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» Instructions on how to glue various coatings to windows. Protection from the heat: choosing a mirror film for windows Which side to glue the reflective film on windows

Instructions on how to glue various coatings to windows. Protection from the heat: choosing a mirror film for windows Which side to glue the reflective film on windows

The use of special protective film from the sun on windows is deliberate and rational decision for many apartment buildings and private buildings, the windows of which face the sunny side. It is usually chosen for protection against sun rays and prying eyes.

Important! Tinting using such a film is a current and even trendy solution that has become widespread in Europe and the CIS countries.

If a person lives on the first floor, then hide inner space apartments from prying eyes can be done using dense dark curtains, blinds, but often certain difficulties arise with the use of all these means, because it is not always possible to hang heavy blackout curtains or order the installation of blinds on the windows.

Therefore, as an alternative to curtains and blinds, you can consider film, which can be glued to windows of any type. You can glue it yourself without any problems - without resorting to the help of specialists.

Because, glue the sun protective film You can buy plastic windows yourself; savings arise already at the stage of purchasing and installing the product. Purchasing curtains or installing blinds is not a cheap undertaking, while film solar control material is inexpensive. Mirror film can be applied to any type of window: wood, plastic, aluminum.

Companies that manufacture such protective film products claim that their products are gradually displacing bulky and inconvenient blinds from the market.

The film has the following advantages:

  • Possibility of adjusting the level of illumination in the room.
  • Ensuring that indoor plants are protected from direct sunlight.
  • Ensuring curtains are protected from ultraviolet exposure and burnout (which is important if the curtains are colored).
  • Ensuring protection of furniture upholstery from fading.
  • High level of security, home protection from burglary and unauthorized entry.

Important! You can glue the film to the windows yourself - it sticks on its own, so you don’t need to use any additional adhesives.

Before gluing protective film on windows, you need to figure out exactly what type of film material you should purchase, because... Several types of such products are sold in stores.

Taking into account the requirements for the functions of the film material, we can distinguish the following types products:

  • Automotive.
  • Architectural.
  • Decorative.
  • Protective.
  • Sun protection.

Self-adhesive film can be applied to windows made of wood or plastic. Products of this type are made from polyester. This polymer substance ensures complete transparency of the film material, high level its elasticity, as well as decent strength.

If you decide to glue the film to the window, then when choosing a model you should take into account that the products may have different number layers (single-layer, double-layer, multi-layer materials), different composition of each layer (for example, polyester and other types polymer materials), coloring pigment substances (to give the product certain color characteristics).

Professional films for home use It is not recommended to buy, since it is unreasonable to glue such a tint film to the windows in the house, because it costs more, and all its functions will not be used anyway.

Professional film products have the following features:

  • The outer layer performs protective functions, the inner layers - working ones.
  • The protective layers are metallized and there may be several of them. Depending on the number of protective layers, the strength level of the product is set.
  • In the process of manufacturing metallized layers, aluminum, bronze, titanium, nickel sputtering can be carried out, in special cases– gold or silver plating.
  • In appearance, professional film materials can be matte, mirror, transparent, colored, snow-white, single-color, with an image or a decorative effect.

Before gluing self-adhesive protective film on glass, you need to understand the technology of gluing it. The work can be completed if the glass is removed - this way everything will be done more efficiently. If the window profile remains in place, then there is a high probability of deterioration in the quality of work and the appearance of peeling corners over time.

It is necessary to stick the protective side outward - it will reflect the sun's rays. If the film is glued with the reflective side inward, then it will not be able to perform even half of its functions.

What tool will you need?

If you intend to glue the film onto glass in window profile, then you will need to use two scrapers at once. The first scraper is a standard one, which is usually used to clean windows. It has a rubberized edge, so no marks are left on the glass. The second scraper is for cleaning glass, so it is equipped with a sharp blade.

Also, if you planned to glue the film on the windows from the sun, you will need the following set of tools:

  • Standard stationery sharpened knife.
  • Spray.
  • Paper towels or microfiber cloth.
  • A rubberized spatula or plastic spatula of large width so that it can cover a large area in one movement.
  • Household detergent that does not contain aggressive or abrasive substances.

On video: Do-it-yourself tinting of apartment windows with mirror film.

What should you consider before gluing the film?

If you do not understand how to properly glue protective self-adhesive film to glass, then it is recommended to take a closer look at the following recommendations:

  • Work must be carried out at positive air temperatures (range - from +5 to +35 o C). Otherwise, adhesive composition will take a long time to dry.
  • Air humidity should also not be too low or high. If the humidity is above 80%, then gluing the film is not recommended, because After some time it will probably go away. If the humidity in the room is insufficient, a sprayer is used to increase it.
  • Before gluing the film onto glass, the room needs to be thoroughly checked. wet cleaning so that there is as little dust as possible in the air. The glass surface itself must be thoroughly washed and dust free before gluing.

Before properly gluing the film to the window, the surface to be treated must be prepared.

To do this, do the following:

  1. First you need to wash the glass using a non-aggressive detergent, then clean water wash off its remains along with dirt and dust.
  2. Then you need to use a scraper to remove dirt from the sealing parts of the window and the surface itself (especially around the edges and corners). If the window is made of wood, then you need to remove and clean the glazing beads.
  3. After washing, the glass surface must be thoroughly cleaned and wiped.

First of all, before gluing the film to the window, measurements are taken. It is necessary to think through the cutting so that there is a minimum amount of waste.

If during the measurements it was discovered that the width of the film is definitely not enough to treat the entire window surface at one time, then you will need to select the least noticeable joint. It is very good if it runs along the existing edge, and not in the area where the film material was cut.

Important! During the cutting process, it is necessary to leave an allowance of 2-3 mm.

Before gluing regular or stained glass film, it is necessary to moisten the glass using clean water(you can use a regular bottle) mixed with a small amount of baby shampoo.

  1. The protective layer is removed from the film material, and the film itself is placed on a flat surface. It is necessary to ensure that different areas do not stick together. If this happens, the film material will no longer be suitable for use.

Important! Before removing the protective layer, it is recommended to seal the edges with adhesive tape and fold the strips together. In this case, it will be possible to remove the protection as simply as possible.

  1. Next, carefully glue the film onto the glass surface, holding it by the edges. It should be taken into account that you first need to slightly moisten both the film material and the glass to make gluing easier.

3. Alignment must be done from the center to the edges.

4. Using a stationery knife, you need to cut off the edges that fall outside the glass surface area.

5. At the next stage, you can adjust the location of the film material if it is positioned incorrectly somewhere. Once there is no moisture left under the product, adjustments will no longer be possible. Finally, use a spatula to remove all the water.

Afterwards, you need to leave everything as is to dry completely. The duration of this process can be 7-10 days. Gradually, the film material will begin to lighten and become more transparent, because the water will evaporate.

Important! Air bubbles should not be removed because they should disappear on their own.

How to choose the right film?

You can find it in stores different types films for gluing on windows.

If you decide to carry out gluing yourself, then when choosing a model you need to consider the following:

  • The pasted film material will cause the lighting level in the room to become lower. Therefore, it is recommended to choose an option according to your needs - models with to varying degrees light transmittance.

  • If some kind of pattern is applied to the film material, then you need to choose it in accordance with the interior of the room. For example, if the interior is made in a standard style, then films with flowers and plants, stained glass and other decorative elements. If the interior is made in one of modern styles, then geometric patterns and abstractions would be an excellent solution.

Important! Film materials are sometimes combined to create interesting design solutions. But in this case, professionals should glue the film.

If the film is glued by professionals, then the choice of material for the work should also be entrusted to specialists.

Usually they themselves offer a choice of several types of products that are suitable for performing certain functions.

There are different types of protective films available in stores, the functionality of which can vary within serious limits. With their help, the premises are protected from unauthorized access.

Film materials can have the following types of protective characteristics:

  • From weapons. If a shot from a pneumatic or traumatic pistol occurs, the film material can easily withstand such mechanical impact
  • . Unfortunately, no film can protect against a metal bullet, but it can slow it down.
  • From burglary. The home or office is protected from unauthorized entry - the glass will be difficult to break, because the film material, if glued correctly, will be extremely difficult to damage. It will be able to withstand prolonged impacts. The level of resistance, depending on the manufacturer of the product, will vary from 30 to 190 kg/cm 2.
  • From listening.
  • Specialized models that significantly reduce the vibration of passing sound waves. If there is a conversation going on inside the room, it will not be possible to record it from outside. From fragments.
  • High-strength film materials that trap flying fragments and penetrating into windows. From childhood exposure. The presence of this film material will allow you not to worry about the child being able to break the window and fall out of it, or be injured by fragments.
  • From the fire.

If a fire develops on the street, then the fire is guaranteed to not be able to pass through such film material (relevant for private country houses).

Protection classes

  • All types of protective films can be classified according to their protection classes, which are determined by the thickness of the product:
  • A1 (thickness up to 0.24 mm), withstands mechanical stress of 3.5 J.
  • A2 (thickness up to 0.412 mm), withstands mechanical stress of 6.5 J.

A3 (thickness up to 0.6 mm), withstands mechanical stress of 9.5 J. The use of protective film is rational and correct solution

, if there is a possibility of dangerous situations for the home or the people living in it. Such products are inexpensive, but can provide high-quality protection against burglary, unauthorized entry, exposure to fire, and heat loss.

How to apply solar control film to a plastic window (2 videos)

We glue the sun protection film (20 photos)

July! - The sun, the heat, the long-awaited summer is in full swing, and as luck would have it, the windows in your house face the sunny side?! It doesn’t matter, because you can stick a special sun-protective mirror film on the windows, and the temperature in the room will noticeably drop. Or, for example, you live on the first floor, and curious neighbors constantly like to look into your windows. In any of these cases, a mirror window whip will help you.

Mirror sun protection film.

It is used as universal protection against ultraviolet rays or the glances of random passers-by. When choosing a mirror film, you must remember that during the day the mirror effect of the tint film is much higher than in the evening. During the day, it is almost impossible to see anything outside the house, but in the evening, when it gets dark, and the lights are on in your house, you can be seen. When choosing a sun protection film, you can also kill two birds with one stone if you choose a thicker film. It will give your glass more strength and even after a strong blow the glass will most likely remain intact. This property can be used to protect a child's room. By placing a durable film in the child’s room, you can be sure that while playing the children will not break the glass, and it will not crumble into pieces, which means the children will not be harmed.

It's comfortable!

Also, those who like to grow flowers on windows will not need to rearrange the plants to protect them from direct sunlight.

How to properly apply sun protection tape
All the necessary tools
— the sun protection film itself for tinting;
— a spray bottle with soapy water (soap solution);
stationery knife;
- scissors;
— scraper;
- a clean microfiber cloth;
- window cleaner;

Soap solution.

It's easy to prepare a soap solution. Just dilute 3-4 drops of any detergent in half a liter of water!

Preparing the surface

The first step is to clean the window of all excess and wash the glass. It is best to glue windows on a sunny summer day, when the glass is warm. Please note that the room temperature should not be lower than 4 and not higher than forty degrees. It is also desirable that the humidity in the room be 20 percent or higher.

Then, using a plastic scraper, you need to clean the glass from heavy pollution. Walk carefully around the edges of the window, as a rag will not remove stubborn dirt.


Make sure that there are no lint, hairs or other debris left on the surface of the window!

To save material, measure the width and height of your window. Cut out required size film with scissors or a stationery knife.

Helpful advice!

When cutting out the tint film, do not forget to leave an allowance of half a centimeter on each side (or maybe a little more); after gluing, the excess can be trimmed off.

Now let's begin the process of window covering.

It is important!

The film is pasted with inside premises.

To begin, thoroughly wet the surface of the window with soapy water from a spray bottle.

We remove the protective layer from the film and also moisten it with water to temporarily neutralize the adhesive layer. This is done so that if the film is glued by mistake, it can be aligned if necessary.

Carefully apply the film to the top edge of the window and smooth it smoothly with a scraper. We recommend that you first press the top of the film and then run the scraper down the middle of the window. And then from the middle, with smooth movements towards the edge of the window, squeeze out the water from under the film. Special attention Pay attention to the edges, as this is where air bubbles most often accumulate.

If the film accidentally sticks incorrectly, you can carefully lift it and re-stick it again. Now that everything is glued, when all the water has been carefully removed from under the film, you can trim off the excess pieces of film around the edges.

We enjoy the result!

So it became:

And so it was:

How to glue solar control film to a window quickly and reliably? The answer to the question is of interest to many urban and rural residents, since ultraviolet radiation causes a lot of discomfort in warm time of the year. In such situations, the use of protective equipment becomes appropriate. It is possible to perform the procedure yourself if you have instructions and free time. The guide is suitable for a private house or apartment for plastic and wooden windows.

Types of solar control film

  1. Matte. It is used mainly indoors for installation on partitions and doors. With its help, a decrease in transparency and light penetration is achieved.
  2. Mirror. Placed on glass to directly reflect the sun and prevent the room from heating up.

Gluing mirror protection allows you to create a surface with one-way visibility. Thus, it will be possible not only to prevent heating of the room, but also to improve the protection of the home from unnecessary attention from strangers.

Features of film against heat and sun

Some people, instead of protective equipment, use ordinary aluminum foil or a curtain made on its basis. This approach is effective, but does not provide sufficient lighting in the house and visibility. In such cases, it is better to stick a special mirror coating. It can be applied externally or internally depending on the configuration. The products are made of metallized polyethylene terephthalate and have a service life of two to three to four years. The best option Tinting is considered to be applied on the inside, as it is the most durable.

Installation features

Before starting work, you need to prepare equipment and tools:

  • mirror and glass cleaner;
  • sprayer (if possible);
  • rags, sponges;
  • stationery or special knife;
  • viscose or cotton fabric for alignment and correction;
  • putty knife.

The easiest way to install tint protection is with adhesive tape or tape. But according to reviews, this method is not reliable. It is recommended to purchase a special self-adhesive variety or prepare glue at home.

To ensure that the protection adheres correctly and reliably, the work is carried out in several stages:

  1. Washing the window. It is advisable to wash away dirt from both sides for aesthetic appearance and reliable gluing.
  2. Preparation of the solution. To do this you will need to dissolve a small amount of liquid soap And warm water. It is not recommended to foam the liquid as this will impair the adhesion.
  3. Align the film with the window. You will need to apply the protection to the glass and move it until it “stands” straight. Smooth the surface towards the edges and remove bubbles by smoothing with a viscose or cotton cloth.
  4. After taking measurements, remove excess parts at the edges using a knife.

Many consumers use this method for easy and quick gluing of regular windows and balconies. But how can you apply solar control film to a window so that it adheres better in all situations? It is not recommended to pre-make templates or cut the film according to measurements before gluing. After installation, contraction and deformation with the appearance of gaps is possible. Detailed and visual information about the application can be found in the video.

The service life of vandal-proof and sun-protective surfaces can be extended by using the following recommendations instructions for use:

  • choose exclusively opaque products;
  • It is useful to select products with anti-vandal properties to prevent break-ins and scattering of glass fragments upon impact;
  • It is recommended to trim the edges of the product only after complete drying and shrinkage;
  • within a month after the work, it is not recommended to wet the surface to avoid peeling off;
  • When washing windows, it is recommended to avoid aggressive detergents.

Advantages and disadvantages of solar control film

Regular and perforated products are distinguished by the presence of additional useful properties for operation:

  • high degree of heat reflection, preventing overheating in the warm season;
  • protection from thieves and prying eyes;
  • preventing fading of curtains, furniture, indoor coverings.

A significant disadvantage may be the potential harm to indoor plants needing ultraviolet light. But modern modifications protective equipment pass enough sunlight, therefore they do not harm flowers and seedlings.


Gluing protective equipment against ultraviolet radiation and overheating of premises in the warm season can be carried out without the help of specialists. To work, it is enough to have a soap solution, film and glass cleaning products on hand. To perform the procedure, it is important to choose the most suitable configurations that transmit enough light for plants, but do not allow furniture and fabrics in the interior to fade. Quality options additionally provide protection from prying eyes and reduce the likelihood of break-ins.

More interesting things on our website:

Let's start in order. There are different types of solar control film for windows. It varies in tinting density, spray color, method of installation and removal from windows. Physically, window film consists of a regular transparent film on which a thin layer of metal is sprayed. Moreover, the instructions clearly indicate that the film should be glued to the glass using this “metal” layer. If you stick it the other way around, then firstly, the effect of reflecting sunlight will not be achieved, the effect of the film in this case is much lower, and secondly, it cannot be peeled off from the glass.

If you turn to professionals for help, they will come to your home or office and stick the film on the windows themselves. Moreover, they use reliable, proven film and know how to glue it so that there are no bubbles left and the window does not lose its transparent properties. A well-adhered film is not even noticeable on the glass and its presence can only be detected by opening the window and making sure that the street is much lighter than it seems.

But professional services are expensive, and good film costs a pretty penny. So, for example, if I have seven windows in my apartment, then applying the film by professionals turns into a very significant waste. When I took the prices and received a price for the service that was in the five figures, I felt a little uncomfortable. The desire to save money and make do on our own grew stronger with every sunny day. Looking ahead, I can say that it would have been easier to immediately install it with silver coating and argon inside and forget about the problem for many years.

Well, to be completely honest, I don’t really trust professionals, because quite often among them there are random people who will do the job according to the principle of a blunder, and if you start to be indignant, they will send you away. I’m not a brawler by nature, but I’m already a little tired of “wiping up the puddles” of so-called professionals.

Therefore, when another spring arrived, and the sun powerfully reminded itself, I headed to the store to buy window film. This kind of film is now sold in almost every hardware store. And then it was a terrible shortage. Therefore, I was very happy when I managed to find and purchase several rolls of the coveted product.

This is the film I managed to buy.

I hope by now this manufacturer has gone bankrupt and ceased to exist. At least his website is no longer open. I developed such a “kind” attitude towards a representative of the domestic industry after using his miracle products.

The fact is that the metal layer on the film was applied extremely unevenly. There were places with a very thick layer, while in others there was practically no layer.

Let's ignore the fact that I didn't glue the film onto the glass very carefully. This was the first experience. There were still bubbles that, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t get rid of. I know, real professional I would be horrified and would make the appropriate verdict about my mental incompetence :). The problem shown in this image is the uneven density of the metal layer. In fact, there are three pieces glued here at once. Notice the wide piece on the left. On the left side it is quite normal, but the closer to the right edge (in the middle of the window), the more transparent the film becomes.

The most striking thing was that this unevenness was already revealed after sticking the film on the window. I pasted it using ordinary water. Just not from the tap - we have a lot of bleach and other nasty things there - but clean spring water.

I didn’t want to go for another batch of film, which could turn out to be just as successful. The film remained stuck to the glass all summer. In principle, in part it really saved me from the harsh rays of the sun in the summer.

But the main “ambush” awaited me in the fall, when it was time to shoot the film.

In those areas where the metal layer was normal, everything went without complications. But the areas devoid of the metal layer turned out to be tightly stuck to the glass. Even in the summer heat, I noticed that the film was very hot from the sun. Apparently the layer adjacent to the glass softened a little and “grabbed” tightly.

In order to scrape off the protective film, I had to use tools. Naturally, the surface of the glass was scratched. Next, banal claws were used :). Things went faster and without scratches on the surface. The film was removed in small pieces and was completely transparent:

On one window on the balcony, I never bothered to remove the film from the glass. I just wouldn't have the patience.

I called the manufacturer at the phone number indicated on the package. The director himself answered. I started telling him about the problems with his products, but he wasn't very impressed. After swallowing another piece of sandwich (he was constantly eating something during the conversation), he suggested that I go to court and hung up.

Of course, I didn’t go to court. A roll of film cost about 60 rubles, but the fact that I spent a lot of time and ruined the windows removing it still had to be proven. Apparently the manufacturer knew that no one would sue him over these kopecks, so he could safely send everyone to court, and he himself would drive out the defect with complete impunity.

This happened in 2010. Since then I have not supported Russian manufacturer, but I buy imported German film from EMTEC. Sticks and removes with one touch. No bubbles or “undeveloped” areas% experience is a gain. No problem, although it costs four times more.

There is a Russian film with similar quality:

Sometimes I buy it.

But now I’m already a scientist: before I start putting film on the windows, I first roll out the roll and look at it against the light. Fortunately, we haven’t come across any more such “successful” rolls yet.

And one more thing: it is better not to glue the film onto the glass, but to attach it to the frame using tape. This is more convenient, there are no bubbles left and then, after removal, you don’t have to wash the windows to remove streaks.

So, buying tint film for windows, be careful. Beware of fakes and scams domestic producers. If you really can’t bear the heat, spend a little more and order a sticker from a trusted company. Or consider installing spray-coated double-glazed windows. They have quite a few interesting features that you don't even know about. At the same time, you will save on heating.

If you are tormented by unbearable heat, stuffiness and bright light, if sunny side housing is constantly heated to sauna temperature in summer period, then a universal, simple remedy will help solve all these problems - sun-protective tinting or mirror film.

She will be a real salvation in hot weather summer season when it’s hard to hide from the sun even at home.

Currently, there are more than a dozen types of tinting solar control film for windows, which differs in the degree of shading, density and method of gluing, as well as cost and service life.

Advantages of film and methods of its installation

After gluing the mirror film, you will receive the following benefits:

  • Ultraviolet delay by 98% - harmful rays will not enter the rooms, but the illumination will not change in brightness.
  • Possibility of dismantling the product if it is not needed - after the end of the hot season, the film is removed (subject to certain conditions, which we will talk about later).
  • Sufficient lighting - now working at the computer or watching a movie will only be a pleasure and you won’t have to constantly turn the screen away from the sun.
  • Protection from prying eyes in daytime days - the mirror surface will hide the entire room, and passers-by will not be able to look into your window. All they will see is their reflection.
  • Reliable fastening of glass fragments - with the film glued broken glass will not fall apart, and fragments will not fly into the apartment.
  • IN winter time The sun protection film will serve as an obstacle to the release of heat and will help accumulate it more efficiently.

Installation of mirror sun protection film

If necessary, you can do the work of gluing film on windows on your own, however, if you have no idea how to glue tint on apartment windows, it is better to use the services of professionals or at least carefully study the technology and each stage of such work.

To apply the film yourself, you will need the following tools:

  1. Scraper,
  2. Spray,
  3. Stationery knife,
  4. Mild detergent
  5. Soft rubber or plastic spatula.

The film has an adhesive base, that is, it is a self-adhesive product.

To begin work, it is necessary to prepare the glass.

  1. Cleaning glass from dirt using mild detergents.
  2. Removing old stains and marks using scrapers. If there is any glue left on the surface of the glass plastic windows, then you will need to use a metal or wooden instrument to remove the composition.
  3. After cleaning the glass, wipe it thoroughly dry. A towel made from any material is ideal for this purpose. soft fabric, for example microfiber.
  4. After preparatory work finished, it is necessary to take measurements and cut the film, and then you can proceed to the direct installation of tinting, which is carried out in several steps:
  5. Moisten the glass using soft purified water with the addition of detergent, liquid soap or baby shampoo.
  6. Freeing the film from the protective layer.
  7. Applying a solar control film to the surface of the window, uniformly distributing the material over the entire area of ​​the glass.
  8. If the edges extend beyond the glass, they should be carefully trimmed with a knife.
  9. Remaining water is removed from under the pasted film using a spatula.
  10. The refinished window must be left to dry completely, which usually takes about a week.
  11. Having completed all the steps described above, you will soon be able to enjoy high-quality tinting that will protect your home from the hot and bright sun in any weather.

Anyone can handle the installation, even if you have never glued before. similar products, you just need to approach this task responsibly.


Disadvantages of a mirror surface

Let's consider the possible disadvantages related specifically to the mirror coating.

  • The film has a mirror surface on the lighter side. That is, during the day it will be lighter from the street side and for passers-by the glass will be a real impenetrable mirror. But in the evening and at night you will have to use curtains or blinds, because now it will be lighter on your side and it will not be difficult for onlookers to look out the window, especially on the first floors.
  • Another disadvantage is the difficulty of dismantling if properly glued according to the instructions.

Otherwise, this method of sun protection can be considered universal. You will always be safe, keep your things from fading.

An additional bonus will be the reasonable cost.