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» Gregor (male name). What is egregor How are Egregors created

Gregor (male name). What is egregor How are Egregors created

Forms of the name Gregor

Other possible variations for this name: Greg, Greg.

Name Gregor in different languages

Consider the spelling and pronunciation of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 格雷戈爾 (Géléi gē ěr). Japanese: グレゴール (Guregōru). Korean: 그레고르 (geulegoleu). Hindi: ग्रेगर (Grēgara). Ukrainian: Gregor. Thai: เกรเกอร์ (Ke r kexr̒). English: Gregor (Gregor).

The meaning of the name Gregor

10. Type. Sanguine, somewhat dry. They like to talk in an icy tone that is confusing and annoying. However, this does not prevent them from liking people. They are vengeful. They try to impose their firm principles on others, if necessary, even by force. Their motto could be the expression: "Concrete hand in a steel glove."

11. Psyche. Alien life is the main subject of their curiosity, in this sense they are extroverts. These are commanders who only dream of ruling.

12. Will. Usually very strong, not to say despotic. Imperiously demanding not only to others, but also to themselves. But this is will without a shadow of diplomacy, which gives rise to dramas, quarrels and even a complete break in relations.

13. Excitability. Average, but insufficient passion can be compensated by wit.

14. Speed ​​of reaction. Lightning. Objective, ready to give everything for an idea, even to sacrifice their loved ones. They do not like people who easily change their beliefs, as well as stubborn people who stubbornly stand their ground.

15. Field of activity. Able to work in a team, especially in "their" team. For them, the result is important. They can work both in the literary and scientific fields, the main thing is to fulfill their main mission and realize themselves.

16. Intuition. Often, Gregor acts under the influence of inspiration, which helps them solve extremely difficult problems with brilliance.

17. Intelligence. They have an analytical mind. Such people are born constructors, they have a phenomenal memory, are extremely inquisitive and sensitive.

18. Susceptibility. They don't tolerate injustice. They do not like to walk in favorites, but they do not want to be worse than their brothers and sisters.

19. Morality. They prefer categorical statements like: “Do this” or “You can’t do this.” The strictness of moral principles is included in the system of their views.

20. Health. They often neglect their health and rarely go out into the fresh air. Due to their eccentric nature, misfortunes often happen to them.

21. Sexuality. They do not like any complications, their sexuality can be described as "hussar love".

22. Activity. The bearers of these names are real bombs. The problem is not whether or not to explode, but when exactly it should happen.

23. Sociability. Gregor doesn't waste time with people who have nothing to say. Such men are loyal, reliable, but somewhat despotic and annoying buddies.

24. Conclusion. In life with them is not easy, but you do not have to be bored either. These are people who achieve goals, contribute to progress with their creative attitude to work.

Gregor name compatibility, manifestation in love

Gregory, It’s not that you are completely incapable of manifestations of love and tenderness, but business comes first to you, and you will choose a partner, based mainly on how much they can share your life interests. Manifestations of strength of character, purposefulness and ambition mean immeasurably more to you than sensuality and external attractiveness. In a marriage, if such happens, you will first of all appreciate in a partner the ability to be imbued with your ideas and the ability to provide support.

Another purely esoteric concept "Egregore" - gives rise to a lot of questions in the head of an ordinary person, or one big question :) What is this same Egregor? On the Internet, I found many different interpretations of the word “Egregor”, but everyone agrees on one thing - this is an object.

Personally, as an esoteric practitioner, psychologist and coach with experience, I have been professionally working with various egregors for more than 12 years, and I can’t imagine life and success without working with the corresponding egregors. Why? You will understand by reading this article. Let's consider everything in order.

What is Egregore? Definitions and Description

Definitions taken from special lectures and books on esotericism:

Egregor is a living system of the Subtle World, which consists of consciousness (the program of life and development of egregor), energy systems (life support, protection, etc.), energy (its power, influence, etc.) and creatures (which live in egregor).

Egregor has positive (gives feelings, favorable situations, energy, abilities, attributes, etc.) or negative (injuries, punishments, etc.) influences in accordance with their nature and laws.

Egregors are stable energy-information systems that implement the programs embedded in them through positive and negative interactions with a person. They are created purposefully or automatically to enhance and maintain any processes and are national, spiritual, social, tribal and family, as well as personal (individual).

Human language about Egregors :)

The average Egregor, in fact, is like a building or a whole metropolis with its own infrastructure, targets and staff. They can be very small, like khatynka houses, or they can be huge, like entire cities.

For example, Christianity - 2 billion believers, all Christians are energetically supported, taught and protected by the Christian Egregor, and he is simply huge, a giant of which there are few. Its structure resembles a multi-layer cake: the top is light, the Saints and the Patrons of Christianity live there, and the very bottom is dark, the fallen, Christian hells and various distortions of the Christian faith (strong deviations from spiritual laws) are collected there.

Or the egregor of Money, also one of the most powerful on Earth. Everyone is interested in money, no one can do without it, and almost every person thinks about it, invests time and energy to get it. Therefore, the egregor of money is also incredibly large in order to provide everyone with the energy of money. Only everyone has their own place in it - at the bottom of the egregor of money, the “poor and unfortunate” pull stones on their hump and they never have money - for their sins (theft, dependence on money, a negative attitude towards money, etc.), at the top - the richest people and organizations, those who manage world finances, they have the best places and patronage in the egregor of money. But it should be noted that the egregor of the money of the Earth (the main one) is not at all bright, because those who have the power of money and world finance in their hands are far from the most honest and bright people, but they know and observe the laws of money, which is why they are rich and they have power.

As a rule, for each team of people from 2 people, there is an egregore. Consider how egregors appear.

How are Egregors created?

Egregors, as I wrote above, appear automatically or are created purposefully. They are created by people (their consciousness) and Higher Powers (interested Patrons or).

For example, you have gathered a company for a vacation trip for 2 weeks. You got together to discuss plans, purpose of the trip, what to take with you and everything else. In fact, at this moment the egregor is being created. In another way, egregor can be called collective consciousness, common energy, a single energy field, but this is far from a complete definition. This egregor is automatically (or consciously, by those who are able to create egregors) the Goals of the trip and your team, Values ​​​​(that unite you), Development programs for your team, Protection, etc. (Higher Powers) Patrons are allocated (in accordance with the goals of the team ), which further develop the egregor of the team and lead it (help create situations, etc.). This is approximately how everything happens, but this process is certainly described in the most simplified way, excluding thousands of details.

Egregors are big and small, dark (with dark creatures, goals and methods), light (to help and develop people) and gray (created automatically by people, mostly gray, where good and evil are mixed).

But there are also so-called “White” Egregors, where people (souls) cannot enter. These are the egregors of the Higher Forces (

The meaning of the name Gregor

From George. "Wake" (germ.) Sanguine, somewhat dry. They like to talk in an icy tone that is confusing and annoying. However, this does not prevent them from liking people. They are vengeful. They try to impose their firm principles on others, if necessary, even by force. Their motto could be the expression: "Concrete hand in a steel glove." Alien life is the main subject of their curiosity, in this sense they are extroverts. These are commanders who only dream of ruling. Their will is usually very strong. Demanding not only to others, but also to themselves. But this is will without a shadow of diplomacy, which gives rise to dramas, quarrels and even a complete break in relations. Excitability is average, but lack of passion can be compensated by wit. Objective, ready to give everything for an idea, even to sacrifice their loved ones. They do not like people who easily change their beliefs, as well as stubborn people who stubbornly stand their ground. Able to work in a team, especially in "their" team. For them, the result is important. They can work both in the literary and scientific fields, the main thing is to fulfill their main mission and realize themselves. Often, Gregor acts under the influence of inspiration, which helps him solve extremely difficult problems with brilliance. They have an analytical mind. Such people are born constructors, they have a phenomenal memory, are extremely inquisitive and sensitive. They don't tolerate injustice. They do not like to walk in favorites, but they do not want to be worse than their brothers and sisters. They often neglect their health and rarely go out into the fresh air. Due to their eccentric nature, misfortunes often happen to them. They do not like any complications, their sexuality can be described as "hussar love". The bearers of these names are real bombs. The problem is not whether or not to explode, but when exactly it should happen. Gregor doesn't waste time with people who have nothing to say. Such men are loyal, reliable, but somewhat despotic and annoying buddies. In life with them is not easy, but you do not have to be bored either. These are people who achieve goals, with their creative attitude to work, contributing to progress.

Numerology Of The Name Gregor

Soul Number: 3.
Name number 3 corresponds to creative people. They are talented in art, sports, cheerful and reckless. However, they need constant adjustment. Without it, the “triples”, as individuals who are fond of, are heavily carried away. With a patient mentor and adviser who can be one of the relatives or just a close person, the "troika" can move mountains and achieve incredible success in life. But in the absence of such, the fate of the "triples" is often unenviable. With all the outward invulnerability in the soul, the “troikas” are quite vulnerable and sensitive to criticism. Difficult in personal life.

Hidden Spirit Number: 4

Body number: 8


Planet: Saturn.
Element: Earth-water, cold-dryness.
Zodiac: Capricorn, Aquarius.
Colour: Black, olive grey, lead, dark.
Day: Saturday.
Metal: Lead.
Mineral: Onyx, chalcedony, magnetite, obsidian.
Plants: Cumin, rue, hellebore, cypress, mandrake, pine, ivy, wrestler, belladonna, blackthorn, comfrey.
Animals: Hoopoe, mole, camel, donkey, turtle, ants.

The name Gregor as a phrase

G Verb (Speak)

Ye Esi (Is, Be, Exist)
G Verb (Speak)
Oh He (Oh Oh)
R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Gregor

P - the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the being; self-confidence, the desire to act, courage. Being carried away, a person is capable of stupid risks and sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.
E - the need for self-expression, the exchange of ideas, the tendency to act as an intermediary, insight due to the ability to enter the world of secret forces. Talkativeness is possible.
G - the desire for knowledge, entering into a hidden secret, the ability to understand everything inextricably linked with life, attention to detail and the need to do everything in good faith.
O - deep feelings, the ability to handle money. For completeness of realization, however, a person must understand his purpose. The presence of this letter in the name shows that the goal is prepared for him and you need to use your rich intuition to single it out from the hustle and bustle of existence.
P - the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the being; self-confidence, the desire to act, courage. Being carried away, a person is capable of stupid risks and sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.

Often an egregor is called an energy formation that connects a certain number of people who are engaged in one thing. It can be a connection between employees of a labor collective or any other community of people.

Initially, an egregor is formed due to the emotional or energy supply of an idea that someone supports. Imagine that there are several people gathering - it could be a work team, a chess players' club, a gathering of sports fans, classical music lovers, or a meeting of diabetics. They have some common thoughts, attitudes, emotions and aspirations. Gathering together, they exchange them, strengthen them, and as a result, a lot of energy is released, which, according to its own laws, is combined into some kind of conglomerates, a kind of energy banks.

In order for an egregore to form, such meetings must take place at regular intervals, otherwise the accumulated energy of the thoughts and experiences of the collective will simply dissipate after a while.

The created energy bank begins to resonate with all members of the collective and, thus, the total savings to some extent become the property of each individual member of society. First, people form an egregore, then it begins to influence people, cause certain moods, etc. Have you noticed that in any community people think in a similar way, they have similar ideas? Each team has a unique psychological climate.

A very interesting thing is also happening. The created bank of energies of the human community becomes something more than just the sum of information, energy, ideas or emotions of people. It turns into a certain structure, I will not call it living in the common sense of the word. However, she is already beginning to show some signs of reasonableness. Egregor from some point begins to have his own interests, to exercise his influence, to have some influence on the people who created him. And the first thing he becomes interested in is the continuation of his existence. Egregor makes sure that the human community that created it continues to exist and recreate those emotions, ideas that already exist. That is, the egregor of the football club is interested in the matches continuing, people discussing them and experiencing some emotions. The egregore of any team will support this team as a whole in every possible way.

Usually, the influence of egregors is better felt by leaders who are ideological or who are them by position. A leader is a person who is in contact with the general energy of the team, that is, with an egregor, the deepest. Many observant leaders may say that they draw some strength from their position. And this is not only an opportunity to feel your elevated status in relation to other people. They physically, to some extent, use the resources of the entire community, the resources of the egregor. They have more power and opportunities. Charismatic leaders can sleep less, their performance increases, new and original ideas come to them more often, and so on. All this gives them egregor. Apparently, therefore, once a person has reached the top of a community, he wants to remain in his position as long as possible. Power gives some strengths and opportunities that you really don’t want to lose later. Now we understand the mechanism. True, it should be noted that managers have to work much more.

Egregor strives to continue his existence and therefore, at critical moments, in addition to the will of individuals, he can build situations for his salvation. Have you noticed that when a leader is changed, a new person in this position quickly acquires some of the features of the previous leader and also significantly strengthens his personal influence, even if this person was not previously distinguished by his ability to influence others? Egregor gives him new qualities and resources.

And now we have come to another feature of the life of egregors. They build a hierarchy in the human team. The person at the top gets the most resources and energy. Employees below receive much less, and ordinary employees are investing more in the overall "cauldron" than they receive from it. Although they, in their own way, receive their advantages, for example, the stability of belonging to a team, some protection, etc.