace. Wood-burning fireplaces are banned in new homes in California due to environmental concerns. Therefore, everyone uses gas fireplace inserts with ceramic replicas of firewood. You can see what the interiors of these houses look like in the photo below:

The floor in the front part of the house is usually decorated with a combination floor tiles or ceramic granite with parquet board. These elements do not occupy the entire area, but sooner or later they will be combined with carpet, which allows you to save a significant portion of money. Carpet is considered a consumable material that can be replaced at certain intervals. The walls of the rooms are always decorated with reproductions of paintings. Americans love to collect series of images in blocks of 4 pictures in a square on the wall. Tempera painting on walls or decorative wood panels are often used for decoration, as shown below:

The walls inside the house are traditionally finished with plaster laid on plasterboard sheets. The interior is usually painted in natural yellow colors of varying intensities - from light brown to grass green. Cornices, baseboards and other decorations are painted in White color. The doors are mostly white - by the way, the cheapest - costing no more than $100 apiece (mostly cheaper). Spending money on doors for the interior of a house made of expensive wood is considered irrational.

All rooms have a lot of built-in furniture, which is sold with the house. By the way, there is no such thing as a house for finishing, which is popular here. You cannot sell a house without finishing, all the necessary built-in appliances and a kitchen. You can - only an undecorated house. Interior decorations are left to the taste of the new owner. Yet engineering systems must be installed in accordance with strict technical standards. By the way, the developer is obliged to give a 10-year guarantee for the house he built. There was a case where a two-year-old house was flooded as a result of the nut of a flexible line to the second floor toilet bursting. All repairs (replacement of swollen gypsum board, wet thermal insulation, wiring, etc.) were carried out at the expense of the developer.
UPD: kniazhna - Houses without appliances are also sold, but not to everyone. More precisely, not every bank and not every buyer will give a mortgage for such a house. Usually, one’s own is “adjusted” during the design process, if initially there was no or there is the possibility of choosing a finish (several options) upon purchase (most often in houses under construction that have already been sold).

A large family room most often has a kitchen or kitchen area, more or less isolated from the common large room. What are the features of the kitchen interior? First of all, myself kitchen furniture already built-in and equipped with everything necessary, such as a stove, oven, large microwave (sometimes integrated with a hood to save space), Dishwasher and a food waste disposer in the sink.

It is considered bad form to place a washing machine and dryer in the kitchen - there is a laundry room for that. Also, no one will ever tolerate the presence of chipboard in furniture. Particleboard is considered a carcinogen and the preserve of the uneducated poor living in mobile homes. Kitchen facades are most often made of natural wood. Countertops are made either from new polymer stones or from traditional ceramic tiles, which is of course much cheaper. If space allows, the sink and food preparation area are allocated to an island in the middle of the kitchen. Also, in the part adjacent to the living room, an additional small sink for wine glasses or cups is often installed.

Interior of a bedroom in a house. Usually there is a master bedroom, which larger size, often has its own large bathroom and access to the terrace.

Smaller bedrooms are for children. A second bathroom is usually located near children's bedrooms.

Each bedroom is equipped, at worst, with a built-in wardrobe. Recently, more often they are building dressing rooms, adjacent to the bedrooms - that is, a closet that you can enter. Beds usually have a lot of pillows. The blanket is not tucked into the duvet cover (a waste of time), but is simply placed on a second sheet, the head end of which is wrapped over the blanket - easier and more convenient. The floor in the bedroom is traditionally long-pile carpet.
Houses without appliances are also sold, but not to everyone. More precisely, not every bank and not every buyer will give a mortgage for such a house. Usually, one’s own is “adjusted” during the design process, if initially there was no or there is the possibility of choosing a finish (several options) upon purchase (most often in houses under construction that have already been sold).
UPD: kniazhna - Rooms that come without wardrobes “cannot” be called bedrooms - they are considered work rooms and do not count towards the number of souls in a family. In other words, everything that has a built-in wardrobe- bedroom:)
These sheets are tucked under the mattress at the foot and along the edges, as if wrapping the sleeper. Duvet covers also exist, but they are often intended for decorative purposes - to change the interior of a room without replacing the entire blanket/bed set.


Home bathroom interior. A modern American home can have from two to five bathrooms. One toilet - at the entrance - guest. Large bathroom in the master bedroom. The bathroom is near the children's bedrooms. That's the minimum. In old houses there was one large bathroom and at least one toilet. What are the features of bathroom interiors? Most often, the bathroom is combined in our understanding. The zones are naturally separated by either a shower or a partition made of glass or glass blocks. It happens that first you enter the washroom, and then inside you open another door and enter the bathroom combined with a toilet. But there are never two doors next to each other like ours. In this case, you don’t have to run out of one room and quickly run into another if absolutely necessary. There are also usually two washbasins. Most often they are hidden under a stone countertop or built into a laid out ceramic tiles table top. The taps are either separate, as in England, or modern ceramic lever taps. The second feature is showers. There are almost no shower cabins like ours. There are bathrooms with high sliding glass doors - you can wash in the shower while standing as much as you want, but most often, separate shower cabins are built, lined with ceramic tiles on the floor and walls and equipped with one opening glass door. Toilets - most often of one type - according to California standards, water consumption is strictly regulated.

An American frame house is one of the types of buildings when the basis of the house is a frame, which is the basis (skeleton) of the building being constructed. Frame elements, rafters, stairs and other large fragments are manufactured in a factory, and then sent to construction site, where their assembly and installation takes place.

Americans are building frame houses for many years, so through trial and error they created their own construction technology, which is based on:

  • Reliability of design solutions;
  • Optimizing labor costs for building construction;
  • Accurate calculation of the amount of materials used, processed in the factory;
  • Use of high-quality materials with good thermal parameters.

We can say that a frame using American technology is the standard in all respects for other types of frame house construction. This design is durable and reliable, quickly assembled, functional and relatively less expensive in financial terms.

Distinctive points that characterize the American frame house are:

  1. Use only dry lumber.
  2. The design does not use timber, but only edged boards.
  3. If necessary, reinforcement individual elements(window and door openings, etc.), reinforcement is carried out by installing double or triple racks using edged boards.
  4. To strengthen the structure above the openings, the board is laid on edge.
  5. The upper frame frame is also made of double boards.
  6. The upper and lower rows of the strapping are made with overlap in the main key parts of the frame (corners, junctions of partitions and walls and other fragments of enclosing structures).

The design features of the American frame are also:

  • Frame angle.

There are several options for this design element, but the most common of them are:

  1. “California corner” - in this case, another board (a strip of OSB board) is nailed from the inside to the outer post of one of the corner walls, resulting in a shelf being formed on the inside of the corner.
  2. Closed corner - in this option, an additional rack is mounted, forming a shelf on the inner corner.
  • Framing window and door openings.
  1. Performing double framing.
  2. The presence of a “header” – an element that reinforces the frame above the openings.
  3. Double top strap.

This element gives the wall structure strength when exposed to vertical loads (deflection) and its integrity, which is achieved by overlapping rows of strapping.

If we talk about the layout, number of floors and design elements, the designs of American houses are distinguished by a large glass area and a large recreation area that combines a kitchen, dining room and living room. The house has several bathrooms, living rooms located on the second floor.

As a rule, American houses are two-story houses, equipped with a basement with an attached spacious garage for several cars and a terrace front door.

In terms of design, homes in this group come in Tudor, Colonial, Country, Victorian, and Ranch styles.

Building a house using American technology

Distinctive feature This technology is the speed of construction of the building, which is ensured by the production of the main frame elements and building trusses in the factory, as well as installation using special equipment (truck crane, tower, lift).

The frame of the building, with a built-up area of ​​up to 200 m2, is assembled in the USA within a week. In Russia, taking into account the specific climate and mentality of workers, the installation of such a frame will be completed within a month.


A frame house is a lightweight structure that does not require the construction of a reinforced foundation. When constructing houses of this type in America, a foundation is made of a strip type or in the form of a slab, laid below the freezing depth of the soil at the construction site. On average, taking into account the construction of the basement and external plinth, the height is 2.0 - 2.4 meters.

In the conditions of our country, and taking into account modern technologies construction, can be applied screw piles or shallowly buried types of foundation construction.

Frame construction

The frame is assembled from factory-calibrated boards 50.0 mm thick, which are mounted on a prepared surface. This surface, the "dirty floor" and interfloor covering, as a rule, is carried out using the “platform” technology, which involves laying joists and insulation with sewing them sheet material(OSB, plywood and others) on a prepared base (foundation, walls of the 1st floor).

When installing the frame, the required geometric dimensions, as well as the exact spatial location of all elements of the structure being constructed.

In the USA, all utility networks are laid inside the frame elements before it is covered, while the rules governing the laying of electrical networks are less demanding than the domestic Electrical Installation Rules.

The speed of assembly and its quality are greatly influenced by the careful study of a specific project, which should reflect the laying of all engineering networks and communications. The necessary holes and other passage elements are made in the factory during the manufacture of frame blanks, with subsequent marking and designation on the assembly plan of the house being built.

WITH outside the frame is sheathed with OSB boards, after which insulation is laid in its interior. In America, they use it as insulation mineral wool, we currently have many other types of insulation that can be used in the construction of frame houses (foam plastic, penoizol and others).

Stitching in progress inner surface frame; OSB boards or plywood are also used for this. A vapor barrier is laid between the insulation and the slabs, and the joints of its strips are glued with a special tape or tape.

Exterior and interior decoration

When the frame is assembled, utilities are laid and the surfaces of the enclosing structures are protected, you can begin to finish them.

Options exterior finishing there are a great variety, so it all depends on the imagination of the developer and his financial capabilities, as well as the style in which the house being built will be decorated.

But first of all, glazing elements (windows, stained glass) and doors are installed, and stairs and other large factory-assembled elements are also installed.

Siding can be used for exterior decoration, façade panels, artificial or a natural stone and other materials resistant to atmospheric agents.

In interior decoration You can use lumber (lining, sidehouse, etc.), as well as drywall, followed by wallpapering or other finishing materials.

The roof can be made from any material that is available and matches the style of the house being built (tiles different types, metallic profile, slate, etc.).

Advantages of frame houses using American technology

Construction of houses based on a frame, using American technology, has a number of advantages in comparison with other similar construction methods.

Pros this method, are:

  • Speed ​​of installation work.
  • Possibility of execution in different styles decoration and design.
  • Environmental safety based on the use of high-quality and environmentally friendly materials.
  • Eliminating the need to build a complex foundation makes the work easier and reduces the overall cost of construction.
  • Possibility of creating individual internal layout, allows you to create comfortable conditions for accommodation.
  • They are energy efficient buildings that ensure heat conservation during internal space Houses.
  • Possibility of use in regions with the most extreme ambient temperatures (from +40 to – 60 *C).
  • During construction, there is no need to use heavy equipment and complex mechanisms, which allows you to carry out the installation yourself.
  • All work is carried out seasonally, achieved through the factory production of components and fast installation times.
  • Long service life.
  • There is always an option to increase usable space houses, by constructing adjacent areas.
  • Affordable cost of house kits manufactured for this assembly technology.

American technology for the construction of frame houses is a common technology for the construction of prefabricated buildings, widespread in many countries around the world, regardless of the location of the house being built.

This construction method has much in common with other frame house-building technologies (Finnish, Canadian, German), but is distinguished by reliability and timing of construction of objects, as well as structural elements, which were described above.

The dream of the average American is not an apartment in Manhattan in a skyscraper with floor-to-ceiling windows and a view of Central Park. The average American dreams of owning a home: with a manicured lawn in front of him, a treehouse for his five children, garages for his pickup trucks, and a basement with a pool table and a toy railroad. What do you need to be prepared for when owning a house in the USA and what are the differences from owning a house here?

You need to pay an annual property tax

And compared to us, significant! The newer and more expensive your home, naturally, the more tax you will have to pay on it, because the tax is calculated as a percentage of the assessed value of the home. Cheat the system and buy an old house in good area to minimize taxes will not work: even an old house in a good area it will not be cheap, and the tax will be calculated not on the original cost of the house, but on the purchase price.

The average US tax rate is 1.2% of assessed value, meaning if your home is worth $250,000, you'll pay $3,000 per year. Whether you rent a home, take out a loan, or own it, you pay taxes. If you pay rent, the tax is included in the rent, and if you own a home, you pay the tax yourself.

You can't make noise in the house

You can, of course, if your house stands alone in a corn field or crowns an abandoned winding road in the forest on the mountain slope. If you live in a respectable area with decent neighbors, then most likely it will be problematic for you to buy “stadium” sound equipment and throw a party in the style of American films for high school students. How can this be, after all, this is my house, I do whatever I want in it, and in general, what kind of house is this, through the walls of which loud music can be heard?

Well, first of all, almost all houses are in the States plywood. Have you seen American houses being blown away by a hurricane somewhere on the Florida coast? So, houses in the northern United States, in the snowiest region near the Great Lakes, are made of the same plywood and their sound insulation is so-so. If your neighbor decides that the noise level is interfering with his privacy in his home, he can report it to the police. This appeal will have legal force even if you make noise not out of spite, but “unintentionally” or “carelessly.”

The lawn in front of the house needs to be mowed

What if I want there to be a high grass? - you may ask. It depends on local city regulations and, perhaps, somewhere they allow you to have a corner in front of the house wildlife, with steppe grass, wildflowers and gopher burrows. However, most likely city laws will require you to regularly cut the grass in front of your house. How will the authorities know about this? Yours the neighbors will immediately inform the authorities, that you don't do this.

If you forgot to cut the grass in front of your house, then, most likely, they won’t even quarrel with you, call you to a party activist and lecture you. Local authorities they'll just send someone to cut the grass in front of your house, and you then they will bill you for it. The only way to bypass this regulation is to arrange in front of the house flower bed or small Botanical Garden. Then you won't have to mow the lawn, but you will have to take care of the garden.

Snow needs to be cleared in front of the house

You now know that you need to mow your lawn regularly, but then winter came and everything was covered with snow. Hey! You no longer have to worry about cleaning the area. But it was not there! If in the summer you are responsible for your own lawn, but in the winter you are also responsible for the public paths adjacent to your house, which need to be regularly cleared of snow.

In state NY For example, homeowners are responsible for clearing snow from all walkways and sidewalks adjacent to their home so that they are safe for pedestrians.

Not only that, if there is a bus stop or fire hydrant in front of your property, you will have to regularly clear snow and ice from the walkways immediately adjacent to them. Each state's regulations are different, but don't be surprised if you see these requirements.

You can't fence the house

Again, this is not always the case and there are exceptions, but most likely restrictions on the use of land will not allow you to build a blank fence around your house. Very often, a house cannot be fenced at all - neither with a fence, nor a fence, nor even a hedge of dense bushes. These restrictions are stipulated by “conditions for the use of land” or “covenants” even if you own the land.

For that matter, the conditions of land use can stipulate anything: what size the house should be, what materials should be used, on which side the air conditioner should be, and even what color the walls should be!

The purpose of such restrictions is to preserve the “atmosphere” of the entire area and, accordingly, land cost. They appeared in the 19th century as agreements between neighbors so that, for example, cattle would not enter private territory. By the 1920s, covenants began to specify requirements for the appearance and neatness of homes. These days they are accepted by homeowners associations and are very difficult to ignore.

What is it like to have a home in America? Part 2

I continue my story about the nuances and surprises associated with owning a home in the United States. Every average American dreams of owning a home, and for America this is quite a “lifting” dream. However, we must not forget that the United States is a very regulated country and there are many rules, responsibilities and even prohibitions associated with the process of buying and owning a home. What should you be prepared for when owning a house in the USA and how does all this differ from what we have here?

Trees - additional costs

Near your house there is a spreading hundred-year-old maple tree that fits perfectly into the yard landscape. Its green crown protects the flower garden from the scorching sun and provides pleasant shade for children playing on the lawn.

However, with the arrival of autumn, the beautiful hundred-year-old maple under the house can turn into a real burden. Already in September, red-yellow foliage begins to cover the lawn near the house, which adds to the work of caring for the territory. You have to remove leaves much more often than cut the grass, but you still need to do it regularly. You are not legally obligated to remove leaves, but you are responsible for the safety of adjacent sidewalks, and if someone slips on wet leaves near your home, you could be sued.

On certain days, the “autumn gold” is picked up by a garbage truck, but for this, the foliage must be collected in special paper bags, which you need to buy at the supermarket. Leaves that are not packaged or packaged properly will not be collected by scavengers. Burning leaves, even on your own territory, is strictly prohibited, so the lucky owners of trees have only one option: fork out for a huge number of bags for leaves.

"Competitive" house decorations

Don't want to catch the reproachful glances of your neighbors? Remember that for every holiday, you need to decorate your home and yard with themed attributes. No, this is not required by law and it most likely will not be spelled out in the “conditions of land use” (although it doesn’t hurt to check), however, all Americans decorate their property before every holiday.

Local stores contribute to this in every possible way and offer a wide selection of decor to suit every taste and budget. Americans are like children Every year they buy more and more new ones themed home decorations, trying to outdo the neighbors. Glowing deer and garlands for Christmas, cute rabbits and bright eggs for Easter, skeletons entangled in cobwebs, the bats and pumpkins for Halloween - they will replace one another like soldiers on guard near the White House.

You, of course, may not participate in this race, but you need to remember that Americans can be distrustful of those who do not support their traditions, and decorating houses is a peculiar American tradition, like a turkey on the Christmas table.

Strict rules for garbage collection

The municipality is responsible for garbage collection. Typically, the city government will tender for these services, and the winning private company will then serve a specific area or the entire city on behalf of the municipal government. The tender specification usually states General requirements for waste collection, and detailed rules are then published by the contractor.

And now you need to read the rules of garbage companies carefully, Otherwise, your trash may not be collected or you may be charged for cleaning. Firstly, there will most likely be requirements for where, how and when to place garbage cans, for example they “must be in a packing area, near the road, with their handles facing the street (but not on the street) every Thursday at 8 am.” Secondly, there is a list of what can be thrown away and what cannot. For example, we have lamps, vacuum cleaners and toasters, but tables, chests of drawers and baby strollers are not allowed, but for a microwave, children's toys and a water cooler they charge an additional fee.

Your home may not be all "yours"

A townhouse is an excellent intermediate solution between an apartment and a house. You already have a separate entrance, your own territory with a lawn and a barbecue, there are no neighbors above or below, but you still don’t have to deal with removing snow and leaves from adjacent sidewalks and mowing lawns. This will be done Management Company. The townhouse can be purchased and it will belong to you as if it were your own home.

However, very often, even if you own a townhouse, you may not have control over any of its areas and may not be able to change much. For example, you may not have access to the basement, where technical equipment may be located, or the attic, which may be completely empty. I'm not even talking about ventilation, air conditioning, heating systems, and even more so appearance townhouse.

You can’t grow vegetables or keep animals for fattening.

Again, regulations are different everywhere and if you grow basil in your backyard and keep a couple of rabbits, it may not attract anyone's attention. However, if you plant tomatoes two meters high, set up a system drip irrigation, build a chicken coop and have pigs - you can’t avoid problems. Recently a home owner from Oak Park, Michigan sentenced to 93 days in prison for planting a vegetable garden in front of her house.

It’s difficult to even say unequivocally what you can break - there are so many things! Firstly, you may violate municipal zoning requirements - they clearly define what you can do on your territory and what you cannot. Secondly, your land lease agreement or condominium rules may prohibit you from setting up a “farm” in your home. And finally, homeowners association regulations can dictate any restrictions that they believe affect the value of real estate in the area.

For an American a private house- indicator of success. Living in the suburbs, where neighbors know each other, in silence, away from the noise of the metropolis, is much more prestigious than even in the center of New York. At the same time, a typical American house differs from a traditional Russian one. Let's try to understand the main differences.

Let's start with the construction process. The technology adopted in the USA involves the construction of a frame made of wooden frames onto which sheets of OSB or plywood are attached. Between them there is insulation. The walls are hollow, making communications easy. In addition, such lightweight walls do not require a solid foundation; the construction process is simpler and cheaper. Redevelopment is also easy - no reinforced concrete that will have to be hammered. However, such an American house is more expensive to operate - it is more difficult to cool it in the summer and heat it in the winter than a solid one made of cinder block or brick.

Most likely, when you enter a typical American home, you will be greeted by a staircase like this, leading to the second floor, which is more private and is traditionally where the bedrooms are located. A closed corridor or a separate hall, where it is customary to take off shoes and leave outerwear, in American homes most often there is simply no such thing.

The kitchen in American homes is usually open and spacious, often with a cooking island. It is noteworthy that already ready-made houses can be sold unfurnished in other rooms, but always with built-in kitchen set and equipment that it is not customary to take with you when moving.

The kitchen - dining room - living room in general usually constitute one room, occupying almost the entire first floor. An American woman, when choosing a house, will most likely immediately say - I want to cook and look after the children or communicate with guests. Such an open plan is now becoming more and more common in Russia, but is far from being so popular.

A two- or three-car garage, which often becomes part of the first floor and has a separate entrance directly into the house, is another feature of the American home. There are usually at least two cars in a family, because a housewife living in the suburbs also needs something to get to work, take her child to training or to kindergarten.

Clothes drying machines in Russian houses a rarity, as is a separate laundry room. In American homes, a special pantry is usually allocated for these two units, hiding the equipment from guests. Often the laundry and drying room are located on the second floor, near the bedrooms, or in the basement. Washing machine in the kitchen or bathroom, which is often found in Russian small houses, will cause great surprise to an American.

Residential basement. For the average Russian, a basement is a cellar where potatoes and pickles are stored, supplies for the winter. For an American basement often becomes a full-fledged additional floor. There can be a home theater here, a guest room with another small kitchen, “man’s den” of the owner of the house, bar, games room.

Master bathroom. In an American home, there are usually as many bathrooms as there are bedrooms. Or even more - a separate bathroom can be located on the ground floor for guests. Of course, it is not necessary that the bathroom be attached to the living room like in the photo, but it must be adjacent to the master bedroom.

As for children's rooms, there are no significant differences in size and design. However, in the USA it is customary for each child to have a separate room. Therefore, an addition to the family often becomes the reason for moving to a more spacious house or remodeling. Yes, and children's bedrooms usually have their own separate bathroom, even just one for two.

Leaving guests on the living room couch overnight is not an American tradition. A spacious home usually has a separate guest bedroom with everything you need, although not very large, but functional, great for friends and family.

Built-in wardrobes and dressing rooms. Another attribute of a typical American home. Free-standing wardrobes have not taken root in this country; a lot of space is required for clothes and shoes, so the master bedroom is often adjacent to a dressing room, and the remaining rooms have built-in closets for a lot of things.

Barbecue area. American house usually has two courtyards - in front of the house and in the back, hidden from the eyes of passers-by and neighbors. It is in the backyard, even a small one, that there will be a barbecue area - a typical pastime for an American family on warm summer evenings.

And finally, in the USA, a family rarely buys a house with the thought: “This is where my children will live.” Mortgages are available, the country is large, and there may be many reasons to move. Therefore, the attitude towards houses and apartments is somewhat different - not for centuries, but while it is convenient for me and my family, a lot can change in ten years. In addition, let us clarify that the above differences relate to traditions that have developed historically. Modern Russian mansions are often even larger than American ones and have similar characteristics.