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» The fastest way to get rid of cockroaches. Uninvited neighbors: how to get rid of cockroaches and evict them from the apartment forever. Creating unbearable conditions for cockroaches

The fastest way to get rid of cockroaches. Uninvited neighbors: how to get rid of cockroaches and evict them from the apartment forever. Creating unbearable conditions for cockroaches

Cockroaches have been living next to humans for a long time, but we are not going to put up with this, so perfect option get rid of insects at home once and for all. Is it possible? In part, yes, but this will require not a one-time procedure, but constant adherence to certain rules.

In those apartments where it reigns perfect cleanliness, the conditions are simply unbearable for cockroaches. If the room is dirty, insects will appear, despite the use of powerful insecticides, and where there is order, they will go away on their own over time.

Creating unbearable conditions for cockroaches

Since it is difficult to get rid of cockroaches in a house forever, but it is possible, first of all, create conditions in which not a single insect wants to live, that is, regularly monitor the sanitary condition of the apartment. Required cleaning steps:

  • Always package all food in containers or bags;
  • Place leftover food in the refrigerator;
  • Wipe down all work surfaces every time after cooking;
  • Sweep, vacuum and mop the kitchen floor every day;
  • Wipe dishes after washing;
  • Wipe the sink dry;
  • Glue the wallpaper where necessary;
  • Replace damaged baseboards or parquet boards in a timely manner;
  • Ventilate the room as often as possible.

Application of insecticides

If the number of cockroaches is high, such measures will not be enough and you will have to pay attention to household insecticides. Modern means relatively safe and highly effective against insects. You can choose any common drug - “Globol”, “Dichlorvos”, “Raptor”, “Get”, “Raid” and others. Find out which insecticide to use in your case from the article. If you decide to use chemical substances yourself, strictly follow the instructions, do not forget about protective equipment, treat the room carefully, paying attention Special attention hard-to-reach places, crevices and cracks. If necessary, the procedure should be repeated after a month.

For residents of cottages and houses there is free and effective method removing cockroaches using the freezing method. Insects die at low temperatures from 8 degrees Celsius. It is advisable that the temperature in the room drops to -10-15 degrees; in winter this will happen within a few hours. It is more difficult to freeze an apartment, since you first need to drain the water from the pipes and radiators, otherwise they will burst.

The use of any most lethal insecticide does not guarantee that cockroaches will not return again. Therefore, continue to maintain order and cleanliness. Place traps for cockroaches; if individual specimens sneak in from your neighbors, they will be immediately destroyed.

Calling the SES or cockroach pest control service

You can get rid of cockroaches using. Professionals use powerful insecticides that cannot be bought on the market or in a hardware store, but are safe for animals and people. During processing, the whole family will need to leave the house, taking their pets. Next, following the instructions of the company specialist, ventilate the apartment and carry out wet cleaning.

The services of professionals will cost more than purchasing a household insecticide, but in some cases it is necessary, for example, if the apartment is significantly infested, if the number of premises is large, or when exterminating cockroaches together with neighbors, the entire house.

Everyone knows what cockroaches are. However, these insects, unpleasant and dangerous to human health, choose a certain environment for their habitat. They feel most comfortable in damp, dusty, warm rooms. Despite the fact that cockroaches are omnivores, they prefer places where they can find leftover food, household waste and water.

Fortunately, as experience shows, even the largest population of cockroaches can be gotten rid of if you use time-tested and high-quality preparations. The rating of the best cockroach repellents presents effective toxic substances that vary in degree of toxicity, speed of action and cost.

Globol - the best paste against cockroaches


In the photo - Globol cockroach paste. average price within the Russian Federation: 300 rubles (75 g).

Today, the German Globol paste is one of the most popular and potent means for fighting cockroaches. The active ingredient in the paste, chlorpyrifos (at a concentration of 0.5%), has class IV toxicity and, according to the manufacturer, is completely safe for people and pets (however, it is better to avoid contact with it). The paste is applied in small peas in insect habitats. Cockroaches, eating the paste and carrying its particles on their paws to their relatives, begin to die within a few hours. The maximum effect is achieved after two weeks.


  • An effective remedy that can remove a large population of insects.
  • Fast and long-lasting action.
  • Insects do not get used to it.

Flaws: not detected.

From reviews of Globol:

“For several years we were plagued by cockroaches. We tried everything: traps, sprays, crayons... At first these reptiles became fewer in number, but then they multiplied again. A friend gave me Globol, and in just a couple of weeks the problem was solved! They only managed to sweep them away. They haven’t bothered me for a year now.”

“Surprisingly, only the German Globol paste saved our house from the Russian scourge - the ubiquitous, rustling and nasty red cockroaches. We almost despaired of fighting them; it seemed that there were more and more of them every day. One tube of paste was distributed around the perimeter of the apartment, and they forgot that they even existed. The best remedy for cockroaches is that the Germans know how to make quality things!”

Regent - effective against both cockroaches and the Colorado potato beetle


In the photo - insecticide Regent. Average price in the Russian Federation: 30 rubles (3 capsules).

The contact-intestinal insecticide Regent is designed to destroy the Colorado potato beetle, but has also proven itself in the fight against cockroaches. Regent is available in ampoules, capsules and powder; the concentration of the drug depends on the size of the insect population. If there are a lot of pests, then one packet of powder or one or two capsules should be diluted in 250 ml of water and the resulting solution should be applied to the surfaces with which cockroaches come into contact most often. The active ingredient of the drug is fipronil, in high concentration it has class II toxicity. It is recommended to carry out the treatment with rubber gloves and a respirator, then leave the room for two hours, and after one or two days, rinse thoroughly and ventilate.


  • Chain effect.
  • The action begins within a few hours.
  • It is odorless and leaves no traces.


  • Toxic.
  • Short action.

From reviews of Regent:

“The most effective remedy - I would never have thought that the problem of cockroaches could be solved so quickly! I bought one sachet of Regent, diluted it in a glass of water, sprayed it in hard-to-reach places with a syringe, and after a few days I swept away the dead insects. Three months later I noticed a couple of individuals again, repeated the procedure, and are still not visible.”

“For a long time I hesitated to use such a strong insecticide as Regent - it’s poison after all, but when I realized that this was my last hope for getting rid of the vile Prussians, I made up my mind. The family was taken to the dacha, and I treated the apartment with one sachet of the product, diluted in a spray bottle with 0.2 liters of water. Two days later, she gathered all the victims of the “massacre”, washed the floor with saline solution, and began new life- no cockroaches!

Get - the best microencapsulated cockroach repellent


In the photo - Get insecticidal concentrated cockroach repellent. Average price in the Russian Federation: 700 rubles (100 ml).

Get is an analogue of highly effective and popular remedy Gett, which is currently no longer available for sale. Get is a contact insecticidal preparation wide range action (destroys cockroaches, bedbugs, ants and other insects), which also works as a barrier method, i.e. prevents insects from entering the house. The active ingredient, chlorpyrifos, is safe for humans and pets. The product is diluted in water (at a concentration of 1:10 - one bottle per liter of water), after which it is sprayed over those surfaces where insects crawl. Within a month, absolutely all individuals die. Get can also be used to prepare baits, which will significantly speed up the removal of pests.


  • There is no need to wait for the insects to eat the product, they just need to walk over it.
  • The solution is odorless and leaves no traces.
  • Non-toxic.
  • Remains active for six months or more.

Flaws: high price.

From reviews of Get:

“Once upon a time I used Gett - in a spray bottle, the effect was simply lightning fast, and cockroaches did not appear for about 10 years. Recently they came again, I bought an analogue of that product - Get. It also worked great - within a day I started collecting dead insects, and after a week they were completely gone. The best remedy for cockroaches is worth the money you pay for it!”

“For six months I struggled with cockroaches at my new place of residence - nothing saved me. On the advice of friends, I purchased Get, diluted it according to the instructions, poured it into a spray bottle, and sprinkled it around the apartment. Most of all - in the kitchen and bathroom. It worked amazingly simply! I’ve been sweeping out cockroaches for a week, and not a single creature has shown its nose in my apartment for a year now.”

Dohlox - the best gel for cockroaches


In the photo - Dohlox cockroach gel. Average price in the Russian Federation: 45 rubles (20 ml).

Dohlox-gel belongs to the group of insecticidal preparations, the active substance is fipronil (concentration - 0.05%). The drug has low toxicity for humans and animals (toxicity class IV). It affects nervous system insect, resulting in paralysis and death within 8 hours. The gel is available in a syringe with fine tip, is applied with a dotted line in insect habitats. Signs of the drug's action are noticeable after 6 hours, the maximum effect is achieved on the third day.


  • Fast action.
  • Affordable price.
  • Low toxicity (however, the manufacturer strongly recommends protecting people and animals from contact with the substance).

Flaws: insects get used to it, and the drug loses its effectiveness. The solution is to alternate Dohlox with other means.

From reviews of Dohlox-gel:

"Dohloks - the best remedy from cockroaches! Only he helped us get rid of the mustachioed scourge! We tried traps, sprays... They acted very sluggishly. And after they walked through Dohlox, the very next day they began collecting the corpses of cockroaches. And after two weeks, not a single living person was seen at all. They haven’t appeared for six months now.”

“Super remedy! The best from cockroaches! It was fast, like a hurricane swept away all the red creatures! It was applied mainly in places such as ventilation grilles, pipes, behind the stove - so that the cat would not be poisoned. It worked! One syringe was enough to kill most of them. They finished off those who were already sluggish, using traps from other companies, since the last of the survivors seemed to be accustomed to Dohlox.”

Combat - the best “traps” for cockroaches


In the photo - discs for cockroachesCombat. Average price in the Russian Federation: 310 rubles (6 pieces).

An effective, safe and easy-to-use remedy for cockroaches is discs, or so-called Kombat cockroach traps. Inside the disk there is a bait that contains the active ingredient hydramethylnon. After eating the bait, the insect infects other individuals. According to the manufacturer, two weeks after starting to use the discs, the cockroaches will disappear. The product is valid for up to three months.


  • Absolutely non-toxic and do not cause allergies.
  • Easy to use, leaves no marks and has no odor.
  • The active substance is not addictive.

Flaws: are effective for a small number of insects, or it is necessary to install more disks, which is quite expensive.

From reviews of Kombat traps:

“We have been suffering from cockroaches for a long time, we tried to fight with folk remedies - it did not help. Chemicals cannot be used - here Small child and a cat. The store recommended Kombat traps. They placed it in the kitchen and hallway. We didn’t even notice how the cockroaches disappeared, it seems like about two weeks passed.”

“I don’t know how many cockroaches there should be for traps to not help... We had enough. We bought two packs of Kombat (12 pieces), glued them all over our two-room apartment, after a week it was less, after two it was completely gone.”

Mashenka is the best chalk for cockroaches


In the photo - chalk from cockroaches Mashenka. Average price in the Russian Federation: 40 rubles (20 g).

Chalk Mashenka - insecticide against contact cockroaches. It can be safely called the most popular and best chalk against cockroaches. Active substances: deltamethrin - 0.05% and zetacypermethrin - 0.1% have toxicity class IV, i.e. low toxicity for humans and animals. The places where insects accumulate and pass through are treated with chalk, by drawing thick continuous lines that cockroaches cannot get around. Pests eat the product and die within 24 hours. The effect of the applied substance lasts 7-9 days, with reappearance insects repeat the procedure.


  • The product is safe for humans and animals.
  • Convenient to use, odorless.


  • Quickly loses effectiveness.
  • Can't cope with big amount insects

From reviews of Mashenka:

“I can’t say that there were many cockroaches in our apartment, but we regularly saw one or two. Not scary, but not pleasant either. We bought Mashenka chalk and used it to draw the perimeter of the apartment under the ceiling, ventilation, and doorways (we were afraid to smear the baseboards - we have a cat). I haven’t seen a single lost cockroach for three months now.”

“We were unlucky with our neighbors - an unscrupulous, drinking family. They have cockroaches a dime a dozen, and they periodically visited us. Mashenka was recommended to us. We drew skirting boards, doors, balconies, and ventilation grilles for her. It seems that the cockroaches have disappeared. We repeat now every two to three months, just in case.”

Dichlorvos - the best spray against cockroaches


In the photo - insect repellent spray Dichlorvos. Average price in the Russian Federation: 70 rubles (200 ml).

As practice shows, among sprays against cockroaches and other crawling and flying insects, Dichlorvos remains the most effective. Modern versions have virtually no odor, but are nevertheless toxic to humans and animals (toxicity class III). Contains the following poisons as active ingredients: permethrin, cypermethrin, piperonyl butoxide, tetramethrin, diethyltoluamide, dimethyl sulfoxide. The spray is sprayed directly on the individuals themselves and their larvae or in their habitats.


  • If it comes into direct contact with an individual or larva, the product kills them almost instantly.
  • Suitable for repelling insects.


  • Toxicity. The classic version has an unpleasant smell.
  • Cockroaches get used to it.

From reviews of Dichlorvos spray:

“When fighting cockroaches, there is no better and most reliable remedy than good old Dichlorvos. There is only one downside to the product: after treating the room, it’s better not to show your nose there for a couple of days, so as not to get poisoned along with the creeping reptiles.”

“Under our apartment there is a cafe with a suspicious reputation. And from there cockroaches are running towards us in droves. We save ourselves with Dichlorvos - we spray it in places where they accumulate, mainly hard-to-reach ones, and we also spray them on individuals who have come to the “light”. Fortunately, the new Dichlorvos is odorless, but effective old version yields."

Boric acid is the best folk remedy for cockroaches


In cases where the application chemicals impossible (allergies, small children and animals in the house), many are saved by folk remedies. The most famous and best folk remedy for cockroaches is boric acid, which, when ingested by insects, guarantees them a painful death. To prepare the bait, you need to take a raw or boiled egg yolk, pour one packet of boric acid into it, roll into balls and place them in insect habitats. You can also prepare sweet baits with borax powder.
Dry boric acid powder can be sprinkled where cockroaches travel (for example, under the sink where they go to drink water). Cockroaches catch the powder on their paws and then lick it off when they clean themselves. But this method is less effective - baits work better.


  • Safe for people and animals.
  • Inexpensive.


  • The method is effective if there are few cockroaches and the apartment is kept clean. Otherwise, some insects may go to feed, for example, in a trash can, and will not try the bait.
  • The balls need to be renewed regularly until the insects disappear completely.

From reviews of boric acid:

“They recommended boric acid for cockroaches. Of course, I didn’t believe that it could really help me, but I still decided to try it. I bought a packet of acid, boiled an egg and mixed 1/3 of the yolk with acid. I made balls and laid them out in the evening in the kitchen and couldn’t sleep for a long time, because I was worried that the balls, on the contrary, would attract even more cockroaches. I was afraid in vain! It’s been a week since there are no “roommates” in the house! My opinion is that boric acid is the best remedy for cockroaches!"

"Whatever recipe you use: with potatoes, raw egg or boiled - you need to understand that cockroaches run towards the food and eat it along with the acid, because boric acid has neither taste nor smell, they cannot identify it immediately and it corrodes them from the inside and they leave this apartment forever, periodically sending messengers there, so it is better for the messengers not to remove the balls from under the cabinets.”

What is the best cockroach repellent?

As a rule, the success of using any means in the fight against cockroaches depends on the size of their population and the time they live in the apartment. If cockroaches have appeared relatively recently and there are not too many of them, then you can get by with such means as traps, crayons, gel, or even try to remove them using folk methods. In this case, it is necessary to block insects’ access to water. Since cockroaches do not like the cold, “freezing” is considered an effective method - in winter, you need to leave the windows open for several hours or even days. To repel cockroaches, use ammonia- it is added to the water used to wash the floor (one tablespoon or more per bucket). Also, these insects do not like the smell. bay leaf, however, it will not be able to destroy cockroaches. And one of the most effective ways in the fight against cockroaches - maintaining cleanliness and optimal humidity levels in the room.

If the population of cockroaches has reached an impressive size, you will have to use “heavy artillery” - Globol paste, microcapsule preparations, powder insecticides, which must be used to treat most of the room. Sprays are good for repelling single individuals and carrying out preventive treatments. As research and practice have shown, ultrasonic repellers have no effect on cockroaches at all.

If no means help, you should apply for disinfestation to the SES or a private company. The cost of such a service for two-room apartment will be about 2000 rubles.

Man does not accept proximity to insects and devotes all his strength to fighting the mustachioed ones. The result does not always live up to expectations; repeated treatment may be required, especially for owners of multi-apartment buildings. In words, many people know how to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment, but how to do this so that they disappear once and for all?

Let's take a closer look at why arthropods come to people's homes and what methods of control can be called truly effective.

It happens that a person uses all kinds of insecticides, sets traps, buys expensive repellers, but nothing helps against red stasis. What is the reason for the massive invasion?

Before you get rid of them yourself, without involving special organizations, it is important to find out the reasons for the settlement.

Red Prussians and black relatives come to the house where:

  • There is no place for order;
  • The taps are dripping;
  • There were dirty dishes in the sink;
  • There are many cracks in the floor and walls;
  • A coarse mesh is installed on the ventilation hole.

Dirt, moisture and ubiquitous crumbs are an excellent environment for the life of moustaches. will be powerless, no matter what methods a person undertakes to destroy the Prussians.

A one-time procedure won't help either. Not all chemicals are effective on adults and larvae. It is important to carry out treatment at intervals of 10 - 15 days. This time is enough for the Prussians to hatch from their eggs and go in search of food.

Instead of food, they will find poison that killed their adult brothers a few weeks ago. In order to consolidate the result, carry out disinfestation a third time, then the probability of quickly getting rid of arthropods is high.

Water is the source of life for barbels. Food is not as important for normal life as moisture. There is access to a watering hole - the Prussian lives on a hunger strike for up to 30 days.

If there are dripping faucets or condensation accumulation under the toilet, the problem is eliminated as soon as possible and only then the persecution begins.

You will never be able to get rid of cockroaches if you wash the dishes before eating. Is your sink cluttered with dirty, dried-out dishes, and your dishes filled with water and food waste?

You did everything to ensure that the pests settled under the plumbing equipment for a long time, multiplied and went out to hunt at night. It is useless to pour poison into the sink; the poisoning begins with washing the dishes.

Residents of high-rise buildings become accustomed to getting rid of crawling creatures. It would seem that they had just removed the pests, but they came back again. And the housewife is clean, and she doesn’t dig up the plumbing, what’s the matter?

Ways to enter the house

Gaps in the floor, holes in the walls and ventilation - an unobstructed path to the neighbor's house. It is impossible to remove all the crumbs, but a microscopic piece is enough for the Prussian to satisfy his hunger. At the call of a relative, brothers will come running.

Are you tired of cockroaches in your apartment? Carry out extensive work to seal the room. To eliminate cracks in the floor, use polyurethane foam, or better yet, cement, because these arthropods can gradually chew through the foam.

IN summer season pay attention to the loggia: it is also full of holes. Prussians easily crawl from floor to floor through tiled floors. We left the balcony open - the crawlers entered the house.

Inspect the mesh on the ventilation – are the cells too large? Replace with a fine lattice so that no pests can enter the apartment.

Sewer specimens reach residents of the lower floors from the basement. What to do:

  • Apply sealant around the pipes coming out of the basement;
  • Eliminate leaks in the bathroom and toilet;
  • Spread the poison around the perimeter around the toilet and risers;
  • Wipe the floor dry after taking a shower.

The success of getting rid of pests depends on timely measures taken. Order and dryness in the room increase the effectiveness of processing several times.

After eliminating all the defects in the housing, choose the appropriate method for exterminating crawling creatures. The effectiveness of the method depends on the type of residential property.

Quickly drive the Prussians out of private property

Before getting rid of cockroaches yourself in a private house, find out why the Prussians settled in a place where it is not typical for them to live. There are no neighbors, the house is in order - most likely, it was brought with a purchase in a bag from work.

There is no other option. Pests do not migrate along the street.

They destroy adults in winter time by freezing. The method is environmentally safe and effective, but it can be used in a house where there is no pipe heating.

The method is simple: open doors and windows when the outside temperature is below 15 * C below zero. Leave the house with the pests to freeze for several hours.

All that remains is to collect the frozen corpses of insects and throw them into the sewer, onto the street. The freezing procedure is carried out several times.

If a private property is heated not by a stove, but by a central or gas heating- option is not suitable. By opening the doors wide, you will render heating radiators and pipes unusable, welding seams will defrost, heating equipment will have to be replaced.

Effective folk remedies

Villagers know how. What will help scare away stasiks from the apartment is geranium.

The flower is also used to expel pests from the house. The fragrant flower is placed on the windowsills. It doesn't smell nice, but it protects reliably.

Cleaning with strong-smelling substances saves you from pests. When you wash the floors, add a few drops of one of the following products:

  • Lavender essential oil;
  • Vinegar essence;
  • Ammonia;
  • Lemon juice;
  • Kerosene;
  • Turpentine.

After washing the floors, the doors and windows are closed for several hours, then the room is ventilated. The arthropods will be blown away by the wind. Intolerance to strong odors is associated with the developed olfactory receptors of insects.

Since the Soviet Union, it has been popular to remove cockroaches from apartments. boric acid. The product costs a penny, but it works no worse than advertised expensive drugs.

The acid is used in pure form, or prepare a deadly “delicacy” for the crawlers.

To attract Prussians, boiled potatoes, egg yolk or vanilla sugar. Having combined the ingredients, pour flour into the resulting mixture, bringing the mass to a thick consistency. The dough is divided into balls, which are laid out in secluded corners of the house.

Before getting rid of cockroaches at home with acid, eliminate possible sources of water. The insect should not drink, otherwise death will come quickly.

Residents of private houses face another problem. In the spring, individuals with two tails crawl out of all the cracks. These are insects that live underground and prefer to live in damp conditions.

As soon as you leave a damp rag on the doorstep, hang up clean laundry at home, double tails rush from the underground into the house. You can get rid of unpleasant insects by sealing cracks in the floor and ventilating the underground. Open the vents in the summer to dry out the soil under the house.


The best way to get cockroaches out of your home once and for all is to use insecticides.

The following are used as toxic compounds:

  • Gel in a syringe tube;
  • Aerosol sprays;
  • Powdered products;
  • Insecticidal chalks;
  • Spray made from concentrate.

Some of them will definitely help remove pests both in and outside the apartment. First, determine the area of ​​the proposed object.

For disinfestation of large apartments, it is more advisable to use repellers or electric traps. If preference is given to an insecticide, choose a product with economical consumption eg gel.

Gel insecticide

Apply the drug around the perimeter of the treated object, dropwise, at a distance of 10 - 15 cm. Arthropods are smart creatures; they will not eat poison. Jogging along the baseboard will lead to dirty paws.

Sensing that the limbs are dirty, the Prussian will begin to carefully remove the remnants of the poison, which will certainly penetrate the gastrointestinal tract. Possessing a nerve-paralytic effect, the toxic substance will have a detrimental effect on the insect, paralyzing the respiratory center.

Running in search of food, the pest will “share” its poison with its fellows. Death of individuals occurs after 7–10 days. To consolidate the result, re-process.

During its existence on the market, the trust of consumers has been gained by:

  • "Arsenal";

Low toxicity, speed of action and ease of use are the main advantages of gel preparations.

Aerosol efficiency

Aerosols are good for quickly treating a room. , black, stasiks, two-tailed ones die instantly. Important rule– Apply the product to areas where pests are concentrated.

Simply spraying insecticide into the air will not bring results. 2 hours after treatment, dead individuals are collected and flushed down the toilet.

Tested and effective against insects:

  • "Raid";
  • "Raptor";
  • "Dichlorvos".

Aerosols will not be able to get rid of cockroaches forever, due to the rapid volatility of the toxic substance, but it is possible to destroy individual individuals and quickly treat the room.

Powders and dusts

Powders are used for direct baiting of arthropods. The product is scattered around the perimeter of the apartment or private house. Before disinfestation, bring the taps into working order to block the Prussians’ access to water.

Death occurs when a toxic compound enters the insect's stomach. The principle of operation is similar to the gel; re-processing will be required to consolidate the result.

Earned consumer trust:

  • "Phenaxin";
  • "Clean house";
  • "Fas."

Powders are toxic; the poison should be placed in places inaccessible to children's eyes. If a toxic substance gets into a child’s mouth, immediately seek medical help.

Gastric lavage will help. Before the ambulance arrives, do not feed or drink the child to prevent the toxic substance from entering the systemic bloodstream.


Chalk has stood the test of time. The notorious “Mashenka”, at one time, saved millions of apartments from the invasion of barbels. The product is very simple to use: draw stripes on rear walls kitchen cabinets, baseboards and bottom of the sink.

Death occurs on days 10–14. The effect of the chalk lasts up to 3 months. Repeated treatment is carried out 3 - 4 weeks after the first application.

Most popular:

  • "Clean house";
  • "Tornado";
  • "Brownie."

Advantages: affordability and low toxicity. When treating your apartment from insects, use gloves. After disinfection, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.


Ready-made sprays are sold in specialized stores. You can prepare the preparation yourself: powder for baiting insects is diluted with water and the room is treated.

It is better to use the filling method. You cannot stay in the apartment after disinfestation. After the event, floors and furniture are thoroughly washed, and the room is ventilated.

Almost all sprays are odorless, but if they enter the human digestive tract there is a risk of poisoning.

Effective against crawling insects:

  • "Dr. Klaus";
  • "Delicia"
  • "Clean house".

Lack of drugs means a lot of expense. When disinfesting an apartment of impressive size, it is not profitable to use sprays.

Modern methods of pest control

How to get rid of crawling insects at home if small children live in the apartment? It is dangerous to use insecticides, and odorous substances can cause allergic reaction and bronchospasm in a child.

Use modern methods destruction. Glue traps and repellers will help. Expensive, but safe way kill the Prussians - electrical devices.

The crawler's path to the bait will be over as soon as it crosses a certain line. Discharge electric current will instantly destroy the barbel.

Repellers operate from mains power. The emitted ultrasonic waves disturb the peace of pests. The crawlers will rush out of the apartment in search of safe refuge from the unbearable sound.

Adhesive backings are effective for preventive purposes. It is impossible to free housing from the mass settlement of Prussians using this method.

Calling professionals to your home

If no extermination measures bring results, how to exterminate insects? A special disinfection station will help resolve the situation.

Professional exterminators will treat every corner of the room without missing a single crawler. High efficiency processing is due to the use of special equipment.

The fog generator allows you to apply a toxic substance to all surfaces. Fine particles of the chemical penetrate into every crevice, leaving no opportunity for the longhorned beetles to hide from death.

Disinfestation will bring results if you continue to maintain cleanliness in the room. If the garbage in the house is still not taken out and the dishes are not washed, insects cannot be removed by any expensive means.

Cockroach - very mobile red-brown or black insect, having a flat, oval-shaped body up to 3 cm in length. This structure allows it to penetrate into the most hard to reach places And narrow gaps and also move around vertical surface, which makes them difficult to destroy. The lifespan of insects is more than a year.

Interesting! A cockroach can live about 40 days without food, and about 70 days without water. Hungry insects can attack and eat each other. Their bites are also dangerous for people.

Signs of a premises being infected

If so, it is necessary to begin their destruction. Their presence is indicated by such signs.
  1. Availability on shelves kitchen furniture, wallpaper or dishes small black balls resembling poppy seeds. These are nothing more than waste products.
  2. Clutches with eggs. Such capsules can be found on kitchen shelves or in the corners of the apartment.
  3. At large cluster There is an unpleasant smell of cockroaches in the room.
  4. Insects actively search for sources of food and water not only at night. You can also see a cockroach running across the floor or furniture during the day.

Reasons for appearance

More often, small cockroaches can be found in the bathroom - these are places where there are ideal conditions for their life. Where:

  • There is a lot of food: crumbs on the table or floor, accessible food scraps, dirty dishes;
  • Not proper storage food products(without packaging or in a non-hermetically sealed container);
  • There is a source for drinking: puddles of water near the sink or bathtub;
  • Unclean neighbors. Unsanitary conditions in a neighboring apartment can cause cockroaches to appear in your home.

Methods for controlling cockroaches

Today there are a lot of universal ones that can destroy cockroaches in an apartment forever.


Today, they are very popular among consumers for exterminating insects, as they are capable of eradicating cockroaches in a few days. The product is sold in large syringes or tubes, which simplifies the method of use: strips (up to 2 cm) are applied in a dotted manner around the entire perimeter of the room.

The most effective brands for destruction are the following:

  • Killer;
  • Storm.

“This is not the first time cockroaches have appeared. Previously, they tried to make do with traditional methods, but they did not help for long. This time we decided to fight with Raptor gel. The cockroaches disappeared, although not immediately.”

Elena, Moscow


  • Raptor;
  • Baygon.

Powders and crayons

You can exterminate cockroaches in an apartment using insecticidal agents such as and or. They are applied in places of intended habitat. Benefits this method pest control is:

  • Possibility of processing in hard-to-reach places;
  • Ease of use;
  • Safety for humans and pets.

The disadvantages include:

  • Quick habituation of insects;
  • The need for re-processing;
  • Low efficiency in killing cockroaches (they should be used on initial stages infestation of the premises, with a large concentration of insects, does not give a good result).

The most popular are:

  • Mashenka crayons;
  • Tornado or Medilis Cyper powders;
  • Clean world.

“Cockroaches appeared in my grandmother’s house. She fought with them in the old fashioned way with a chalk Mashenka. But since there were too many of them, aerosols and traps eventually had to be used. Mashenka didn’t help in our case.”

Igor, Krasnodar


Baits that attract cockroaches with their smell are especially effective. You can make such traps yourself at home. It is enough to cover a piece of cardboard on all sides with adhesive tape or double-sided tape, and put a little honey or other sweetness in the center. In search of a treat, the insect encounters sticky tape, which it cannot pass by.

There are also electrical traps. They kill pests with electric shock.

The following companies were recognized as the best manufacturers of such products, according to consumer comments:

  • Raid;
  • Battalion commander


Microcapsule means of killing cockroaches are also characterized by high efficiency. An example of this is a drug that allows you to get rid of insects in as soon as possible and forever. It must be properly dissolved in water according to the instructions, and the room must be sprayed with the resulting solution. Insects immediately react to the highly toxic product, trying to leave the treated area.

The disadvantages of Tsifoks include high cost, the inability to stay in the apartment for 2 days from the moment of treatment and the need to repeat the procedure, since the product does not destroy cockroach eggs.

Boric acid

Or you can simply sprinkle the powder along the cockroach paths (along the baseboards, around the sink, toilet and bathtub). The insect will try to clean it from its legs. The acid, once in the stomach of the Prussian, paralyzes him.

You can buy boron powder at any pharmacy. Besides, it will cost quite a bit.



Provides for the destruction of cockroaches and the freezing process - another folk method, which is relevant for the cold season. Many domestic insects cannot tolerate it. Cockroaches are no exception. It is enough to cool the apartment, taking care in advance of the safety of the plumbing and heating systems.


You can also kill cockroaches using. Pests don't like its smell. Therefore, it is enough to add this substance to the cleaning water and treat all surfaces in the house with the solution. Vinegar or vinegar essence has a similar effect.

"In the fight against cockroaches folk remedies, in particular, vinegar, did not help us: their effect was short-lived and the problem quickly returned. We had to destroy the pests with modern chemicals.”

Olga, Veliky Novgorod

Essential oils

Help prevent insects from appearing in your apartment essential oils. It is enough to add a few drops of lemon balm, eucalyptus, mint or cedar oil to the cleaning water. Pests cannot tolerate their smell and tend to leave the premises as soon as possible. This method is more suitable for prevention than for exterminating pests.

Disinsection service

If the above methods do not bring a positive result, then you can use the services. They will help kill all the cockroaches in the apartment at one time if the call is organized for the entire house. Only in this case is success guaranteed.

“We live on the first floor and are constantly exterminating cockroaches in the apartment. Only a specialized service helped us. Other remedies, folk and modern, had only a temporary effect. Therefore, we recommend everyone to contact professionals!”

Matvey, Ekaterinburg


In order for cockroaches to leave your apartment forever, you need to think about preventive measures. It is important to create conditions in the apartment under which cockroaches do not survive.

  1. We keep the apartment clean: no dirty dishes, crumbs on the floor and tables, proper storage of food (in sealed containers or bags), a clean trash can with a tight lid.
  2. We fix leaks in a timely manner. The toilet tank, pipe joints, and sinks should not become a source of drinking for cockroaches. You should also wipe the surfaces in the bathroom after water procedures.
  3. We eliminate cracks, which are a passage for insects from the neighboring apartment. It is necessary to carefully examine the ceiling, walls, corners in the room and if cracks are found, they should be properly covered. Ventilation holes should be covered with a mosquito net.

If cockroaches appear in the apartment, they can be removed using store-bought and folk remedies, as well as professional pest control.

Cockroaches in an apartment are disgusting, disgusting and unhygienic. It is believed that they start in places where there are no proper sanitary conditions: cleaning is not done often, food is stored in disarray, dishes are washed extremely rarely. Cockroaches are a sign of uncleanliness of the owners. But uninvited guests can appear even where the cleanliness is perfect. Why do they come into the apartment? And what can you do to get rid of cockroaches once and for all?

What cockroaches live in apartments and houses? Why cockroaches appear in an apartment: reasons. Where do cockroaches hide in the kitchen?

Cockroaches are creatures that tend to adapt. Some species of these insects of this order have found the conditions of apartments and houses favorable for living: they are warm, and there is always something to eat.

IMPORTANT: In the conditions of apartments and houses in Central and Eastern Europe several species of insects from the order Cockroaches (Blattodea) can live: Red cockroach (or Prussian), Black cockroach, Furniture cockroach, Turkmen cockroach, others. These species are called synanthropic, that is, those that are not domesticated, but in the process of their life activity they are directly related to humans.

All types of domestic cockroaches have common features:

  1. During their life, they go through several stages of development: egg - larva (nymph) - adult (imago).
  2. Domestic cockroaches are small in size. An adult red cockroach reaches a length of 1.5 cm. Black cockroaches are somewhat larger - up to 8 cm. Their entire body is flat and elongated, which allows them to successfully hide in places that are difficult for humans to reach.
  3. Domestic cockroaches have three pairs of legs and a developed sense of touch - paired antennae.
  4. Male cockroaches have wings. They are developed, and thanks to them insects are capable of short-term planning.
  5. Female cockroaches lay up to 40 eggs at a time. The eggs are contained in a dense capsule called the ooteca. Females carry the ootheca on themselves for two to four weeks until the larvae hatch from it.
  6. After 2 months, the cockroach larva turns into an imago, whose life expectancy is up to six months.
  7. During her life, a female can lay up to 9 oothecae. This means that it gives life to several hundred cockroaches.
  8. Cockroaches are very mobile; they cover a distance of several kilometers a day.
  9. An interesting fact: the Prussians successfully displace black cockroaches. They are smaller and easier to hide. At the same time, the black cockroach is less resistant to insecticides.

IMPORTANT: Cockroaches love to inhabit apartments more than houses. The fact is that in multi-storey buildings they have all the conditions for migration: among hundreds of apartments they can choose those in which they find the most favorable conditions. It is more difficult to roam from house to house; to do this, insects have to cross open areas.

So how do cockroaches get into an apartment? They have several ways:

  • through ventilation
  • through water and sewer lines
  • with purchased furniture and household appliances
  • in guests' bags
  • in food boxes

Will the “vagrant” cockroach remain in new apartment whether a whole population will breed in it depends on what conditions will be in its home. Since cockroaches do not eat much, in order for them to reproduce, it is enough to:

  • rarely clean
  • rarely take out the trash
  • leave unwashed dishes
  • leave food on the table
  • keep the grains open
  • keep containers of water open or dishes not wiped after washing

IMPORTANT: Previously it was believed that cockroaches live only in the kitchen. This is wrong. The domestic furniture cockroach feeds on starchy substances, e.g. wallpaper glue. He can live in a room on cabinet shelves and books.

Crumbs and food left on the table are baits for cockroaches.

Prussians, as the main inhabitants of apartments, live in the kitchen and are active mainly in the dark. It happens like this: you turn on the light in the kitchen at night, and dozens or even hundreds of tiny red-brown bodies scatter around the cracks and corners. Where are they hiding?

  • behind the baseboards
  • in furniture and behind furniture
  • under the washbasin
  • under sewer pipes
  • in household appliances
  • in the cracks on the walls
  • in the hood
  • behind the ventilation grille

Obviously, the war against cockroaches is a complex matter. Surface treatment will clearly not be enough. How to be? It is necessary to develop an action strategy.

VIDEO: Causes of cockroaches appearing in the house

Harm from cockroaches

Cockroaches obviously don't make the best "pets". In addition to the disgusting feelings from the sight of these insects, they cause significant damage to the household and the people with whom they live.

First you need to decide which of the three main methods of fighting cockroaches is best to use:

  • invite professional exterminators
  • purchase and use store-bought disinfectants
  • use folk remedies for cockroaches

Preparation for disinfestation of cockroaches by any method involves thorough cleaning of the room:

  1. Food must be removed from the premises. If any of them have been open for a long time, they contain traces of cockroaches (discharge, empty ootheca, insect corpses), they must be thrown away.
  2. All textiles in the room and kitchen must be washed in hot water.
  3. Household items, kitchen utensils, dishes, kitchen accessories are checked for the presence of insects, wiped, washed and removed from the premises.
  4. Cabinets, shelves, tables and chairs, walls, floors and ceilings are thoroughly washed and treated with disinfectants.
  5. Water supply and sewer leaks are eliminated.
  6. Indoor plants are also removed from the premises. If possible, it is better to transplant them into new soil.

You should also take personal protection measures:

  • It is better to take children and pets out of the house during disinsection
  • to protect hands and respiratory tract, purchase gloves, a mask or a respirator
  • prepare work clothes and hats

IMPORTANT: You should clarify with exterminators or in the instructions for store-bought poison how long you will not be allowed to stay in the room or the entire apartment, and what to do then, upon return.

How to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment using drugs and poison from the store?

When choosing a pest control product, you need to evaluate the following parameters:

Poison for cockroaches from the store may look like:

Not long ago, special traps began to be used to combat cockroaches. These funds have many advantages:

  • ease of use
  • long term use
  • safety for humans

Traps attract insects, neutralize or kill them. Unfortunately, they cannot be used to influence all cockroaches living in an apartment.

According to the method of action, traps are:

  • adhesive - insects caught in them stick to the sticky surface with their paws
  • with poison - the trapped insect eats the product containing the disinfestant
  • electric – the trap kills cockroaches with electric discharges

Traps for cockroaches.

To kill as much as possible more insects, in the kitchen or other room inhabited by them, several traps should be placed near their habitats.

How to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment using repellent devices?

If insecticides and traps kill cockroaches, repellers using ultrasonic or electromagnetic waves, unpleasant odor they simply kick them out of the apartment, forcing them to go in search of new housing.

A significant advantage of repellers is their safety for humans. On the other hand, there are disadvantages:

  1. In fact, the effects of ultrasonic, electromagnetic repellers and fumigators on the human body have been little studied.
  2. They often turn out to be ineffective.
  3. The price of repellers is significant, plus they require electricity to operate.

How to buy poison, repeller devices, traps and effective remedies for cockroaches in the Aliexpress online store: price, catalog

Fans of online shopping can buy effective means from cockroaches, from aerosols to ultrasonic repellers, on Aliexpress. There is a whole large section dedicated to them on the website of the Chinese trading platform.

IMPORTANT: To purchase insecticides and other products, you need to register on Ali. The article “” and instructions on the site itself will help with this.

Remedies for cockroaches in the Aliexpress catalog.
  • in the catalog on the right home page select the “For Home and Garden” section
  • go to the subsection “Pest control”
  • then in the “Pests” filter on the right side of the page select “Cockroaches”

Cockroach trap from Aliexpress.

The price of remedies for Prussians on Ali depends on their form:

  • insecticide gel will cost $1.5
  • powder – from 1 dollar per package
  • state-of-the-art, human-safe trap - $10 or more

VIDEO: Two cockroach repellents from Aliexpress

How to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment using folk remedies?

  • boric acid
  • wormwood
  • bay leaf
  • ammonia
  • vinegar
  • kerosene
  • turpentine
  • flour with alabaster

IMPORTANT: Such products are affordable, easy to use and relatively harmless to people. But you need to keep in mind that cockroaches adapt to changes environment very quickly: what was dangerous to previous generations is not harmful to current ones.

Recipes for a mixture of cockroaches with boric acid. Borax for cockroaches: recipe

Boric acid is sold in pharmacies for pennies. Having consumed it, the cockroach seems to dry out and at the same time paralyzes its nervous system.

The task of the apartment owners is to prepare a mixture with boric acid, which will be attractive to cockroaches in terms of smell and taste. For her they take:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of boric acid
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar

The mixture is poured into small piles on jar lids or small pieces of cardboard and placed near the habitats of cockroaches. Traps can last for several days. It is important that insects do not have access to water during this time.
You can also prepare a stiff dough from flour, starch and water, mix boric acid into it, roll into balls and place them where cockroaches run.

Affects insects and borax in a similar way

50 g of sodium tetraborate is mixed with 50 g of starch, 50 g of powdered sugar and a small amount vanillin. The dry mixture is diluted with water to form a thick paste that attracts cockroaches with an odor.

Recipes for cockroach balls with boric acid and egg

All their lives, cockroaches were poisoned with trap balls made of eggs and boric acid. They do it like this:

  • Boil the eggs hard, you only need the yolks for the balls
  • knead the yolks with a fork and combine them with boric acid powder (1 yolk – 30 g of powder)
  • add vegetable oil to the mixture
  • the mixture should have the consistency of a thick dough, after which it is rolled into balls with a diameter of 2-3 cm
  • lay out as many of these balls as possible in the kitchen or in a room infested with cockroaches

Boric acid for cockroaches: recipe with potatoes

Cockroach balls are also made with boric acid and potatoes. Take:

  • potatoes – 2 pcs.
  • boric acid – 80 g

The potatoes are boiled until tender, then mashed. When the puree has cooled slightly, add boric acid. Balls - traps - are made from the dried mixture.

IMPORTANT: When using cockroach traps with brown or boric acid, you must make sure that the cockroaches do not have other food.

VIDEO: How to get rid of cockroaches at home?

Disinsection and destruction of cockroaches in an apartment: specialized services

If store-bought and folk remedies for Prussians turn out to be ineffective, it makes sense to seek help from a pest control service. Completely confidential, at a time convenient for the owners, the exterminators will go to the address and carry out a professional treatment of the home.

You should prepare for their arrival:

  • remove food from the premises
  • put away dishes and household appliances
  • eliminate leaks in water and sewer pipes
  • seal joints between furniture and walls, walls and baseboards, cracks in walls
  • remove children and pets from the home

  1. The pest control service uses modern, effective means to bait cockroaches. Its employees must provide the owners of the apartment or house with quality certificates.
  2. As a rule, these products are diluted in water and sprayed indoors.
  3. After the time specified by the exterminators (usually at least 24 hours), the room must be cleaned. Thorough ventilation is done before it. Surfaces are treated with water and soda or an alkali-containing detergent.
  4. Cleaning must be done with gloves and a mask. Walls, ceilings, furniture facades, baseboards are not washed: the disinfestant that settles on them will work for another 10-14 days.