Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Design of the space under the stairs: stylish and functional solutions (95 photos). Purpose of cabinets under the stairs, placement nuances How to decorate the space under the stairs with artificial flowers

Design of the space under the stairs: stylish and functional solutions (95 photos). Purpose of cabinets under the stairs, placement nuances How to decorate the space under the stairs with artificial flowers

Shelves and other convenient storage areas will be the best option using the space under the stairs. But have any of you thought about organizing here? workplace?

We dare say not. Maybe only a smaller part. Staircase in in this case should be wide and simple enough to be able to hang several small shelves. Putting a laptop or PC there will not be difficult. There are two types of office locations under the stairs.

The first is facing the wall, that is, the furniture is located along the steps, and the second is perpendicular. But both of them are focused on the same thing - maximizing the available territory as best as possible.

If you need to concentrate on your work and want to avoid distractions, you may want to consider a partition. Sliding doors will be the best option because they do not take up much space, but they cost more than the standard offer.

Revolving doors can also fit your space and look attractive.

In any case, “with” or “without” doors, perpendicular or not, you can arrange the original home Office under the stairs, and this is special good news for those who have already explored other options.

Ways to use the space under the stairs in the hallway

The corridor, by its nature, is a very busy place in the house. This means that you need to store here what you might need at any time. Depending on your interior, needs and desires, you can design the area under the stairs as an extension of the decor, or as storage space.

A very good and convenient idea would be to turn it into a keeper of shoes and clothes intended for the cold/warm season. It can also be open or closed.

Internal compartments can be divided for each family member. Storage is not the last idea to use this space. As we already wrote above, you can make it a continuation of the interior, in other words, expand it.

Lovely sofa or large comfortable armchair will fit perfectly there, or put up a table/shelf to display your favorite decorations.

If you don't care about style and just need some extra space for... household appliances, sporting goods or even a bicycle, then do the same with the free squares under the stairs - they will not obstruct the passage, and, at the same time, they will be easy to reach.

Ways to use the space under the stairs in the living room

Your living room is a little more delicate than the hallway, so this area should be stylish, any rough objects will spoil general form, and highly visible materials that do not correspond to the main design will ruin the style.

The secret is to make the space under the stairs completely integrated into its surroundings.

This area should become part of the overall decor, but remain more focused on functionality. Consider adding shelves there. They will help enhance the impact of the room as a whole. They are not like your bookcases, each 3 feet long!

Bookshelves will fit perfectly here, so you can make them in different lengths and heights, and trust me, they will look great! They can find their home here decorative elements, or electrical fixtures to add color and texture to your living room.


Setting up a kitchen area under the stairs can be a bad idea because you'll be cooking here and all the debris that accumulates on the steps will end up on the countertop.

Those who do not have a large square footage can be advised to install appliances, a sink and a stove here. At the top you can place all your plates and cups, spices and so on.

Shelves and shelves under the stairs

We can all agree that the easiest way to organize this space is to install shelves and shelving there. A lot of things can be placed there without heavy furniture.

It is recommended to choose different sizes and slight asymmetry. You can store almost everything on them, the only thing that matters is the location of the stairs themselves, because what will look on the shelves and what will not depend on the type of room.

For example, you can easily put a bicycle or your son’s basketball equipment in the hallway, but only small objects - photographs, jewelry, vases - will look good in the living room. Even if you don’t know what to move there, just install shelves, and the items will always be there.

Cabinets with doors under stairs

Today, you can easily find cabinets in different shapes, colors, materials to suit your storage needs. And if you haven’t thought about using this territory before, think about it now. Why should you install cabinets there that will be filled with dishes, clothes, and shoes?

Drawers at the bottom of the stairs

If you have a lot of stuff and want to organize items to keep things organized, consider multiple drawers. Imagine if they were everywhere. And how much you can fit in them!

This design has been seen in sewing workshops. Often there is not enough storage space. In one of these, the drawers were organized vertically, they had different sizes and were intended for various types of fabrics and threads.

In your case, that is, in a private room, you can make the decoration even more beautiful; they will add sophistication and mystery to the room.

If you like a more complex organization of things, you can make a vertical chest of drawers with doors that slide to the side, and small sections inside.

This option will be especially ideal when you have a child, especially if there is more than one: divide it into parts for each child’s clothes.

Wine racks under the stairs

Wine is an essential drink for any great dinner. If you like it, then you should always have a good brand on hand, for which you can also use the space under the stairs.

It is not known why this is so, but most often we find wine surrounded by wood. Perhaps this happened because it was initially stored in large barrels. But they are usually not sold in them, but poured into glass, but the racks for them are often made of wood.

Wine bottles, as decorative elements, will also be good. Of course, they will not fail to attract the attention of your guests. A rack of this drink will add class and elegance to your style, making it more welcoming.

Open storage under wooden stairs

If more than one person lives in the house, an additional bathroom will definitely not be superfluous. And if there are often guests there, even more so. And sometimes you have to look for a place for the only “corner of thoughtfulness” in the house if the opportunity to create it arose much later than the completion of construction. But you can always find a way out - for example, placing a toilet under the stairs in the house.

The space under it is often not used in any way, or is used for storing rarely needed items - seasonal clothes and shoes, a vacuum cleaner, etc. So why not make this area functional and useful, and at the same time beautiful?

It doesn’t matter what style the room with the stairs is decorated in. The partitions that hide the restroom underneath can be finished to suit any style - from rustic to the most modern. This is not the most important difficult task. Difficulties may arise in a completely different way.

Requirements for toilet design

Unfortunately, to implement this idea, you need not only funds and desire, but also compliance with certain conditions that take into account the specifics of the bathroom, and the materials from which the staircase and the house itself are made.

Among them:

  • Technical feasibility of connecting water supply and sewerage systems to the selected location;
  • Mandatory forced ventilation device;
  • The need for waterproofing.

But that's not all. A bathroom underneath can only be placed in a niche with sufficient dimensions.

  • The minimum dimensions are 0.8 x 1.2 meters, provided that only the toilet is installed. If a sink, bathtub or washing machine is planned, they are increased accordingly.

For reference. If the size of your niche is a little smaller, it doesn’t matter. In city apartments under toilet room Often a very tiny room is also allocated. Modern plumbing fixtures that take up little space will help you get out of this situation. But more on that later.

  • Where the toilet is installed, the ceiling height must be at least one meter;
  • And his height in front of him is at least a few centimeters greater than the height of the tallest member of the family. Of course, if we are not talking about a children's toilet;
  • The same applies to the ceiling height at the sink and other plumbing fixtures:
  • The door to the room must open outward.

Advice. If there is no room for a swing door to the bathroom, you can consider sliding or folding structures. But keep in mind that they do not provide high-quality sound insulation and odor protection.


The easiest way is to install a water supply under the stairs and drain the wastewater if there is a kitchen or other nearby. utility room with communications. We will not describe in detail how such work is carried out; we will only touch on the most important points.

The wastewater from the toilet can be discharged directly into a septic tank or shambo using a separate pipe, or it can be connected to the general house sewer system. In this case, it is necessary to provide an angle of inclination of the pipeline for the free passage of waste by gravity.

It depends on the diameter of the pipe. The instructions recommend using pipes of the following diameters for sewer installation in a private house:

  • 50 mm– for indoor sewerage from bathtubs, sinks and showers. Optimal angle the slope for them is 2.5-3.5 cm per linear meter;
  • 100 or 110 mm– for drainage of wastewater from the toilet with a slope of 1.2-2.0 cm per linear meter;
  • Pipes of the same diameter or the next standard size (150 mm) used for external laying and give them a slope of 0.7-1.0 cm per linear meter.

The water supply line can be laid from the nearest node using the same pipes as the entire system in the house. If it is not there, water is supplied from a well or well with the installation of a pumping station, for which a place must also be found.

In this case, when year-round accommodation water pipes are laid below the ground freezing level, or insulated and equipped with a heating cable.

It is important! If the house is intended only for summer living, the water from the system must be drained in the winter.

Another important point: before making a toilet under the stairs, take care of the ventilation of this room. Otherwise, you risk constantly feeling unpleasant odors, and also acquire mold, which is very difficult to get rid of.

This is quite a difficult task if the stairs are located far from the external walls. You will either have to run the duct under the first floor ceiling, or route it through the second floor to the roof or attic space.


Before finishing the toilet in the house under the stairs, you need to think about waterproofing the floor. And protecting walls from mold and rot if they are wooden. This also applies to elements.

All wooden structures treated with special protective compounds. If you decide not to hide them under tiles or plastic panels, you can use stains, varnishes or tinting impregnations.

The choice of waterproofing depends on the material from which the floor is made and the type of finished floor covering:

  • Natural wooden floors are covered with several layers of varnish or water-repellent impregnation;
  • Bitumen-polymer mastic is applied to the concrete base, then a screed is made and tiles or linoleum are laid;
  • You can lay bitumen-based roll insulation under the laminate.
  • The toilet and bathtub under the stairs in a country house are finished with standard moisture-resistant materials: tiles, plastic panels, moisture-resistant paint, etc. Below are some examples.

Advice. For the installation of partitions, it is best to use moisture-resistant plasterboard. It can be painted over putty and tiles can be glued to it.

  • It is important to think carefully about lighting. If the ceiling height is small, pendant and built-in lamps are unlikely to be relevant. Flat ceiling lamps and wall sconces will help out.

Equipment and furnishings

As a rule, the bathroom under the stairs has very modest dimensions, limited by the width of the span and the slope of the structure. And in this limited space you can't go wrong, so you have to select the plumbing fixtures very carefully.

Pay attention to the following items that differ in functionality and optimal dimensions:

  • Wall-hung toilet with installation. It does not have a visible tank - it hides in a niche in the wall or in a box specially built for it. In our case, if the toilet is placed at the end of a niche, there will be a place for installation under the lower steps of the stairs, which is still not used.

  • Mini-sink. If you only need it to rinse your hands, there is no need to buy a large product. Compact sinks are wall-mounted and corner, built-in and wall-mounted, deep and flat. There are even some that can be installed on washing machine, which greatly saves space in a small bathroom.

  • Hygienic shower will successfully replace a bidet and allow you to easily fill a bucket with water for wet cleaning.

As for furniture, this small room it is unlikely that full-fledged cabinets or cabinets for linen, household tools and household chemicals. But you can find or make to order narrow cabinets or hanging cabinets.

In any case, you can always find a place for small shelves for hygiene items. And if you have a box built for installation, you can make good use of both its horizontal surface and its cavity, in which it is easy to hide pipes and water supply.

What else can you do under the stairs?

If you live in a city two-level apartment, where “wet” areas cannot be placed above dry ones.

  • Or you don’t have the desire or ability to run communications throughout the house.
  • Or the niche is too small to fit a toilet.
  • Or you just don’t need another bathroom under the stairs - what else can be installed there?

Many things. For example, a small niche adjacent to the bathroom or kitchen can accommodate a washing machine, dishwasher or dryer. You just need to put hoses there to supply and drain water. And if you want to make this design with your own hands from metal frame and drywall.

And if there is no need to lay communications, then a huge number of options arise. And the price for arranging such a space is reduced significantly.

It's easier to show examples than to describe possible solutions, so see for yourself:

It can also become a place to store bicycles and skis, a small workshop or a house for a pet.

And you need to use it not only because there is not enough space in the house for these purposes. A simply furnished niche looks much more aesthetically pleasing than empty space or a warehouse of unnecessary things.


In the video in this article you will find many other examples of the use of under-staircase niches. And if you want to thoroughly understand how to make a toilet under the stairs, then you will have to become a little plumber and a little builder. We wish you success in this.

When designing or even already building a two-story or two-level house, it is recommended to immediately think through issues of how to design the space under the stairs. Advance will be especially important in cases where the beneficial use of this area will require the provision of various utilities, the installation of which is carried out at the stage of foundation construction.

Features of the arrangement of the under-staircase space depend on several factors: on the location of the staircase itself, on its dimensions - width, height and length in plan, on the possibility of connecting water supply and sewerage to this area, and, of course, on the planned overall interior design.

Interesting solutions beneficial use There can be a lot of such seemingly “lost space” - it could be a built-in kitchen unit, bookshelves, sleeping or working place, various cabinets, chests of drawers, storage room, hallway and even a bathroom.

Types of stairs, and what kind of space is formed under them

Before you can determine how to usefully use the space under the stairs, you need to choose its design, which will determine how much space it will take up in the house and how much area will be formed under it.

There are many types of stairs, and the choice of a particular one depends primarily on how much space can be allocated for it in the house. It is necessary to understand that the more compact its design, the less space is formed under it.

- should be provided rational arrangement elements of kitchen furniture for comfortable food processing and cooking, as well as for convenient washing of dishes.

In order to determine all these nuances, it is recommended to draw up detailed drawing indicating the location of each element, and put all dimensions to scale. Even if it is a simple drawing, like the one shown in the figure, it will still be easier to navigate when drawing up a detailed plan for your kitchen under the stairs.

  • Bathroom.

Another rather difficult, but solvable task is the arrangement of a bathroom under the stairs.

If the stairs are located at external wall, then there should not be any special problems with connecting sewerage and water supply to the area below it.

If there is a lot of space under the stairs, it needs to be organized in such a way that it can accommodate a toilet, a sink, and also mount a mirror and towel racks on the wall. Perfect option, if it also fits .

The increased complexity in organizing a bathroom in the space under the stairs is also due to the need to construct a well-fitted door. In addition, it is very important for this room to provide and install effective ventilation, since condensation cannot be allowed to accumulate on the walls, which will negatively affect the wooden elements stairs.

It is better to finish the bathroom in light colors and don't choose large tiles, since it will visually make the room smaller. In addition, it is recommended to mount a mirror on the wall sufficiently big size- it will also contribute visual expansion premises. An important point in this case is correct lighting— it is advisable to make it quite intense.

  • Other space arrangement options.

When arranging a hallway, sleeping area, cabinets, chests of drawers, pantry, workplace or other options under the stairs, a number of other nuances are taken into account:

- you will need to provide power supply and install a switch and socket, organize sufficient lighting of the space;

— appropriately sized accessories with the required functionality must be thought out;

— a very important requirement is that the ceiling of the room or area under the stairs does not have cracks or gaps. The fact is that dust will inevitably collect under the steps, and when vibrations from steps occur, it can fall from above into the furnished space.

Video: several original solutions for the rational use of under-staircase space

We do it ourselves - an original spacious closet in the space under the stairs

One of the most popular ways to use the space under the stairs is to install shelves or drawers. An example of how similar work can be done under an existing staircase, with closed plasterboard the space underneath will be discussed below.

Prices for sliding wardrobes


Manufacturing and installation of cabinet frame structure

In this case, the space will be arranged under a small staircase, which means the area under it will not be too spacious. But even this small area can be used quite rationally.
Earlier, during the construction of the staircase to the second floor, the space under it was sheathed with sheets of plasterboard, part of which, by the way, can be usefully used to create future decoration.
The first step is to mark the previously installed sheets. On them, using a ruler, a building level and a pencil or marker, lines are drawn that define the area that will need to be removed.
When making markings, it is necessary to take into account the height of the steps of the stairs, since they must remain covered with plasterboard sheathing.
In addition, the location of the guides of the frame structure on which the drywall is fixed is also taken into account. The areas where these elements are installed can be identified by screwed-in screws.
Vertical side lines are drawn with an indentation of 25÷30 mm from the screws.
The top line of the future cutout should run along the bottom points of the steps and be parallel to the cut line of the drywall attached to the top points of the steps.
The middle part is cut out along the drawn lines plasterboard sheathing– An electric jigsaw is perfect for this operation.
Here you need to take into account that in places where the drywall is adjacent to the frame guides, it is cut off with a sharp construction knife, and unscrew the screws with a screwdriver.
After the excess part of the drywall has been removed, the remaining edges are trimmed using a hacksaw along the entire perimeter of the opening.
The vertical sides are cut exactly along the inner edge of the side vertical guides of the frame.
In addition to the fact that excess material will be removed, the edges of the resulting triangle will also be aligned, with the lower acute corner truncated.
When finishing material will be removed, a space will open up that needs to be arranged for installing a cabinet in it.
The cut out drywall is temporarily removed for now, as it will now interfere with further work.
In addition to the empty space, a wooden frame construction, which must also be carefully partially dismantled.
The frame bars are cut along the top line of the drywall at the same angle as the remaining drywall facing.
The work is carried out with the help electric jigsaw or reciprocating saw.
Cut off at the top vertical racks the battens are detached from the bottom horizontal beam, which then also needs to be carefully removed without damaging the floor covering.
Next, in the lower part of the truncated triangle, at its upper vertex, the angle is measured (in the case under consideration it was 49 degrees).
This parameter is necessary for the end cut of the board, which will become one of the parts of the opening frame.
The board is taken 150 mm wide and 25÷30 mm thick.
The finished board, cut from the end at the desired angle, is tried on to the place where it is secured.
It must be installed exactly flush with the cut drywall.
Next, in the same way, with precise adjustment at the corners, the entire perimeter of the cut-out space is framed.
The boards are secured between the scraps of vertical posts remaining after dismantling.
As a result, the installed ones should turn out to be solid inner surface, onto which external boards will then be attached, which will create a “finish” frame for the cut opening.
This illustration clearly shows the resulting structure at this stage, after securing the internal wooden lintels.
Then you need to attach the cut edge of the drywall to them using self-tapping screws - this will achieve maximum strength of the edges of the opening.
If necessary, one more wooden slats secured from below to the stair stringer in order to add thickness to it to the general level of the line of drywall and boards fixed immediately behind it.
Next, a board is attached to the beam, installed vertically on the high side of the triangular opening, from its rear part.
It will be necessary for fixation finished design shelves
The next step is to finish framing the cut opening.
To do this, along its entire perimeter, to the previously fixed internal boards, boards are installed and screwed, which should completely cover the unsightly picture of the drywall cut.
In order for the frame to look neat, the end parts of each of the boards are carefully adjusted to a certain, pre-measured angle.
Only in this case will they fit tightly to each other.
Before fixing these structural elements with self-tapping screws, their ends are coated with wood glue and glued together at the corners.
In this case, the vertical boards are leveled - if a misalignment is detected, then small spacers are made from thinner wooden wedges between the inner and outer boards.
The next step, at the site of future installation, is to form the frame of the front part of the shelf structure.
The boards intended for this purpose are temporarily fixed to the opening framing boards already attached to the stairs.
In addition, the frame boards are fastened together at the corners.
Next, the installation of the middle vertical bars is marked on the temporary frame.
Marking is carried out using a building level.
These elements will be the façade for the walls of the shelf structure.
Then, the bars are cut at the angle of inclination of the stairs.
Their height should be equal to the distance between the upper and lower, horizontally installed board.
There should be two such jumpers, and they are installed at the same distance from each other and from the side posts, that is, the length of the opening is divided by exactly three.
Next, the temporarily fixed bars are removed from the opening, and from them flat surface the front frame structure for the shelves is laid out.
Then they are finally fastened together according to the markings.
For ease of gluing individual parts in single design, short wooden blocks are evenly laid out under the mating parts.
They will also help to align the frame to the same level.
This is how the vertical bars are positioned and secured, and then the horizontal jumpers.
The transverse structural elements will determine the number of shelves or drawers. They are placed between vertical guides so that the shelves installed in different sections of the structure are at the same level.
Of course, it is important to maintain the perpendicularity of the parts being connected.
The connection can be made different ways- these can be wooden choppers (dowels, dowels), cuts and installation of special fastening parts in them with glue, for example, wooden dowels.
After the entire structure is assembled and glued, it is clamped in clamps until the glue dries completely.
This photo shows one of the elements with the help of which individual bars are fastened into a common structure - a wooden dowel installed in the place of the connecting unit.
While the front part of the structure’s frame is drying, you can start making partition walls that will be installed between the rows of shelves.
They are made from plywood 10–15 mm thick, onto which a frame of planks cut from the same plywood is attached using glue.
These elements are needed to enhance the rigidity of the partitions.
Glue is again applied to the fixed planks and another sheet of plywood is glued on top of them.
The entire structure is additionally secured with staples or self-tapping screws, and its thickness is compressed with clamps.
In this case, there are three such walls - they have different heights, equal to the vertical bars of the front part of the frame of the structure that was assembled earlier.
Their width should be equal to the depth of the space under the stairs
The next step is to cut back wall, which will fasten the partitions together.
To avoid mistakes, the finished front frame is laid on a sheet of plywood, then outlined with a pencil, and then the required figure is cut out with a jigsaw.
The vertical partition walls are fastened together with a common jumper - a board, which will fix them in the front part from above.
All planes must be aligned to the building level.
Then, the back side of the walls is also fastened at the top with a wooden plank.
After this, the rear plywood wall is fitted to the structure and secured.
The structure is rotated and laid on the back wall, which has just been fixed, and the end sides of the front part of the dividing partitions are coated with glue.
The next step is to place the wooden frame front of the structure.
It is carefully leveled and then secured with self-tapping screws.
Now, using glue and then self-tapping screws, you can fasten the lowest wall, that is, the side wall on the truncated side of the triangle.
All glued parts of the structure are again fixed with clamps.
Next, the location of the roller guides for the shelves is marked on the inner walls.
Two guides are temporarily fixed on both sides of the partition with a special clamp, which allows you to align them exactly in desired plane and screw them perfectly evenly on the surface and in relation to each other.
The next step is to fix the guides on the walls with self-tapping screws 15÷17 mm long.
After the roller guides are secured, a wide board is dismantled from the top of the structure, which provided temporary fixation of the frame, as it is no longer needed.
Instead, a sheet of plywood 8÷10 mm thick, prepared to size, is laid on the upper end sides of the partitions.
The plywood is secured to the end faces of the partitions and side walls using staples or self-tapping screws.
In this photo you can see assembled structure completely, and evaluate its quality.
Then the finished frame is carefully pushed into place - into the opening under the stairs.
Before final fixing it, you must once again check the verticality of the installation.
It's not too late to make small adjustments by placing thin wooden wedges in the right places.
After the structure is installed perfectly straight and fixed, the gaps around its perimeter can be closed with a neat narrow glazing bead, and a decorative plinth can be secured at the bottom.

Making drawers

Now we should consider several important points for the manufacture of drawers.

In this version, the master chose plywood 20 mm thick, but high-quality 10 mm material is also quite suitable for this purpose. Chipboards are also quite suitable for these purposes. standard thickness in 16 or 18 mm.

The main nuances in this process are the preparation of parts and their fastening, which will be discussed further.

The first step is to take the dimensions from the opening in which the box will be installed - width, height and depth - and it will be made according to them. In addition, you need to accurately determine the location of the guides along which the shelf will run.

IllustrationBrief description of the operation performed
Based on the obtained dimensions, all the elements of the box are marked and drawn on the prepared sheet of plywood.
It is very important to ensure that all angles are right.
The next step is to cut out all the parts of the box, and their edges are processed until smooth.
To ensure that the assembly of parts is smooth and strong, first the side walls are installed on the edges of the back, and their place of fastening is drawn.
The same is done with the front wall.
The next step is to drill through holes with a diameter of 8 mm in the marked places for furniture confirmations (euroscrews), through which the back and front walls will be screwed to the side ones.
There should be two such holes on each side.
Using the drilled holes, the centers of the holes at the end of the side wall are marked, with a diameter of 5 mm and a depth of about 50 mm.
The walls are assembled, confirmations are inserted into the holes, and then they are tightened using a screwdriver with a hexagonal bit.
Other drawer junction boxes are assembled in the same way.
Confirmats will provide good structural rigidity. True, if plywood with a thickness of 10 millimeters or less is used to make the box, then confirmats will not work, and you will have to use ordinary screws with a diameter of 3.5 ÷ 4 mm.
To find out whether the box is assembled evenly, you need to measure and compare its diagonals - they must be the same length.
Next, a hole is drilled in the front of the drawer through which the handle should be attached to the panel.
It must be said that very often an additional panel of more thin plywood, but somewhat bigger size than the main wall. It is first glued and then fixed with screws from the inside of the box.
The size of the screw must be selected so that it is 5 mm shorter than the total thickness of the front wall including the front panel.
After securing the handle, the bottom part is secured to the box - usually this is done using self-tapping screws. The bottom panel will finally fix the box in the required rectangular configuration.
After this, the finished box can be subjected to the necessary finishing– stripping sandpaper with fine grain, polishing, painting, varnishing, covering with laminating film, etc.
Sometimes this operation is left until the very end of the work.
The next step is to mark the side walls of the drawer along the roller guides that were previously installed in the cabinet design.
A careful fitting is carried out, and if it goes well, the guides can be secured with self-tapping screws, the length of which should also not exceed 15 mm.
All the boxes are assembled in the same way, and, as we have seen, they front panel may have a more complex shape, and the height of the side walls may vary. But this does not significantly affect the technology of their manufacture and assembly.
After this, it will be possible to carry out the general assembly of the cabinet and its final finishing with all components to perfection.
As a result, a beautiful and very functional piece of furniture appeared in the space under the stairs

For the space under the stairs, cabinets and another, simpler one can be made, or vice versa - complex design, which, for example, pull out from the wheel wells, and the division into separate sections and shelves is already done inside. The advantage of this option is that the cabinets can always be completely pulled out from the under-staircase niche in order to carry out general cleaning inside it.

Even if the house has enough space for all the rooms necessary for comfortable living, the space under the stairs will never be superfluous, and it must be used to the maximum rationally. There will always be a lot of useful things in the household that their owners do not use every day, but they should have a designated storage location. An equipped under-staircase niche is also perfect for this.

Therefore, when planning the construction two-story house and the distribution of communications along it, it is advisable to decide in advance whether and how the area under the stairs will be used. Well, during the final finishing, all this can be decorated in the same style as the room in which the staircase structure will be located. And then competently equipped and beautifully decorated usable space organically, without burdening the interior, it will fit into the overall design, and sometimes even become an eye-catching “highlight” of the room.

Typically, the free space under the stairs takes up at least 2 m2, and if the structure is rotating or there is a platform of sufficient size on top, it can be used rationally and with great benefit by creating some kind of functional area there. Depending on the purpose of the object, there are many options for arranging the space under the stairs. In this article we will tell you about the main and most interesting ones.


Not everyone decides to place a kitchen under the stairs. Indeed, in the process of arranging a working or dining area in such a place, you may encounter a number of problems. But it is quite possible to do this if you take into account many nuances at the stage of building a house and the general finishing of the entire room.

  • Communications. Electricity, gas (if necessary), water supply, sewerage - they must be installed in advance, during the construction of the house. It is advisable that already at this stage you have a design for the location of kitchen furniture, because utilities need to be installed in specific places. This is necessary for installing a stove, sink, dishwasher. It is recommended to immediately install the electrical wiring in the place where the work area is supposed to be located for sockets at a distance of approximately 110-115 cm from the floor at the points you need. If necessary, also provide additional lighting. Don't forget about the hood. We'll have to stretch into our zone ventilation duct. If this is not possible, you can use a hood without an air duct.
  • Risers. It is necessary that they be present in the staircase structure. Open flights will allow dust flying from above to settle on kitchen surfaces.
  • Protection of the staircase structure. During the use of kitchen equipment, the stairs will be exposed to adverse factors, such as high humidity, temperature changes. This must be taken into account when choosing material for the stairs and methods of finishing and processing. It is also desirable that the design is easy to clean.

When arranging the space under the stairs, it is possible to place a kitchen there with almost any type of layout.

  1. Kitchen in one line fits perfectly under flight of stairs. Of course, it will be quite small, and partly upper cabinets you will have to refuse, but this is a very convenient and space-efficient option, quite appropriate, for example, for a country house.
  2. L-shaped kitchen– the most popular and maximum convenient option furniture arrangement.
  3. U-shaped arrangement elements is possible if, in addition to the space under the flight, there is also space under the second floor platform.
  4. G-shaped placement– an unusually stylish and comfortable option with a bar counter.
  5. Kitchen with island– placement method, possible if there is a free area of ​​at least 20 m 2. Very relevant for spacious rooms, especially if the kitchen under the stairs goes into the dining room.

Bar and wine shelves

A bar under a flight of stairs can become a real decoration of the living room. It will elegantly fit into the interior, bring coziness and be a spectacular location at various receptions and buffets. Quite often, bottle holders or display cases are placed under the stairs to store a collection of wines.


The space under the stairs can be successfully used to create a storage room. Various household small items and items will be conveniently located here. household, canned foods. On special fasteners you can place a vacuum cleaner, ironing board, mop, children's ice sled and even a small bicycle or scooter. The pantry can be open or closed with a door.

Open structures are appropriate if they do not spoil appearance the room into which the staircase descends, these can be utility rooms or a non-front part of the corridor or hallway.


The room under the stairs in a private house is quite suitable for placement there. If we're talking about O country house, then it’s a great idea to rationally use the space by placing, for example, a small shower there.

There are several requirements that must be met.

  • Minimum parameters for placing a bathroom: 2.3 m (length) x 1.2 m (width) x 1 – 2.6 m (height). So, a march of 10 steps may be quite enough.
  • Communications - water supply, sewerage, electricity - must be provided in advance. Availability required ventilation system. It is better to entrust its arrangement to specialists.


This is an excellent solution in terms of saving space. Outerwear, seasonal items, boxes of shoes, umbrellas, bags, hats do not always fit into closets located in bedrooms and hallways, and a dressing room under the stairs will help make their storage as comfortable as possible.

This option involves closed structures with various combinations of elements. The internal configuration of the dressing room may include sections different sizes and forms. These could be shelves drawers, roll-out sections, rods in one or two rows, baskets.

Even the idea of ​​placing a mini-bedroom under the stairs is realized.


A very popular option is to place a workplace here. Of course, it is not suitable for every room. It will not be very convenient within high-traffic areas. Here it is unlikely that you will be able to isolate yourself and isolate yourself from the environment for quiet work. A closed structure with swing doors or sliding partitions. The space will be small, but quite suitable for work, which can be a good solution to the problem of lack of free space.

Small library

Bookshelves under the stairs will look chic. If the owners are connoisseurs of books and have a substantial library, this design will allow you to conveniently place the collection, saving space and decorating, for example, a living room or hallway if the staircase is located there. And since the depth of the shelves will be very small, the free space located behind the racks can be used for other purposes, by arranging there, for example, a storage area for other items or a small closet.

Children's room

Everyone remembers Harry's famous little room in the closet under the stairs. Modern parents, of course, will not give their children a place in the closet, but setting up a play area in the under-staircase space is very good idea. The most possible various options– from simple ones with location there carpeting and children's toys to unique and amazing in their beauty and believability in detail fairy houses. Such a magical structure will give the child a lot of ideas for games and will develop fantasy and imagination. However, do not forget that the location of the steps of the stairs next to the play space creates the need to provide for the protection of the child. for children is prerequisite.

Place for pets

If you have pets, you can arrange a house for them in a niche under the stairs or sleeping area. Such a room will not require much space, so a pet house can be successfully combined with other functional areas within one design.


A fireplace is not only functional, but also an amazingly beautiful interior object that can make any room cozy and completely special. It can be placed under flights of stairs, a turntable, and even built into the free space inside spiral staircase. To install a fireplace, you will naturally have to think about the location of the chimney. Great alternative A biofireplace that runs on special fuel and does not require a chimney can become standard. Since the fire in both cases is real, during installation you will need to comply with all the necessary fire safety measures.

Garage for bicycles or strollers

Very good decision, especially if it is located in close proximity Entrance door. Bicycles can be hung on special fasteners to a wall or flight of stairs, which makes their storage as comfortable as possible and greatly simplifies room cleaning.

Mini greenhouse

Located under the stairs is small winter Garden or the flower garden can become real a piece of paradise. As part of the flight of your imagination, a wide variety of options are possible - from the arrangement of single plants to amazingly complex compositions with original decor and magical waterfalls.


The location of the aquarium under the flights of stairs is a very effective interior solution. This detail will give the living room, hallway or dining room a special flavor. After all, behind the glass we see an amazing, colorful, unique and living little universe.

Decor or exhibition

If there is no need to functionally use the space under the stairs, you can simply decorate it in an original way. Paintings, shelves with photographs, figurines and other interior items can be located here. If one of the owners is a collector, the collected items can be placed in display cases under the stairs, of course, if their dimensions allow this. The niche under the flight of stairs can also become great place exhibitions of household works.