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» How to open a payment acceptance point. Where to buy a terminal for accepting payments and how much it costs. How to make money on payment terminals

How to open a payment acceptance point. Where to buy a terminal for accepting payments and how much it costs. How to make money on payment terminals

According to market research, payment terminals representing the vending business are quite stable in terms of risks. From 80 to 90% of entrepreneurs succeed or do not go bankrupt in this area, while in other areas the success rate is from 50 to 60%.

Illusions and reality

Those wishing to start a business with payment terminals may find this direction attractive due to the low entry level. Knowing how much a used terminal costs, you can plan to start a network of 20-30 units. Then, having made a profit, buy new ones, replace old ones and develop. Everything looks quite accessible. Some believe that one device will be enough, because there is information on the Internet about income of up to 100 thousand rubles. per month per car. In reality, everything is much more complicated; the terminal will not provide profit to a business. You need to enter the market with at least a hundred cars, even with used cars for 20 thousand rubles. you will need about 2 million rubles. There are other costs, and considerable ones.

Conducting the business became very complicated with the adoption of the law “On transactions with signs of cashing out...”, which came into force on September 1, 2015. Since that moment, some schemes that brought additional profit to the owners have been destroyed, gross income has fallen, net earnings have decreased and now there is a decrease in interest . The owners of the vending business select another niche for themselves, sell off the equipment and begin to engage in a new type of business.

General characteristics of the payment terminal

A payment terminal is a device through which citizens make money transfers for various purposes. A commission is deducted from the completed payment in favor of the business owner. It is this commission that makes up the gross profit.

The terminal device includes:

  • metal case with anti-vandal protection;
  • fiscal device that prints a check;
  • monitor and touchpad;
  • bill acceptor;
  • simple computer;
  • GPRS modem or GSM version.

The device can be equipped with a watchdog timer and an uninterruptible power supply at the request of the owner.

According to the concept, payment acceptance terminals are divided into types:

  1. For indoors.
  2. For the street.
  3. Portable.

The latter type is used for limited tasks; the structural difference between the others lies in the degree of anti-vandal strengthening of the panel and glass. The cost of the cars is approximately equal to:

  • the sample for the room is made taking into account design solutions;
  • in an outdoor terminal, protection is more expensive, but the housing is without decorative panel, since this part is either not visible on the mounted version or is not provided.

A simplified plan for a payment terminal business includes finding a place for equipment, concluding a lease agreement, purchasing terminals, and connecting to the payment network.

Installation of a payment terminal in an office building

Location and rental

According to the documents, the payment terminal occupies 1 m2, the rental cost for it ranges from 500 to 1,500 rubles per month. The data is relevant for a city with a population of 300 thousand inhabitants. The exception is large shopping centers and metro areas; at these points, rent is charged between 5 and 10 thousand rubles.

This is very expensive for a payment device:

  • in competitive places, payments cost 5%, and the daily turnover is 6-7 thousand, that is, gross income is 350 rubles per day;
  • such a machine earns 10-11 thousand per month, from these funds you need to pay up to 10 thousand in rent, part of the money will be spent on maintenance;
  • Places that seem strong at first glance either bring in little or work to zero.

Here the question arises - what is the benefit for the owner of payment terminals in such conditions? Indeed, this is not profitable for the tenant, so the “bread spots” are constantly left by some tenants and taken by others.

The most profitable location of terminals is stores in the “close to home” format, it is here that the rent averages 1 thousand rubles per month, the monthly turnover is about 120 thousand rubles, the interest rate is most often 10%. The device earns 10-11 thousand rubles per month in gross profit. The difficulty is that all working places are occupied. Old market players who plan to continue enter into contracts with points under construction before launch, so such a stable network can only be bought when and if they want to sell it.

Payment terminals as a business

You can find out how much a terminal for paying for cellular communications costs on the suppliers’ website:

  • new devices - from 80 to 220 thousand rubles;
  • The largest range of supply is concentrated around 90 thousand.

The new mobile payment terminal works just as well as the old one; to start a business you can always find machines for 15-20 thousand rubles.

To connect, you can choose different service providers - large DELTA, CYBERPLAT or the most common QIWI. Promoted systems have an impressive list of services, widespread recognition, stable functionality and payment processing speed.

The vending company contributes to the balance of the payment system advance payment, it is from here that customer payments are transferred. The amount should cover the turnover of the terminal network for 2-3 days. Otherwise, a situation may occur when a person deposited money on the phone, but it did not arrive immediately, or even after an hour or two. They may arrive after a few hours or within a day. Accordingly, a citizen who does not receive the service on time will bypass the “bad” cellular payment terminal.

How a payment acceptance terminal works: nuances and features

Whatever system a business owner chooses, he must be prepared to work for it for free. What is it?

Many people know about the existence of payments without commission or with a minimum commission. Thus, transfers through a terminal for accepting payments into the QIWI system are limited to a maximum of 3% for amounts up to 500 rubles. and interest-free payment for amounts over 500 rubles. That is, part of the amount that ends up inside the payment terminal represents a non-profitable turnover for which the business owner makes payment from his own funds. This was facilitated by the already mentioned law of 2015. The essence of the innovation is as follows:

  1. Before the law was adopted, business owners used payment terminals to deposit money directly into the payment system, and some even participated in gray schemes. As a result, by sending 100 thousand to the account, they received a bonus of up to 10 thousand.
  2. Now these schemes are excluded from the financial life of Russia, and business owners are required to deposit funds into the payment system through a special account, which is abbreviated as 408. For this “transshipment point” you need to make deductions in the amount of 1.5% of the amount.

It turns out that if transfers that are “empty” in terms of interest are made into a payment terminal, the businessman will pay 1.5% from his own profit.

other expenses

A company doing business rents an office with utility rooms. At a minimum you need to have 3 rooms. One is a standard office, the second contains a warehouse for spare parts and terminals purchased “on occasion.” The third is a workshop.

Service business staff represented by 3 employees:

  1. One person in the office - he does paperwork and administrative work and monitors the network. The data is received using special software, so it is always known which terminals have stopped working and what error is being broadcast.
  2. Two people serve the business at payment terminals; their task includes collection and error correction.

Contrary to the popular belief that one engineer is enough for supervision, two are needed.
Terminals break down every day, most often they stop because they “chewed” a bill, but this happens in different areas of the city. And if several stopped in one part of the city, the same thing happened in another part - one person cannot fix everything at once. And downtime of the terminal is not only a loss of current profit, but also a loss of regular customers. People find other convenient machines and stop using the usual one, even when it is in working order.

Breakdowns and components

Acts of vandalism occur regularly and are aimed primarily at street machines, and somewhat less often at machines installed indoors. The components are very expensive. Touch glass for a street model costs from 10 to 15 thousand rubles. This is more than the monthly profit of a good point.

Attacks are more common in summer period, and the robbers are not embarrassed by the risk of loot of 5-10 thousand, which they most often fail to seize. In most cases, would-be robbers are caught and sent to justice, but this does not help the business owner; he has to invest in purchasing spare parts and repairs.
Insurance organizations shy away from insuring businesses or agree to such insurance payments that companies with payment terminals are not interested.

Taxes and point zero

A simplified tax scheme is applied, in which up to 15% of profit is paid. The calculation is made as “income” minus “expenses”, the remainder represents the taxable base.
Another simplified option with payment of 6% of turnover in this business with an average margin of 7.5% of turnover and a mandatory deduction of 1.5% for using a special account is unprofitable. The organization usually does not employ an accountant and uses the services of an audit firm.

Current costs for the presented scheme - rent, office, salary, taxes, components and gasoline - are about 300 thousand rubles monthly. Now it becomes clear that from 30 to 40 machines with a good profit will only recoup the costs. Therefore, out of 100 terminals located in good places, 60 units will bring income, due to which the business will develop.

Some people think that one device will be enough. In reality, everything is much more complicated. You need to enter the market with at least a hundred cars.

How do you pay cellular communication? Yes, precisely with his help. The payment terminal has become so firmly established in our lives that it is simply impossible to imagine life without it. To be honest, do you still remember how you can put money on your phone, if not through this vending machine? Let's figure out how much you can earn on payment terminals by opening your own business.


The payment terminal can be placed almost anywhere where there is a stable flow of people. They can be found both in a large shopping center and educational institution, and in almost any store, and even on the street.

Street machines stand out somewhat from regular payment terminals, as they are more susceptible to damage and looting. Street terminals can be either quite profitable or actually idle in vain. The location factor plays an even greater force here. And most importantly, a person is not always ready to take out his wallet on the street and get money. Thus, street terminals still require that there be a surveillance camera nearby or some kind of 24-hour facility, be it an establishment or a store.

Economy and service

The payment terminal earns commissions when making payments. In addition to the commission charged to the client, you can count on remuneration from the recipients of the payment. Companies return a small percentage, usually no more than 1%. At the same time, the value internal commission varies depending on the total amount of money spent. Those. Large clients receive higher rewards not only due to larger volumes, but also due to higher interest rates. This trend has led to the consolidation of players. Small companies began to unite into groups in order to receive maximum rates of remuneration and expand their structures.

You should know that 98% of transactions with payment terminals involve topping up mobile phone accounts. With such an abundance of possible payment purposes collected in payment systems, only fines, rent and the Internet are popular. The most profitable thing is working with cellular companies.

When a client tops up his account and puts his bill into the machine, your money is sent to his phone from your bank account. It is important to understand that the cycle of movement of the money supply can be broken, namely, in order to make payments, you must already have money in your account for this. Once the account runs dry, customers will continue to put money in and wait replenishment of balance. And there will be no more money for them. The continuity of the cycle is very important; you need to constantly monitor the balance of funds, collect the payment terminal and take the money to the bank. Otherwise, trust in your device will drop, and no one will use it.

The payback of a payment terminal largely depends on its location. If we count payback as the ratio of initial expenses to income, we should understand exactly what we consider initial expenses. A payment terminal can be purchased for 50 – 100 thousand rubles. But to this amount we must also add the funds that will need to be deposited into the account in order to ensure work. At the same time, the more cross-country ability, the more funds will need to be frozen forever to ensure work. Collection usually takes place 1-2 times a week. The more collection options you have, the less funds you can have in circulation.

Rent for a payment terminal always varies depending on the location, but in most cases it is 2 - 3 thousand rubles for small retail outlets, small shopping centers and shops. Large shopping centers charge from 10 to 20 thousand rubles per place.

The payment terminal is unpretentious; to operate, it only needs funds on the SIM card to access the Internet, funds in the account and a cash tape. Expenses on uninterrupted operation are insignificant and amount to about five hundred rubles per month. You also need to expect that you need to budget one thousand rubles a month for one device for collection.

You can earn on average 5 – 7 thousand rubles per month using a payment terminal. If you install the machine in a good, passable place, you can count on an indicator of 10 - 15 thousand rubles. But as practice shows, a large mass of machines are located everywhere, scattering the flow of potential customers and bringing their owners a small income. Thus, payback payment terminal can last from six months to a year.

Work Policy

The presence of payment terminals in both large and small locations is due to a number of factors. One of them is competition. The greater the traffic, the greater the income. But at the same time you get higher rent, higher risks, that new players will constantly be vying for your place. Some of your tenants may have good friends or relatives who will want to take your place. Moreover, just random people can constantly raise the price tag. As a result, you may be offered higher prices to save your spot.

Second important factor– wear. If you are located in a large shopping center, you, of course, have good volumes. But let's think about what you get in addition. Namely, more high load. The machine will be used much more often, it will break down more often and will fail much faster. You can earn twice as much if you place it in passable place, but at the same time you can reduce its service life by four times. And here it is no longer so clear whether you win or lose by making such a choice.

The third factor is the average bill. You can guess the location and have very good volumes. For example, if a very significant part is secured by payments for an apartment. But, at the same time, you need to understand that the interest on rent is so small that the feeling that someone has squandered all your money without letting you earn money will be more significant than the profit itself. On the other hand, you can have low volumes, for example, at a university, having a huge number of minimum payments, the income for which reaches 30% - 40%. Such a terminal can bring the owner where more money with minimal use working capital and service. This issue should be taken very seriously.

Knowledge makes business on payment terminals more successful. Information about where the device will be in demand is expensive. Sometimes the cost can be the business itself. And here is the most best advice, start working and planning before the device is installed. Need to collect information. Understand who will use your services. It is necessary to collect information in advance about how many potential clients you will have, and what volumes to expect.

I remember a case when a machine was installed in a large shopping center that brought in 75 thousand rubles a month. And this can be considered a success, if you don’t know that its rental cost exactly the same. So already at the negotiation stage you need to understand that the cost of rent is decisive role in success your business.

Fiscal registrars for terminals

In addition, there is no way to ignore the issue of fiscal registrars for terminals and Federal Law Federal Law 103 dated June 3, 2009, effective from April 1, 2010. Commenting on Federal Law 103 itself, we can say that at the moment any activity of a payment terminal should be carried out only if there is an installed fiscal registrar.

Clause 12 of Article 4 Federal Law No. 103-FZ: “When accepting payments, the payment agent is obliged to use cash register equipment with fiscal memory and control tape”

The only exceptions are banks that retain the right to conduct such activities without additional investments. All the rest, namely small entrepreneurs, who are just delighted with the new opportunity to earn good money, still have to purchase every year EKLZ block to store information about ongoing transactions in encrypted form for the tax inspectorate. At the same time, the cost of an EKLZ block is 7 – 8 thousand rubles.

In addition, the business was required to service its fiscal registrars in the centers Maintenance CTO and related expenses. Fines were also established for continuing activities without fiscal registrars in the amount of 3–4 thousand rubles for individual entrepreneurs and 30–40 thousand rubles for LLCs. Well, the most “pleasant” innovation was the mandatory placement on the check of information about your actual address (if you are an individual entrepreneur) or your office (if you are an LLC). Those. you should kindly offer information about where you can be robbed to any attacker.

This innovation was presented as an opportunity to stop the growth of the rapidly growing number of transactions for cashing out gray cash flows. In fact, the rapidly growing line of business has simply become more expensive and inconvenient to maintain. By strangling the payment terminal business, banks got a significant piece of this tasty pie. It is difficult to find other comments on Federal Law 103.


We examined the features of the work of one of the brightest types of vending business. Having figured out how much payment terminals earn and how they do it, we can say with confidence that the terminal business is stable, reliable and unpretentious. It is the autonomy of these devices that makes it especially attractive, allowing you to freely combine this activity with another.

The history of the development of this market in our country has gone through a period of rapid growth, suppression and stabilization. At the moment the market situation is in some tranquility. The rules of the game have been formulated; the market will no longer grow as much as it did before. Market saturation has been noted this year cell phones, which means the total volume of payments to replenish the balance will stabilize. Although structural changes related to the redistribution of payments and the use of telephone bills to pay for various services are quite possible. This could be a positive trend and significantly increase the amount of funds deposited into accounts.

Business on payment terminals will be attractive for a long time and stable source earnings. The trends in the development of society have already determined the gradual decrease paper money supply and replacing it with electronic payments. But for many years to come, payment terminals will be integral part our daily life.

At the beginning of their advent, payment terminals looked like a gold mine. They multiplied and filled the empty niches. The times of easy profits are over, but the business remains and is growing. Those who are not lazy and are willing to spend money at the start to launch 3-4 terminals can count on a refund within six months. Terminal owners face intense competition. It is necessary to monitor trends in the service market and respond to client requests. Technologies for online payments and Internet banking are constantly evolving. New models of equipment and technologies are emerging. The ability to keep up with progress is the key to a profitable business.

Is it possible to make money on payment terminals: how profitable is the business?

Payment terminals have become commonplace. You will notice them everywhere, they are everywhere. Even in sparsely populated corners, in a village store or at a stop where passengers are waiting for the train, you meet indispensable remote payment assistants. Looking at them, you understand that if they stand, it means there is a benefit. The illusion of easy money arises. I bought a terminal, signed an agreement, connected to the system, began providing services and calculating commissions.

Payment terminals can be found at every step

The scheme is correct, but there are nuances and pitfalls. Many disappointed entrepreneurs wander from forum to forum and talk about failure, losses and complain about the complexity of the business. Meanwhile, their successful colleagues keep quiet and buy new equipment to develop a range of services. The example of the latter is inspiring, but when taking the first step, you should assess the risks and decide for yourself how profitable this venture is.

Possible risks

There are many risks, as in any business project:

  1. Terminals are a complex electronic device that contains mechanical components and computer hardware with software. The failure of one element leads to the failure of the entire system.
  2. The operation of the terminal depends on uninterrupted power supply, the reliability of the cellular operator and the Internet provider.
  3. Terminals are targets of attacks by vandals, scammers and hackers. Some try to make payments without paying, others try to open bill acceptors, others, out of hooligan motives, break equipment, break screens, and stuff garbage and foreign objects into slots for accepting money and bank cards.
  4. Terminals require maintenance: carrying out cash collection, refilling the cash register tape, sanitary cleaning, scheduled and technological checks of the operation of mechanical components and software reliability.
  5. A busy place where the terminal regularly generated income may eventually turn out to be sparsely populated.
  6. The owner of the premises with whom the site rental agreement has been concluded may not renew the agreement or may impose additional requirements.
  7. Terminals become obsolete before they reach the end of their lifespan. Every year new models with better characteristics appear.
  8. Unfair competition from entrepreneurs with administrative resources.


There is no business without risk. You need to be prepared for this. Hundreds of terminal owners cope with the difficulties and difficulties that come their way. When you know what risks await, they can be anticipated and managed. The benefits of doing business with payment terminals significantly outweigh the risks because:

  • Modern terminals are reliable. The main costs go towards purchase and installation, after which the terminal generates a stable income at minimal costs.
  • The terminal can be rented or purchased through leasing.
  • The population is accustomed to using terminals and prefers to go to them rather than to the bank’s cash desk.
  • If necessary, the terminal can be moved to another convenient location or sold. There is a steady demand for used terminals.
  • Managing a network of 4–5 terminals is not difficult for an inexperienced entrepreneur taking his first steps in business.

Having returned the initial investment, which will happen in about six months, the entrepreneur will gain invaluable experience and will be able to determine to what extent he can expand his business or decide to diversify. For example, it will begin to develop related service markets in vending machines, coffee machines, etc.

Where to start: required documents

Legal entity or individual entrepreneur taking the first step is easy. Installation of terminals does not require licensing. An individual will have to spend part of his time registering a business. If you plan to install no more than 5 terminals, then an individual entrepreneur is quite suitable for this purpose, especially since such enterprises have various forms of taxation: 6% on imputed income (“imputed”), 15% on profit (“simplified”), purchase of a patent for a year.

Any of three options allows you to optimize taxes to a level below 13%, which is charged on income individuals. So, the following stages lie ahead:

  1. Registration of an individual entrepreneur (apply with a passport and an application to the tax service and pay 800 rubles in state fees).
  2. Renting a place.
  3. Purchase and adjustment of equipment.
  4. Concluding agreements with payment systems, cellular operators and Internet providers.
  5. Drawing up partnership agreements with organizations in whose favor payments will be accepted.
  6. Conclusion of a collection agreement.
  7. Organization of terminal maintenance.
  8. Organizing customer feedback to resolve controversial issues.

The last two points are very important. There are many payment terminals; reputation in the service market is the key to stable operation. Customers will not return to the terminal where the payment failed. Or they will simply pass by if the terminal looks unkempt in appearance.

Equipment selection

The demand for terminals stimulated manufacturers. My eyes widen at the proposals. Common sense suggests a choice in favor the latest equipment. But it will cost more, and it is difficult to find reviews for it, because it has only been used recently. There are no ideal models, just as there are no absolutely bad ones among those that have served their intended purpose for many years. The minimum set of components in a payment terminal is as follows:

  • banknote acceptance device;
  • screen with touch control and anti-vandal coating;
  • a cash register printer with a fiscal registrar function that prints and issues payment receipts;
  • modems providing cellular communications and Internet connections;
  • alarm and emergency signaling;
  • slot with a bank card reader;
  • Barcode Scanner.

More advanced terminals provide display of advertising or television images, information and legal assistance in the form of text and voice guidance, communication with an operator, and others. useful features client service. But what more complex device, the more demanding it is in terms of care and maintenance.

Before purchasing, be sure to check the terminal

On thematic forums and classifieds sites there are many offers for the purchase of used equipment. Almost new terminals that have served for several months are sold several times cheaper compared to prices in catalogs from manufacturers and distributors. There is no single rule on this matter. The purchase may turn out to be successful or, conversely, a waste of money. A beginner should be careful and not spend money without consulting with experts.

How to choose a location for the terminal

The terminal is designed to serve customers; its profitability depends on how many times and for what amount payments are made. The more often it is used, the more money it will bring to the owner. In Moscow, there are an average of 1,000 people per terminal; figures vary in regions. There is cunning and deceit in the average numbers, but you can focus on them. If, for example, at the place of residence of an entrepreneur there are 4,000 residents per terminal, this is a clear sign that the payment services market has not been developed and there are empty niches.

Even if it seems like everything comfortable places busy with other entrepreneurs, you can always find an unoccupied plot. You should go around and look at the flow of people in crowded places:

  • shopping and business centers;
  • train stations, airports, bus and railway stations;
  • educational institutions, leisure facilities for the population;
  • medical institutions;
  • underground passages and public transport stops;
  • places of traditional holding of public events.

What are the benefits of terminals? With your mobility. They can be transported and installed at another point if the need arises. By being flexible, an entrepreneur can move terminals to areas where the number of potential customers is expected to increase.

Cooperation with the payment system

Choosing a payment system is akin to choosing a business partner. So that a beginner does not feel insecure, as if at a crossroads, he should study the payment system market even at the stage of purchasing a terminal. There are several dozen of them, they actively compete with each other, each is good in its own way and not without its shortcomings. The terminal owner can:

  • enter into a direct agreement with one or more payment systems;
  • connect to payment systems through the head agent;
  • make payments through aggregator companies that work with several payment systems;
  • use Internet banking services.

Direct payments are the most profitable, from them the terminal will receive the maximum reward, but the entrepreneur’s opportunities for carrying out such operations are limited. The more terminals it has and the wider the coverage of organizations for whose benefit payments are accepted, the more intermediaries will appear. You need to prepare for this inevitability in advance by studying offers on the payment system market. Experts advise paying attention to the following criteria:

  • reputation, fame and reliability;
  • stability of the payment processing server;
  • quality of the software, its compatibility with the payment terminal;
  • the amount of remuneration from the payment system to the agent;
  • compatibility with the interface of local service providers;
  • the ability to display advertising on payment terminals;
  • the ability of the terminal itself to flexibly customize the interface to suit the requests of the payment system;
  • the system's interest in new agents, benefits and promotions.

Among the payment systems that have been operating on the market for many years and have won the trust of customers are the following: CyberPlat, QIWI Wallet (Qiwi Wallet), JV Quickpay, DeltaPay, Comepay, SkySend. The list is far from complete; there are many more of them. Each system has its own corporate website, where you can familiarize yourself with the operating features and receive necessary information, technical support and conclude an agency agreement.

Terminal Maintenance

Terminals should not be left unattended even in the most crowded places. Once a day you should check its condition and performance. The place where the terminal is installed should attract customers. This means that this area should be clean. It is necessary to install bins with garbage bags, which are changed regularly. The touch screen is free of dirt and grease marks. Eat sanitary standards and basic disgust of clients. Very often, payment terminals are located in groups of several and belong to different owners. You can't miss out on customers just because the terminal next door looks clean and tidy.

Each terminal comes with documentation, which will necessarily include operating instructions. Maintenance cannot be left to chance; a breakdown or failure is not only a loss of time, lost profits and additional costs for calling service workers, but also a decline in reputation. We also need to understand the psychology of people who use terminals. They produce something similar to conditioned reflex. Having become accustomed to making payments at one terminal, these people automatically return to it. Such customers should not be lost due to the fact that the terms and procedures for maintenance were not met.

Internal organization terminals

The service is inferior to specialists, but ongoing care is within the power of the owner himself or the person appointed. The list of responsibilities should include:

  • daily inspection and inspection, cleaning of contaminants, cleaning of the area directly adjacent to the terminal;
  • checking the tape cash register, replacement if necessary;
  • garbage removal and foreign objects from the bill acceptor and from the bank card slot;
  • report to the owner about the inspection and identified deficiencies.

Communication and Internet connection problems are solved through technical support operator and provider. It is not difficult to collect small amounts yourself if security issues are resolved. But, as a rule, collection is carried out specialized companies with whom the contract is concluded.

If during the inspection an attempt to tamper with the terminal, vandal damage, or malfunctions are revealed, the terminal should be turned off and a warning sign should be placed for customers. After which they report the incident to the police and insurance company and then act according to their instructions.

Video: how the terminal works and what to do in case of breakdown

Cost calculation

The initial investment depends on many factors, but the market is established, which makes it easier to calculate investments. The biggest expense is the purchase of a terminal. Let's leave second-hand ones aside and take into account only new models. In manufacturers' catalogs, prices range from 125,000 to 305,000 rubles. for calculation we will take 215,000 rubles. 1 sq.m. is rented for one terminal. area. For other positions we will take the average values.

Table: initial investment

In total, installing a network of 4 terminals will require 900,000 rubles. Why 4? Because, according to reviews from entrepreneurs who have been in this business for a long time, installing 1–3 terminals does not provide a profit sufficient to maintain and develop the business.

900,000 rub. The amount is not small, but comparable to what banks give for a consumer loan. In this case, the loan is not consumer, but for a business that is considered profitable by default. You can get a loan from an interested bank at a favorable, preferential interest rate, and supplement your monthly expenses table with loan payments. By the way, payments can be made through your terminal.

The scale of current expenses is small, only a few items, mostly repeating the original ones.

Table: monthly expenses

Total 33,000 rub. when hiring an employee who will monitor the operation of the terminals. Without it, 23,000 rubles, if the owner can handle it himself. Will the income cover the initial investment and current expenses? Answer: yes! The main components of the revenue part (averaged monthly indicators for 1 terminal) are presented in the table below.

Table: profit forecast

An entrepreneur can count on (107,000 – 33,000) = 74,000 rubles per month. This means that in about 9–10 months it will fully compensate for the initial investment. During this time, 190,000 current expenses will accrue, which will be covered in 3-4 months and the business will reach monthly net income. It is not recommended to spend all profits on personal needs and consumption. Part of it must certainly go towards expanding and developing the business.

The approximate payback period for a business under ideal conditions is 3–4 months.

Possible difficulties and solutions

An entrepreneur who conducts business legally with open reporting and complies with the laws is under the protection of the state. Therefore, all contracts are concluded in in writing, signed and strictly fulfilled. This practice allows you to defend your interests in court if partners or control authorities have caused damage to the enterprise through illegal actions.

In the relationship between the terminal owner and clients, the most problematic situation is when the terminal accepted money, but the payment was made for a smaller amount or did not go through at all. For successful business sometimes you should give in and interpret all doubts in favor of the client, satisfy his demands and conduct an internal investigation. If there is a failure due to the fault of the equipment manufacturer, network provider or payment system, deal with them, including hearings in arbitration or in a civil court. If it turns out that the client’s actions contain signs of fraud, transfer the materials to law enforcement agencies. The statute of limitations for such cases is 3 years.

Recently, people are increasingly paying for services using payment terminals. This includes payment for utilities, Internet, mobile, and cable TV services. Setting up your own terminal can be quite profitable investment. The costs of starting a business do not exceed 1,000,000 rubles, and the relatively small cost of the machine will pay for itself within the first few months.

What is the business?

The business of installing payment terminals is far from new. Its essence comes down to the installation of special terminals that accept various types of payments without human intervention. In this case, the owner’s income consists of a commission for accepting payments and bonuses from companies accepting them.

Today, entering a business requires considerable effort, since in all major cities The niche has been occupied for a long time. Even if you install your own machine, the competition will be too high to make really big money. The most successful business is in small towns, regional centers.

Where to begin?

It is necessary to start organizing a business by registering as a. To do this, just contact the INFS office with a package of papers and a receipt for payment of the state duty.

The peculiarity of the business is that you do not need to obtain any permits or licenses to install the terminal.

Equipment purchase

After registration legal entity you can start purchasing equipment. The device itself consists of several parts:

  • computer;
  • touch display;
  • bill acceptor;
  • uninterruptible power supply;
  • timer;
  • modem;
  • thermal printer.

When choosing a device, please note Special attention for the following details:

  1. The size of the bill acceptor. Ideally, it should be designed for 1,500 – 2,000 bills. This will allow you to collect the device less frequently.
  2. The thermal printer must be from famous manufacturer and is designed for a large roll of paper.
  3. The case and display must be shock-resistant.
  4. The watchdog timer must be working properly.
  5. The software is stable and intuitive.
  6. Availability of equipment warranty.
  7. Good timer.

Payment terminal This is a hardware and software complex that, in an offline self-service mode, ensures the acceptance of payments from individuals in favor of any organizations, for example, replenishing the balance of a mobile operator, paying for housing and communal services, paying traffic police fines, transferring money to electronic wallets, etc. Business on payment terminals is characterized by minimal participation of the owner and the ability to manage the terminal via the Internet.

According to the code directory, such a business belongs to the column “Other activities using computer technology And information technologies", it can be organized either by one person or by a commercial organization.

The general sequence of actions when opening a business with payment terminals (payment terminal) is:

  • purchasing one or more devices (or renting them);
  • installation of terminals in a good place;
  • their maintenance and profit.
Selecting and purchasing a payment terminal

The choice of a company that sells payment terminals plays a significant role, since each of them may have its own contract terms that are more or less beneficial to the installer of the device. It is worth familiarizing yourself with several offers in advance to choose the best one.

When choosing a payment terminal, you should plan in advance its installation location: will it be located outdoors or indoors. Devices installed outdoors must have greater durability to temperature changes and attacks from marauders, so, as a rule, they are much more expensive.

After purchasing a payment machine, it is important to insure it; business on terminals without insurance is at risk, since mechanical breakdowns and malfunctions are not uncommon, and robberies also occur. Studying insurance programs various companies to choose the best one is also an important point in this business; it can affect the amount of final profit.

Choosing a place to install a payment terminal

Choosing the location of the machine ensures 90% success. You need to be prepared that installing a device without paying rent is already enough a rare event and is usually only possible in places where there is little human traffic. This means that the return on rent or purchase will be minimal. It is better to find a place with high traffic, although you will have to pay some money for this, perhaps a considerable amount.

It is also worth considering the fact that in many crowded places there are already competitors’ machines, which means that when another one is installed, the total profit of such a place will be distributed among all market participants at this point.

Sometimes it seems that the abundance of competitors does not provide an opportunity to promote business, but now new ones are being actively built and settled residential buildings and entire neighborhoods, shops and shopping centers are constantly opening. Therefore, with enough persistence, you can find many points with high traffic and not yet equipped with payment terminals.

What does profit consist of?

The owner of the payment terminal receives from 1.5 to 7% (in some cases up to 10%) with every operation performed on it. The final profit is the sum of this amount minus the rent, the cost of the collection service that retrieves and delivers funds, and the costs of expense transactions (receipt tape replacement, repairs). As a rule, cash collectors withdraw funds every two to four days, depending on the speed at which the bill acceptor is filled. Of course, you can save on this service and extract funds yourself, but this approach is associated with certain risks.

Experienced entrepreneurs and experts in the field of terminals recommend purchasing not one, but several machines at once to develop your business, in which case the profit will come much earlier. And if one of the terminals was not installed very successfully, the profits of the others will cover its losses. When there are several payment machines, business on the terminals can be conducted remotely via automatic system: study the trafficability of installation sites, the amount of revenue, the frequency of breakdowns, etc. Studying statistics allows you to determine how successfully the installation site was chosen. Payment terminals may well be an excellent start for business development.