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» How to deal with black bugs on houseplants. Pests of indoor plants: description and control measures

How to deal with black bugs on houseplants. Pests of indoor plants: description and control measures

All living beings are susceptible to diseases and attacks from enemies, and indoor plants are no exception. Not only improper care and unfavorable conditions contribute to the withering of plantings. There are also pests indoor plants, which pose a serious threat to the "green friends". This article will tell you about the most common types of such insects.

Many flower lovers are familiar with tiny white moths, whose body length is no more than 2 mm. A distinctive feature of the pest is a yellowish body and two pairs of pollinated wings:

Thanks to the sucking mouthparts of the plant's sap, as a result it gradually withers and may even die.

On a note!

In nature, there are both wingless and winged individuals. They can enter the house through a window, along with purchased plants, or even in a bouquet of flowers brought.

Hairy aphids

Mealybugs, or hairy aphids as they are also called, are considered one of the most dangerous pests. These white worms live on stems and back side leaf where the veins pass. Presence is indicated by a cobweb-like coating white, as well as the sticky liquid they secrete.

Female pests are highly fertile. They lay eggs in secretions that resemble balls of cotton wool. After a while, mobile larvae appear from them, which very quickly spread throughout the plant. Therefore, having discovered traces of the presence of mealybugs, it is necessary to urgently get rid of them.

Root scale insects

Root bugs also pose a threat to the root system of plants. Pests live in the ground or on the lower part of the stems, which is why a whitish coating appears on them. Not very active females are much larger than males (reach up to 2.5 mm). They have a cylindrical body covered with a waxy coating. Females lay clutches of eggs in special chambers created from their own mold-like secretions.

The males bear a close resemblance to the whitefly. They stop eating when adult, and therefore die quite quickly. That is why entire generations of insects are female.

On a note!

The presence of insects inhibits the growth of flowers, the leaves begin to fade and wrinkle. Infected plants are also susceptible to fungal diseases.


A serious danger to the plant is the false scale insect, the distinctive feature of which is the absence of a waxy shell. Female insects are larger in size (up to 5 mm); unlike males, they do not have legs and wings. The body of females is covered with a convex shield, which can be either elongated or round in shape.

Sucking pests settle on the stem or along the veins on the back of the leaf. There is also a hemispherical false shield, distinguished by its large dimensions and volume. Ferns, asparagus and myrtles especially suffer from it. Below is a photo of pests of indoor plants.

Podura white

  • have an elongated body covered with sparse hairs;
  • 3 pairs of legs;
  • long mustache;
  • prefer moist soil, compost and humus.

Soil pests feed on plant residues and will not refuse the living root system. This slows down the growth of the plant and can lead to its death.

Spider mites

Spider mites are one of the most common and dangerous pests of indoor plants, which many gardeners have had to deal with. The small, barely noticeable insect is difficult to see without a magnifying glass. Lives on the underside of leaf blades. Reproduces quickly when available favorable conditions, namely, when there is dry and warm air in the room.

Evidence that the plant is affected by mites is:

  • light spots formed after pricking leaf blades and sucking juices from them;
  • the presence of the finest cobwebs covering the surface of the leaves, which is why they acquire a silver-gray color and fall off over time.

They especially suffer from Chinese roses, geraniums and palms.


Thrips are small insects, no more than 1.5 mm in length, that are black or dark brown in color. The lower part of the body is reddish-yellow. Pests of indoor plants live on the back side of leaves. They lay eggs in microscopic holes made in leaves and flower buds.

On a note!

The presence of thrips on a houseplant is signaled by a silvery pattern that insects leave on the leaves.

Fungus gnats (sciarids)

Often around indoor flowers you can see small (up to 0.5 cm) flies, which are called fungus gnats. Sexually mature ones infect flowers and carry the larvae of other pests. In addition, they lay eggs in the roots of plants, from which after a while larvae emerge - dangerous pests of indoor plants in the soil. Whitish worms damage root system culture, the cause of which is its death.

How to get rid

Many amateur gardeners are puzzled by the question of how to deal with pests of indoor plants. This problem can be solved in various ways:

The simplest and affordable way pest control for indoor plants at home. Damaged leaves should be cut off with a disinfected tool, and the cut areas must be treated with activated carbon. Pests visible to the human eye, such as scale insects or scale insects, can be selected manually.

On a note!
A contrast shower, spraying with water, or wiping the pest-infested surface with a cotton pad will also help rid your green friend of the insects that live on its stems and leaves.

The use of folk recipes

During plant diseases caused by harmful insects, many gardeners use time-tested folk remedies. Decoctions of chamomile, nettle, yarrow, dandelion or marigold are completely harmless to both human health and the plant itself. Garlic and onions have a similar effect. It is enough to water and spray the plant with the decoction so that the pests leave it.

On a note!

The liquid composition will not quickly drain into the ground if laundry soap is added to it.

Biological method

This method of control involves the use of biological agents, which are based on plant components, as well as a small amount of poison. Therefore, when using these drugs, precautions must be taken:

  • plants are treated with a solution prepared in accordance with the instructions;
  • after which the green pet must dry;
  • the room in which the treatment was carried out is thoroughly ventilated.

You can use the following medications: Agrovertin, Fitoverm or Iskra-Bio.

Chemical method

The use of chemicals based on insecticidal components will help to achieve quick results in the fight against pests of indoor plants. However, it should be borne in mind that they are very toxic and pose a danger to human health. Therefore, it is advisable to use such means only as a last resort. Moreover, the treatment in this case should be carried out in a well-ventilated area and with personal protective equipment.

When using toxic drugs, children and pets should not be in the room.

How do pests get to indoor flower? There are many reasons, and the main one is violation of the rules of caring for the plant, leading to its weakening and disease. Then ventilate the room, transplant the flower into contaminated soil, introduce insects into outerwear- these and other factors will prove fatal for an indoor pet. You need to know insidious enemies by sight in order to fight them more effectively.


Reproducing quickly, they and their oval, oblong, light green larvae suck the juice from the leaves, leaving sweetish traces as a souvenir of themselves. And sooty fungus appears on them. In addition, these harmful “moths” often carry viral diseases.

It is difficult to fight these insects. Velcro hanging next to flowers and washing off their eggs and larvae help to reduce their number. Treatment with garlic infusion is effective against these pests of indoor plants:

  • keep a couple of cloves in a liter of water for several days;
  • dilute five times;
  • reapply after a week.

Irrigation with Nicotine sulfate or Parathion and insecticidal chalk against pests of indoor plants (Domovoy Proshka, Nika) help.


These lovers of feasting on young twigs, leaves and buds are more familiar as enemies garden plants. They do not disdain indoor flowers placed in summer garden. Insects operate mainly at night and hide under leaves during the day.

The main measure to combat them is manual collection. And the prevention of their spread is spraying with specific biological drugs- “Lepidocide” and “Bitoxibacillin”. They do not harm humans and animals, and when they enter the intestines of these insects, they kill them.

Some gardeners use Coca-Cola, which is diluted in half, against caterpillars by spraying plants, which causes poisoning in them. Effective home remedy against these pests of indoor plants - laundry or green soap. Its weak aqueous solution also alkalizes acidic soils.


Small flying bugs like to nibble on leaves, like Colorado potato beetles. And their larvae destroy the roots and tubers of plants. It is better to collect bugs by hand early in the morning.

Spraying with systemic insecticides such as “Fufan” and “Inta-vir” helps against them and their larvae. Alternative way- four times ground watering with Aktary solution (one gram per bucket at weekly intervals) or one-time foliar treatment with this drug at a dose increased by 8 times.

An effective measure to combat larvae is to replant plants in fresh soil. Before this, you should disinfect the roots of damaged plants with a weak solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour.

Grape mower

Small bugs, representatives of the large family of weevil beetles. They eat the leaves of flowers exposed outdoors in summer. Their two-centimeter larvae gnaw the underground parts of plants. The presence of these soil pests of indoor plants is detected only when the plants wilt, and their roots are already significantly damaged during this period.

Bugs from primrose or cyclamen should be removed by shaking them onto film or paper. It is better to do this in the cool early morning, when the “flyers” have not yet woken up and are inactive. In case of mass accumulations of beetles best method combat them - spraying with 10% Karbofos.


They are typical for indoor plants, as tiny dark flies are attracted to the smell of rotting food. They are dangerous because they can spread to themselves small pests and infections.

They appear in flower pots where the soil is damp and roots or fallen leaves have already begun to rot. It is also possible to transfer these flies through garden soil contaminated with their eggs.

Therefore, in order to avoid fruit flies getting into the flowers, it is necessary to replant plants only in disinfected soil or in ready-made nutrient substrates purchased in specialized stores. Watering the plants should be moderate, and faded flowers and missing leaves should be removed.


Numerous species of ticks are especially active in the spring. Reproducing quickly, these inconspicuous pests gnaw out plant stems, leading to their death. The most common types of pests are:


It is a monophage that attacks only cyclamens, pelargoniums and gloxinias. Its colonies look like dust deposits on the undersides of leaves. This rare view mite living in damp conditions. The result of its presence is the weakening of plants: they do not grow, unbloomed flowers fall off, leaves curl and stems become thinner.


Preventive measures against tick damage:

  • Most of them do not tolerate high humidity, so you need to periodically spray the plants with settled water. warm water.
  • Because of spider mites are afraid of ultraviolet radiation, you should winter time conduct weekly two-minute sessions of treating plants (especially under the leaves) with special lamps, and in the summer - take them out onto the balcony. This also improves the immunity of pets.
  • When storing bulbs, you need to maintain constant coolness and average humidity in the room.
  • Potted plants need good soil drainage and excess moisture should be removed from the tray.

Treatment with folk remedies:

  • Spraying and pollination with sulfur powder.
  • Spraying with infusions of red pepper, tobacco, garlic, celandine. But sometimes they only work temporarily.
  • Spraying or wiping leaves with medical alcohol. This method is only suitable for flowers with dense leaves (palms, ficus, roses), and is used to a limited extent for cacti or succulents.
  • The most effective ways the fight against ticks is the use of the drugs “Fitoverm”, “Aktelik”, “Neoron”, “Apollo”. Since these pests adapt well to chemicals, then they must be alternated.


These are small crustaceans that look like mealybugs. They also have a gray-brown shell. These insects sometimes reach sizes up to several centimeters. They can be found in pots with loose and nutritious soil, where they move quickly with the help of 8 pairs of legs.

These are the worst enemies of tropical plants (orchids, ferns, cacti), in which they damage the delicate roots. In addition, pests compress the soil, which leads to disruption of the nutrition and respiration of the roots.

They end up in potted plants that spend the summer in the garden. Discover uninvited guests you can use piles of dry earthen substrate, constantly pouring out of the pots into the tray.

Treating indoor plants against these pests comes down to replanting them in a new soil mixture with preliminary washing of the roots with warm water. You can also immerse such plants in a container of warm water for a couple of tens of minutes. And the insects that float up are very easy to collect.


These caterpillar-like, quite noticeable insects also come from the garden into flower pots. Their favorite food is the lower parts of plants. The main preventive measure against these pests of indoor plants is to prevent dampness in the ground.

Sciarid fly (fungus gnat)

These flying pests of indoor plants reach sizes of up to 0.5 centimeters. Adult mosquitoes lay tiny eggs in the roots of flowers. The larvae that emerge from them eat the roots, which is why pets often die.

Adults often infect flowers and spread the larvae of various pests. They settle in pots, coming from the street when the room is ventilated or in another way. They reproduce well in a moist and nutritious environment, especially rich in humus. Often present in aquarium water.

Insect larvae are removed using the drugs “Decis”, “Karbofos”, “Inta-vir”. Moreover, one-time treatment is often ineffective. Fly repellents help against adult pests: special Velcro, Raptor, Fumitox, and if they are ineffective, then Dichlorvos. As a rule, complex measures are used repeatedly.


These are 3 groups of white round small worms that live in different parts of tropical flowers:



They live at the base of the stem and cause plant death due to lack of nutrition.


Millimeter earthworms. When they appear on the leaves, greenish, quickly darkening spots are observed. Plant buds do not develop, young shoots, stem tips and buds dry out. These individuals spread through contaminated water.

To prevent the entry of these almost incurable pests, the soil is disinfected at temperatures above 50 degrees for 10 minutes or by treating it with 10% formaldehyde, washing it off only after a couple of hours. Also disinfected gardening Tools and containers for flowers.

There are no effective measures against these dangerous pests. Weakly affected plants are treated with Dekaris (a tablet dissolves in a liter of liquid) or Heterophos. Neglected flowers and the soil from them are destroyed.

Podura (springtails, forktails)

The appearance of these millimeter-long wingless flower pests usually indicates excessive moisture in indoor plants. They live in the soil, eating small roots of flowers. If there are a lot of them, then you can notice colonies of insects on the bottom hole of the pot or on the ground. They look like whitish particles.

They do not cause any particular harm to plants; rather, they even bring benefit to attentive gardeners, signaling by their appearance that it is necessary to reduce watering of plants in order to avoid rotting of the roots. The soil in places where insects accumulate is replaced and sprinkled with sand or crushed tobacco.


These pests affect balcony plants- irises, phlox, carnations and others. If sores appear on the leaves and flower petals, then this is the work of slugs. Visually, insects can also be noticed, especially when damp.

You can get rid of slugs by draining the soil using ash and lime (4:1). Additionally, the eaten plants are sprinkled with tobacco and lime powder (1:1). Do this 3 times a day every 2 hours. And, of course, you should reduce watering of plants to avoid reappearance these moisture-loving pests.


They have different colors and live in large colonies on the most succulent parts of plants. If you do not take action against them, then the plants, under the pressure of significant enemy forces, weaken and die. Fortunately, they are not difficult to deal with. Common pests are:

Root mealybug

In spring and autumn, they need to be watered preventatively three times with insecticides every couple of weeks. Damaged fragments (and partly the crown) of affected plants are trimmed, washing the roots with an insecticide for ten minutes. Then they are transplanted into new land.

Mealybug (hairy aphid)

Lives on leaves and stems. It is considered the most dangerous pest. A winged insect, its female lays up to 2 thousand eggs, which are not afraid of water. The presence of the pest is indicated by a white, cobweb-like coating on the plants. And the sticky substance secreted by aphids is the favorite habitat of sooty fungus. Flying insects do not disdain any plants, leading to their death.

Scale insect and false scale insect

The shield aphid (scale insect) is a half-centimeter brown insect that appears on leaves in the form of scales. The wax shell reliably protects it from many chemicals. Male insects fly. False scale insects are not equipped with such a shell. Their larvae and eggs are protected by the dried skin of the females. Among them there are also viviparous varieties. Both live on the leaves and stems of plants.

Preventive measures boil down to monitoring the cleanliness of flowers and washing leaves. You can also use sticks against pests of indoor plants (“Agricola”, “Clean Leaf”, “Golden Spark”), which also serve as flower feeding.

Fight against harmful insects:

  • Spraying three times with solutions of green soap, tobacco, garlic.
  • Washing the leaves with alcohol, vinegar or calendula medicine.
  • Twice (every week) spraying with Aktelik, Fitoverm, Vertimek or others.


This is a dark, barely noticeable four-winged insect. Their larvae almost immediately also become winged, but lighter than the adults. There are many of them on the underside of the leaves, where they leave a whitish substance. Then the leaves turn brown, dry out and disappear. The same thing happens with flowers.

Thrips are especially dangerous in the summer heat, causing damage to palm trees, cacti, roses and many other common indoor plants. Therefore, for prevention, they should be sprayed with water, preventing the soil from drying out.

Bushido insecticidal powder (dilute half a pack in 5 liters of water) helps against these pests on indoor plants. The following remedies are also effective:

  • Treat twice (every week) with pyrethrum (2 grams per liter).
  • Infusions of yarrow, tobacco, chamomile, green soap, decoction of cyclamen tubers.
  • Pollination with powdered pyrethrum, spraying (three times) with 0.2% Thiophos, Vertimek or Phosfamide.

Earwig (mite)

It is a widespread pest of garden plants. It stays awake at night, infecting leaves and flowers until they are destroyed.

Onion peel (6 grams per liter), infused for half a day, helps get rid of these pests of indoor plants.

Traps made of thin tubes of thick paper or hollow ones are also effective. wooden sticks placed on flower pots. The nocturnal pest takes refuge in them in the morning, and it is easy to detect it there and remove it from the flowers.


Familiar earth dwellers crawling out of the soil after rains. Having got from the garden soil into a cramped pot, where there is not enough organic fertilizing, they will not disdain the roots of plants. They can also appear from eggs left in the soil brought from the street. In the vicinity of worms, pets wither and grow poorly.

Street soil should be disinfected before planting. And when bringing house plants into the summer garden, it is better to place them so that they do not touch the ground. You can get rid of worms like this:

  • Put flower pot for half an hour in warm water, then the worms will either appear on top or drown.
  • Water the plants with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and collect the pests that have crawled out.


Green potassium soap is also an indispensable helper in gardens - it has no odor and is not poisonous to people. Potassium soap should be diluted at the rate of 20 g of liquid green soap per 1 liter of water. Spray secluded places especially carefully - the tops of shoots, leaf axils, apply a foam cap on the buds. Do not rinse off the soap solution!


Nematode happens various types, the root usually forms spherical growths or swellings. Stem or leaf nematodes do not form swellings, but cause severe deformation of leaves, stems, and buds. Flowers, as a rule, do not even open. Begonias, gloxinias, ficuses, and ferns suffer greatly from nematodes. Their leaves wrinkle, seem to shrink, turn brown between the veins, young ones grow immediately twisted and ugly.

Some types of nematodes also form galls on flowers; nematode damage is often accompanied by symptoms of bacterial infections.

Fungus gnats

Sciarides or fungus gnats are small annoying midges that appear in flowers and fly throughout the apartment. They do not harm themselves, they do not eat the flowers, but mosquitoes are a sure sign that the plants are systematically flooded. You need to check the soil in pots with flowers, because if you do not eliminate waterlogging, the roots of the plants may rot.

If mosquitoes manage to lay eggs in the soil, they hatch into larvae that feed on rotting organic matter and can partially damage plant roots.

Mining flies

The larvae of these flies gnaw out the core of the leaves, leaving discolored patterns of passages on them - min. They damage the leaves of trees, shrubs, including conifers, and herbaceous plants, in room conditions can affect violets (Sainpaulia), succulents (euphorbia, sedum), hibiscus syngonium and other plants...

Root mites

Root and onion mites They feed on the underground part of plants - they gnaw out bulbs and feed on succulent roots. They are detected at a stage when the plant has already been severely damaged - growth is inhibited, the leaves turn yellow, buds and flowers do not form, sometimes one-sided drying out of the crown occurs - in individual branches, but more often the plant has general signs of starvation - chlorosis. Often, wounds on the roots and bulbs become infected, and the plant becomes infected with fusarium.

High soil moisture promotes more rapid proliferation of root mites. Very often, affected indoor plants, especially small and tender ones, die. The best prevention is soil disinfection and quarantine of all purchased plants.

Occasional pests: woodlice, weevil, enchitraea, caterpillars

There are pests that appear quite rarely in flower pots - these are enchytraea; woodlice and earthworms can be brought in with the soil for planting plants; weevils or woodlice can get into the house from garden soil. If you have something crawling in your pot, look here, you might recognize the pest...

Many of them are not as dangerous as they seem, and sometimes not dangerous at all, for example, poduras or enchitraea can eat rotting plant roots, but in themselves do not cause the death of indoor flowers. Plants die from overwatering and putrefactive infections.

Poduras, springtails, springtails

Some small white fleas are jumping in pots with indoor plants. Gray worms swim in the tray after watering. Small brown spiders crawl around the roots. All these are soil inhabitants - springtails, springtails and podras. Harmless, in essence, inhabitants of soil rich in humus and organic matter. They come to our house with soil from the garden or store-bought soil. But as long as the soil moisture is moderate, the bugs are not visible. When the soil inside the pot does not dry out for many days, the roots of the plants begin to rot, and the duras multiply in large numbers.

Podura is a sign of poor care for indoor plants, systematic waterlogging, frequent watering, or incorrectly selected soil (too moisture-intensive, heavy, non-porous).

Avoid appearance indoor pests no one can: neither a novice gardener nor an experienced one. Some, scale insects or aphids, attack many types of indoor plants, others are more selective and prefer certain species and in certain conditions. For example, mites rarely harm the ficus benjamina, but the scale insect eats it with pleasure.

If pests are detected, you must first get rid of them mechanically by wiping the leaves and stems with a sponge soaked in a soap solution. It is imperative to remove damaged buds, flowers, leaves and shoots; if the leaves begin to turn yellow or become stained, they will not recover. If the pest is noticed on only one plant, it is better to isolate the flower pot and watch the rest.

Try not to use insecticides unless absolutely necessary, especially toxicity class 2. All pest control chemicals are unsafe for humans and animals (birds and fish). All of them release toxic substances to one degree or another. Therefore, if it is possible to fight pests with folk remedies, i.e. herbs, onion skins, and biological means plant protection, then you should definitely try them first.

Currently, the issue of using pesticides (plant protection products against diseases and pests) is approached quite carefully, but for now we can see a warning on the packaging with chemicals about precautions, and they may not be completely safe.

Folk remedies for pests of indoor plants

  • Yarrow - 80 g of dry crushed leaves, pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 36-48 hours, spray against aphids, thrips, mites.
  • Tobacco, shag - leave 40 g in 1 liter of water for two days, strain and dilute with another 1 liter of water, spray against aphids and thrips.
  • Onions - leave 15 g of chopped onions in 1 liter of water for 5-7 hours in a tightly closed container, spray against aphids and mites.
  • Celandine during flowering - infuse 300-400 g of fresh or 100 g of dry celandine in 1 liter of water for 24-36 hours, spray against false scale insects, aphids, thrips.
  • Kerosene -2 g per 10 liters of water + 40 g of laundry soap - against thrips and mites.
  • Dandelion officinalis - 300-500 g of crushed roots or fresh leaves are infused for 2 hours in 10 liters of warm water, filtered and sprayed against thrips and mites.
  • Marigold flowers - pour a glass of dried flowers into 1 liter of warm water, leave for 2 days, filter and spray the affected plants against thrips.
  • Alder leaves - a glass of dry alder leaves is poured with one liter of boiling water and left for 24 hours. Then it is heated to 50 °C and kept in this infusion before planting the bulbs and tubers for 5 minutes. In this way, root mites are prevented.
  • Wood ash - 1 cup of ash is infused in 5 liters of water, then a quarter of a piece of grated laundry soap is added there, sprayed against ticks and thrips.

The appearance of this pest cannot be confused with anything. This is a fairly large relative of the scale insect. The mealybug reaches up to 8 mm in length.

Female “hairy lice” have an undeveloped oval-shaped body, more typical of insect larvae. They lay numerous eggs in special sacs in the axils of the leaves. The shoots on which the pest lives are covered with a white, sticky waxy coating.

Males are not at all similar to females - they have wings and normally developed limbs, the body is divided into sections and ends in a bunch of tail filaments

Using their mouthparts, females and larvae easily pierce the surface of a leaf, bud or shoot and suck out the juices from it. Young scale insects are extremely mobile and easily move between plants. Sexually mature males do not feed because as they grow older oral apparatus atrophies.

Signs of Mealybug Infestation

To detect pests, it is enough to carefully examine the indoor plant.

Main features:

  • drooping appearance, lethargy of leaves and shoots;
  • underdeveloped buds, deformed leaves;
  • white powdery coating with lumps;
  • small “mosquitoes” (male scale insects) on the windows near the pots;
  • the presence of sticky mucus (honey dew) on all parts of the plant;
  • the presence of white inclusions in the earthen coma during transplantation;
  • presence of white oval insects.

Any of these symptoms may indicate the appearance of a scale insect. Not a single flower is immune from infection. Special control should be given to citrus, amaryllis, cycad and palm plants, as well as cacti, violets and orchids.

The azalea often suffers from a pest, a photo of which is given in the article. The pest attacks young shoots. The leaves stop growing and begin to turn yellow. Azalea, a photo of which demonstrates its beauty, when struck by insects, loses its former appearance.

Harm to the plant

The mealybug literally sucks all the nutrients from the flowers, disrupting their growth and normal development. Sweet honeydew secreted by females provokes the development of associated fungal infections. Due to the sticky, impenetrable coating, the green pet's breathing becomes worse. This can cause the leaves to wilt and even fall off.

Mealy aphids (another name for mealybugs) do not prefer a specific part of the plant, attacking everything that comes in its way. Not only shoots, buds and leaves are under attack, but also roots. If treatment is not started as soon as possible, the bug will spread to surrounding indoor plants. In time he will destroy them all. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately declare war if you notice mealybugs on indoor plants. How to deal with the pest will be discussed below.

Causes of mealybugs

Why do these harmful insects appear?

There are several main reasons:

  1. Presence of eggs and larvae in the soil. Even purchased soil can be contaminated, so it is very important to treat it with hot steam before use.
  2. Transfer of larvae with newly acquired plants. New pets should be kept separately and carefully examined periodically. You can place them next to other flowers only after finally making sure that there are no pests.
  3. Errors in care - low room temperature, stagnation of moisture in the soil, insufficient lighting, excessive application of fertilizer. Improper care significantly reduces the plant’s immunity, causing various diseases.
  4. The presence of dust on the leaves, irregular removal of dry parts.
  5. Untimely replacement of soil in pots. Harmful insects can start inside a compacted earthen coma.
  6. Poor quality water for irrigation.

Traditional methods of combating mealybugs

Now you know how dangerous the pest is for plants. You can easily determine that a mealybug has settled on indoor plants.

How to deal with such an insect? If the infection is small, you can try to get rid of it without special means.

Popular home control methods:

  1. Infusion from medicinal herbs. To treat the plant, you can use horsetail and calendula. The powder purchased at the pharmacy should be brewed with boiling water. After the product has cooled, the plant is treated with it. To prepare the infusion, use the following ratios: 100 g of horsetail (calendula) per 1 liter of liquid.
  2. Garlic tincture. This is a fairly effective method of combating mealybugs. Peel and chop a medium-sized whole garlic head. Fill with a liter hot water and let it brew for 4 hours. Garlic tincture is applied to the leaves and trunk using cotton wool or a sponge.
  3. Oil emulsion. Stir 2 tablespoons in a liter of warm water olive oil. Spray the affected leaves with a spray bottle.
  4. Soap-alcohol solution. To prepare it, it is better to take natural soap, without perfume additives. For 1 liter of water, 1 teaspoon of grated soap and 1 tablespoon of ethyl alcohol. Spray the affected parts of the plant, avoiding getting the solution on the earthen ball. The procedure can be carried out once every 3 days. It is necessary to wash off the applied product one day after spraying.
  5. Tincture of lemon and orange zest. A surprisingly simple recipe that allows you to effectively rid your plant of pests. Take lemon and orange peels and pour boiling water over them. The ratio is as follows: 30-50 g of zest per 1 liter of liquid. The product should be infused during the day. Then treat your green pets with this infusion using a spray bottle.

Chemicals for mealybugs

If ineffective traditional methods or large foci of infestation, one has to resort to chemical insecticides.

Widely available effective drugs against mealybug:

  • "Decis".
  • "Vertimek".
  • "Tsvetofos".
  • "Nurell D."
  • "Phosfamide."
  • "Bi-58".
  • "Aktellik".
  • "Fitoverm".
  • "Aplaud."

There should not be any particular difficulties with such substances. The main thing is to read the instructions carefully and follow all safety precautions.

Affected plants must be quarantined. Usually 3-4 insecticide treatments are sufficient. If pests still remain, you need to change the product.

Precautionary measures

Make sure that the drugs you use do not cause harm:

  1. Chemicals should only be used in a well-ventilated area.
  2. Keep children and pets away from the area.
  3. To avoid poisoning, use personal protective equipment.

Preventive measures

  1. Periodically carefully inspect green spaces.
  2. Regularly replant grown flowers.
  3. Inspect the earthen ball during transplantation. Rinse the soil hot water(about 55°C).
  4. Properly care for flowers according to their preferences.
  5. Promptly remove dying parts of the plant. Dried leaves can serve as a convenient hiding place for various pests.
  6. Before planting, scald the pots with boiling water and steam the soil.
  7. Observe quarantine measures for new plants.

Insects - an integral part of any ecosystem, but there is no place for them on the landscaped windowsills of apartments. Especially if mealybugs appear on indoor plants. You know how to deal with the pest. Therefore, use any available methods. After all, healthy house plants without pests actively develop and delight the eye with bright greenery and abundant flowering.

Fusarium rot. The causative agent is a fungus Fusarium oxysporum Schl The mycelium infects the roots and penetrates the root collar and stems. With this disease of garden flowers, the flow of flowers stops. nutrients, the plants' shoots and leaves turn yellow, turn brown and dry out, and the roots rot. On sections with an abundance of moisture, dense grayish-white mycelium appears.

Control measures. Culling affected plants. To treat this disease of flowers, you need to water the soil with drugs: phytosporin, gamair, alirin-B.

Phyllosticosis. The causative agent is a fungus Phyllosticta aquilegicola Brun.- causes the appearance of large, irregular shape, vague light brown spots without obvious bordering. By autumn, small black dotted spots form in the necrotic tissue. fruiting bodies.

Control measures. Collection of plant residues, spraying in spring and autumn with Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

Powdery mildew. The causative agent is the fungus Erysiphe communis Grev. f. aquilegiae West. A white powdery coating of sporulation develops on the upper side of young leaves. Over time, it turns brown, and dotted black fruiting bodies form in it. The leaves turn yellow and dry out.

Control measures. Collection of plant residues, spraying with preparations: speed, pureflower, keeper, topaz, thiovit Jet.

Diseases and pests of asparagus flower: photos and preparations for treatment

Fusarium rot. The causative agent is a fungus Fusarium oxysporum Schl.

Control measures. Culling of affected plants, spilling the soil with preparations: phytosporin, gamair, alirin-B. At industrial cultivation They are treated with drugs: benomyl, benazole, benorad.

Gray rot. The causative agent is a fungus Botrytis cinerea Pers.. Large brown confluent spots without borders appear on leaves and young shoots. IN hot weather the tissues of the spots crack and fall out; in the presence of moisture, the spots quickly enlarge, become covered with a smoky-gray coating of sporulation, the leaves and stems rot.

Control measures.

Twelve point asparagus rattle Crioceris duodecimpunctata L. A small beetle 5-6.5 mm long, with 6 black spots on its reddish-yellow elytra. Antennae, legs, abdomen are black.

As you can see in the photo, the larvae of this flower pest are dark yellow, 6-7 mm long, with dark legs and a light head:

Adults overwinter under the leaves, in June they fly to asparagus and lay eggs. Flower pest beetles in the garden skeletonize, eat leaves and stems, larvae gnaw leaves and fruits, 2 generations develop.

Control measures. Removing leaves in autumn. What can you water the flowers against these pests? Effective drugs: fufanon, spark, kinmiks, Inta-Vir.

How to treat astilbe flower diseases

Fusarium rot. Pathogen - mushroom Fusarium oxysporum Schl. - preserved in soil and plant residues.

Control measures. Using high-quality planting material,

Gray rot. The causative agent is a fungus Botrytis cinerea Pers.. With this disease, large brown confluent spots without borders appear on the leaves of flowers and young shoots. In hot weather, the tissues of the spots crack and fall out; in the presence of moisture, the spots quickly enlarge, become covered with a smoky-gray coating of sporulation, and the leaves and stems rot. The spread of the disease is facilitated by an abundance of precipitation, sharp fluctuations in daily temperatures, and dense plantings. The infection persists in plant debris.

Control measures. Collection of plant residues, thinning of plants. By effective means For this disease of flowers there are drugs: fast, pure flower, guardian, agro-medicine.

Phyllostictosis spot. The causative agent is a fungus Phyllosticta vulgaris Desm.- causes the appearance of large round spots on the leaves olive color. Over time, the spots lighten, and a thin dark border becomes noticeable. Dark pycnidia are formed on the upper side. Affected leaves turn yellow and dry out prematurely. The infection persists in plant debris.

Control measures.

Diseases of the bergenia flower: photos and treatment

Gray rot. Pathogen - mushroom Botrytis cinerea Pers.

Control measures. Collection of fallen leaves, thinning of plants, compliance with the requirements of agricultural cultivation techniques, spraying with one of the preparations: quick, pure flower, keeper, agro-medicine.

Ramulariasis. The causative agent is a fungus Ramularia bergeniae Vasjag. - causes spots to appear on both sides of the leaves and on the petioles. The spots are numerous, small, round, light brown with a sharply defined dark border, red-brown on the underside with a light center. The petioles are red-brown, elongated, depressed. Over time, they merge into large necrosis and cause premature drying of the leaves.

Control measures.

Alternaria blight. The causative agent is a fungus Alternaria tenuis Nees. - causes the appearance of reddish-crimson spots without borders along the edges of old overwintered leaves. The spots grow, turn brown, dry out, and a dense, dark brown coating of sporulation fungus develops on the underside, the spores of which infect neighboring leaves. The infection persists in leaves and plant debris.

Control measures. Collection of plant residues, preventive spraying in spring and autumn with Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

You can see how these flower diseases are treated in the photos below:

How to spray geranium flowers against diseases and pests

Geranium powdery mildew. Pathogens - fungi Sphaerotheca macularis Magn. f. gerani poteb. and Erysiphe communis Grev. f. geraniacearum Room. The first mushroom forms a dense white gray coating on the leaves and petioles, in which brown fruiting bodies are formed. The second has a white, cobwebby coating that quickly disappears; the fruiting bodies are dark brown. Affected leaves dry out.

Control measures. Spraying with the following preparations in the spring: skor, rayok, keeper, pure flower, topaz, thiovit Jet.

Rust. The causative agent is a fungus Puccinia pelargoniizonalis Dge. In summer, numerous small round yellowish spots appear on the leaves on the upper side, which turn brown over time. Brown, darkening pustules form on the underside of the spots. Affected leaves dry out.

Control measures. Collecting plant residues, spraying with Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes in the spring.

Slobbering Penny Philaenus spumarius L. A large sucking insect up to 10 mm long, yellow-brown to black in color. Can fly and jump. The larvae of this garden flower pest are greenish-yellow with red eyes and feed on leaves and shoots in a saliva-like foam. The eggs overwinter in the tissues of the buds and young stems. In the spring, the larvae emerge and feed on tissue sap. Damaged leaves become deformed and dry out.

Control measures. Collection and destruction of larvae. How can you treat flowers against these pests? Spraying with the following preparations is effective against pennies: fufanon, spark, kinmiks, biotlin. Intya-Vip.

How to treat elecampane flower diseases

Powdery mildew. The causative agent is a fungus Erysiphe cichoracearum DC. f. inulae Jacz. causes the spread of a grayish-white cobwebby, quickly disappearing coating of sporulation on the leaves. Over time, dark brown, dotted fruiting bodies form in it. The leaves turn yellow and dry out.

Control measures. Collecting plant residues, spraying with preparations in the spring: skor, rayok, keeper, pure flower, topaz, thiovit Jet.

Rust. The causative agent is a fungus Puccinia inulaecaricis Tranz.- miscellaneous. It constantly develops on sedge, and in summer it develops on elecampane, on the leaves of which numerous orange convex pustules form on the underside. The leaves turn brown and dry out.

Control measures. Collection of plant residues, preventive spraying with Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

Ramulariasis. The causative agent is a fungus Ramularia inulae (Sacc.) v. Hoehn.- spots are grayish-brown or brown, numerous, of various shapes, sometimes merging. A white or reddish coating of sporulation develops on the underside. The leaves are drying up.

Control measures. Collection of plant residues, preventive spraying in spring and autumn with Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

How to deal with delphinium flower diseases

Fusarium rot. The causative agent is a fungus Fusarium oxysporum Schl.- preserved in soil and plant residues.

Control measures. Culling of affected plants, spilling the soil with preparations: phytosporin, gamair, alirin-B. When industrially growing crops, treatments are carried out with basezole analogues (benomyl, benazol, benorad).

Black bacterial spot. The causative agent is a bacterium Pseudomonas delphinii Stapp. - causes the appearance on the leaves of numerous round spots of black-brown color with a convex surface and concentric zoning. Over time, the spots merge, crack and fall out. The spots on the stems are depressed, brown, elongated. The affected stem turns brown, rots and breaks.

Control measures. Using high-quality planting material, culling diseased plants, spraying with Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

Septoria delphinium blight. The causative agent is a fungus Septoria delphinella Sacc. - causes the appearance of rounded dark olive spots on the leaves. Over time, the center of the spots becomes lighter, but a thin dark border remains. Affected leaves turn yellow and dry out.

Control measures. Using high-quality planting material, culling diseased plants, spraying in spring and autumn with Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

Protecting the iris flower from disease

Fusarium rot. Pathogens - fungi Fusarium oxysporum Schl., F. culmorum (W.G.Sm.) Sacc.-Stored in soil and plant residues. The mycelium infects the roots and penetrates through the vascular system into the root collar and stems. The flow of nutrients stops, the plants' shoots and leaves turn yellow, turn brown and dry out, and the roots rot.

Control measures. Culling of affected plants, spilling the soil with preparations: phytosporin, gamair, alirin-B. When industrially growing crops, treatments are carried out with basezole analogues (benomyl, benazol, benorad).

Soft bacterial rot. The causative agent is a bacterium In spring, yellow-brown soft necrosis is observed on rhizomes and leaves. As the leaves grow, they turn brown, rot from the base, and fall like fans to the ground. When there is an abundance of rainfall, the rhizomes rot, the tissues soften, turning into a rotten mass with a pungent odor.

Control measures. Using healthy planting material, collecting plant debris, stripping rhizomes to healthy tissue and cauterizing with a black solution of potassium permanganate.

Heterosporiasis. The causative agent is a fungus Heterosporium glacile Sacc. - causes the appearance on the leaves of numerous oblong spots of a grayish-brown color with a dark border. The leaves turn brown and dry out, and olive-black sporulation of the fungus develops on the surface of the spots.

Control measures. Spraying with Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

How to get rid of diseases and pests of the carnation flower

Fusarium rot. The causative agent is the fungus Fusarium oxysporum Schl. f. dianthi (Prill, et Del.) Bilai. The roots and stems turn brown and rot, the plant loses turgor, withers and turns yellow. The leaves acquire a red-brown tint, and grayish-pink sporulation of the fungus develops on sections of stems and roots. The infection persists in plant debris.

Control measures. Culling of affected plants, spilling the soil in spring with preparations: phytosporin, gamair, alirin-B. When industrially growing crops, treatments are carried out with basezole analogues (benomyl, benazol, benorad).

Gray rot. Pathogen - mushroom Botrytis cinerea Pers.

Control measures. Collection of fallen leaves, thinning of plants, compliance with the requirements of agricultural cultivation techniques, spraying with one of the preparations: quick, pure flower, keeper, agro-medicine.

Ascochytaosis. The causative agent is a fungus Ascochyta dianthi Berk.- causes the appearance on the leaves of numerous round spots of a grayish-brown color, merging and drying out. Over time, pinpoint brown fruiting bodies of the overwintering stage of the fungus form on the surface. The infection persists in plant debris.

Control measures. Collection of plant residues, preventive spraying in the spring with Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

Alternaria blight. The causative agent is a fungus Alternaria dianthi Stev. et Hall. Rounded and elongated spots of brown or ashen color without borders appear on the leaves and stems. Leaf blades curl and dry out, ulcerations and deformation appear on the stems. A dense, olive-black coating of sporulation develops on the affected tissues.

Control measures. The same as against ascochyta blight.

Rust. Pathogens - fungi Uromym caryophyllinus (Schrank) Wint. and Puccinia arenariae (Schum.) Wint. The first fungus causes the formation of small, round, powdery brown uredopustules and round, merging powdery brown-black telopustules on both sides of the leaf. The second mushroom forms mainly only teletopustules on the lower side. They are numerous, round, merging, dark brown, non-powdery. In this case, yellow-brown drying spots appear on the upper side of the leaves, surrounded by a chlorotic halo. The infection persists in plant debris.

Control measures. This flower disease should be treated in the same way as ascochyta blight.

Orthosia stabilis Schiff. Brownish-red butterfly with a wingspan of 35 mm. The caterpillars of these flower leaf pests are green, with five yellowish longitudinal lines on the back and small yellow dots. The penultimate ring has a transverse yellow stripe. Pupae overwinter, butterflies fly in April, caterpillars feed from late May to June, roughly gnawing leaves of trees and shrubs.

Control measures. To combat these flower pests, spraying is carried out in the spring with the following preparations: Kinmiks, Fufanon, Spark, Inta-Vir.

How to water a daylily flower against pests and diseases

Snow mold. Pathogens - fungi Fusarium oxysporum Schl., Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) d. By., Botrytis cinerea Pers., Alternaria tenuis Nees., preserved in the soil on plant residues. In the spring, after the snow melts, overwintered leaves are covered with a grayish-white dense coating of mycelium. Over time, the mycelium dries out, but the infection persists, and rot may appear in the summer.

Control measures. Collection of plant residues, culling of affected plants, spilling the soil with preparations: phytosporin, gamair, alirin-B. During industrial cultivation, treatments are carried out with basezole analogues (benomyl, benazol, benorad).

Heterosporiasis. The causative agent is a fungus Heterosporium glacile Sacc.- causes the appearance of oblong grayish-brown spots with a dark border on the leaves. The leaves dry out, and olive-black sporulation of the fungus develops on the surface of the spots.

Control measures. Collection of plant residues, spraying with copper-containing preparations.

Tobacco thrips Thrips tabaci Lind. A very small sucking yellow-brown insect, 1-5 mm long, wings fringed with long hairs. These insect pests of flowers overwinter in the soil, emerge to the surface in early April, and feed thrips and larvae on the juice of the tissues of leaves and petals. Damaged tissues turn yellow, dry out, and the buds do not bloom. 3-4 generations develop.

Control measures. To treat flowers against these pests, the following drugs are used: fufanon, spark, fitoverm, actara, biotlin, Inta-Vir.

Fighting diseases and pests of lupine flowers

Powdery mildew. The causative agent is the fungus Erysiphe communis Qrev. f- lupini Room. - causes the appearance of a cobwebby grayish-white coating of sporulation on the leaves, petioles, and peduncles. Over time, dark dotted fruiting bodies form in it. The leaves dry out and the flower stalks become deformed.

Control measures. Collecting plant residues, spraying with preparations in the spring: speed, paradise, pure flower, keeper, topaz, thiovit Jet.

Septoria. The causative agent is the fungus Septoria lupini Kazn. - causes the appearance on the leaves of single round spots, up to 10 mm in diameter, initially dark brown, eventually turning pale yellow, surrounded by a bright dark brown border. Numerous pinpoint black fruiting bodies are formed in the necrotic tissue.

Control measures. Collection and burning of plant residues, spraying with copper-containing preparations.

Meadow bug Lygus rugulipennis Popp. A sucking insect 5-5.5 mm long, greenish-gray, rusty-yellow in color. The base of the fore wings of these flower leaf pests is leathery, the apex is membranous, and the hind wings are membranous. Adult bugs overwinter under plant debris; in the spring, females lay eggs on petioles and leaves. The larvae are similar to adult bedbugs, but smaller in size.

Control measures. Effective remedies against these flower pests are: fufanon, spark, kinmiks, Inta-Vir.

Insect pests and diseases of mallow flower leaves

Gray rot. The causative agent is a fungus Botrytis cinerea Pers. Large brown merging spots without borders appear on the leaves and shoots. The tissues of the spots crack and fall out, and in the presence of moisture they become covered with a smoky-gray coating of sporulation.

Control measures. Collecting fallen leaves, complying with the requirements of agricultural cultivation techniques, spraying with one of the preparations: quick, pureflower, keeper, agromedicine.

Rust. The causative agent is a fungus Puccinia malvacearum Mont. Teleithopustules form on the underside of the leaves and on the petioles. At first they are brownish-brown, later ash-gray, dense, round, breaking through the epidermis. Affected leaves dry out quickly.

Control measures. Collecting plant residues, spraying with Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

Common red bug Pyrrhocoris apterus L. A large sucking insect 9-11 mm long and brightly colored. The body, abdominal rim are red, the head, antennae, legs, spots on the elytra are black. Bedbugs overwinter in crevices in the bark of trunks and stumps. In spring they come to the surface and form large clusters. Females lay eggs from May. The larvae feed until autumn on the leaves of trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants. In autumn they descend and spend the winter.

Control measures. To protect flowers from these pests in the spring, spraying is carried out with one of the following preparations: fufanon, kinmiks, spark M, Inta-Vir.

How to deal with diseases and pests of the nevberry flower

Fusarium rot. The causative agent is a fungus Fusarium oxysporum gchl.- preserved in soil and plant residues. The mycelium infects the roots and penetrates through the vascular system into the root collar and stems. The flow of nutrients stops, the plants' shoots and leaves turn yellow, turn brown and dry out, and the roots rot. On sections of parts, when there is an abundance of moisture, dense grayish-white mycelium appears.

Control measures. Culling of affected plants, spilling the soil with preparations: phytosporin, gamair, alirin-B. When industrially growing crops, treatments are carried out with basezole analogues (benomyl, benazol, benorad).

Soft bacterial rot. The causative agent is a bacterium Erwinia carotovora (Jones.) Holl. The plants' stems and leaves turn yellow and rot from the base. The affected tissues soften and acquire an unpleasant smell of rot. A mucous exudate appears in the moist chamber. The infection persists in plant debris and in infected plants.

Control measures. Removing plant residues, rotten plants, spilling with a red solution of potassium permanganate.

Septoria spot. The causative agent is a fungus Septoria leucanthemi Sacc. et Speg. The spots on the leaves are depressed, rounded-angular, brown-ocher in color, which darken over time, crack and fall out, leaving a thin brown border.

Control measures. Collecting plant residues, spraying with Bordeaux mixture or its substitute.

Diseases and pests of the comfrey flower: photos and control measures

Gray rot. The causative agent is a fungus Botrytis cinerea Pers. Large brown confluent spots without borders appear on leaves and young shoots.

Look at the photo - with this disease of flowers in hot weather, the tissues of the spots crack and fall out:

In the presence of moisture, the spots quickly increase in size, become covered with a smoky-gray coating of sporulation, and the leaves and stems rot. The spread of the disease is facilitated by an abundance of precipitation, sharp fluctuations in daily temperatures, and dense plantings.

Control measures. Compliance with the requirements of agricultural cultivation technology, collection of plant residues, thinning of plants, spraying with one of the preparations: quick, pure flower, keeper, agromedicine.

Powdery mildew. The causative agent is a fungus Erysiphe communis Grev. f. symphyti Jacz.- causes the appearance of a grayish-white cobwebby coating of sporulation on the leaves, in which dotted fruiting bodies are formed over time dark brown. Affected leaves turn yellow and dry out.

Control measures. Collecting plant residues, spraying at the first symptoms with drugs: speed, paradise, pureflower, keeper, topaz, thiovit Jet.

Click beetles. These are small, medium or large insects from 1 to 60 millimeters long, having an oblong and more or less flattened body.

Control measures. Drainage of low areas, liming acidic soils, removal of weeds, application of diazinon-based preparations in the spring: Barguzin, provotox, medvetox, zemlin. How can you spray flowers against these pests? The following drugs are used against beetles: fufanon, spark, kinmiks, Inta-Vir.

How to treat peony flower diseases

Fusarium rot. The causative agent is a fungus Fusarium oxysporum Schl. - preserved in soil and plant residues.

Control measures. Use of high-quality planting material, compliance with all requirements of agricultural cultivation technology. Culling of affected plants, spilling the soil with preparations: phytosporin, gamair, alirin-B. When industrially growing crops, treatments are carried out with basezole analogues (benomyl, benazol, benorad).

White rot. The causative agent is a fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) d. By. - causes rot of roots, rhizomes and bulbs of plants. The roots turn brown and rot. On the affected tissues, dense cotton wool-like white mycelium develops, in which dense, irregularly shaped black sclerotia are formed, the inside of which is light. When there is an abundance of rainfall, the base of the stems often turns brown and rots, and watery spots appear on the leaves. brown spots, the buds do not open and dry out.

Control measures. The same as against fusarium rot.

Rust. The causative agent is a fungus Cronarium flaccidum (Alb. et Schw.) Wint.- multi-owner. Its main development takes place on Scots pine, and in the spring spores from it infect peonies. Small, numerous brown spots appear on the upper side of the leaves, and orange, gradually turning brown pustules form on the underside of the spots. Affected leaves curl and dry out.

Control measures. Collecting plant residues, spraying with Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

How to get rid of hosta flower diseases and pests

Phyllosticosis. The causative agent is a fungus Phyllosticta aspidistrae Oud. - causes the appearance of rounded-angular spots of light brown color with a darker border. Small brown fruiting bodies of the wintering stage are formed in the necrotic tissue, the spots dry out, crack and fall out.

Control measures.

Anthracnose. The causative agent is a fungus Colletotrichum omnivorum Halst. Brown confluent spots of irregular shape appear on the leaves in the upper part as a type of marginal necrosis. The leaves gradually dry out and numerous dark sporulation pads form on the surface of the spots.

Control measures. The same as against phyllosticosis.

Garden or grape snail -Helix pomatia. A gastropod with a spirally twisted shell, up to 5 cm in diameter. There are two pairs of tentacles on the head, the wide lower part represents the leg, with the help of which the snails move and leave a characteristic mucous trail. Two generations develop per year. Females lay eggs in the soil near plants. They live in damp, shaded places, in dense plantings, feeding on leaves, green shoots, and fruits. Damages all plants.

Control measures. To combat these flower pests as effectively as possible, you need to collect and destroy single individuals, remove weeds, thin out dense plantings, and drain low areas.

Treatment of chrysanthemum flower diseases

Fusarium rot. The causative agent is a fungus Fusarium oxysporum Schl.- preserved in soil and plant residues.

Control measures. Using healthy planting material. Culling of affected plants, spilling the soil with preparations: phytosporin, gamair, alirin-B. When industrially growing crops, treatments are carried out with basezole analogues (benomyl, benazol, benorad).

Bacterial spotting. The causative agent is a bacterium Pseudomonas syringae van Hall. Yellowish translucent spots appear along the edges of the leaves, which gradually turn black and dry out. Affected leaves curl and fall off. At high humidity exudate appears on the tissues, consisting of a huge number of bacteria, odorless.

Control measures. Collection of plant residues, culling of heavily affected plants, preventive spraying with Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

Mottling of the veins of chrysanthemum leaves. The causative agent is Chrysanthemum vein mottle virus. - causes mild chlorosis of the veins on young leaves and the appearance of numerous small yellowish spots between the veins. The stains become visible, dry out, the fabric falls out, and small holes form. The virus is transmitted by aphids.

Control measures. Removal of individual stems with symptoms, culling of heavily affected plants, spraying against aphids and other pests with drugs: fufanon, spark, kinmiks, Inta-Vir.

Protecting phlox from diseases and pests

Verticillium wilt. The causative agent is a fungus Verticillium albo-atrum R. et B. - a soil pathogen that causes wilting and death of plants during the growing season. Stems with leaves and buds suddenly turn yellow, turn brown and dry out. The mycelium penetrates from the roots into vascular system and fills it with its biological mass, because of this the flow of nutrients stops. On sections of the affected parts, a weak, barely noticeable grayish coating of mycelium with spores develops.

Control measures. Use of high-quality healthy planting material, compliance with all requirements of agricultural technology for growing this crop. Culling of affected plants, spilling the soil with preparations: phytosporin, gamair, alirin-B. When industrially growing crops, treatments are carried out with basezole analogues (benomyl, benazol, benorad).

Powdery mildew. The causative agent is the fungus Erysiphe cichoracearum DC. f. phlogis Jacz.- causes the formation of a dense grayish-white coating on the leaves and shoots, which completely covers the bushes. Over time, the plaque darkens, pinpoint black fruiting bodies of the wintering stage form in it, the leaves turn brown and dry out.

Control measures. Collecting plant residues, spraying at the first symptoms with one of the drugs: speed, paradise, pureflower, keeper, topaz, thiovit Jet.

Septoria spot. The causative agent is a fungus Septoria phlogis Sacc. et Speg. - causes the appearance on the leaves of numerous small spots with a diameter of 1-3 mm, brown, later turning white and merging into large necrosis. Over time, pinpoint black pycnidia form on the upper side. Other pathogens are also common: Septoria phlogina Bond., S. divaricatae Ell. et Ev., S. drummondii Ell. et Ev. The spots are small, olive green or pale ocher, but always white and surrounded by a border of different colors.

Control measures. Collection of plant residues, preventive spraying with Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

Penny is slobbering. A large sucking insect up to 10 mm long, yellow-brown to black in color. Can fly and jump.

Control measures. To get rid of these flower pests as quickly as possible, you need to collect and destroy the larvae, spray the plants with drugs: fufanon, spark, kinmiks, biotlin, Inta-Vir.

Cabbage scoop. The caterpillars of these flower leaf pests are green, with five yellowish longitudinal lines on the back and small yellow dots.

Control measures. Preventive and eradicative spraying in spring and summer with drugs against flower pests: fufanon, spark, kinmiks, Inta-Vir.

Fawn leaf beetle Labidostomis lucida Germ. A beetle 5-9 mm long with an elongated body. The pronotum is blue or green, with sparse small dots, shiny, the elytra are yellow with a black spot on the shoulders. Feeds in April-May on all bushes and herbaceous plants, where it eats leaves.

Control measures. Collection and destruction of individual beetles and preventive spraying of plants against a complex of pests also reduce the number of leaf beetles. They use one of the drugs: fufanon, spark, kinmiks, Inta-Vir.