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» Hot stamping on paper base. How to glue embossed wallpaper. What is hot stamping wallpaper?

Hot stamping on paper base. How to glue embossed wallpaper. What is hot stamping wallpaper?

Home improvement is a very painstaking process, since such an activity requires not only serious financial investments, but also patience. You can make your home cozy with the most different ways, and one of them is to stick non-woven wallpaper on its walls. The pros and cons of this finishing material will be described below, but first we should tell you in more detail what these are decorative elements and what characteristics they have.

Features of non-woven wallpaper

Sometimes it is difficult for an inexperienced owner to outwardly distinguish this finishing material from others, but he has his own specific properties. The principle of creating this wallpaper is as follows: the vinyl layer is not sprayed directly onto the paper, but onto a special base - non-woven fabric. This material is made from fibers that are pressed in a special way. It should be noted that standard width its stripes are 1 m 6 cm, which is almost 2 times the standard figure.

Most often, non-woven wallpaper, the advantages of which significantly outweigh them negative sides, are supplied to the market unpainted, which allows you to implement any design solutions. Besides, hand painted significantly improves their aesthetic properties and gives the living space even greater uniqueness.

Advantages of non-woven wallpaper

As mentioned earlier, such a finishing material as non-woven wallpaper has a very large number of advantages. Their main advantages include the following:

  1. This material perfectly allows air to pass through, so that mold caused by dampness does not appear on the walls. But here it is important to remember that when vinyl is applied to such wallpaper, this property disappears.
  2. During operation, their shape does not change; they do not deform either after drying or throughout their entire service life.
  3. Non-woven wallpaper is a material that is environmentally friendly and safe for human health.
  4. Very often this interior finishing element is purchased for painting. This treatment does not in any way affect the integrity of the wallpaper and only strengthens its structural integrity.
  5. It is very easy to apply this material. Non-woven fabric does not require pre-treatment with glue, which makes joining the strips much easier.
  6. With the help of these products you can easily decorate any type of surface, be it concrete walls or partitions made of plasterboard, chipboard or wood.
  7. If desired, change non-woven wallpaper to new material They are very easy to remove; you don’t even need to pre-soak the material. They come off quickly and without any problems.

The main disadvantages of non-woven wallpaper

However, not all characteristics of this material can be called positive. If we talk about such a product as non-woven wallpaper, they certainly have disadvantages. Let in small quantity, but they still exist.

So, if it is a simple non-woven fabric, not covered with paint or vinyl, this finishing material should absolutely not be washed, otherwise there is a high probability of completely ruining the coating. In case of contamination, only vacuum cleaning is allowed.

In addition, purchasing non-woven wallpaper inexpensively is very problematic, since due to High Quality material and the relative complexity of its manufacture, the price for them, of course, is quite high.

Types of non-woven wallpaper

If this material is an independent covering for walls, there is no relief on it, only some kind of pattern is possible.

Sometimes non-woven wallpaper, the pros and cons of which have already been described above, is used only as a basis for vinyl stickers. This type of material differs in that some beneficial properties he does not have. These wallpapers are still capable of reinforcing wall surface defects, they are just as easy to apply, but the environmental parameters will be significantly lower. In addition, such a product will have a much worse air permeability, which can lead to premature deterioration of the material.

Many owners choose hot-stamped non-woven wallpaper as the main element of room decor. This material is very beautiful, it has an unusual appearance and, no less important, a long service life.

Tools for covering a room with non-woven wallpaper

This process requires the following list of construction supplies:

  1. Standard with medium or short pile length. This tool is needed to apply glue.
  2. A small brush with which you can coat the joints.
  3. When gluing a material such as non-woven wallpaper onto walls, surface imperfections in the form of unevenness and protruding areas must first be removed. You can get rid of them by using a rubber or plastic roller, which can easily smooth out any imperfections.
  4. Regular and pencil. With their help, it is necessary to apply vertical markings to the desired surface.
  5. Container for glue.
  6. A whisk or any other tool for stirring the fixing base.
  7. Knife (will allow you to cut off excess parts of the wallpaper).

With all these tools available, you can get to work.

Preparatory activities before non-woven base

The whole process needs to start from the window in the room. First, you need to apply markings on the wall for the first stripe, but experts strongly do not recommend drawing a bright line with a marker, since this material absorbs any dirt very well - it is quite possible that the mark cannot be gotten rid of even after painting. It is best to draw a thin dotted line with a pencil.

A finishing material such as non-woven wallpaper also has its disadvantages in the fact that the adhesive composition for them must be special and have the required degree of ductility. The fixing base must be applied exclusively to the wall surface. If you also treat the finishing material itself with glue, there is a high probability that after drying it will shrink, and this will lead to the formation of small but noticeable cracks.

Features of the process of covering a room with non-woven wallpaper

Professional craftsmen do not recommend cutting finished rolls into separate strips. You can fix the wallpaper on the wall directly after applying glue to it, with a large share Chances are you won't have to adjust them. The main thing is to decide in advance where the upper and lower parts of the material are.

The overlap on the ceiling should be at least 5 cm so that the slope is not too noticeable, and the wallpaper below should be cut exactly to the level of the baseboard. Each subsequent strip must be connected to the previous one strictly end-to-end. All excess glue should be removed with a clean sponge soaked in water.

Consolidating these decorative items on the wall can be done in different ways. But do not forget that when purchasing a material such as non-woven wallpaper (a photo of a particular sample cannot be reflected), it is very important to carefully visually study the structure of the desired product. Only in this case can you be completely confident in the quality of the product.

The principle of finishing the ceiling with non-woven wallpaper

This work is not much different from what’s more, it’s even easier to do.

To begin, draw a line parallel to the wall on the surface of the ceiling. After this you need to apply required area glue and, attaching a roll of wallpaper to it, slowly roll it out, helping yourself with a roller. The main difficulty is to ensure that the edge of the material follows the intended line. Having reached the opposite wall, you just need to cut off the canvas, and then proceed to the next section.

When gluing a material such as non-woven wallpaper onto the ceiling, some owners notice the pros and cons of such a solution already while living in a room decorated in this way. Perhaps the room will become darker, but this method of finishing will allow you to create housing that is unique in its external characteristics and will emphasize the individuality of its owners.

How to paint non-woven wallpaper?

First of all, you should decide on the composition. So, on a non-woven basis it can be as follows:



Acrylic, which is the most reliable in terms of quality and durability.

The finishing material that is intended for painting, with outside equipped with a vinyl covering, which can be either smooth or foamed in a certain way. The second option requires more careful processing, since the composition may not adhere well to all protruding areas. Many owners, when painting non-woven wallpaper, find the pros and cons of this work at different points. So, this process is quite labor-intensive, but correctly performed work guarantees a high-quality result and the preservation of the coating over a very long period of time.

In addition to the large number of wallpaper characteristics that are written on the label of each roll, there are also a number of material properties that are conveyed in graphic form. So, for generalization and simplification, numerical and alphabetic codes denote wallpaper brands.

Designations on the wallpaper: decoding

Wallpaper brands are valuable information.

Wallpaper produced by industry has varying degrees of abrasion resistance and high humidity. These indicators cannot always be determined by eye. Therefore, wallpaper brands must be indicated on the label. This makes it easier for the consumer to find their own option for the dining room or living room.

What's behind the alphanumeric code?


Wallpaper of this brand is resistant only to dry abrasion.

They can only be wiped with a dry cloth or broom. When gluing, they must be handled very carefully, smoothing should only be done with a dry cloth.

When wet, they immediately deteriorate, that is, they are not waterproof. Suitable for finishing walls and ceilings of residential premises.


These wallpapers are distinguished by temporary, one might say, one-time water resistance when glued.

They can be wiped clean of residual adhesive using a damp sponge. After drying, such wallpaper does not exhibit moisture-resistant properties. Can be used for gluing ceilings and walls of any residential premises with low humidity, and walls of public institutions.

IN 1

Wallpaper of this brand must be waterproof both during gluing and during use. They can be wiped dry or damp cloth without the use of soap or other detergents, wash off the remaining glue and any dirt that appears.

The finishing material is suitable for residential premises and public institutions.


Washable wallpaper. Wallpaper characterized by increased resistance to moisture. They can be wiped with a damp sponge, and if necessary, washed with a weak soap-based detergent solution. Grease stains from such wallpaper cannot be removed, but simple dirt can be removed.

Wallpaper brands with the letter M (M-1, M-2, M-3) are suitable as finishing coating corridor walls in both residential and public buildings.


These designations on the wallpaper indicate the high resistance of the finishing material to washing.

When using a cleaning solution from the surface of the wallpaper, you can wash off not only ordinary dirt, but also fresh grease and oil stains. Finishing with such wallpaper can be carried out not only in residential premises, but also in corridors, including public buildings.

However, there are also limitations: GOST 6810-2002 does not recommend covering children's rooms with wallpaper of this brand, including playrooms and sleeping areas in children's institutions (for example, kindergartens, schools), as well as in hospital wards and clinics.


Wallpaper that is suitable for finishing bathrooms and toilets in residential buildings and in public buildings. This wallpaper is resistant not only to water, but also to friction. Both during gluing and during subsequent use, wallpaper of this brand can be washed using a soap or cleaning solution.

Dirt, including fresh grease stains, can be removed from the surface.

Other designations on the wallpaper (decoding)

Wallpaper brands that indicate washability and water resistance can be indicated not only by an alphanumeric code, but also by symbols.

The following symbols on the wallpaper decipher the resistance of the painted surface to light exposure (fading).

This parameter has a numerical value: from 4 to 7, which corresponds to the gradation “satisfactory - good-very good-excellent stability”.

There are also markings on the wallpaper that short form describe the gluing process: how it is carried out, how the pattern is joined, how to remove it from the base.

How exactly are they deciphered? designations on wallpaper, see the special article.

All named characteristics of wallpaper must be affixed to the label of each roll.

If there are several properties of a material, for example, characteristics are combined when joining a pattern, these symbols are indicated with a “+” sign.

Technologies such as flexicotisk, screen printing or digital printing can be used in industrial production wallpaper in Simferopol to obtain various decorative effects.

The main manufacturing method is the use of a rotary process, in which each of the color sections on the screen covers only one color. Due to the large number of passes through different sections, we obtain a color image.

1. Flexography

To use the pattern and design on the background, this method uses polymer elastic rollers.

The painting department of the canvas itself consists of a rake, which ensures uniformity in the use of paint. The second element of the ink section is a roller with an elastic printing plate, which is necessary for the impression of the motif.

2. Engraving technology

Engraving technology consists of the use of copper cylinders: copies are made from a prepared sample, which is reproduced with a raster and transferred to printers using a laser.

The color is collected in the recesses of the cylinders, from where it is transferred to the canvas. This ensures smooth transitions between various shades and provide excellent photographic quality. Engraving technology is used in the production of satin, paper or metal backdrops.



It uses rotary screen printing to create a background that allows you to get a large number of copies while maintaining a high degree of image accuracy.

Vinyl Hot Stamping Paper Backed Non Woven Backing

The color application technology involves extruding the color of the doctor's blade through a perforated screen according to a pattern. This technology is often used to create textured backdrops with foam textured surfaces.

To achieve this effect, the colored fabric goes into a special oven where the foam is applied to the foam.


Digital printing

Digital printing involves creating a design using specialized software.

To obtain images you can use various technologies: laser printing, electrostatic, inkjet and thermal dyeing sublimation printing. The main advantage of digital printing is the wide possibility of creating wallpaper for individual orders. Limitations to using this method are related to actual prints, ease, and background power.

5. Embossing

The stamping method is used to achieve a high degree of surface strength, as well as its structuring.

Printing and embossing can be done at the same time. Background, relief, are multilayer materials: several layers of paper or paper with non-woven materials are glued together to create a backing; Injection is used for non-sterile materials; The finished wallpaper is dried and formed into rolls.

Another way to use embossing is in the background. It is used, for example, for satin fabrics, which are formed by intaglio printing and then exhibit structural properties at high temperatures.

Wallpaper is the most popular material for interior decoration. This is explained by their practicality, ease of application, as well as a large assortment of colors, textures and properties. The demand of grateful customers inspires manufacturers to new developments, resulting in improved options appearing on the market.

Particular attention in Lately riveted to hot-stamped wallpaper (or vinyl).

What is hot stamping wallpaper?

This is a material consisting of two components:

  1. The basis.

    There are two types - non-woven and paper. The first type is preferable due to better performance characteristics, although it is more expensive.

  2. Polyvinyl chloride. This component is applied to the prepared base in one quantity or another, which affects appearance and properties of the final product.

During the manufacturing process, the material in a special chamber is exposed to high thermal effects.

In this case, the upper polymer layer melts, acquiring a plastic state, and foams. Then it is processed with special rollers, resulting in the formation of a textured pattern.


They are classified according to the density of the top coating.

  • Silkscreen printing. The lightest, the density of the vinyl layer is 90-130 g/m². Focus on in this case It is done not for texture, which is almost invisible, but for reflective properties. Light is refracted at different angles, which gives the material a unique luminescent glow, reminiscent of silk.
  • Compact vinyl.

    Embossed wallpaper. Characteristics of material and sticker technology

    This is a denser variety, the PVC content ranges from 150-200 g/m². Such wallpapers are presented in the form of imitation stones, bricks, textiles, etc.

  • Heavy vinyl. Density exceeds 250 g/m². The features of this option are maximum relief and strength.

    In addition, in this case, surface preparation is simplified, since this type of vinyl wallpaper easily masks minor cracks and irregularities. As for the visual design, they are presented, for example, in the form of crinkled leather or voluminous embroidery.

Advantages of hot stamping wallpaper

  • Easy to care for.

    Easy to clean with water and regular detergents.

  • Resistant to fading.
  • Long service life (depending on the type of base 9-12 years).
  • Easy to apply. Hot-stamped wallpaper adheres well not only to plaster, but also to concrete and wood surfaces.
  • PVC is a good sound and heat insulator, therefore it contributes to the creation of comfortable conditions.


Buying such wallpapers on paper based, you need to know that they do not allow air to pass through well.

This means that the room will require more thorough ventilation. If the walls are damp, then it is best to avoid using this type altogether. Otherwise, fungus and mold will begin to multiply under the wallpaper. As for vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven basis, they have greater vapor permeability, but still require additional treatment of the wall with an antifungal agent before gluing.

Hot-stamped wallpaper opens up wide possibilities when planning your interior design.

However, they are not very expensive, which makes them accessible to many people.

What glue should I use to glue structural profile wallpaper?

A properly selected adhesive composition guarantees high-quality wallpapering of working surfaces of walls and ceilings. In addition, wallpaper glued according to technology is easier to care for, and the service life of the wallpaper also increases.

It should be borne in mind that using some cheap low-quality glue for expensive wallpaper is, as they say, nonsense. It would be much better to pay extra and buy high-quality glue, otherwise you will have to re-glue the wallpaper again.

As for structural-profile wallpapers, there are several subspecies. Unfortunately, the message sent does not indicate what type of structural-profile wallpaper needs to be glued.

However, in general, you can use a Metylan type adhesive, for example, Vinyl Premium Methylane.

Hot stamping wallpaper on a non-woven basis

This adhesive composition is intended for vinyl, textile, structural, relief and other types of special wallpaper, as well as for silk-screen printing and all types of paper wallpaper. The uniformity of application of the adhesive layer to the surface can be monitored using a color “indicator”, which, of course, allows you to avoid un-glued areas.

During the drying process, Methylane Vinyl Premium glue becomes transparent.

In addition, for pasting walls with structural profile wallpaper, you can use other adhesive compositions Henkel company, for example, “Methylane Fiberglass Premium” or “Methylane Flizeline Premium”, as well as “Moment Extra” glue.

Best regards, Alexander Novikov,
Consultant at the Stroyinform help desk.

The use of hot stamping technology for the manufacture of vinyl wallpaper involves moving a paper sheet with an already printed pattern through a hot oven to soften the polymer layer.

At the next stage, the canvas is passed first through a metal roller and then through a rubber one to create the necessary texture of the product. When using heat treatment, formaldehyde resins and other harmful substances are evaporated from the product.

Using thermal embossing, manufacturers produce vinyl wallpapers hot stamping on a non-woven base of four types.

  1. For perfect smooth walls produce wallpaper with a silk effect, smooth and fine structure, the most different designs called silkscreen printing.
  2. Compact vinyl wallpaper is somewhat denser than silk-screen printing and perfectly imitates stone, various types of plaster and textiles.
  3. Heavy vinyl is a good, durable and embossed hot-stamped vinyl wallpaper that perfectly imitates crinkled leather and voluminous embroidery, which can be used for covering uneven walls.

The fastest and affordable way interior renovations - covering the walls with new wallpaper. The range of wallpapers is impressive with different colors, textures and technologies for manufacturing finishing materials.

Among the variety of choices, I would like to note embossed wallpaper, which is distinguished by the relief of its decorative image. The protruding pattern visually smoothes and softens the outlines of the walls, creating a special play of light and shadows.

Let's look at the main types and characteristics of embossed wallpaper, give recommendations for using them in the interior, and also describe the sequence of stickers and important nuances that must be observed when working with embossed wallpaper.

Manufacturing technology and description of embossed wallpaper

Embossed wallpaper is a type of wallpaper with a textured surface. Most often, embossed wallpaper means two-layer paper wallpaper, upper layer which have undergone special processing.

Embossed wallpaper got its name thanks to technological process, which is used to create such wallpapers. Depending on the basis of the material, dry, wet, hot or chemical embossing.

The manufacturing technology of embossed wallpaper includes the following steps:

Embossed wallpaper is considered the most stable (minimal stretching when applying glue) and durable among paper wallpapers

Today, embossed wallpaper is made not only on a thick paper base, but also on non-woven fabric; polyvinyl chloride treatments are used to improve performance characteristics finishing material. The technology for creating such wallpaper differs from that discussed above.

Types of embossed wallpaper: advantages and disadvantages

Duplex - paper embossed wallpaper

The main criterion by which embossed wallpaper is divided into different types- This is the material used in manufacturing.

Embossed paper wallpaper is also called duplex with a relief surface. Wallpaper consists of two layers of paper - a backing and a top covering. Embossed duplex wallpaper is available with a printed image or colorless - for painting. Duplex for painting has a more pronounced relief.

It should be noted that with repeated painting, the surface relief of embossed duplex wallpaper becomes deformed.

The advantages of embossed paper wallpaper include:

  • the ability to mask roughness and unevenness on the wall;
  • the strength of duplex embossed wallpaper is higher than simplex wallpaper (single-layer paper wallpaper);
  • wallpaper “breathes” and contributes to the creation of a normal microclimate in the room;
  • embossed duplex - environmentally friendly pure material, since practically no chemicals are used in its production;
  • price embossed wallpaper on a paper basis is lower than on a non-woven one (you can buy embossed duplex wallpaper at a price of 150 rubles per roll).

Disadvantages of embossed paper wallpaper:

  • wallpaper cannot be washed (it is not recommended to use it in the kitchen or children's room);
  • the paper layer is subject to mechanical damage;
  • short service life - about five years.

The length of the canvas in one roll is 10.5 m, width is 0.53 m.

Hot stamping vinyl wallpaper

Embossed vinyl wallpaper has an outer decorative layer of polyvinyl chloride, and the base is made of non-woven fabric or paper. The vinyl surface protects the base from moisture, penetration of salts, acids, fats, alkalis and reduces the risk of fire.

The production of hot-stamped vinyl wallpaper is more labor-intensive and includes the following processes:

  1. A layer of foamed polyvinyl chloride is applied to the base.
  2. The material is passed through a chamber in which the PVC layer heats up and becomes plastic.
  3. The pliable surface is treated with two different rollers, forming the relief of the decorative coating.

Vinyl wallpaper made by hot stamping comes in three types.

Silkscreen wallpaper have a relatively smooth and even structure. Some areas of the fabric reflect light waves, creating the effect of shimmering natural silk.

Silk-screen vinyl wallpaper is the thinnest and does not hide wall defects well, so it requires careful leveling and surface preparation

Surface heavy vinyl often imitates relief plaster. It is recommended to use such wallpaper on walls that have roughness and minor irregularities.

Flat Vinyl (Compact Vinyl) can imitate different Decoration Materials, for example stone, brickwork, brush strokes, untreated wood or plaster. When creating this type of wallpaper, more relief embossing and a denser layer of vinyl are used.

Hot stamping wallpaper has the following characteristics:

  • durability - depending on operating conditions, the service life of wallpaper ranges from 7 to 15 years;
  • wallpaper is resistant to impact ultraviolet rays, heat from batteries, steam and moisture;
  • wallpaper does not absorb odors;
  • wallpaper can be cleaned with a damp cloth and non-abrasive chemicals;
  • good thermal insulation properties;
  • Hot-stamped wallpaper is considered more environmentally friendly than regular vinyl wallpaper; This is explained by the fact that under the influence high temperatures Some of the formaldehyde resins evaporate, making the material safer for others.

Important! A room covered with vinyl wallpaper must be ventilated frequently, since PVC does not allow air to pass through, and normal air exchange in the room becomes more difficult. Stagnant air will lead to increased humidity and the formation of mold on the walls. Before gluing hot-stamped wallpaper, the wall surface must be treated with an antifungal primer

Price range for hot stamping wallpaper:

  • silk-screen wallpaper - from 400-500 rubles per roll;
  • the price of embossed wallpaper of heavy vinyl and compact vinyl is from 600 rubles per roll.

It should be noted that embossed wallpaper on a non-woven basis will cost 20% more than their paper counterparts.

Chemical embossed vinyl wallpaper

In the production of chemically embossed wallpaper, the method of zone inhibition of foam vinyl is used. In other words, a special reagent (inhibitor) is applied to some areas of the canvas coated with polyvinyl chloride, which suppresses the foaming of vinyl. After this, the canvas is heated in the chamber and the vinyl layer, untreated with the inhibitor, foams and increases in volume.

Advantages of inhibited wallpaper:

  • original design - created harmonious combination silk-screen printing and foam vinyl elements;
  • significant mechanical resistance;
  • UV resistance;
  • possibility of repeated cleaning;
  • long service life - about 10-15 years.


  • high price wallpaper;
  • Wallpaper does not hide wall defects well.

Features of embossed wallpaper on a non-woven basis

The non-woven backing of embossed wallpaper consists of cellulose fibers bonded together with a polymer. Non-woven fabric is durable, abrasion-resistant and not as flammable as paper.

Very often, embossed non-woven wallpaper with vinyl coating is embossed wallpaper for painting. They can withstand repeated painting, and the texture of the coating remains unchanged.

Embossed non-woven wallpaper has the following advantages:

  • possibility of camouflage small cracks and wall irregularities;
  • fire safety;
  • usually rolls of non-woven wallpaper have a large width, which facilitates and speeds up the process of gluing them;
  • ease of care - you can carry out wet cleaning;
  • Paintable wallpaper can be repainted many times;
  • During repairs, the vinyl layer can be separated from the interlining, and new wallpaper can be glued to the remaining base.

The disadvantages of embossed wallpaper on a non-woven basis are the same as those of hot or inhibited embossed wallpaper - high cost and an obstacle to normal air exchange.

How to glue embossed duplex wallpaper

The manufacturer usually indicates on the wallpaper packaging the type of adhesive recommended for use. Embossed duplex wallpaper must be glued with an adhesive designed for heavy types of wallpaper, for example, non-woven wallpaper.

Let's look at the process of wallpapering step by step:

Tips for gluing embossed duplex wallpaper:

  • work should be carried out at a room temperature of 15-22°C;
  • when working, drafts must be avoided;
  • if glue gets on the decorative surface of the wallpaper, it should be carefully blotted with a sponge, but not rubbed;
  • It is better to glue wallpaper with a pattern together, but without ornaments you can do it yourself;
  • It is not necessary to remove sockets and switches when gluing wallpaper - just remove the covers and turn off the power to the room; The wallpaper must first be applied to the wall and a cross-shaped cut must be made.

Hot stamping non-woven wallpaper sticker technology

When gluing hot-stamped non-woven wallpaper, it should be taken into account that the non-woven material itself is transparent material. If the top embossed layer of vinyl is not dense enough, the wallpaper will not be able to hide the uneven layer of paint on the wall or the joints of the drywall sheets.

Before gluing, the wallpaper sheet must be attached to the wall, and in daylight, make sure that dark spots do not show through the material. If defects are noticeable, then the color of the wall must be equalized - painted. However, this need not be done if paintable wallpaper is used.

When gluing non-woven wallpaper, you must use a special, thicker glue that does not turn yellow after drying.

Work order:

Embossed wallpaper: application in the interior

A significant advantage of embossed wallpaper is the endless variety of textures, colors, patterns and ornaments. To view catalogs and select suitable design you can spend not a single day. Practical recommendations specialists and photos of interiors will help you determine priorities and make the final choice.

Embossed wallpaper: photo in the interior

To decorate walls indoors, in most cases, different types of non-woven wallpaper are used. Hot stamping is one of the methods for producing wall coverings, which makes the non-woven material included in the material absolutely harmless. The manufacturing method involves heating the wallpaper, embossing the molten non-woven layer with a metal and then a rubber roller. During heating, substances harmful to humans evaporate, the material polymerizes, as a result of which formaldehyde resins can no longer evaporate.

If you need to wallpaper a nursery or bedroom, it is recommended to buy hot-stamped wallpaper, this is where they are presented in the widest range. Embossed non-woven wallpaper is produced by both foreign and domestic companies. Russian and Ukrainian wallpapers are inexpensive, wall coverings from Italy and Germany will cost more. You can view the catalog and order hot-stamped wallpaper for walls in Moscow through the Espartos online store. The prices on our website are lower than the market average, the quality of the product will pleasantly surprise every buyer.

For more than 10 years on the market, hot-stamped vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven backing and, as an option, on a paper backing, continues to lead with varying degrees of success. Now we will try to figure out what is the secret of their popularity.

Modern wall coverings must meet a whole range of specific requirements. A wide range of colors, image brightness and texture clarity are just visible part necessary characteristics.

It is equally important how firmly the material adheres to the surface, how air passes through, and how affordable the cost and installation are. And it is this type of coating that most fully meets the listed requirements.

Vinyl coating production technology

Vinyl is just a simplified common name; in fact, this material is known among professionals as polyvinyl chloride. The wallpaper canvas itself has a two-component structure; the base is paper or non-woven fabric. The top is covered with polyvinyl chloride.

Thus, this technology successfully combines 2 various types wallpaper, paper and non-woven.

Accordingly, on a different basis, the operational characteristics will be different, but first things first:

  • From an engineering point of view, the production technology is no different great complexity, although of course it’s not possible to make such a canvas with your own hands in artisanal conditions.
  • Initially, a layer of polyvinyl chloride is applied to the base, then moving along the conveyor, the canvas enters a special high-temperature chamber, where the material is heated to a plastic state. After which the surface is compressed with several types of textured rollers and cooled. That's how general principle production.

Most common types

  • Many people have paid attention to the silk-like coating, but not many people know that this same silk-screen printing is produced using hot stamping technology. The emphasis here is no longer on textured relief and color scheme, but on a special coating that has luminescent qualities. As a result, when light hits such wallpaper, it is reflected at different angles, playing with unique, unique edges.
  • When compared with other types of vinyl, silk-screen printing is the thinnest. The textured pattern here is very faintly visible, but still it is very similar to real silk.
  • Compact vinyl can boast the greatest thickness. This material considered perhaps the most common. Such wallpaper is also called heavy because of its embossed, deep texture and impressive weight.
  • The palette of hot-stamped compact vinyl wallpaper contains dozens of colors and hundreds of shades; it is the richest. The texture can be chosen to suit every taste, from brick, wood or wild stone. Up to exotic types of leather or relief plaster.
  • Inhibited vinyl is more of a treatment than an independent species. The fact is that the instructions for the production of such a canvas are reminiscent of the technology for producing “compact vinyl”, but here, in addition to mechanical and temperature treatment, there is also a special chemical embossing. Thanks to which the coating acquires unique performance characteristics. The price of such wallpaper is one of the highest.

Secrets of the popularity of hot stamping

  • In terms of durability, such a material can rival only fiberglass.. Manufacturers provide a guarantee for paper sheets for up to 7 years, for non-woven fabrics for up to 15. Such lining is more likely to become obsolete than to become unusable.
  • Walls covered with this coating can be safely washed with a regular sponge and household detergents.. An important advantage here is the high resistance to direct hits. sun rays and good tolerance to high temperatures, for example from household radiators.
  • Such wallpapers are quite accessible for DIY installation; they have high adhesion rates, do not stretch and fit on most traditional surfaces without any problems. They adhere firmly to plaster, concrete or wood.

Advice: before gluing smooth, glossy surfaces, such as smooth concrete, ceramic tiles or stubborn paint. It is better to treat the base with concrete-contact primer. This is especially true for heavy canvases.

  • Heavy vinyl wallpaper with a deep texture can successfully hide minor defects or cracks in the base.
  • Polyvinyl chloride has a foamed fine-porous soft structure, thanks to which it is good warmth and sound insulator. Thus, the thermal conductivity of this canvas fluctuates within 0.16 W, which is quite consistent with the data for such a coating as drywall.
  • Many manufacturers claim that in the process of hot stamping from polyvinyl chloride, formaldehyde, hazardous to health, burns out. We will not claim that this is the pure truth and will leave such assurances to the conscience of the manufacturers.
  • As for the cost, the price for paper-based silk-screen printing starts at 400 rubles per roll, deep embossing and inhibited vinyl is already estimated at 550 or more. Non-woven wallpaper with hot stamping is considered to be of higher quality and will cost 15–20% more.

Is everything so good

  • As we know 100% universal materials does not exist, hot stamping vinyl also has some disadvantages. This paper-based coating practically does not allow air to pass through. As a result, the room requires more intensive ventilation.
  • For the same reason, covering damp walls with such a cloth is highly not recommended, since moisture will be trapped in the wall and fungi and mold will begin to develop under the coating.

Important: non-woven fabric - more thin material, which has better vapor permeability compared to paper. But in any case, even under such a coating it is advisable to apply a primer that has an antiseptic and antifungal effect; sometimes this function can be performed by a special glue.

  • Thick fabric, deeply embossed, pleasant and soft to the touch. But precisely for this reason it has very low mechanical stability. If there is an active child growing up in the house, and especially when there are pets, such cladding will not last long.