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» What are the benefits of sweet pepper? Useful properties of sweet pepper for humans. Daily consumption rate

What are the benefits of sweet pepper? Useful properties of sweet pepper for humans. Daily consumption rate

During archaeological research, scientists concluded that bell peppers were grown in Central America 9 thousand years ago. The first documentary mentions of him were found in the manuscripts of the famous physician Columbus. There is a version that at the end of the 17th century, settlers from Bulgaria brought with them sweet pepper seeds, then through Odessa it came to Central Russia. Only in the 19th century did they begin to grow it here as an agricultural crop. Now imagine a complete diet without sweets bell pepper impossible. We only know in general terms about the benefits of this product. It's time to figure out what vitamins in bell peppers help us maintain health throughout the year.

Vitamin and mineral composition and nutritional value

One hundred grams of vegetables daily will prevent diseases of the eyes, nervous and cardiovascular systems. and A in red pepper is higher than in citrus fruits and in.

100 g contains:

Vitamins mg Action
1 Essential for eye health and sharp vision, especially in the evening.
130 One of the body's main protectors against external influences, takes part in the absorption of other microelements.
1,6 Strong antioxidant, vitamin of beauty and skin health, prevention of vein clogging.
1 Participates in oxidation processes, strengthens nervous system. The deficiency manifests itself in gastrointestinal problems.
0,3 Participates in the exchange between proteins, fats and carbohydrates. If there is a deficiency, there is a stop in growth and development.
0,3 Stimulates the formation of red blood cells. Activates RNA synthesis.

Mineral composition of 100 g of product:

Minerals mg Action
Potassium 211 Regulates muscle contraction and heart rate. Helps replenish gastric juice. Deficiency manifests itself in digestive disorders, nausea and vomiting.
Phosphorus 26 A unique source of energy. Together with calcium, it is responsible for the strength of bones and teeth, and helps in the synthesis of vitamins.
Magnesium 12 Enhances the effect of calcium. Important for maintaining nervous system stability. A deficiency can lead to cramps and loss of muscle tone.
Calcium 7 This is the foundation of the musculoskeletal system, helps muscle contraction.
Sodium 4 Found in tissue fluids and blood plasma. Regulates the distribution of fluid throughout the body systems.

The minerals potassium, magnesium and calcium restore brain neurons, protect the nervous system from stress, increase attention and mental activity. Using Bell pepper, we also replenish the deficiency of iron, phosphorus, zinc and iodine. Substances in the fruit support appetite, force the stomach to actively process food and rid the body of toxins and waste products.

Peppers contain a substance called the alkaloid capsaicin. It is gentle on the gastric mucosa and gives the fruit a characteristic aromatic taste, and is involved in the prevention of diseases.

Nutritional value of 100 grams of fruit:

Beneficial features

The unique substance capsacin, contained in sweet peppers, has a number of invaluable qualities: it inhibits the growth of pathogenic fungi in the stomach, activates the functioning of the pancreas, and is necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive system.

What other positive effects does the product have on the body:

  • Vegetable contains lycopene- an antioxidant that strengthens bones, supports kidney health .
  • bell pepper green color contains phytosterol, which accelerates fat metabolism and removes cholesterol .
  • Mineral composition maintains the full composition of the blood, prevents .
  • Helps with weight loss, activates intestinal function .
  • Antioxidants in red pepper thins the blood, normalizes blood pressure .

Red pepper is used to create tonic masks for facial skin.

Considering what vitamins are contained in p heart and how much, it must be included in the diet of pregnant women and children.

In what form to use

It is best to eat the product fresh. In its raw form, bell pepper will bring greatest benefit and will help completely digest food.

Bell peppers can be boiled, baked, stewed, or canned. It adds piquancy to vegetable stews and rich soups. The popular dish “stuffed peppers” leaves no one indifferent. However, It is important to take into account that during heat treatment, vegetables lose up to 70% of valuable microelements.

When not to eat pepper

The product is contraindicated:

  • people with increased acidity stomach;
  • with a tendency to allergic reactions;
  • at problems with the gastrointestinal tract , since it is considered “heavy” food;
  • at stomach ulcer.

Bell pepper is unpretentious. It is grown in greenhouses by many gardeners. It is available on store shelves fresh and frozen. all year round. Thanks to its numerous valuable qualities, it deserves the right to take pride of place in our daily diet.

Scientists at Harvard University have found that using hot pepper Chili prolongs life. According to data obtained during the study, more than 487 thousand people of different age groups- spicy food lovers live 12-14 percent longer. “VM” will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the more familiar and popular type of pepper among Russians - bell pepper.


Pepper contains many useful substances, however, during heat treatment, many of them lose their properties. Therefore, to get the maximum benefit from the vegetable, you should eat it raw. For those who have stomach problems, it is recommended to first pour boiling water over the pepper and then bake it in the oven or steam it.

Immune stimulation

Like many other fresh vegetables, sweet peppers are rich in vitamins and microelements. Potassium, sodium, iron strengthen the immune system and prevent anemia.

Function of the cardiovascular system

In terms of vitamin C content, bell pepper can compete even with lemon, which is very important for those who want to strengthen blood vessels without drugs. Ascorbic acid will cope with this task perfectly. In addition, sweet peppers contain vitamin P, which enhances the effect of ascorbic acid.


B vitamins, the lack of which causes loss of strength, insomnia and memory impairment, are found in abundance in bell peppers. This allows you to use this delicious vegetable instead of far from harmless antidepressants.

Burning calories

Bell pepper - low calorie product high in fiber, which is attractive to anyone on a diet. In addition, the vegetable contains the alkaloid capsaicin, which normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and accelerates metabolic processes in the body.

Despite the many beneficial properties of bell pepper, it is strictly contraindicated for some people. The coarse fiber included in its composition can worsen the condition of a patient who has an ulcer, gastritis or hemorrhoids. Pepper also helps lower blood pressure, so this vegetable is contraindicated for people with hypotension. Allergy sufferers should also refrain from consuming it due to the excess amount of vitamin C and essential oils.


Elena Solomatina, nutritionist:

Bell peppers are an excellent source of vitamin C, but you need to eat them carefully so as not to exceed your daily requirement. In addition, it contains carotenoids that improve vision. And to enhance their effect, it is better to use pepper before something fatty - for example, before yogurt or a dish with vegetable oil. For those who suffer from stomach diseases in the acute stage, the vegetable can do a lot of harm. So first you need to get your body in order.

IN Lately fresh sweet pepper has ceased to be an exotic product and has become firmly established in the daily diet of many people. Why is bell pepper so useful and what vitamins do we get by adding it to our menu all year round? On sale you can find vegetables in red, yellow and green colors.

Yellow and red bell peppers contain a lot coloring pigments, vitamins, carotenoids. Therefore, people with heart disease and bone tissue You should definitely include them in your menu. The green variety contains a lot of phytosterols, they help regulate fat metabolism, remove bad cholesterol from blood vessels and prevent the occurrence of atherosclerosis.

Bell peppers are considered the record holder for vitamin C content. There are 130 mg of vitamin C in 100 g of this green vegetable. Ascorbic acid is the main protector of the body during cold epidemics and helps to better absorb other microelements.

Vitamin E – 1.6 mg. This is a powerful antioxidant and is considered a priority for maintaining beauty and health; in addition, it protects veins from blockage.

Vitamins B3, B5, B6 contain from 0.3 to 1 mg, they help protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism, regulate the synthesis of red blood cells. A lack of these substances is dangerous - a person’s development and growth may stop. It is very useful for children to receive these vitamins with food or take them in synthetic complexes.

The most important microelements

Phosphorus contains about 26 mg, it is an irreplaceable energy source. By entering into synthesis with calcium, it strengthens bones and teeth.

Magnesium in 100 g of pepper is 12 mg, it helps almost complete absorption of calcium and is important for the stable functioning of the nervous system. With a lack of magnesium, a person may experience cramps (often this occurs at night) and impaired muscle circulation. There is a feeling of tingling or numbness in the legs.

What other benefits are there in sweet peppers?

  • Maximum amount of vitamins and nutrients In fresh vegetables, up to 75% of useful elements are lost during heat treatment. To get the benefits from consumption, you can squeeze the juice after removing the peel from the fruit. You can make a salad from fresh sweet peppers or prepare a delicious and beautiful appetizer. You can create bright inflorescence from red and yellow peppers, beautifully arranging the pieces on a plate.
  • By eating fresh bell pepper, we maintain appetite and help digestion, as the stomach begins to actively secrete juice and thereby process food better, the body begins to cleanse itself of toxins, carcinogens and other decay products.
  • The vegetable has a unique healing and antitoxic effect on the body. It lowers blood pressure, destroys fungi, and acts as a prevention of blood clots in the bloodstream.
  • It is useful for all women who take care of their nails and hair, as it stimulates hair growth.
  • For constipation and gastritis, anemia and diabetes, he will also prove to be a good healer.
  • Low in calories, it can be safely consumed by overweight people. This juicy vegetable is beneficial, speeds up metabolism, and therefore nutritionists love it very much for use in dietary nutrition.
  • The record content of vitamin C in this product makes it a very good antioxidant. Doctors actively use it for baldness in men, and recommend it for women against early skin aging.
  • For expectant mothers, it is useful for maintaining bone tissue and blood vessels in a good condition.
  • The nutrients and minerals that bell peppers are rich in improve blood composition. On the recommendation of doctors, it is used for anemia; it is also known for its antitussive properties. Eating green bell peppers more often is recommended for bronchitis.
  • Cosmetologists advise making pulp from green peppers and adding it to face masks.
  • In recipes traditional medicine There are ways to use the pulp in the form of lotions for radiculitis and arthritis.

Why is pepper harmful?

Green pepper is contraindicated for people with obvious sleep disorders, angina pectoris, ischemia, as well as heart rhythm disturbances, namely arrhythmia.

Doctors do not advise adding it if gastritis, ulcers and chronic liver diseases in the acute stage are diagnosed.

If kidney function is impaired, you should not eat this green vegetable.

There is an opinion that in case of epilepsy it is forbidden to use all types of it, since it excites the nervous system, the person becomes irritable and loses calm. Therefore, it is better not to take risks and exclude bell peppers from your diet.

The World Health Organization classifies bell peppers as one of the most healthy vegetables. It is a component of the Mediterranean diet, widely known as one of the most healthy eating. The reasons for this popularity, as well as the nuances of consuming this vegetable, will be discussed in the article.

What vitamins do bell peppers contain?

The vegetable is extremely rich in vitamins, namely (in descending order):

  • vitamin C (3 times more than in citrus fruits);
  • vitamin A (beta-carotene);
  • vitamin PP;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin B6;
  • vitamin B9 (folic acid);
  • vitamin B2;
  • vitamin B3;
  • vitamin K1 (phylloquinone);
  • vitamin B1.

All fruits set green, so that upon reaching biological maturity they become red, yellow, orange, chocolate brown (depending on the variety). Largest quantity Vitamin C (200% of the daily value per 100 g) is found in red fruits.

Important!Most of the nutrients are concentrated near the stalk and in the seeds.

They also lead in the content of beta-carotene, B vitamins and carotenoids (capsanthin and lycopene), while green fruits contain the most lutein.

Chemical composition and calorie content of pepper

A freshly picked vegetable consists of 91–92% water.

The remaining part ( dry matter) falls on:

  • carbohydrates (6.3–6.8%), represented mainly by sugars (glucose and fructose, responsible for the sweet taste) and dietary fiber;
  • proteins (1–1.3%);
  • fats (0.1–0.3%).

The composition contains no cholesterol, and the calorie content is 26 kcal per 100 g of product.

Did you know?In the 17th century in England, Indian pickles (pickled mangoes) were extremely popular, but not always available, so they were replaced in recipes with pepper. And to this day in Indiana, Ohio and Pennsylvania (homes of conservative religious communities descendants of British emigrants) it is often called “mango”.

Pepper (especially yellow varieties) is a rich source of the beneficial mineral potassium, and also contains other macro- and microelements:

  • phosphorus;
  • calcium:
  • magnesium;
  • chromium;
  • iron;
  • zinc.

IN small quantities also contains substances such as:

  • saponin;
  • capsaicin;
  • essential oils;
  • flavonoids (glycosides of quercetin, luteolin).

The glycemic index is 15 units, which makes the vegetable suitable for diabetics.

Benefits and harm to the body

The rich vitamin and mineral composition determines the positive effect of bell pepper on the body.

Regular consumption of this vegetable promotes:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • normalization of lipid metabolism and the formation of high-density lipoproteins;
  • blood formation processes;
  • strengthening the heart muscle;
  • nutrition of the retina;
  • improving digestion;
  • improvement of skin, hair, nails;
  • stabilization of the nervous system;
  • production of the “hormone of happiness” - endorphin.

When adding pepper to your daily diet, you should remember the following nuances:

  1. The vegetable is contraindicated for people suffering from acute and chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver, and gastrointestinal tract (in particular, stomach and intestinal ulcers, colitis, gastritis with high acidity). The alkaloid capsaicin, although contained in sweet peppers in small quantities (0.01%), can irritate the mucous membranes and provoke an exacerbation of diseases.
  2. If possible, it is better to eat fruits grown by yourself or purchased from trusted suppliers. This vegetable is on the list of the most treated with pesticides.
  3. Pepper stimulates the appetite, stimulating digestion, so those who want to lose weight should not get carried away big amount dishes made from it, and even more so to use mono-diets with pepper.
  4. People suffering from epilepsy should use the vegetable with caution (due to the possible negative effect of capsaicin on seizure activity of the brain).
  5. Allergies may occur in people with cross-linked allergic reactions for apple, pollen, nuts, birch.

Features of use

Let's consider in what form it is best to consume bell pepper so that it brings maximum benefits.

What is the best way to eat pepper?

Unfortunately, heat treatment leads to the loss of almost 70% of the nutrients in the vegetable, so it is best to eat it raw (adding to salads and cold appetizers). Freshly squeezed juice from whole fruits will be extremely useful (for preparation, you need to leave the stalk and remove the seeds to avoid an unpleasant aftertaste). The seeds can be ground to make a vitamin seasoning.

When pickling and canning, the preservation of vitamins and minerals is about 50–80%, so the vegetable is one of the most popular ingredients in homemade preparations. The same applies to . For preparations, fruits at the stage of technical maturity, i.e. green, should be used.

In what form should you not eat pepper?

If you still decide to heat-treat the vegetable, refrain from baking it in the oven. The acids released during this process have an extremely negative effect on tooth enamel, leading to caries. Of course, this applies to frequent consumption of the dish. The skin is usually difficult to digest, so it is recommended to remove it by burning the fruit with a kitchen torch or placing it in the microwave for a couple of minutes.
Tasty, juicy, crispy bell peppers will certainly benefit your body. The main thing when consuming this vegetable is to remember the recommendations and possible restrictions on consumption discussed in the article.

Bulgarian (or sweet) pepper was known to people already in the 6th millennium BC, and even then people realized the beneficial properties of this vegetable. The bell pepper comes from, the benefits and harms of which will be discussed in detail in this article, from Latin America. At the end of the 15th century, it came to Europe, and then, through the territory of Bulgaria, to Russia and the CIS countries. Therefore, in these countries they began to call it Bulgarian.

Useful components of pepper

Bell pepper, the benefits and harms of which are explained by its composition, is the fruit of an annual herbaceous plant, belonging to the nightshade family. He may have different shapes(elongated, ovoid, cone-shaped, cylindrical or spherical) and mass (from 0.5 to 200 g). Depending on the plant variety and the pigments contained in the fruits, bell peppers come in different colors: green, red and yellow, orange, and even purple.

Beneficial features bell pepper is due to the vitamins and minerals it contains:

The content of vitamins and minerals in sweet peppers may deviate from the specified parameters depending on the color of the fruit, which means the benefits and harms of bell peppers different varieties not the same. For example, sweet red pepper is the leader in vitamin C content (250,000 mcg), so the benefits of red pepper for baby food more than from other types, because children need vitamin C for the full development of the immune system.

What are the benefits of sweet pepper? yellow color? It contains more potassium than red or green. Therefore, people in adulthood and those who suffer from heart and vascular diseases are recommended to give preference to yellow bell pepper.

Calorie content

Despite this a large number of There are very few beneficial components and calories in bell peppers: only 20-29.5 kcal (depending on the type of pepper) per 100 g of product. This explains this frequent use This vegetable is eaten by those who adhere to diets and are concerned about the slimness of their figure.

Important: When talking about the calorie content of sweet peppers, you need to pay attention to the variety and color of the vegetable. Green peppers have the least calories (20 kcal), red peppers have an intermediate value (28 kcal), and yellow peppers have the highest value (29.5 kcal).

In addition to its low calorie content, the benefit of sweet peppers for those who are “on a diet” also lies in the high content of B vitamins, which help cope with depressive conditions, bad mood and loss of strength, because they so often accompany people who limit their diet.

Another effect is the ability of bell pepper to enhance the secretion of gastric juice, which improves metabolism. But this sweet pepper, and its benefits and harm to the body, have both reverse side. Increasing metabolism improves digestion, which promotes weight loss. This same property can also complicate dieting, since increased gastric secretion often provokes an increase in appetite.

On guard of immunity

The beneficial properties of sweet peppers regarding the immune system are determined by the presence of vitamins C and A.

Caution: Vitamin C is easily destroyed by exposure to high temperatures(over 100˚), therefore, to obtain maximum benefits, sweet peppers should be consumed without heat treatment.

Vitamin A also plays an important role in maintaining optimal functioning of the immune system. It is able to increase the permeability function of the mucous membranes, due to which infections cannot penetrate the body. Vitamin A can protect against colds, acute respiratory viral infections, respiratory tract and genitourinary system infections. This action is based on its ability to increase the phagocytic activity of leukocytes, as a result of which they quickly destroy pathogenic agents.

Cancer prevention

How is bell pepper useful for those who want to try to protect themselves from cancer? Let's take a closer look at red bell pepper; its health benefits and harms are due to its slightly different composition from other types of these fruits. Red sweet pepper contains a special substance - lycopene, which serves as a powerful antioxidant and protector of DNA molecules, which reduces the risk of cancer. In addition, lycopene is able to inhibit pathogenic microflora in the intestines, exhibiting antibacterial and antifungal properties.

The preventive anti-carcinogenic effect of red bell pepper is also due to the presence of a high concentration of vitamin C in it. After all, as a result of exposure to free radicals, damage to cells and their structures, including the genetic apparatus, occurs. This leads to the development of cellular mutations and can ultimately trigger the development of a tumor. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from the effects of free radicals and, accordingly, reduces the risk of developing tumors.

Possible harm

Despite all the above positive effects sweet pepper, not everyone can eat it, because the beneficial properties and contraindications of this vegetable can appear simultaneously.

The possible benefits and harms of bell pepper are explained by the substances it contains. One of the varieties of alkaloids is capsaicin, which gives this vegetable its distinctive flavor and has the ability to lower blood pressure and reduce its viscosity. Therefore, people with coronary artery disease and hypotension ( low blood pressure) consumption of sweet pepper is contraindicated.

What else can sweet peppers be dangerous for? Its natural ripening period is July-September, but the fruits of this vegetable are available for sale all year round. This is explained widespread use nitrate fertilizers and pesticides for processing peppers when grown in greenhouse conditions. They can accumulate in fruits and, when entering the human body, have a carcinogenic effect. Therefore, it is better to buy fresh bell pepper only during the period indicated above, and the rest of the time use frozen vegetables, because when frozen, all the benefits of bell pepper for the body are preserved.

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