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Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» How to paint a wooden porch outside. Painting a wooden staircase: requirements. Technology of preparation and painting work Painting wooden stair steps

How to paint a wooden porch outside. Painting a wooden staircase: requirements. Technology of preparation and painting work Painting wooden stair steps

From pine? Perhaps the question will make the reader smile: is it worth racking your brains over such a simple operation? However, practice shows that the service life and quality of the appearance of the coating are directly proportional to the time spent on surface preparation and its application. Let's try to do the job according to all the rules.

On the picture - interfloor staircase. Material – pine.

Is wood any different from, say, metal in terms of application? paint coatings? Does pine stand out in any way compared to other types of wood?

  1. Unlike metal, wood is hygroscopic. Its surface absorbs paints and solvents just as well as water.
  2. Moistening or applying a layer of paint means the pile is raised: the wood fibers change their orientation, and the surface becomes rough.
  3. The wood texture itself is quite beautiful and can be used as a decorative element. Of course, in this case the final coating should be transparent or translucent.
  4. Pine is different big amount resin that impregnates the material. Not all paint will adhere to the tarred area; what is equally important is that the resin content is uneven. As a result, the coating itself may become uneven.

Let us clarify: resinity is a property not only of pine. Everyone has it to one degree or another. conifers.

Basic moments

Let's discuss a few questions that inevitably arise during construction wooden stairs with your own hands.

Choice of coverage

Is a surface layer necessary? Why are various oil- and wax-based impregnations worse than varnish or enamel? Can't you just cover the steps, bowstrings, balusters and handrails with stain?

Stain is definitely not enough. Any coating must create a barrier to moisture: fluctuations in atmospheric humidity, inevitable throughout the year, will quickly cause relatively loose pine to crack and warp. In addition, do not forget about rotting and woodworms.

Impregnation is quite capable of protecting the tree from most adverse factors. However, one trap awaits us here: oil and wax will not protect the surface of the steps from mechanical wear. Walking along the soaked stairs only barefoot or in soft slippers... are you sure that this is comfortable?

IN Lately Cottages with several floors came into fashion. An integral element of such houses is the staircase. Without her it’s like having no hands. The most common material from which it is made is wood. It's no secret that this material very capricious and susceptible to moisture and rotting. Therefore, painting a wooden staircase is the primary task of residents. The question arises: how to paint a wooden staircase in a house? Let us consider in detail the process of selecting materials and the algorithm for performing work.

Painting a wooden staircase with your own hands begins with choosing a painting material. We start by defining the end result. Taking into account all the wishes, we begin to select the material, color and technique for performing the dyeing process.

Before painting a wooden staircase, you need to take into account:

  • If the type of wood and its texture are good, then you should choose varnish.
  • To avoid losing the texture of the wood, you should not use primers. And the paint should be such that the pores of the wood are not completely closed.

  • When choosing the type of covering for the stairs in the house, we focus on those options that dry quickly and do not have strong odors.

The most problematic part is the steps of the stairs. We are wondering what to cover the steps with so that they can last a long time. The covering for steps must have a high degree of strength that does not wear out over time.

Paints for stairs must have the following properties:

  • protect the tree from rotting and fungal infection;
  • provide good appearance for a long time;
  • do not accumulate dust.

On video: the best way to paint wood.

Types of coloring compositions

IN construction stores The range of coloring compositions is quite wide. When deciding how to properly coat a wooden staircase, you should become more familiar with the types of paint materials.

Painting compositions wooden structures subdivided:

  • Alkyd based. Their advantages include quick drying and non-toxicity. At the same time they are antiseptic. This type of material forms a film on the surface of the stairs that can protect it from mechanical damage. Their price is not high and the palette of colors and shades is wide.

  • Acrylic based. Just like alkyds, they dry very quickly and have no unpleasant odor. They can last for a long time. The surface is painted with acrylic paint and is not subject to fading or fading. They are environmentally friendly, as they are mainly produced using water based, and do not release toxins over time. Tree covered acrylic paints, breathes freely. There is also a wide choice of colors.

  • Oil based. Their advantages include only a low price and low consumption. But, oil paints are not suitable for staircase structures due to a number of reasons. After painting, the wood does not breathe. It is very easy to wipe and is subject to various mechanical damage. It also includes harmful substances which can negatively affect human health. And finally, the service life of these paints for all favorable conditions reaches 5 years.

It is best to cover stairs with acrylic paints. The best option are alkyd paints for stairs. Their use always results in high-quality results and looks quite attractive.

And yet, what is the best way to paint a wooden staircase? If we turn to the manufacturers, the invariable leader is Tikkurila dyes. This best manufacturer, which enjoys well-deserved popularity.

Compositions for work inside the house

The placement of stairs during the construction of a house varies. But let’s look at stairs that are arranged according to the following criteria: inside and outside the house. Namely, how to paint the stairs in the house. Design plays an important role here, so the selection of compositions should be approached responsibly.

To paint stairs inside the house you can use:

  • paints;
  • varnish compositions;
  • various compositions for impregnation and staining.

On video: how to cover wood.

Only one type is not always used. If you try, you can combine them all successfully. For example, after painting works, cover finishing layer varnish.

For interior work specialists often use enamel paints, which dry fairly quickly and form an excellent protective layer. Moreover, they are absolutely harmless to the health of residents. The disadvantages of enamel paints include the fact that they do not protect wood well from moisture.

Varnishes for wooden stairs are intended not only to protect wood. They favorably emphasize the natural pattern and add shine to the surface. TO positive properties varnishes include ease of application and quick drying of the substance. The question arises, what varnish to coat a wooden staircase in a house. Experts recommend using alcohol-based formulations. The varnish is absolutely not suitable for outdoor use, as it cannot withstand low temperatures.

Important! No matter what varnish was used, it is strictly not recommended to paint indoor stairs with yacht varnish. It contains toxic substances that it releases even after it dries completely.

Painting of wooden structures is also carried out with impregnated stains. They provide both biological and thermal protection. In addition, stains can be used to tint the surface in the color desired by consumers. It is recommended to use oil stains or those with the addition of wax.

At the end of all work, a polish is used to provide a finishing layer. It will give the product a high degree of wear resistance and give it a presentable appearance.

Features of painting the stairs to the second floor

The most common type of stairs in a house are structures that lead to the second floor. Often this is the main element of the interior, the appearance of which sets the tone for the rest of the decoration. How to properly paint a wooden staircase leading to the second floor? Here are some basic tips:

  • If no one lives in the house yet, it is better to paint the stairs disassembled.
  • If the structure is already installed, then the stairs to the second floor are painted gradually. The first steps are from the top, and then we go down.
  • If painting is carried out while living in the house and it is impossible to exclude its use, then the flight of stairs must first be painted one step at a time. After they are completely dry, we pay attention to the remaining steps.

Advice! When applying the last layer, strokes should be applied along the grain of the wood. And the time indicated in the instructions for complete drying must be increased by 5 hours.

Correct painting technology

Of course, you can entrust this work to the masters, but in this case you need to prepare to pay a considerable amount. You can cover the wooden staircase structure in your house yourself. To do this, consider detailed instructions how to paint a wooden staircase.

So, when painting stairs with your own hands, you need to complete the following steps:

  • The preparatory stage, during which the dirt is initially cleaned and all cracks and cracks are sealed with wood putty. Depending on the type of wood, priming is performed to ensure good adhesion of the surface and paint compositions.
  • After complete drying, we grind the surface, which is done using sandpaper of different abrasiveness.

Important! To obtain a flawless surface, cleaning must be repeated after a couple of days.

  • Next we perform the final cleaning. It is necessary to achieve a well smooth and clean surface so that not even the smallest particles of chips remain.
  • Then it is necessary to coat the stairs with primer twice at intervals of 24 hours.
  • Only after the primer layer has completely dried can you begin to paint or varnish the structure.

The composition must be prepared for use according to the manufacturer's instructions.

The process of applying the coloring composition has some nuances:

  • When using varnish, the priming process is skipped.
  • Can be used paint brushes different shapes and sizes or rollers.
  • The process must be carried out in such a way that when painting the railings and other parts of the stairs, the paint does not spread and droplets do not form.
  • To achieve a flawless finish, it is recommended to apply up to 5 layers.

Climatic conditions in terms of temperature and humidity indoors must be optimal. Otherwise, cracks may appear on the varnish surface.

Painting a pine staircase structure

The process of covering a structure made of pine is slightly different from the rest, for example, a staircase made of larch. This is due to the content of resins, which prevents the uniform distribution of coloring matter. It is because of this that it is difficult to tint pine boards.

In this case, how to paint a pine staircase? It is better to cover with enamels. This product allows you to both emphasize the wood pattern and cover the structure completely. To develop the design, the enamel must be thinned. When completely stained, there is no need to thin the enamel.

How to paint a pine staircase? You should pay attention to the dyes used to paint pine stairs:

  • Alkyd-based, working with them is absolutely no hassle.
  • With a pigmentation effect that will hide minor defects.
  • If paint is applied to a previously painted product, it is better to use urethane-alkyd compounds.

To add shine, a palette to match the tone of natural wood is added to the varnish for pine stairs.

Painting metal stairs

Let us also turn our attention to metal constructions. There is sure to be one in every home. How to maintain excellent condition metal stairs and what to paint with?

Here Special attention are given to rust. You can also use sandpaper to remove it. If the affected areas are too large, then choose a metal brush or grinder with a special attachment. There are also special compounds that easily dissolve rust.

After removing the rust, the surface must first be degreased and treated with a primer. In those places where there was rust, they are treated more carefully. We also pay attention to the places where welding was done. They must be carefully leveled by grinding.

Metal stairs or fences that are made of metal must be coated with special varnishes and paints that are intended specifically for metal surfaces. If the staircase was painted earlier and the old coating was not removed, then before painting it is necessary to paint a small area. If no reaction occurs, you can proceed with full painting. A structure painted using this algorithm will last quite a long time.

Particular attention must be paid to the steps of the stairs. Wooden steps especially suffer from constant wear and tear. Therefore, they must be processed carefully to prevent the paint or varnish on them from abrading. Varnish for steps must be particularly durable.

The last question that arises when painting staircase structures is what color to paint the stairs.

Here's the simplest answer. The colors should match the entire interior of the room. You can leave the natural structure of the wood, or you can use paints for a wooden staircase to match the chosen design. The main thing is good home furnishings. The choice is up to consumers.

Any staircase design From time to time the coating needs updating. And if you consider that the staircase is also an element of the interior, then it is extremely important to choose the right paint and varnish product. Let's look at the most popular paints and varnishes, and also figure out how to paint the stairs to the second floor without involving specialists.

Before you start acting, you need to mentally draw a picture for yourself that should turn out in the end. This will help you choose suitable paint or varnish. When choosing a product, you should also take into account the advice of professionals:

  • If your staircase is made of high-quality wood with a beautiful natural pattern, then you should not paint it over. It is better to emphasize this advantage with a semi-gloss or matte varnish.
  • To avoid destroying the wood texture, do not use primers. Buy “light” types of paints that allow the material to “breathe.”
  • To paint stair elements indoors, choose products that dry within a short period of time and do not leave a persistent and pungent odor.
  • Long-term protection of stairs from impact external factors, as well as its beautiful appearance can be ensured by using only abrasion-resistant varnishes and paints.
  • Use additional means of protection against fungi, mold, and insects for processing.
  • It is not recommended to cover steps with glossy enamel. Otherwise, you will not walk on them, but slide.

What can and should be used to cover a wooden staircase?

When you enter the store building materials, you start to get lost. Therefore, it is important to know not only the types of these products, but also their features. The most common paint and varnish options for painting stairs are:

  • dye;
  • impregnations and stains;
  • oil.


Today there are 3 types of them:


Varnishes are used to highlight the natural beauty of wood. Choosing suitable type, pay attention to the features of the construction material and its operating conditions. Varnish coatings, like paints, come in several varieties:

  1. Alcohol. This coating protects the stairs from biological and mechanical damage. But its significant drawback is the low degree of moisture resistance. Therefore, it is better to use it as a base layer to give the wood the desired shade.
  2. Alkyd and alkyd-urethane. They are used for external and internal structures. A solid transparent film with an inconspicuous tint serves as a reliable barrier against moisture and other negative factors.
  3. Formaldehyde. The design will become more resistant to wear. The resins included in the composition improve the adhesion of the varnish to the wood. The only drawback is toxicity and a characteristic odor, which quickly disappears, but requires wearing a respirator during application.
  4. Polyester. After hardening, they form a hard, durable film that protects the stairs from moisture and other negative impacts. If you want to make your design shine, use polyester varnish.
  5. Epoxy. These are two-component solutions that are used with hardeners. They prevent the destruction of the structure under the influence of moisture, alkalis and provide it with mechanical strength.
  6. Polyurethane. They are characterized by a high degree of wear and resistance to mechanical stress. The high price of varnish is justified by its long service life and high performance characteristics.
  7. Yachting. The hard and durable varnish coating has good elasticity. This means that when the structure is deformed, the varnish layer does not peel off or crack. Thanks to its composition, yacht varnish is wear-resistant, has good resistance to fungi, has increased resistance to UV rays, and is moisture-resistant.

This type of impregnation is characterized by antiseptic properties. Varnish is often applied over the stain as an additional layer. But at the same time, you need to pay attention to the compatibility of these funds.

Under the influence of stain, the natural color of the wood becomes more saturated, and the texture of the wood becomes more contrasting.

For wooden stairs, the best impregnation is oil or wax based. Sometimes the stain may contain a dye that gives the material a certain color.

The palette of possible colors is very diverse and depends on the taste preferences of the owner of the house or cottage. But first of all, you need to start from the style of the interior.

The staircase can be of any shade, ranging from muted to bright radiant colors. But most often they prefer a single color.

But sometimes there are more original designs, including up to five shades. They often experiment with contrasting colors, painting the steps in one tone, and the railings and handrails in another. It looks very impressive and original.

To avoid mistakes when choosing a color, you must take into account the following recommendations:

  • when using several colors, it is recommended to paint each part before assembling the entire structure;
  • To obtain dark shade stairs, mix the impregnation with the finishing coat. This will allow the product to penetrate the structure of the material, which will ensure that the color of the product is preserved for a long time;
  • To lighten wood, translucent glazing compounds with light coloring pigments are used.

Treatment of softwood stairs

Staircase structures made of pine differ from products made of beech, larch, oak or other types of wood in that they require additional processing.

Before final processing of a wooden pine staircase inside the house, it is necessary to de-resin it for a number of reasons:

  1. The resin substance protruding from the wood forms a film on the surface of the material that prevents paint from penetrating into the fibers. As a result, layers of paint will chip off during use, worsening the condition of the stairs.
  2. Areas with resin begin to darken over time.
  3. Coloring substances are deposited in an uneven layer on the resin surface.

Resin removal refers to the process of cleaning the surface from excess resin. To carry out this procedure, you will need solvents.

For coniferous trees ideal option there will be a 25% acetone solution. To apply it use a brush. The surface of the material treated with the solution is washed warm water and give it time to dry completely. If there are very tarred places on the structure, they should be removed with a knife. The resulting depressions are leveled with putty.

To prepare a solution for degumming, you need the following ingredients:

  • 1 liter of hot water;
  • potash – 50 g;
  • baking soda – about 50 g;
  • grated soap – 40 g;
  • acetone – 1 glass;
  • alcohol – 10 g.

Painting a wooden pine staircase is done after the wood has completely dried. As a rule, 1-2 days are enough.

What is the best way to paint a pine staircase?

  1. The optimal means for covering a pine flight of stairs are enamel paints, as well as alkyd and polyurethane yacht varnishes.
  2. To preserve the beautiful structural pattern of wood, diluted products are used.
  3. To hide defects in the material or give it a new shade, the paint is not diluted before application.
  4. In order for the coloring matter to lay down in a beautiful, even layer, the surface should be cleaned of debris and dust.
  5. Pigmented dyes are used to mask defects on steps.
  6. For previously painted structures, urethane-alkyd solutions are used.

Step-by-step instructions for painting stairs

Sometimes for painting they resort to the help of specialists from construction companies. They, of course, know their business and do the work with 100% quality, but you will have to fork out a significant amount for their services.

If you are not ready for this, then you can do everything yourself. Just be extremely careful and strictly follow the instructions:

  1. Before starting work, remove debris, dirt, and wipe off dust not only from the structure, but also from the room in which it is located.
  2. Fill any existing chips and cracks with wood putty.
  3. Let the putty dry completely for 1 day, and then clean out all the flaws sandpaper or a sander.
  4. Remove any debris and dust that has formed, as even barely noticeable particles of dust will spoil the appearance of the stairs.
  5. Apply primer or stain twice to flight of stairs at intervals of a day.
  6. Before applying paint to the surface of the material, it must be mixed well - this will break up the clots and lumps that have formed there.
  7. The dye can be applied with a spray gun, roller, or brush. Avoid the formation of frozen paint droplets.
  8. To prevent cracks from forming on the stairs when the dye dries, the air in the room should be moderately humid.

With these simple steps you can easily update your staircase.

Stylish options for painting stairs in the interior

A log house whose height is more than one floor cannot do without stairs. And if the structure is erected from timber or logs, it is quite natural that interior decoration It will also be made of wood. At the same time, the staircase not only solves functional problems, but also becomes a central element of the interior, requiring a serious approach to choosing a coating that will simultaneously perform both protective and aesthetic tasks. For those who want to save natural look materials and use natural substances, it is worth choosing oils designed specifically for these purposes. And in this article we will tell you how to paint a wooden staircase with oil.

Wood is a hygroscopic material that reacts fairly quickly to the moisture content in the room. To ensure that steps and railings do not swell or, conversely, shrink when insufficient humidity, the surface needs to be protected.

The material applied to the wooden surface prevents abrasion and reduces the impact ultraviolet rays. The oil has bactericidal properties and protects the tree from the appearance of mold and fungi.

The benefits of using oils include:

  • water-repellent properties;
  • environmentally friendly, natural material;
  • ease of application;
  • increasing surface wear resistance;
  • absence of unpleasant odors;
  • Possibility of use for local repairs;
  • ease of correction of emerging defects.

But the main advantage of oils is the ability to maintain aesthetic appeal wood material, its texture and pattern. No paint will preserve the effect natural wood, and the varnish gives the surface unnecessary shine; moreover, even slight damage to such coatings will be noticeable, but this does not happen with a surface treated with oil.

Types of oils suitable for processing

Stairs are painted with oil deep penetration or oil-wax. In addition, materials may contain:

  • flaxseed oil;
  • jojoba oil;
  • sunflower oil;
  • turpentine (as a solvent);
  • beeswax;
  • carnauba wax;
  • candelilla wax.

If we consider the difference between coatings made on the basis natural oils and using wax as a base, then the choice should be based on what final result you want to get.

When you need not only protection from insects and moisture, but also strengthen the wood, you should use wax-free oil. This composition better penetrates deep into the material, impregnates it and changes the strength characteristics after hardening.

Thanks to deep penetration, soft wood increases strength, becomes harder and, accordingly, can be used without repair for much longer.

If you need to save on composition, it is better to use oils containing wax (in this case, the material consumption will be lower). At the same time, steps, balusters and staircase railings acquire a furniture gloss with a polished effect. Depending on the specific product, the surface becomes matte or acquires a slight satin sheen.

Both the first and second oils provide protection wooden products, but do not close the pores, which allows the material to breathe.

Determining oil consumption

Before purchasing an impregnation agent, you should determine the exact dimensions of the surfaces, and you should measure not only the area of ​​the steps, but also the railings with balusters.

First of all, consumption is affected by its ability to penetrate deep into the wood. Therefore, much more deep penetration oil (not containing wax) will be required.

To paint a wooden staircase with deep penetration oil, you will need 1 liter of product per 10 square meters area.

There are oils available in solid form. Their composition, in addition to directly natural oils, includes rosin. The degree of their absorption and, accordingly, the amount of consumption depend on the manufacturing technology, composition and manufacturer and can reach 130 grams per square meter.

Much less oil and wax will be required. The consumption figure can only be determined when choosing a specific product, but approximately it will be 0.4-0.5 liters per 10 square meters.

Surface preparation, degumming

Like any other material, wood must be cleaned of dust and cleaned before processing, but stairs made from coniferous trees require additional preparation. For a number of reasons, the resin contained in pine stairs (the most popular material) interferes with uniform oiling:

  • resin substances protruding on the surface form a film that prevents the penetration of oil into the fibers, as a result, the protective layer is too thin and wears out quickly;
  • the resin areas darken over time and the steps become unevenly colored;
  • The coating is uneven with different layer thicknesses.

Therefore, before oiling the stairs timber house, it should be deresined. A 25% acetone solution copes with this task, and areas that are too tarred are removed with a knife. To prepare the solution you will need:

  1. Hot water – 1 liter.
  2. Baking soda – 50 grams.
  3. Potash – 50 grams.
  4. 10 mg alcohol.
  5. 1 glass of acetone.
  6. Soap, grated – 40 grams.

The composition should be applied to the surface with a wide brush before covering the wood with oil. You will then need to wait until the solution dries and then remove it with a wet cloth.

Coating technology

The use of oil for treating wooden stairs differs from all other methods of protection in the duration of the process. Such work does not present any particular difficulties, but it requires time for absorption and drying. The oil takes too long to dry, so you should choose a time for work when the ladder will not be used for several days.

Another question that arises before applying the coating is when to carry out the treatment, when the staircase has not yet been assembled or after its installation? The decision should be made depending on specific situation, installation method (with glue or self-tapping screws) and the complexity of individual parts. So, for example, balusters with many decorative elements It is better to process separately.

To apply oil, you should prepare brushes of different widths for painting. various elements. The use of a special primer is not required - the first oil layer will act as this. The composition is applied to the surface, after it is absorbed into the wood (after 20-30 minutes), the excess is wiped off.

The next layer is applied after the previous one has dried (approximately it takes one day, but when high humidity may last longer), and the excess is wiped off immediately.

Ideally, it is advisable to apply 4-5 layers, and the staircase will be ready for use after the last of them has dried.

Caring for oiled stairs

If direct oil treatment does not require specific knowledge and skills other than accuracy, when caring for such a staircase, the characteristics of the coating should be taken into account.

Aesthetic appeal will only be maintained with proper care. Therefore, you should not use ordinary cleaning products to clean oil-treated wooden surfaces. detergents. Best choice will be the purchase of special formulations, which are called “Oil and Wax Care”.

Once they find out how much it costs to paint a staircase, many decide to master this skill on their own. It is not surprising that all staircase work is not cheap, because... To achieve long-term and beautiful results, they require strict adherence to technology. Having painted your stairs once, either indoors or outdoors, you will gain invaluable experience, thanks to which you will also be able to restore the coating with your own hands after many years. Moreover, all painting work with the selection of paint and varnish colors is quite interesting and does not require special physical strength.

The need to paint stairs

Stairs made of wood, like stairs made of metal and other materials, are subject to many external influences, which, in the absence of proper protection, quickly render them unusable. Firstly, these are constant mechanical influences from walking up steps and holding handrails. It is not surprising that it is the steps and flights of stairs that wear out and get dirty the fastest. It is these areas that need to be given special attention when applying. finishing coating. The length of use without restoration depends on what to paint the steps of the staircase with. Secondly, the staircase, no matter where it is located, is subject to fluctuations in humidity and temperature, which over time can affect its strength and appearance. If Sun rays fall on wooden steps, it is also important to protect them from drying out.

How to paint the stairs in the house

When choosing a covering for a staircase, you should take into account the type of wood from which it is made, the color of the wood and the location conditions of the staircase. Thus, coniferous species (pine, spruce, fir) tend to emit resins that impair the adhesion of wood to paints and varnishes. Hardwoods do not have this property, and there is nothing to worry about with them. In addition, pine needles do not uniformly absorb the liquid part of the paint or varnish. Loose wood absorbs more, while dense and old wood absorbs less, which is why paints and varnishes must be applied in many layers.


When choosing what color to paint the stairs, you should choose a shade as close to natural as possible, so as not to spoil the natural appearance of the rock. Having chosen what color to paint the stairs, you should decide on the type of paint. Pigmented Decoration Materials They are good because they hide many imperfections during assembly; the stairs can be puttied under them. But, at the same time, many of the external advantages of natural wood are also hidden under a layer of paint.

Provided the staircase is located inside the house, where there are few adverse influences, oil paints on artificial drying oil or even cellulose coatings will do. If the staircase is external, you only need paint on natural drying oil. Alkyd is suitable for painting stairs with your own hands. Tikkurila paint Empire, because it is easy to apply with a brush. On wooden surfaces Betolux and Pesto paints also apply smoothly without smudges. Betolux urethane-alkyd paint is ideal for previously painted surfaces, but it is not sufficiently resistant to wear when frequent use, not suitable for crowded rooms. Alkyd paint Pesto is more durable and suitable for damp areas or rooms that require frequent washing, for example, a children's room.


Clear varnishes are good because they do not hide, but rather emphasize the natural texture of the wood. Their advantage is also that they dry very quickly and are easy to use. There are alcohol-based varnishes and nitrocellulose varnishes. The first are resin in an organic solvent, and are used exclusively for internal stairs, because... When such a coating hardens, the film is not frost and moisture resistant enough. If you plan to varnish a street ladder, use nitrocellulose material containing colloxylin and plasticizers that strengthen the coating.

The most established varnish manufacturers on the market are Parade and Trae Lyx. German-made Parade varnish is highly wear-resistant and easy to use due to its quick drying. It also does not have such a strong pungent odor as some others. Dutch Trae Lyx varnishes are even more durable and wear-resistant because... their solid component is 35%. This property allows them to be easily used to cover steps. public buildings. This varnish is absolutely transparent, covers the surface uniformly, without changing the degree of gloss from different viewing angles. And despite so many advantages, it still has one drawback, namely a long drying time. Full load on the steps can be given only 7 days after application.


After applying varnish or paint, the steps may still not have a finished look. To make the wood sparkle and shimmer in the sun, it can be coated with polishes. The color of the polish is selected to match the color of the wood, but so as not to darken the species. The polish is applied with a brush or rag, before the surface is cleaned. Nitro-based polishes are applied only to nitrocellulose varnishes and paints.


They simultaneously give the desired color to the staircase and protect it from adverse influences due to the formation of a dense film. Enamel is produced by mixing clear varnish with pigment. The enamels are applied with an aerosol, and the contents must be thoroughly mixed before spraying. In its calm form, enamel is a substance with a gel-like consistency. After stirring by shaking, it becomes liquid. Inside the aerosol there are special metal balls that agitate the material.

Italian Sirca enamel is characterized by high surface strength and resistance to yellowing. Enamels of this brand are available in both glossy and matte. Quick drying in 60 minutes and sufficient work time makes it easy to cover the stairs with such enamel yourself. Swedish Synteko varnishes and enamels have also proven themselves to be quite good. They are suitable for those who are trying to make their home as environmentally friendly as possible, because... This company does not add NMP polymers, which are harmful to humans, to paint and varnish products.


Impregnations such as stain or Pinotex not only give wood color, they have antiseptic and fire-repellent properties. And on top of them you can apply any finishing varnish. It is preferable to use oil- or wax-based impregnations for stairs, especially if you are working with them for the first time. It is these impregnations that can be applied in several layers without fear of smearing or making a stain, unlike alcohol and nitro impregnations, which are instantly absorbed. Impregnations can be sold in the form ready solution or a powder that needs to be diluted with water yourself. In addition, to apply oil stain you do not need a sprayer or spray gun; it can be easily done with a brush.

How to paint a staircase with your own hands

Surface preparation

To ensure that the surface of the steps is smooth, they are puttied and sanded. Putties are selected to match the color of the wood. After drying, begin sanding with sandpaper or scrapers. After the first sanding, take a break of several days to allow the pile to rise, and then sand it clean. Before applying paint, the surface is primed, applying primer to all surfaces 2 times.


It is important to know what and how to paint the stairs. It is best to apply paint or stain-type impregnation using a sprayer. There are pneumatic and electric sprayers, with their help the layer is applied more evenly. But if you don’t have a sprayer, you can use regular brushes. For thicker, more stretchy, slow-drying paints, bristle brushes are preferable. For liquid coatings Flat, soft hair brushes are best. They are also called flutes. The length of the hair of such a brush should be approximately twice the diameter. To apply thick paint, the length of the bristles should be shorter, and for liquid paints- more. When working, the brush should be held at an angle of 45 degrees to the surface to be coated. To clean the brush from paint at the end of the work, you can dip it in turpentine or a special solvent.

Even experienced craftsmen Not everyone knows how to paint a staircase correctly, because... the result is always assessed purely subjectively. Not everyone knows that the coating is applied in 2-3 layers only after the previous one has completely dried. With a brush, the impregnation is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the step so that there are no special stains. First, paint one side of the step, then, turning it over, apply impregnation to reverse side. In this case, you need to cover the entire step evenly before the coating dries, so that there are no visible smudges left. To make turning over a wooden step easier and the impregnation less smeared, it is convenient to use wooden stands. If the first layer of paint or varnish is applied along the wood grain, then the second must be applied across it. The third layer is again applied lengthwise, so the step is painted most thoroughly. Do not forget to stir the paint periodically, this will protect you from the formation of lumps and sediment at the bottom.

Varnish coating

Application varnish coating on wood should be carried out as much as possible clean room so that dust does not settle on the freshly varnished coating. Before application, the step or baluster itself is also thoroughly cleaned and polished. If the wood has a defect, then it can also be carefully puttied under the varnish, using putty to match the color of the wood. Wide parts are varnished with a spray, and narrow parts with a thin brush. When working with varnishes, it is important to protect the skin of your hands and respiratory organs from toxic substances.