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» How and how much should fruit trees be watered? Watering correctly: orchard How to water trees correctly in summer

How and how much should fruit trees be watered? Watering correctly: orchard How to water trees correctly in summer

Very soon the warmth will come to our gardens, they will bloom in full fruit trees, which means the time will come to remember how to water them correctly. In the fall, many careful gardeners carried out pre-winter moisture-recharging watering of fruit trees, which saved the wood from freezing, and the trees, in gratitude for our efforts, laid more fruit buds.

And soon the time will come to re-water the trees; in order not to miss the moment, it is necessary to monitor the state of soil moisture in the garden, for which, not far from the tree, from a depth of a shovel, take a handful of earth in your hand and squeeze it.

Based on the resulting lump, conclusions are drawn:

  • if the earth crumbles into dust, the watering time has already been lost, so the tree will need “resuscitating” watering with the addition of anti-stress drugs (growth stimulants);
  • the lump disintegrates when lightly pressed - it’s time for regular watering;
  • the lump is strong and sticky, does not fall apart when pressed, but gets your hands dirty - which means the spring rains have done all the work, no watering is required.

Options for watering fruit trees:

  1. A roller of soil 25 cm high is placed around an adult tree at a distance of 1.5-2 meters. Watering is carried out in the circle near the trunk, and the roller serves as a side. After watering, the tree trunk circle loosens after 2-3 days.
  2. Sometimes a circular furrow is made around the trunk to the depth of a spade bayonet. Draw a circle 2/3 of the radius of the crown.

Watering young trees

The main suction roots of young trees are located at a depth of 60 - 80 centimeters. It is this layer that should be well moistened. In areas with precipitation of about 600 mm per year, two irrigations are sufficient to ensure vegetation: in the second half of June and late July - early August. This ensures enhanced growth of shoots and leaves. Watering norm – 40 liters per person square meter crown projections.

If summer and autumn are dry, then the volume of moisture charging should be 80 liters.

Watering pome-bearing trees in the fruiting stage

There is one rule: the older the tree, the more water he needs it. Impregnation depth is 80-120 centimeters.

The first watering is during shoot growth and foliage growth.

Second watering in early July. It promotes fruit growth and bud formation next year.

The third is the end of July, for enhanced fruit growth. The irrigation rate is 60-70 liters per square meter of crown projection.

Moisture recharging in the fall after massive leaf fall: 90-100 liters per square meter. crown projections.

Watering fruit trees during fruiting period

The first watering is during the growth of ovaries and shoots.

The second - 2-3 weeks before harvesting the fruits.

The third after renting, the fourth in October. The norm is 50-60 liters per square meter of crown projection.

With the arrival of autumn, nature begins to prepare for winter sleep. It would seem that you can hide garden tools and also rest. However, experienced gardeners They know that it is necessary to continue caring for fruit trees in the fall, and this is a very responsible task.

Summer is over, the heat has subsided, but trees need moisture during this period. And autumn rains will not always help. In order for the garden to survive frosts without complications, fruit trees should be watered in the fall.

1 Why is autumn watering of the garden necessary?

Trees are watered to saturate them with enough moisture. In winter, despite the fact that the water freezes, evaporation, although slowly, still occurs. Moisture also evaporates from plant branches. Therefore, trees that are not given enough water can “dry out” at low temperatures. The bark wrinkles and plant resistance decreases. Frosts can damage the above-ground parts of trees.

In addition, well-moistened soil freezes less and has better thermal conductivity, which helps heat from the lower horizons to warm the roots and protect them from frostbite.

Due to abundant watering, plants are enriched with vitamins and nutrients, and next year’s yield increases.

So, in order to prepare the garden for winter, you must not neglect watering the trees in the fall.

1.1 Determining watering needs

Is it possible to water trees in the fall if it rains frequently? It should be borne in mind that if the summer was hot and dry, then the autumn rains will be insufficient for optimal soil moisture.

In the fall, the soil must be soaked deeply - 1-1.5 meters. To find out how much you need to water the garden and how moist the soil is, you need to dig a hole 30-50 cm deep among the trees in the garden. Based on the condition of the soil at the bottom of the hole, you can judge the degree of soil moisture.

  1. If a handful of earth from the bottom of the hole is squeezed well in your hand, forming a lump, and a wet mark remains on the napkin, the earth is sufficiently moistened and additional watering is not required.
  2. If a lump of earth forms but does not leave a mark, the garden needs watering, but the watering rate can be reduced by 30%.
  3. If the soil from the bottom of the hole crumbles and does not form a lump when compressed, it is necessary to water the garden.

2 Features and rules of autumn watering

Pre-winter watering of trees is called moisture recharging, or moisture-charging irrigation, thanks to which the soil is saturated with moisture for the winter period.

In dwarf and columnar trees, the roots are located close to the soil surface and may be subject to freezing. Therefore, they need to be watered first.

When calculating the amount of water for irrigation, the size and age of the plants are taken into account. For currants and blackberries, 3-5 buckets of water are required. And for big trees 4-7 years old will need 5-10 buckets each.

If watering is done from a hose, the watering time should be within 10-15 minutes. Repeat the procedure several times a day. The optimal amount of liquid is considered to be 60-90 liters per square meter.

To ensure that water is absorbed faster and the soil is enriched with oxygen, the soil around the trees should be dug up.

2.1 Time of moisture-charging irrigation

Pre-winter watering is carried out in October and the first half of November. It is not recommended to water trees abundantly before leaf fall begins. This can lead to prolonged shoot growth, which in turn will negatively affect wintering and next year’s yield.

Water-recharging irrigation is carried out with the beginning of leaf fall. The air temperature drops to +2…+3 degrees, and plants stop consuming water in large quantities.

2.2 Irrigation methods

You can water the garden in different ways: with a bucket, with a hose, by sprinkling, drip irrigation, underground.

After watering, the soil should be mulched with leaves, peat, straw or loosened. Loose soil is less susceptible to freezing.

You shouldn't count on autumn rains. At best, the ground will get wet 30-40 cm deep, but this is not enough for trees. Therefore, it is necessary to water the plants before winter.

However, there are also contraindications to moisture-charging watering of trees in the fall. Do not water gardens located on clayey, heavy, poorly drained soil, in lowlands, in areas with close lying groundwater.

It is also not advisable to exceed watering norms.

The productivity of fruit trees depends on caring for the garden in the fall. Watering plants at this time provides them with immunity to difficult weather conditions. Soil saturated with moisture and air promotes favorable development of the root system.

2.4 Watering trees in autumn: expert opinion (video)

If 500-700 mm of precipitation falls per year, then the garden does not need to be watered. Those who are unlucky with the climate have to water the trees - and this must be done correctly.

Unfortunately, precipitation is not subject to human will and does not fall at will. It turns out that when the trees need maximum water, it rarely rains - so the gardens have to be watered.

Timely watering not only enriches the soil with moisture, but also reduces its temperature and increases the humidity of the surrounding air. This is especially important in the south. In addition, thanks to watering, fertilizers are more effective.

When and how to water the garden

It all depends on the weather, drying out of the soil and the needs of the plants themselves.


Remember that although a lack of moisture has a harmful effect on trees, too much water is even more harmful.

Many gardeners make the mistake of watering little but often. Such watering does not bring any benefit. Trees need infrequent watering, but such that the soil is soaked to a depth of 60-70 cm (for stone fruits and berry crops requests are slightly less)

  • For 4-5 year old trees, you need to pour six to eight buckets of water under the crown.
  • For 8-10 year olds, 12-16 buckets of water will be required.

What depends on the soil

On sandy soils The garden is watered frequently and in small amounts, but in clay gardens, on the contrary, it is watered rarely and abundantly.

Watering methods

There are three ways to water trees:

  • sprinkling watering,
  • surface,
  • subsoil

Most varieties of surface irrigation. Let's consider only those that are used on personal plots.

Irrigation in furrows– several furrows are cut in the garden, one or two spade widths wide. Water is supplied to these furrows from a hose.

The inconvenience of this method is that you periodically have to move the hose from one furrow to another.

Watering in bowls- the most common method. A bowl-shaped recess is made under the crown of the tree: it should be no less than the projection of the crown. A roll 20-25 cm high is formed along the edges of the bowl. The bowls are connected by a common groove. By supplying water along a furrow, a whole row of trees is watered at once.

More and more popular mechanical method watering - using sprinkling. At the same time, the soil is moistened, air humidity increases and the air temperature drops significantly. For sprinkling, you don’t need to dig any furrows or bowls, but you still need to prepare the soil - add fertilizer and loosen it.

The disadvantage of this method is that the risk of fungal diseases increases slightly.

The most expensive way– subsoil irrigation. Through a system of polyethylene pipes, through pores and holes, water enters the soil and moistens the root layer.

The disadvantage of this method is high price and the need to take out the pipes every three to four years and clean the holes from the roots clogging them.

Drip irrigation is also carried out according to polyethylene pipes, but they are easier to install - two or three droppers are installed under one tree. This method somewhat reduces water consumption, which is useful for those who have water meters installed.

The disadvantage of this method is that the pipes are expensive and they often become clogged.

Spring watering

In the spring, the garden especially needs moisture during bud break.

Therefore, we cannot wait. Water the trees without waiting for the leaves to appear.

The second watering is carried out two weeks after the end of flowering, since at this time, due to dry soil, the ovaries may fall off.

15-20 days before harvesting the fruits, the garden is watered for the third time.

This is only the basic watering of the garden, without which you cannot get a good harvest. In the south, intermediate sprinklings are also carried out.

Water young fruit trees less often than adults, especially in the second half of summer, so that shoot growth stops in time, otherwise they will not ripen and will freeze in winter.

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Irrigation is one of the main components of optimal care of garden plants. The key to abundant fruiting of trees and unfading of the garden is timely and correct watering.

How much and how often should trees be watered? Which irrigation method and system should you choose? Answers to these questions will allow you to properly organize irrigation and increase the yield of fruit crops.

The importance of watering garden plants

Most fruit trees and berry bushes love moisture and do not tolerate drought well. With a significant decrease in humidity, trees grow poorly, bear less fruit, and lose frost resistance and durability.

The richest vegetation is always concentrated near water sources. After all, it is through water that everything enters plants. nutrients from the ground. Water acts as a temperature regulator for plants, protecting them in hot weather.

It is believed that watering the garden should be done when the level of maximum field moisture capacity (the maximum water content in the soil after flooding) is below 70%. It is necessary to take into account air humidity, calculating that the lower it is (dry hot weather), the more often soil moisture is required. Maximum air humidity is observed during fog (100%).

Among fruit trees, the most demanding for regular watering: apple, plum and pear. Cherries are the least susceptible to drought.

Estimated timing and norms of watering

fruit trees

Pears and apple trees are watered according to the following scheme:

  • in early June - after the excess ovary falls off;
  • in mid-July - watering is carried out 2-3 weeks before the fruits ripen and promotes their filling;
  • end of August or beginning of September - irrigation for trees of winter varieties (if the summer was dry, then general watering of the garden is carried out).

Procedure for irrigating cherries and plums:

  • the end of May or the beginning of June - during the period of active growth of shoots;
  • approximately 2 weeks before the fruits fully ripen (watering the trees will help prevent the dropping of the ovary);
  • after the end of fruiting and harvesting.

Stages of watering young non-fruiting trees:

  • during the formation of the fruit ovary;
  • during the period of fruit ripening;
  • after harvesting.

If the winter was not snowy and the soil is not sufficiently saturated with moisture, then additional irrigation is carried out for all trees before the buds open.

The irrigation rate in home gardening is from 40 to 100 liters of water per 1 square meter. Water consumption varies depending on the quality of the soil and the purpose of irrigation. For young trees, the norm is reduced (so as not to provoke rotting of the roots), and on clay soils it is increased to 120 liters.

berry bushes

Watering or spraying shrubs (raspberries, gooseberries, currants) gives a positive result during the period of budding and setting of berries. Effective spraying requires complete wetting of leaves, branches and trunks with water.

Can't water berry bushes in early spring- this will provoke premature blooming of the buds, which may freeze and fall off. To properly prepare shrubs for winter, it is not recommended to moisten the soil in late autumn.

Watering norms for berry bushes:

  • gooseberries - 10 l. water per 2-3 bushes;
  • raspberries - 20-35 liters of water per 1 square meter (depending on the composition of the soil);
  • red and black currants - 20-45 liters.

With pre-winter “moisture-charging” irrigation (during the fall of leaves), water consumption can be doubled.

Instructions for organizing garden watering

Let's consider general rules How to effectively water trees and shrubs:

  1. The optimal time for irrigation is 6-7 am and 9-10 pm, that is, the period when the rays of the sun do not “protect” the leaves of the plants.
  2. In order to determine the need for watering, you need to dig up a handful of soil in the rows of the garden from a depth of 30-40 cm and squeeze it in your hand. If a lump forms, watering is not needed; if it crumbles into grains, it’s time to moisten the soil.
  3. The water should not be cold (well, spring) - optimal temperature water is approximately equal to soil temperature.
  4. Irrigation of the garden should begin without waiting for the top layer of soil to completely dry out.
  5. Garden watering is carried out rarely, but plentifully.
  6. Chernozem and clay soil retain moisture better than sandy soils.
  7. Loosening the soil allows you to retain moisture in the soil longer.
  8. A good long rain is equivalent to watering, but a light rain postpones the watering period by a week.

Garden irrigation methods

For irrigation garden plants, depending on the type of water supply, three methods are used:

  • drip irrigation;
  • surface irrigation (direct water supply);
  • irrigation by sprinkling.

Drip irrigation can be used for effective fertilizer root system of trees and shrubs. Dosed supply allows rational use of water. This method of watering is indispensable in windy areas.

Surface irrigation is more often used on soils with poor absorption, which allows creating an optimal moisture supply. It is effective to water trees in summer using a surface method in furrows, ring holes or bowls.

To carry out surface irrigation in large gardens, it is necessary to lay a metal pipeline. Compact garden plots can be watered by making deep furrows before each irrigation.

When sprinkling, the soil, the air above the soil and the above-ground part of the plants are moistened. The main advantage of the method is that the structure of the irrigated soil is not damaged.

Sprinkler irrigation can be carried out manually (through a hose, a hydrant for watering the garden), by installing an irrigation system with sprayers or by installing automatic watering.

Automatic watering

Irrigation system capabilities

Over the past decades, irrigation technology garden plots automated and improved. Possibility of automatic watering to irrigate the soil different ways and at any time significantly expanded the scope of its application (gardens, landscape design, stadiums, city flower beds and garden plots).

Automatic watering garden has a number of advantages:

  • the versatility of the irrigation system provides care for a wide range of plants;
  • the ability to irrigate at night, when moisture evaporation is minimal;
  • reduction of time and effort for watering the site;
  • water consumption is reduced by almost 50%;
  • increasing productivity and giving the garden a beautiful, fragrant appearance;
  • there is no need to make furrows and trenches to direct the flow of water.

Features of operation

For uninterrupted operation of a garden auto-irrigation system, you need to know some of the nuances of its installation and operation.

Let's consider the most important points efficient work automatic watering:

  • providing a reliable source of water (pipeline);
  • for supporting constant pressure(4-6 Bar) set storage tank with pump;
  • using water from natural reservoirs can lead to system failure;
  • in order for the system not to interfere with mowing the lawn, the sprinkler heads must be installed at soil level (with the start of irrigation, the sprayers rise);
  • sprinklers should be evenly distributed throughout the garden, avoiding the appearance of “dead” irrigation zones;
  • It is necessary to provide for the possibility of manual watering.

Competent and timely provision of optimal water regime for plants, will allow you to annually receive a high harvest and enjoy the splendor of a well-kept garden.

During the growing season, trees and shrubs require systematic watering until the root layer of soil is completely moistened. Under no circumstances should the roots be allowed to dry out!


Watering of trees and shrubs is carried out depending on weather conditions, mechanical composition of the soil and its moisture, depth and width of the root system and on average occurs at least 15 times during the growing season.


In the first year after planting, the ground under the tree should be constantly moist, so in the first months intensive watering is necessary in all weather conditions. It is especially important to water plants during dry periods during the summer and fall.


Begin watering when established warm weather: at an air temperature of more than 7 ºС (April - early May). Best time glaze– morning, before 10 o’clock, or evening, after 18 o’clock. Water for irrigation should be warm: +15…+22 º C.


Watering plants during the growing season must be done taking into account their growth and development. During the most active period, in May–June, watering should be done at least 3–4 times a month, in July–August – 2–3 times, in September – once.


Excessive watering is undesirable: it impedes the process of root respiration. Water can move highly soluble nutrients to depths that roots cannot reach and displace oxygen from the soil.


On average, about 50 liters of water are needed per 1 m² of tree trunk. For shrubs the norm will be about 20 liters per 1 m². For large trees, calculate the required moisture of at least 15–20 liters per 1 m of tree height per watering.


After watering, the soil around the tree trunks must be mulched to avoid excessive evaporation of moisture and the formation of crust. Peat compost can be used as mulch (layer 3–5 cm).

Currently, crushed pine bark and chips, shells are also used as mulching material. pine nuts– they retain moisture in the soil well, increase its temperature and create decorative frame landing


The trees are watered abundantly using a hose. Irrigation with sprinkler systems is often ineffective, since it only provides moisture upper layer soil. To the roots large trees, water does not reach a depth of 50–60 cm or more.


Watering of trees is not carried out when persistent frosts occur (air temperature below -5 ºС).


If the tree is planted in the fall, then watering is required, especially in the presence of prolonged warm, dry weather ( winter watering).


How much watering a given plant needs can be determined in a simple way: take a handful of earth under a tree and squeeze it in your fist. If the lump crumbles after unclenching your fingers, the soil needs to be watered. With sufficient moisture, the lump will remain intact. If, when you squeeze the soil, it spreads between your fingers, then the soil is waterlogged.


In order to prevent excessive evaporation of moisture from the root layer of the soil, it is necessary to remove weeds and loosen the soil in tree trunk circles. The depth of loosening should be no more than 6 cm to avoid damage to the roots.


Along with watering, the aboveground part should be irrigated by finely spraying the leaves with water. This is especially important for large people coniferous species. Spraying is carried out by fine-droplet sprinkling in the morning and evening hours. Sprinkling helps clean the above-ground part of pollutants, free the stomata from dust, which helps improve transpiration, and also helps remove some pests. This procedure can be combined with foliar feeding mineral fertilizers and microelements.


Stagnant waterlogging of the soil in the area, which arose due to the close (less than 2 m) occurrence of groundwater and (or) difficulty in surface water flow, can lead to waterlogging of the area. In this case, serious reclamation measures are necessary, in particular the creation of a drainage system. Plants for such areas must be selected with special care, giving preference to those that can tolerate rising groundwater levels or partial waterlogging.
