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» What to do if there is groundwater under the house. What to do if water appears in the basement of a multi-apartment building? Where does water come from in the basement?

What to do if there is groundwater under the house. What to do if water appears in the basement of a multi-apartment building? Where does water come from in the basement?

All owners of private houses are familiar with the problem of a flooded basement. Moreover, this is faced not only by dacha owners, but also by city residents. The time for flooding of basements is spring. This happens during a period of intense snow melting. The groundwater level rises, the earth absorbs this water and retains it for a long time.

Many basement owners, when they see water standing in their basement, abandon their storage facilities and don't even try to drain and restore it. They believe that it will be easier to purchase a new cellar. But some take a more thorough approach to this issue and prepare their storage for possible natural influences.

First of all, careful sealing of the walls and floor is necessary. In addition, care must be taken to construct a water outlet. If, in spite of everything, there is water in the basement of a private house, what to do, it is necessary to take all measures to ensure that it stays there as little as possible. Later in this article we will look at the main methods of dealing with basement flooding.

Reasons for the appearance of water

The normal functioning of all life support systems of the home is ensured by optimal conditions for the life of all family members. But violation of technology during construction leads to the emergence of various unpleasant situations during operation. As a rule, they happen in the spring. Such situations include the presence of groundwater in the basement, what to do?

Among the main reasons for the appearance of water in the garage basement are the following:

  1. Cracks in the base of the foundation.
  2. Heavy seasonal rainfall.
  3. High groundwater level.

Errors in technological process or incorrect installation measures can lead to cracks. There are also cases when moisture enters the basement of a house through capillary action. All this leads to the spread of fungus and mold. This happens if the ventilation and waterproofing of the country house basement are ineffective.

At the stage of building a house, it is necessary to take into account the features of the topography and pressure leaks. One of the main parameters that determine the location of the future foundation is the presence and depth of groundwater and the location of moisture accumulation in the soil. At the same time, the project must include the possibility of increasing them and methods of protection. When there is heavy flooding, calcium is washed out of concrete, which reduces the reliability and strength of the structure as a whole.

Comprehensive protection of the basement from moisture

"Miser pays twice". This well-known truth is also true when equipping your home with a cellar. It will be much cheaper to build a basement right away, following all the technologies, than to later wonder how to get rid of water in the cellar.

It is always easier to prevent a problem than to solve it. Therefore, a prudent owner, first of all, will think about organizing the waterproofing of the cellar and the drainage system of the basement of his house. If there is a drainage system, moisture will bypass the subfloor and go deep into the soil.

But don’t be upset if you started thinking about the safety of your basements after groundwater they began to manage things in the basement. Experts will help you develop a water protection action plan, taking into account the configuration, size and location of your building. For example, drainage channels can be erected around the perimeter of the building after construction is completed. They can also be installed inside the basement if the configuration allows it. In such cases, a false floor is used.

Drainage systems have been mentioned many times in this article, let's take a closer look at their properties and design. As already mentioned, the main task of internal drainage is drainage and drainage of land. Therefore, the design of a groundwater drainage system contains the following components: a well, trenches and pipes. The most the right option There will be a drainage system installed at the laying stage in the basements. If you follow the technical process and construction rules, drainage will once and for all solve the drainage problem in your home.

The main element of the drainage design is a pipe of at least 10 centimeters in diameter. It should also have holes along the entire surface of the specialty through which groundwater causes flooding and accumulates in the collector. Effective drainage and collection of water should be ensured by a trench with a slope below the floor level. To protect against flooding, filter materials are used, for example, crushed stone or geotextiles. Typically, drainage is carried out to the central sewer, where a significant volume of groundwater will accumulate.

Installation of drainage systems includes the following steps:

  1. A trench is dug around the foundation. You can also build a deep well ten to fifteen meters from the building. The slope of the trench should allow the unobstructed passage of water.
  2. Next, the geotextile can be laid directly on the ground, and all this is covered with a ten-centimeter layer of crushed stone. This completes the primary layer that filters groundwater.
  3. The next step will be laying a drainage pipe on the crushed stone. At the same time, keep the slope under control throughout the entire trench. The outlet pipe must enter the well through a tee.
  4. After laying, the pipe is covered with crushed stone, leaving about 30 centimeters to the edges. Fold the free edges of the geotextile on top of the crushed stone bedding. Thanks to these actions, you can completely isolate the soil and drainage. Finally, the trench is filled with sand.

The result of the work done will be reliable drainage. In this case, crushed stone and geotextiles will act as a filter for the perforated pipe. Sand and gravel will transport moisture from the soil to the drainage.

Thus, drainage channels installed around the basement will be able to eliminate the main cause of flooding - excessive groundwater levels. However, such systems also have disadvantages - not every basement design will allow the installation drainage system.

However, under certain conditions, it is possible to build drainage indoors. The arrangement process is not very different from the traditional one, with the exception of the floor screed stage. You also need to take into account that the drainage system eats up 0.3 meters of the height of the cellar.

Automatic water pumping system

Not every configuration basement makes it possible to create a slope for water drainage. In this case, an automatic water pumping system is used.

Let's take a closer look at the stages of creating an automatic water pumping system:

  1. A water collection pit is being made in the basement. A hole is dug with a perimeter of half a meter by half a meter and 50 cm in depth. It must also be strengthened brickwork or concrete. Next, about 0.1 meters of gravel is placed in the hole.
  2. At the next stage, the owner of the cellar will have to purchase an automatic drainage pump that triggers at a certain water level.

The basic rules for installing such structures are quite simple. The pump, with special hoses connected to it, is placed in a dug hole. The hoses are routed outside as far as possible from the room. If the groundwater level increases, its excess will first accumulate in the prepared pit. In this case, you should resort to using a pump that will pump out water until the level of flooding water drops to a minimum.

The advantages of the system are its relative simplicity and low cost of drying. In addition, all these nodes are quite easy to configure. However, this was not without its drawbacks. One of the vulnerable links in the system is the pump. If it fails, the entire assembly will have to be replaced. And don’t forget that by pumping out excess moisture, you will not get rid of the problem as a whole!

Basement waterproofing

A high-quality water barrier will help ensure waterproofing of floors and walls. Typically, waterproofing layers contain three layers: penetrating waterproofing, mastic, and plaster. All three layers are applied with a reserve in height, since it can be quite difficult to predict the height of flooding.

What we need for high-quality waterproofing:

  1. First, let's purchase materials for waterproofing (for example, Penetron or Hydrotex).
  2. You will need bitumen mastic, waterproof cement, sand and mesh for plaster.
  3. From the tools we will take a spatula, a hard brush and a container for preparing the solution.
  4. And finally, we will need a clean, prepared room, from which, if necessary, we need to pump out water.

Installation of waterproofing:

  1. First, we treat the walls and concrete floor with waterproofing. This composition has the property of being absorbed to a great depth and closing cracks.
  2. Bitumen mastic will hide joints and seams concrete structures. Finally, apply an even layer of a couple of centimeters of mastic to the remaining surfaces.
  3. For better fastening of the plaster, a mesh should be installed on the wall. The plaster itself should be applied in an even layer, 3 cm thick.
  4. Finally, the mesh on the floor is poured with cement mortar. And when all the plaster has dried, we can consider that the waterproofing process is complete!

How to dry a cellar after flooding

In addition to groundwater, dampness in the underground wooden house may also appear due to bad organized ventilation. The first thing to do to eliminate a flood is to check the cleanliness ventilation ducts and, if necessary, clean them. If the ventilation is clean, but the dampness still does not go away, it means that the exhaust and air supply are designed or built incorrectly. All this happens when the air in the basement is colder than outside. As is known, heavy cold air it will not go up the special pipe itself, which means forced ventilation is needed.

The main option for drying a basement, in this case, is to install a powerful exhaust fan and ensure maximum comfortable conditions for air entering the cellar. With this organization of air mass circulation, your cellar can dry out completely in a week.

There is also a “folk” way to dry a cellar - stimulating air movement using a candle. If you use electrical appliances impossible, you will have to slightly modify the configuration of the exhaust pipe (the one located under the ceiling). It needs to be extended to the floor, so that there is about fifteen centimeters left to it. A candle is placed in the resulting space, which is designed to heat the air in various pipe diameters, thereby creating draft. It happens that one candle is not enough for good traction; in this case, a burner is used.

In any case, be careful, make sure that this entire structure does not set fire to nearby objects!


Waterproofing will not only prevent interaction with groundwater through cracks, but will also extend the life of your cellar. In addition, waterproofing can be placed in any basement, unlike its drainage counterpart.

After reading this article, you should not have any questions about how to remove water from the basement.

There is water in the basement of a private house - what to do? Many people ask this question this spring.

Radical homeowners simply stop using the cellar. More experienced people do not want to put up with the inevitable laws of nature. And they are doing the right thing, because eliminating water in the basement is quite possible. Moreover, today's technologies make it possible to get rid of this problem forever.

So, if you don’t want to stand waist-deep in water in your own basement, then read on.

Reasons for the appearance of water

Success in building a private house is providing the most comfortable conditions for all residents. The functioning of a building’s life support systems helps create optimal living conditions, and disruption of technology can lead to quite unpleasant situations. One of them is the penetration of water into the basement of a private house.

Main causes of the problem:

  • The appearance of cracks in the foundation of the house.
  • Excessive rainfall.

In the first case, there is water under the floor due to improperly carried out measures for laying the foundation, as well as errors in the technological process.

In addition to cracks, there are often cases of so-called capillary penetration of moisture into the basement of a building, resulting in the appearance of fungus and mold. This is a consequence of violations of construction technologies, as well as ineffective ventilation and waterproofing in the basement of the house.

The main source of increase in groundwater level is seasonal melting of snow and other precipitation.

In addition to weather conditions, different features terrain. During construction, it should be remembered that groundwater, as well as its depth, is very important factor building a house.

Rising groundwater levels can cause great damage to property and the strength of the foundation. At the time of flooding in the basement, calcium is washed out of the concrete, which reduces reliability and strength.

In order to avoid a water disaster, it is very important to take special measures aimed at eliminating the problem.

Solutions to the problem

Drainage system


It's pretty simple system, which is quite inexpensive. It installs very quickly and is easy to configure. However, this system has two major drawbacks.

Firstly, the pump works properly until it exhausts its service life, then it still has to be replaced.

Secondly, the water pumping system, unfortunately, will not eliminate main reason flooding, but will only relieve the consequences for some time.

Internal waterproofing of walls inside the basement

If there is water under the house, then in addition to installing drainage, it is advisable to make walls from the inside of the room. Flooding of the basement in a private house indicates that during the construction of the house big mistakes were made in assessing the hydrogeological conditions land plot, in the choice of design, as well as the installation of external waterproofing.

In this regard, installing an additional water barrier in the form of waterproofing the basement walls from the inside will definitely not be superfluous.

For high-quality waterproofing of walls inside the basement of a private house, the so-called systems are most suitable coating waterproofing based on polymer-cement materials.

Currently, manufacturers offer entire sets of materials for coating waterproofing walls. Such kits include reinforcing mesh, special primers, plastering compounds, as well as mastics for sealing walls, joints and seams.

Water appears in the basement of a private house in summer and spring. This can happen to any building, even if it has never been flooded before.

Causes of flooding

Floods occur during heavy rains in the summer or rapid melting of snow in the spring, and water also floods the underground in dry weather. The reason why this phenomenon occurs is due to seepage or leakage through walls or foundations from surface water and storm drains.

It is important to remember several factors.

  • Basements are prone to flooding. It is the lowest level of a building, built partially or completely below ground level.
  • Groundwater is located below the surface of the earth. The groundwater level may be higher than the basement floor.
  • The sewage system is located in the ground. This includes all types - storm, sanitary and combined. In most cases, sewerage is below the foundation; the water level in sewer systems is higher than the level of the basement floor.

If the groundwater levels or drains around the house are higher than the floor level, the liquid will automatically flow into the basement. For example, a crack in the foundation floor provides an ideal path for water to flow into the crawl space.

Sewer pipes always have a direction to and from the house. Under normal conditions, water flows from the house to the drain. If the system is disrupted, there is a possibility of a reverse process - the liquid will flow into the house.

Main problems:

  • the slope of the earth pushes the flow of water towards the house;
  • destroyed foundation - cracks that have arisen that allow water to flow down;
  • problems with pipes.

Flooding during dry weather

Most flooding events occur during wet weather, but it is possible that flooding will occur during dry weather. There are three common reasons:

  • Blocked or disturbed sanitary block. Over time, the sewer system becomes unusable. For example, tree roots can penetrate the pipe and cause it to deform. In this case, the normal drainage of liquid is blocked, and accumulation and inhibition of drainage processes occurs. This is usually waste water own home, which floods the basement. Liquid leakage from the shower stall, toilet, sink. The damaged structure needs maintenance, and eventually it needs to be replaced or rehabilitated.

  • Clogged plumbing unit. Another cause of sanitary drain blockage is what is flushed down the toilet. There is a list of things that should not be thrown down the toilet.

In case of blockage, it is better to seek help from a specialist. Toilets are designed for human waste and toilet paper.

  • Foundation drainage failure. Sections in basements are sometimes built in lower areas, which are usually wetter than others. In such cases, the foundation drainage system, such as a pump, must operate continuously to maintain the groundwater level around the foundation below the basement floor. If the system fails, liquid floods the basement.

Flooding during wet weather

Basement flooding during wet weather is more common than flooding during dry weather. Rain and meltwater load drainage systems, sewer pipes, found underground. With such a load on the surface, there are reasons why water leaked into the basement.

Surface inflow or flooding on the surface of the earth. During periods of heavy rain or melting snow, surface water drains around the house or accumulates in hard to reach places such as driveways or roads adjacent to the house.

Waterproofing is considered part of the foundation drainage system. There are three main causes of foundation flooding in this category, all of which are generally the result of excessive groundwater around the foundation.

  • Seepage. If the groundwater level rises, liquid can enter the basement through cracks, holes, and other pathways. Usually this an old house or fragile materials, especially wooden structures, which have a porous structure.

In case of violation drainage materials and pipes around the foundation, water can also enter the foundation floor or walls through cracks and holes. This will happen during heavy rains, periods of snow thawing, when there is a lot of water in the ground.

  • Pump failure. If you have a pump installed in your basement, the item will need to be adjusted in order for it to work effectively. Pumps, when functioning properly and well maintained, move excess water over and away from the foundation of a home. This water should be directed towards the lawn or storm sewer. If the pumps cannot keep running, perhaps due to a power failure or malfunction, the groundwater level around the foundation rises to the point that it overflows from the sump basin onto the basement floor.
  • Filled sewer. This means that the pipes are full and the water level in the manholes may rise above top part pipes. The main reason for this is excess water in the sewer system, which eventually overloads the sewer system big amount water.

How to get rid of it?

In a flooded basement, liquid must be removed. An important matter is to maintain the integrity of the underground and, if necessary, remove things that are flooded by water.

Such a basement not only has unpleasant smell, but also poses a great risk to the preservation of the house. Moisture in the underground destroys floors and walls, promotes mold, and can even damage the roof.

Humidity must be dealt with immediately, since the fungus will harm the property and health of residents.

Some basements are easy to dry out, clean out gutters, and drain water away from the foundation. But if the problem comes from other sources - liquid flows to the house on the surface, seeping from underground, you need to take more active action.

There are several ways to get rid of liquid in the basement:

  • Add gutter extension. If your downspouts discharge water less than a mile from your home, you will need to direct the water further by adding plastic or metal gutters. Permanent underground drainage pipe invisible and able to move a large number of Wastewater into the sewer much further from the house.

  • Pipe surface rupture. If liquid leaks into the basement through cracks or gaps around water pipes, you can block the holes manually using hydraulic cement or polyurethane compound.

If liquid rises through the floor, the problem is groundwater and blocking the holes with compounds will not help.

  • Restoration of the earthen surface near the house. Over time, the soil around the foundation settles. To restore this area, a clay-loam mixture will be required.
  • Restoration of sewer pipes. If water is leaking in the crawl space low on the walls or in the seams where the walls meet the floor, the problem is hydrostatic pressure pushing water up from the ground. You need to check where underground pipes are installed to remove water from the foundation. You will need to look for a hatch or drain in the basement.

If the drains are clogged, clean out and flush the pipes with a garden hose. If this does not work, you should call a plumber or plumber.

  • Pump. To create internal system drain, you need to make a channel around the perimeter of the floor, fill it with concrete and lay a perforated pipe into the hole. The part goes into a tank in a low place in the basement.

This system is the best and least destructive option for the basement. This a good choice, if the yard is filled with flowers and greenery that destroy the external drainage system.

  • Waterproof wall. Installing an internal drainage system removes water but does not make it waterproof. For this you need external system– a drain that will reduce hydrostatic pressure and external waterproofing to protect the foundation.

This is a big job and requires excavation around the house. The disadvantage is the removal of a well, if there is one in the yard.

How to prevent it from occurring?

There are several methods to keep your basement dry and avoid flooding:

  • Focus on prevention. Before a flood situation arises, you need to inspect your property inside and out and determine what options there are for rainwater to escape from your home.
  • Remove leaves from your gutter in spring and fall. Blocked channels cause all the water on the roof to flow onto the foundation, increasing the likelihood of basement flooding.
  • Extend the rain gutter outside the house; it can be hidden in a pit. To fix the part, strengthen it with a solution using a small concrete plant, which is located on the site. Do not connect drainpipes to underground dry wells. This will lead to the fact that the water on the roof will further saturate the ground and in the future the liquid cannot be stopped; it will reach the basement.

  • During a heavy rainfall, watch the water accumulate around the house and see the underlying flow of the liquid. If surface water is heading towards a built home, contact a local contractor for tips on how to protect your yard so that water is directed away from the home.
  • Emergency electricity. Install an automatic generator to provide electrical service to critical equipment such as a furnace or electric heating, borehole pump, refrigerator, septic pump, in case of power loss. It is important to choose a place where there will be complete isolation from liquid. Without emergency power backup, you could return home to a flooded basement, frozen water lines, and a broken septic tank.
  • Insure property against flooding.

Drainpipes tend to constantly become clogged and holes appear on the surface of objects. Water flows down them around the perimeter of the house, rather than towards the corners and away from the house.

The water table may be high in the ground. The layer of earth becomes wet and puddles form on the surface; if there are cracks in the foundation of the house, liquid will seep into the basement.

Many people know that their home has this problem and they have chosen to install a septic tank to remedy the situation.

Basement flooding happens quite often. This problem is faced not only by summer residents, but also by city residents. As a rule, water appears in the basement or cellar in the spring when the snow melts. Despite the opportunity to drain the basement and make it again suitable for storing food, many people, after a one-time flood, simply abandon their storage facilities, preferring to purchase or build a new cellar.

To prevent the problem of basement flooding from bothering you, you must carefully seal the floor and walls of the room, as well as organize effective drainage of water from the building. If, despite all efforts, groundwater still penetrates into the cellar, then it should be disposed of very quickly so that the basement is not exposed to moisture for a long time.

It is much easier to prevent the problem of water penetration into the storage in advance than to deal with its consequences. You can get rid of groundwater by equipping the cellar with a drainage system. It is necessary to create a drainage system during the construction stage. Properly installed drainage will remove water from the area and protect the basement structures.

If the drainage system was not equipped at the construction stage, then you should not worry about this, because there is a way out of this situation, more on it later.

Accumulation of moisture in the soil

In order to quickly cope with the emerging problem of basement flooding, it is necessary to understand what constitutes moisture affecting the structure. The greatest danger to buildings is soil and groundwater.

High groundwater level in the area.

When digging a deep pit, you can notice that gradually sandy soil and loam begins to be replaced by denser clay rock. This is the so-called waterproof layer. After precipitation falls, huge volumes of water accumulate over such layers.

The walls and ceilings of the storage facility often stand in the way of the movement of soil moisture. In this case, a small underground lake forms near the wall, which begins to negatively affect the structure.

The basement can be easily protected from the effects of water coming from the soil surface. To do this, you need to arrange special mini-channels that will drain water from the building. But groundwater, which remains at the same level underground throughout the year, poses a great danger, and it is extremely difficult to get rid of it.

In particular, the type of foundation on which the building is erected depends on the depth of groundwater. If the building is supposed to have a basement (this is our case), then the optimal solution would be a monolithic reinforced concrete slab. This is a financially sound and in many ways truly a better foundation.

There is another way to protect the room from moisture. If you want to make the basement completely airtight, you can use a cast container - a caisson. However, caissons are quite expensive and do not always have required sizes. Therefore, this type of storage option is not considered by most summer residents and country homeowners.

Groundwater drainage system

In order not to think about how to remove water from the basement, you should immediately attend to the installation of proper drainage.

Scheme of water drainage from the basement.

By and large, good site drainage is a deep trench located below the base of the basement. The width of the trench, as a rule, does not exceed 10-15 cm. The trench is usually filled with coarse crushed stone, and a perforated pipe or gutter is installed in it. In addition, waterproofing must be arranged (for example, using geotextiles or thick agrill). The trench is filled with soil from above.

Drainage pipes.

Such drainage must be located at a slight slope from the building. Such a water drainage system will ensure the drainage, collection and removal of any moisture from a sufficiently large area. Of course, among other things, it is necessary to organize the removal of collected water outside the site.

If your house with a basement is located on a slope, then the drainage trench must be made from the side of the hill so that it goes around the building. And exits need to be made below the lowest part of the site. When there is no slope, you need to do drainage well, in which all the water collected from the site will be collected.

One of the most best methods drainage of melt water from the building consists of a compilation of drainage and drainage pipes. The second pipe must have maximum slope away from the site. Experts recommend using pipes with a diameter of at least 12-14 cm in this case. Even if soil and dry leaves accumulate in the gutter throughput the pipe will not come down.

The process of installing a drainage system.

In addition, it is very important to prevent perpendicular bends in the pipe (such as those around the garage), because they very often become clogged with leaves and debris. If the gutter length is more than 500 cm, two outlet channels must be provided. In addition, it is strictly not recommended to connect drainage pipes to the foundation drainage system. In this case, if the drainage pipe becomes clogged, the entire drainage system will soon become clogged. Then the water in the basement, cellar or inspection hole garage will become commonplace.

Comprehensive protection of the basement from moisture

Groundwater and melt water systematically replenish the soil around the foundation, so after some time the hydrostatic pressure increases, and moisture begins to seep through cracks in the foundation of the house. To ensure that the basement remains dry throughout its entire lifespan and that water does not accumulate in the cellar, it is necessary to make high-quality waterproofing. In most cases, this is done bitumen mastics and special mixtures. Coating-type waterproofing is applied to the surface from the outside.

The modern market offers all kinds of mastics, the basis of which is low molecular weight polyethylene or petroleum bitumen. Before application, these mixtures must be warmed up (otherwise proper insulation will not work). The performance characteristics of such insulators are much higher than those of conventional bitumen mastics.

There are three main components of high-quality moisture protection:

  • Insulation layer under the slab (cellar, garage, house) and good waterproofing walls
  • The presence of an internal drainage circuit (it is responsible for collecting moisture).
  • Efficient and stable sump pump.

Waterproofing the basement with bitumen mastic.

A monolithic slab in a cellar or basement is laid on a layer of gravel of 20-30 cm. This backfill must be done in order to provide a good gravel-sand cushion for concrete. This pad will be responsible for draining the soil under the slab. Vapor barrier materials are laid on the crushed stone layer (as a rule, many people use polyethylene). Rolls of vapor barrier must be laid with an overlap (by 40-60 cm), all visible joints must be sealed with construction tape.

Such insulation, in the opinion of many builders, is incorrect, because it will not allow the water that will necessarily be released from the spilled material to go into the ground. cement mortar. This is why concrete hardening will take a long time. The problem can be partially solved by laying a small layer of sand on vapor barrier material. You can also consider installing a vapor barrier layer under the gravel.

The pump is part of the drainage system

A water pump is one of the most important elements drainage If you use high-quality equipment, you can completely eliminate the possibility of moisture getting into the cellar or basement. It is important that the pump housing is cast iron. In addition, the drain pump must be able to pump out water in the presence of solids.

As a rule, pumps are mounted inside water tanks that collect and filter water. In turn, the water collector is installed in a layer of filler below the floor level in the cellar. Moisture penetrates into the container through the drainage system through the sides of the water collector.

But relying on this when using only one pump is dangerous. If, for example, the house is without power, the basement will quickly flood. And in this case it will be too late to do anything. To be on the safe side, experts recommend making a drainage system with two pumps. Moreover, the second one will run on a battery. Additional pump can be installed in the same water collection tank as the main one.

Highly efficient drainage systems have complete pumping stations, which are equipped with backup batteries, which allows you not to disrupt normal operation even during a long-term power outage. But is there a need to make such a drainage system on your site? Most likely, a simpler option will suit your needs.

Groundwater has an extremely negative impact on the house as a whole, as it brings with it a lot of complications and discomfort. This story can happen to home owners for many reasons. Mainly due to poor quality work done on waterproofing the room. As a result, cracks form in the ceilings or joints, through which moisture penetrates. Water may seep into the basement due to weather conditions(melted snow, excessive rain). But the probability of groundwater level disturbance, of course, exists and is extremely high.

After completing the internal work on horizontal waterproofing, you should then proceed to vertical waterproofing.

To the groundwater problem in country house did not bother me in the future, it must be eliminated. And it is possible to eliminate constant flooding of the basement only by improving or completely changing the waterproofing of the basement.

The importance of waterproofing your basement

The most dangerous seasons in terms of groundwater penetration into basements are considered to be autumn and spring. It is during these periods that it falls greatest number precipitation, which is why the groundwater level is extremely unstable

Basement insulation must begin with an analysis of the causes. It is necessary to find out what is the weak link in the process of protecting the basement from groundwater. There may be several options: a skipped stage of waterproofing work, poor-quality basement insulation, use of unsuitable waterproofing agents or their improper use, pipeline failure.

In general, if the basement is flooded, it loses its purpose (it becomes dangerous for storing food and for people to stay in it), and the property of isolating water in the basement for other rooms of the house is lost. It is constantly stored there high humidity, condensation And this subsequently leads to the appearance of various fungi, including mold. Need basement insulation.

Without fail, all basements of the house are located either above or below the groundwater level. And in order to carry out the appropriate work to eliminate leaks and avoid them in the future, it is necessary to be based on this level.

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Basement below groundwater

The methods for carrying out waterproofing work are the same, only the use is different. related materials, their price and quality.

Groundwater penetrates into the basement only through cracks in the floor and walls, corner joints of the floor and the wall. Since groundwater is located above the basement floor, therefore, the water pressure is very significant. For such work, you should choose only high-quality materials that have been proven by many years of experience, you should study everything deeply and consult with a specialist in this matter.

The scheme for waterproofing work, provided that the groundwater level is above the cellar floor, is as follows:

  • a trench is dug along the entire perimeter of the basement floor;
  • external walls are thoroughly cleaned of soil and other dirt;
  • work to restore the insulating properties of walls. The basement is insulated vertically and horizontally from water. For vertical waterproofing, you should use a penetrating water repellent and coating sealants. Water repellents should be selected in such a way that they contain antiseptics, water repellents and other moisture insulators;
  • laying drainage around the perimeter of the cellar. In the future, drainage will protect the walls of the building from excessive rainfall. To do this, storm storage tanks (pipes) are attached to storm water inlets under the drainage pipes. A storm well is installed not far from the cellar. Then the storm pipes are diverted to the well;
  • filling the trench, restoring the blind area around the entire perimeter of the basement.

Interior works include:

  • installation of a substrate for waterproofing;
  • corner joints between the floor and the wall are lined with self-swelling bentonite cord;
  • pouring concrete. Concrete must be enriched with water repellents and modified fibers.

If the groundwater level is much higher than the level of the cellar floor, then it would be very rational to install wells under the basement floor. Install special pumps in them. These self-submersible pumps are automatic and turn on when necessary to pump out groundwater. Then, when the critical water level in the basement of the house rises, it enters the well and is artificially drained from there. It is also necessary to restore the insulating properties of the walls. To do this, it is necessary to make holes at a height above the groundwater level. In them, special compositions of water repellents are pumped into the walls under pressure using appropriate technology.

After finishing interior work For horizontal waterproofing, you should move on to vertical. It includes the use of special protective compounds with penetrating action.

Further restoration work is underway ventilation system. She plays an important role in the basement. Supply and exhaust system balances the level of humidity in the room, helps get rid of or prevent the formation of mold spores, eliminates unpleasant odors.

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In the case when the groundwater in the basement is located below the basement floor, then drip suction occurs. This, in turn, entails the formation of condensation and the same mold.

For a similar location of groundwater waterproofing works cellars are carried out according to the following scheme:

  • a trench is dug along the entire perimeter of the basement;
  • cleaning the foundation walls;
  • Work is being carried out on horizontal insulation of walls. Special ones are pumped through the pits protective compounds;
  • Work is underway to vertically insulate the walls. For this work, special sealants with a penetrating effect are used; they cover the bases of the walls;
  • laying drainage around the perimeter of the building with equipment for storm drains and storm ditches;
  • restore the trench and blind area;
  • restore horizontal wall insulation inside the premises. To do this, waterproofing compounds are pumped into holes drilled in the walls in a certain sequence;
  • restore the ventilation system.

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External methods of basement insulation

There are other ways to protect the basement from groundwater penetration. Why is it worth choosing the most suitable materials and compositions for each specific case? One of the most common are dry mixes, bitumen-based compositions ( polymer tape, bitumen, polymer-bitumen putties), latex derivatives. As with everything, these materials have both positive and negative sides. But their principle is the same, it lies in the penetrating effect.

The principle of working with these compounds is quite primitive. All you need to do is cover the prepared walls and foundation with a mixture of waterproofing compound. This mixture will be an invisible film that has the property of repelling water, thereby protecting it from damage. Such protective compounds penetrate the walls and accumulate in them, thereby protecting the room throughout the entire operational period.

Compositions based on bitumen should be applied in two or even three layers. Only after the insulating composition has completely dried can other repair work begin.

Other ways to eliminate sludge and prevent moisture from entering are:

  • the outer wall of the basement is covered with a special mastic (or latex glue);
  • roofing felt is glued on top of the mastic (another material endowed with no less protective properties);
  • then another layer of insulating composition is applied;
  • a sheet of roofing material is glued so that it fits under the joints of the previous layer.