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» How to make a panoramic window in the house. Panoramic glazing - advantages and disadvantages

How to make a panoramic window in the house. Panoramic glazing - advantages and disadvantages

Panoramic glazing causes people not only genuine admiration, but also a number of questions related to the operating conditions of such windows. After all, even a person far from construction understands that such glazing can cause serious heat loss in the apartment. But this is not necessary - window manufacturers have found a way out of the most difficult situations.

1 Panoramic glazing - advantages and problems

Some 20 years ago we saw panoramic windows from floor to ceiling only in films about the lives of the rich. Today, panoramic views of houses or apartments are a service that is provided by almost all double-glazed window manufacturing companies, numerous construction companies and designers. The main task of panoramic glazing of a house is to maximize the boundaries of the room and provide a detailed overview of the landscape spread outside the building.

A task of no less importance is to maintain heat indoors during the winter season and protect people from overheating on summer days. Owners of an apartment with a panoramic view from the window will have to sacrifice a lot, but the benefits gained are worth it:

  • with proper design, the windows will offer a stunning view of the city at night, a forest lawn or tree crowns;
  • much more sunlight will enter the house, and even on rainy days you will not feel a lack of lighting;
  • In the interior, glass walls expand the space and create a feeling of freedom.

And now about the sacrifices that the owner of a house with a gorgeous view from the window will have to make. Obviously, inside a room where there is visually no one wall, people who are afraid of heights will be very uncomfortable. In private houses and cottages, this problem is not so pronounced, since panoramic windows can be on the first or second floors, but then another problematic point arises - everything that happens inside the house will be in full view. Shops and boutiques skillfully turn this disadvantage into an advantage, displaying the most delicious products and the most fashionable offers for everyone to see.

If you suddenly get tired of the view from the window or the openness of the apartment, you can always use it, which will completely change the atmosphere of your interior.

Are they safe? glass apartments on who knows what floor? After watching enough American action films where the heroes break through double-glazed windows with their foreheads, you may decide that this happens in life too. But in reality, tempered glass is used, assembled into two- and even three-chamber double-glazed windows. These are not so much the forehead, and it’s not so easy to break them with a hammer. However, compared to stone walls, the safety of panoramic glazing is an order of magnitude lower.

The higher the floor with panoramic windows is located, the more difficult it will be to solve another problem. Sooner or later, the glass will have to be washed - in urban conditions, soot and dust accumulate on the surface, and rainwater not only does not wash away this dirt, but also adds stains white plaque. Because of this, the transparency of windows decreases, not to mention the purely aesthetic side of the issue. If the glass on the ground floor of the house can still be washed by yourself, then on more high floors You will need the services of industrial climbers, who are not that cheap.

2 Panoramic glazing - basic requirements

Panoramic glazing technology in our climatic conditions already worked out quite well. However, it would not hurt the average consumer to know what requirements glass must meet and what technical difficulties are resolved during their installation. After all, it is precisely the violation of installation technology and incorrect choice double-glazed windows can turn an interesting idea into a continuous problem on a large scale.

The higher the “glass” floor is, the higher the requirements should be. Glass construction still remains a wall and must perform all relevant functions. It's about about thermal insulation, sound insulation, moisture resistance, air tightness, resistance to mechanical stress, shock resistance, not to mention such general requirements, such as the durability and safety of the home.

In matters of safety, it is necessary to consider the possibility of a threat to the life and health of people who are inside the premises, as well as those who may be injured by fragments when the glass breaks. The higher the panoramic floor is, the larger the fragmentation area will be. This problem is solved mainly with the help of all kinds of films that prevent fragments from scattering.

Another point is the fire safety requirements for the apartment. With the possible destruction of such a large area, the draft in the building will increase significantly, which can lead to the speed of fire spread. Therefore, designers must provide quick escape routes from a house, apartment or office, and also use the least fire-hazardous materials during construction.

3 How to reduce heat loss - panoramic view in a warm apartment

Panoramic glazing of cottages or apartments has the same stumbling block - will it warm apartment or a house with such a large window area? The question, one way or another, comes down to the budget - if we don’t want to pay now for warm windows, we will have to pay for the energy spent on heating, and vice versa. There are two glazing options:

  • Cold glazing is the most popular panoramic glazing for balconies. Is not different high qualities thermal insulation. Most often used in the so-called, or in combination with aluminum profiles.
  • Warm glazing - in this case, wooden or plastic profiles are used that retain heat well. In combination with three-chamber double-glazed windows, no frost is scary. The disadvantage of such a system is its high cost.

However, recent developments are increasingly blurring the difference between these options. For example, the combination of an energy-saving double-glazed window with an inert gas, which is pumped between the glasses, can significantly reduce heat loss without increasing the thickness of the structure. Another new product is K-glass, onto which various metal oxides are sprayed. Just one glass unit chamber with K-glasses and inert gas replaces brick wall 60 cm thick. True, spraying reduces the transparency of glass and increases the cost of the product.

Without additional heating measures in winter, an unpleasant chill will still blow from the windows. To avoid this, you can install slot convectors into the floor, which winter frosts will blow warm air through the windows. It’s good for you, and the glass won’t freeze.

Currently, there is a constant increase in the popularity of panoramic glazing. This technology is beginning to be used everywhere, in buildings for various purposes. Panoramic windows can be seen in private houses, apartments (regardless of the number of floors apartment building), in public buildings (shopping and business centers), in office premises. What is the reason for the popularity of panoramic glazing?

Panoramic window- it's not only decorative element interior This design also has practical meaning. Thanks to panoramic glazing, the following advantages can be achieved:

  • Visual expansion of the room space. A panoramic window that occupies most or the entire wall gives the illusion of increasing the area of ​​the room. The use of panoramic glazing in small rooms is especially beneficial.
  • Increasing illumination. Thanks to the panoramic windows, the room will be almost as bright as the outside. This, in turn, will provide the opportunity to refuse to use artificial lighting V daytime days, which will entail a reduction in electricity costs. But we will look in more detail at the advantages and disadvantages of panoramic glazing towards the end of the article.

Rice. 1. An example of the design of panoramic windows.

Panoramic windows are a design that includes several double-glazed windows. They occupy most of the area or the entire wall of the room. Panoramic windows, as the name suggests, were created primarily to provide the opportunity to observe the view of the surrounding area from the room. The price of this design depends on the following factors:

  • Window area
  • Selecting a double-glazed window (single-chamber or double-chamber, etc.)
  • The choice of fittings (in particular, the cost is influenced by the material from which the components of the panoramic window are made)
  • Selection of profile system
  • The complexity of installing the structure (depending on the types of panoramic windows, information about which is indicated at the end of the article)

Panoramic windows for office and home

Rice. 2. A private house with panoramic glazing.

Rice. 3. Apartment with panoramic windows.

Rice. 4. High-rise building with panoramic glazing.

It should be noted that panoramic glazing is by no means the prerogative of only high-rise buildings. Large windows can also be installed in private homes. Naturally, the most appropriate time to introduce this technology is the beginning of building design. This option will allow you to use large panoramic windows in the design of your house as efficiently and safely as possible. Yes, it is possible to replace windows standard size followed by dismantling the wall. But at the same time, it will be necessary to carry out a significant reconstruction of most of the house and redistribute the load in a way that will allow the building not to lose its strength and stability (since most or the entire wall will be replaced with a panoramic window). But these are special cases.

Things are much simpler with the use of this technology in modern high-rise buildings. Therefore, it is now very rare to find an office space that does not have panoramic glazing. Large windows not only increase the brightness of the space, but also create the illusion of its expansion, which, in turn, allows employees to be more productive and efficient during working hours.

Panoramic glazing of the cottage and veranda

Rice. 5. Panoramic glazing of the veranda.

Rice. 6. Panoramic windows in the cottage.

Panoramic glazing can also be used not only in buildings located in the city area, but also in cottages located outside it. It should be noted that large windows can be installed not only in the walls, but also in the ceiling attic spaces, which gives more possibilities in interior design. This solution will be an excellent addition to the children's room on the top floor of the cottage. But it also has a significant drawback. The beauty of the night starry sky will be replaced by scorching straight lines sun rays during the day (in warm times of the year). And, despite the increased thermal insulation properties and the presence sun protection film, the window will not be able to completely protect the floor and the rest of the room from sunlight. Therefore, it is advisable to equip panoramic windows on the ceiling with special roller blinds.

In addition to walls and ceilings, panoramic glazing can also be used on balconies and loggias. You isolate the room from noise and dust, while maintaining a view of the surrounding area.

Panoramic glazing of the veranda is one of the simplest procedures. This room, as a rule, does not bear excessive load on the structural elements, so there is no need to strengthen them. You just need to select double-glazed windows that have the necessary strength characteristics. The veranda with panoramic glazing will be a wonderful place to relax.

Panoramic glazing of restaurants and cafes

Rice. 7. Restaurant with panoramic windows.

Rice. 8. Cafe with panoramic glazing.

Good cuisine, competent and efficient staff - these factors are certainly important for increasing the popularity and success of a restaurant or cafe. But successful interior design plays an important role in this regard. Visitors should not only like the food and service. They should be comfortable. Therefore, when designing an interior, it is vital to create the right atmosphere of the establishment. And, if the room is located on the upper floors of a high-rise building, or in a tourist area, then the most favorable solution would be to provide cafe visitors with a view of the best part of the city, which always surpasses the view of blank walls (no matter how beautifully decorated they are).

It should be noted that for panoramic glazing of restaurants and cafes, double-glazed windows with high strength, thermal insulation and sound insulation should be used. Visitors should have a wonderful view, but without the penetration of street noise from vehicle traffic.

Also important detail is that carrying out the replacement standard windows for panoramic ones requires coordination with the relevant authorities and inspection of the premises by specialists in the construction industry. This will allow you to make the correct and safe use this technology without possible negative consequences.

Technical requirements for panoramic windows

For a panoramic window, it is better to choose double-glazed windows made of tempered glass. In addition to increased strength characteristics, this material is coated with a special protective film, which, if the integrity of the glass structure is violated, holds the fragments together, preventing them from crumbling.

You cannot select double-glazed windows larger than 3 * 3.2 m and with a width of space between the glasses exceeding 2.5 cm. The large internal space of a double-glazed window with a sharp temperature change can provoke compression or expansion of the air insulating layer. This may subsequently lead to depressurization of the window and disruption of the integrity of its structure (gaps will appear in the seal, etc.).

It is necessary to choose a sufficiently strong aluminum profile that can withstand the load from a heavy double-glazed window. The durability of the entire structure directly depends on the correct choice. The following requirements are imposed on the profiles:

  • It must be possible to install a wide glass unit (more than 5 cm)
  • Possibility of profile reinforcement (to increase strength)
  • Elevated thermal insulation characteristics(to reduce heat transfer through the profile)

Advantages of panoramic windows

It should be noted that the use of panoramic glazing is advisable only if there is an excellent view of the surrounding area. And if the panorama that opens from the windows is only depressing or, at best, does not evoke any emotions, then it is better to leave everything as it is. But if you still want to make panoramic glazing of your premises, regardless of the presence or absence of an attractive view of the surrounding area, carefully read the following paragraphs of this article. Panoramic windows have a number of irrefutable advantages, which we will look at in more detail below.

Maximum room illumination

Naturally, what bigger window, the brighter the room will be. And since with panoramic glazing, as a rule, one of the walls is completely replaced with double-glazed windows, the illumination of the room will increase several times. In the office this feature will allow you to do without artificial lighting during the daytime, which, in turn, will lead to energy savings. The same applies to higher educational institutions, and private residential buildings. It should be noted that natural light in moderation has beneficial influence to your health.

Visually increases the area of ​​the room

Panoramic glazing creates the illusion of expanded space. This feature is perfect for rooms with a small area (living rooms, verandas, loggias, balconies, kitchens, offices, etc.). Visually expanded space can increase efficiency and, accordingly, productivity. Thanks to the visually increased area, the oppressive feeling from walls that are too close will disappear. Panoramic glazing will be an excellent alternative for visually expanding space if the possibility of directly expanding the area of ​​​​the room is not available.

Increases visibility from the room

With panoramic glazing, the viewing degree can increase to 1800 (if the entire wall has been replaced with double-glazed windows). This makes it possible:

  • Monitor the work of your employees for those in charge of the office department
  • Get great view to nearby surroundings (in low-rise buildings)
  • Opportunity to observe the panorama of the entire city (in high-rise buildings)

The increased visibility, in addition to the practical component, also has an aesthetic value. It allows you to complement the visual design of the interior of the room, making it more attractive and respectable.

Cons of panoramic windows

As you can see, panoramic glazing is not only beautiful, but also practical. Thanks to the advantages described above, this technology is rapidly gaining popularity in all countries of the world. But near the panoramic windows. Unfortunately, there are several significant shortcomings that can overshadow all those described earlier. positive characteristics. Of course, most of these negative phenomena can only manifest themselves if the rules and recommendations are not followed during the selection and installation of a panoramic window. Next we will look at everything in detail possible disadvantages panoramic windows.

Heat loss

Rice. 9. Infrared image showing heat loss through panoramic windows.

Despite the fact that every year the design of double-glazed windows is improved and the heat-saving characteristics of windows are constantly increasing, at the moment windows, unfortunately, cannot compete with walls in terms of heat transfer resistance. Moreover, panoramic windows. Since they sometimes occupy the area of ​​the entire wall, they can significantly reduce the degree of thermal insulation of the room. Therefore, the use of panoramic glazing is impractical in extremely cold latitudes and is more applicable in countries with milder or hotter climates. Depending on the temperature regime you should select a double-glazed window with the optimal number of chambers.

Poor sound insulation

Rice. 10. Window soundproofing diagram.

As is the case with thermal insulation, windows currently cannot compare with walls in terms of sound insulation. Yes, there are examples of double-glazed windows with increased noise reduction. But with panoramic glazing, this figure decreases in direct proportion to the size of the window. Therefore, if you decide to use this technology When designing the interior of your room, keep in mind that background noise will inevitably increase. But, if the home is located on the upper floors of a high-rise building, then this factor should not be of particular concern to you.

Icing of glass in winter

Rice. 11. Icing of glass.

This problem can become a real “scourge” for homeowners with panoramic windows. It usually occurs in two cases:

  • Insufficient power of the floor convector. This device creates " thermal curtain» – rising currents warm air, which passes through inner surface windows and prevents the formation of ice when there is a large temperature difference.
  • Violation of the integrity of the glass unit or profile structure and subsequent depressurization of the window. Deformation of structural elements due to incorrect selection a double-glazed window or profile creates the opportunity for cold outside air to leak through the protective space between the glasses. This provokes the formation of ice or condensation.

Difficulty in cleaning a panoramic window

Rice. 12. An industrial climber cleans panoramic windows.

If you have huge panoramic windows, cleaning them can be a real challenge. This applies primarily to the outside. Window. The inside can be washed without any problems. Cleaning outside Cleaning windows requires, at a minimum, a squeegee with a very long handle (depending on the width of the windows) and can involve great risk. Therefore, in most cases, owners of apartment buildings with panoramic glazing turn to specialized companies, which provide (extremely expensive) services for cleaning windows from the outside by industrial climbers. The cost of this service, in addition to workers, in some cases includes the rental of a special lift.

Low privacy of interior space

Rice. 13. Panoramic windows without protective tinted film reduce the privacy of the room.

This drawback comes into force, as a rule, in cases where panoramic glazing is installed on the first floors. And if double-glazed windows without a special tinted coating were used, which protects the room from observation from the outside.

Yes, if you prefer to keep yours privacy secretly from prying eyes, then panoramic windows from ordinary glass won't suit you. In this case, it is recommended to use tinted windows for glazing. They will reduce to zero the possibility of seeing everything happening indoors from the street. At the same time, you will see everything that is happening outside.

Restrictions on furnishing the premises

Panoramic glazing usually takes up an entire wall. This may be an advantage, but in terms of furnishing the room it is a significant drawback. You will have three walls at your disposal, which you can use to install and install hanging cabinets, shelves, and arrange tables, sofas and armchairs. If the room in which panoramic glazing was installed has a small area, then you can forget about placing a large amount of furniture in it. But, if you decide to install panoramic windows, then, most likely, you took this fact into account.

The problem of vandalism

This problem is acutely felt, as a rule, by residents of the first two or three floors of apartment buildings and cottages. It is solved by using so-called “armored” double-glazed windows (windows that are extremely resistant to impact loads). But this option is very expensive. Therefore, for panoramic glazing it is recommended to use double-glazed windows with special protective coating in the form of a film. If intruders break a window, it will prevent the fragments from scattering throughout the room and keep them in place. You can also use tempered glass, which when broken will shatter into soft, tiny shards.

Basic elements of a panoramic window

So, you have weighed all the advantages and disadvantages, and decided for yourself that you want to make panoramic glazing. Moreover, you want to do it correctly so that the window serves you faithfully and properly for many years. So how to choose the right components to install panoramic windows most effectively?
First of all, you should not rely only on yourself in this matter. A more preferable option would be to consult with an experienced specialist who will inspect the room and tell you which elements of the panoramic window will be most suitable in this case.

Profile systems

Rice. 14. Metal-plastic profile.

The profile system, which is the basis for the entire window structure, must have increased rigidity and strength. In most cases, metal-plastic is used as the material for the manufacture of the profile system. This material, unlike wood, is not subject to deformation under prolonged exposure high humidity or dryness due to elevated temperature, resistant to mechanical damage, easy to clean, does not require regular painting or a protective layer of varnish, etc. Aluminum is most often used as a metal in the manufacture of profiles.

Functional double glazing

Rice. 15. Structure of a double-glazed window.

Since panoramic glazing can significantly increase the degree of heat loss in a given room, it is recommended to choose heat-insulating double-glazed windows. Depending on the average annual temperature, these can be single-chamber or double-glazed windows (the latter are recommended for use in relatively cold latitudes). An inert gas acts as a filler for the chambers. Most often this is argon. Also, to increase thermal insulation, it is possible to coat the outside of the window with a protective layer of vinyl film or spray metal oxides.

Window fittings

Rice. 16. Accessories.

Even if you have chosen the right double-glazed windows, chosen the optimal metal-plastic profiles, done everything necessary calculations– low-quality fittings can negate all the work done and turn the operation of a panoramic window into torture. Therefore, as with the selection of previously described components, when choosing accessories, consult with specialists in the industry.

Important! High-quality fittings are not made of plastic. All components (hinges, handles, fasteners) must be made only of metal. It is metal fittings that ensure maximum functionality of all window systems (burglary protection, ventilation system, blocker for erroneous opening of sashes, etc.).

Types of panoramic windows

Finally, before you finally make a choice in favor of panoramic glazing, it remains to decide on the preferred and most optimal type of panoramic windows for your room. There are only three of them:

  • Classic panoramic windows
  • Bay panoramic windows
  • Corner panoramic windows

In the last three paragraphs of this article, we will analyze in detail all the advantages and relative disadvantages of these types of windows and find out in which cases it is more preferable to use one or another type. But, as in the other cases described above, when choosing, it is recommended to consult professionals.

Classic panoramic windows

Rice. 17. Panoramic window.

This type of window is the most common in modern architecture. Such glazing consists of panoramic windows covering the entire wall, from floor to ceiling, which are installed strictly in one straight line. The advantages of this type are:

  • Ease of installation (relative to the other two types of panoramic glazing)
  • Easy to clean. Classic panoramic windows located in a straight line are much easier to clean from the outside on your own than the other two types.
  • This type of window is suitable for installation in most buildings with a standard layout.

Bay panoramic windows

A rarer type of panoramic glazing. As the name suggests, this method is used for glazing bay windows (a room with a semicircular protrusion on the outside). With this type of panoramic glazing, double-glazed windows are installed at a certain angle, the magnitude of which depends on the radius of the semicircle and the distance between the boundaries of the bay window. Among the significant disadvantages of this method, one can highlight the complicated (compared to the other two types of glazing) process of cleaning the outside of the windows and installing all structural elements.

Corner panoramic windows

Corner panoramic glazing can increase the viewing angle to 2700 (which is impossible when using classic and bay panoramic windows). This type of glazing, in terms of complexity of installation and cleaning, is somewhere between the two options described above.
There are three types of corner panoramic glazing based on the principle of composition:

  • Transparent corner. The double-glazed windows are closely connected to each other. The seam between them is sealed using transparent sealant. The use of reinforced profile systems is required.

  • The window frames are joined at the corner. This method does not require the use of special profile systems

  • Corner - bearing wall or column. The windows are located as close as possible to this structure.

Panoramic windows are becoming increasingly popular every year. This type of glazing instantly transforms the facade, provides the maximum amount of natural light, visually expands and “unloads” the interior space. However, the specific design of a large window dictates certain requirements for installation and operation. What these requirements are, and what you need to know to install panoramic windows in an apartment or private house, read this article.

Windows are called panoramic if they are large and occupy the entire space from floor to ceiling. Roughly speaking, this is the glass outer wall of a house or apartment. The large glass area allows you to make the room as bright and spacious as possible. However, for the same reason, panoramic windows are at greater risk of cold penetration and extraneous noise, so their design is qualitatively different from conventional double-glazed windows.

Only in case correct installation You can achieve effective heat and sound insulation, so without the relevant experience, it is better to entrust this work to professionals. If you want to install large panoramic windows in an apartment or private house, keep in mind that just as you enjoy a wide view, passers-by will be able to see in detail what is going on in your home. Not that this is an obvious drawback, but contemplation stylish interior with expensive furniture can serve as a clear challenge for thieves and scammers, so you should immediately take care of security measures. Tinting or coating with a mirror reflection will help hide from prying eyes.

But if you think that a thief can break a panoramic window by throwing a stone at it or breaking into it, we hasten to reassure you - such structures are made of high-strength tempered glass and, in addition, are covered with protective shock-proof films. If the window is equipped with opening parts, an alarm can be installed on it.

The panoramic window reliably protects from noise, so even if you live next to a highway or playground, you will not be disturbed by extraneous sounds. Also, a lot of light and heat comes in through such a window. And if in the first case everything is fine, then the excess heat in summer time can not only cause discomfort, but also lead to fading of parquet, carpet, wallpaper, and fading of shade-loving indoor plants. When planning glazing with panoramic windows, immediately take care of matching curtains or blinds. It is logical that the southern sunny side It's better not to choose. They look very nice vertical blinds and Roman curtains, and in order not to overload the decor, you can hang airy tulle or light organza curtains.

If you want to install a solid panoramic window, get ready for the fact that you will have to learn how to wash it. To do this, you will need to purchase a special mop to cover the entire area. If you live in a multi-story building, glass maintenance should be done with extreme caution. In addition, condensation will certainly form on a large window. winter time, especially if the ventilation system in the house is faulty and micro-ventilation is not provided in the window.

Most main drawback is that the installation of panoramic windows requires legal approval from the relevant authorities. After all, in essence, the window will replace external wall home, and this is a serious redevelopment.

Types of panoramic glazing

Depending on the materials used for the manufacture of panoramic windows, the types of glazing vary. So, there is cold and warm glazing. In the first case, the profile is made of metal, or the window has no frame at all. Then there is no need to talk about high thermal insulation, but the work will cost less. Cold glazing is used for verandas, loggias and balconies.

With warm glazing, as you might have guessed, the level of thermal insulation is quite high, and allows the window to replace a full-fledged insulated wall. The profiles in this case are made of plastic or wood. Such panoramic windows can be seen in offices, apartments, private houses and shops. Depending on your thermal insulation needs, you can choose one-, two-, or three-chamber double-glazed windows.

Frameless glazing

Such windows have a very original appearance, give the room and façade lightness and airiness. Double-glazed windows are made of high-strength tempered glass with a thickness of 6 to 10 mm. The height of the product can reach 3 m or higher (custom order).

How do glass without frames hold up? Special guide profiles are attached to the window opening, which remain invisible and securely hold the glass. The guides are placed in the lower and top part opening, attach it to the wall with anchor bolts and insert a double-glazed window there. It, in turn, is held in the profiles by special glue and seals.

Since frameless glazing protects only from the wind, you should not hope that such a balcony or loggia will be very warm in winter - the temperature difference will be only 2-3C. If you think that the problem can be solved by installing energy-saving heat, we have to disappoint you - it will cost many times more, but will not give the desired effect.

Aluminum profiles

Lightweight and durable aluminum can be used not only for cold, but also for warm panoramic glazing. The difference is that with the cold type, a single-chamber window is inserted into the profile, and with the warm type, a two- or three-chamber window is inserted.

The main advantage of aluminum frames is that they are very lightweight. This will be useful in cases where balcony slab not very strong or old and unable to withstand heavy loads. In addition, aluminum is resistant to temperature changes and does not corrode, it can be painted, and the profile requires virtually no maintenance. design aluminum window can be made both sliding and tilt-and-turn, which will save a lot of free space.

Among the disadvantages, one can highlight the fact that aluminum profile It is quite expensive, but at the same time it is significantly inferior in heat-saving characteristics to plastic or wood. If you want to focus specifically on warmth, and the rigidity of the balcony, wall or loggia allows it, it is better to give preference to the types of glazing listed below.

Metal-plastic glazing

Plastic profiles, like aluminum ones, are lightweight and neat. They are easy to care for and come with a variety of Mosquito nets. However, plastic is subject to deformation under the influence of high and low temperatures - it expands from heat, and contracts from cold. For this reason, the dimensions of the panoramic window are limited and amount to no more than 210x90 cm. Weight is also limited to 80 kg.

Plastic is not a very durable material, but big window from floor to ceiling must withstand all kinds of loads. Therefore, during installation it is necessary to use a profile with reinforced reinforcement, as well as an impost, which significantly increases the weight of the entire structure. To make an overall window, several small segments are connected, between which an expansion compensator is placed, and this interferes with a full, wide view.

Wood profiles

For the same reasons as in the case of plastic profiles, dimensions wooden products limited to 280x80 cm. When reducing the height, increasing the width is permissible, which allows you to create creative designs for panoramic windows.

Important point: To eliminate the risk of rotting and deformation of wooden profiles from temperature changes and condensation, it is necessary to give preference to products made from hard wood. It is also recommended to treat the surface with antiseptic compounds annually.

A glued profile lasts much longer than one made from whole piece wood It has better insulating characteristics, is practically not subject to damage, but is also more expensive. To keep it in good condition, it is enough to update the paintwork annually.

Features of panoramic glazing

A house with panoramic windows is very beautiful, but to get such beauty, you either have to pay a tidy sum or work hard yourself. In technical terms, the design is quite complex, and only a professional can handle such work. First of all, the safety of residents and the protective characteristics of the window depend on the correct installation.

Any panoramic window consists of a double-glazed window and a profile - a frame that must support the weight of this double-glazed window. In this situation, a strict selection sequence is provided - first you need to select a double-glazed window, and, depending on its weight and characteristics, a profile.

When choosing a double-glazed window, pay attention to its dimensions, thickness, total weight and formula. Each double-glazed window has its own formula. Let's take the following data as an example: 4x14x4x14x4Top, S/P40 (wide, warm double-glazed window). Here the first number is the thickness of the outer glass, the second is the width of the intermediate frame between the outer and central glass, that is, the width of the chamber. The next number means the thickness of the central glass, then again comes the width of the intermediate frame, but between the central and inner glass, and the last number, as you can already understand, is the thickness of the inner glass. The “Top” marking means that the glass is covered with an energy-saving film, and C/P40 is the sum of all layers of the glass unit, which gives its total width.

As we have already said, panoramic windows are made of high-strength tempered glass. For cottages, verandas and private houses there is no need to choose the thickest product - 5-6 mm is enough. Tempered glass It becomes after special heat treatment, as a result of which it acquires incredible strength, resistance to temperature changes and the ability to withstand heavy loads.

Next design features will help you when choosing and installing panoramic windows:

When you have chosen a double-glazed window, you can select the appropriate profile for it. TO similar products There are special requirements for panoramic windows. Firstly, the profile must be able to accommodate wide double-glazed windows up to 50 mm. Secondly, it must be reinforced, that is, have a metal reinforcement inside to resist wind and static loads. Thirdly, the profile must have low thermal conductivity in order to minimize heat loss.

The image below shows profiles from popular manufacturers and their characteristics:

Apartments with panoramic windows will delight all passersby, and you can proudly say that you live in a house with an exclusive design. However, as you have already seen, acquiring such beauty is not so easy, and caring for it requires a certain skill. However, despite the difficulties more people prefer to decorate their home original windows from floor to ceiling.

Panoramic windows: photo

Finally, we invite you to once again be convinced of the beauty and originality of projects with panoramic windows and look at a small photo selection.

And metal-plastic glazing. This variety of names is explained by two reasons: misunderstanding of the term and an advertising ploy. What designs can be called panoramic windows in the correct understanding of the word?

Panorama is a Greek word that means “I see everything.” And you can see everything from the room only when the wall does not interfere with the view. This means that all of the above terms, no matter how pleasant and mysterious they may sound, are ordinary panoramic windows. Whether they have a frame or not, what materials the structures are made of, swing or sliding, warm or cold, it doesn’t matter. Of course, structures that have doors, even though they are transparent, cannot be called panoramic windows.

If the wall is large, then the windows are large. And for small gazebos or verandas, windows are required of ordinary height and length, the main thing is that they are from ceiling to floor and do not interfere with viewing the panorama outside the room. This means that panoramic windows can have various sizes, this indicator is not the main factor for them. Another nuance is that a partial panoramic view can be achieved when the length of the window is much greater than the width. But such options are rare in residential construction. The house looks strange, the windows resemble loopholes of pillboxes or other military structures, it’s difficult to talk about any kind of design appeal. Although these options also have a right to life.

Panoramic windows - photo

Where are panoramic windows installed?

Depending on the installation location, some designers change the name, but this does not have of great importance. Panoramic windows are recommended for glazing the following objects.

It is even theoretically impossible to give specific advice on where it is best to install panoramic windows. There are too many options for buildings, and each owner has his own tastes. In addition, you cannot find two designers who would have exactly the same opinion; each of them gives professional and reasoned advice that is difficult to refuse.

Pros and cons of panoramic windows

There are no structures in nature that have only positive aspects. If inexperienced developers have a different impression, then this is the consequence of competent advertising by manufacturers. We give an objective assessment of panoramic windows, we hope that the knowledge will help beginners.

The advantages of panoramic windows are given below.

  1. Significant visual magnification room area. The absence of opaque walls makes even a small room look huge.
  2. Designer look. The building merges with the surrounding landscape, and this is very popular with all city residents without exception.
  3. Significant increase in natural light. Human eyes are accustomed to the full spectrum of sunlight, none of the most modern lighting cannot completely replace it. As a result, not only vision deteriorates, but also mood.
  4. Great possibilities for interior design different styles. A panoramic window is a real gift for architects; it helps them implement the most daring projects.

This is where the advantages of panoramic windows end; it’s time to consider the less pleasant consequences of installing such structures.

  1. Increase noticeably heat losses. Not even the most expensive double-glazed window can compare with the thermal conductivity parameters of ordinary polystyrene foam only 5 centimeters thick. What can we say about insulated façade walls?
  2. High price. Compared to other types of glazing, this is the most expensive option. Panoramic windows in most cases need to be made according to individual order, which further increases the cost of installation work.
  3. Difficulties with installation. Large double-glazed windows are almost impossible to install manually; you have to use special lifting mechanisms. As a result, the installation price increases even more. In addition, any mistake during the assembly or installation of structures is very costly.
  4. Insufficient security. The most expensive glass is triplex or armored; the cost of a panoramic window with such glass increases significantly. But even this option cannot be compared in terms of safety with brick or wooden walls.
  5. Difficulty of care. Wash the panoramic window with reverse side– a problem not only for ordinary residents, but also for employees of specialized cleaning companies. And if it is set to high-rise building? You can’t do without industrial climbers; there’s no need to remind you how much their services cost.
  6. Limited possibilities for arranging furniture. Wardrobes cannot be installed along panoramic windows; the problem also arises with beds.
  7. Some people are very afraid of open spaces. This is a clinical disease; they physically cannot be in rooms with floor-to-ceiling panoramic windows.

Having factual information about the pros and cons of panoramic windows will make it much easier for you to make an informed decision.

Table. Materials for manufacturing frames of panoramic windows and their brief characteristics.

Name, photoPerformance indicators

Natural materials are rarely used; frames are often made from laminated wood. It is much stronger, does not bend, and can withstand equal loads in all directions. Such indicators are very important for panoramic windows. To prevent putrefactive processes, the wood is impregnated with antiseptics. The service life reaches several decades. In terms of price, this is one of the most expensive options.

It is used more often and has high performance indicators. External surfaces can be covered with decorative self-adhesive polyethylene films imitating the structure of natural wood. The thickness of the profile increases to 1 mm or more; a specific choice must be made taking into account the sizes and technical characteristics of the double-glazed windows used.

In terms of price, it belongs to the cheap category, used for medium-sized panoramic windows. During manufacturing, environmentally friendly brands of plastics are used.

The most expensive option for manufacturing load-bearing frames. The operating time is practically unlimited. Used only in the most prestigious buildings.

Used to create designs for small panoramic windows. During installation, you should only purchase products from reputable and responsible companies.

When choosing a window material, you should take into account the dimensions and design features windows, parameters of double-glazed windows and requirements of designers for interior design. With profiles load-bearing elements We figured it out, now we should talk about double-glazed windows.

Double-glazed windows for panoramic windows

The choice of glass and double-glazed windows must be made consciously and taking into account all factors that influence operating conditions. Let's consider what kind of glass is used for the manufacture of double-glazed windows and what has a decisive influence on the choice.

Table. Types of glass for panoramic windows.

Type of glassSpecificationsPlace of use

The most durable material, not afraid of significant dynamic loads and impacts from sharp objects.Installed in panoramic windows on the verandas of luxury buildings. It has minimal heat saving characteristics and is not used in heated rooms.

It has a special coating that does not transmit infrared rays.Recommended for installation in regions with warm climates or on the south side of façade walls. Minimizes the likelihood of overheating of premises, improves the microclimate. In addition, solar control glass limits the possibility of unwanted persons inspecting the premises.

The most new development scientists, makes it possible to save a significant amount of internal thermal energy. Can save up to 50% heat compared to conventional glass.
For northern regions, it is recommended for the manufacture of panoramic windows in residential premises.

The cheapest (besides the ordinary one), in terms of physical strength is much inferior to the armored one, but superior to the ordinary one.Universal purpose, the most used material for the manufacture of double-glazed panoramic windows.

Important! How better than glass– the more reliable and more expensive panoramic windows are. As for the number of double-glazed windows, the main criterion during selection is the climate zone of residence and the specific location of the window installation (residential or non-residential premises).

How to deal with fogging of panoramic windows

A big problem for panoramic windows. Whatever packages you use, their heat transfer will be much greater than the walls. This means that the surface of the glass always has a lower temperature, and as a result, the appearance of condensation on them in the cold season is almost inevitable. The parameters of moisture formation depend on the temperature of the glass surface and the relative humidity in the room. There are several ways to combat the formation of condensation on panoramic windows.

As for various films, mastics, etc., they are ineffective. At best, these devices make condensation invisible, but it is there, moisture flows onto the window sills or onto the floor. Why does it seem like there is no condensation on the glass? Everything is very simple. On ordinary glass, water accumulates in small droplets and is clearly visible. A various films and coatings distribute water in a thin layer over the entire surface of the window. The thin layer is not visible. But it is always there, moisture flows down the window and hits the floor. There is no need to repeat what the consequences of a wet floor are.

Installation instructions for panoramic windows

Important! Never convert ordinary windows into panoramic windows in existing buildings. The fact is that façade walls always load-bearing; slabs or other structures of the upper floor lie on them.

The possibility of installing panoramic windows should be provided for at the design stage. Architects are thinking about other ways of building ceilings. This remark does not apply to the glazing of verandas; panoramic windows can be installed here at any time.

Step 1. Choose an option for panoramic windows, measure their width and height. Classic panoramic designs should open the entire space from the top to the bottom of the wall.

Step 2. Collect window profiles. Follow the manufacturer's instructions during assembly. Do not simplify some steps - the load on the frame is large, you need to take all measures to ensure its strength. If you have no experience in assembling profiles, then it is better to turn to professionals for help. Moreover, double-glazed windows cannot be installed without special vacuum suction cups, and only specialized companies have them. And another problem is the large weight of double-glazed windows. If it is two- or three-chamber and made of impact-resistant glass with a thickness of within 6 millimeters, then it is impossible to manually install it in place; lifting mechanisms are needed.

Step 3. Along the perimeter of the window opening, clean the surfaces from dust and construction debris, and level them if necessary. It is highly desirable that the lower profile of the panoramic window lie on the floor slab with its entire surface. It is prohibited to install windows on the floor. The exception is flooring from ceramic tiles and laid on a solid cement screed. If there are coolants underneath, then they cannot be located under the frame of the panoramic window.

Step 4. Measure the places where the frame is fixed in the opening, and use these marks to drill holes in the profile. It’s better to drill the profile and the opening separately - it’s much easier to work this way.

Step 5. Insert the frame into the opening, level it and secure it firmly with wedges. Please ensure that the structure does not wobble. It must be stable throughout the installation.

Step 6. Using a drill and hammer drill, drill holes in the wall for the anchor bolts. If the panoramic window is relatively small and light, then you can use durable dowels; in all other cases, fixation is done only with anchors. The distance between the holes is selected taking into account the material of the walls and the size of the panoramic window. In most cases it is within 40 centimeters.

Step 7 Fix the frames, check the stability of their position. If in doubt, increase the number of anchors.

Step 8 Replace the glass or double-glazed windows. Do not forget to use plastic linings that compensate for the linear thermal expansion of the glass.

Step 9 Blow foam into the gaps between the frame and the opening, and thoroughly moisten the surfaces before foaming. In this case, water performs two functions: it increases the coefficient of adhesion of the foam to surfaces and accelerates the time of its (foam) hardening. Unscrupulous craftsmen rarely wet surfaces; for them, the main thing is not the quality of work, but time. If you use the services of a company, be sure to control the quality of installation and force workers to carry out all stages of installing panoramic windows.

Step 10 After the foam has hardened, use a sharp knife to carefully cut off the material protruding beyond the plane of the wall. The foam can then be covered with wallpaper, plastered or leveled with putty. The specific method is selected taking into account the existing decoration of the walls of the room.

Do not rush to make a decision on installing panoramic windows. Their real advantage is the original appearance of the building. All other performance indicators are inferior to traditional methods of glazing buildings. One more thing. The cost of panoramic windows even without installation is high. If you don't have enough manufacturing experience construction work– don’t study self-installation, contact specialists for help. Their services will ultimately cost less than the possible damage from inept actions.

Stained glass windows have delighted the eyes of our ancestors since ancient times. Their relevance does not decrease today, despite a wide variety materials and decorations. If earlier the manufacture of stained glass was the lot of a few craftsmen, then in modern world Almost anyone can master it separate methods their creation. More details.

Video - Installation of panoramic windows

At first it seems that the high price is the main disadvantage of panoramic windows, but after their installation, much more serious problems are revealed that would be correct to prevent or reduce in advance. The cause of the problems is precisely what is so attractive about panoramic glazing - big square translucent wall elements.

Disadvantage 1: Large heat losses through glass

Unfortunately, it is glass that contributes to the most significant heat loss in winter and overheating of rooms in summer. To solve the problem, it is better to use an integrated approach to achieve an effective result:

  1. When ordering windows to directly reduce heat loss, choose energy-saving or two-chamber ones. Which ones are preferable? Panoteka recommends using heavy double-glazed windows only in extreme cases, exclusively for panoramic windows with small opening sashes; in other cases, it would be more advisable to use a single-chamber double-glazed window with energy-saving glass, so as not to create unnecessary load on the fittings. Filling internal space argon will also reduce heat transfer, but the customer, alas, will not be able to verify compliance with this condition of the contract.
  2. Shutters can additionally reduce direct heat loss - a fairly new proposal for Russian market. Shutters from artificial material They are attached to the vertical profiles of the window frame and prevent the passage of both hot sun rays and frosty air into the room. They can be opened and completely removable, allowing full visibility to the outside whenever desired.
  3. Mirror-coated glass perfectly reflects the sun's rays, and such a choice is appropriate for south-facing panoramic windows. Tinted glass has a slightly less effect, but they are also used to reflect part of the solar spectrum.
  4. A thermal curtain in front of the windows will additionally prevent heat exchange between the window and the inside of the room. With a large glazing area, creating a curtain will reduce overall heating costs. More details modern technologies We described thermal curtains in the article on heating.

Disadvantage 2: Heat loss through the window profile

Only panoramic windows made of wood and fiberglass have extremely low heat loss through the profile. Aluminum and PVC windows are significantly inferior to them. When glazing heated rooms, the aluminum profile should be ordered as definitely warm.

WITH metal-plastic windows It is often advisable to choose a three-chamber profile if the sashes are large. When the relative area of ​​double-glazed windows greatly exceeds the proportion window frames, the purchase of four- or five-chamber profiles will not significantly reduce heat loss. It makes sense to choose a warmer profile when the panoramic window consists of small sashes.

Disadvantage 3: Increased heating costs

No matter how you reduce heat loss in areas with panoramic windows, they will have to be heated more intensively than similar rooms with ordinary windows. Question efficient heating need to be decided in conjunction with glazing to choose the best way heating rooms.

Disadvantage 4: Insufficient sound insulation

The noise of a metropolis, a nearby highway, stadium or suburban recreation area is naturally undesirable inside the house. A single-chamber double-glazed window with two glasses is not able to dampen sound waves sufficiently. For now, the only effective way for us is to install double-glazed windows with different chamber thicknesses.

However, with panoramic glazing this means a significant increase in the weight of the sashes, rapid wear of the fittings and the need to repair windows more often. The most promising method seems to be the use of acoustic films for windows, but so far we have not found a single offer on the Moscow market, although there is experience in using them at sites in Japan, Europe, and the USA.

Disadvantage 5: Glass icing

Ice on the panoramic windows completely eliminates the possibility of admiring the surrounding view. However, today there are many ways to avoid this by creating a thermal curtain in front of the window. Slot convectors, long-wave infrared heaters, warm baseboards, warm film floors - any of these methods are suitable for combating glass icing.

To create a curtain of warm air, heaters can be mounted in the floor under the window, on the ceiling, walls around windows, in window slopes or window sill. It is advisable to provide for the possibility of autonomous connection of a thermal curtain in order to use this method regardless of the heating mode of the premises.

Disadvantage 6: Energy-saving glass

A bit unexpected, right? We constantly recommend using energy-saving glass for panoramic windows, but it turns out that they have disadvantages that you should be aware of in advance. By reflecting the sun's rays from the surface, glass with appropriate coating or film creates increased solar radiation in the plane where these rays fall. As a rule, these are walls under the windows and courtyard areas opposite them.

The consequences of exposure to double solar radiation can be as follows:

  • burnout (discoloration) of some types of siding;
  • wilting and diseases of plants planted under windows;
  • warping plastic furniture or artificial lawns;
  • strong heating of the stone or concrete surface of the yard and paths.

To avoid such troubles, it is enough to choose a finish that is resistant to solar radiation and plan the design of the yard so that there are no shade-loving plants or plastic products. It is better to use wooden paths or a terrace under such windows.

Disadvantage 7: Difficulty cleaning large windows

Cleaning panoramic windows from the outside is not always easy, and often dangerous if the upper floors of buildings are glazed. Not everyone can afford to hire washers every time. It is better to decide how you will clean large windows before ordering them, since often the number of opening sashes is determined precisely by the need for cleaning, and not just ventilation.

We recommend finding a manufacturer who, before installing double-glazed windows, will immediately coat them with a special photocatalytic composition for. The essence of the action is this: any contaminants decompose under the sun's rays, and at the first rain (or watering from a hose in dry summer) they are simply washed off the glass.

Disadvantage 8: Limitations in furnishing the premises

Availability glass wall in the room limits the possibilities of arranging furniture. You will have to think about how best to admire the landscape through panoramic windows. Of course, tall furniture will have to be placed near other walls, but not every low piece of furniture will be appropriate near a window.

In this case, it is necessary to maintain a balance of objects of different sizes, symmetry and other interior design techniques. Furniture problems are solved somewhat easier when panoramic glazing starts slightly above the floor. Soon we will devote a special article to the rules for designing rooms with large windows.

Disadvantage 9: Low privacy of the interior space

Replacing blank walls with transparent windows allows you to better view the interior of the house from the outside. Neighbors, passers-by, and guests will be much better informed about your life. Of course, you can close the windows with curtains, but then you will deprive yourself of the opportunity to see the picture outside the window.

During the day, mirrored or tinted glass can protect your privacy. In densely built environments, this is a very good way to hide your personal life. If you don’t want to curtain your windows in the evenings, but still maintain privacy, then choose to install windows under the ceiling or in those parts of the rooms that are not visible from neighboring houses or from the road. Another way is to install decorative screens outside, although such a choice will fragment the view from the window.

Disadvantage 10: Problem of Vandalism

It is usually easier to enter a house through windows than through walls or a strong door, so the danger of breaking into panoramic windows is quite high. Therefore, for panoramic glazing we recommend using the most durable glass: triplex, tempered, armored. You can laminate the outer glass with special armor films.

However, it is much safer to use additionally and, especially, roller shutters. Such protection will quickly scare away vandals. If the house is left unattended for a long time, then it makes sense to install an alarm system and at the same time insure the property.

The presence of shortcomings is not at all a reason to refuse to install panoramic windows, since any operational problem can be solved in several modern ways.