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Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Ecology at home. Simple solutions. Ecology at home. Recommendations for creating an environmentally friendly home. Safe Home Electrical Appliances - Dangerous Sources of Pollution

Ecology at home. Simple solutions. Ecology at home. Recommendations for creating an environmentally friendly home. Safe Home Electrical Appliances - Dangerous Sources of Pollution

The concept of "ecology in the house" is very broad. This is not only design, relationships between people, the psychological atmosphere and the state of mind of each household member.

The concept of "ecology in the house" is very broad. This is not only design, relationships between people, the psychological atmosphere and the state of mind of each household member. It is also a competent choice of plants, materials, utensils, furniture and everything that ultimately determines the overall atmosphere in the apartment. What should be remembered about the environment in everyday life, and how to reduce the negative impact of the factors around us?

The proximity of highways, tram lines, airports and railway stations, of course, is not good for health. Noise (even at night) outside the window causes irritation, which, accumulating, covers our nervous system like an avalanche. Not to mention the vibration, which has a very negative effect on our blood vessels. In this case, you should think about quality windows and powerful soundproofing.

Choosing best heater for apartment, it should be remembered that excessively dry air causes frequent colds. Instead of another radiator, it is better to do hardening and make yourself a good habit - regularly ventilate the room and walk barefoot more often.

Do not store salty/sour foods in aluminum cookware. Salt and acid corrode the film of aluminum oxide on the surface of such dishes. As a result, along with sauerkraut and cucumbers, we get a cocktail of harmful substances for dinner.

Without electrical appliances modern life is impossible. But radiation from health devices does not add. Therefore, any household appliances on credit must be of high quality and, most importantly, urgently needed. If you can do without a device - do not overload your apartment electromagnetic radiation. The most dangerous thing is in the "crossing" of radiation from several devices. This process most often affects the kitchen, where the kettle, microwave, TV, etc. are turned on at the same time. Try not to turn on all the appliances at the same time.

Do not use used oil in a frying pan for frying. Many people like to fry potatoes in a pan where, for example, chicken was fried. No matter how delicious it is - wash the pan and pour a new portion of oil. Carcinogenic substances in processed fat will not benefit.

Do not buy dishes on sales in economy stores. And when choosing dishes made of plastic, be sure to study the labeling for the purpose of the dishes. The marking "for technical purposes" does not imply the storage of food in dishes. And pouring hot is not recommended even in plastic utensils good quality- when heated, it releases harmful chemicals.

Expired chemical detergents and home ecology- incompatible! Throw it away immediately if any are found. And regularly audit the house: all expired products, cosmetics, food and medicines are in the trash. Storage of chemicals and medicines is permissible only in closed cabinets and in rooms with an exhaust hood - as far as possible from children and pets.

It is strongly not recommended to use gas stoves for space heating. First, it is a fire hazard. Secondly, useful oxygen in the apartment is “eaten up”. The window should be open when cooking, and after turning off the gas, a fifteen-minute airing of the kitchen will not interfere.

And, of course, do not forget to regularly carry out wet cleaning, take out pillows under the sun, clean carpets and leave a bad mood outside the apartment.

Creation date: 2013/11/28

Construction Materials

Environmentally dirty houses are not the fantasies of scientists and specialists, but a real fact that many people suffer from. It often happens like this: a person returns home, and headaches, a runny nose, and a sore throat begin to pester him. Immediately comes the thought of such a fashionable now "allergy". But it's worth going out Fresh air, and removes all ailments as if by hand. And at home again, disgusting health, and then another ache in the joints or insomnia. When all this happens regularly and no doctor can help, the reason must be sought in the ecology of your home. In medicine, a new diagnosis has even now appeared: the syndrome of sick buildings, and in sanitation - new topic: environmental safety of the home.

Let's start with building materials. Some of them are very dangerous to health. So, over the past few decades, many new ones have firmly entered everyday life - from pressed boards on synthetic resins to plastic and artificial carpeting. And they emit a lot of active organic compounds that are not at all harmless to health. Even widespread linoleum coatings are recommended by hygienists to be used only where a person does not visit very often. Particularly unfavorable for the room environment are relatively cheap plastic walls, wood fiber and chipboard pressed boards. But they have almost completely replaced the tree from our homes and offices. Not harmless and hardboard. The binder in these materials is phenolic or carbamide-melamine resins, which emit decomposition products into the environment - into the air of the rooms where we live and work. And when the production of chip-pressed products is in violation of technology, then phenolic fumes can lead to serious poisoning in the shortest possible time. Of course, there is nothing better for interiors than solid wood, although it has now become significantly more expensive. In extreme cases, if there is no other way out, particle boards must be covered with paint, varnish with some kind of resistant compounds that prevent the release of harmful fumes into the air. Especially unpleasant for many was the recent discovery. It turned out that the walls of houses made of concrete, cinder blocks, polymer concrete are radioactive (a level of radioactivity up to 50 μRn / h is considered safe for health). The radium and thorium contained in these materials, albeit in microscopic quantities, constantly decay with the release of radioactive gas radon. Regular airing of rooms significantly reduces the content of radon in the air. Do not force ventilation vents in the kitchen, bathroom and toilet with things. The release of radon and volatile organic polymers from the walls is reduced due to plaster, thick paper wallpaper. Washing wallpaper with a polymer surface is also not environmentally harmless, but they reduce the content of radon and volatile polymers in the room by almost 10 times. Concrete slabs are fraught with another danger: in new homes, they actively absorb moisture from the air. This is known to many new settlers. And dryness room air causes not only discomfort, but also diseases of the upper respiratory tract, leads to brittle hair and peeling of the skin. Dry air is easier to discharge static electricity.

In residential air, sometimes more than 100 impurities are present at the same time, such as ethers, alcohols and other organic compounds, as well as aerosols containing lead, mercury, cadmium, zinc, nickel, chromium and other metals. There are four groups of pollutants:

  • substances coming from outside with polluted atmospheric air;
  • products of destruction of building and finishing materials;
  • anthropotoxins;
  • combustion products domestic gas and human waste products.

High-rise buildings are of particular concern due to their impact on the human body. Such houses are built, as a rule, from the most environmentally hazardous building materials - concrete, block structures. These buildings are characterized by unstable air exchange, insufficient ventilation, uneven heating of rooms on the upper and lower floors, and a high concentration of environmental pollution with anthropotoxins. Air pollution in such buildings is 2-4 times higher than atmospheric air pollution. With a brick building thickness of 10 cm, the ozone concentration inside it is reduced by 60-95 times compared to the outside air, and in a reinforced concrete building - by 250 times.


The interior of the premises has a significant impact on the human condition. A properly formed residential interior will create spiritual comfort, good mood and will contribute to a pleasant stay. Of great importance in this case is the placement of furniture and household items, lighting, colors, textures of finishing materials, i.e. design in general. Correct location things and furniture in the rooms contributes to the necessary air circulation, illumination of the premises, otherwise the air exchange is disturbed in the apartment, which can lead to the appearance of dampness and harmful household insects. Living quarters must be clean - a large number of dust causes allergic diseases. Particular attention should be paid to compliance with the rules for keeping pets, which are a source of indoor pollution and can also be the cause of allergic diseases. An important factor, influencing the mood and well-being of a person, is the color scheme of the premises. It is known that the abundance of red causes a headache, quickly leads to fatigue. Even more tiring dark tones, gray and black, as well as White color, but green is soothing. Color can also influence the sensations of space: "cold" colors (blue, light green) visually increase the space, and "warm" colors (red, orange, brown, etc.) reduce it. To create comfort in the apartment, good lighting is necessary. In low light, visual fatigue quickly sets in, and overall performance decreases. Proper lighting protects our eyes, creates the so-called visual comfort. Insufficient illumination causes excessive eye strain, high brightness also tires and irritates the eyes. For different types activities need different lighting.

Dust in the home

From an environmental point of view, ordinary household dust poses a serious danger in dwellings. Dust enters our homes through doors and windows and is generated indoors as a result of our activities. It is very difficult to realize how much this kind of dirt has accumulated until you see it with your own eyes. Surely each of us remembers how thin, looking into the twilight of the room, Sunbeam highlighted the golden dust particles floating in the air, which, however, are not as harmless as it might seem at first glance.

Dust particles are capable of collecting and retaining on their surface volatile toxic and radioactive substances that enter the air of residential premises in various ways. Dust, for example, is the main source of the strongest known poison, dioxin, entering the human body. Settling on food, getting into the respiratory tract, toxic dust has an adverse effect on our health.

Most dust collects in carpets, soft upholstery furniture, books. In the struggle for cleanliness in the apartment, wet cleaning, furniture wiping and a vacuum cleaner are traditionally used. You should pay attention to the fact that not every vacuum cleaner model is able to effectively remove dust components. To do this, the vacuum cleaner must be powerful enough and not have undesirable side effects in the form of emissions from overheated plastics and a torch of fine dust through imperfect filters. IN Lately models of vacuum cleaners that can perfectly remove dirt from our apartments.

Is it easy to breathe in our house?

The expression "nothing to breathe" is increasingly common in the conversations of most citizens of our country. Recently, experts have been alarmed by the deterioration of indoor air quality, and above all in our apartments. This concern is quite justified, given that we are at home for a significant part of the time, and if the air is polluted with toxic substances, our health is permanently damaged. Naturally, the air quality in our home is largely due to its condition in the city as a whole or in individual areas, and major air pollutants such as car exhausts enter the premises, but a lot depends on us. According to environmentalists, the air inside homes can be ten times more toxic than outside. Its contamination in the premises is higher than on the streets, in almost all indicators taken into account. Air pollution is especially high in new buildings, where adhesives, carpeting, and furniture release large amounts of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that can cause cancer and other diseases.


Today, a person cannot imagine his life without a TV, refrigerator, telephone, microwave oven and other electronic equipment used in everyday life.

No doubt, all these are necessary items, but we must not forget that they are sources of electromagnetic radiation. To the energy of household and industrial equipment that we use, the energy of power lines, radars, television and radio stations is added. Modern man lives in a boundless ocean of electromagnetic fields, which some experts propose to call electrosmog. This name is not accidental. It highlights the danger of this type of environmental pollution for our health and for other living beings.

Electromagnetic waves affect any living organism. Depending on the frequency and power of the radiation, this effect has its own characteristics. But in any case, they make the molecules that form living cells move, and as a result, the tissues, although slightly, are heated. Remember what happens to food in the microwave. Besides, electromagnetic fields violate natural processes bioregulation, carried out at the expense of biocurrents of very small size.

Recently, scientists have discovered that portable radiotelephones are unsafe. The electromagnetic waves emitted by them damage nerve cells and reduce the formation of the hormone melatonin, which regulates the rate of development in the body. Animals are much more sensitive than humans to electromagnetic fields. When chicken eggs are irradiated for several hours, defective chicks appear from them. Rats exposed to electromagnetic fields develop malignant tumors. Insects try to avoid those places where there is an increased electromagnetic background.

To reduce the negative impact of electrosmog on the body, one should not stay near high-voltage power lines for a long time, near television and radio transmitting devices. At home, care should be taken that there are no Digital Watch, music center, TV. When working on a computer, use a protective screen.

Radon hazard

More recently, scientists have found that the most dangerous of all natural sources of radiation is radon. It is a heavy, colorless, odorless gas. Most of it enters the human body with the inhaled air. Radon comes out of the earth's crust everywhere, but its concentration in the air differs markedly in different parts of the globe.

It is important to know that a person receives the bulk of the radiation dose from radon while in a closed, unventilated room. In countries with a warm climate, living quarters, as a rule, do not have good insulation from the outside air, and the concentration of radon in them is significant. In countries with a temperate and especially cold climate, such as Russia, for example, the content of this gas in houses can be ten times higher than in the street.

The entry of radon into the room can occur in different ways. It can seep from the earth's crust or be released from the building and finishing materials that were used in the construction of the house. For decades, alumina, phosphogypsum, and metallurgical slags have been widely used in the production of building materials in many countries. Unexpectedly, it turned out that they have increased radioactivity. Of great importance is the excessive sealing of the room for the winter. It makes it difficult for radioactive gas to escape and contributes to its accumulation in the premises.

  • When repairing an apartment or house, use only environmentally friendly building materials (wood, glass, metal)
  • Environmentally friendly interior - natural origin (wood, cotton, linen)
  • Household appliances (having a safety certificate)
  • Plants (use chlorophytum, etc.)
  • Animals (not recommended in apartments; can be in private homes, but with careful care)

Olga Nikitina

Reading time: 4 minutes


No one today needs to explain how harmful the environment has become for health (especially in megacities), and what is the level of toxicity in many materials, fabrics, utensils and even toys. This fact is no longer a secret, but it is in our power to protect our children and our home from the side effects of modern technologies, and at the same time protect, to the best of our ability, the long-suffering environment. It is enough to follow simple "environmental" rules at home.

  • Floors in the house.
    The first condition for the “correct” floor is air exchange. In Russia, taking into account the climate, it is customary to install underfloor heating, heating the room with electricity or hot water. But in the first case, this threatens with additional electromagnetic radiation, and the second option causes a lot of inconvenience with water "plugs" at the joints. How to be? You can get out of the situation by raising the floors with the help of additional natural materials, laying exclusively natural coverings, complementing them with wicker mats, cotton rugs and warm slippers. Read:
  • Coating.
    Before choosing a floor covering, inquire about its environmental friendliness and the requirements for manufacturers. This is especially true for linoleum and other PVC coatings, which often release toxic substances and cause allergic reactions.
  • Purchases.
    Make yourself a good habit - check building products for a hygiene certificate, clothes with toys - for a quality certificate, products - for the absence of harmful components.
  • Walls.
    As for the choice of material for decorating the walls, the safest will, of course, be wallpaper. Preferably, ordinary paper or (if possible) non-woven. Vinyl wallpaper in the house is not recommended to glue - they are considered toxic. Although, if you search, you can find those that meet the security requirements. Decided to just paint the walls with paint? Do not buy the first one that comes across or the cheapest - take only those paints that are created on a natural basis.
  • Ceilings.
    Favorite by many drywall, as well as plastic panels - materials that are not environmentally friendly. If a healthy home atmosphere is important to you, explore options with wallpaper, natural-based paint, and fabric stretch ceilings.
  • Window.
    Despite the quality certificates and guarantees of plastic window manufacturers, many owners of double-glazed windows note a deterioration in health after installing windows, stuffiness in the room, etc. There are two ways to solve this problem: install double-glazed windows only from famous companies with a good reputation (their products are tested, improved, have ventilation functions, etc.), or install windows with wooden frames.
  • Electrical appliances - we are doing an audit in the kitchen.
    As a rule, half of the appliances gather dust on the shelves and in the bedside tables. Of the most popular and frequently used ones, one can note a TV, a microwave, an electric kettle, a coffee maker, a toaster, a slow cooker, etc. But few people remember such a concept as interference. That is, about the imposition of one electromagnetic field on another with the simultaneous operation of several devices. Of course, this does not add health to us. Exit? If you are not able to give up equipment (for example, replace an electric kettle with a regular one, use a Turk instead of a coffee maker, etc.), then try not to turn on all the appliances at once and reduce the time spent near the turned-on appliances to a minimum.
  • Microwaves are a separate issue.
    First, it is known for its powerful emission of electromagnetic energy. Secondly, its safety also depends on tightness: if the door is not tightly closed (its “looseness” occurs during operation), radiation occurs through the gap formed.
  • Bathroom.
    Most chemical surface cleaners are harmful to health. The alternative is in the form folk ways, with which even grandmothers kept the house clean. As for washing dishes, you can use soda, laundry soap or mustard for it (it should be remembered that store products for these purposes are not completely washed off the dishes). folk remedies there is also quite a lot for washing - the powder, which causes allergic reactions in many babies, can be easily abandoned. Read:
  • Air conditioner.
    It is quite difficult to do without this device in the heat. Many have heard about its harmfulness - these are temperature changes, giving a sore throat at the exit, and infectious diseases. But if you change the filters in the air conditioner in a timely manner, then there will be no toxins and microbial infections from the device.
  • TV.
    Few will refuse this gift of civilization. A lot has been written about its radiation, but not everyone knows about the possibilities for reducing the harmful effects. So, you can protect yourself from TV radiation by observing the following rules: do not sit near the screen for a long time (for adults - a maximum of 3 hours, for children - 2 hours, for very crumbs - no more than 15 minutes); remember the safe distance (for 21 cm - at least 3 m, for 17 cm - 2 m); pause while watching TV; read the instruction manual.
  • other appliances in the house.
    The main rule is to avoid a large accumulation of devices in places of sleep and rest, do not allow electromagnetic "overlap", do not sleep next to the devices (laptops, phones and TVs should be at least 3 meters away from the bed).

And a few more rules of "healthy" life:

  • Replace batteries with accumulators , and Ilyich's light bulbs are energy-saving.
  • Unplug chargers if devices are not used.
  • Minimize cell phone contact.
  • When buying goods choose glass over plastic , give up disposable tableware, as well as plastic bags in favor of paper or cloth bags.
  • Eliminate products with dyes from the menu , flavors, an abundance of preservatives and additives.
  • Use natural ingredients for cosmetic "folk" procedures or natural cosmetics.

It is impossible to feel in absolute ecological safety even in your own apartment. Or especially in your own apartment? The golden rules of the Russian buyer: "so that it is beautiful, inexpensive and for centuries" can subsequently do a disservice. Ecologist Savina Svetlana Alexandrovna told me about what environmental hazards can lurk in an apartment.

Measurement of the ecology of apartments is carried out by special organizations, which are still few. After patiently listening to your complaints or requests, specialists will take air samples, examine the electromagnetic situation, measure the general radiation background, make a "diagnosis" and write out a "course of treatment" for the apartment. But when all the procedures are completed, you will even receive an environmental certificate that you can show to your friends, certifying them in absolutely clean ecology your dwelling.
But from what to expect a dirty trick in the apartment, you can find out in advance. And observe environmental hygiene. From an environmental point of view, there are several types of pollution: chemical, biological, physical and microclimate.

Chemistry, chemistry...

TO chemical The type of pollution includes various harmful substances released from materials or getting from the street: phenol, formaldehyde, aromatic hydrocarbons, mercaptans, sulfur compounds, which eventually cause respiratory and nervous system diseases, damage to the heart and blood vessels, allergic reactions.

The main source of phenol indoors is construction and Decoration Materials, furniture made of chipboard (chipboard). If chipboard has been aged in a warehouse for six months and there is only one cabinet made of this material in the apartment, then there is nothing to worry about.

If a whole suite of freshly produced chipboard was bought for a room, then living in such a room is extremely dangerous. Now it is fashionable to cover the floor with laminate. It also contains phenol and formaldehyde. But a high-quality laminate after a month becomes completely safe.

Phenol poisoning occurs by inhalation of its vapors and by absorption through the skin. Its signs are weakness, fatigue, sweating, salivation, irritability, irritability, dizziness, indigestion, shortness of breath, palpitations, hand tremors and pain in the epigastric region. Formaldehyde is listed as a reliably carcinogenic substance, causes chronic poisoning, can lead to gene and hereditary chromosomal mutations, adversely affects the respiratory tract, apartments on the ground floors, right above the basement, especially if the house is old, and upper floors where leaks are more common. The outer walls of buildings, especially on the north side, are often cold and damp, especially if batteries are not installed in them, and therefore they can also be populated by fungi. Mold also forms on air conditioner filters if they are not cleaned for a long time, and sometimes it grows on windows.

If you remember that you were once flooded, then it is better to treat this place away from sin either with any chlorine-containing or special antifungal agent. The same must be done in the damp corners of the apartment.

It is better to lay tiles in the bathroom. It is easier to clean, and even if molds appear, they are easy to remove.

Do not try to look for mushrooms on your own. They are microscopic and can only be detected by laboratory methods. If you can see them, then it's really bad. A black fungus in the bathroom is safe for health, and if the fungus is greenish, yellowish, and even hairy, stay away from the room and call the experts. Beauty requires sacrifice - not the best motive for choosing finishing materials. It is fashionable today carpet, laminate and any other polymeric materials that most harm human health. Mushrooms are very willing to settle in the carpet pile, so it must be regularly cleaned in a dry cleaner, and not everyone has such an opportunity. By the way, in the same place (and also in bed linen, on bookshelves, in old soft toys and among the yellowed pages of magazines and in other places where dust "lives" dust mites live - another allergy causative agent. The first symptoms: coughing, pain in the eyes, irritation of the throat. Further, swelling of the throat, larynx, lacrimation may appear. If you breathe dust every day, then respiratory diseases, inflammation, headache, eye irritation are inevitable. The method of struggle is as old as day - regular wet cleaning.

Only the good old parquet is absolutely harmless. True, there is an exception - pine. You have to be careful with this tree. Pine causes allergies in some people. And this applies not only to parquet, but also to pine furniture.

Don't twist the wires!

In cities, the increased electromagnetic field of industrial frequencies (50 Hz) has recently become a big problem. Such a field is created by electric cables, transformer substations, various industrial equipment, computers and office equipment, household appliances.

If you stay in an electromagnetic field for several hours every day, then it can cause damage to the heart, blood vessels, endocrine glands and nervous system and cause serious diseases. The electromagnetic field cannot be seen, felt, measured on its own, "try on the tooth." But you can try to avoid it.

Take a closer look at the wires from electrical appliances. How do they lie? A messy tangle that hasn't been unraveled since the Flood? And right under the bed? And you wonder why you wake up in the morning with the same heavy head with which you went to bed in the evening!

Wires lying randomly or coiled up create a large electromagnetic field.

As a preventive measure, it is better to turn off all electrical appliances located near the bed, even the night lamp on the bedside table, despite the fact that it seems to be turned off, and in no case charge the mobile phone at the head of the bed. Also, don't turn on too many appliances at the same time unless you need them all at once. Do not tie wires around the perimeter of the room, and especially behind the bed or sofa where you spend a lot of time. Cables from the Internet and telephone are an exception. These are very low power cables, and you should not be afraid of them.

And you also need to be wary of items brought from other countries - they can be a source of radiation.


Another enemy of your home comfort is fashionable and "comfortable" synthetics. The abundance of synthetic materials disrupts the normal air exchange in the apartment. The microclimate consists of several parameters: humidity, temperature and air movement. If only synthetic materials are used, fresh air does not enter the room and humidity increases, and if some material (such as drywall) absorbs moisture, the air, on the contrary, becomes too dry. Popular today double-glazed windows for windows interfere with natural air exchange. Through the cracks of ordinary wooden windows and doors, fresh air somehow penetrates and normal ventilation occurs. An apartment with a double-glazed window is like a tin can. In addition, in emergency cases, synthetic materials only exacerbate the situation. For example, in case of fire, a double-glazed window releases substances that can cause severe poisoning: dizziness begins, and you can even lose consciousness. Double-glazed windows and ceiling tiles contain very high concentrations of toxic substances.

There is an opinion that plants are our home ecological agents: they restore a comfortable microclimate and, like brave supermen, fight all pests at once. This is not without reason, "but" ...

Although lemon, myrtle and lavender are "terrifying" to bacteria and molds, you need a whole garden to feel completely safe ...

Plants absorb harmful gases, in particular formaldehyde and xylene. True, when these substances are "too much", the flora, alas, is powerless. This requires the intervention of experts.

Air conditioners, ionizers, ozonizers are designed to heal the air and improve the microclimate in the room. In fact, it turns out that these are not the best home helpers. In the air conditioner, the air passing through mechanical filter, loses its physical properties. And breathing "fake" air is not only unpleasant, but also not useful. The air conditioner violates the natural ionization of the room, and as a result, immunity suffers. The general weakening of the body leads to various diseases. In summer, when it is very hot both outside and indoors, of course, you can’t do without an air conditioner, but it’s better to use the old “old-fashioned” way at any opportunity - to ventilate the room. Air purifiers are a useful thing, but you need to choose them carefully: the best option- water-based cleaners. Don't even look at the ozonizers. Ozone is used only in very severe cases where there is microbiological or bacterial contamination. This is done, as a rule, by specialists and without the presence of people.


I must say that not everything depends on the diligence of the owners. There are some more external factors, which are worth paying attention to if you are just looking for a new apartment. Phenol can be covered even in the structures of the building itself. Moreover, people living in a house where the level of this substance has significantly exceeded the maximum allowable rate, get sick more often than others.

If you are going to move to another apartment, ask your neighbors how healthy the atmosphere is in the entrance. Perhaps there is even some characteristic disease at home.

In old buildings (before the 60th year) under the parquet is found dark coating resin-like. It releases a substance from a number of aromatic hydrocarbons, which can provoke the development of malignant tumors of the endocrine glands and genital organs. In modern homes with "chemistry" the situation is better, but there are problems of a microbiological nature. Sometimes unsold apartments are empty for a very long time, the walls become damp, and a fungus settles in them. The newly minted owners, not noticing it, cover the walls with finishing materials, under which the fungus quietly grows further, causing a strong allergy in a person. Therefore, before entering a new apartment or repairing the walls, it is better to dry and treat with antifungal agents.

Pay attention to the walls of the common corridor: is there a switchboard hanging on the wall of your potential apartment. If this wall "with access" to your corridor, then there is no particular danger, but if this is a room, especially for a child, then you should think: do you need it? Be sure to look under the outer window sill - if there is a greasy wire hiding there. This is true for old buildings in the center of Moscow. Such wires create a harmful electromagnetic field.

At-risk groups

For children and pregnant women, the environmental safety of housing is of paramount importance. Pregnancy and immunity future mother largely depend on the home microclimate. Older people are also quite sensitive to the environment, but the environmental factor simply exacerbates existing diseases. Any harmful discharge is either allergenic itself or exacerbates an existing allergy. Therefore, for allergy sufferers, taking care of the ecology of their own apartment is the number one task.

If you follow the ecology of the apartment, then you need to start with repairs. The most environmentally friendly are natural finishing materials, if wallpaper, then paper, if varnishes and paints, then water-based and always with the inscription "For interior work." When buying, be sure to check whether the expiration date has expired, whether the composition and the name of the manufacturer are written on the package. Any, even high-quality, synthetic material initially releases a certain amount of harmful substances, so the ideal option is the first month after general repair do not live in an apartment.

Nechushkin Alexander

Human health is affected not only by the environment. My home is my castle. Can you really feel safe within the walls of your home? The paper tells about the influence of illumination on the well-being of a person, color interior Houses. Building materials from which the house is built, flooring, electrical appliances that we use, household chemicals, personal hygiene products, all this affects our health. Advice is given in the work.




Building and finishing materials used in an apartment can be hazardous to health.

The interior of the premises has a significant impact on the human condition. Properly formed residential interior creates spiritual comfort, good mood and contributes to a pleasant stay.

The microclimate of the room depends on building materials, heating, climatic conditions of the area, ventilation, etc.

Household chemicals are used for washing clothes, cleaning rooms, cleaning dishes, bathtubs, toilet bowls. They also include personal hygiene products, insecticides, window cleaners, etc. When using any household chemicals, you must strictly follow the rules for their use.

Another aspect of the “pollution” of the apartment is the presence household appliances, which is a source of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation.

The object of this study was his own apartment. For this purpose, the flora and fauna of the apartment, building and finishing materials, interior features in the rooms and the microclimate in them were studied, a variety of household chemicals was systematized.

Ecology of my house.

Completed by a student of MBOU secondary school No. 7 Nechushkin Alexander.

Head: Penkovskaya E.M. biology teacher.


Construction and finishing materials.



color spectrum.

The microclimate of the room.

Household chemicals.

personal hygiene products.


Electrical appliances.



It often seems to us that environmental pollution waits for us only on the street, and therefore we pay little attention to the ecology of our apartments. But an apartment is not only a shelter from the adverse conditions of the outside world, but also a powerful factor that affects a person and largely determines the state of his health.

Therefore, the study of the state of human dwellings from an ecological point of view, the solution of the problem of creating a healthy living environment is currently very relevant. Is my home really my castle?

Goals of my work:

To reveal the relationship between the state of human health and the ecological state of the apartment as its habitat.

Based on the methods available for conducting the simplest studies of an apartment as an ecosystem, to study its condition and propose measures to create an environmentally safe environment for humans.

Building and finishing materials

Making repairs, of course, you think about how to make your home as beautiful and comfortable as possible. And recently, another item has been added to this list - safety. Yes, in our time this is especially true for obvious reasons, and therefore it is not surprising that environmentally friendly products are in special demand on the building materials market. Each of us is aware of the adverse effects of pollution, stress, viruses, etc. on the human body, but not everyone

He suspects that, for example, in the walls and ceilings of his own apartment lies

For him, no less significant danger. Sometimes after repairs in an apartment or

At home, a person begins to feel bad, his head hurts, O

Sleepiness sets in.

According to experts, air pollutioninside residential premises sometimes exceeds pollution outside by 2-4 times.Moreover, 80% of chemicals appear in apartments due tobuilding and finishing materials. The fact is that in modern construction, waste from the metallurgical and chemical industries is often used as additives to concrete, brick or ceramics, which makes building materials cheaper.

Plastic panels -polystyrene plates covered with a protective polyethylene film can be either tinted or mirrored. Are issued on self-adhesive and not self-adhesive bases. The material is easy to cut, hardly combustible. Not suitable for finishing damp rooms.


Expanded clay (expanded clay gravel) - environmentally friendly, durable, but inefficient and difficult to install. Not used for interiors.

glass wool - an effective insulation, but it frays a lot and can “sag” over time and leave uninsulated areas.

Styrofoam , expanded polystyrene are durable, accessible, but poorly remove vapors from the premises to the outside, forming condensate and fungus on the walls, flammable and in case of fire they release styrene, which provokes the development of thrombosis and myocardial infarction.

stone wool (mineral wool based on stone) protects well from heat and cold, safe for health, recommended for use in children's, health facilities and residential premises. It is a non-combustible material that does not emit toxic gases in case of fire.

Thus, no matter how worried people are about apartment renovation, the main thing for everyone should be their health, because people who think differently will have to spend money not onrepairs, but for medicines, and most importantly: to put your precious health at risk.Thermal insulation boardsbased on polyurethane emit toxic substances isocyanates.

Insulation materials such as expanded polystyrene and extruded polystyrene,


Floor coverings

Parquet, parquet board - the most environmentally friendly and durableflooring. However, it is important for him to choose the right varnish. It should be as safe as possible. Then parquet without fear can be laid in living quarters, including nurseries and bedrooms.

Corkhypoallergenic, durable and safe and also used in nursery and bedroom.

Carpet - pros and cons

Modern carpet is made from natural and synthetic materials. The advantages of this coating are obvious - it absorbs noise, soft and warm. Moreover, the carpet can be of any color and pattern, helping to realize any design ideas. But let's try to consider this coating from the point of view of the ecology of the house. The advantage of natural carpet is that it is made of real wool and jute fabric, which means that its owners do not need tothink about how fiber composition affects human health. However natural coating does not differ in durability and wear resistance. How long the coating will last depends on the density of the pile - the higher the density of the stuffing, the more difficult it is to crush the fibers and the higher its price. The disadvantage of natural carpet is that it retains water very well, so the wetted coating immediately begins to deteriorate.

For the manufacture of synthetic carpet, various fibers are used: polyamide, polypropylene, polyacryl and polyester. Polyamide is better than the rest in its qualities and looks as natural as possible, but acrylic and polyester are worse than polyamide. Polyester is cheaper, but less durable, hard to the touch, and has a characteristic synthetic sheen. Moreover, synthetic carpet is very static.
The main problem with carpet is how to take care of it. Like carpet, this material collects dust, even with constant cleaning with a washing vacuum cleaner, after a few years the material can still darken from dirt. For this reason, carpet is contraindicated for asthmatics and allergy sufferers. This coating, however, like an ordinary carpet, can become a breeding ground for ticks, which are precisely main reason allergies.

Laminate has an excellent parquet-like appearance, but can release harmful compounds.

Linoleum - the ecology of the house is under threat
In operation, linoleum is unpretentious - it can be washed, it is not scary to spill water on it. An equally important quality is its high noise-absorbing ability - when walking on linoleum, no footsteps are heard. This coating will serve its owners for many years.

However, behind all the advantages of linoleum, important disadvantages are hidden,

related to ecology. The main threat to human health is

Toxic resins that are used in the production of linoleum. Even in the finished product, they can be released into the atmosphere and pose an environmental hazard. When heated, linoleum can also release organic substances that are part of its polymer composition. Linoleum can be a source of environmental pollution with xylene and toluene. These substances can irritate the eyes, cause skin problems and cause serious damage to the nervous system.

Another harmful component of linoleum is polyvinyl chloride. This substance may decompose at normal room temperature and especially at sunshine. It enters the body through breathing and through the skin, penetrates into the blood and has harmful effect on the liver. It is also not uncommon to find phenol formaldehyde in the composition of linoleum, which harms the respiratory system, causes nausea, headaches and can cause the formation of cancer cells.

Polypropylene pile rugs and carpets- release into indoor air

Evaporation of the toxic substance formaldehyde. . Accumulate static

Electricity, which, when discharged on a person, which leads to disorders of the nervous system (although recently antistatic agents have been added to such coatings, the problem has not been fully resolved)

They are excellent dust collectors and require constant cleaning.

Ceramic tiledurable, reliable, environmentally friendly material, but you can’t lay it in the bedroom or hallway.

So, for residential premises we choose between parquet, parquet board and cork coating. The latter has recently become very popular.


Speaking of wallpapers, it should be noted that they can cause irritation to the eyes and mucous membranes of the nose and throat, as well as headache, nausea, and even loss of consciousness if they release styrene, a substance that is used to produce synthetic polymers.

By the way, vinyl and washable wallpapers are also not harmless to health, but they effectively reduce the content of radium in the air (10 times).
paper wallpaper - such wallpapers consist of one or two layers of embossed paper. This type of wallpaper remains the most common due to its low price and environmental friendliness. Paper wallpapers allow the walls to "breathe", so they are best suited for living spaces.

From the point of view of ecology, wallpapers made from unbleached paper are impeccable.
Vinyl wallpapers - this type of wallpaper has many advantages: they are washable, able to imitate any pattern - from plaster to textiles, with proper installation, they lie so evenly that the joint is almost invisible. But vinyl wallpapers- is a product of modern technology, they are made of synthetic material and therefore do not let air through. Many manufacturers of such wallpapers claim that the walls do not need to “breathe” at all, ordinary ventilation is enough, but in fact this is not so. The air tightness of the walls can create an unfavorable climate in the apartment, so it is advisable to use vinyl wallpaper only in the hallway or in the kitchen, but not in the bedroom or in the children's room.

Glass fiber - the looped structure of this wallpaper improves the indoor climate. Glass wallpapers are made from natural materials, they are based on quartz sand, soda, lime and dolomite. That is why cullet is one of the most environmentally friendly types and does not cause allergies. This wallpaper is very durable - not easy to scratch. On this type of wallpaper, fungus or mold never appears, since they lack nutritious materials.

Textile wallpapers- such wallpapers today are an element of prestige. This is the most expensive type of wallpaper. IN this case environmental friendliness depends on the price - natural fabrics (cotton, viscose, silk) are much more expensive than wallpapers made from synthetic threads. But at the same time, natural material fades faster and does not have such an even color as synthetic fiber. Other environmental merit fabric wallpaper- they absorb noise well, as well as antistatic and hypoallergenic.

Textile wallpapers are very capricious, it is better not to glue them in the hallway or children's room - places where they can easily get dirty.

vegetable wallpaper- already from the name itself it is clear that such wallpapers are made

from natural materials. Jute fibers are used in their manufacture.

split bamboo, sisal, steppe grass, papyrus and their various combinations. These wallpapers are made by hand using original technologies. To maintain their environmental friendliness, only paper is used as the basis. A significant disadvantage of such wallpapers is that they fade quickly enough. Yes, and you will have to pay a lot for such wallpapers. But these shortcomings are justified by the impeccable environmental friendliness of such wallpapers - there are no harmful chemicals in them, the walls "breathe", and also good sound and heat insulation is provided.

But perhaps the very first on the list of hazardous materials arelow qualityvarnishes, paints, mastics containing copper, lead and a number of narcotic compounds - toluene, cresol, xylene.

Materials should not be a source of a specific smell in the room

If you feel that the material emits an unpleasant "chemical" smell, most likely it releases toxic substances. A bad smell is a kind of "indicator" that suggests that a product may be hazardous to health. But it should be noted that most of the "harmful" construction products do not emit a suspicious smell.

Of course, the most environmentally friendly pure material is natural wood, often, unfortunately, becoming more expensive in price. But if your own health is dear to you, it will be worth it, and the practicality of high-quality material will justify the costs over time.

Asbestos - Contributes to the development of cancer.

Chipboards- contain highly toxic substances - phenol,

Formaldehyde, ammonia. Used for decorating rooms and making furniture,

Such plates emit phenolic fumes into the air, which can cause a person to

Severe poisoning.

Drywall - has high vapor and gas permeability, fire-resistant, odorless, environmentally friendly, flexible, easy to install. With the help of drywall sheets, you can finish the surface internal walls or install internal partitions. Use in bathrooms and toilets moisture resistant drywall with special impregnation.

Walls made of concrete, cinder blocks and polymer concrete- emit isotopes of radon gas. The content of radon depends on the building material. Its minimum amount is found in wood and red brick, the average - in gravel, pumice, alumina and large - in silicate brick and phosphogypsum contained in plaster, cement, building blocks. Concrete walls in new houses actively absorb moisture from indoor air, resulting in: - sore throat; - fragility of hair; - peeling of the skin; - diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Besides, concrete plates emit radioactive gases into the atmosphere of the apartment: radium and thorium. Of course, there is little we can do about this, but as a way out, we can offer radon-reducing plaster, or ordinary paper wallpaper.

Hardboard also, to put it mildly, not harmless. The carbamide-melamine resins contained in it as a binder also emit harmful fumes during decay, greatly worsening the atmosphere and microclimate of the apartment. So it is better not to abuse their quantity during the repair, or even refuse to use them at all.

How plastic windows affect human health?

First you need to figure out what substances are needed for the production of PVC. In-

The first is sodium chloride. He is best known as salt and is

The main component in PVC production. The starting material is gaseous ethylene, which is obtained from oil and gas by cracking.
PVC profile is environmentally friendly. This material is completely harmless, and by installing PVC windows, you don’t have to worry about negative influence them on the organism of living beings. Environmentally friendly natural building materials are wood, stone, clay, glass and their derivatives.

Wood is known to be the most eco-friendly material(only if, of course, she

not rotten). Unconditional environmental friendliness of wooden materials is undeniable.

The only thing that should not be forgotten: when burning, wood also emits carbon monoxide, and therefore, in a fire, this gas is just as capable of killing a person as any non-environmentally toxic artificial material, such as PVC (polyvinyl chloride) coatings.


Glasses (windows, doors, etc.) may contain additions of stabilizers that enhance their strength, such as nickel, lead, and others. These substances are extremely hazardous to health, and therefore they are usually found in the glass in a bound state, are not released, and under normal conditions do not directly affect humans. Concerningstabilizer for polyvinyl chloride, which is, for example, part of window frames, there are different points of view among experts on the properties of this substance. It is believed that in windows, in the state in which it is, it is safe. Toxic emissions occur only with strong ignition (when the material melts).

First of all, you need to know that some stones are radioactive in their natural properties.
First of all, granites (rocks of deep magmatic origin) are radioactive by nature, their radioactivity is the result of the activity of the earth. They are sources of natural radionuclides (potassium 40, rubidium and others), which decay during the life of a stone and gradually emit alpha radiation, and, in particular, emit radon, a colorless radioactive gas that adversely affects health. Therefore, it makes sense to test granite materials for radon content.
Therefore, it is not very good for health if the living quarters are completely finished with just such materials, and a person is forced to constantly be near sources of radiation (say, it can be a granite wall in an apartment, or a bathroom, a bathroom). In the practice of ecologists, there was a case when the granite lining of the fireplace gave a twofold excess of radiation.
Radiation is emitted only by materials of a magmatic nature - products internal activities earth, such as granite.
Other natural building materials - limestone, clay, gypsum, dolomites - by their origin are not strong sources of radiation.
But a different kind of danger is hidden here: clay very well absorbs natural and man-made radionuclides (radioactive particles). Therefore, a clay-based brick (despite the impurities, it is considered a natural material) - for example, red brick - also has a slightly increased radiation background. In the practice of ecological expertise, excesses of radiation are often encountered in cases with bricks, which is why control over its quality is so important. But in general, experts admit, the brick is quite safe, it does not emit any harmful substances.
As you can see, the eco-friendly natural materials can also be negative. But anyway they have more positive qualities than artificial ones: natural building materials do not emit toxic components into the atmosphere, they withstand climate changes well. But sometimes they are more expensive, such as wood

Room interior

The interior of the room has a significant impact on the human condition. Properly formed residential interior creates spiritual comfort, good mood and contributes to a pleasant stay. Of great importance is the placement of furniture, lighting, colors, that is, the design as a whole.


Good lighting is essential for comfort.

Proper lighting protects our eyes, creates the so-called visual comfort. Illumination affects health, resistance to stress, fatigue, physical and mental stress. Our vision directly depends on the amount of light in the room.

Therefore, it is necessary to strictly comply with the requirements of the standards, because the ecological situation in non-residential buildings and the physical and psychological health of people living in an apartment depend on this. The value of lighting is determined by the fact that through vision people receive the greatest amount of information about the outside world.

Lighting also plays an important role as a useful general physiological factor. With the improvement of lighting in almost all cases, labor productivity increases (and sometimes significantly - by 15% or more) and the quality of work, industrial injuries decrease, and on the streets and roads - the accident rate of transport. The cost of improving lighting during the renovation of apartments in most cases quickly pays off economically. Lighting that meets hygienic and economic requirements is called rational.

Illumination of apartments should provide sufficient and constant illumination of surfaces over time, the necessary distribution of brightness in the surrounding space, the absence of glare from light sources, a favorable spectral composition of light and the correct direction of its incidence.

Good lighting creates favorable conditions for human life and activity and comfort in the apartment. Lighting of apartments can be natural, artificial and mixed. At natural lighting open spaces, the illumination of horizontal surfaces is: on a moonless night - 0.0005 lux, in the light of the full moon - up to 0.2 lux, in direct sunlight - up to 100,000 lux.

The impact of energy-saving lamps on human life.

The most serious argument is the presence of mercury in them, which can be harmful to human health, causing severe poisoning if the lamp breaks or leaks. Mercury-containing waste requires special disposal.

And if legal entities and individual entrepreneurs are required to hand over lamps for recycling, then how much do you think ordinary people pack up and haul a burnt-out light bulb to the outskirts of town instead of just throwing it down the garbage chute? In addition, not the most modern gas-discharge lamps have a low flicker frequency of 50 Hz, visible to the “naked eye”. This property of fluorescent lamps negatively affects vision and increases fatigue.

The color climate of the interior.

An important factor influencing the mood and well-being of a person is the color scheme of the room.All colors in a certain way affect the emotional atmosphere in the house. Psychological impact associated with the individual properties of the brain to process visual information and respond to it. Color can also affect the feeling of space: “cold” colors (blue, light green) visually increase the space, and “warm” ones (red, orange) reduce it.

On the physiological functions of a person, color influencesit blows almost automatically (the rhythm of the pulse, breathing changes), and it is the same for all people.

YELLOW - Gives the impression of sunlight.

The color is active, revitalizing, invigorating, promotes

Create a good mood and enhances

Working capacity.

ORANGE - Creates cheerful, cheerful, cheerful

Mood, causes a feeling of warmth, favorable

Affects performance.

GREEN - Neutral, soft, soothing.

The long-term effect of the color does not tire and causes, although not strong, but stable

Efficiency rise. Green color relieves stress. The doctors say

That it calms the nerves and reduces pressure.

RED - Has a stimulating effect of active, obsessive,

Forced nature. At the same time, breathing and heart rate increase. At

Short-term exposure improves performance. Longer exposure to this color leads to fatigue and reduced performance.

BLUE - Cold, calm, passive, active under his influence

The vital processes are reduced, respiration and pulse are regulated. performance

Decreases. When exposed to this color, there is a tendency to contemplation and reflection.

WHITE - Cold, calm, gives the impression

Modesty and simplicity. Combination of white and green

Simply fills the brain with a feeling of freshness.

BLUE - Refers to passive colors,

Helps to weaken and slow down vital

processes, a decrease in activity and emotional stress, causes

Feeling of coolness.

VIOLET - Belongs to the most passive. Its impact leads to

Weakening of vital activity, to the appearance of a feeling of oppression with

A hint of some anxiety.

Room microclimate

The microclimate of the room depends on building materials, heating. The temperature in the living quarters should be no higher than 18. The optimum air humidity in the apartment is 45%. Often, dampness in the premises occurs due to the presence of a large aquarium, large indoor plants, and boiling laundry. High humidity is bad for human health.

The effect of air humidity on human health.

Humidity is an important indicator of the comfort of the atmosphere in residential premises.

Air with humidity: up to 55% is considered dry, from 56% - 70% - moderately dry, from 71% - 85% - moderately humid, over 85% - very humid.

Both high and low humidity are dangerous.

Humidity can be lowered by airing, raising the temperature, and also increased if additional water is supplied by the battery or a humidifier is turned on.

Air humidity, significantly affecting the heat exchange of the body with the environment, is of great importance for human life.

Humans are highly susceptible to moisture. It depends on the intensity of evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin. At high humidity, especially on a hot day, the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin decreases and therefore the thermoregulation of the human body is difficult. In dry air, on the contrary, there is a rapid evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin, which leads to the drying of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

In air with high relative humidity, evaporation slows down and cooling is negligible. Heat is more difficult to tolerate with high humidity. Under these conditions, it is difficult to remove heat due to the evaporation of moisture. Therefore, overheating of the body is possible, which disrupts the vital activity of the body. For optimal heat transfer of the human body at a temperature of 20-25 With the most favorable relative humidity of the order of 50%.

Thus, the following conclusion can be drawn:

At low temperatures and high humidity, theheat dissipation and mansubjected to more cooling

At high temperatures and high humidity, heat transfer is sharply reduced, which leads to overheating of the body, especially when performing physical work. Heat easier to tolerate when the humidity is lower. So, when working in hot shops, the optimal effect on heat transfer and well-being is exerted by a relative humidity of 20%.

Most favorable for a person in the middle climatic conditions is the relative humidity of 40-60%.

Ventilation, air conditioning, etc. are used to eliminate the adverse effects of indoor air humidity.

The temperature in the living quarters must be at least 18◦ C, and in corner rooms- not less than 20◦ C.

If the humidity in the apartment is always high, you can upholster the walls with drywall. This dries out the air very much. In addition, the walls will be smooth and beautiful.

Household chemicals

Personal care products

The effect of hairspray on human life.

Japanese microbiologists have discovered a new species

Bacteria that can be found in regular hairspray. This microorganism can harm the health of a fashionista. Scientists named the new bacterium hatanonis. Once in hairspray, it begins to grow rapidly.

The impact of deodorants on human life.

Cancer tumors of the breast. Oncologists have found a high concentration of this

A harmful substance in women using deodorants containing aluminum. The main element of the deodorant is aluminum salts, which are associated with the development of tumors. Daily use of aluminum-based deodorants can be dangerous, doctors say, because the area of ​​their application - the armpits - is directly close to the chest tissue. In total, there are two types of external products that fight the smell of sweat on the market. These are traditional deodorants, the function of which is to neutralize and reduce unpleasant odors. And antiperspirants are drugs that contain special substances that block the sweat glands and thus prevent sweating. In the production of deodorants, odorants and plant extracts are mainly used, which kill bacteria. The fact is that sweat itself does not have unpleasant odors, bacteria cause odors, which, when sweat is released, begin to multiply at an increased rate. The most commonly used substance for this purpose is triclosan. In turn, the active ingredients of antiperspirants are more specific, most often these are various metal salts - aluminum chloride or a complex of aluminum and zirconium salts. Be careful when using deodorants and antiperspirants containing the following ingredients:

Butane, isobutane, propane - found in spray deodorants. These substances can cause headache, nausea, dizziness, and also accumulate in breast milk;

Aluminum compounds - block pores, preventing sweating. Aluminum compounds, penetrating through the skin and respiratory tract, accumulate in the body, and can lead to various diseases, including Alzheimer's disease, breast cancer (both in men and women), and various chronic diseases;

Polyethylene glycol, polypropylene glycol (PPG, PEG) - destroy the liver and kidneys, promote the absorption of other harmful chemicals into the body;

BHT - an antioxidant - can lead to damage to the reproductive system, causes vitamin D deficiency and, as a result, diseases associated with damage bone tissue(osteoporosis, dental diseases, etc.);

Odorants (parfum) - hide the smell of sweat, due to other, stronger odors. Cause allergies, asthma, skin irritation, dizziness;

Triclosan is an antibacterial agent. Destroys the weakest types of bacteria, most of all - useful ones. At the same time, the surviving dangerous bacteria begin to multiply at a tremendous speed, which leads to the need to use more and more powerful agents. Causes allergies and damage to the liver, destroys the natural microflora.

Linalool - causes depression and respiratory problems.

Almost all deodorants sold in non-specialized stores contain aluminum compounds.

If you care about your health - try to buy deodorants that do not contain at least aluminum salts. It can be, for example, a deodorant made from natural mineral salt. This deodorant is 100% safe, does not clog pores, but only prevents the formation of bacteria.

The impact of shampoo on human life.

Shampoo can cause serious harm to people with weakened immune systems.

The lids of many detergents are excellent breeding grounds.

Pathogenic bacteria that enter the body through direct

Foam contact with face. Shampoo damage is due to the fact that most of these hair care products contain a huge amount of harmful ingredients. Most shampoos contain: sodium laureth sulfate (SLS) - approximately 50% by volume, a little sodium stearate and water. It's cheap detergent, extracted from coconut oil, is used in the manufacture of shampoos, shower gels and creams. SLS is the main ingredient in dishwashing detergents, floor cleaners, engine degreasers, car washes and is widely regarded as one of the most harmful ingredients in personal care products. This is the main harm of shampoo. People who use shampoos containing SLS expose themselves to the harmful effects of this compound. Sodium laureth sulfate destroys the protein structure. But the hair and scalp are just made up of these proteins. The composition of shampoos, in addition to sodium lauert sulfate, includes other harmful substances. Diethanol and its compounds are an active carcinogen. Easily absorbed through skin pores. Causes kidney and liver cancer. Can be found in shampoos, soaps as a foaming agent. Many shampoos are made up of hard-to-pronounce substances, most of which are dyes and synthetic fragrances. Complaints come to irritation of the scalp, eyes, tangled, brittle hair, dandruff, swelling on the hands and face.


Toxic, are household chemicals poisonous? After all, the content of the label for most of us remains unclear. A mystery covered in darkness (or just soap bubbles?)

The influence of soap on human life.

Scientists have calculated that healthy skin can be in

Contact with soap for no more than 10-15 seconds and then a protective layer

The epidermis will take up to two hours to recover! A complete

Recovery of skin protection after, say, washing with a washcloth and soap will require 24 to 48 hours. Energy protection is also violated - the surface of the skin has a positive charge that repels microorganisms, preventing these microparticles from settling on the skin. We also wash it off - and all the microparticles within 20 hours, studies have shown, “stick” to the skin. Therefore, we often get sick after washing, and not at all because we catch a cold.

Air fresheners

They are in great fashion today. Despite the fact that they have many disadvantages: they are flammable, and, in addition, may contain formaldehyde, which irritates the mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory tract, and with prolonged exposure also contributes to the occurrence of cancer.
Therefore, lovers of pleasant smells should switch to natural oils and essences (lemon, eucalyptus, spruce, orange, lavender).

The influence of powder on human life.

On the influence of the components of many washing powders on human health

The following quote says: Possessing a chemical affinity for certain

Components of human cell membranes, surfactants accumulate on cell membranes, covering them with a thin layer, and at a certain concentration cause violations of the most important biochemical processes and the very integrity of the cell.

Window cleanerscontains glycol ethers (substance from the family of solvents). The most dangerous molecules in this class of substances have been replaced by others believed to be less toxic. However, they can also irritate the respiratory tract, and even lead to reproductive disorders in window cleaners. But here, as they say, it is not necessary to be a professional: just an hour to wash windows with such a tool in a poorly ventilated or closed room, and we will inhale more harmful substances than the maximum allowable level prescribes!

Other “washing and cleaning products” can also pollute the air in your apartment that is unhealthy. chemicals. Of course, resolutely abandon household chemicals in modern conditions only a very few can...

However, in order to use less chemicals and thus reduce the risk of diseases, you can return to the good old “old-fashioned methods”: resort to natural detergents and cleaning products - environmentally friendly and safe.

1. If you suddenly want to clean the pan to a shine, there is a fruit that can easily (and also without any chemistry ...) cope with this - this lemon ! What's more, you can also use it to remove rust stains from dishes and polish your silver!

2. Vinegar has many areas of application:

It removes wax stains as well.

Cleans tiles.

Removes scale (pour a little vinegar into the kettle along with water, stir, rinse - and you're done!);

Refreshes the color of carpets (use diluted vinegar, brush);

3. Another useful and really healthy, safe product that is made on the basis of vegetable oils and potash (potassium hydroxide contained, for example, in ash) is black soap . It is particularly suitable for cleaning various types of surfaces.

4. Laundry soap- 100% natural, completely organically processed (because it consists of natural fats), which, moreover, also cleans, removes bacteria, washes.

5. Linseed oil serves for polishing wooden furniture and earthenware.

6. Cedar shavingssuccessfully fights ticks and other insects - now you can forget about products based on permethrin (which is dangerous for the nervous system) or paradichlorobenzene (carcinogen).

7. Butteruseful not only in the kitchen: it quite successfully copes with ink stains. Then, of course, you should immediately wash the stain treated with oil. warm water with soap.
8. Soda crystals they clean, get rid of grease and plaque and bring our dishes to a shine, besides, soda powder costs an order of magnitude cheaper than the bright products of the leaders in the household chemicals market.

electrical appliances

Any housewife has a whole arsenal of electrical devices: a refrigerator, a washing machine, an electric kettle, an iron, a toaster, a microwave oven, a mixer, etc. One can only guess what a hostile bio-environment is being formed around the owner of this farm, when they all freeze, wash, bake and heat.

The electromagnetic field affects almost all systems of the human body.

And with a long stay in the zone of their influence, a person's immunity decreases, headaches appear, he quickly

gets tired, he develops nervous and mental disorders.
The electromagnetic field cannot be seen, felt, "try on the tooth." The wires lying in a ring create an additional large electromagnetic field. And if they're still under your bed... then don't be surprised why you wake up in the morning with a heavy head!
As preventive measures:
1 Do not turn on all electrical devices you have at the same time.
2 Do not fix electrical wires around the perimeter of the room, especially near the bed or sofa where you spend a lot of time.
3 Before going to bed, unplug all electrical appliances near your bed, even the night lamp.
Some of the devices you have during operation generate a low-frequency electromagnetic field that affects white blood cells, resulting in the threat of tumors, including malignant ones. Partly for this reason last years so rapidly increased the number of people with cancer, including young women with breast cancer.

The impact of microwaves on human life.

Eating food from the microwave regularly could lead to blood cancer. In the microwave

Ovens food is heated just due to the electromagnetic field of high frequency. In modern

Microwave ovens are provided with protection against the impact of this field on the owner of the oven. And, although part of the field can still penetrate outside, there is nothing to worry about.
For greater certainty, while using the microwave, you can move away from the switched on oven by 1.5 m - there will definitely not be an electromagnetic field there.

The influence of television on human life.

Watching TV for a long time every day is negatively

Affects the heart and increases the risk of death from heart failure.

The same TV affects human vision. In a normal situation, a person constantly spontaneously switches from looking at close objects to distant objects and vice versa. At the same time, the curvature of the lens, which is responsible for focusing the vision, changes accordingly. When watching a TV or monitor screen, the eyes are motionless, because they are constantly focused on the same plane. As a result, the muscles of accommodation are overstrained. The accommodation of the lens loses the ability to change rapidly, which can lead to its curvature. Due to the technical design of TVs, the image on the screen is unstable, it constantly flashes and flickers. This leads to an overstrain of both the eye and the nervous system, and consequently, to a deterioration in vision. Since the eye can distinguish much finer details, and a blurred image is presented on a television screen, far from the resolution of the eye, degradation of the retina occurs. IN vivo the change in the brightness of objects is up to 180 dB. On the TV screen, due to the characteristics of the excitation of the phosphor, the range of brightness changes is not more than 60 dB, which leads to eye fatigue.

The influence of the computer on human life.

Long stay at the computer screen without following the necessary rules

Harmless to health. First of all, people who regularly work on

computer, visual impairment, fatigue of the muscles of the arms and spine, general

Fatigue. The main factors of the harmful influence of the computer on the body are electromagnetic fields and its flickering on the screen, prolonged immobility of the posture. To prevent the impact of these factors is to maintain health. According to the results of our research, it was concluded that the computer to a greater extent negatively affects the psyche and the state of the person as a whole. As for memory, according to the results of our test, we calculated that after working with a computer there was a slight deterioration in memory. As for health, here radiation has a huge negative effect, which affects both vision and some other internal organs of a person. In the history of the development of the computer, there are cases when the computer causes the most serious disorders, in particular the psyche.


All studies were aimed at identifying favorable and unfavorable factors of the apartment and eliminating or reducing the impact of negative impacts on family health. Only plants and animals brighten up and facilitate the existence of man. The influence of harmful environmental factors in our apartments is not only possible, but must be reduced!

Ventilate the apartment more often.

Get indoor plants.

Reduce to a minimum the time of using such devices as microwaves, hair dryer, iron, electric shaver.

Purchase furniture and household items made from natural materials.

Store household chemicals in non-residential premises. When washing, it is advisable to use rubber gloves, as the powders cause skin irritation, cracking, brittle nails. You can not pour the powder into the water, holding the box high above the water. Do not use hand wash powders intended for machine washing.

Observe elementary hygiene measures: systematic cleaning of all premises, and especially the kitchen, bathroom, toilet, storage of food waste and garbage in tightly closed buckets (containers); systematic disposal of food waste; storage of food products in containers inaccessible to cockroaches; elimination of accumulation of water, especially in the bathtub, sinks, washed dishes, etc.

Comply with lighting standards.

Before going to bed, unplug all electrical appliances near your bed, even the night lamp. Remove from the head of the bed cellular telephone and an electric alarm clock.

As detergents and cleaners, you can use natural - soda, lemon, laundry soap, vinegar.

Subject to very simple requirements, our home will become healthier, safer, more comfortable, that is, environmentally friendly.