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» What repels wasps and bees. How can you get rid of wasps in the house and exterminate them in your summer cottage? Using Peppermint Oil

What repels wasps and bees. How can you get rid of wasps in the house and exterminate them in your summer cottage? Using Peppermint Oil

Wasps are more than just nuisance insects. They are dangerous because of their bites, which cause painful reactions on the skin and deterioration of well-being. Therefore, the owners country houses and information about what wasps are afraid of will be useful. Such knowledge will help you avoid unpleasant encounters.

Repelling wasps outdoors

The list of means to repel wasps in nature and in the open air is quite extensive. From there you can choose the one that suits you specific situation method.


By observing changes in the behavior of flying insects after lighting a fire, you can find the answer to the question of whether wasps are afraid of smoke. When he appears, they disappear because they cannot stand his pungent smell.

How is this used in practice? An outdated method is the fumigation of premises by lighting a portable stove. But today it is not used due to the risk of fire and the need to ventilate the building for a long time. In addition, the smell eats into wood, furniture and fabrics, so fumigation can only be used in brick non-residential buildings.

But at a picnic or similar, lighting a fire will scare away the wasps, and you can rest in peace. The effect will be enhanced by adding spruce or pine needles and wood to the firewood: when burned, they release strong-smelling substances, the aroma of which wasps cannot tolerate.


Many people are interested in whether wasps are afraid of water, because the liquid is always at hand. All flying insects do not like drops of moisture falling on their wings, because they interfere with their flight. For this reason in rainy weather It is almost impossible to see wasps: they hide in their hive or in other secluded corners. Therefore, if they appear near a person while swimming, you can try splashing water on them. Spraying from a spray bottle, if one is at hand, will also have a short-term effect on the enemy.

But water in the fight against wasps is mainly used to destroy hives located close to the ground. You can take a bucket or other similar container, the diameter of which exceeds the size of the nest, and place it on it from below for 5–10 minutes. The hole in the wasp house is located at the bottom, so the inhabitants will not have time to get out if they act quickly. When water fills the hive from the inside, its inhabitants will begin to die. After this, you can separate the nest from the surface to which it is attached and destroy it. The attachment point is treated with an insecticidal solution or potassium permanganate.

Before approaching a wasp nest, you need to protect yourself: wear thick clothing so that there is no exposed skin, including gloves and a mosquito mask.

Another way to use water against wasps is to knock the nest into a bucket of boiling water. This way the death of insects occurs much faster.


There are also flowers and herbs that repel wasps. These plants include those that are well known to everyone:

  • mint and lemon balm;
  • basil;
  • wormwood;
  • various types of geraniums.

Their smell from wasps produces an effect because they contain strong-smelling substances, primarily essential oils. For a person, they are either pleasant or neutral. But the insect will most likely prefer to fly around the garden with such plantings.

Plants against wasps will also bring other benefits: mint and lemon balm make wonderful teas with a calming effect, geraniums are a popular decoration for flower beds and balconies, and basil is added as a spice to various dishes.

One of the little-known plants that repel wasps is common harmala. Its insecticidal properties are especially noticeable if you set fire to a bunch of grass. If you throw it into the fire, insects will no longer be afraid. True, this plant can be found mainly in the hot steppes in eastern Europe and Central Asia.

Chemical substances

What other smell repels wasps? This dangerous insects I don’t like liquid flammable materials: gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel and solvent. Even humans do not like the pronounced “aroma” of these chemicals; moreover, they can cause toxic poisoning of the body. Therefore, they can only be used as a deterrent for spraying nests on the street or in non-residential premises (garages).

There is a high probability that the swarm will not want to be near the smell and will go in search of best place. Most individuals may even die when toxic fumes enter the body through the respiratory system.

To drive wasps out of a nest using gasoline, kerosene or solvent, you need to adhere to the following action plan:

  1. Take a suitable container with a spray bottle and fill it with flammable liquid.
  2. Spray the hive from below so that large quantity substances got on the lower part around the hole: this will make it easier for unpleasant-smelling vapors to penetrate inside the nest.
  3. Move to a safe distance and wait until the wasps begin to leave their home.
  4. If the insects do not fly out, it means that too little liquid was used. The procedure can be repeated.
  5. When the nest becomes free, it is removed and burned.

It is important not to forget about fire safety. Due to the risk of fire, flammable materials are strongly not recommended for treating nests located in wooden buildings.

When burning a nest, you should also be careful: due to impregnation, it will quickly flare up, so destruction is carried out in an open space. It is better to have a supply of water or sand on hand to put out a fire in an emergency.


Immediately after receiving a positive answer to the question of whether wasps are afraid of ultrasound, various companies began producing ultrasonic repellers. They can be used both indoors and outdoors. personal plot. Ultrasonic waves are safe for humans, while wasps will not risk approaching their source.

But there is also back side: Ultrasound will also drive away beneficial insects. Some scientists believe that small animals, including cats and dogs, also experience discomfort from it.

Repelling wasps in residential areas

Much fewer products are suitable for repelling wasps in residential areas. After all, the method should not only be safe, but also not disturb comfort. For example, you can use:

  • pine essential oils for lighting the aroma lamp;
  • geranium planted on the windowsill;
  • ultrasonic devices;
  • small traps with sweet bait.

Most reliable way prevent wasps from appearing in the house - cut off their entry routes. Therefore, windows and (if necessary) doors must be protected mosquito nets, and cracks and crevices in the walls of the house and window frames- carefully sealed.

Another method to repel wasps is to use special repellents sold in the store. They are produced in the form of sprays for application to the skin and repellents with bright odors. Of all the possible measures to help repel insects, you can choose the most suitable ones.


Appearance on summer cottage wasps or hornets - a fact that is not only unpleasant and annoying, but also dangerous to the health (and sometimes life) of a person. You never know what careless sudden movement these insects will perceive as a signal of danger and a reason to attack. Therefore, if you know what repels wasps and hornets, you can avoid such a neighborhood fraught with consequences.

What attracts

It is known that the hornet is also, in fact, a wasp, and they are not only sweet-toothed, but also carnivorous insects. These weaknesses of theirs can be successfully used against themselves, giving them a final feast, while using anti-wasp remedies such as traps and bait. The food preferences of insects are very diverse:

  • sweets (jam, honey, fruit, sugar water, etc.);
  • fermented (beer, kvass, fermented jam and juices);
  • food mixtures (beer + honey, beer + sugar, syrups from several ingredients, etc.);
  • meat, fish (especially spoiled ones).

These are some of the favorite delicacies of wasps, the smell of which insects will certainly flock to the place of feasting, not knowing that this may turn out to be their last meal. Thus, the fight against these insects on the site can take place according to the principle of special luring by using preferences, and all this with the goal of destroying or reducing the number of dangerous “neighbors”.

However, besides food, there are other smells that will definitely attract wasps and hornets: the smell of a sweaty body, sweet or floral perfume. In addition to odors, the aggression of wasps and hornets can increase from any bright (yellow, orange, etc.) and black color. Knowing this, you can reduce the likelihood of attracting insects to yourself.

What scares you away

In order to prevent these “aggressors” from wanting to settle on the site, it is useful to know what will definitely push them away. Again, these could be odors that repel wasps or special devices.

Some aromas that are pleasant to people, but not tolerated by wasps, can affect insects in such a way that they may even leave their inhabited nest. What smell do wasps dislike?

  • soap (a piece attached, for example, to an old feeder, will destroy the desire of wasps to build a nest there);
  • smoke (to “smoke out” insects, you can use liquid smoke, smoke bombs, or burn spruce and pine cones on a fire);
  • plants: mint, basil, geranium, lemon balm, wormwood (any such plant repels wasps so much that these insects will definitely not settle close to them, so it is advisable to plant them directly on the site);
  • red pepper pods (hanged in bunches around the nest, after which the wasps can fly away from their “home forever);
  • insecticidal aerosols (after spraying them, most of the individuals in the nest will die, and those accidentally saved will not return to the poisoned house).

Mint can not only be planted, but also strong decoctions can be prepared from it, which are recommended to be rubbed on exposed areas of the body before gardening work or a picnic. The procedure will have to be repeated as the smell dissipates.

Can also be mixed essential oil mint (or the same decoction) with alcohol and rub the body in the same way. This method will reduce the likelihood of attacks, since this plant repels wasps quite effectively.

Smells that repel hornets and wasps are not the only way to drive insects out of your area. There are also special devices for this, such as electronic repellers (sold in stores for summer residents, although their degree of effectiveness is not very high) or mock-ups of hives (wasps will not build a nest near it to avoid wars between families).

The most effective means

By wisely using the “weaknesses and fears” of wasps and hornets, you can not only scare them away from the area, but also destroy the colony or reduce its population. To this end different means good, both store-bought and popular.

Purchased funds

Now in gardening stores there are a lot various means, the purchase of which is guaranteed to get rid of annoying insects, including hornets and wasps. There is no point in considering them all; it is enough to note only those that will be most effective in scaring away wasps:

  1. Insecticides for wasps (aerosols Dichlorvos, Actellik, Combat, Troapsil, Reid, etc., as well as liquid products Karbofos, Executioner). The nest is sprayed with aerosols, and it is good if it can be done not only outside, but also inside, after which the entrance is sealed so that the wasps do not fly out of the nest. Liquid products used for pouring into a nest (if it is located, for example, in a hollow or in the ground).
  2. Sulphur dioxide. It is used to smoke the nest along with all the individuals inside until complete destruction. This effective remedy from hornets and wasps, but here it is important to choose the time when the number of insects in the nest is maximum (late evening, night).
  3. Special traps. Commercial traps contain a liquid that is especially attractive to hornets and wasps, but absolutely uninteresting to bees. The principle of the traps is that the insect gets inside and cannot get out.

After “fumigating” or spraying the nest, you need to quickly retreat so as not to be attacked by insects. Further action can be safely left to the applied agent, the residual effect of which will complete the destruction process.

After the death of a wasp family, the nest must be destroyed (buried to a depth of 0.5 to 1 m or burned).

Folk remedies

The main and most effective traditional methods The following are considered against wasps and hornets:

  1. homemade traps;
  2. bait;
  3. destruction of the nest.

For a trap, you can take a plastic bottle, cut off its top third, fill the bottom third with any wasp treat (beer, sweet water, etc.). Place the upper cut part back into the bottle, but with the neck down: through this hole, insects will crawl into the lower part of the trap to feast on the smell, after which they will not be able to get out and will drown. Traps are hung in places where wasps accumulate or near the nest. From time to time, the container needs to be freed from insects that have fallen into it, after making sure that they are all dead (even a half-dead wasp is dangerous). If there are live ones, to be sure, you can spray an insecticidal aerosol into the trap.

Baits are also a kind of “treat” for insects. The whole difference is that the delicacy here contains poison for wasps and hornets (boiled fly agaric caps or boric acid). By eating such food, insects poison themselves and bring particles of poison to the nest, thereby infecting and killing other individuals and larvae. The more baits (or traps) are placed, the more noticeable the effect will be.

Destroying a nest - dangerous way, but effective, which can be accomplished in several ways:

  • pour gasoline over it and set it on fire (make sure there is no fire, do not set fire in the room);
  • drown (bring a bucket with enough water to completely submerge the nest and hold it for 7-10 minutes until all the wasps choke);
  • pour insecticide into a plastic bag (or generously spray the inside of the bag with it), put it on the nest from below and tie it in a knot (attach it to the ceiling with tape so that the wasps do not fly away);
  • Fill the nest located in the ground with a bucket of boiling water and roll a stone on top.

It is best to destroy nests in the spring (while the wasp family size is still small) or in winter. After removal, it must be immediately burned or buried. The place where the nest was attached is cleaned with a knife and treated with hydrogen peroxide or potassium permanganate (solution).

Wasps build their nests under the roofs of dachas and private houses, thereby causing significant disturbance to their owners. Let's not forget that wasps are very active carriers. intestinal infections, because they fly everywhere, including in garbage dumps, in search of sugar-containing products, and then they may well land on a plate of already washed fruit on your table.

If you already had wasps last year, they will come again this year. At the end of May - beginning of June, scout wasps fly in search of suitable place for a nest, and they are very fond of places where there have been wasp nests before. Using conventional means to get rid of wasps is very difficult and also unsafe, because... wasps are very sensitive insects to odors, and if you decide to destroy them with the help of some kind of aerosol, you risk getting yourself into big trouble... Using baits risks the fact that the smell of an attractant (a substance that attracts insects) will cause wasps to fly away from adjacent areas.

One helpful advice those who build a house or make major renovation in the apartment.

It is much easier to carry out preventive treatment at the construction stage or while there is access to places that will later be covered with boxes, panels, etc., but will remain accessible to insects. Thus, you will protect your home from invasion in advance." uninvited guests", and also save wooden structures from wood pests.

The destruction of wasps should occur in conjunction with the removal of wasp nests. If you poison wasps, but do not destroy the wasp nest itself, which perhaps you could not (or had no desire to) find, then such work will be in vain, and, as they say, money down the drain. The fight against wasps must be done in the evening, when all the wasps flock to their nest for the night, then there is a greater chance of getting rid of the wasps. If the procedure for destroying wasps is done in the morning or daytime When most of the wasps fly away, the nest remains practically empty. By removing an empty nest, you will expose yourself to quite a long attack from returning wasps, as these insects are very vindictive. One can only guess about the consequences of such attacks.

You can get rid of wasps yourself by using a product designed for wasp control. You can contact pest control services.

Remedies for wasps.

  • You can use a chemical insect repellent such as "Troapsil" (Trapsiel, the Netherlands) - a professional remedy for household insects.
  • Aerosol "Moskitol Protection against Wasps" - designed for effective and long-term destruction of wasp nests and wasps on the street and in non-residential premises (barns, attics, open verandas).
  • You can carefully treat the nest itself and especially the entrance to it with Gett. Wasps, crawling into a nest, will definitely bring microcapsules of the drug there, which will kill both themselves and the entire population of insects. If the nest itself is not accessible, but you notice where the wasps are crawling, for example, under the roof, then treat this place generously, the effect will be the same. The wasps will die in a day or two.
  • "Smelnet" (Smell-no: Netherlands) is a microencapsulated insect repellent, odorless. It is intended for the independent destruction of blood-sucking and synanthropic insects: mosquitoes, bedbugs, fleas, cockroaches, ticks, flies, wasps, ants, etc. This is an odorless, microencapsulated drug with a long-lasting effect of up to 8 months.

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To rest in warm time was carried out as comfortably as possible, it is necessary to prevent the appearance of flying insects. A wasp repellent will come in very handy at the dacha, so let’s review the most popular and effective drugs. Some of them are aimed at killing wasps, others also kill wild or neighboring bees, hornets, and flies. Choose what is required specifically in your case.

No. 1. Remedy for wasps and wild bees "GET(GET)"

1. Insecticide from “Get” wasps is produced on the basis of chlorpyrifos. The effectiveness exceeds all expectations; this drug is the most popular and relatively cheap. Used in several ways.

2. If the nest is accessible from direct view, then dilute “Get” with water in a ratio of 1 to 15, then pour it into a spray bottle and spray the area where wasps accumulate.

3. In cases where the home is inaccessible, spray wasp habitats in a similar pattern. Arm yourself with a powerful spray gun.

4. You can also make baits and place them around the area. To do this, you need to take refined sugar and sprinkle it with wasp and bee repellent.

No. 2. Aerosol against flying insects “Super Cobra”

1. The wasp repellent “Cobra” is intended for treating any premises against synanthropic type insects. This includes wasps, flies, mosquitoes, etc.

2. The composition is often used in stores, utility rooms, warehouses, and other production facilities. This wasp repellent is also suitable for use in the country, but only in the house or any other premises.

3. It is necessary to spray according to the instructions, having previously removed people and animals from the treated area. Mandatory application individual means protection because the aerosol is insecticidal.

No. 3. Wasp trap "Argus Garden"(inserted into the bottle)

1. A popular and cheap trap, sold in a package with 2 devices (cost - 100 rubles). Chemical substances and there are no poisons, this is a gentle method of catching flies and wasps.

2. Must be used in a summer cottage. Insects get inside, after which they cannot get back out. First, prepare a 1.5-2 liter bottle.

3. Approximately halfway through, make 2 cross cuts opposite each other. Insert a trap into each of them. Add water so that it does not reach 5 cm from the inserts.

4. Make a few more devices in the same way, having previously prepared bottles and traps. Place them around the area where pests live and wait for the results.

№4. Aerosol against wasp nests “MOSQUITALL”

1. The insecticidal agent for wasps in the country has proven itself well as a powerful specialized drug. With its help, you can easily get rid of wasp nests.

3. Thanks to this, you can safely work from a distance of up to 6 m from a swarm of insects. You don't risk being bitten. Because of high pressure The product is considered practically safe for humans.

4. It is necessary to start processing the area only before sunrise or after sunset. It is at this time that all the insects are in the hive. Never shine a flashlight into the socket. The wasps may fly out.

№5. Wasp and hornet repellent« Othos"

1. An effective remedy allows you to get rid of wasps and hornets. The composition is intended for use in non-residential premises and summer cottages.

2. Make traps out of plastic bottles. Pour water into them and dissolve the drug. Hang containers with poison around the perimeter of the room or area. The product takes effect within 2 hours. It lasts for 1 week.

3. The liquid attracts insects and they die in it. The composition is practically harmless to humans and pets. Please note that it does not affect bees.

№6. Gel for killing wasps and flies “ABSOLUTE”

1. The wasp repellent is presented in the form of an insecticidal gel composition. The drug attracts insects in the country, after which they die. The advantage of this product is that it can be used anywhere.

2. The structure of the gel is practically colorless and does not have an unpleasant aroma. It is completely safe for humans. However, it is best to keep pets and children away.

3. Apply a few drops of the drug in places where insects are most active. They eat the composition and then die. The gel can be applied to paper and placed closer to the pests.

№7. Aerosol against flies, wasps and other insects “Doctor Claus”

1. The product is universal and very effective. It can be used in both residential and non-residential premises. The composition is also suitable for destroying wasp nests on the veranda, plot, etc.

2. The aerosol pressure is enough to spray it from a distance of up to 3 m. Thanks to the powerful jet, you can reach hard to reach places. It is harmless to animals and humans.

There are enough drugs to cope with the problem. Choose for yourself the best remedy from wasps and other insects. Most of them can be used in the country and indoors.

Wasps are unpleasant guests for a summer resident. Swarms hovering over flower beds usually make us very wary. Especially if there are children in the house.

And in principle, it is useless to explain that these insects are not so harmful and even (though only predators) are beneficial for our gardens, feeding on the larvae of many pests (for example, leaf rollers, mole crickets and weevils). No, we know very well how unpleasant and painful their bites are and we want them to be useful somewhere far away from us and our areas.

And yet, let's first find out a little more about them...

Who is this wasp and how is it different from a bee?

We are used to seeing striped insects in our garden. But in fact, there are a great many species of wasps, they differ in color, body shape, belong to different families, and there are even wingless species.

Unlike bees, a wasp does not leave its sting in the victim after biting and does not die, but can sting more than once. In addition, the wasp is not a honey plant and does not help cross-pollinate plants.

These insects live on almost all continents, except for the regions of the Far North, the Arctic and the hottest deserts. And they feed depending on the species: herbivores - plants and their pollen, and predators - other insects and their larvae.

What attracts wasps to the garden?

Of course, power supplies. There are disproportionately more of them in the garden than in the wild.

And at the end of summer, when the garden begins to literally smell fragrant, thanks to flowering plants and many ripening fruits, herbivorous wasps become especially active.

Now you have a better understanding of what attracts wasps to your garden. But getting rid of what wasps like means getting rid of what we ourselves need in the garden. That is, this option is not acceptable for us, summer residents, we are looking for and finding others.

How to get rid of wasps in the garden?

We also don't like killing bees with chemicals(however, if necessary, you can always purchase them at your nearest store, the choice is quite large). Indeed, in addition to wasps, this can also harm other inhabitants of the site, beneficial insects, pets and even people. Yes, and it’s somehow not humane...

Therefore, we will do without chemicals. So:

  1. Precautionary measures.

It is very easy to dramatically reduce the chances of bees appearing in the garden by following some simple rules:

  • remove fallen fruits in time and harvest the ripe harvest
  • rubbish should always be covered, even if you are walking around the garden with it
  • do not set up feeding areas for pets in the garden, it is better to do it at home
  • maintain all outbuildings on the site, including the house, in good and clean condition, because wasps love to build their nests between old dry boards, in crevices between the roof and the wall, on dark uninhabited attic and so on.
  1. Plants that wasps don't like.

Wasps are not very fond of areas where there are fruit trees and quite a lot of mint, thyme, wormwood, citronella, and geranium were planted with flowers with a sweet aroma.

  1. Smells that wasps don't like.

The plants listed above repel wasps, primarily due to their unpleasant aroma for this insect. And this property can be used not only by planting the mentioned plants in the garden, but also by using their oils. Take peppermint oil, for example, apply it to cotton pads and place them in places where wasps like to build their nests (cracks, ledges, eaves, porches; wasps usually build nests in the same places year after year).

If you find a wasp nest in one of the buildings on your property, you need to get rid of it urgently. Do not go to meet the enemy unarmed. Take a bag with handles, tie them in a loose knot in advance, leaving a hole large enough for the nest to fit into it, when this happens, sharply tighten the knot and pull the bag to the side. The enemy is trapped. You can also use a bag with drawstrings. When going to such a “meeting,” be sure to dress appropriately: a hat with a mask net on the face, several pairs of thick gloves, thick layers of clothing tucked into each other.

It is best to go into battle at night, when all the wasps are “at home” and are in a sleepy state.

  1. Wasp traps.

Place traps in places where wasps accumulate: plastic bottles with a narrow neck, fill with sweet (preferably with honey) water. Wasps happily flock to drink sweet water, but it’s difficult for them to get out, especially if the neck is narrowed as much as possible according to the funnel principle using, for example, foil (but so that the wasp can climb into it). It's even better to replace the liquid with a sticky and viscous sweet mixture. For example, use old jam.

You can also cut off the neck of the bottle with scissors, turn it over and secure it with tape. You will get a funnel, approximately the same as you see in the picture.

  1. Spray bottle with soap solution.

Many summer residents claim that the method works flawlessly.

Dissolve 2 tablespoons liquid soap in a liter of water, stir, pour the mixture into a spray bottle. Spray the solution on small pest nests. The soap clogs the wasp's airways and it dies almost instantly.

Don't forget about protective clothing!