Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» How to open the front door if it's broken yourself. Open the cylinder lock. The key is on the back of the lock

How to open the front door if it's broken yourself. Open the cylinder lock. The key is on the back of the lock

Surely each of us has lost the key to the front door at least once in our lives. When you see a door in front of you that blocks access to a house or other room, you begin to think about how to get inside without a key. To make it easier to understand, you need to first evaluate the design of the door, because all models have different types locks Below you will learn about the most common methods for getting into locked rooms without a key. But at the same time, I would like to remind you that to successfully solve this problem you will need some experience.

Is it possible to unlock the lock with your own hands if there is no key?

If you are left without a key and urgently need to open the door, then there is no need to panic. Try to evaluate the problem that has arisen. After all, when the entrance is blocked by a flimsy interior door, it can often be unlocked without any special skill. But if you have to deal with a metal entrance door from famous manufacturer, then even a specialist will have to sweat here. If you are not sure of success, then don’t waste time and effort and spoil the design doors using improvised tools. In such situations, it is recommended to entrust this work to professionals.

If a specialist takes on the job, he will be able to open a lock of any design. He is familiar with the features of many locking mechanisms, so it will not be difficult for him to unlock the door in an intelligent way, keeping the locking mechanism intact. Therefore, deciding to use the services of a specialist will not always be a wise decision. Reliability of some models may be imaginary, and therefore if you have necessary tools, then you can open them quickly enough. We will talk about the most accessible of them further.

Opening the locking device of the interior door

How to open a lock without keys without the help of a professional? If you are dealing with an interior door, then opening it will not be difficult for you. Most often similar door blocks are equipped with locking mechanisms, the design of which has a latch on one side, and on the other there is a part resembling a keyhole. Considering that doors like these are rarely locked, owners lose their keys already in the first weeks or months after installation.

Often the door is locked due to the carelessness of small children. Once indoors, they may slam the door, latch it and, despite the persuasion of adults, do not want to open the door. Naturally, parents are afraid for their baby, since he is left alone in the room. Because of this, it is important to open the lock as quickly as possible so that it subsequently retains its working condition. You can solve this problem by performing the following operations.

  • find the keyhole and familiarize yourself with its design;
  • find a tool that is suitable for opening the lock;
  • start opening the door, doing everything very carefully.

How to open locks of different shapes?

There are models of locks in which the well has round shape. In this case, to open it, it is best to find a thin knitting needle, a large open paper clip, an awl or a toothpick. Having decided on suitable tool, place it in the hole, then press lightly with one hand and at the same time begin to release with your second hand or twist the handle. If everything is done correctly, the door will open.

The same should be done in a situation where the lock well has flat shape. In order for you to be able to handle this lock, you will need to find a flat tool. For this purpose you can use sharp scissors, a knife with a narrow blade, a nail file or the handle of a teaspoon. Having selected a tool, you need to insert it into the well, then press it with one hand and at the same time with the other we begin to twist it and lower the door handle.

Unlocking a cylinder lock without a key

Greater difficulties can arise if the locked door is equipped with a cylinder lock. Considering the great secrecy of such locking devices, intelligent autopsy methods will not always solve the problem. Although, with experience, you can get inside if you use a paperclip or a very thin, bent screwdriver.

If we talk in more detail about the intelligent method of hacking cylinder locking mechanisms, then here from the person required to perform certain actions with a paper clip and a screwdriver, where the first will be used as a master key, and the second will serve as a roll. When trying to open a lock using similar methods, keep in mind that here the most important point- insert the hook well so that the secret fonts are accepted correct position. They must be placed one at a time, always helping with the roll. With proper persistence, the larva will begin to sell. To understand whether the fonts are installed correctly, you need to visually evaluate their location relative to each other and focus on the sound.

Using a paper clip, you need to move all the pins one by one, helping with the roll. Moreover, every time you need to check whether the cylinder can be rotated. Only when it begins to give in will you be able to solve your problem. Please note that what sounds come from the well while working to open the lock. This way you can stop in time if you do something wrong. Otherwise, you may simply break it.

We use the rough method

If a homemade master key does not help you deal with the lock, you can resort to a more crude method of hacking. However, here there is one important nuance : you can count on success only if the larval lock does not have protection against rolling and drilling. If you decide to use this method, then you need to prepare the following tools:

  • electric drill - preferably as powerful as possible;
  • metal drill;
  • thick flat screwdriver;
  • hammer.

Immediately prepare for the fact that after using this hacking method you will need to install a new larva. First, try a powerful roller. To do this, take a screwdriver and place it in the lock as far as possible. You can even hit it a couple of times with a hammer. After that we begin to screw it on. Having realized that the larva begins to spin after the screwdriver, you need to pull the screwdriver and remove the secret. Once you do this, you will be able to get inside.

Opening a door with a rack lock

If after examining the doors it turns out that it is equipped with a rack and pinion lock, then you can calm down. Of course, with such locking devices sufficiently provided good protection from a rough break-in. However, if you use intelligent methods against them, you can easily defeat them. To make it easier to open such a lock, it must be lubricated, for which WD-40 is used. Next, you can choose any of the following hacking methods.

  1. As a tool, you can use two flat screwdrivers with thin rods. Keep in mind that here you need to use screwdrivers that can be used together without special effort enter the castle hole. First you need to place one screwdriver inside so that you can use it to fix the notch of the bolt. Then you need to move it a little, after which you need to take another screwdriver and fix its position. After this, you need to perform the above steps again: find a new notch, move everything and move it with another screwdriver. We do this until the lock is opened.
  2. We use a wooden wedge key. You may not have a wedge key. However, there is no need to worry about this. You can easily make it yourself. For this You will need any soft wood, from which it is necessary to make a wooden wedge suitable sizes. Next, take this wedge and insert it into the lock hole until it stops, using physical effort if necessary. After this it needs to be removed. When you examine the wedge, you will see notches on it, thanks to which you can modify it so that it looks like a real key.
  3. We unlock the lock by pressing the door. Your task of opening the lock will be much easier if the locking mechanism is placed in such a way that you can press the door leaf. To do this, you need to take a crowbar, place it between the jamb and the canvas, and then you need to try to squeeze it all the way. After this, insert a screwdriver into the created gap and remove the lock bolts to the side. The door will be open.

Most of us don’t know how to behave in a situation where the key is lost and we urgently need to get inside. Although experts know how to open door locks without damaging them, any of us can also solve this problem. There are quite a few quite easy to implement methods, allowing you to open the lock regardless of its design. Therefore, if you want to get inside yourself, try to do everything very carefully. If you do not have confidence in your abilities, it is better to consult a specialist.

A variety of and sometimes even unforeseen situations can happen in life. Often, when rushing to work, you may forget the key to the front door inside the apartment, lose it or even break it, leaving a decent piece in doorway. What to do in such a situation?

You can, of course, always call a locksmith who can help with the problem that has arisen for an additional fee. But in most cases, you can easily get out of the current situation on your own by using your ingenuity.

In order to open a door without a key, it is important to consider the type of door and the material from which it is made. As a rule, open interior door much simpler than an entrance door, since such a door usually has a lightweight lock with a fairly simple mechanism.

Opening the door without a key

To break into an entrance or interior door, you can use professional master keys or a regular hairpin or paper clip. There are two main ways to open doors without a key: smart and brute.

The intelligent method involves using various instruments, the purpose of which is to establish the correct positions of the pins door lock. By placing the pins in the correct position, you can open the lock without using brute force.

The intelligent method involves using such tools as a master key:

To unlock the door in this way, you need to insert the selected tool into the locking mechanism, trying to pry off the pins. In the case of using a flat screwdriver, you need to bend it slightly (like a hook) and insert it into the keyhole, trying to engage the pins. The screwdriver will be used to install the pins in the correct position.

With its help, you need to move the lock pins, placing them in turn, and also slowly turn the cylinder. You can determine the correct location of the pins by a characteristic click.

The rough method of opening a door without a key involves using tougher tools to unlock it. This method has a better chance of a positive result, however, it may break the door lock and damage door leaf. Therefore, it is used only when there is no other option left.

The rough opening method involves the use of professional tools:

  • electric drill;
  • hammer;
  • screwdrivers;
  • iron drill.

IN in this case, the main goal will be to open the lock by directly drilling the cylinder. But, regardless of the future result, the larva will have to be replaced in any case.

The drill must be directed into the lock and drilled to the end of the secret. After such manipulations, the larva can be easily pulled out and the door can be opened. However, when drilling, do not put pressure on the drill, otherwise you risk damaging the lock and door leaf.

What to do if the door slams or the key is lost

The method and level of difficulty of opening the door will depend on many circumstances:

  • door type;
  • door material;
  • loss or breakage of the key;
  • type of lock;
  • level of protection of the locking mechanism;
  • tools that are at hand.

Before you rush to break down the front or interior door, you need to consider the reason why you cannot open it. It is much easier to cope with opening the door if you simply forgot the key inside the apartment. However, the task becomes much more difficult if the key was broken by you while opening or closing the lock.

In this case, the main task will be to pull out the broken piece of the key that is stuck in the keyhole. To do this, you can try to pull it out with the help of tools, however, often such attempts are not crowned with success, and the lock has to be completely disassembled. To avoid damage to the locking mechanism, it is best to immediately disassemble the locking mechanism, saving time and money on purchasing a new lock.

Is it possible to open a lock with a master key, paper clip or hairpin?

The simplest and most common way to pick a jammed lock is to use a regular paper clip or hairpin, which are much easier to find than a professional set of master keys.

As a rule, most often there is a need to open a cylinder lock, because it is this type of locking mechanism that is installed on entrance doors. It provides a high level of protection and secrecy, so opening such a lock will not be easy. However, this does not mean that the task is impossible.

To open this type of lock, you can use a curved screwdriver or a regular paper clip. The paper clip must first be prepared, straightened and leveled, and the tip bent like a hook.

This type of lock opening is called smart. His technology is to use a paperclip to set the secret fonts in the correct position. As a rule, one paperclip is not enough in this case. You will also need a thin, curved screwdriver.

A paper clip and a screwdriver must be installed in the lock mechanism, which will serve as a roll. First of all, you need to work one at a time, moving either a paper clip or a screwdriver, trying to engage the pins of the mechanism. The correctly determined position of the pins can be easily determined both visually and by the sound of the locking mechanism unlocking.

When manipulating a paper clip, you should also periodically check the displacement of the cylinder. This is where the success of unlocking the lock will lie. In addition, it is important to pay Special attention to the sounds of the locking mechanism. It is from them that you can determine damage to the mechanism or the correct location of the pins.

Hacking an interior door

Modern interior doors can have a lock installed various types. A cylinder lock is predominantly used. If such an interior door lock cannot be opened in a simple way using a paper clip or a screwdriver, you will have to use more complex artillery.

To open an interior door locking mechanism that is jammed, you will need the following tools:

In such a case, the hacking process door mechanism it will be more difficult and longer. In addition, picking a lock with a drill is considered a rather rough and tough method. So in any case, regardless of whether you were able to open the lock or not, the cylinder will have to be replaced with a new one.

First of all, you should try to use a roll. To do this, you need to insert a flat-head screwdriver into the lock as deeply as possible, using a hammer for this, and try to turn it. Often such manipulation is enough to easily turn the lock cylinder, however, if the cylinder does not give in, you will have to use a more rigid tool - an electric drill.

The drill must be pointed directly at the lock and drilled, trying to get to the end of the secret. In this case, the larva can be pulled out quite easily. However, this process is quite important, so you should move the drill very carefully. The main thing is not to press too hard, otherwise you risk damaging the recesses and grooves, which will get caught under the drill during drilling.

How to open the lock at the entrance, video in Russian

Most often there is a need to open the lock on the front door from the entrance. Due to the fact that the key is broken or left in the apartment, you need to act carefully and carefully, because the locking mechanism of the front door (especially metal) is different high level secrecy and reliability.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the type of lock that will have to be opened. Most often, a practical and fairly reliable combination or lever lock is installed on the entrance door at the entrance. The lockpicking process for these two types of locking mechanisms will be different.

Opening a lever lock

As a rule, lever types of locks have a fairly high level of security, and therefore they are resistant to force breaking. If you need to open such a lock, you must first of all study its mechanism and choose exactly how you will open the lock.

There are two ways to open a lock without a key:

  • intellectual;
  • rude.

The choice of opening method will depend on the complexity of the locking mechanism, as well as specific situation. As a rule, intelligent hacking may often not bring the expected result. However, using crude methods of breaking can damage not only the lock, but also the door.

Despite all the pros and cons, in this case it is best to stick with a rough opening, since it will be extremely difficult to open a lever lock with a master key without any knowledge and experience.

You may need tools such as:

  • electric drill;
  • Bulgarian;
  • hammer;
  • screwdrivers;
  • pliers.

Of course, it is quite possible to try to open the lever lock using a simple paper clip and a roll. However, without any skills, such a method may fail.

Using a drill, you can quite easily damage the tip of the lock bolt and thereby open the lock. However, to do this, you need to accurately determine the location of the fastening of the lock tail inside the mechanism.

Opening a combination lock

Situations often arise when you need to open combination lock or an intercom at the entrance door. It is known that such mechanisms have a special built-in program and allow access by entering the correct code combination.

However, if you have forgotten the correct lock combination, there is no need to panic. After all, most programmers use standard codes to close the lock. Therefore, you can easily find the code for your combination lock.

You can obtain a list of standard codes directly from the intercom manufacturer. To enter the code combination, you need to call the service menu. To open most combination locks, you can try using the standard combination 1234, 0000, 1111, 9999, 3535, 6767. However, the combination may vary depending on the lock manufacturer.

If the standard code combination is not suitable, this may mean that the code has been changed from the standard one and, whether you like it or not, you will have to turn to professionals for help or simply ask the code and your neighbors.


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Door locks provide security and peace of mind, but they can also become major irritants when they malfunction. It's even worse if you forget the key on the other side of the door. Remember, before you start hacking locks or doors, you need to make sure that there are no other options. Additionally, most of the methods we suggest also take time to master, so keep that in mind.


Using bumping

    Opening a lock with a toggle switch using bumping. Bumping is fast, simple technique burglary, useful if you need to open a door that has been closed for a long time (for example, the door of an unused family home), or if you need to get into the home of an elderly relative to make sure he is okay.

    • Bumping does take some practice to master, especially with cheap locks that can be damaged, so don't use it without a good reason.
  1. Find a master key. This is a key that matches the lock that needs to be opened, but does not open it. on my own. Provided the key fits into the lock, it can be made into a master key by cutting each cut to the minimum acceptable depth.

    • Most reputable locksmiths will not make a lockpick for you, but they can sometimes be found online. To make it yourself, you will need a metalworking tool and a little patience.
  2. Insert the master key into the lock until the last pin. Locks with a pin and tumbler system consist of a cylindrical segment that turns once the pins inside it are aligned and no longer block its movement. Each slight click you feel as you insert the key into the lock represents the lock's prong lifting the pin and then sinking into the slit underneath. Insert the pick until there are no pins left that have not been lifted.

    Tap the pick and rotate it. Use a small rubber mallet or similar object to hit the pick hard and turn it immediately. Because the pins inside the lock are located in two sections, the striking motion transfers force to the lower section (which is at rest inside the tumbler), which then sends it to the upper section (which keeps the tumbler from moving). If this movement causes all the pins in the top section to rise properly, you will be able to open the lock.

    • It may take several attempts to achieve the desired synchronization of movements, so keep trying until you achieve the result.

    Using a lock picking kit

    1. Open the lock using a set of master keys. This is a specific skill that requires a lot of practice and is usually only taught conscientious locksmiths Accordingly, the sale of such sets is carried out only to persons who have the proper identification, but, using your ingenuity, you can, using cunning, acquire your own copy of the set.

      Make your own tools. For weak locks, a pair of paper clips will do. For stronger locks, you will need bobby pins, wire cutters, and pliers. The key point is to use a strong enough metal for your pick and L-shaped key - the two main elements of the tool.

      • It is best to use spring steel because it is quite resistant to cracking and can be filed. Try making a master key from hacksaw blade. Just decide on its thickness, because the size of the locks into which the master key can fit depends on this.
      • The tension key is shaped like an “L” and is used to apply pressure to the bottom of the lock. It can be made from a hex key, giving it a flat shape.
      • The master key itself has shorter sides and resembles a lowercase English letter"r". It is used to push the pins out of the tumbler so that it can turn.
    2. Insert an L-shaped key into the lock. Press it onto the bottom of the lock and save constant pressure, throughout the entire process of working with a master key. If you don't do this, the work will take longer and you may have to start all over again.

      • If you are not entirely sure how or in which direction to turn the L-shaped key, insert it into the lock and turn it in one direction. Quickly remove the master key, listening carefully to the sounds of the lock. Once you have made the correct rotation, you will definitely hear the pins lowering.
    3. Insert the pick over the L-shaped key. Use the pick hook to locate and move each pin from the tumbler. Once all the pins are lined up correctly, the lock should open. As mentioned earlier, this skill will take a lot of practice to master, so practice on cheap locks to develop good abilities.

      Using a Hex Key to Open Interior Doors

      1. Open interior doors using a hex key. Most locking interior doors made in the last few decades are equipped with a special door handle that allows the door to be opened if it is accidentally locked. If door knob has a small, round hole in the center, this is exactly this type of handle.

        Find or buy a set of hex keys. Hex wrenches or “hex wrenches,” also called “Allen wrenches,” are commonly available at most hardware stores and household stores at a price less than the cost of expensive coffee. These are small, L-shaped pieces of metal that come in a variety of sizes, both metric and imperial.

        Insert the long end of the hex key into the hole in the door handle. Might have to try a couple different sizes to find the right one, but it's usually pretty obvious. You will need a fairly tight fit, but don't scrape the key in the handle or let it jam. If you press directly on the key, turning it slightly back and forth, you can feel it hitting the hole.

        Turn the key to open the door. Once the key is in the handle, a simple turn should open the door. This doesn't require much effort.

        Using a credit card to open doors

        1. Open simple locks using a credit card. This popular trick works less and less with modern doors but it's still convenient way get into your house with old door, left without keys.

          • Laminated cards work best. You will need a flexible (like a gift) card that you don’t mind damaging. Sometimes the card gets quite seriously damaged and stops functioning.
        2. Insert the card into the doorway. Insert the long end of the credit card between door frame and the locking side of the door, just above where the lock enters the opening.

          • Lower the card down and place it behind the lock bolt. Make sure the card is installed perpendicular to the door.
        3. Slowly but surely pull the card towards you while turning the handle. If you're lucky, credit card will slip between the beveled inside latch and door frame, and you will be able to slide the latch out of the opening by dragging the card towards you. The door will open as long as you hold the card in the space between the latch and the opening.

          • Obviously this trick won't work if the deadbolt is installed. The bolts do not have a beveled side. But fortunately, it is impossible to push the bolt from the outside without the keys.

          Opening a car door

          1. Open the car doors. Although using “flat wrenches” (special metal tools used to gain access to a locked vehicle) is generally illegal, it is possible to make a tool from a hard metal hanger. If you lock the keys in the car and a store or friend with a hanger is nearby, you can avoid the hassle and wait for a locksmith or roadside support service.

            Unroll and straighten the hanger. Do not touch top part in the shape of a hook, but twist it into what is called a “neck” and line the rest of the hanger. This will give you a long metal tool with a hook at the end.

            Lift the sealing rubber band at the bottom of the driver's door window. Insert the end of the hanger between the weather stripping and the bottom of the window. The hanger is now inside the door.

            Wiggle the end of the hanger and feel for the latch. The latch should be located no more than a few centimeters below the window, near the interior lock.

          2. Hook and pull the latch. Place the hook around the latch and pull toward the rear of the vehicle. This should open any manually locked car door.

            • If your door has a push-button electronic release mechanism, you can insert the straight end of a coat hanger into the door and use it as a finger to press the button.
          3. Raise your dominant leg and bend your knee. Lift your knee up and stretch your shin behind it. Keep your foot directly in front of the door. Don't turn sideways and don't invent other nonsense.
          4. Hit the door lock with your sole. This type of strike is sometimes called “straight”. Straighten your leg in front of you so that your sole hits the area of ​​the locking mechanism.
          5. It is safer to strike with your foot. The foot is designed to absorb a large number of strength, and shoes are your additional armor. DON'T HIT THE DOOR WITH YOUR SHOULDER! You're more likely to dislocate your shoulder than open the door.
          6. Keep hitting until you knock the lock out of the door frame. With enough time, you can knock down almost any wooden door.
          7. If you don't see results within a few minutes, you may be dealing with reinforced door or a box. Alternate between resting and hitting to keep them from getting weaker.
          8. Knock down stubborn doors with a battering ram. If for some reason you prefer to use a battering ram rather than call a plumber, a battering ram made from a hand-held pile driver used to drive posts into the ground will be quite effective.

            • Buy a manual pile driver. It should be about a meter long, and have elongated handles on the sides.
            • Fill the pit fully or halfway with cement. Allow the cement to dry completely before use.
            • Use a sideways throwing motion to aim the ram at the door towards the locking mechanism area. Standing perpendicular to the door, swing the battering ram while holding it with both hands, then bend down and slam the battering ram into the door. Most doors will open after a few hits.
            • Keep in mind that the door will most likely collapse completely and require replacement.
            • Always start with the least aggressive methods. If you can open the door with a credit card, there's no need to pick the lock or grab a makeshift battering ram.
            • Call a professional if possible. No one can truly replace the locksmith (or the landlord with his copy of the key) when you find yourself locked out of your house. The best and safe way open a locked door - get to the phone and call someone who has professional door opening skills.
            • Practice. If you want to be able to open doors using the bumping method or using a set of master keys, you will need to practice a little to develop your skills. No better teacher than experience!


            • Hacking into something that doesn't belong to you is invasive and highly illegal. Do not do that.
            • In some areas, it is also illegal to carry door-opening equipment. Depending on the mood of the policeman, you may even be arrested for, among other things, carrying homemade equipment. Do not use such devices unless absolutely necessary.
            • Don't try to knock down the door with your shoulder. This only works in films.
            • Do not shoot at castles with any weapon. This is more likely to result in a potentially fatal ricochet than any successful outcome. In addition, a possible dent from a shot can lead to irreparable jamming of the lock.
            • If you are locked in a rental property, call the watchman, manager, or landlord before you try to force the door. Chances are that one of them will have a spare key to open the door with, and breaking into a rental property can be legally controversial, especially if it results in property damage.

Carefully open the door lock without the original key and do not damage either the lock itself or the door, without special knowledge, skills and special tools is difficult. The castle is designed to make this as difficult as possible. It happens that you need to be authorized to open a door without a key. A broken lock or loss of a key becomes an unpleasant surprise, and the owners are initially lost in a situation where the doors do not allow them to enter. own house.

IN big cities A specialized service helps citizens get into their premises.

Interior doors

Often people are faced with the need to unlock interior doors. In this case, the issue with simple latched locks is solved simply:

  • In many outside Instead of a thumb latch, there is a rotating penny with a slot for a screwdriver. A door closed from the inside is unlocked by turning this screw using a flat-head screwdriver.

  • If the latch handle breaks down, when the mechanism does not move the tongue, inside it is pressed out using a hard plate (a plastic card will do). If a person is on the opening side of the door, then the tongue is moved back using two screwdrivers through the false gap.
  • Sometimes doors won't unlock because the square pin that transmits rotation from the handle to the latch mechanism is broken or has fallen out of its socket. In this case, the handle is unscrewed and the latch socket is turned with a screwdriver.

Entrance door

The following problems arise with door locks of this type:

  • The lock does not open because the mechanism itself is jammed;
  • The key is broken;
  • No key.

If the front door does not open, try everything before climbing through the window or grabbing a crowbar possible ways lock picking. They are divided into two types:

  • Intelligent (without damaging the lock mechanisms);
  • Mechanical (with destruction of the lock or door) methods of breaking.

Ways to open front door without a key, are determined by the design principle of the secret lock mechanism:

  • Level locks. It works on the following principle: when turning the key, it simultaneously moves the secretion plates and displaces the bolt, catching on its teeth.
  • Cylinder. The secrecy of the mechanism of such a lock is ensured by cylindrical pins different heights. When closed, they are recessed into the locking groove, and when the original key is inserted, its grooves raise the pins to the desired height, they line up so that the larva is released and scrolls.
  • Disc (Finnish). The locking principle is implemented using plates (washers), each of which has a slot. The characteristic key in the shape of a crescent, with its multi-level cuts, arranges the washers so that the slots on them form a continuous groove into which the spring-loaded locking pin is recessed and releases the cylinder.

Level locks

You can try to open these locks without damaging its secret mechanism. The opening principle is as follows:

  • To move the bolt, you will need any lever-type key (preferably one-sided);
  • To lift the plates, an L-shaped hook (master key) is made;
  • The key is inserted into the keyhole, turned to open until it stops and held in this position with constant pressure;
  • The levers are raised with a master key, starting from the farthest one;
  • After the last (front) lever is raised, the key will turn;
  • This operation is repeated until the bolt is completely hidden in the lock, then the door opens.

To move the lever lock bolt, try from the side keyhole drill a hole, use an L-shaped master key to move the bolt and open the door.

These methods are suitable for ordinary unsecured locks. If these methods cannot be performed, resort to one of the mechanical hacking methods:

  • Cutting loops.
  • Cutting crossbars.

These methods will lead to significant damage to the frame or door leaf.

Cylinder locks

There are many ways to unlock the front door without a key. Most technologies for picking locks with master keys involve locks with an English key.

Jammed mechanism

It can only be unlocked mechanically:

  • Drilling out the secret. The drill is installed directly into the key hole. The locking secret is destroyed, and the cylinder is turned with a flat screwdriver.

  • Knocking out the cylinder. The larva is “hammered” into the door. The rotary nut breaks, the mounting screw socket splits, and the cylinder is pulled out of the lock. The lock can be unlocked with any screwdriver or master key.

The canvas will remain intact, but the lock must be replaced after such procedures.

Key fragment

This situation requires competent behavior in the first minutes.

Important! Do not try to pull out a piece of a key sticking out of the keyhole with your fingers. This way you will drown it even deeper, and getting a piece out will be problematic.

If a fragment protrudes from the keyhole, it is pulled out with pliers. But usually the broken part of the key remains deep in the well. You can pull it out in the following ways:

  • Tap the larva with a hammer. If the key is not tight enough, it may come out of the hole and you will grab it with pliers.
  • If this method does not work, try prying off the fragment using a saw. hand jigsaw. It is inserted into the lower part of the keyhole with the teeth facing down. Then it is unfolded and pulled out along with the fragment.

Smart ways without a native key

Using manual or powered picks to gain unauthorized entry is a criminal offense. But in specialized organizations such tools have become one of the tools of professional activity.

Mechanical picks

  • Bumping. This is an advanced type of pickgun that works with all types of cylinder secret mechanisms. In this technology, the role of the impact mechanism is a modified key blank from a lock of the same type. In order for such a bump key to fit any combination of a secret, a code profile is cut on it at the locations of the cylinders of maximum depth. In this case, the workpiece is made slightly shorter than the standard “blank”. When turned normally, the lock will not unlock, but when lightly tapping the head of the key, it will pop into the hole and throw up the pins. If such blows are combined with an impulse rotation of the cylinder, the lock will turn.

Hand picks

Open the lock English type You can do it yourself using master keys. Manual method similar in principle to a mechanical pickgun, only it is slower and requires concentration and attention. With constant preload, the pins are lifted one at a time using a bent L-shaped pick. Picks are made from any thin and elastic metal object(paper clips, hairpins, steel wire).

Important! Attempting to open the door by selecting the key will have no effect. In addition, the key may get stuck in the hole.

Principle of operation:

  • Two L-shaped master keys are made: one for turning the cylinder (turn signal), the other for lifting the cylinders.

  • The turn signal is inserted into the upper part of the keyhole and turned all the way in the direction of opening. Manipulation of the cylinders begins with the furthest one. One by one, the pins rise and engage the protruding flange of the lock body. After lifting the last (front) pin, the cylinder will rotate.

Types of cylinder locks

Various modifications of English locks are produced. Hacking them has the following features:

  • Lock with double-sided key. When working with master keys, the turntable is inserted in the center of the well, and the lower and upper pins are alternately lifted with the second master key.
  • Cross key. There is no special ceremony with such locks, but they are broken into using a twist: a screwdriver or any other thin plate of hardened metal (burglars use tailor’s scissors) is inserted into the hole and turned with pressure. In this case, the pins break off.
  • Perforated flat key. They are opened by mechanical destruction of the core or using bumping by specialized licensed companies.

Disc lock

It is difficult to open such locks with master keys. Use the mechanical method:

  • The front part of the cylinder with the keyhole is broken, and the washers of the secret mechanism are shaken out. On ordinary silumin locks you can do this method yourself.
  • Using a roll. First, with a thin plate, all the disks are placed in the extreme position so that a continuous gap is formed. Insert a screwdriver into it all the way and turn the cylinder.

These locks are usually equipped with latching tabs. You can try to move them through the gap in the narthex using two screwdrivers.

Video of how a master from a specialized company opens a metal front door:

If there is no time or opportunity to pick the lock, then you will have to use brute force. The main thing is that the neighbors know the owner by sight.

Quite often, parents install slamming locks to prevent a child from entering a certain room, but the opposite effect cannot be ruled out. In other words, the security features work quite well, but they can close at the moment when the child is in the room to which access is limited and the door should be opened as quickly as possible. How to break open an interior door yourself and not turn to specialists for such activities? To do this, you should pay attention to the recommendations below.

Did the door to the room slam shut or the owner lost the keys? Was the child able to slam the door and remain in the bathroom or toilet and cannot get out? What to do, and how exactly to get the baby out of the room quickly and without harm to the keyhole? It is worth using the most traditional method - a master key, which is suitable for mortise locks. You can open a room keyhole with master keys, but where can you get it?

They are sold in stores, but to speed up the process, you can make it yourself at home:

  1. You need to take 2 paper clips.
  2. The long end bends in one paper clip.
  3. In the second paperclip, the long tip must be bent at an angle of 90ᵒ. This will be a homemade tensioner, through which the lock will turn.

The tensioner is inserted into the keyhole cylinder, pressed or, in other words, tension is created, pressure is recorded and rotation is carried out. Using another paperclip, feel for the pin. As a rule, there are 5 of them in the castle. At correct location paper clips, they can be opened.

The pressure on the pins must be applied from the farthest, and as soon as the paper clip puts it in the desired position, there will be a click.

After 5 clicks are heard, the tensioner turns and the lock opens. This way you can break open doors in the toilet and other rooms, but this method is not universal.

Instructions: how to open a lever lock

Opening an English lever door lock is not easy, but it is possible. It consists of many grooves and recesses. To lock or lock a door with this type of lock, you will need a butterfly shaped key. It got its name precisely because of its original look, however, if it is missing, and you need to unlock a door that is closed from the outside, then you will have to try a lot.

A lock with a high burglary resistance class is installed mainly on expensive metal doors.

As a rule, the degree of protection with which the lock is equipped depends on how many plates are installed in it. In addition to standard protection, they have additional protection, and this can be a magnetic element in the form of a flap. It is not recommended for a non-professional to open such a door, since the lever is a particularly complex mechanism. It is permissible to use a special roll.

For this:

  • The tip of a thin screwdriver is bent, which will become a kind of roll;
  • The knitting needle at the tip is bent into the shape of a hook, which will become a master key;
  • The roll is inserted parallel to the master key into the keyhole cylinder.

The roll needs to be pushed all the way, turned and secured. Next, the hook is gradually moved and each plate is shifted, which requires gradual rotation of the roll. If the latch was able to be opened, then the plates gave way, however, this may also indicate that the lock was not of high quality, and the opening can be carried out not only by the owner of the house emergency, but also any attacker.

Let's learn how to open a door lock without a key

Have you ever seen a door slam shut in front of you? There are a huge number of reasons why this can happen. Whether it was a draft, a child, an animal, or simply the door springing back from the wall when it was opened strongly. If we're talking about about the child, then leaving him in the room alone is categorically not advisable, this can lead to even more serious consequences.

In order to open a Chinese or any other door if the lock core is jammed, you will need:

  • Keyhole inspection;
  • Selection of the necessary equipment;
  • Careful opening so as not to damage the integrity of the keyhole.

If the keyhole is round, then it is opened using a knitting needle, a large straightened paper clip, an awl or a toothpick. You need to insert a thin device into the opening, press and turn, and not a tool, but a handle. The door will become unlocked in just a couple of movements, and subsequently it can be closed again, since the lock will remain intact.

If the keyhole flat look, then you will need to use scissors, a knife with a narrow blade, a nail file, a pen, a teaspoon. The principle of operation is the same.

Determining how to open a door with a cylinder lock

A cylinder lock is installed mainly on a gate or entrance door, and that is why it must be as strong as possible, anti-burglary and not amenable to any improvised means of opening.

Cylinder lock open:

  • Difficult;
  • It is almost impossible for a non-specialist;
  • It will not work with a knife, with a pen, with a hairpin or using a wooden stick.

For targeted hacking of such a tool, you will need a set special tools, a specific screwdriver, as well as carefully carrying out each unlocking step. It requires intelligent opening of such locks, or, to be more precise, high-quality manipulation of several objects at once. Using a specially made pin, the secretion is closed and rotated to the correct position.

Doors may slam shut due to a broken handle. How to open the room in this case? We'll have to spend full analysis handles, and a screwdriver, pen or nail file will work for this. You can use a knife. The screws are unscrewed, the mechanism is felt and turned. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the cause of this situation is the door hitting the wall, which automatically breaks the handle and blocks the lock.

Sometimes you need to know how to break down a door

Broken rack lock? It can be noted that you are simply incredibly lucky. Such locks are unique in that they are anti-vandal, since they are not afraid of rough influence, but if you use intelligent manipulations, you can open the door in a minimum amount of time. First you need to prepare the door opening mechanism without a key by lubricating the well with oil.

  1. A wedge key can be used.
  2. You can open the lock by pressing the door.

How to find a wedge key? It’s enough just to choose a real wooden peg, just the right size for the keyhole opening. It is best to choose soft wood. The peg is literally driven into the lock and pulled out.

There will be notches on the peg, like a real key, which means the wedge can be used like a regular standard unlocking key.

Lock rack type It is installed in such a way that the door can be opened by pressing hard. A crowbar should be inserted between the jambs and the door and at this moment a push-up is performed.

How to open an interior door without a key

It is unlikely that you can become a professional door burglar using improvised means, however, if you research in advance various options opening keyholes, then you can significantly simplify your life if the door slams and you have to open it without a key and in emergency mode.


  1. Interior doors without a key can be opened using a long ruler or a knife. To do this, take the selected object, push it into the slot above the place where the crossbar is located and move from side to side. The method is fast and hassle-free.
  2. Few people can believe it, but it is a plastic credit card that can become the very assistant in opening the door. The method is not very effective and may even be extreme, but it has a lot positive feedback. To hack, you should swipe the card along the keyhole, but only if the tongue simple design. In complex keyholes, this option will not be appropriate.
  3. There are door locks that are installed in the handle and have a special button. It can be blocked by a strong jerk of the door, again, from hitting the wall when opening, or simply due to a malfunction of the mechanism. In order to open the lock, you will need to use a nail, knitting needle or hairpin. They are inserted into the hole in the keyhole, due to which the key is pushed out and the door is opened.

If all the methods described above are ineffective or not suitable, then there is another radical option. It consists of using a chisel, which is driven into the opening between the door and the door frame. It is driven in as deep as possible with a hammer and a number of attempts are made to press the lock tongue. In this case, you can damage the door, but you will be able to open the lock, but it will also have to be repaired later.

How to open a lock without a key (video)

Such knowledge can be especially useful for those who have small children at home, since there are no locking mechanisms that can be used for a long time, and in order to quickly open them, you sometimes need to resort to simple methods using improvised means.

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