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» What is okved. What are OKVED codes for?

What is okved. What are OKVED codes for?

Commercial activity is impossible without various bureaucratic measures. After registering an individual entrepreneur or legal entity, these business entities are assigned statistical codes and numbers. The entrepreneur is responsible for determining the specifics of his activity and recording it in the form of a digital designation.

Information about coding rules is collected in a document called OKVED.

How does the abbreviation stand for?

OKVED- this is nothing more than an “all-Russian classifier of types of economic activity.”

Decoding the OKVED code

The domestic edition of the directory was created by the Ministry of Economic Development, taking into account the classification rules followed by the European Economic Community. Russian and European encodings are partly the same. Thus, the first four positions of the Russian code are identical to the beginning (4 characters) of the code from the international directory. The following designations represent a breakdown of the types of economic activities characteristic of the Russian Federation.

How is the OKVED code deciphered? What information about the activities of the enterprise does it contain? To understand the principles of coding, you need to look at an example of a single code. Its components indicate the scope of business and inform about the features production process, and also characterize the materials and raw materials involved in production.

So, the OKVED code is deciphered as follows:

  1. 1. The designation 01 (class) means “ Agriculture, hunting and related services." 02 refers to an activity such as “forestry and services in this area.”
  2. 2. Within a class there are subclasses. In this example they look like this:

    01.1 – growing plants;
    - 01.2 – raising animals;
    - 01.3 – mixed production (growing plants and animals).

  3. 3. Groups in a subclass serve to clarify the type of activity. So,

    01.21 means cattle breeding;
    - while at 01.22 - raising small cattle and horse breeding.

  4. 4. The task of subgroups and types is to further specify the specifics of the economy. For example,

    01.13.1 (subgroup) – growing grapes;
    - 01.13.2 (subgroup) – cultivation of other fruits and nuts;
    - 01.13.21 (type) - growing berries and fruits;
    - 01.13.22 (view) - growing nuts.

To make the code easier to read, dots are placed between some of its components (in particular, class and subclass, as well as type and subtype).

Why is OKVED needed?

But why do businessmen need these complex encodings? The fact is that the main function of OKVED is statistical. Russian laws oblige individual entrepreneurs and companies to take part in the generation of statistics. So OKVED is necessary primarily for the state, which, using a classifier, organizes business entities according to their areas of activity for its own convenience.

This simplifies the processes:

  • definitions of the main and auxiliary activities engaged in by businessmen;
  • collecting information on commercial activities for the purpose of compiling statistics and conducting analysis (nationally and globally);
  • unification of data entered into state registers and official directories;
  • regulation of certain types of activities at the legislative level;
  • differentiation of the tax burden for different areas of activity.

Correct and incorrect code choice: consequences

When opening his own business, an individual entrepreneur (or the founder of a company) himself determines what type of activity he will engage in and finds its code in the classifier. By the way:

A company can have several types of activities. Their number is not limited, but one of them must be fixed as the main one.

The names of activities and their codes are contained in the company's Charter. They must also be reflected in the application for state registration.

When registering an enterprise, you do not need to strive to record everything in documents possible types his activities. This can be done later. The entrepreneur's task is initial stage– determine which types will be the main ones and assign them codes, and the most suitable ones!

Why is code selection so important?

  1. 1. It is on the basis of the code determined by the field of activity that the organization is assigned a number in the (classifier of enterprises). OKVED determines the industry affiliation of the company.
  2. 2. It must be remembered that certain types of activities should not be carried out by commercial organizations. In some cases, their implementation is allowed, but with restrictions.
  3. 3. Some areas require licensing.
  4. 4. Not every commercial activity can be carried out by individual entrepreneurs.
  5. 5. In some cases, there are restrictions on the minimum amount of authorized capital.
  6. 6. And most importantly: the chosen code has a direct impact on the amount of tax and off-budget deductions. Thus, the Federal Tax Service and the Social Insurance Fund have increased requirements for the most promising areas of business at the moment.

When wrong choice encoding, the company will be forced to spend more money. However, an entrepreneur who wants to save money is not recommended to choose a more “affordable” (in terms of mandatory deductions) type of activity that he is not actually going to engage in - this is punishable.

How to choose the right OKVED

To correctly indicate the OKVED code, you need to determine the type of activity of the enterprise and find it in the classifier directory. This is done as follows:

  1. 1. The first step (even before registering a company) is to determine the main type of its commercial activity.
  2. 2. After this, you need to find a section in the classifier reference book dedicated to this area. There are 17 sections in total; each is designated by a Latin letter (for example, “Manufacturing” is in section D). Then the subsection (if any) is specified. It is designated by two Latin letters (for example, DA - “Production of food and beverages”).
  3. 3. In the selected section you need to find the code that best reflects the specifics economic activity companies. He will be the main one. If none of the codes are suitable, you should select in the required section a direction that is more or less similar to the main activity of the company and look for the coding in “Other services”. The code must be at least three digits.
  4. 4. The same operations must be done in relation to secondary activities.
  5. 5. Then OKVED codes are issued. This is done at the stage of company registration or later (if necessary) when the company is already operating. Registration is carried out by the Federal Tax Service and the local body of Rosstat.

How to register and change OKVED codes

Once selected codes can be changed, deleted or supplemented. But the founder of the enterprise must timely register everything changes made. This is done by updating the version of the Charter (for LLC), which, in turn, is made on the basis of the decision of the participants. Having completed the update, you must submit an application for amendments to () (form No. P14001) to the tax service.

The process of notifying interested authorities about new types of activities differs little from the process of registering an enterprise. The only difference is that in case of notification, the founder is not charged a fee.

To make changes to codes, the following documents will be required:

  • Applicant's passport.
  • Copy of the passport.
  • Updated Charter and related documents.
  • Original extract from the state register, received no earlier than 1 month before submitting documents.
  • Documents confirming the assignment of registration and tax numbers.
  • The decision to change the type of activity.
  • List of new codes attached to the application for re-registration.

The Federal Tax Service will register the changes and enter them into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRIP). The certificate of registration and a new extract can be collected after 7 working days.

Having received these papers, the individual entrepreneur or the founder of the company submits an application to Rosstat. Later he receives a letter about the assignment of new codes. Without newsletter about registration in the State Statistics Service register (usually called “statistics codes”), it is impossible to open a bank account, so its presence is mandatory for an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity. In addition, “statistics codes” may be required for licensing, participation in tenders, and customs operations. Social insurance relies on this letter when determining the rate of insurance for employees against accidents and occupational diseases. And finally, it is often requested by auditors when conducting an audit.

An entrepreneur must inform the tax authorities about changes in the list of services or specifics of production within three days. Ideally, companies should confirm their activities every year, no later than the first quarter.

It is important for a businessman to remember that the correct determination of the OKVED code is important not only for statistics. In particular, the code affects the amount of tax deductions.

Beginning businessmen are often faced with the need to obtain OKVED, but not everyone knows what it is, what it is for, and how it is correctly deciphered. These and numerous other questions will be discussed in the next article.

What is OKVED?

The answer to this question lies in the decoding of the abbreviation OKVED - this is an all-Russian classifier of the type of economic activity. In other words, it is a code or statistical information provided by a businessman to the state as an explanation of the direction of business activity. For example, special codes exist for the following types business:

  • livestock farming;
  • manufacture of wearing apparel;
  • construction activities;
  • machine manufacturing;
  • financial activities;
  • work with real estate;
  • mining;
  • healthcare;
  • personal public utilities;
  • fishing and fish farming;
  • transport and communications;
  • social work.

And that is not all. The list with the classification of types of OKVED codes includes about 100 types of economically profitable activities, each of which contains many subparagraphs. Such a large number of codes is made to ensure that the entrepreneur has the opportunity to characterize his activities as accurately as possible.

What is OKVED of an organization?

OKVED is an organization's code that determines the direction of its activities. Typically the codes individual entrepreneurs and organizations do not differ, since there is a single all-Russian classifier. The OKVED code of an organization can be found out not only by those managing the organization, but also by third parties. To do this, it is enough to know either other details. With their help, it is easy to access OKVED, even online on the FMS website.

Why is OKVED necessary?

Registration of documents for a business will not be complete without individual determination of OKVED codes. They are designed to help a novice businessman legally open his own business. For what other purposes is OKVED used?

  • Simplifying the business registration procedure . These codes help not only in collecting documents, but also open the way for registering your business. Moreover, if the code is chosen incorrectly, then registration may be refused.
  • Tax calculation . It is known that the tax rate is calculated in accordance with the type of employment of the businessman. The OKVED code helps determine exactly your tax rate.
  • Analysis of the type of business activity . It is much easier to view statistics about a particular type of activity if you use the classification according to the code.
  • Regulation of economic activity . Not only in a certain city, but throughout the country, various regulations concerning various types business. The OKVED code, like the second name of the occupation, will also help you track changes specific to your business.

It is important to remember when individually selecting an OKVED code that many of the activities require additional licensing. If they suit you, you will need to collect a number of documents to finally register your business.

Do OKVED codes affect anything?

It has already been noted why it is necessary to obtain codes. But does the core activity code affect the range of services and, if so, how? Let's look at some of the nuances of this issue:

  1. The OKVED code does not limit your work. That is, if a company takes an order that does not 100% correspond to its profile, then this is not considered an error or violation. However, if similar situation is repeated systematically, then you will have to either change OKVED or bear responsibility in accordance with the law.
  2. The main activity of the company is usually the one that generates the most income. If the company consistently receives more income from additional activities, then the codes will have to be changed.
  3. If the director of an organization decides to change his profile (and, accordingly, change OKVED), then he will have to gather the company’s management council in order to obtain official approval for this change.

In addition, the amount of transfers to the social insurance fund for each employee depends on how risky the chosen type of activity is. The more complex and dangerous the activity being carried out, the higher the deductions.

Working with codes can seem very difficult if you don't know their classification. So that decoding does not seem complicated, let us turn to the structure of the activity code according to OKVED:

  • XX. XX. XX. - view;
  • XX. XX. X. – subgroup;
  • XX. XX. - group;
  • XX. X. – subclass;
  • XX – class.

Typically, classes and subclasses are used. Separate classes are used with the addition of certain letters. As can be seen from the structure, the complete activity code corresponding to one or another profile can contain from 2 to 6 elements (each 2 are separated by dots).

Please also note Special attention Please note that when registering a type of business activity, you must indicate at least 4 code characters. If fewer numbers are indicated, the registration application may simply not be accepted. The resulting code contains the required number of characters: this must be specified.

Where can I get OKVED?

Finding out your OKVED code is not difficult - to do this, just refer to the relevant classifications presented on many sites on the Internet and choose the one that suits you best. Of course, to open your own business, self-selection is not enough - you need to officially receive a code. There are several options here:

  • Registration tax authority. In some cases, a tax organization can help with obtaining an OKVED code. You need to contact her when submitting documents for business registration: service employees will not refuse to help you obtain the code, although this is not their main responsibility.
  • Self-receipt. If you were unable to obtain the code from the tax authority, then you need to contact the nearest State Statistics Service office. Before visiting, you need to collect a package of documents, which differ for LLCs. For individual entrepreneurs, you will need copies of the following documents: passport, TIN, extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs and registration certificate.
    For an organization, the list of copies is slightly different: certificate of state registration legal entities, TIN, charter, passport of the company director, charter and power of attorney, if necessary.
    Please note that you must provide regular uncertified copies, which significantly shortens the process of collecting documents.
  • Service of the official website of the State Statistics Service. Allows you to receive your code online at the earliest short time. To receive an individual code, you will need to indicate the region in which the LLC or individual entrepreneur was registered, as well as the TIN. The service has been operating relatively recently, so there is not much information contained on it: you risk simply not finding the region you are interested in.
  • Receipt through third parties. Many organizations that help businessmen register a business are also willing to help with obtaining OKVED codes. This service is also provided separately: its cost will not exceed 2,000 rubles.

When you first receive an OKVED code from the State Statistics Service, you do not pay state fees, but if the document is suddenly lost, you will have to pay for re-issuance. To avoid troubles with restoring the code, it is recommended to make 1-2 photocopies of it.

What to do if OKVED changes?

Primary activity codes can be changed completely free of charge, without paying any fees or contributions. The procedure is complicated because it requires a lot paperwork: to change the code you need to refill a number of documents in form P14001, namely:

  • 1 page. Here in paragraph 2 you will need to indicate the number 1 (since we are changing information about the legal entity), and also make the required changes to paragraphs 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.
  • Page 1 sheet N. In paragraph 1.1 we write a new code.
  • Page 2 sheet N. The old code that we are changing is indicated in paragraph 2.1, it must exactly match the code contained in. There is no need to fill out any more information on sheets H, and there is no need to change any codes there.
  • Pages 1 to 4 in sheets R. Filled out in accordance with the new forms of registration of legal entities indicating the new codes.

When filling out applications, code numbers must be written from left to right, indicating each number in a new separate cell.

Filling begins from the first cell. The completed application must consist of 7 sheets. With it, as well as other details, the company will need to come to the notary, and then to the Federal Tax Service. A similar form will also be filled out when an additional code is entered (if the company has two or more activity profiles), when it is changed, or deleted. You can carry out the procedure for changing or deleting codes yourself or through special organizations offering services for such work, where professionals will competently fill out the documentation and help you quickly change or delete the profile of interest.

OKVED for online stores

If you decide to open an online store, then keep in mind that it operates under the same conditions as a physical store: it pays taxes, is listed as a separate organization, and has employees. That is why you will also need to obtain a special code to register it. Here are some tips to give:

  • If the store has opened recently and exists exclusively in the virtual space, then it will be necessary to indicate the code corresponding to retail trade.
  • In situations where an online store provides direct delivery to the buyer, you will need to specify a code corresponding to the parcel trade.

In cases where a physical store corresponding to an online store is subsequently opened, a new OKVED corresponding to sales will also need to be entered. And if this type of activity becomes your main one, then the code for the main activity profile will need to be replaced.

How to get OKVED? (video)

Still don’t understand how to choose your OKVED code? Why is this so important, and what problems might arise when defining it? The answers to these and additional questions look in the following video, where the founder of the school of successful entrepreneurs will share his knowledge and experience:

Correct selection OKVED code is the key to successful business activity for both individual entrepreneurs and organizations. The more accurately it is selected, the better for the businessman and his own business. That is why the issue of registering OKVED codes should be approached with all seriousness.

OKVED is an all-Russian classifier of the type of economic activity that allows you to determine the main and additional types of activity of an entrepreneur or an entire organization. It is a code or statistical information that it provides to regulators to help clarify the direction of its activities.

How is the code deciphered?

OKVED itself is a set of numbers that can consist of 2 or 6 characters depending on your choice. The structure of each code is as follows:
  • XX.XX.XX – type of activity;
  • XX.X – subgroup;
  • XX – group;
  • X – subclass;
  • XX – class.
This can be clearly seen in the diagram:

As you can see, the numbers “go” from the general to the specific: for example, 45.1 (subclass) - preparing a site for construction, and 45.11 (class) - dismantling buildings and their demolition, 45.11.2 (subclass) - carrying out work with land, respectively.

Some other OKVED codes can be found in the table:

Thus, under each paired numbers there is a drop-down list, and the task of the entrepreneur/organization is to correctly select from this list the type of activity that corresponds to the work performed. The code is approved by the statistics authority.

How to choose OKVED?

Here is a summary of the rules for choosing a code for your activity, which is relevant for all organizations:
  • You are allowed to select several codes, but no more than 20.
  • If an organization has been opened and the main activity code has been selected, but after some time you plan to expand, you must open an additional code, otherwise the activity may be considered illegal. How to insure yourself? Analyze your work and open several codes at once on possible areas of development for your business.
  • If you cannot find a description of the desired business according to the code, then select “Other services”.
  • If the main + additional activity is chosen, but the additional one brings more income, then the “alignment of forces” needs to be changed. It must be remembered that in large organizations any change in OKVED, as well as its assignment, is reflected in the company’s Charter. But if the Charter states that the organization has the right to engage in other types of activities, changes to the Charter will not be required.
  • If you decide to change your business activity, you must notify the tax service of your decision within three days by submitting an application.

Since July 2016, there has been a change in classification codes, so it is necessary to indicate a new code, otherwise the application will be declared invalid (consideration of the application by the tax authorities takes no more than 7 days), and in 2017 the updated classifier will come into force.

What does OKVED affect?

When opening a code, you need to focus not only on the correct indication of labor, but also remember about taxation. OKVED directly affects contributions to the Social Insurance Fund, which can vary from 0.2% (contributions for employees) to 4% (metallurgists and builders).

The following factors must be taken into account:

  • In addition to the Social Insurance Fund, you need to decide on the taxation system, since the choice of further code is directly related to it. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the factor of “falling” under the OSNO.
  • Before opening a new activity, it is necessary to check whether it complies with the previous taxation system. If not, if the previous activity is no longer intended to be carried out, it is necessary to close it (not the codes, but the activity itself) and immediately submit an application for the opening of new OKVED and the transition to new system simplified taxation, for example, simplified tax system.
  • If the new code is on OSNO, you can switch to a simplified taxation system starting next month, having previously closed this one with the encouragement of the tax office. For the current month, you must submit reports specific to the general taxation regime.
  • There are often cases of switching to patent taxation, this is very convenient, but this type of taxation has its own OKVED codes, so if your activity falls in line, great. But you need to remember that if you don’t pay for the patent on time, you can automatically switch to OSNO and even face litigation.

Documentation of OKVED

Initially (if the organization is large), on the basis of the council of participants of the company, changes are made to the Charter, if the corresponding entry on the possibility of carrying out various types of activities is not made in the document.

Then you need to fill out the application form P14001 to make changes:

It must be submitted to the tax office, including the following documents in the package of papers:
  • Passport and its copy.
  • Charter as amended.
  • An extract from the state register, which was received within a month before submitting documents.
Based on the registration certificate received, you submit an application to the statistical authorities, which in turn send an information letter. This letter gives the right to open a bank account.

When registering a legal entity or individual business, everyone is faced with such a concept as OKVED codes.

This article will discuss this concept in detail, provide a decoding and a diagram for independently selecting and changing activity codes.

How does OKVED stand for?

The abbreviation OKVED stands for All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities.

In fact, OKVED is a list of codes, each of which relates to a specific type of activity, service sector or production.

What is it for?

OKVED is used for:

  • determining the tax rate of entrepreneurs of any direction;
  • it allows you to collect, structure and analyze statistical data for each type of business activity;
  • simplifies the classification of activity types and encodes data about it.

An example of selecting and changing the type of activity for a company

Almost all types of business activities that are permitted on the territory of Russia are included in the OKVED classifier. Given the fact that reference Information contains a very large number of codes; for ease of use, a universal structure was introduced:

  • XX. — the first two digits of the code indicate the class of business activity;
  • XX.X - the next digit after the first dot determines the subclass;
  • XX.XX - the fourth digit in the line is a group;
  • XX.XX.X - the first digit after the second dot is a subgroup;
  • XX.XX.XX - the last digit of the code indicates the type of business activity.

Considering a large number of classes, they were divided into separate sections, which are designated by letters, each of which defines a specific area of ​​activity:

  • Section A. Agriculture, hunting and forestry (OKVED codes 01.00-02.99).
  • Section B. Fishing, fish farming (OKVED codes 05.00-05.99).
  • Section C. Mining.
  • Subsection CA. Extraction of fuel and energy minerals (OKVED codes 10.00-12.99).
  • Subsection CB. Extraction of mineral resources, except fuel and energy (OKVED codes 13.00-14.99).
  • Section D. Manufacturing industries.
  • Subsection DA. Production food products, including drinks, and tobacco (OKVED codes 15.00-16.99).
  • Subsection DB. Textile and clothing production (OKVED codes 17.00-18.99).
  • Subsection DC. Production of leather, leather products and footwear production (OKVED codes 19.00-19.99).
  • Subsection DD. Wood processing and production of wood products (OKVED codes 20.00-20.99).
  • Subsection DE. Pulp and paper production; publishing and printing activities (OKVED codes 21.00-22.99).
  • Subsection DF. Production of coke, petroleum products and nuclear materials (OKVED codes 23.00-23.99).
  • Subsection DG. Chemical production (OKVED codes 24.00-24.99).
  • Subsection DH. Production of rubber and plastic products (OKVED codes 25.00-25.99).
  • Subsection DI. Production of other non-metallic mineral products (OKVED codes 26.00-26.99).
  • Subsection DJ. Metallurgical production and production of finished metal products (OKVED codes 27.00-28.99).
  • Subsection DK. Production of machinery and equipment (OKVED codes 29.00-29.99).
  • Subsection DL. Production of electrical equipment, electronic and optical equipment (OKVED codes 30.00-33.99).
  • Subsection DM. Production of vehicles and equipment (OKVED codes 34.00-35.99).
  • Subsection DN. Other production (OKVED codes 36.00-37.99).
  • Section E. Production and distribution of electricity, gas and water (OKVED codes 40.00-41.99).
  • Section F. Construction (OKVED codes 45.00-45.99).
  • Section G. Wholesale and retail; repair of vehicles, motorcycles, household products and personal items (OKVED codes 50.00-52.99).
  • Section H. Hotels and restaurants (OKVED codes 55.00-55.99).
  • Section I. Transport and communications (OKVED codes 60.00-64.99).
  • Section J. Financial activities (OKVED codes 65.00-67.99).
  • Section K. Operations with real estate, rent and provision of services (OKVED codes 70.00-74.99).
  • Section L Public administration and ensuring military security; compulsory social security (OKVED codes 75.00-75.99).
  • Section M. Education (OKVED codes 80.00-80.99).
  • Section N. Health Care and Provision social services(OKVED codes 85.00-85.99).
  • Section O. Provision of other communal, social and personal services (OKVED codes 90.00-93.99).
  • Section P. Provision of management services household(OKVED codes 95.00-95.99).
  • Section Q. Activities of extraterritorial organizations.

Depending on the type of business activity, the OKVED code may take the form of a combination of three to six characters (digits).

Let's take a closer look at the principles of OKVED using a specific example. Let's assume that the company is a meat production plant and handles non-edible by-products. The code for this type of activity is located in section D, which combines the codes for manufacturing industries, with the designation DA.

The section looks like:

  • D — manufacturing industries;
  • DA - subsection “Production of food products, including drinks and tobacco”

Production of food products, including beverages (subsection DA):

  • production of meat and meat products (designation 15.1);
  • meat production (designation 15.11);
  • production of meat and food by-products of cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, equines (designation 15.11.1);
  • production of non-edible by-products (designation 11/15/14).

The OKVED code in each case depends solely on the activity in which the enterprise is engaged and its direction. In our example, the company is a meat enterprise and works with non-edible by-products, therefore the OKVED code is 15.11.4.

Each type of activity of an enterprise has its own OKVED code, which includes classes, subclasses, groups, subgroups and types of activities. You just need to find the encoding that suits your organization.

If we look at the OKVED selection process in more detail, it looks like this:

  1. Initially, it is necessary to determine the type of activity of the enterprise.
  2. Then we find the required department and subdepartment in the OKVED list.
  3. Next, select the appropriate class and subclass in the OKVED directory.
  4. At the end of the selection procedure, either one or several codes that are most suitable for the type of activity of the enterprise can be selected.

If none of the codes precisely defines the type of activity of the enterprise, you have the right to choose “Provision of other services” in the section that relates to the main area.

If you plan that in the future the organization will carry out other activities, then it is better to determine in advance OKVED for additional areas (it can be one or several).

The selection of OKVED must be taken responsibly, since if it is determined incorrectly, you may have difficulties obtaining patents, licenses and changing the type of activity.

Once you have finally decided on the correct selection of the OKVED code for the enterprise, it (they) must be registered. To register a code, you must contact the registration authorities at your place of residence and submit the appropriate application for enterprise registration. If the codes are changed, you must indicate the previously selected OKVED in your application. Registration of the code is carried out simultaneously with the registration of the enterprise itself.

If during the operation the type of activity of the enterprise changes, or it is necessary to add additional services, the OKVED code must be changed, or one (several) additional ones must be included, defining other areas.

OKVED is a document that is part of the all-Russian classifier of social, technical and economic data. It is a set of codes that are assigned to certain areas of activity. The classification of a company according to OKVED does not depend on the source of investment and form of ownership. But for registering an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity, determining rates for non-state funds, and applying preferential treatment in the tax service, assigning codes is of great importance.

Work specifics economic entities is divided into several categories, each of which is assigned a number - OKVED code. It is needed to determine the structural unit and specifics of the company’s activities.

The essence and purpose of OKVED codes

Until 2003, such classification was carried out on the basis of OKONKH (classifier National economy of all-Union significance), it was replaced by OKVED, the values ​​of which correspond to the international classifier for identifying areas of activity.

Assigning codes is necessary to describe and decipher the type of business, as well as for other purposes:

  • identification of the main and additional areas of activity of the enterprise;
  • creation legislative framework to control certain types of business;
  • maintaining statistics at the national and international level;
  • application of a simplified taxation system;
  • convenient handling of data by federal authorities.

A businessman encounters the procedure for assigning OKVED codes when registering his business. Such actions are required when creating a company, changing activities or making some changes to the structure of the enterprise.

Reasons for receiving codes

One entrepreneur may have more than one code (up to 100) that determines the type of activity. Their number depends on the scale of the business. But do not rush to certify all the codes at once, since the risk category directly depends on the specified areas of activity, according to which the rate is set to determine the size of the contribution for insurance of workers against accidents at work.

Codes with decoding at the request of the founder can be indicated in the charter in the section “ General provisions"or in a separate paragraph. At the time of registration, indicate only those areas that you actually intend to study. The type of business, as well as the statistics code, can be changed at any time.

Registration or adjustments for enterprises are entered into the statistical register of economic entities.

ReceiptOKVED values ​​are necessary in the following cases:

  • start of economic activity;
  • change of personal data, place of residence of individual entrepreneurs;
  • change of LLC name or address;
  • changing business directions;
  • when requesting information for government agencies.

The receipt of statistics codes is not affected by the organizational form and territorial location.

The classifier consists of all possible areas of activity that are allowed in Russian Federation. Due to the huge list, a classification scheme has been developed. Classes, groups and species are designated by numbers. They can be collected in sections, which are designated by a specific letter.

How many digits are indicated when choosing a code? The numerical value of the code identifies the transition from a general activity to a specific particular type (from class to subgroup).

It is recommended to indicate the first four digits; this makes it possible to work in all directions that the selected group includes. You can detail the description of the types of business by writing down the following numbers of subgroups (if desired), but such actions are unnecessary.

Procedure and methods for obtaining codes

The procedure for obtaining codes is carried out at the time of registration of a business entity. Individual enterprises independently draw up an application indicating the areas of business. Limited Liability Companies choosing OKVED based on their status and the main directions of planned activities.

Codes can be assigned at the time of registration with the Federal Tax Service. The declared areas of activity are indicated in state register, after which the founder of the company receives an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (and the individual entrepreneur from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs) with the corresponding OKVED codes (clause 5 of article 5 Federal Law dated 08.08.2001 N 129-FZ).

In some cases, at the time of registration of an organization, the Federal Tax Service issues OKVED codes with registration documents. In such a situation, contact Federal service There is no need for government statistics. But this doesn't always happen.

The second, more common way to obtain codes is to receive an information letter from the Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation.

It consists of the following steps:

  1. Submission of documents and applications. The package of documents is provided in person and cannot be sent by mail.
  2. Payment of state duty at Sberbank of Russia.
  3. Receiving an official response.

Already in some cities of the Russian Federation there is a “one window” scheme in which the procedure for registering individual entrepreneurs is carried out. In this place, the tax authorities are combined with the statistics service. This makes it possible to send a response with OKVED numbers along with registration documents.

Required package of documents

As already mentioned, the procedure for obtaining information for both individual entrepreneurs and LLCs is the same. The list of documents for the Federal Tax Service is different.

Scrolldocumentation for individual entrepreneurs:

  • state certificate registration (original + copy);
  • confirmation of tax registration (copy);
  • entrepreneur's passport (copy);
  • tax payer identification code (copy);
  • extract from the unified state register.

For legal entities (LLC, CJSC, OJSC) the list of documents is slightly larger:

  • charter (copy);
  • identification code (copy);
  • state certificate registration of a legal entity;
  • extract from the Unified Register of Legal Entities. persons;
  • copy of the founder's passport.

To save time, you can contact a specialized law firm, which will collect and submit documents to the necessary authorities for a fee (the cost depends on pricing policy companies).