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» If the plastic window is stuck in the open position. If the handle is stuck in the open position and it does not turn

If the plastic window is stuck in the open position. If the handle is stuck in the open position and it does not turn

The small, efficient window handle understood its responsibility for the complex window control system. God knows, she tried her best! However, the horrendous number of gears would sometimes overwhelm the handle and cause it to break. What can be done?

The weakest link

Owners plastic windows Over time, they encounter some problems associated with repairing or replacing fittings. Window handles can be called the “weak link” in the overall design.

Problems that arise may be associated with the following circumstances:
defects and wear of the lock handle
improper use accessories
mechanical damage.
The procedure for replacing a window handle is simple and can be done with your own hands.

And here Maintenance will depend on the cause of the malfunction. To repair or replace, you need to know what brands of fittings are installed on the window of your apartment and the design of the window handle.

Window handle design

Thanks to its thoughtful design, the plastic window handle ensures the position and movement of the window sashes.

The main provisions of window sashes are:
open mode
"closed" mode
Externally, the handle is a monolithic movable structure with decorative coating and the rod square section at the other end. The principle of operation of the handle is as follows: when the handle is turned, the transmission tire begins to move.

It's internal steel plate with a pin wound behind the respond. In certain places of the transmission bus there are protruding elements with the help of which the sash is locked or opened. When you turn the window handle, the trunnions move in. The position of the trunnions behind the strikers, which are installed on the impost or frame, ensures that the sashes are tightly drawn to the frame.

The handle is located down - the “closed” position. When the handle is turned at an angle of 90 degrees, the trunnions come out of the strikers and the window sash opens. The horizontal position of the window handle is the “open” position.
When you turn the window handle up, the fittings switch to the “micro-ventilation” mode. This position, using the control of the handle, is achieved by moving the trunnions out of the counter strips, except for the lowest trunnion.

The micro-ventilation mode is also provided by a spring-loaded hinged lock. Thus, the role of the window handle in the performance of the window system can be called direct and figuratively- guide. At correct operation The window handle lasts a long time. However, for a number of reasons, the following unforeseen circumstances may arise:
The handle does not turn completely and gets stuck
The handle of the plastic window does not close or open
plastic window handle jammed
The handle is broken and needs to be replaced.

What to do in unpleasant situations - call a specialist or repair or replace the window handle yourself?

Main emergency situations and what needs to be done

In an emergency, when the handle of a plastic window is inoperative, the first thing to do is remove the handle from the window.

The handle does not turn completely and gets stuck

If the window handle does not turn completely and jams, then the reason must be sought in sagging window sashes and the lack of proper lubrication of the handle mechanism.

A significant number of transmission mechanisms of the window system are controlled by a single handle. That's why Good work will guarantee lubrication and cleanliness of working units.
To eliminate rubbing surfaces, preference should be given to WD-40 lubricant. The moving elements and connections of the locking mechanism are treated with lubricant.

plastic window handle jammed

This situation is the most common and is associated with improper operation of the turn lock. All plastic windows produced by the manufacturer are equipped with a rotation lock. The rotation lock prevents the window sash from closing as long as the locking tab is in the extended position.

The steel tongue or thrower is located in working order relative to window frame at an angle.
Incorrect operation of the lock can unpredictably lock the handle in any position. What should you do in in this case? Find out the brand of the installed fittings. The brand name can be found on the metal locking plate. If the fittings brands "Roto", "Winkhaus", "GU", then in this case it is necessary to press the locking tab inward with your finger until it returns to the vertical position.

Now it will be possible to turn the handle and close the window. For fittings from other brands, namely "AUBI" or "MACO" , instead of a steel tongue there may be a thin plate with a spring. The plate is also pressed with a finger and pressed in, and the window is closed by turning the handle.
It doesn’t hurt to check that the blocker is in correct contact with the response mechanism.

Such malfunctions may appear after prolonged thermal expansion or contraction. We find the counter element of the blocker on the frame and achieve complete adhesion by location. For these purposes, you can use a plastic lining.

The handle is broken and needs to be replaced

If the window handle rotates without a characteristic sound and does not open the window sash, the cause of the malfunction may be the loss of the steel rod. In this case, the cover of the escutcheon, located at the base of the handle, must be pryed with two fingers, pulled towards you and turned 90 degrees.

Unscrew the mounting screws and remove the handle. Use pliers to pull out the “problem” rod. Then install the square rod back into the handle and lock it securely in place. Place the handle back in the handle-down position.

If the plastic case of the window handle has become unusable, you must first purchase a new handle. It is preferable to buy a handle for plastic windows rather than the brand that was installed before the repair.

We remove the old handle. To do this, the vertical plastic pad is rotated to a horizontal position. Unscrew the fasteners and remove the handle. We install the new window handle into the mounting hole and secure it with fasteners. Let's check the functionality of the new pen.
How to replace a PVC window handle with your own hands is shown in this video.

One of possible problems With plastic windows, the problem is unclear operation or breakage of the window handle or balcony door handle. Fixing this problem is quite easy.

If the window (balcony door) handle is stuck in open position and it doesn’t turn, then most likely the reason is that the handle rotation lock was activated in the open position of the window, and the handle was locked in the wrong position, which prevents the window from closing. Let us explain in more detail: in the case when the sash is in the “reclined” position, the upper hinge moves away from the frame along with the sash. Therefore, if you tilt the sash, and then, without completely closing it, try to open it by turning the handle, the sash will open and hang on one lower hinge. In this case, if you do not calculate the effort and pull the handle, you can break the sash fittings. However, the handle rotation lock will not allow you to make this movement. At this moment, it will block the rotation of the handle and prevent the sash from falling out of the top hinge. Although sometimes due to careless (quick) movement of the handle from one position to another, this lock may accidentally operate.

First you need to determine the reason for its operation and the brand of fittings. The name of the fittings is usually written on metal elements.

If you have “AUBI” or “MACO” fittings, then look in the area of ​​the handle for a thin metal locking plate (possibly with a spring) or a key on the end side of the sash. Press this plate tightly against the seal with your finger and turn the handle. In this case, it is necessary that the sash is strictly in a vertical position, since if the sash hangs at an angle (tilted), then the upper tilt-and-turn position lock will also block the rotation of the handle. Just by aligning the window and pressing the plate against the seal, you can easily turn the handle and return it to the open position mode and close the window ( balcony door).

If you have fittings "Roto", "GU", "Winkhaus" or something else, then instead of a thin metal plate you will see a metal tongue (thrower), located at an angle relative to the frame.

Actually, in order to properly adjust ROTO fittings, you also need to press down on the tongue with your finger so that it stands parallel to the sealing rubber (vertically) and easily turn the handle to the desired position.

The handle began to jam or become difficult to turn. The reason for this may be surface contamination and drying out of the lubricant. In this case, you need to lubricate all moving elements, especially the upper corner gears, having previously cleaned visible dirt and dust.

Another reason for the handle to turn tightly is sagging of the sash. There are special keys for these purposes, but you can arm yourself with a regular hexagon and adjust the sash by changing its position relative to the window sill using adjusting screws on the hinges.

We emphasize that you can adjust the sash yourself only if there are minor breakdowns; in other cases, it is recommended to contact specialists.

And in order for you to have as few problems with plastic windows as possible, it’s worth remembering simple rules precautions:

  • Do not put too much pressure on the sash when opening and closing it.
  • Do not leave foreign objects between the sash and frame.
  • Do not leave open window in strong winds.
  • Do not leave the window handle partially turned.

To replace a broken handle for opening a plastic window or install a handle with a lock, you need to pull the plate at the base of the handle towards you and turn it 90°. There you will see 2 screws. Unscrew them with a Phillips screwdriver, remove the old handle and attach a new one in its place with the same screws. Return the plate to its original position.

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The purchase of a modern profile is associated with the hope of the owners for the long service life of the structure and the proper operation of all its elements. However, often operating conditions, careless attitude, quality of material or improper installation affect the condition of one of the main parts, which regulates the position of the sashes and allows you to change ventilation modes. What to do if the handle on a plastic window breaks and turns, and how to carry out repairs yourself without calling specialists? You will learn about the main causes of the breakdown and how to fix it in this article.

What causes a defect

A malfunction caused by a manufacturing defect or incorrect adjustment during installation or use immediately appears. Are you confident in the quality of all parts and know for sure that the material from which the irreplaceable part is made meets all requirements and international standards? Then look for the reason in handling the handle - careful operation, smooth opening and installation of the element in the correct position cannot lead to serious problems. However, the owner is not always to blame for the troubles that arise. Here are the most common causes of jamming, scrolling and simply bad work loose regulator.

The handle does not move or turns with force

You try to open the window, but nothing works: it seems that the mechanism is broken because it cannot be installed in the desired position. You have to strain your hand to change the position of the sash. What caused this malfunction, and how to eliminate it?

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Often this problem occurs when the lubricant dries out: the design of the plastic window resembles a mechanism swiss watches, the condition of which must be constantly monitored. Parts must move easily: for this it is necessary to carry out regular preventive work. Dust or other small foreign particles may get inside.

Any owner of a modern profile can correct this defect on their own: repairing a handle whose breakage was caused by dried out grease is a job that does not require serious effort. You can easily return the element to its previous functionality by purchasing special remedy. You can purchase any type of substance, but the best option will be products from the manufacturer plastic structures. Then get to work:

  • Pour the composition, covering all moving parts of the fittings.
  • Start from the top, gradually changing direction.
  • Carefully move the window handle so that the lubricant penetrates into all parts of the mechanism, and not just into a specific area.

If the malfunction was caused by drying out of the elements responsible for movement, you can easily fix the breakdown by performing these simple steps. Getting dirt or dust inside is a more difficult task. It requires the intervention of specialists: the arriving craftsmen will remove the fittings and clean them using a special device.

photo from the site:

Another reason for the handle to break (the element does not turn, it is jammed) is the sagging of the window sash. It is extremely difficult to notice this problem: problems with opening can begin even if the gap is a few millimeters.

What to do and is it possible to do without turning to professionals?

  • Adjusting (twisting in the desired direction) the adjustment screws will help bring the sash to its previous position. It is necessary to open the mechanism by removing the plug (it is located at the bottom). On top of the loop is equipped with a special hole intended for a key with certain parameters - a 4 mm hex tool.
  • Having installed the device, carefully scroll it: the side depends on the desired result.
  1. To lift the sash, move the key clockwise;
  2. If you want to lower it, turn it counterclockwise.
  • When tightening the loops, do not forget about closing the gate. Some fittings require a different location of the groove - on the front surface.
  • Adjustment of the upper and lower sash most often occurs separately.
  • The lower part is adjusted using L-shaped tool by 5 millimeters. Scrolling to the right will cause a shift to the left.
  • Before you begin working on the top hinges, open the window and inspect the groove installed on the back panel. Then start twisting using a hexagon.

Repair of plastic window handles in the “Closed” position

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What to do if the sash does not lock and the handle is frozen in the reverse position? You are trying to protect yourself from gusts of wind or noise from the street, but you cannot turn important element, responsible for adjusting positions: all efforts are in vain.

The first rule that must be followed in such a seemingly hopeless situation: Under no circumstances should sudden movements be allowed. If you forcefully pull the handle, the situation will only get worse. What causes the element to jam in the same position? The most common cause is a malfunction of the locking system.

Each plastic window is equipped with a special mechanism. preventing the structure from breaking - a blocker. In the folding position, when the handle points upward or at the moment when the sash is already open (horizontal position), the system begins its work, protecting the part from sudden rotation.

How to prevent the problem? Very often, the owners are to blame for its occurrence, quickly changing the position of the regulatory element. Repairing a handle in this situation requires the sequential implementation of several actions, the first of which will be identifying the manufacturer.

photo from website:

All suppliers install various systems. Disabling each is possible only after finding out which manufacturer it belongs to. To do this, find a special sign: as a rule, it is placed on metal parts and parts of the structure near the handle. Another option for those who carefully store documentation: find the instruction manual, which contains detailed information about the manufacturer.

Subsequent actions depend on the brand of accessories:

  • AUBI– to disable the blocker, you must place the sash vertically. if it is located in the “ventilation” position, the safety mechanism system installed on the top hinge also makes it difficult to turn the window handle. How to make the adjustment? To do this, you need to find and secure (press) the spring with the rubber seal and carefully return the element to its previous position - it must correspond to the opening mode of the gate.
  • Maco, Roto– these manufacturers use the same technologies to ensure reliable operation of the blocker. In order to interrupt the operation of the system, it is necessary to manipulate a special part - a metal plate, which is located at an angle to the sash. Press it so that it locks parallel to the frame. The last step towards solving the problem: slowly turn the knob.

What to do if the actions taken did not resolve the problem? It is necessary to check how the interlocking device interacts with other parts. The following option is possible: parts of the mechanism do not come into contact with the blocker due to the existing thermal expansion. To correct this and eliminate the defect, open the flap and disassemble the part, remembering to remove the fence and remove the screws. The space that has arisen between the response elements and the blocker must be filled. To do this, fix the plastic seal between the frame and the parts: its width should exactly match the gap. Tighten the screws and check the condition of the window.

The locking mechanism of Winkhaus brand profiles is designed in a special way: you can deal with a malfunction in it by contacting specialists. It is not recommended to independently adjust the system of this manufacturer: intervention by the owner in most cases leads to damage to the locking gearbox.

photo from the site:

Turning the knob does not change the position of the window

A loose and scrolling element does not do its job main function– fixing the sash in the desired ventilation mode? Most likely, the cause was a loose fastening, the condition of which interferes with the normal interaction of the part with other parts of the mechanism.

  • You will need a Phillips screwdriver. First, fasten the screws that hold the handle to the frame.
  • Find the decorative plug and move it by prying it with your fingers. Move the element towards you so that it takes a horizontal position.
  • Tighten the screws (top and bottom) and check the operation of the part.

The handle is broken: how to replace it

The control element, on which comfortable ventilation, heat and sound insulation in the room depends, has cracked, failed or completely collapsed. Owners are panicking: while talking about the durability of metal-plastic structures, sellers never mentioned a possible defect of this kind. The reasons are varied: the handle was made from poor quality material, part failure is caused by the age of the entire system, etc.

If you value the safety of your relatives, make a replacement without delaying contacting specialists. For budget-conscious owners, there is another option: self installation irreplaceable element. The pen can be ordered online or purchased in a special store, after consulting with the sellers.

How to install:

  • Open the sash and leave it in this position.
  • Remove the handle by carefully unscrewing the screws that secure it.

You must remove the part carefully and carefully so as not to damage parts of the fittings or provoke a new breakdown.

  • Install new element and secure it carefully using a Phillips screwdriver.

Do-it-yourself plastic window handle repair: video

If none of the described methods help you, contact the companies that provide Maintenance and repair of PVC profiles. Self-adjustment can correct the situation only in those cases that do not require the intervention of specialists, the use of tools and professional assistance. Monitor the condition of the fittings and prevent clogging of the mechanisms and drying out of the lubricant. Handle your plastic window handle with care and it will serve you for many years.

As you know, a modern plastic window is complex design, consisting of many elements, including fittings. Every day the window is subjected to increased deformation load. And, all the same, there are individual parts that quickly fail. In particular, we're talking about about plastic window handles.

Quite often, apartment residents who have installed plastic window systems, are faced with the problem of turning the handles. Moreover, this process can be absolutely silent or accompanied by a clearly audible crackling sound.
If plastic handle the window scrolls silently, most likely the built-in steel rod has completely fallen out. Without it, you will not be able to operate the window.

There are certain instructions to help correct the situation.
Find the larva at the base of the handle, pry it with your finger and try to turn it ninety degrees.
Next, you will need to use a screwdriver. Use it to unscrew the pair of screws securing the handle and remove it from the frame. There is a clearly visible metal rod inside. Try to carefully remove it from the sash using pliers.
If the rod is not damaged, it will need to be inserted back into the handle, additionally tapping it on some hard surface.
The next step is to put the handle back in place. Make sure that the handle is closed and pointing straight down. All you have to do is tighten the bolts and close the cylinder.
If the handle is externally intact, there is no point in buying a new piece of hardware. It is enough to perform the manipulation described above in a timely manner.

It happens that the handle rotates freely, at the same time causing a strong crash. The main cause of failure is deformation of the gearbox housing. In this case, you should not try to repair the handle yourself. Here it is necessary professional help specialist
Because the window fittings quite fragile, try to use it carefully without subjecting the same handle to excessive pressure. This is the only way you can maximize the life of the window without spending significant money on repairs.

If necessary, replacing a broken handle is not much of a problem. Modern market ready to offer accessories different brands, having different prices and warranty periods. As a rule, installers use only a few well-known names of window handles, so there are simply no shortage problems here.
And most right action in this situation, you will contact our Windows Service company, and a qualified technician will fix the problem.