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» How to quickly calm down from nervous tension. Pills for nerves and stress

How to quickly calm down from nervous tension. Pills for nerves and stress

The article details the folk and medical methods of calming the nerves. Advice is given both for those who want to get rid of chronic stress, and for those who just want to fall asleep peacefully after a working day.

The nervous system is made up of billions of neurons that are connected to each other through a complex network of axons. The nervous system responds to both external and internal stimuli. When the action of psychosomatic stimuli becomes regular and intense, stress arises.

How to determine that the nerves are out of order

There are physical, emotional, and behavioral symptoms of a nervous system disorder. Depending on the degree of manifestation and set of symptoms, the doctor will select the appropriate method of treatment.

Physical symptoms of a nervous breakdown:

  • sleep disorders;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • breathing problems;
  • migraine headaches;
  • low libido;
  • Violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • Chronic fatigue;
  • Emotional symptoms of a nervous breakdown:
  • Anxiety;
  • Depression;
  • Aggression;
  • Tearfulness;
  • Lack of interest in life, alienation from close friends and family;
  • Cravings for alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs;
  • paranoid thoughts;
  • Thoughts of death;
  • Mood swings.

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How to calm the nervous system

At work

There are many work moments that lead to stress: missed deadlines, strained relationships with colleagues, the threat of dismissal, the fear of not being able to cope with the task. Naturally, you should not be nervous about every occasion.

settle down in stressful situation it is also quite difficult surrounded by colleagues and superiors. It is unlikely that employees will understand if you start listening to relaxing music or doing yoga asanas.

You can drink a cup of green or herbal tea. Green tea is a source of L-theanine, chemical which helps calm the nerves.

Chocolate works the same way. Dark chocolate regulates the level of the stress hormone (cortisol) and stabilizes the metabolism.

You can also close your eyes and just imagine that everything is fine. It is enough just to cover your eyelids and abstract from what is happening.

This is an easy way to quickly restore calm and focus.

Before bedtime

A warm bath with aromatic oils will help you cope with stress after a hard day. You need to add four drops of mint essential oil, two drops of bergamot and a tablespoon of almond oil.

You must lie in the water for at least ten minutes to essential oils began their positive action. After the bath, you can listen to soothing music and make some relaxing massage movements.

If you watch TV at night, then you should not get carried away with action movies and bright cartoons.

The child has

In order to calm the nerves of the baby, first of all, it is necessary to understand the cause of stress. For children under 5 years old, the mood of their parents is directly transmitted. Any hysteria can be neutralized by calm conversations of parents, frequent hugs and distraction of attention to bright toys and pictures.


Parents of teens with nervous disorders can suggest several methods to help calm and relax (deep breathing, watching comedies, stretching exercises).

Pregnant woman

Feelings of anxiety are not uncommon during pregnancy, but stress should not rule a woman's life on such milestone. First of all, it is worth remembering that under no circumstances should you immediately buy medicines.

Meditation is the perfect way calm the nerves without drugs. Meditation is not tied to any particular religion, nor does it require any special requisites, skills, or material investments.

All you really need is a quiet place where no one will bother you for 15 minutes. Morning is a great time to meditate. Just sit comfortably, close your eyes and focus on your breathing.

Techniques at home


Herbs are an inexpensive and affordable way to deal with a nervous breakdown. You should not expect from medicinal herbs the same quick and tangible effect as from chemicals. But herbs have practically no side effects, and some of them are recommended even for children.

Name Mechanism of action Precautionary measures
Valerian root It inhibits the breakdown of GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) in the brain, and also has a sedative effect. It has a "cumulative" effect. Must be taken for at least a month.
Peppermint Stimulates the production of GABA in the brain, causes relaxation. It has no side effects, but before giving mint tea to an infant, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician.
Lavender inhaling the aroma natural oil lavender soothes the central nervous system Too intense and frequent inhalation can cause burns to the nasal mucosa.
Chamomile Actively helps to eliminate nervous spasms, and also relieves muscle tension. Recommended even for babies, has no side effects.
Poppy It has strong sedative properties. Perfectly eliminates the strongest stress on the central nervous system. Dangerous for children. In large doses, it is fatal.
Melissa Calms the nerves and gives a sense of satisfaction. Recommended for calming little children.


A. Powerful complex antidepressants

Chemical medications can instantly calm and restore nerves, as well as prevent further development stress. Most drugs have very strong side effects and should only be taken after consulting a doctor.

Medicines are prescribed only in cases of severe stress caused by emotional upheavals.

Tricyclic antidepressants are among the most effective in dealing with stress. Tricyclics work by inhibiting serotonin and norepinephrine. They also partially inhibit dopamine.

In our pharmacies, tricyclic antidepressants are sold under the following trademarks: Amitriptyline, Clomipramine, Desipramine, Doxepin. The course of treatment with tricyclic antidepressants usually takes about two weeks.

Drowsiness is a very common side effect, especially in the first few days after starting treatment.

Inhibitors MAOs (monoamine oxidase inhibitors) are the most powerful antidepressants in the range. MAO inhibitors have serious interactions with many foods, drinks, and drugs.

Combining MAO inhibitors with products containing tyramine can lead to high blood pressure, which can cause a stroke or heart attack. Because of this danger, MAOIs are not usually chosen as a treatment for primary depression.

b. Atypical antidepressants

There are also different kinds new atypical antidepressants that target various mediators.

For example, Wellbutrin blocks reabsorption from the neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine. On the other hand, Velaxin acts like norepinephrine and serotonin.

Side effects from taking atypical antidepressants may vary depending on the specific drug.

The most common side effects are nausea, fatigue, weight gain, drowsiness, nervousness, dry mouth, and blurred vision.

Other calming drugs for the nervous system:


  • Rhodiola rosea root tea, also known as the golden root, helps regulate stress hormones and can boost your mood. Tea is taken to reduce anxiety, but as a pleasant effect after a month of taking the golden root, an increase in vitality and sexual desire is noted.
  • Passion flower tea Great for chronic fatigue and chronic anxiety. Passion flower is widely used commercially for the production of the drug Oxazepam, which is used to treat nervous disorders. When taking the herb pure form side effects such as drowsiness, headaches and dizziness are noted.

Essential oils

Severe depression is not treated with aromatherapy, but the smell of oils can easily relieve the symptoms of a nervous breakdown.


  1. Blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries contain natural antioxidants and vitamin C. Eating these berries will help prevent spikes in cortisol levels (a stress hormone produced by the adrenal glands).
  2. Milk and other dairy products such as cheese and yogurt contain a large number of riboflavin, an element affecting the state of the central nervous system.
  3. bitter chocolate It will also help reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol as well as norepinephrine.

It is also worth noting products that are contraindicated in a stressful state.

Alcohol will help relieve depression, but only for a few hours. As soon as the state of intoxication passes, anxiety and nervousness will return.

Sugar and sugary foods have no effect on stress hormone levels, but psychologically they can help calm you down.


B vitamins (particularly B-12) play an important role in the production of hormones that affect mood and brain function. Low levels of B-12 and folic acid are directly linked to nervous breakdown.

color therapy

Psychologists and psychotherapists argued a lot about what color calms the nervous system, but finally everyone came to the same conclusion.

Cool colors really have a calming effect. Blue is the color of calm and serenity, and deep green color has the ability to relax the body.

As far as music and films are concerned, classical melodies and old musical comedies, which have almost no dialogue, are best soothed.

Video: How to quickly get yourself in order

Therefore, it is very important to temper yourself physically and mentally in order to withstand any life storms.

Responsible exam, transition to new job or an emergency in a previous job, problems with superiors or colleagues, quarrels with friends, financial difficulties, family discord, problems with children and relatives - how many situations can there be when you have to worry more than usual! In such a situation, it is not far from a nervous breakdown! How to calm the nervous system and achieve spiritual harmony?

Peace, only peace!

Intensified physical and mental activity, especially in a stressful situation, often causes the appearance of a persistent focus of excitation in the central nervous system. And if a person, in addition, is naturally rewarded with anxious and suspicious character traits, then do not go to a neurologist - he has increased nervous excitability.

It is impossible to completely eliminate stress and overexertion from our lives. But it is quite realistic to harden your body so that it can easily withstand any cataclysms. To bring the nervous system to a stable state, follow simple rules.

1st rule. get enough sleep. The main symptom that the nervous system has become excited is insomnia. Accordingly, in order to prevent loosening of the nerves, you need to follow a sleep schedule: go to bed and get up at about the same time, and spend at least 7-8 hours in bed. However, these figures are rather arbitrary, since someone needs 6 hours of sleep to feel fresh and rested in the morning, while another needs at least 9 hours in bed. To sleep easier and more soundly, you should not go to bed soon after a heavy dinner, and also immediately after doing active work (whether physical or mental). It’s good to give your brain time to prepare for sleep beforehand, to relax a bit. warm bath with aromatic oils or herbal decoctions, light entertaining reading in bed at night is what you need. And here computer games it is better to postpone to an earlier time. For soothing baths, hawthorn flowers, valerian, calendula, peppermint, oregano, motherwort, nettle leaves, etc. are suitable.

2nd rule. Avoid Noise. Many of us get so used to the TV being on that we hardly notice it. But information, sometimes of an aggressive nature, pouring from the screens, places an additional burden on the nervous system. Turn on the "box" only to watch programs that really interest you, and the rest of the time, let the music sound at home. Better classic. Recordings of sounds of nature are also suitable. By the way, such an audio design is more useful than even complete silence. This was found by Australian scientists who conducted a study with a hundred student volunteers on the eve of the exam. Experience has shown that those guys who practiced in silence had more rapid heart rate and breathing and more high pressure than those who listened to classical music. So Mozart will help you!

3rd rule. Spend more time on fresh air . Our brain, although it weighs no more than 2% of body weight, absorbs 18% of the oxygen received by the body. And this means that long walks in the park or in the forest are vital for everyone who is forced to strain their brains a lot and fruitfully. And also for those who are experiencing a difficult psychological situation at home or at work. Too lazy to walk alone - get yourself a four-legged friend.

4th rule. Use medicinal plants. To make nerves stronger than ropes and eliminate insomnia with increased nervous excitability, a decoction of calendula - 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flowers in a glass of boiling water, insist for an hour. Drink half a glass of infusion warm before going to bed. Motherwort is no less effective: pour 15 g of grass with a glass of boiling water. Insist 20 min. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3-5 times a day.

St. John's wort also has antidepressant properties. The course of treatment with tea from this plant is 4-6 weeks. 2 tbsp. spoons of dry chopped grass should be poured into a glass cold water, covered, heat in a water bath to a boil, boil for 3 minutes, set aside, insist 30 minutes, strain and drink half a glass 3-4 times a day.

Well, and finally, a recipe for the lazy: you need to take a pharmacy tincture of hawthorn and valerian fruits, mix in equal proportions. Take twenty drops diluted in half a glass of water at bedtime.

5th rule. Change your diet. Nerves will become stronger if you enrich your diet with B vitamins and nicotinic acid, which are especially necessary for the proper functioning of neurons. Vitamins of group B help relieve excitement, relieve fatigue and improve memory, composure and attentiveness, increase learning ability, and prevent stress. best source of this vitamin are legumes, especially soy. By the way, soy is also rich in lecithin, useful for the normal functioning of the nerves and heart. There is also a lot of lecithin in the germs of various grains. Calcium will help the nerves a lot, which promotes the transmission of impulses through the nervous system.

Lack of calcium is expressed in increased anxiety and irritability. Calcium enters the body with milk, cottage cheese, cheese and kefir, it can be obtained from plants in greens, celery, beets and almonds. Another useful element for the nervous system is iodine. They are rich in berries cauliflower, buckwheat, sea fish, algae.

6th rule. Go in for physical education. Daily physical exercises not only develop muscles, strengthen ligaments, the skeletal system, but also discipline, and therefore help to become more balanced and calm. And, in addition, when the muscles work, the body secretes hormones of happiness - endorphins. This natural remedy for stress, which is secreted by the brain, has a beneficial effect on the state of the autonomic nervous system. So step march!

7th rule. Look at life philosophically. Learn to be reasonable and accept failures and mistakes as a natural part of life, do not go to extremes, do not despair. To have strong and healthy nerves, try to think positively.

Negative emotions loosen the nervous system, weaken the internal forces and paralyze the will. Well, positive, respectively, on the contrary. Remember: everything that is done is for the better!

8th rule. Learn proper breathing. Breathing is considered correct not with the chest, as most of us are used to, but with the stomach, more precisely, with the diaphragm. Compared to chest breathing, it provides a more complete saturation of the blood with oxygen, performs self-massage of the abdominal organs, improves intestinal motility, and has a calming effect on the nerves. To master it, you need to imagine that your stomach is balloon, and try to slowly inflate and deflate it several times. It’s better to start training lying down - it’s easier, and then you can move on to breathing while sitting and standing. Over time, it will be easy for you to do this even at the workplace.

9th rule. Apply water procedures. Nothing strengthens the nervous system like swimming, as well as wiping - in a word, any contact with water, because it tempers, soothes, stimulates the nerve endings in the skin.

A cool shower is useful in the morning - it strengthens and tones the central nervous system. In the evening, before going to bed, sedatives are better. warm showers or bath. good workout for vessels, nerves and the whole body - a contrast shower.

The human nervous system is a perfect computer that is responsible for the work of all internal organs, our health, mood and well-being.

On the basis of frequent stress, prolonged overstrain, nervous breakdowns, negative emotions such as anger, envy, discontent, hatred, depression, there are functional disorders of the nervous system. It should be noted that the health and appearance of a person are directly dependent on the state of the psyche and the stability of the nervous system - all diseases of our body have a psycho-somatic nature.

How to determine that the nervous system is out of order

Signs of a disorder of the nervous system are the following symptoms:

  • headaches, dizziness;
  • sleep disturbance, chronic fatigue;
  • a state of constant anxiety and anxiety;
  • increased irritability, tearfulness;
  • depression, loss of interest in life;
  • sudden mood swings, outbursts of aggression;
  • decreased libido.

If you notice such changes in your state of health, it is necessary to take measures to restore the nervous system in order to prevent severe nervous disorders and breakdowns.

Methods for calming the nervous system

  • Rest is the main treatment for nervous exhaustion. You should arrange regular holidays for yourself, even if you are loaded with work. It is best to go to nature - to the forest or to the reservoir. Try on such days not to think about business and problems, but to enjoy peace and quiet away from the bustle of the city.
  • Your body needs a full sleep of at least 7-8 hours. Chronic lack of sleep leads to overwork of brain activity and damage to nerve fibers.
  • Learn to relax after an eventful day with the help of relaxation techniques - yoga, meditation, auto-training, breathing exercises, aromatherapy. Daily exercise and water treatments will help control anxiety and restore mental balance.

Proper nutrition

The health of the nervous system is important to maintain by replenishing the diet useful substances:

  • Omega 3 fatty acid found in seafood, sea fish, olive and linseed oil.
  • Complex carbohydrates will help replenish energy losses - wholemeal bread, pasta, cereals.
  • Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits - the beneficial substances they contain not only have a positive effect on the health of the body, but are also natural antidepressants.
  • Regularly take vitamins and microelements - there are specially selected complexes containing B vitamins, magnesium, potassium, iron. Such components contribute to the stimulation of cardiac activity, relieve stress, improve cerebral circulation.
  • Amino acids are the building blocks of nerve cells. L-glutamic acid, L-tryptophan, L-tyrosine have an active effect on the metabolic processes of the body and the restoration of nerve fibers. These amino acids calm the nervous system, improve metabolism, and eliminate anxiety symptoms. To replenish the supply of amino acids, include in the diet foods rich in protein - beef, liver, fish, dairy products, eggs.

Healing herbs

Infusions will help restore and strengthen the functions of the nervous system. medicinal herbs:

  • Hops - an infusion of the cones of this plant helps with all types of nervous disorders, improves sleep.
  • Melissa - is indicated for nervous breakdowns, expressed by irritability and increased excitability.
  • Valerian - Valerian root tincture has a calming effect, helps with insomnia and irregular heart rhythms.
  • Passiflora - the fruits and seeds of this plant contain flavonoids, which are a mild natural antidepressant. Passiflora infusion helps with neuroses, panic attacks, attacks of anxiety and fear.


In severe forms of nervous disorders, it is necessary to consult a neuropathologist and a neurologist. You may be recommended treatment with the help of psychotherapeutic correction in combination with medication. Usually, the following groups of drugs are prescribed to restore and normalize the functioning of the nervous system:

  • Antidepressants - drugs used to relieve stress and depression, relieve anxiety and irritability, normalize sleep, appetite, improve overall well-being and mood.
  • Benzodiazepines are drugs that have a sedative, sedative, anticonvulsant effect.
  • Nootropics are drugs used to stimulate the brain. Such substances stimulate mental activity, memory, concentration, increase resistance to increased nervous and psycho-emotional stress.

Daily quarrels, failures in personal life and studies, rudeness of the boss - all this can wake up the beast even in the most balanced person.

Frequent nervous breakdowns exert adverse pressure on a person's mind by destroying neurocytes in the brain.

Unfortunately, most of the population prefers to calm their nerves with the help of pills prescribed by a doctor, which are often addictive and no longer have the proper effect on the central nervous system.

In addition, pharmaceutical drugs have a negative effect on internal organs, the liver, kidneys and cardiovascular system suffer the most. Without thinking about the possible serious consequences, patients often treat one thing and cripple another.

Before the development of modern medicine, people treated their ailments with various folk methods This also applies to the nervous system.

Our grandmothers to this day vouch for the fact that treatment with the help of old proven remedies has only positive character. They are definitely right and just about how to calm the nerves without pills, read below in an informative article.

In fact, you can calm your raging nerves quite simply. Eg, Aromatherapy and warm baths are the most popular soothing therapies..

This method will help to relax, calm down and wash away all the negativity that has stuck to the day. Pleasant water temperature sea ​​salt, bubble bath, candles and subdued light will help you forget all the positive points day.

A couple of drops of soothing essential oil will help you truly immerse yourself in nirvana. When choosing oils, you should be guided by your sense of smell.

However, the following oils are the most relaxing for the body and mind:

Tea tree

In addition to the use of aromatic oils, it is recommended to use herbal baths two to three times in seven days. Take a handful of your chosen herb and pour a glass of boiling water over it. Let it brew for fifteen minutes, strain and pour into the water in the bath.

The most relaxing effect is endowed with such herbs:
St. John's wort

After completing the full procedure, you will not only calm your nerves and relax, but also saturate your body with useful vitamins.

Pouring water is another one of the most effective means to calm the nervous system. The first to notice the positive effect of douches on the central nervous system was Sebastian Kneipp, a physiotherapist.

Back in the nineteenth century, he determined and compiled the technology by which it is necessary to perform pouring.

It consists of steps where each item is performed five days in a row:
First point. Light dousing with cool water in the morning and afternoon.
Second point. The next step is to pour over the torso and knees.
Third point. Full torso dousing, bathing and back dousing.

Every day, adhering to the method of the scientist and following the instructions, you can easily get rid of nervous breakdowns and accompanying depression for a long time.

Wrapping in salty cloth also seems to be a good method to combat neurasthenia.. Folk healers recommend wrapping yourself before going to bed with a natural cloth, previously soaked in a saline solution.

Sheltered from above warm blanket, it is necessary to lie down until the fabric is completely dry. After that, you can change into clean clothes. This technique must be repeated once every one and a half weeks, for two to three months.

After the performed procedures, you will forget about neurasthenia, if not for good, then definitely for a long time.

Yoga also occupies a leading place among the ways to recreate peace of mind. This practice came to us from India and found its fans.

There are many varieties of yoga, and all of them are designed to affect the physical and psychological level. Choosing the right direction for yourself is not difficult. An expert will help you master the first steps in this practice.

Subsequently, after you have mastered the technique enough, you can safely practice yoga in times of mental and mental discomfort.

At correct execution training, you will feel how the air enters the brain centers and saturates them with oxygen. Therefore, if for some reason there is no time left for yoga, it is not forbidden to perform breathing exercises when it is convenient and in any place.

Massage not only perfectly relaxes the body, but also calms the nerves.. Modern salons provide a variety of massage techniques.

However, before visiting a massage therapist, talk to a doctor who will advise you on a specific direction in this kind of practice.

Tinctures and decoctions from medicinal plants will help maintain your spiritual harmony. Preparing soothing drinks is easy. We will consider the recipes most useful for your nerves below.

1) Chamomile tea
A tablespoon of the color of chamomile pharmacy is poured with a glass of boiling water and left to infuse for five minutes. The drink should be taken at bedtime in half a glass.

2) Motherwort tincture
Take five grams of the "motherwort" plant and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave the drink for thirty minutes to infuse, then stir in a teaspoon of flower honey. You need to drink the tincture slowly, about two times two hours before taking the meal.

3) Peony root tincture
A teaspoon of finely chopped roots must be poured with three glasses of boiling water and insisted for about half an hour. It is necessary to take the liquid three times a day, one tablespoon ten minutes before the feast.

4) A decoction of the bark of viburnum
Take aluminum cookware, into which pour six grams of ground viburnum bark and pour a glass of boiling water there. Boil the mixture for five to seven minutes on a small flame. After the time has elapsed, let it brew for twenty minutes and strain the drink. It is recommended to take a decoction inside one tablespoon four times a day before serving meals.

Do not lose sight of the fact that calming naughty nerves without pills is as easy as shelling pears, if you divert your attention to something else.

So, for example, men can let off their “steam” by working out in the gym, and women have always been helped by shopping. If you feel that the edge of a breakdown is close, remember your hobby.

Every person has his own hobby, which brings great pleasure. So what else is needed to lower the boiling point?

Give yourself a day off and visit the forest, where you can always shout out and release anger. Agree, this is better than having fun with people close to you.

In unscheduled cases, it is not a sin to make an appointment with a psychologist. Qualified specialists will help you understand the problems, listen and help with advice.

Remember that it is much easier to treat the problem in time than to spoil the life of yourself and your surroundings!

Taking strong medications to calm the nerves can lead to negative consequences for good health. All body systems suffer from expensive drugs that have a calming effect, and by constantly taking pills, a person runs the risk of provoking the development of dangerous diseases.

It should be understood that it will not be possible to completely avoid stressful situations, therefore it is important to know how to learn how to resist the surrounding negativity.

What is the danger of prolonged nervous strain?

It is important to learn how to respond correctly to unpleasant events occurring around. An overly emotional reaction to stressful situations leads to many health problems. A person who is acutely experiencing every stress is more likely than others to face unpleasant consequences:

  1. 1. Headache. To get rid of a migraine, the patient takes pills, which helps for a short time, and then worsens the state of health even more.
  2. 2. Sleep disorders. Insomnia leads to many comorbidities.
  3. 3. Memory deterioration. At the person concentration of attention sharply decreases, temporary memorable failures can be observed.
  4. 4. Hormonal disruptions. Such violations are fraught with infertility, the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  5. 5. Exacerbation of chronic diseases. During stress, the patient has complications of the existing pathology, which requires prompt medical intervention.

The above problems, if not addressed in time, pose a serious danger to human life, can lead to a stroke or heart attack. Therefore, it is recommended that appropriate measures be taken as soon as possible to restore the normal functioning of the nervous system.

It is important to refuse long-term treatment with sedative medications. Their long-term use is not only addictive, but also leads to many side effects.

It is highly recommended not to resort to drinking alcohol in order to relax and calm the nerves. Positive effect from taking alcoholic beverages will be quite short, and alcohol dependence develops very quickly, which will lead to many associated health problems.

Ways to relieve stress

There are many various ways, allowing for a short period of time to relieve stress at home. At the moment when emotions "go wild", you need to slowly drink a glass of cold water.

You can quickly calm the nervous system after a hard day's work by doing the following:

Way Recommendations and effects on the nervous system
Listening to musicThis is one of the most effective methods. To calm down, turn on your favorite music. IN as soon as possible You can achieve a positive result by listening to the classics (Bach, Beethoven) or the sounds of nature (birdsong, the sound of rain, the sea or a waterfall).

Required to be employed in comfortable chair or sit on your favorite sofa or bed, close your eyes and just listen to music, disconnecting from negative thoughts. Regular use of this technique helps to calm the nerves and develop a positive attitude.

Full sleepLack of proper sleep and rest further exacerbates the situation. A stressed person needs to get enough sleep. The period of night rest should be at least 8 hours.

It is important to carefully prepare a place to sleep. The mattress and pillow should be comfortable. Bed linen and sleepwear should be selected from cotton fabric. The room in which a person sleeps is strongly recommended to air half an hour before a night's rest.

In order to avoid problems with sleep, in the afternoon it is necessary to stop drinking such drinks as strong coffee, black tea and alcohol. A glass of warm herbal tea or milk with honey should be preferred.

Placing a small container with medicinal herbs in the bedroom will help to normalize the night's rest. Medicinal plants such as lemon balm, lavender, and hops have relaxing and sedative properties.

Water proceduresEffective and accessible way is taking a bath. Water for the procedure should be warm. It is recommended to add aromatic oils or decoctions of medicinal herbs to the bath - their use will have a calming effect. Help to relax after a hard day essential oils of pine needles, sandalwood, basil, lavender, tea tree. Soothe infusions of chamomile, mint, succession, St. John's wort, oregano. It is recommended to take a healing bath half an hour before bedtime.

The most effective for quick relaxation decoction of valerian. To prepare the product, you need to mix valerian, motherwort and yarrow in equal parts (1 teaspoon each). The herbal mixture should be poured with 1 liter of boiling water and boiled over low heat for 8-10 minutes. After this time, the liquid is removed from the stove and infused under the lid for 1 hour. The finished broth is filtered and added to bathing water. It is allowed to take a bath with such a remedy for no more than half an hour.

You can simply use a contrast shower. Alternate dousing with cold and hot water will contribute to the release of adrenaline and normalization of blood circulation, which will positively affect the general state of health

Complete nutritionIt is necessary to include fresh vegetables and fruits, meat and fish, legumes and eggs, dairy products and honey in your diet. Such a varied menu will allow you to replenish the body with the missing vitamins, trace elements and other useful substances necessary for the normal operation of all its systems.

Drinking dark chocolate helps to calm the nerves significantly. Sweet treats promote the production of the hormone of joy. But it is important to remember that the product must be High Quality, and do not exceed the safe norms of its use (no more than 50 grams per day)

SportsFor men, these can be activities aimed at strengthening muscles, and sport games. Gymnastics, running, swimming are suitable for women. Physical exercise contribute not only to the prevention of depression, but also to maintain the figure in the desired shape
shoppingShopping helps women more, but sometimes men also use this method. Purchasing a new piece of clothing, a tool, or other desired item releases hormones of joy (endorphins), which allows you to cope with stress, preventing it from turning into long-term depression.
Massage, yogaBefore resorting to the services of a massage therapist, you need to visit a neurologist. The doctor will determine which problem areas should be massaged. Properly performed massage helps to relax and calm the nerves.

Before embarking on independent yoga classes, it is recommended to contact a specialist who will help you choose the right direction and teach you the basics of relaxation therapy.

Folk sedatives

To calm the nervous system without pills, you should use folk remedies. Among the most effective ways in the fight against stress - therapy with decoctions and infusions from medicinal plants.

The following recipes are most effective for nervous overexertion:

Means Cooking method Indications for use
A decoction of the bark of viburnumTo prepare a healing agent, you need to pour 1 tablespoon of dry bark with a glass of boiling water, boil over low heat for 5 minutes and insist under the lid for at least half an hour. Ready broth must be filteredThe drink is recommended to be taken 4 times a day before meals, 1 tablespoon
Infusion of viburnum fruits and medicinal herbsIt is required to mix 1 tablespoon of viburnum berries with medicinal herbs- peppermint, lemon balm, St. John's wort and sage (1 tsp each). The resulting mixture should be poured with 1 cup of boiling water and infused for an hour. Ready infusion must be filteredThe remedy should be drunk twice a day for half a glass
Chamomile teaTo prepare a tea drink, you need to pour 1 tablespoon of pharmaceutical chamomile with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 5-7 minutes and strainChamomile tea is recommended to be consumed 30-40 minutes before a night's sleep for half a glass.
HoneyThe bee product can be consumed in its pure form or added to tea. To prepare a tea drink in a glass, it is recommended to add 1 tsp. honeyHoney is indicated to be taken 1 teaspoon three times a day after meals. The bee product should be washed down warm water. Tea can be drunk 3 times a day, 1 glass after meals
motherwort tinctureIt is required to brew 1 cup of boiling water 1 tablespoon medicinal plant, insist for half an hour and strain. Add honey (1 tsp) to the resulting infusion and mix thoroughlyThe finished drink should be consumed in small sips twice a day for half a glass 2 hours before meals
Peony Root InfusionTo prepare the product, you need to pour 1 teaspoon of crushed plant roots with half a liter of boiling water, leave for half an hour and strainThe resulting infusion is recommended to be taken three times a day, 1 tablespoon 10-15 minutes before meals.

The use of the above recipes will help eliminate headaches, normalize sleep, improve memory and significantly strengthen immunity, help to normalize a person’s mental state as soon as possible, calm nerves and prevent stress from turning into prolonged depression.

The course of treatment with folk remedies should not exceed 7 days. If necessary, therapy can be repeated after a week break. To achieve the fastest result, it is recommended to prepare a fresh folk remedy every day, since when stored for more than a day, the healing composition loses most of its useful properties.

Before self-medicating, you should consult your doctor. Doctor on the basis of the examination, based on the general health of the person and the presence individual features his body, will help pick up safe methods alternative treatment, prescribe the required dosage and set the duration of therapy.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should be especially careful. Treatment with folk remedies without the permission of the supervising doctor during the period of bearing a child can lead to such consequences as fetal fading, miscarriage, premature birth. Self-medication during lactation is dangerous by stopping the production breast milk. The safest folk remedy for pregnant and breastfeeding women is warm milk with honey (1 teaspoon of bee product per glass of drink).

Preventive measures to prevent depression

If a person is not able to cope with the burden of problems on his own, and the use of the above actions and the use of folk remedies does not bring the desired result, then it is strongly recommended to seek help from a professional psychologist. The specialist will help identify the true cause of constant anxiety and tell you what to do in this case and how to behave in a particular stressful situation, teach you how to deal with negativity.

unnecessarily emotional people, overreacting to all the events taking place around, in order to prevent the occurrence of serious health problems, it is necessary to take a number of preventive measures. It is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  1. 1. You don't have to keep everything to yourself. . Do not refuse the help of loved ones. Sometimes just talking to a friend is enough to take the burden off yourself. In the event that you do not want to puzzle a person with your problems, it is recommended to start Personal diary, in which you can write about everything "sore." Having spoken out on paper, a person will feel much easier psychologically.
  2. 2. Give vent to emotions periodically. Sometimes it is useful to shout, cry from the heart, laugh, beat old dishes. The main thing is to do it without witnesses so that no one is hurt physically or psychologically.
  3. 3. Get an interesting hobby. A favorite activity can distract from negative thoughts. A fascinating hobby significantly improves mood, preventing depression.
  4. 4. Think less about other people's opinions. It is important to realize that it will not work to please every person and it is simply impossible to adapt to all your close and dear people. Be yourself in every situation. People around who truly appreciate a person will always accept him for who he is.
  5. 5. Avoid contact with depressed individuals. A person who is prone to excessive nervousness and is constantly dissatisfied with something has only a negative impact on others. Contact with such people should be kept to a minimum.

In addition to applying the above tips, spending more time outdoors is highly recommended. Useful long walks, cycling, running. Daily pastime in nature will help to significantly relax and achieve inner harmony. You should walk alone or in the company of a person who pursues the same goals and will not interfere with the relaxation process. The best place for a walk - a park, forest, surroundings of a reservoir.

If the cause of nervousness is a protracted problem, then measures should be taken to eliminate it promptly, otherwise the use of the above tips and the use of folk remedies will only give a short-term result.

Thus, by following simple rules, you can significantly reduce the amount of stress, reduce the risk of developing prolonged depression and the occurrence of various dangerous diseases provoked by nervous strain.