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» Homemade tangerine from seed: planting, growing, protection from pests. How to grow a tangerine from a seed: a tangerine tree at home How to grow a tangerine from a seed

Homemade tangerine from seed: planting, growing, protection from pests. How to grow a tangerine from a seed: a tangerine tree at home How to grow a tangerine from a seed

Those who love caring for indoor plants will probably want to grow several specimens of citrus trees. Of course, germinating and caring for them is not easy, since you need to master a number of rules and recommendations. However, as a result you get not so much ornamental plant, how much fruit. Agree, who wouldn’t want to try home-grown tangerine fruits? That’s why it’s worth taking a closer look at how to grow a tangerine from a seed at home, how to plant and provide complete care.

Is it possible to grow tangerines from seeds? own home? In fact, this is quite possible. You really have to tinker with the bones. You should initially prepare yourself for the fact that it is not always possible to grow a tangerine from a seed at home. Firstly, the process itself is very slow.

Secondly, sometimes an indoor tree simply does not bloom, and then you will have to resort to various techniques to somehow stimulate him. But the first thing you should pay attention to when planting tangerines from seeds at home is the choice or purchase of seeds. Remember: you will be able to grow a tangerine tree at home if you approach each stage correctly.

It is recommended to take tangerine seeds for propagation from hybrid ones. A tree grown from the seed of such a plant will form faster, since the germination of the grains is much better. Plus, you have a better chance of getting edibles and nutritious fruits, if you plant seeds of hybrid varieties.

In the process of selecting grains for seed, be sure to pay attention to their appearance. Seeds suitable for planting should not be deformed, have any noticeable defects, spots, or look dry. Into one flower pot many people prefer to plant up to five grains of the plant to ensure 100 percent germination of the citrus shrub.

Soil selection

Let's figure out how to germinate a tangerine seed and how difficult it is. First of all, it is important preparatory stages, such as choosing seeds or preparing a soil mixture. Will it indoor tangerine To bear fruit and develop fully depends largely on the quality. Remember that this home plant does not grow very well in acidic or excessively dry soil. That is why, when purchasing a soil mixture, be sure to pay attention to its composition: if it includes peat, such a substrate is not suitable for growing a tangerine tree from seeds.

If you do not want to spend money on purchased soil mixtures and are absolutely confident that you can prepare the necessary substrate yourself, the most optimal soil composition is a mixture of the following components:

  • humus;
  • forest land;
  • sand.

When we're talking about about the need to plant a tangerine tree from seeds, remember that fruiting is possible if you use a nutritious soil mixture. Just dig up some earth summer cottage not enough.

Planting seeds

Growing tangerines from seeds is a labor-intensive process. Knowing correctly, you will be able to qualitatively carry out the entire procedure step by step, and in the end you will receive good result. Tangerine seeds will sprout if you do not overdry them. Ideally, the sooner the seeds removed from the fruit are planted in the ground, the greater the chance that they will soon hatch from under the earthen crust. However, there are other possible options.

For example, you took tangerine seeds from your friends because you know that you will be dealing with a prolific hybrid variety. But you weren’t able to root the seeds right away. In this case, the seed must be soaked in water for several days. When the seeds can already be planted, they are rooted into the ground no deeper than 1–1.5 cm. After planting, be sure to water them and proceed.

Transplanting seedlings

Mandarin oranges grow well from seeds at home only if you follow certain recommendations. When germinating seeds in a pot, remember that they will need to be replanted soon. But first, wait until four leaves are formed on each of the sprouts. Afterwards, inspect all the processes and select for further cultivation the largest. Next, replant the sprouts and continue to care for them. The next one will be needed when root system of a young plant will fill the entire flowerpot.

Care and maintenance

As for fertilizing, they are also necessary: ​​add nutrient mixtures to the soil 2-3 times a week.

Most gardeners who know a lot about growing citrus trees prefer to buy fertilizers in specialized stores. As a rule, two types of fertilizers are used at once: to enrich the substrate and directly to stimulate the growth of tangerines. Another important nuance for caring for tangerine bushes - lighting. A lot of it is required, but you can do without artificial lighting.


How to properly grow a tangerine from a seed must be understood in advance in order to avoid mistakes later. Special attention pay attention to the procedure. It is recommended to plant a cutting on the tree taken from a more mature and well-bearing bush. After grafting is completed, be sure to use garden varnish for treatment.

Diseases and pests

Often, lovers of citrus plants use home remedies (infusion onion peel or garlic). Whether you propagate seedless tangerines on the windowsill or using seeds is entirely up to you. Knowing how to properly care for the plant, when to start forming the crown, and how the fruit-bearing plant reproduces, you will achieve the necessary results.

Video “Tangerine from the seed”

From this video you will learn how to grow a tangerine from a seed.

I thought for a long time about what to please today, until my eyes fell on. Traditional fruit on New Year– tangerine. One day I had to buy these delicious citrus fruits from big amount seeds. After the holiday, they were lying everywhere - to the point that some smart guy from among the many guests managed to pour some into the pot with Chinese rose. Can you imagine my surprise when a month later I saw a suspicious sprout with green shiny leaves? Although the plans did not include growing tangerines from seeds, it was a pity to throw away the plant. I had to turn to reference books and get my head around personal experience. Now I can safely share information on caring for a wonderful ornamental tree.

I already said that my seed sprouted on its own, but if you want to speed up this event, use damp gauze. Put a few seeds, just in case, in a warm place and don’t forget to moisten regularly.

You can buy soil in the store, they sell it ready for citrus fruits, but it’s better to make it yourself. Do not take pure peat under any circumstances - the plant will not be comfortable in it and may rot and die.

To prepare the soil you will need:

  • 3 cups of turf soil;
  • 1 cup of soil from under deciduous trees;
  • 1 cup of rotted manure;
  • 1 glass of sand;
  • half a glass of clay;
  • handful of wood ash

This is enough for a small pot, then, when you have to transplant it into a larger container, simply increase the proportions. The prepared soil needs to be well moistened, make small holes with your finger and plant the sprouted seeds.

How to properly care

Have you waited for a beautiful day when the first leaves appeared from the ground? Don't think that care will consist of just watering! Already from the first week the plant needs feeding. Since both organic and mineral fertilizers, I didn’t dare to use chemicals myself, but went the simple route - I bought a ready-made mixture of fertilizer for citrus fruits, fortunately there are a lot of them on sale now.

You need to feed the plant twice a month, preparing the nutrient mixture strictly according to the instructions.

It's better to do this:

  • moisten the soil;
  • water the surface of the soil with fertilizer;
  • Spray the leaves with fertilizer from a spray bottle.

After such procedures, the tangerine grew by leaps and bounds, producing new leaves. I want to warn, spray clean water The tree needs it constantly, doing it in the evening or in the morning.

Place the potted plant on the brightest windowsill. Mandarin loves bright colors very much sunlight and feels great even on the hottest days. Make sure the soil dries out - sometimes you had to water the plant twice a day.

I specially prepared a photo - this is what the plant should look like a year after planting. Surprised by its size? I was also a little shocked at the speed of growth.

Mandarin Defense

For some reason, the thought did not even arise that pests might encroach on mine. But when one day I discovered that the plant had begun to wither, I thought that I was watering it incorrectly or not feeding it enough. I paid more attention, but the leaves continued to wither and fall off.

Upon careful examination, I unexpectedly discovered an almost imperceptible cobweb on almost every leaf, and the last straw was miniature, swarming light bugs.

If such a misfortune befalls you, you can get rid of it with the help of “Atellik”. Two treatments with a break of a week were enough for me to harmful insects disappeared. Another unpleasant pest of tangerines is the scale insect, which is quite difficult to get rid of. When there are only a few of them, you can periodically wash them off the plant using ordinary laundry soap.

When large quantity will have to resort to support chemicals. I took Aktara, watered the soil and sprayed the plant generously.


Not proper care or poor soil can cause the mandarin to attack. Most often it is a fungus or a virus. There is no way to determine on your own what happened to the tree, unless, of course, you have a special laboratory.

I have chemical education no, special equipment too, so I did this: first I carefully examined the plant, removed suspicious leaves and flowers. Then he armed himself with a sharp knife, wiped with alcohol, and cut out black or plaque-covered areas on the trunk.

It is better to disinfect with activated carbon. A few tablets, crushed into powder, are enough.

If you don’t want to mess with a diseased plant, it’s better to spray it with Bordeaux mixture once a month for prevention. The packaging indicates how to prepare it correctly. It would be a good idea to purchase Fitosporin, which is also an excellent means of prevention.

Just in case, I will briefly describe the diseases of the tangerine:

  • warts (wart-like growths caused by excess moisture);
  • citrus canker (bright spots on leaves, cannot be treated);
  • late blight (oily spots on the trunk, urgent replanting and removal of damaged areas is required);
  • root rot (root rotting, it is necessary to cut off damaged roots, replant in fresh soil, do not water for a while).


Already eager to grow at home beautiful tree? Be prepared for the fact that you will only have to have an ornamental plant - a tangerine grown from a seed will not bear fruit. Yes, it can bloom and even produce fruits, small and tasteless.

In order to get fragrant sweet tangerines from a tree, you need to graft it. My friends found a fruit-bearing varietal tangerine at home, so I didn’t have to think long to get a full-fledged plant.

I’ll tell you how to properly graft a tangerine so as not to harm it. Prepare what you need in advance:

  • two-year-old cuttings from a fruit-bearing plant;
  • garden pitch (boil 1 tsp rosin, 2 tsp paraffin and 0.7 tsp vegetable oil);
  • scotch;
  • sharp knife

Ready for surgery? Then let's begin. Using a sharp knife, carefully make a T-shaped cut on your tangerine. You need to do it on the trunk, ten centimeters from the ground. Also prepare the cuttings that we will graft - remove all the leaves. Carefully cut off the piece with the bud and insert it into the cut.

Now the garden pitch will be used - carefully cover the grafting site and secure it with tape on top. You can use an elastic band. Better plant place under film until the cutting is fully grafted.

After a month, you can remove the film and tape. After making sure that the new branch has put out leaves, the top of your tangerine is cut off diagonally at a height of several centimeters above the grafted shoot.

Tip - stick a support into the ground and tie the plant up, stimulating it to grow upward. The tree must be formed immediately after grafting, otherwise the tangerine will grow crooked and ugly.

I tried to tell everything in an accessible and understandable way, but if you still have questions, then look at the useful and interesting video. It will help you understand all the intricacies of vaccination.

Are you convinced that growing a wonderful tree from a seed is not so difficult? I will be grateful to you if you can help your friends decorate their house with fruit-bearing tangerines using social networks. See you again!

Growing a tangerine from a seed at home is really very simple. It is enough not to throw away the seeds that are found in the fruits. Collect them (at least 5-7 pieces, since not all seeds will germinate) and get started!

How to germinate a tangerine seed?

To make the seeds hatch, wrap them in several layers of gauze or a thin layer of cotton wool (regular cosmetic cotton pads will do, for example). As they dry, moisten them with settled water. room temperature.

As soon as a sprout appears from the seed, it can be planted in the ground. For growing tangerine suitable for home almost any land that is sold in flower shop or a department of a hypermarket (unless you should choose a peat-based mixture).

Tangerine grows slowly, so the first green shoots should be expected 2-4 weeks after planting the hatched seed.

How to care for tangerine at home?

There is no need for any complicated care for the tangerine tree. It is enough to water it with settled water at room temperature as needed, however, since the tangerine is a southern plant, it will wither in the shade. Place the plant on a well-lit windowsill.

If the air in your room is dry, additionally spray the tangerine with clean water. An alternative to spraying can be an indoor fountain or a humidifier.

As the tree grows, transplant it into a larger pot ( best time- beginning of spring), trying to treat the roots of the plant as carefully as possible.

For feeding, you can use organic and mineral fertilizers.

Planting one on your windowsill seems like an impossible task for many. We are constantly afraid that the citrus family requires unique care that will consume all of our time and finances. Indeed, some of these plants require careful supervision, but this does not particularly concern the tangerine. This fruit is completely unpretentious and hardy enough for our climate. Therefore, after reading our article, choose the best cultivation method for you and feel free to start planting the overseas fruit. We will tell you below how to choose and grow tangerines from seeds at home.

Choosing a place for a tangerine

If you decide to grow a tangerine, the first thing you need to do is choose a place for the tree. Indoors can grow both on the windowsill and on the balcony. To date, breeders have bred a lot dwarf plants, but ordinary tangerine trees can also be given the desired shape.

The place for planting a tree at home is chosen in the same way as on. The site must be well lit with little direct light sun rays . At insufficient lighting The tangerine will slow down its growth and may not bloom at all. Therefore, to grow a tangerine, choose the southern part of the room, but so that at noon the tree can be slightly shaded.


For indoors tangerine must be maintained at a certain temperature. IN summer period optimal temperature indicators when growing a tree should be +20...+25°C. When the plant begins to bloom or buds appear on it, it is advisable to prevent them from falling off the flowers by lowering the temperature no higher than +20 °C.

In winter, to improve future flowering, citrus mandarin is better leave without much movement. Temperature in winter period contents can vary from +5 °C to +10°C. By observing such temperature conditions, you can easily grow tangerines from seeds at home.

Mandarin is very important point with his growth. In insufficient light, the tree is lagging behind in development and there is a high risk of getting modest blooms. In summer, young tangerines can be gradually exposed to the open air so that the plant gradually gets used to the environment. But at noon you will have to hide it from direct sunlight.

In winter, when daylight hours are quite short, the tangerine must be placed in the brightest place in the room. It happens that a young tree may not have enough lighting. Here a phytolamp will come to the rescue, which is screwed into a regular table lamp or a chandelier. Start off You need to highlight the tangerine gradually, otherwise, with a sharp change in daylight hours, the plant may lose its leaves.

Air humidity

Mandarin does not tolerate dry air. Therefore, to maintain sufficient humidity, it is recommended to place containers of water around the container. As the temperature rises, the plant needs to be additionally moistened, sometimes several times a day. In winter, it is better to spray, but only when it dries.

Choosing a container or container for planting

It is recommended to choose dishes for planting tangerines based on its size. Remember for better growth its trees will need to be replanted every year. Do not immediately choose a large pot, as it will be too large space may lead to root rot.

The best containers for tangerines are small ones. wooden boxes or pots from natural materials. When planting, don't forget the good things. Pebbles, expanded clay, remnants of broken ceramic dishes and even polystyrene foam are perfect for this role. Mandarin does not like stagnant moisture in the soil, which can also lead to root rot.

Important! Every week, inspect the shoots, as well as the trunk and leaves of the tree for bacterial or pest infestation.

Soil for tangerine

As with growing in open ground, indoor tangerine does not love acidic soils . Therefore, when choosing a ready-made mixture for planting in the store, pay attention to the substrate.

If you don’t trust purchased substrates, you can prepare the soil for planting yourself. To do this, take turf and leaf soil, washed river sand and a little. Keep the proportions 1:1:0.5. From these components, light, well-permeable soil is obtained, which the tangerine loves so much.

Planting, propagation and replanting of tangerines

At home growing mandarin citrus, there are several ways to propagate it: cuttings, grafting and the most popular method today - seeding. But how to properly plant and grow a tangerine from a seed so that the tree bears fruit?

First of all, you need to understand that when using this method, you should expect results no earlier than six years later. An even more difficult method of propagation is cuttings, since when using it it is extremely rare to grow tangerines at home.

At the same time, tangerine grafting is considered one of the proven options. At home, it is grafted onto orange or grapefruit seedlings. In addition, many gardeners are interested in how long does a tangerine grow? This citrus tree is very durable and, with proper care, will live for more than thirty years.

Mandarin roots grow actively every year, which is why the plant needs annual replanting. After 5-6 years, they are replanted less frequently - once every two years. Transplantation must be carried out in the spring, before the active growth of the rhizome, and each time a flowerpot or pot is selected that is not much larger than the previous one. The best method for replanting a tangerine would be a transshipment method: try not to destroy the formed earthen lump.

Important! The roots of the plant should not be washed. Only when they are infected is rinsing allowed.

Vegetative methods of propagation

As we mentioned above, propagating tangerines at home, using the usual planting of cuttings, is almost impossible. Therefore, in order to grow a fruitful tree, tangerine cuttings are grafted to any other citrus plant.

To do this, you will need a bush that is one to two years old and a cutting of your choice. We take a citrus seedling and make a T-shaped cut at a distance of up to 10 cm above the soil. Then, lightly pressing the tip of the knife, we get a recess into which we insert our cutting.

After this, you need to coat the cut area with garden varnish and wrap it with PVC film or electrical tape. After grafting tangerines, you need to place them in or simply cover them with a plastic bag. You can ventilate once a day, making sure that a peephole does not appear after vaccination.

Usually the cutting is grafted within a month, after which the greenhouse is removed and the electrical tape is loosened. After rooting, you can completely get rid of the stretched film. By growing tangerines using this propagation method, you have every chance of getting sweet and juicy fruits.

Did you know? For better tangerine growth, spray its leaves daily with warm water from a spray bottle.

Seed method

The easiest way to grow a tangerine is to plant a seed, and you already know about this. Therefore, buy several fruits in advance that have been properly stored, without freezing or direct sunlight, and select a dozen seeds from them. Then, rinse them thoroughly running water and place it on a windowsill or other flat surface for drying.

When the seeds are dry, they need to be soaked for further germination: take a cotton cloth and wrap the seeds in it. The fabric should be damp for several days, but not floating in water.

After the seeds swell and sprouts begin to hatch, you can replant them in previously prepared soil. As soon as you plant the tangerine seed and the seedling grows a little, it needs to be transplanted into a container with a volume of about 4 liters.

Important! Be sure to take several grains at once for planting, since some tangerine seeds usually do not germinate.

Plant care

If you no longer have any questions about how to plant a tangerine, then all that remains is to provide it with proper care and wait for the fragrant fruits. For good growth tree do not forget about sufficient humidity in the summer. Give more light, but shade in hot sun, as tangerine leaves easily get burned.

Everyone who has seen homemade tangerines from friends dreams of having a citrus tree at home with fragrant flowers. Many are stopped by the fear that they do not have enough strength and knowledge to properly care for such an exotic pet.

Indeed, some citrus indoor plants require specific growing conditions, but not the tangerine; caring for it is quite simple: it is unpretentious and hardy enough to live on ordinary window sills of Russian apartments. Anyone can grow a tangerine from a seedling purchased at a flower shop, since it is already a grafted fruit-bearing tree.

If you cannot afford to allocate money from your home budget to purchase a plant, then you can grow a tangerine at home yourself. To do this, you only need to have a few seeds taken from ordinary fruits.

Homemade citrus fruits: decorative tangerine

Several years will pass, and you will be full of pride from a slender tree with very beautiful shiny leaves. The citrus aroma will spread throughout the entire apartment, which will give your home additional coziness and comfort.

The tangerine tree is from the rutaceae family, spherical in shape, the leaves are evergreen, replaced every four years, the flowers are white, fragrant.

This citrus tree reproduces by seeds or vegetatively. Most often, many people have indoor tangerines at home, grown from seeds. But this is just decorative indoor plant, which improves the interior of the apartment, but does not bear fruit at all or has very small inedible fruits.

IN farms Citrus fruits are always produced by grafting to produce tasty fruits. You will have to undergo a similar operation if you decide to feast on juicy vitamins. If you just want to try your hand at growing citrus plants yourself, then you will absolutely succeed.

Make room for them on the south side if you have one. poisonous plants, then they don't best neighbors for indoor citrus fruits, move them to another windowsill.

How to grow a tangerine at home from an ordinary seed

Soaking the seeds

Anyone who has experienced growing seedlings from seeds knows that they must swell. We take several tangerine seeds and soak them in gauze for several days. There shouldn't be too much water, just keep the fabric slightly damp and just add water as needed.

If you plan to have only one homemade tangerine, anyway, let there be 10-15 seeds: not all will germinate, some will die from diseases, and some will die the “death of the brave” when you try to graft the plant yourself for the first time.

There is no desire to deal with gauze - hydrogel, sold in specialized stores, will help you. Professionals involved landscape design, ordinary amateur gardeners use it whenever possible, as it is an excellent protection for plants from heat.

Hydrogel is akin to drip irrigation, but in our case it will not be added to the soil, but will serve instead of gauze, as it retains moisture excellently. The seeds should be kept in the middle of the gel so that they do not dry out.

Landing in the ground

The hatched seeds are transplanted into a pot or ordinary seedling box. Some people do not wait for the seeds to swell, but immediately plant them in the ground. The sprout appears a little later, but it looks no worse than the one that grew from the soaked seed.

What kind of soil is required to get a tangerine at home? Peat cannot be used: it often sours, dries quickly, and has no special nutritional properties. It is found in almost all mixtures sold in stores, so you will have to prepare the soil for growing citrus fruits yourself:

  • turf soil - 3 parts;
  • leaf soil - 1 part;
  • rotted cow manure - 1 part;
  • sand – 1 part;
  • a small amount of clay.

For city dwellers, such manipulations are unrealistic, so try to buy neutral, nutritious soil “Rose” or “Veriohumus”. According to reviews on the Internet, it is well suited for growing citrus fruits successfully. As a last resort, you can take regular soil and mix it with a small amount ash, superphosphate and organic fertilizer.

Don't forget to put expanded clay or pebbles at the bottom of the pot for drainage. When will the first leaves appear? Citrus fruits at home begin to grow actively three weeks from the time of planting.

Indoor citrus fruits: care, nutrition, protection

As soon as the first shoots appear, they should be fed every two weeks with mineral and organic fertilizers.

It’s great that there are special fertilizers on sale for caring for citrus plants. First, the tree is watered, and then fertilized.

Such a houseplant should be replanted in the spring every year, trying to keep the soil around the roots intact. When tangerine tree at home reaches eight years, then the transplant is done after a year.

Mandarin loves the sun, the window is on the south side - perfect place for him, but so that in winter the temperature does not drop below 14 degrees. Every week, indoor tangerine should be sprayed, high humidity is vital for him, so let there always be a bowl of water next to the pot.

In summer, the tangerine tree should be watered very generously several times a day, in winter - up to three times a week as the soil dries with water at room temperature. Active feeding of citrus fruits occurs from April to September, this will make the fruits grow sweeter.

Many young indoor citrus trees die from pests that are practically invisible to people: red spider mite, citrus whitefly, scale insects.

If you look closely, you can see that the plant is entwined with tiny cobwebs that are destructive to it. Inspect the seedlings regularly to detect problems at an early stage.

There are preparations “Aktellik”, “Fitoverm”, designed to thoroughly wash all the leaves, top and bottom, with their solution. Proceed according to the attached instructions, spraying is not effective, so only rinsing, which is repeated several times a week.

How to grow fruiting tangerine

Mandarins from seeds in nature begin to bear fruit after 4-5 years. This will be the so-called wild fruit, which has tasteless fruits. Grafting a tangerine accelerates fruiting and produces delicious fruit. It is done during the period of sap flow: April, early May, August. In other months, success is not possible; a good result also depends on quick, careful actions during grafting in a clean environment.

What should be prepared for grafting a tangerine tree:

  • rootstock is your plant grown from a seed, with a trunk no thinner than 6 mm (about the size of a pencil);
  • scion - a fresh cutting or eye taken from a fruiting citrus tree, from a branch no older than two years;
  • garden var;
  • elastic band;
  • budding grafting knife.

On the trunk of the rootstock at a height of 10 cm, an incision is made in the shape of the letter T: horizontal - 1 cm, vertical - 2-4 cm. The scion is prepared: thorns and leaf blades are removed. The bud with a small layer of wood is carefully cut off and inserted into the cut. The “operation” site is carefully wrapped with tape. After grafting, the plant is placed under a jar or plastic bag to create the necessary humidity and microclimate.

Only in a month will it become clear whether the budding was successful or not. Let there be several experimental samples, since it will no longer be possible to redo it - the period of sap flow has passed. It is best to start experiments in the spring; if there is no success, repeat at the end of summer.

As you saw that the bud has sprouted, the sprout is accustomed to the air outside the jar. Ventilation gradually increases, the winding is removed. Another month later, when the new shoot is already growing well: the trunk of the rootstock is carefully cut off obliquely with a knife 3 mm above the base of the shoot and covered with garden varnish. A stick is placed in the pot to teach the tangerine tree to grow vertically at home. That's all! Good luck to you, do not forget to water, fertilize and spray your citrus tree.