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» How can you decorate the walls in the toilet other than tiles? Modern materials for finishing the toilet Cover the country toilet with plastic panels

How can you decorate the walls in the toilet other than tiles? Modern materials for finishing the toilet Cover the country toilet with plastic panels

Anton Tsugunov

Reading time: 4 minutes

Not everyone can install tiles in the bathroom themselves. home handyman. This is why many people prefer to resort to more simple way decorate this room - make plastic panels. The main advantage of structures of this type is assembly according to the principle of a designer, which allows you to easily and without loss disassemble the panels if necessary. Design features This type of finish allows oxygen to circulate freely, which is fundamentally important in conditions of high humidity.

Advantages of choosing PVC panels

  • Low price, which varies depending on the quality of the material and the prestige of its manufacturer, but generally remains affordable.
  • If the installation work is not carried out independently, then you will have to pay much less for the services of a specialist than for laying ceramic tiles or, for example, natural stone.
  • Resistant to humidity fluctuations. Plastic is not afraid of drops of water, temperature changes, mold, fungi. Even if the material is used in unheated room, there will be no deformation or loss of brightness of colors.
  • Reliable manufacturers guarantee that their products will retain all their properties for a quarter of a century.
  • Easy to use and maintain. Plastic panels can be easily washed from dirt using a soap solution.

Have plastic trim and a few disadvantages:

  • Installing plastic panels will still steal some space from the toilet, which does not happen when painting or wallpapering.
  • Vinyl does not burn easily, but if it starts to melt, it emits acrid, toxic smoke.
  • By choosing plastic trim from unscrupulous sellers, you can purchase a low-quality product that will be very fragile and brittle.

In the video you can see the results of repairs in the toilet when it was PVC finishing panels:

Examples of DIY toilet repairs using plastic panels are shown in the photo below.

Cost of repairing a toilet using plastic panels

If you have not decided what is better - to renovate the bathroom yourself or order a turnkey toilet repair service, keep in mind that in Moscow such a renovation with plastic panels will cost you 11-13 thousand rubles, in St. Petersburg – 9–11 thousand rubles. In regions, prices may differ quite significantly.

Choosing panels for finishing the toilet

  1. PVC is an incredibly flexible material that bends at an angle of more than 90⁰. You can check the quality of the material by taking the panel from different ends with your hands and starting to bend it. High quality plastic will bend into a ring.
  2. Take a sniff of the material you buy. Your nose should not smell anything, because high-quality plastic is devoid of any odors.
  3. Narrower panels are easier to correctly level; wide ones will leave a lot of unnecessary trimmings.
  4. All quality products have appropriate certificates. Their absence from the seller should make you suspicious.

Advice. When purchasing PVC panels, always take a small supply of several elements. After all, if during the installation process it turns out that your initial calculations were erroneous, it may turn out that this particular model is no longer available.

We install plastic panels in the toilet

Covering a toilet with your own hands using plastic panels is not at all a difficult task if you have the desire and a supply of free time.

Before going to the store, recalculate the area of ​​future installation, add another 15% to the resulting figure for the cuts.

Required materials and tools

Before installing plastic panels in the toilet, you need to stock up on useful equipment. You will need:

  • PVC panels, as well as the edging profile for them;
  • aluminum or plastic profile;
  • hydraulic level;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • screwdriver and drill;
  • cutting tool;
  • drawing tool.

Preliminary work

Before installing the plastic trim, perform the following steps:

  1. We remove old finishes from the walls.
  2. If possible, we change old wiring and water pipes.
  3. We treat the walls with a primer mixture.
  4. If you plan to install cabinets, shelves, and accessories in the room, we install additional strips for them.
  5. The material must be brought into the apartment several hours before the start of work so that its temperature is equal to the temperature in the room.


The sequence of work will be as follows:

  • We fix plastic or metal guides to the walls.
  • On the ceiling, the lathing should be mounted perpendicular to the direction of fastening the plastic elements, and on the walls - horizontally.
  • We install the guides in 0.5 m increments.
  • We attach profiles.
  • Carefully insert the first plastic panel into U-shaped profile, secure it with self-tapping screws. Some builders use a staple gun to secure it, but this step is only permissible if installing wooden sheathing, which is not appropriate in toilets.

The modern market of finishing materials offers many practical solutions for finishing bathrooms. Until recently, those who were planning to renovate their toilet had only two options - painting the walls or tiling them. Now you can choose from several available options, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

In today's article we would like to tell you about one of the easiest and convenient ways finishing of walls and ceilings in the bathroom - plastic panels. You will learn about the features of this finishing material, about the basic principles of working with it, as well as how to choose the right plastic panels for the toilet.


First, let's look at positive sides using plastic panels as finishing material for the bathroom. The list of advantages of these products is quite impressive:

  • Low price. This method of surface finishing is one of the most cost-effective. It would be cheaper to paint with water-based emulsion.
  • Easy to install. Plastic panels do not require special repair skills. Even those who have undertaken repairs for the first time can cope with their installation.
  • Fast installation. Installation of one PVC panel takes just a few minutes. Since bathrooms usually have very small area, all the work will take you very little time.
  • No need for surface preparation. There is no need to level or plaster the walls for plastic panels.
  • Low maintenance requirements. PVC is a waterproof material that perfectly withstands wet cleaning and contact with various detergents. Therefore, keeping the walls in the toilet clean will not be difficult.
  • Wear resistance. Despite the fact that plastic is a fragile material, unless it is subjected to strong mechanical impact, PVC panels will serve you for a long time.


However, plastic panels have not only positive aspects. Negative qualities This finishing material does not have many, but they are still present, so one cannot remain silent about them. So, the disadvantages of PVC panels are:

  • Instability to heat and fire. Plastic panels are deformed under the influence high temperature, therefore you should not place heaters and heated towel rails close to them. In addition, plastic is not a fire-resistant material: it can catch fire if it comes into contact with fire. Therefore, you need to be careful when smoking in the toilet.
  • Large dimensions. At first glance, it seems that the plastic panels are absolutely flat, but in fact they can be up to 2 cm thick. In addition, a few more centimeters of space are often “eaten up” if the walls in the room are uneven. For large bathrooms this is not critical, but in small toilets this can become a real problem, as it will not allow the tiny area to be used to the maximum.

Related article: Installing corrugation on the toilet

Types of panels

Plastic panels intended for finishing walls and ceilings in the bathroom come in several varieties.


The most popular type is sheet panels, which are rectangles from one to one and a half meters long. The thickness of such panels is 0.3-0.6 cm. They can be plain, with ornaments or imitation of natural structures - wood or stone. To Work with sheet panels most convenient due to their large dimensions.

Rack and pinion

Slat panels for finishing bathrooms are used much less frequently. They are most often used for outdoor work or large premises. This type of plastic panels looks like long narrow strips. The length of such panels is from 4.4 to 3.7 meters, and the width is from 12 to 30 cm. Slat panels that imitate wooden beam.

Stacked tiles

The least common type of plastic panels are type-setting tiles. They are squares different sizes, which allows you to lay out various patterns on the walls and ceiling, like a mosaic. The elements are connected through grooves in the panels, and everything is held together special glue or clamps.

  • If you want to purchase a product with maximum strength, choose plastic panels with a thickness of at least 0.8 cm. In addition, pay attention to the number of “ribs” on inside– they give additional rigidity.
  • The quality of plastic panels can be determined by its appearance. Take a close look at the front of the product: the paint should be applied evenly, and the design, if there is one, should be clearly printed.
  • As with wallpaper, the color of the same wall panels and different batches may vary by several shades. Therefore, buy products only from one batch.

The high cost of wall panels does not always indicate the same high quality, so price should not be the determining factor when choosing. However, material that costs significantly less than its counterparts from other manufacturers is usually not made in good faith.

Preparation and stages of repair

Before you begin finishing the toilet with plastic panels, you should carry out some preliminary work. By this stage of the repair, you already need to install the toilet, level the floor, lay it out ceramic tiles or cover with linoleum.

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Experts advise preparing plastic panels for installation and further use by treating them antiseptic. This will protect the material from heat and moisture, so there will be no risk of mold and mildew.

  • Stage 1. Installation of the side posts, which will serve as the basis for the frame.
  • Stage 2. Lathing the structure with slats and cross members.
  • Stage 3. Attaching plastic fittings.
  • Stage 4. Cutting and installing plastic panels.

Basic principles and installation

Let's consider each of the above stages of work in more detail.

  1. One rack should be placed in each corner of the room. At the same time, they should not be in contact with the floor and ceiling, so we place some material between the racks and surfaces. After the structure is fixed with screws, the temporary support will need to be removed. The side posts must be placed plumb so that they are strictly parallel. We maintain a step of 0.3-0.4 meters between fasteners (we use screws as fasteners).
  2. The sheathing of the side pillars is carried out wooden blocks along the perimeter of the structure from above and below. The fasteners should be screwed in at an angle of 45 degrees - this way we can securely fix two slats at once. Next, the slats need to be secured to the walls using self-tapping screws. This is the main frame, which, if necessary, can be supplemented with side posts or cross slats. Step between frame elements should be about 0.5 meters.
  3. We nail the plastic fittings to the frame using nails and a hammer. The fittings need to be cut at an angle of 45 degrees - this way it will fit more tightly. Since PVC panels are quite flexible, we install fittings, including in the corners. If there is a gap between the slats and the wall, fill it with scraps of plastic, then hammer in a nail. Nails for installation should be selected with large flat heads. To avoid damage plastic elements When driving nails, the final blows are performed not on the head, but on the protective attachment (for example, you can use a nail).
  4. The final stage, when correct installation frame and fittings, takes very little time. We cut plastic panels using a hacksaw. At the same time, the size of each sheet should be a centimeter and a half less than the space prepared for it, since the missing length is compensated by plastic fittings. We insert the cut sheet into the grooves and attach it to the slats. We insert the next sheet into the previous one, then also nail it to the crossbars.

Not a single family in our country or abroad can do without such an important event as repairs. In any case, it is inevitable that it is necessary to carry out repair and finishing work, both in the bathroom and in the toilet. And here there is not such a wide variation in methods and materials as, for example, in a living room or bedroom, but even a small separate toilet can be turned into a stylish and cozy place.

Plastic panels for bathroom and toilet walls

Many have heard about the wonderful and beautiful PVC panels that can be used both for the walls of a bathroom or toilet, and for the ceiling, and some types of such panels can also be laid on the floor surface. It all depends on the personal wishes of the person and his material capabilities.

On today's rich building material On the market you can find a wide range of types of plastic panels that can harmoniously decorate any bathroom and fit into the concept of almost any design.

Types of material:

  • Wall panels made of plastic, decorated with a decorative frieze;
  • Sheet type plastic panels;
  • PVC panels imitating wood;
  • Photo panels;
  • Plastic panels with a laser-applied pattern;
  • PVC panels with thermal printing.

Photo panels – decorative panels with photo printing applied on them. They allow you to create a design for wall panels with almost any image, be it a view of a fantasy world, a magnificent waterfall, or the face of an unloved boss.

It all depends on the wishes of the customer and the ideas of the design specialist.

Each of these types of panels for finishing a toilet or bathroom can be used in an interior of any complexity and theme, be it a hint of a Victorian house, or an imitation of Provence or Art Nouveau style.

Option for finishing a toilet with PVC panels: examples and photos

Despite the fact that many people have long seen what beauty can be created using plastic wall panels, what the most interesting and exclusive ideas can be brought to life, they still do not understand why friends or relatives gave their preference for this type of panel if there are many other materials, for example MDF panels.

The whole secret lies in the advantages of PVC panels over other decorative finishing materials for walls:

  1. In the case of finishing toilet walls with plastic panels, a person does not face such a question as special preparation of the working surface of the walls. The panels can be mounted even on not the smoothest surfaces. This, as practice shows, allows you to save material resources, which are usually spent on additional work on leveling the walls. In addition, the panels allow you to hide defects and unevenness of the walls.
  2. Light plastic panels can be installed by one person, this is also a big plus, because in a bathroom or, especially, a toilet, there is not much space for several craftsmen to turn around.
  3. PVC panels are an exclusively environmentally friendly finishing material. Throughout its service life, plastic remains safe for people and animals under any temperature conditions. A toilet finished with such wall panels does not rot, and mold or mildew does not form on it even under the most high humidity, what is he doing plastic material ideal for use in the bathroom area.
  4. Finishing with such slabs guarantees easy cleaning. Any housewife will confirm that this is a big plus when you don’t have to think about how best to carry out wet cleaning in a particular room.
  5. Ease of installation allows installation even by a novice master.
  6. Great appearance material. Any pictures can be depicted on the panels. It all looks beautiful and impressive.
  7. Long service life. With proper care, plastic panels can last for many decades.
  8. Covering walls with PVC panels is quite cheap due to the affordable prices for the material itself.

All these advantages of plastic panels allow them to become an increasingly popular and popular material for use in the interior of a toilet or bathroom. And yet, as practice shows, there cannot be only advantages. U wall panels PVC has a disadvantage - they can be quite fragile and break if you lean on them or throw something heavy or sharp at the wall.

Using panels in the toilet: photos and methods of decoration

Design solutions of specialists may involve the use of plastic panels for complete different surfaces and planes. The panels themselves are made of plastic, depending on the thickness and maximum load, can be installed on different surfaces.


  1. On the walls. Classic use of plastic panels. Here, the choice of the type and quality of material depends only on the wishes of the person himself, the designer’s ideas or the amount of available funds.
  2. On the ceiling. Often used for visual magnification space. For example, with the help of panels you can turn the ceiling into a sunny clear sky, or a starry night sky. A ceiling covered in this way in a large toilet can force a person’s brain to perceive the bathroom space on a larger scale.
  3. On the floor. Floor option panels are not used so often, but are also quite popular. With the help of panels, you can turn an ordinary boring toilet floor into the bottom of the ocean or simply outer space, that is, whatever your heart desires.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that at this stage On the market of construction and finishing materials there is a wide selection of panel colors for any purpose. You can find red, black, white panels, colorful or with patterns.

Panels using photo printing are very popular.

For example, this method can allow you to recreate in the bathroom or toilet room the atmosphere of being on a paradise island or in outer space or the ocean, where a complete feeling will be created that the owner is among exotic fish, especially if the walls, floor, and ceiling are made in the same style.

Repairing a toilet with plastic panels: photos and examples

When a choice has been made regarding the installation location of the panels, their type, color and all the nuances have been clarified, a person is faced with the question “how to install plastic panels?” There are the following options - contact a finishing specialist, pay him a certain amount and enjoy the work done, or do everything yourself. Last option more economical, besides, if you do the repairs yourself, it will be much more pleasant.

If you decide to carry out extensive installation yourself, then you should first decide on the type and features of installation work with plastic tiles. If self-adhesive PVC tiles are used, the work will not take much time. It will be necessary to remove the protective layer and glue the finishing material to the surface. It is worth understanding that in in this case it is better to stick on flat surface. Installation with glue - the back surface of the tile is treated with a thin layer of glue. Next it is glued to the surface of the wall of the bathroom or toilet. Installation work using lathing - in this case a perfectly smooth surface is not required. A plastic or metal system lathing, to which plastic panels are subsequently glued. Tiles and panels are attached using adhesive solutions.

Finishing a toilet with plastic panels: design (video)

Some people prefer to do renovations in the entire house or apartment at the same time, while others prefer a leisurely, gradual renovation, when you work closely first on one room in your home, then on another, and gradually the whole house is renovated, but doing everything according to your ideas, it turns out very beautiful.

From the author: a person quickly gets used to beauty and comfort. He ennobles the space around him, improving living conditions. This contributes to the invention of new materials and the introduction of innovative technologies. Including updated methods of finishing and renovating an apartment.

People don't skimp on decorating their bedrooms, living rooms and kitchens. What can you say about a room like a toilet? According to statistics, a person spends about 1.5 years in the toilet. Based on this, you want to spend this time in a comfortable and pleasant environment. But often there is no desire to invest a lot of money in renovating this room, and tiling seems boring and monotonous. To help our reader, let’s figure out how to decorate the walls in the toilet , and do it for little money?

Features of repair work in the toilet room

How often do you go into the toilet of your friends or acquaintances and see the following picture: peeling paint, peeling wallpaper, mold on the walls and a musty smell in the room? Surely someone has encountered similar things. All this happens due to improper repairs or preparation of the premises before installation work. To avoid unpleasant consequences, you need to know some features of arranging a toilet room:

  • small wall area;
  • high humidity;
  • uneven distribution of light due to the location of the lamp above the entrance.

These features provide some advantages in repairs. At the same time, they may limit the possibilities of using certain materials or colors of future walls.

So for the toilet you cannot use material that is afraid of moisture. Most often, water supply pipes pass through this room. They accumulate moisture, so the section of the wall under the pipes must be reliably protected from moisture.

As a rule, the toilet does not have good lighting. This is due technical features of this room and standard electrical outlets. Some craftsmen decorate the walls with dark materials, which creates twilight in the toilet. It is best to select finishing products in light colors so as not to feel discomfort when going to the toilet.

The small dimensions of the room make it possible to use leftover materials from previous renovations. On average, the total area of ​​the walls in the toilet is no more than 10 sq.m. Therefore, you can look at the remains of the material in your bins and apply them in practice.

But the most important thing is not the selection of material, but the preparation of the walls for further work. Before making repairs, you must carefully prepare the work surface. Otherwise, all efforts will be in vain, and repairs will have to be done soon.

Preparing the walls

As mentioned above, the toilet is a place with high humidity. If the walls are poorly treated or the water supply is old, everything renovation work will go down the drain. In just six months, the surfaces of the room may begin to become covered.

To avoid such troubles, it is necessary to take a number of preventive measures:

  1. Check status water pipes and sewerage. If your house belongs to an old building, and there has been no major repairs in it for 30 years, then you can immediately fill out an application for pipe repairs at the housing office. Also eloquent signs poor condition pipes can be:
  • rust;
  • numerous clamps and water leaks;
  • the smell of dampness;
  • fungus on walls and pipes;

It is better to install plumbing in advance than to wait for the consequences of the spread of dampness.

  1. Prepare the walls thoroughly. To do this, you need to completely remove the old finishing coating. Use a trowel or wire brush. Next, check the condition of the walls. If there are damp spots or areas affected by fungus or mold, clean them down to the base of the wall. After this, it is necessary to warm up and dry the room thoroughly. This will take several hours. Places of dampness and through cracks are isolated with sealant or cement mortar. Important: by leaving holes and small cracks near the pipeline, you open the “doors” to cockroaches and other insects from adjacent apartments. Treat all surfaces with moisture and bioprotection. If the walls are “crooked”, plaster them and give them a relatively even geometry. Remember, the better you do the preparatory work, the longer time you will save until the next scheduled repair.

It may seem that this approach does not involve small financial investments. However, it is not. Thorough preparation solves a number of problems. And don’t be afraid of high expenses for preparatory work. A small area of ​​​​the room will not cost a lot of money for wall treatment.

Material selection

After all the preparatory work has been completed, you can begin the process of searching and choosing a good and inexpensive finishing material. Before heading to hardware store, check out a number of tips that will help you save money and won’t force you to look through dozens of search pages with photos of the products you need:

  1. Before you go shopping for building materials, check if they are available at home or in your garage. Often people don't remember what they store in back closets, mezzanines or garage shelves. After all, to finish the walls you will need a small amount of material that may remain from previous renovations. You can also ask your neighbors or friends for such material.
  2. Combine. This point follows from the first. You don't have to do everything in the same style. Can be combined different materials, which will reduce construction estimate. For example, you can decorate the floor and part of the wall with tiles, and the rest of the walls with paint.
  3. If you don’t have old stocks of material left, this is not a reason to despair and buy it at market price in the shop. Or rather, you still have to go to the store. In this case, you should immediately ask the manager where the place or display case with the remains for sale is located. Often, large construction supermarkets get rid of very small amounts of finishing material. This could be three rolls of wallpaper, or two packages of tiles. Moreover, their cost may differ from similar products by 50-60%.

If all these methods are unacceptable to you, then let’s move on to the next part of our article, namely, choosing a new material.


You can make cheap repairs to your toilet using ordinary wallpaper. If a thorough cleaning has been carried out in the room preparatory work, then the wallpaper can be glued without fear for its condition. Almost any wallpaper will work for the toilet, but it is better to choose a specific type of this material:

  1. Non-woven wallpaper. Consist of two layers. The first layer is an adhesive non-woven base. The second layer may vary, but is most often made by spraying vinyl onto the surface of the base. This wallpaper is resistant to moisture. They can be washed with a damp cloth without worrying about the condition of the walls.
  2. Silicone wallpaper. They are somewhat more expensive than paper or non-woven products. However, in terms of hydrophobicity they will surpass all of the listed species.


Another good way finishing, allowing you to kill two birds with one stone:

  • there is no need to extend the geometry of the walls;
  • GKL sheets can be coated with a light primer and painted in any color.

When choosing this material, one must take into account important detail. For a bath or toilet, buy moisture-resistant plasterboard. This drywall is distinguished by the green color of its sheets. The only disadvantage of this type of installation is the reduction in the size of the room. To minimize losses, it is worth building a subsystem from metal profile, pressed as much as possible against the rough walls.


You can make repairs as cheaply and quickly as possible using paint. To prevent your walls from appearing boring, use several shades of paint or a pattern along the bottom of the wall. When painting walls, it is best to choose a material that is resistant to moisture and physical impact. Acrylic-based paints and varnishes meet these requirements. They are standing little money, and the abundance of colors and shades allows you to paint the walls at your discretion.

Plastic panels

Another quick and inexpensive way installation, allowing you to give the room good view. For finishing use long plastic strips. To attach them to the wall, guides are mounted. They are made from thin wooden blocks or slats. The bars are set according to the type of sheathing. Docking moldings are installed in the corners, after which the panels themselves are attached. In places adjacent to the floor or ceiling, floor or ceiling moldings are installed. To install them, a regular furniture stapler will suffice. The main advantage of plastic panels is their moisture resistance. They are absolutely not afraid of water.

PVC panels

An increasingly popular finishing method. PVC panels are similar in their characteristics to plastic panels, but they look much more noble. To attach them, it is enough to have several cylinders with foam or liquid nails. Except excellent protection from moisture, I have PVC boards wide range colors and styles. Having certain skills PVC installations, repairs using this method will take one business day. In this case, the result will look very solid.

Alternative methods

If you do not take the listed methods, it may seem that there are no more options for finishing the walls. Except for tiles, which cost a lot of money. However, you will be surprised to learn that some craftsmen use laminate to decorate wall surfaces. And sometimes this is very rational decision. Laminate holds moisture, but water does not stay on its surface and rolls down. Choosing this method, you should not look for products with high performance characteristics. After all, our task is to maximize inexpensive repair! And you don’t need products with high wear resistance.

Bottom line

This article provides introductory installation examples. The final cost of repairs will be known only after a thorough calculation of all Supplies and other expenses. Also, don't forget about electrics. This is something you don't skimp on! By personal experience I can say that the renovation of the toilet, or rather its appearance, is worth discussing with all family members. Otherwise, you will catch sidelong glances and listen to constant reproaches. Well, that’s all for me, see you again!

When starting an apartment renovation, the main emphasis is on the main rooms in the house, such as the living room or bedroom. Repairing a toilet is often left for later, because there is no way to a large number of requirements. The environment here is not as aggressive as, for example, in the bathroom or kitchen. But there is one significant difficulty, namely the small space.

Most materials for wall decoration significantly reduce space, and if in the case of, for example, a living room this is acceptable, then in a cramped toilet every centimeter counts. That is why finishing bathrooms and toilets pvc panels- this is the most common option.

The video shows how simple finishing with PVC panels can transform a toilet room.


  • PVC panels can be mounted on minimum distance from the wall. In total, after finishing the walls, the room will lose only 3-5 cm.
  • Plastic is not afraid wet cleaning and detergents.
  • Plastic panels are much cheaper than most finishing materials.
  • Huge variety of colors and designs.
  • Finishing a toilet with your own hands, even without special skills, will only take a few hours.
  • To work with panels, you do not need to level the walls. They will hide all the irregularities and mistakes of the builders.

Unfortunately, like any other material, PVC panels have a number of disadvantages, which also need to be taken into account when choosing a finish for a toilet.


  • Unlike wallpaper and painting, PVC panels will still take a few centimeters away from the room.
  • Even though vinyl has a low flammability rating, it produces acrid, toxic fumes when melted.
  • PVC is of low quality and easily damaged. And they will need to be replaced.

As you can see, there are still fewer shortcomings. AND positive traits clearly winning. But in order to new renovation did not bring disappointments, you should know a few rules that must be followed when choosing PVC panels.

Selection Guide

At first glance, PVC panels differ only in design, but this is a misconception; the quality of the plastic can vary significantly depending on the manufacturer.

It is best to ask friends who have encountered this issue, since it is quite difficult to visually determine quality. But there are some tips:

  1. The PVC panel must be soft. High-quality plastic can bend to an angle of more than 90 degrees. You can bend the panel slightly until you feel tension; the larger the angle, the better.
  2. The fastening groove should bend freely without kinks, and return to its original position when you release it.
  3. The panels should not emit any noticeable odors. A noticeable smell of plastic is a sign of poor quality production.

The next nuance that needs to be taken into account is the width of the panel. It can be from 12 to 35 cm; the wider the segment, the more carefully the sheathing will need to be leveled. The best option For walls, a width of less than 25 cm is considered.

Advice ! Panels wider than 25 cm can be used on the ceiling. There, a slight distortion will not be so noticeable.

Once these two factors are taken into account, you can move on to choosing colors and patterns. It all depends on personal preferences and style. general interior apartments.

Preparation for installation of panels

Finishing a toilet with PVC panels will not take much time; a more complex and responsible process is making the sheathing on which the panels will be attached.

If the walls are perfectly smooth, or they have been plastered, then the panels can simply be glued to the wall without lathing. This method will save space, but the surface will first have to be treated with a primer.

Any DIY repair must begin with preparing the tool; this will avoid unnecessary fuss and significantly save time. The list of everything you need is not so long, and there is nothing specific in it:

  • Roulette.
  • Building level.
  • Pencil.
  • Hacksaws for wood and plastic (suitable for metal, with fine teeth).
  • Hammer or drill with impact mode.
  • Hammer.
  • Construction stapler.

To make the sheathing, it is best to use a wooden beam 1.5-2 cm thick; for PVC panels this is quite enough and it will not steal much space. Before you begin to fasten the timber, it must be treated with impregnations that will protect it from the formation of mold and mildew.

First of all, using a hammer drill and dowels, the upper and lower strips are secured. The lower one should be located parallel to the floor and at a minimum distance from flooring. The top one is under the ceiling, but taking into account the future ceiling decoration.

The remaining bars are also attached horizontally at a distance of approximately 30 cm from each other.

Advice ! The smaller the distance between the sheathing strips, the more firmly the panels will hold.

When all the sheathing bars are ready, you need to take care of the places where various accessories will be attached:

  • Mirror.
  • Hangers.
  • Paper holders.

In these places you need to install small bars so that later when drilling holes in the plastic you do not damage it.

When the wood work is completed, install decorative corner in the left corner of the room, from where the installation of panels will begin. To install the corner, it is best to use a construction stapler, but if you don’t have one, furniture nails will do. They are similar in size to shoe boots, but have a wider clamping cap.

The corner is attached in 5-6 places at an equal distance, this is quite enough. If during the installation process a slight curvature appears, then you should not pay attention to it; subsequently it will straighten out with the panel.

The most difficult stage of finishing a toilet with PVC panels is behind us.

Panel installation

Installation begins on the left side, inserting the panel with the comb into the corner. The first segment must be set according to construction level, it will not be needed further.

Once the panel is exposed, a stapler or nail is driven into the tab of the groove. Fastenings are made into each bar along the entire height.

To clearly understand how the frame is manufactured and the panels are installed, you can watch the video. For clarity, the master demonstrates the process on a simple wall, and every nuance is clearly visible.

Important ! When reaching the places where the bars for attaching accessories are located, they need to be marked with a pencil so that you do not later have to look for this place through the installed panels.

In this way, fastening is carried out to the next corner. The edge panel is cut along its entire length and a corner is placed on it before installation. It will be fixed to the next wall, from where the next segments will come.

Finishing in communication areas

The most difficult places for finishing work are communications. In order to cover the pipes with PVC panels, you will have to make a wooden box onto which the panels will be attached. Sometimes such structures are intentionally made large sizes than required, then the decorative frame can also serve as an additional shelf.

Fastening panels to a frame is no different from finishing walls, the only difference is that the fastening is not made into a special groove, but into the body of the panel itself, as close to the edge as possible, subsequently this place will be covered with decorative fittings.

Advice ! for finishing boxes, it is better to use outer corners, which are not put on the panel, but are attached to it with glue.

An important point when finishing communications is to remember about valves and meters that may be located in the toilet room. Access to such places should not be limited, so you will have to either make small doors, which is not so easy, or leave these places open.

Ceiling finishing

After the work with the walls is completed, you can move on to the ceiling. The principle here is the same, with the only difference that there is no need to install corners; their role will subsequently be played by ceiling plinths.

Advice ! To make the room look symmetrical, you can calculate the distance so that the joint of the panels runs exactly in the middle. In this case, you will have to cut not one, but two outer panels.

When finishing the ceiling, it is important to remember about lighting fixtures. It is better to drill holes in the required places on the floor before the panel is secured. And during installation, the wires are led out into the holes.

All stages of work can be seen in the video


When the ceiling and walls are completely finished, it remains to make the final touches, namely fixing the baseboards. In stores you can find special skirting boards for PVC panels; they have a groove that is fixed on top of the panels, but to work with them you will have to carefully calculate the height of each segment.

Therefore, conventional ones are more often used plastic skirting boards, which are simply placed on construction adhesive. Working with them is much easier and there is no need to carry out complex calculations and measurements of each panel.

Connect last lighting and at this point the toilet renovation can be considered complete.

As seen, modern finishing installing a toilet with PVC panels is a completely simple process that anyone can handle. To do this, you do not need to have construction skills or experience, you just need to buy everything you need and follow the instructions.