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» Expanded clay fraction 20 40 technical characteristics. What are the fractions of expanded clay gravel? What fraction of expanded clay is used for screed

Expanded clay fraction 20 40 technical characteristics. What are the fractions of expanded clay gravel? What fraction of expanded clay is used for screed

Modern house impossible to imagine without insulation elements. And that defines a wide offer necessary materials both in form and composition.

Suitable as a heater "from heaven to earth". Granules insulate the roof and walls, fall asleep under the floor for the same purposes, provide thermal insulation of the foundation.

The term "claydite"
implies several types of insulation, united by a common feedstock for production. Gravel of three fractions, sand and crushed stone stand out.

Gravel looks like round or oval granules. It is produced by roasting fusible rocks in rotary kilns. Application features are determined by the diameter of the fraction:

  • Expanded clay gravel fraction 20 - 40 mm. It has the lowest bulk density. It is used where a thick heat-insulating layer is needed: backfilling of foundations and cellars, backfilling of ceilings in attics.
  • Expanded clay gravel fraction 10 - 20 mm. Serves as a heater for a roof, floors in the house and walls with a well way of a laying.
  • Expanded clay gravel fraction 5 - 10 mm. Goes on filling as the basis under a "warm" floor. The grains of this fraction are used for facade insulation, when a mass of a small amount of cement and expanded clay is poured between the masonry and the facing layer.

Sand obtained by sifting clay fines and crushing large pieces of expanded clay in shaft furnaces. Areas of use:

  • Expanded clay sand fraction up to 5 mm. Indispensable for laying cement screed floors.
  • Expanded clay sand fraction up to 3 mm. Allows you to get a unique "warm" masonry mortar. The thermal conductivity of such a solution is 0.34 W / (m * C), and for a mixture based on quartz sand - 1.15 W / (m * C).

Rubble also comes from crushing large pieces of caked clay. Used as a filler in production concrete structures lower specific density and better heat and sound insulation.

Advantages and disadvantages of the material

As a result of the analysis of these varieties of expanded clay, the conclusion suggests itself that it is better to choose gravel as a heater. His advantage confirmed by a set of properties:

  1. Durability. Retains its qualities for a long time.
  2. Fire resistance. The material is absolutely non-flammable.
  3. chemical inertness. Unaffected by acids and other chemicals.
  4. Biostability. It is steady against formation of a fungus and does not allow to get to rodents.
  5. Frost resistance. Stable with temperature fluctuations. Tolerates more than twenty shifts of freezing and thawing.
  6. Low bulk density. From 250 to 800 kg/m 3 . The larger the fraction, the lower the density.
  7. High strength.
  8. Good heat and sound insulation. Consequence of low thermal conductivity, about 0.16 W/m and porosity.
  9. Ecological purity. Does not emit harmful substances.

Worth considering separately reaction of expanded clay to water. It has solid water resistance and if the gravel is dried after wetting, all parameters will be restored.

But at the same time, expanded clay has a noticeable moisture absorption. Moisture-soaked gravel gains weight and loses its insulating qualities. Therefore, do not forget about waterproofing.

Important! When insulating horizontal and inclined surfaces with expanded clay gravel using the dry filling method, use a dense polyethylene film for vapor barrier or roll material bitumen based. For tightness, the sheets are overlapped, and on the side walls they are bent to the level of the backfill.

Compare specifications various kinds heaters will help table 1.

Table 1. The main technical characteristics of some popular heaters
Name of insulation Specific gravity, bulk density, kg / m 3 Thermal conductivity, W / (m * C) Moisture absorption coefficient,%
Expanded clay (gravel) 250 0,099 10-20
Same 300 0,108 10-20
" 350 0,115 10-20
" 400 0,12 10-20
" 450 0,13 10-20
" 500 0,14 10-20
" 600 0,14 10-20
Foam glass 200-400 0,07-0,11 0,05
Fiberglass mats 150 0,061 10-130
40-180 0,036 50-225
40-80 0,029-0,041 18-50
125 0,052 3-5

Table built from data SP-23-101-2004 and advertising sites.

gravel consumption It is not difficult to determine, given its loose form. When backfilling large arrays, you just need to calculate the required volume. And 0.1 cubic meters are spent on warming surfaces. m per layer of 10 cm per 1 m 2.

positive moment the use of expanded clay in measures for warming the home should be recognized:

  • A guarantee that after completing all the work correctly, the house will be insulated for the entire period of operation.
  • The material does not emit harmful substances.
  • The ability to do everything with your own hands. Minimum skills required.

Coefficient of thermal conductivity expanded clay gravel is slightly higher than that of modern synthetic and mineral heaters. This implies the main drawback, which manifests itself in a significant thickness of the insulating layer and an increase in the thickness of the walls. It is advisable to take this incident into account at the design stage.

How is expanded clay insulation work performed?

Expanded clay gravel very easy to work material. It does not require any special tool. You will need shovels, buckets (stretchers), a tamping bar, a building level, as a rule, a tape measure, beacons.

Of the consumables: vapor or waterproofing, tapes, etc. for gluing seams, cement for preparation of milk.


For foundation thermal insulation is needed to protect against annual temperature fluctuations. The technology of its protection by backfilling with expanded clay is as follows:

  1. A trench is dug around the finished foundation with a depth corresponding to the amount of soil freezing. The width of the trench is at least 50 cm.
  2. In the resulting cavity, formwork is placed from improvised materials (boards, slate sheets).
  3. Waterproofing works are carried out along the bottom and side surfaces (film, roofing felt, etc.).
  4. Expanded clay gravel is poured up to zero level, is compacted. The surface is levelled.
  5. From above, the insulation is also isolated from moisture.
  6. Then a blind area is made around the foundation or a thin layer of soil is poured.


Isolate the floor on a concrete base from the cold from below will be obtained as a result of the phased implementation of such operations:

  1. The surface is carefully prepared. All rubbish is removed and all sorts of irregularities are leveled.
  2. Provides vapor barrier. The film along the perimeter is bent onto the wall to the height of the expanded clay layer.
  3. Beacons indicate a given level. You can fix the rails of the beacons with small lumps of mortar.
  4. Expanded clay falls asleep when the mortar sets under the strips of beacons. Better take granules of different fractions, to obtain a more durable layer.
  5. The embankment is leveled by beacons with a rail or a rule. And then poured from above "cement milk".
  6. The final stage is a cement screed. It is advisable to lay it on expanded clay in front of it metal mesh reinforcing. The thickness of the screed is selected at least three centimeters.


Exterior walls
in the house are responsible for the preservation of heat to the greatest extent. But the technology for insulating them with expanded clay is more complicated than for the floor or ceiling. Such walls should be erected by a professional bricklayer.

Masonry in progress in two layers: internal (main) and external from facing brick. The gap between the masonry is about ten centimeters, where expanded clay is poured. Between the masonry jumpers-ligaments are required.


wooden ceiling can be insulated different materials, including expanded clay. First, the ceiling must be prepared. Check beams and ceiling boards. Replace the unusable and, if necessary, kill the boards more densely. After all, with warming, the load will also increase.

Procedure then like this:

  1. We cover the structure with a vapor barrier material. The joints must be glued. Bend the edges to the height of the backfill.
  2. Pour expanded clay to the height of the beam.
  3. Apply to gravel cement screed or at least cover with waterproofing.
  4. If the attic will be used as a living space or for storage, lay a floorboard on top.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that expanded clay rightfully occupies one of the leading places among heaters.

How environmentally friendly expanded clay insulation is obtained and applied - see the video:

it construction material, appearance resembling crushed stone or gravel, made by half an hour firing of clay or shale under the influence of a temperature regime from 1,000 to 1,300 degrees. The result is a light and porous raw material, characterized by oval shapes. This is expanded clay, fractions, the features and characteristics of which will be discussed below.

The parameters for expanded clay are determined by GOST, which regulates the quality of building materials with a porous structure. Let's analyze the main properties in more detail:

  • fractional composition. Three fractions were identified, varying in the ranges of 5–10, 10–20, and 20–40 mm. Fractions that are rarely used in construction are highlighted in a separate category. These include crushed stone and expanded clay granules with fractions from 2.5 to 10 mm, a wide mixed fraction of 5 - 20 mm. The heat-insulating layers used as bulk material are represented by a mixture of all expanded clay samples, the fractions of which are 5–40 mm. This is explained by the need to fill void areas in order to increase the rigidity of the structure and eliminate the convection of air flows;
  • density grade. Seven values ​​have been established, the data of which are given in the table:

M 700 and M 800 are not produced for general consumption, prior agreement with the customer is necessary for this. The indicator of true density exceeds the value of bulk density by one and a half to two times. This parameter characterizes the density of expanded clay, without taking into account the intermediate areas between individual granules or fragments;
  • material strength. Expanded clay gravel has thirteen grades with different strength indicators after compression in the cylinder. For gravel, eleven values ​​\u200b\u200bare normalized with the same abbreviation as for gravel grades. At the same time, crushed stone and gravel of the same brand have differences in strength. It should be noted that as the density of the material increases, its strength increases. There is also a mutual relationship between brands, regulated by standards, which completely excludes the preparation of low-quality expanded clay with a high density indicator, but immediately collapsing from small loads;
  • compaction factor. This value is agreed with the customer and does not exceed 1.15. It is used to account for the compaction of the mass of material obtained from transportation or storage, which often happens with expanded clay fine fraction. The need to use such a coefficient is caused by frequent shipments of materials by bulk method, which is very convenient for the sale of large volumes;
  • thermal conductivity. An important parameter characterizing the level of thermal insulation of the material. For expanded clay, this coefficient is 0.10 - 0.18. The range is quite narrow, which once again confirms the high thermal insulation qualities of raw materials. This coefficient increases with increasing density, which is explained by a decrease in the number and size of porous areas that contain air;
  • moisture absorption. Another important indicator, which determines the behavior of expanded clay when exposed to a humid environment. The material is considered a sustainable raw material, the water absorption value is 8 - 20 percent;
  • soundproofing. Like many others thermal insulation materials, expanded clay is characterized by increased sound insulation. Best results reach by laying a layer on wooden floor using expanded clay as a layer separating outer surface floors and pits of floors;
  • resistance to low temperature conditions. Since expanded clay is based on clay, and the level of water absorption of the material is low, the raw material has a high frost resistance. In numerical terms, the standards are not normalized, because expanded clay resists low temperatures "by default".

Fraction types

According to the forms, external indicators and manufacturing technology, expanded clay fractions are divided into several types.


Small particles, which are by-products obtained during the firing or crushing of the material, are used as porous fillers.

Sand fraction 0 - 5 mm steel great alternative to replace simple quartz sand in solutions, which increases the coefficient of their thermal conductivity. This means that the mortar used in masonry work, based on expanded clay material, is several times warmer than the usual sand-cement composition.


Expanded clay gravel is one of the most popular building materials. It is represented by rounded grains, the sizes of which reach 10 - 20 mm. Gravel is formed in pyrogenic furnaces due to swelling of supermelted clay raw materials. The material is considered moisture and frost resistant, does not ignite in case of fire.


Such expanded clay material is represented by a filler of arbitrary shape, in most cases - angular. The size of the pebbles reaches 4 cm in diameter. Expanded clay gravel is obtained by crushing large pieces of expanded clay mass.

Scope of expanded clay fractions

Sand, the average value of which does not exceed 5 mm in diameter, is mainly used for interior decoration. This fraction of expanded clay is excellent for pouring cement floor screeds. A solution prepared with such material allows not only to level the surface, but also to insulate it. In addition, the material is used in the manufacture of various concrete products, and is widely used in the crop sector as a drainage element. In addition, hydroponic systems are arranged from such a filler.

A larger fraction of expanded clay (5 - 10 mm) is used to equip a "warm" floor according to german technology. It is used as a filling material for gypsum-fiber sheets. In addition, the material is an excellent insulation for facades. In this case, the actual unique technology: expanded clay is mixed with a small amount cement material, the prepared mass is poured into the space between bearing walls and cladding layer. This method of insulation is called "capsimet". It should be noted that if you are in doubt about which fraction of expanded clay is best suited for pouring concrete products and structures, you can safely use this particular type of material.

Gravel material has a small bulk area, so it is advised to use it when backfilling attics, basements, foundations, when it is necessary to arrange a fairly large layer of thermal insulation. Is such expanded clay the best option for device drainage system for planting trees and shrubs.

Expanded clay from the same group of medium and larger fractions (10 - 20 mm) is used as an insulating material for roof structures, floors from wood materials, walls, if they are erected with well masonry. The material is indispensable in the arrangement of street water and sewer systems, other communication lines. Using expanded clay for heat insulation of heating mains, you can be absolutely sure that heat loss will be minimal. AT emergency you do not have to spend a lot of time digging the ground to find a leak.

Having successfully completed repair work, you can always use expanded clay a second time, since it absolutely will not lose its properties even from getting wet.

As the builders note, the sales volumes of expanded clay material are not much inferior to sales of more common building materials. The device of the heat-insulating layer from it is considered the main, but by no means the last useful application because you can safely add reliable sound insulation to the specified quality. The “underlying” qualities of the material are also popular, so expanded clay fractions are quite suitable as the basis for concrete screed. In conclusion, we can add that today expanded clay material has a low cost, acceptable to any consumer.

Expanded clay fraction 10-20 is used for finishing works, in the construction of the roof, and also serves as a filler in the expanded clay concrete mixture and in the production of expanded clay concrete blocks. This fraction is not the largest and lightest of all presented, but it has good thermal insulation properties and can be used in almost all areas where expanded clay is needed, this is due to universal size granules.

The price of expanded clay fraction 10-20


Production cost per m3

The price of calibrated expanded clay per piece.

For 1 bag (0.05 m3)

For 1 bag (0.04 m3)

Specifications of expanded clay

LLC "Kushvinsky expanded clay plant"

Expanded clay is produced in accordance with GOST 32496-2013 "Porous Aggregates for Lightweight Concrete".

The name of indicators

Fraction 20-40mm

Fraction 10-20mm

Fraction 5-10mm

Fraction 0-5mm

1. Bulk density. kg/cu.m.

2. Strength, MPa

4. Grain composition, %

Complies with GOST

D from 85 to 100

D from 85 to 100

D from 85 to 100

fact data

Sieve 10mm -7- 8%

Sieve 5mm-90-92%

Pallet -1-2%

D from 85 to 100

5. Thermal conductivity coefficient in backfill, W/m0 С

6. Frost resistance - brand

There is a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion on the content of natural radionuclides: they meet the requirements of class 1 (A eff not more than 370 Bq/kg).

Expanded clay is a porous light product obtained by the technology of fast firing of fusible clay grades. Some believe that it is similar to natural gravel. But this similarity is purely external - the granules are oval in shape, and all other characteristics are fundamentally different from each other.

The process of making expanded clay

Manufacturing technology of this building material:

  • The extracted clay raw materials are stored in the store.
  • The initial mass is processed to obtain raw granules, which consist either of a homogeneous mass or of grains of a given size. This process is carried out in one of the ways - dry, wet, powder, powder-plastic.
  • Heat treatment consists in thermal shock, which provokes swelling of the material, creating a cellular, that is, porous, structure. In about half an hour, the temperature is increased from +1050°C to +1300°C. A molten layer appears on the surface of the granules with the formation of a smooth shell, almost geometrically ideal.
  • An important stage of production is cooling, which is carried out strictly according to technology. Too fast a process leads to cracking of the granules, too slow - to their softening and loss of shape.
  • The resulting products are divided into fractions on drum screens, and then packaged.

Attention! The technological process of expanded clay production is long and rather complicated. Any violation of the required mode can cause a decrease in the quality of the product. Therefore, this material always accompanies a certificate of conformity for chemical and physical characteristics GOST requirements and sanitary standards, also indicates the level of environmental safety.

What properties of expanded clay provide popularity in the construction industry

The complex of valuable qualities of this material explains its demand in the construction industry when creating almost all structural elements buildings - walls, ceilings, roofs and others:

  • The ability to provide thermal and sound insulation.
  • High strength at low density.
  • Resistant to frost and fire.
  • Long operating period.
  • Resistant to bio- and chemical factors.
  • Environmentally friendly.

The use of expanded clay has several nuances:

  • This material can provide effective sound and heat insulation only when a sufficiently thick layer is poured.
  • In rooms with high humidity its use is undesirable.

Attention! Expanded clay does not have the ability to release absorbed moisture, which can be a problem when using the material as a heater. Therefore, backfilling of granules is carried out only on a vapor barrier layer, the functions of which can be performed by a thick polyethylene film.

Applications of the material

  • To insulate the floor, an expanded clay pillow is used, which is placed under a concrete or cement screed or under boards between the logs.
  • With the help of expanded clay gravel and sand, they increase thermal insulation characteristics basement, loggia, attic.
  • AT landscape design expanded clay products decorate the paths or lay tiles with it. An additional plus is the ability to color the material in the desired color.
  • Gardeners use this material to improve the quality of the soil.
  • Lung production concrete mixtures exterior panels of buildings.
  • Filter element at local treatment facilities.

What are the fractions of expanded clay

Depending on the size of the oval and spherical granules, the following types of material are distinguished:

  • Expanded clay bulk substance, the diameter of which does not exceed 5 mm, is classified as a group of sands. It is obtained by firing clay fines. They are used in thermal insulation works, where a small thickness of insulation is sufficient, for interior finishing work.
  • Expanded clay gravel is produced in three fractional varieties - 5–10 mm, 10–20 mm, 20–40 mm. Used for insulation of various structural elements in private and industrial construction, in the production of lightweight concrete.
  • Expanded clay crushed stone is obtained by crushing the largest pieces of expanded clay. The fractions of this material are 5–40 mm.

Expanded clay brand - what properties determine it

One of important characteristics of this material is the bulk density. The minimum brand is M250. It includes expanded clay gravel with a bulk density of up to 250 kg/m 3 . 250-300 kg / m 3 - this is the M300 brand, 300-350 kg / m 3 - M350, 350-400 kg / m 3 - M400, 400-450 kg / m 3 - M450. This is followed by the M500 and M600, which is considered the maximum. But by agreement with the customer, higher grades can be produced. Expanded clay sand is characterized by grades from M500 to M1000.

Table of technical requirements that the grades of expanded clay gravel must comply with

Expanded clay gravel brand Bulk density by fractions, kg / m 3 Strength requirements by fractions, MPa Thermal conductivity coefficient for all fractions, W/m°C Frost resistance 15 cycles F 15, weight loss, %
20–40 10–20 5–10 20–40 10–20 5–10
M 250 210–220 220–240 0,5–0,7 0,5–0,7 0,065 0,1
M300 250–280 260–290 270–300 0,7–1,0 0,8–1,0 0,9–1,0 0,075 0,1
M350 300–400 310–350 320–350 1,1–1,2 1,3–1,4 1,4–1,5 0,084 0,1
M400 360–400 370–400 1,6–2,0 1,7–2,0 0,091 0,1
M450 410–440 420–450 1,6–2,0 1,7–2,0 0,097 0,1

Questions and answers

What fraction of expanded clay is used for screed

  • For wet screed it is recommended to take a mixture of two fractions - 5-10 mm and 10-20 mm.
  • Original formulations for dry screeds Knauf contain only fine fraction product 0–5 mm. The percentage of small and larger grains is chosen in such a way that the backfill creates a completely flat surface, without voids. This ensures convenient laying of the prefabricated screed and its durability during operation. The addition of large grains to the original composition can cause the formation of voids, which will lead to deformation of the combined screed and the crunch of granules when walking.

What fractions of expanded clay are used for roofing

For roof insulation, coarse-grained material with a low bulk density is more often used. To increase the level of thermal insulation, some craftsmen advise mixing expanded clay gravel with foam chips.

Attention! Do not forget to protect the insulation from moisture.

Expanded clay which fraction is warmer

The larger the grain size, the better their heat-saving ability, but the lower the strength.

The coefficient of thermal conductivity of the material of different fractions differs so slightly that it is necessary to focus only on the strength requirements specific to each specific case.

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Expanded clay - production, useful characteristics, fractions and features of their application, 5.0 out of 5 - total votes: 3

Expanded clay is a building material obtained by accelerated heating of clay raw materials, which can carry out the process of pore formation at a temperature in the oven of 1050 - 1300 C, 25 - 45 minutes from the start of heating.

  1. Gravel - having an oval shape.
  2. Crushed stone - has a multifaceted shape with corners and edges.
  3. Sand.

GOST 9759-76, fundamental document for expanded clay. It regulates the expanded clay fractions: 5-10, 10-20 and 20-40 mm, it also indicates the restrictions on the presence of other fractions in the expanded clay in the base.

The table shows data on the tensile strength and brand of expanded clay filler.
GOST divides the produced expanded clay filler into 10 grades, in accordance with the density, from 250 to 800. Thus, grade 250 is designated expanded clay filler, with a density of up to 250 kg / m3.

Measured containers are used to determine the density of expanded clay. The average value of water absorption of expanded clay gravel is from 8 to 20%. Existing expanded clay production technologies are developed in full accordance with this GOST.

The indicator of its frost resistance is at least 25 cycles of temperature difference from minimum to maximum. In other words, the service life of the filler is at least 25 years.

The thermal conductivity characteristics of expanded clay may not always meet the requirements for resistance to low temperatures, therefore, a thorough examination is required before use.

The thermal conductivity of expanded clay is determined by the number and size of air pores, their humidity. The decrease in this property of expanded clay can be affected by the formation of the so-called glassy phase that occurs in the pellets.

The main properties of expanded clay, its varieties

Expanded clay gravel

These are pellets with a porous interior and a surface melted by impact high temperature. The lion's share of the produced expanded clay filler in Russian Federation makes gravel.

As noted above, the gravel has an oval shape. Its surface is dark brown, usually almost black at the break.

Expanded clay filler is produced in the form of pellets ranging in size from 5 to 40 mm. In addition to fire resistance, moisture resistance, it also differs in that it does not contain substances contraindicated in cement. For the manufacture of expanded clay filler, specialized equipment with a rotary kiln is used.

Expanded clay crushed stone

Expanded clay crushed stone is obtained by crushing large pieces of foamed mass of expanded clay. Unlike gravel, it has an arbitrary, angular shape.

The production of expanded clay filler uses natural properties clay, namely the release of gases and the presence of a pyroclastic state. The transition to such a state in clay occurs under the influence of maximum temperature. In this state, a melt is formed (the liquid phase of the aggregate state of matter) and its swelling (boiling) occurs. At the same time, expanded clay gets one more property - gas impermeability.

Expanded clay sand

The production of expanded clay sand is carried out in several ways: using a classic rotary kiln, mechanically, using a vertical fluidized bed furnace.

For the manufacture of expanded clay sand, it is not always advisable to use classic furnaces. This is due to the fact that with such small grain sizes, it simply does not have time to foam, so sand is obtained on roller crushers, grinding large pieces. For the production of 0.5 m3 of sand, 1 m3 of finished expanded clay is consumed. Second effective method sand production - firing in a "fluidized bed".

The essence of this technological process is as follows: pre-prepared clay chips with diameters from 3 to 5 mm are placed in a furnace with a vertical chamber. Pressurized air is supplied to such a furnace and gaseous fuel is sprayed.

The combination of air and fuel at given modes allows the solid crumb to go into a liquefied state. The supply of atomized fuel directly into the layer of clay raw materials ensures its even heating and causes boiling (swelling).

The density of expanded clay sand is about 500 - 700 kg / m3. Technical requirements to expanded clay sand are approximately the same, in comparison with ordinary river sand. Content of granules big size should be significantly larger.

Raw materials for the production of expanded clay

The basis for the manufacture of expanded clay is clay grades that belong to sedimentary rocks. These are shales, mudstones. A breed of this type is characterized by a complex mineral composition. They include quartz, spars and other inorganic and organic compounds.

The basic raw material for the manufacture of expanded clay filler is montmorillonite or hydromicaceous clay. The admission of raw materials for the production of expanded clay filler is carried out only after a thorough study of its composition, in particular, for the content of quartz.


In many regions of our country, expanded clay concrete has become the basis for mass construction. The most effective is its use for the manufacture of blocks of grades 300, 400, 500. The tensile strength of these blocks lies in the range of 5 to 7.5 MPa.

The properties of expanded clay concrete ensure the simultaneous performance of the bearing and heat-insulating functions. In multilayer structures, it is possible to use both structural expanded clay concrete and manufactured heat-insulating concrete with a density of 600 kg/m3.

The conducted studies have shown that the use of combined (structural and heat-insulating concretes) provides a reduction in material consumption and ensures the quality and reliability of such panels.

Expanded clay filler with grades 700, 800 is used for the manufacture of lightweight structural concrete, in particular, for the needs of bridge building, where one of the main tasks is to reduce the weight of structures.

The ease of extraction of raw materials, the relative ease of production, the low cost of expanded clay - all this has made it a popular building material.