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» How to get free meals at school for children from large families. Free meals in schools: who is eligible and how to apply

How to get free meals at school for children from large families. Free meals in schools: who is eligible and how to apply

IN weekdays Children spend most of their time in schools, so parents are very concerned about the issue of nutrition - what, how and how many times students are fed during this time. The breakfasts and lunches that a schoolchild receives in the canteen undergo a special test for energy value, content of vitamins and microelements, so such a diet can be called balanced and healthy.

What is free school meals?

At current prices for school breakfasts and lunches, paying for them is a significant part of the cost family budget and not all parents can afford it. For example, the Moscow Schoolchildren Food Factory has been offering the following prices since January 2018:

  • breakfast for grades 5-11 – 82.71 rubles;
  • lunch for grades 1-4 – 134.22 rubles;
  • lunch for grades 5-11 – 152.37 rubles.

Even if high school students limit themselves to lunch only, it will still be a decent amount: 152.37 rubles x 5 days = 761.85 rubles. in Week. This is why providing children from low-income families with free school meals in 2018 has a very important social impact. The Federal Law “On Education” refers to financing issues discounted meals in schools, to the competence of regional authorities. They determine what the subsidy for school meals should be from the local budget and monitor compliance with sanitary standards for school canteens.

Who should

The legislation determines the circle of persons entitled to partial payment or completely free school meals in 2018. For example, according to the Order of the Moscow Department of Education, this includes children:

  • from large families where there are 5 or more minor children;
  • from low-income families (in this case, it is necessary that the income for each family member be less than the subsistence level for this subject Russian Federation);
  • those under guardianship or orphans who have lost one or both breadwinners and receive a pension for this reason;
  • having disabilities or chronic diseases;
  • at least one of whose parents is a disabled person of the first or second group;
  • whose parents suffered from the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant or participated in the liquidation of this disaster.

Reduced Meal Options

Reduced meals at school can be completely free or involve partial payment - it depends on the social category to which the student or his family belongs. It is also possible to return part of the funds spent at the end of the month or another accounting period. In this case, food intake depends on the regime educational institution, and it happens:

  • one-time (breakfast or lunch);
  • two meals a day (breakfast and lunch or lunch and afternoon snack, depending on the school shift);
  • three times a day (afternoon snack in addition to two meals a day);
  • five and six meals a day for specialized educational institutions such as boarding schools.

What exactly free school meals will be like in 2018 depends on the size of the subsidy allocated by the regional administration for social needs for a particular constituent entity of the Russian Federation (in this case, benefits for junior and senior school students may be different). The most common options are:

  • free breakfast;
  • discounts for those in need on school breakfasts and lunches;
  • completely free two meals a day.

How to apply

The first thing to do is to find out whether your child is eligible for this benefit. Free and partially paid breakfasts and lunches educational institutions are financed from the regional budget and this norm should be established by local legislation, therefore the list of preferential categories and criteria for different subjects of the Russian Federation will differ. For example, school meals are provided to large families if there are five or more minor children, while regional legislation interprets “large families” much more broadly:

  • In Moscow, a family with three children under 16 years of age is considered to have many children. When studying full-time at a university, the age limit increases to 18 years.
  • For Krasnodar region The age limit is 23 years (for full-time students) and 18 years for other children.

The difference in interpretation also changes the conditions under which free meals are provided to large families at school in different regions(this also applies to other categories of students). It is quite possible that the administration of a secondary school may not be aware of all regional subsidies, so parents should thoroughly study this issue. If you find out that your child is entitled to this benefit (for example, meals for disabled children at school), then the further algorithm will be as follows:

  1. Write a statement addressed to the school principal notifying that your family has the right to this form of social support.
  2. Prepare documentation that will confirm these rights.
  3. Provide this package of documents to the school administration.
  4. Next, the documents are sent to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities, where a decision is made on the provision of benefits.

An application for discounted meals must be submitted in advance, usually in the previous academic year. In other words, in order to receive the benefit in 2017-2018, a package of documents must be provided before June 2017. But situations are also possible when the right to a benefit appears during study (change in family composition, etc.) or the child moves to another school - in this case, the student will have the right to use the next calendar month after submitting the application.

How to write an application

The application is written in any form, the main thing is that it contains data on which a discount on the cost of school meals will be provided. A properly drafted appeal consists of three parts:

  • “Hats”, which indicates who this document is intended for and who compiled it (the surname and initials of the director of the educational institution are given, and below - the applicant’s data). Below you need to write “Application” in the middle of the line.
  • The content of the main part of the application depends on the specific reason (large family, disability of parents, etc.) that must be indicated. The accompanying documents that are attached to the application are also mentioned here. For example, for low-income families, the text will be as follows: “I ask you to provide free meals to my son Ivan Maksimov, a 7b grade student. Our family is poor. The monthly income for each family member is 8,234 rubles (a certificate from the Social Security Department is attached).”
  • In the final part, you can indicate that during illness or other valid reasons for the student’s absence, meals remain with the class. The applicant's signature, surname, initials and date of application are placed last.

Documents for free meals at school

The submitted documentation is reviewed by the school administration, and if the decision is positive, the child is added to the list to receive preferential meals. The basic package of documents should include:

  • Application addressed to the director.
  • Child's birth certificate.
  • A copy of the passport of the parent submitting the application.

Depending on the situation, a family or child may fall into different categories for free (or partially paid) school meals. Therefore, additional documents must be attached to the basic package. For example, for large families the list will be as follows:

  • Certificate informing about family composition.
  • A copy of the birth certificates (passports) of all minor children (or up to 23 years of age if studying full-time at a university, for regions where a similar age limit is adopted).
  • A copy of the document confirming the status of a mother of many children.

If a disabled child is entitled to receive benefits, the list will be different. The package of documents for this situation contains:

  • A copy of the medical report on the assignment of disability due to physical limitations.
  • Certificate of family composition.

If a schoolchild has at least one parent who is disabled, he also has the right to preferential feeding. To receive this benefit, prepare:

  • A copy of the passport of the parent with disabilities.
  • A copy of the medical and social examination certificate (MSE) about the parent’s disability.

If a child’s family has low-income and/or single-parent status, then he/she also has the right to free school breakfasts and lunches. To do this, add to the basic package of documents:

  • A certificate stating that the family belongs to the category of low-income people, that is, each family member has an income less than the subsistence level. If there is an adult non-working family member, a registration document with the Employment Center or an ITU conclusion on the impossibility of labor activity for health.
  • The act of examining the living conditions in the family is carried out by the class teacher.

Having lost one of the breadwinners, a student also falls into the preferential category. Additionally you need to prepare:

  • A copy of the death certificate of one of the parents.
  • A document stating that the student receives a survivor's pension from the state.
  • Certificate of family composition.

The school canteen will also feed orphans who have ended up in foster families or received guardianship for free. For this purpose the following papers are prepared:

  • A copy of the resolution of the social service (guardianship and trusteeship authorities) on the appointment of a guardian.
  • Family composition document.

If one of the parents is a victim of the Chernobyl accident, then this is also the basis for social nutrition. The school administration is additionally provided with:

  • A copy of the parent’s passport, which gives rise to the right to the benefit.
  • A document that he is a victim of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.


  • a child from a large or low-income family;
  • a schoolchild who, for whatever reason, finds himself in a difficult life situation;
  • an orphan or a child who has lost parental care;
  • a child who has only one parent;
  • a schoolchild who is paid a survivor's pension benefit;
  • a child with adoptive parents;
  • special school student;
  • a disabled child or a child with limited capabilities;
  • a child of the liquidators of the man-made disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant or a child from a family affected by the man-made disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • a child whose parents are disabled in one of the first two groups.

Hello. We are a large family from the Moscow region. My son goes to school in Moscow. The school denied him free meals due to lack of registration in Moscow. Referring to law #60 of Moscow. About families with children. Tell me, is it possible through the court to oblige a Moscow school to feed a child living and registered in the Moscow region for free. Or in my case the trial will be lost. I am ready to pay for help in drawing up an application

Free meals at school in 2019: what documents are needed to receive benefits

The first thing to do is to find out whether your child is eligible for this benefit. Free and partially paid breakfasts and lunches of educational institutions are financed from the regional budget and this norm should be established by local legislation, so the list of preferential categories and criteria for different constituent entities of the Russian Federation will differ. For example, school meals are provided to large families if there are five or more minor children, while regional legislation interprets “large families” much more broadly:

Who is eligible for free school meals in 2019?

Most regions provide financial support to families with three or more children, as well as families whose average monthly income is less than established standards. One of the support measures is free or reduced-price meals for children in preschool and school institutions.

Free school meals for large families 2019

First, let’s figure out which family can be recognized as having many children. Federal laws of the Russian Federation do not provide a precise definition of the concept of “large family”. Each subject of the Federation does this independently. At the same time, national and cultural characteristics are taken into account. However, in most regions, a family will be recognized as having many children if it has at least three children. The age of the eldest child should not exceed 18 years, and under certain circumstances (for example, studying at a university, serving in Armed Forces RF), this age can be increased to 23 years. Adopted children are treated like relatives. If all these conditions are met, then the family is considered to have many children, and in some regions a “Large Family Certificate” is issued. Also, a large family is provided with a set of benefits and payments.

Free school meals for children from large families in Moscow

4. Students and residents of special (correctional) general education boarding schools, cadet boarding schools and state boarding educational institutions have the right to free five meals a day (first and second breakfasts, afternoon tea, dinner) (clause 2.8 of the Order ).

Free school meals for children from large families in Moscow

Students of certain educational organizations, in particular the cadet (naval cadet) corps, are provided with free meals in the manner determined by the founders of these organizations (Parts 3, 4, Article 37, Part 2, Article 86 of the Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ; Clause 31 of the Procedure, approved by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated April 19, 2010 N 292; Part 5 of Article 11 of the Moscow Law dated June 29, 2005 N 32; Order of the Moscow Department of Education dated December 30, 2010 N 2168).

Free meals for children at school

To receive free school meals, children must be from a family with large families. This status is received by a family with three or more children whose age does not exceed 18 years, and if children over 18 years of age are studying in educational institutions - until they graduate from such educational institution. Since the final decision on providing free meals in schools is made in the regions, they can stipulate that only low-income families can receive such a benefit. In some regions, it has been decided to provide free meals in schools only to schoolchildren whose families have five or more children.

Free school meals for families with many children

* a discount of no less than 30 percent of the established fee for the use of heating, water, sewerage, gas and electricity, and for families living in houses without central heating, - from the cost of fuel purchased within the limits established for sale to the population in a given territory;

Benefits for school meals for families with many children

The list is shocking, including the reduction of education in secondary schools to 9 years, and the extension of the retirement age for women by 10, for men by 5 years, the abolition of scholarships, the introduction of payment for medical services and education (including secondary). Reduction of the total number of beneficiaries, abolition of the right to free travel, payments to Chernobyl victims, introduction of payment for meals in hospitals and schools (for primary classes), a moratorium on the indexation of pensions and salaries for public sector employees, until economic stabilization, an increase is necessary seniority will be increased by 7 years... It becomes clear why foreign executors in the government were needed to implement all the listed “reforms”. Any Ukrainian politician understands that the introduction of all these laws will put an end to his political career, but foreigners will not waver, they are not interested in a career in Ukraine...

According to paragraph 2 of Art. 17 of the Federal Law of March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 52-FZ), when organizing meals in preschool and other educational institutions, it is mandatory to comply with scientifically based physiological standards of human nutrition.

However, in accordance with paragraph.

3 tbsp. 14 of the Law “On Education in the Orenburg Region” the Government of the Orenburg Region has the right to additional financial support for catering activities for students in municipal educational organizations and students studying in private educational organizations in basic general education programs that have state accreditation, as well as providing state support additional education of children in municipal educational organizations.

Agreed I approve

With the governing board, the school director:

Protocol No. _______from “__”_________ 20 __________ T.N. Kononova

Chairman of the Management Board: ________ E.S. Ksenofontova Order from “___”__________20 No.___

about organizing meals at school


1 These Regulations determine the procedure for organizing meals for students at the Zhuravensky Secondary School

2. School catering is organized by the school administration.

3. The canteen of a general education educational institution operates in accordance with acts of legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the school, and these Regulations regulating the procedure for organizing public catering.

2.1. Students are provided with hot meals at the expense of parents (legal representatives), at the expense of regional subventions for partial compensation of meals and budget funds of the Zaraisky municipal district, as well as other sources not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.2. For meals Parents (legal representatives) pay money per month, per week or monthly as a sponsorship contribution to the institution’s off-budget account.

2.3. Students are fed according to an approximate cyclic menu designed for two weeks in accordance with sanitary standards.

2.4. The weekly menu is compiled by the school cook and approved by the school director from the actual products and funds available. Control of behavior, organization of students, accounting of meals is organized by class teachers and parents.


3.1. Catering is carried out by specially appointed employees. Their responsibilities are determined by job descriptions.

3.2. When organizing meals, the canteen of a general education institution is its structural unit and operates at the expense of subventions from the district budget.

3.4. In the winter-spring period, C-vitaminization of prepared food is carried out in accordance with the procedure determined by the Ministry of Health at the expense of the students’ parents (legal representatives).

3.5. In case of an unfavorable epidemic situation in a school, daily samples are taken by written decision of Rospotrebnadzor.

3.6. Meal times are set in accordance with the daily routine and class schedule. In the school day, there are two breaks for breakfast and lunch, lasting 20 (for breakfast) and 30 minutes (for lunch.)

3.7. Students are provided with meals in the cafeteria by class (group) in accordance with the meal schedule approved by the school director.

3.8. At the request of teachers, it is possible to organize hot breakfasts for teachers on the same conditions as students with prepayment of the full cost per month.


4.1. Supplies food products and food raw materials (hereinafter referred to as food products) to the canteen are supplied by suppliers determined by local executive and administrative bodies in the manner established by them on a competitive basis.

5.Organization of preferential meals for students.
5.1. Reduced meals (hot breakfasts) are provided to all students in grades 1-5.

5.2. Those attending extended-day groups are provided with preferential meals (lunches) in the amount of 50% of the students of the total number of students attending the extended-day group.

5.3. Reduced meals are provided in order to provide support to students in the following categories:

  • students from large families;
  • students from low-income families;
  • orphaned children;
  • children in care;
  • children in difficult life situations.

5.4. Food benefits (subsidies) are established in each class by decision of class parent committees, taking into account the social status of the family.

5.5The Parents Committee, by its decision, which is recorded in the minutes, approves the list of children in need of subsidized meals and petitions the governing council to allocate subsidies for meals for students in the class.

5.6. The Governing Council makes a decision to approve or reject the petition of class parent committees.

5.7..The food subsidy is established for a period of one quarter.

5.8..The number of students who can be allocated a food subsidy, and its size is determined by order of the education department based on the resolution of the head of the administration of the Zaraisky municipal district.

5.9. The lists of students who received subsidies are approved by order of the director.

5.10. Reduced meals (subsidies) are established for breakfasts in the amount of 40% of the payroll of students in grades 6-11, for lunches - only for those attending the extended day group.

5.11.If the number of people applying for reduced meals is greater established norm, the governing council decides to reject the application for a grant. If a controversial situation arises, the governing council has the right to request documents from parents confirming the income and status of the family.

5.12. The Governing Council forms reserve lists of students for reduced meals for the period of student absence from school.

5.13. The social teacher works to identify these categories of students and provide them with food. Organizes meals for students on the reserve list.


6.1. Control over the organization of meals for students, the work of the school canteen and the quality of food preparation is carried out by the bodies and institutions of Rospotrebnadzor, educational authorities within their competence in accordance with the law. The governing council of the school, the school administration

6.2. The quality of prepared food is checked daily by the person responsible for organizing hot meals with a note in the rejection log.

6.3. Constant monitoring of the work of the canteen is carried out by the person responsible for organizing hot meals at the school. The results of inspections are documented in certificates.

6.4. Responsibility for organizing meals for students, spending budget funds for these purposes, and observing sanitary and hygienic requirements rests with the school director and the cook responsible for organizing meals.

6.5. Classroom teacher keeps daily records of children's nutrition, carries out explanatory work with parents on providing students with meals in the school canteen. At the end of the month, submits the class attendance report card to the school canteen

7.Procedure for provision monetary compensation instead of free food (breakfast)

1. Monetary compensation instead of free meals (breakfast) is provided to parents (legal representatives) of students:

- suffering from one of the following chronic diseases: diabetes mellitus, celiac disease, chronic renal failure or chronic gastrointestinal diseases;

- homeschoolers for medical reasons.

2. Parents (legal representatives) may be paid monetary compensation instead of free meals (breakfast) in the cases specified in clause 1 of section 7 of these Regulations. The amount of compensation corresponds to 100% of the established amount approved by the Law of the Moscow Region “On partial compensation of the cost of meals for certain categories of students in educational institutions.”

3. The simultaneous provision of free food (breakfast) and monetary compensation instead of free food to the same person for the same period is not allowed.

4. An application for payment of monetary compensation instead of free meals is submitted by parents (legal representatives) of the administration of a general education institution from the moment the right to receive monetary compensation established by this Procedure arises, as well as copies of the following documents:

a) a copy of the savings book;

b) a document confirming the right to represent interests


c) copies of documents confirming the basis for the provision of free food (medical certificate)

An application for payment of monetary compensation instead of free food (breakfast) is drawn up in the prescribed form.

6. The Governing Council of the institution, taking into account the content of the application of the parents (legal representatives), makes one of the following decisions:

- petition the head of the educational institution for 100% monetary compensation instead of free meals (breakfast);

- refuse to issue a request to the head of a general education institution to provide 100% monetary compensation instead of free food (breakfast).

Free school meals for large families 2018

The decision of the Governing Council is made for the period specified in the application, but no more than until the end school year.

8. The decision of the Governing Council is included in the minutes of the meeting of the Council of the Institution. The applicant must be informed of the decision made in the form established by the administration of the educational institution.

9. The head of a general education institution, within three days from the moment the decision is made to provide 100% monetary compensation instead of free meals (breakfast), issues a corresponding order, which is included in the student’s personal file. Full package documents are sent to the centralized accounting department of educational institutions of the Zaraisky municipal district for the applicant to receive compensation.

10.The governing council of the institution has the right to decide to stop providing 100% monetary compensation in lieu of free meals (breakfast). This decision can be made if reliable information is received about the absence or loss of the student’s right to receive 100% monetary compensation instead of free meals (breakfast) after conducting an appropriate check, documented. Based decision taken The head of the educational institution, within three days, issues an appropriate order to stop accruing 100% monetary compensation instead of free food (breakfast), which is invested in the student’s personal file.

Essentially the question asked We report the following.

According to Article 38 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, people's health is protected in the Russian Federation, state support for childhood is provided, childhood and family are under state protection.

In accordance with Article 34 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012 No. 273 - FZ (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 273 - FZ), students are given the right to protect life and health. As one of the measures of social support and incentives, the article names the provision of food in cases and in the manner established by federal laws and laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

According to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 5, 1992 No. 431 “On measures of social support for large families” (hereinafter referred to as Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 431), large families have the right to provide their children with free food (breakfasts and lunches), a set school uniform, or clothing that replaces it, at the expense of funds from universal education and deductions from their production activities and other extra-budgetary contributions.

Within the meaning of Article 41 of Law No. 273 - Federal Law, the protection of the health of students includes the organization of meals for students.

Federal Law No. 124-FZ of July 24, 1998 “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 124-FZ) provides for the implementation of a set of measures to ensure children’s compliance with the diet when performing sanitary and hygienic and sanitary epidemiological requirements.

Articles 9, 14.1 of Law No. 124-FZ provide for measures to protect the rights of the child when carrying out activities in the field of his education and upbringing, measures to promote the physical, intellectual, mental, spiritual and moral development of children.

According to paragraph 2 of Art.

Who is eligible for free school meals?

17 of the Federal Law of March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 52-FZ), when organizing meals in preschool and other educational institutions, it is mandatory to comply with scientifically based physiological standards of human nutrition.

Clauses 1 and 3 of Art. 39 of the said law establishes that federal sanitary rules, compliance with which is mandatory for citizens, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities.

By virtue of clause 6.8. Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization of meals for students in general education institutions, institutions of primary and secondary vocational education”, approved by Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated July 23, 2008 No. 45, for students of educational institutions it is necessary to organize two hot meals a day meals (breakfast and lunch).

Thus, in accordance with the current federal legislation, children from large families are provided with a number of social guarantees, and one type of such assistance is the provision of free meals at school.

However, the responsibility for organizing the provision of free food rests with the authorities state power subjects of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with Article 14 of the Law of the Orenburg Region dated September 6, 2013 No. 1698/506-V-OZ “On Education in the Orenburg Region” (hereinafter referred to as the Law “On Education in the Orenburg Region”) the right to free meals in state educational organizations Orenburg region have: 1) students with disabilities; 2) orphans, children left without parental care, and persons from among them; 3) students studying and being brought up in boarding educational organizations for the duration of their studies in these organizations; 4) students mastering training programs for qualified workers and employees.

As can be seen from this list, the Law “On Education in the Orenburg Region”, unfortunately, does not provide for the provision of children from large families with free school meals.

However, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Art. 14 of the Law “On Education in the Orenburg Region” the Government of the Orenburg Region has the right to additional financial support for catering activities for students in municipal educational organizations and students in private educational organizations in basic general education programs that have state accreditation, as well as providing state support for additional education of children in municipal educational organizations.

Regional and municipal budgets may provide subsidies for providing meals to children.

In practice, the issue of providing free or reduced-price meals is often decided at the municipal level.

Reduced food

In accordance with the decisions of the Yaroslavl Regional Duma and the municipality of the city of Yaroslavl, food benefits have been changed since January 1, 2015.

Current benefits are presented in the table:

Name Benefit provided Grounds for provision Documents required to receive benefits
Privileges Yaroslavl region
Children from low-income families (except for those with low-income status) clause 1 pp. "a" art. 63 Social Code of Yaroslavl Region
  • statement;
Disabled children one free meal clause 1 pp. "b" art. 63 Social Code of Yaroslavl Region
  • statement;
  • a certificate confirming the fact of disability, issued by a medical and social examination institution.
Children in guardianship whose guardians will not receive a monthly payment one free meal P.

Large families will receive benefits for children's meals in schools

"in" Art. 63 Social Code of Yaroslavl Region

  • statement;
  • a certificate from the guardianship and trusteeship authority indicating that the guardian (trustee) has not been assigned a monthly payment for the maintenance of a child under guardianship (trusteeship).
Children registered at the TB dispensary one free meal clause 1 pp. "g" art. 63 Social Code of Yaroslavl Region
  • statement;
  • a certificate from a medical organization confirming that the student is registered at an anti-tuberculosis dispensary.
Children from large families (except for those with low-income status) one free meal clause 1 pp. "d" art. 63 Social Code of Yaroslavl Region
  • statement;
  • certificate of a large family of the Yaroslavl region.
Children with disabilities studying under the NOO, LLC, SOO programs
  • statement;
  • conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission;
  • written consent of the student’s parents to organize the child’s education in accordance with the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission.
Children from large families with low-income status two free meals a day clause 2 art. 63 Social Code of Yaroslavl Region
  • statement;
  • certificate of a large family of the Yaroslavl region;
  • a certificate from the social protection authority at the place of residence of the parents in the established form recognizing the student’s family as low-income.
Children studying in primary programs general education one-time meal for partial payment Art. 63 Social Code of Yaroslavl Region
  • statement;
  • agreement for the provision social services to provide one-time meals for a partial payment.
Benefits of the city of Yaroslavl
Pupils of state and municipal institutions for orphans and children left without parental care one free meal
Children, one of whose parents (legal representatives) is a non-working disabled person of group 1 or 2 one free meal clause 2.13.1 of the decision of the municipality of the city of Yaroslavl No. 787 dated 09.10.2010 as amended by the decision of the municipality of the city of Yaroslavl No. 401 of 01.10.2014
  • statement;
  • a copy of the work book with the latest notice of dismissal;
Children, one of whose parents belongs to the category of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the accident at the Mayak production facility and the discharge of radioactive waste into the Techa River, as well as nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site one free meal clause 2.13.1 of the decision of the municipality of the city of Yaroslavl No. 787 dated 09.10.2010 as amended by the decision of the municipality of the city of Yaroslavl No. 401 of 01.10.2014
  • statement;
  • a copy of the first page of the parent’s passport and the page with Yaroslavl registration.
Children whose parents died in combat areas one free meal clause 2.13.1 of the decision of the municipality of the city of Yaroslavl No. 787 dated 09.10.2010 as amended by the decision of the municipality of the city of Yaroslavl No. 401 of 01.10.2014
  • statement;
  • certificate of the established form;
  • a copy of the first page of the parent’s passport and the page with Yaroslavl registration.
Students of sports classes one free meal clause 2.13.1 of the decision of the municipality of the city of Yaroslavl No. 787 dated 09.10.2010 as amended by the decision of the municipality of the city of Yaroslavl No. 401 of 01.10.2014 no additional documents are provided
Pupils living in educational organizations for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance. one free meal clause 2.13.1 of the decision of the municipality of the city of Yaroslavl No. 787 dated 09.10.2010 as amended by the decision of the municipality of the city of Yaroslavl No. 401 of 01.10.2014 no additional documents are provided
Children of single mothers (children whose birth certificate does not contain information about the father, or is recorded according to the mother’s words) 50% payment of the established cost 2.13.2. decision of the municipality of the city of Yaroslavl No. 787 dated 10/09/2010 as amended by decision of the municipality of the city of Yaroslavl No. 401 dated 10/01/2014
  • statement;
  • agreement on the provision of a social service to provide one meal for a partial fee;
  • a copy of the first page of the parent’s passport and the page with Yaroslavl registration;
  • birth certificate with the “Father” column blank;
  • or a certificate from the registry office stating that the record of paternity was made according to the mother’s words.

Application and agreement forms

large families Application form for the provision of social services to provide free one-time meals on school days for low-income families Application form for the provision of social services to provide free one-time meals on school days for low-income and large families single mothers Application form for the provision of social services to provide one meal for a partial fee on school days for primary school Application form for informed refusal of social services to provide free one-time meals on school days for primary school primary school Application form for the provision of social services to provide one meal for a partial fee on school days for single mothers Agreement on the provision of social services to provide one-time meals for partial payment for primary school

Regulatory documents on the provision of benefits

Letter of the Department of Education of the Yaroslavl Region dated December 15, 2014 No. 3088/01-10 “On sending information and draft documents” (with the procedure for providing meals for a partial payment) Resolution of the Yaroslavl municipality dated October 9, 2008 No. 787 “On additional measures of social support for citizens” ( as amended as of 10/02/2014)

About the organization of free meals at school No. 49

Order No. 7 of January 12, 2015 “On the organization of free meals.”

To receive social services, parents must submit an application and necessary documents to Zetkina R. Ya. in office. No. 25.

Last page update:

ORDER "On the organization of meals at school"


MBOU "Plyusskaya Secondary" comprehensive school»

Plyussa village, Plyussky district, Pskov region

" " 2015 No.

"About catering at school"

In order to streamline the work on organizing nutritious meals, increasing the coverage of school students with hot meals


1. Organize hot meals for school students from September 1, 2015.

To the school social teacher I.A. Zakharova:

- provide timely full information on issues of organizing meals for schoolchildren to their parents and school teaching staff;

— compile a database on subsidized meals and systematically adjust it.

- issue in a timely manner necessary documentation(reports on preferential meals, etc.) and submit it monthly to the education department of the administration of the Plyussky district.

Monitor the compliance of the database on subsidized meals and the number of people eating.

Class teachers and teachers of extended day groups:

- promote the benefits and usefulness of tasty and healthy food among class students and their parents;

— contribute to increasing the rate of coverage of hot meals among students in the class;

— ensure compliance with the rules of personal hygiene of class students;

- daily monitor the food intake of class students,

3. To the medical worker of the school, Ilyina E.I.:

- carry out timely preventive work in order to reduce the incidence rate of school students, the number of exacerbations of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

— organize medical examinations of school students by specialized specialists

- daily monitor the condition of kitchen utensils and special equipment,

— daily control over the storage conditions of products and compliance with deadlines for their sale,

- daily control the quality and completeness of prepared food.

4. In order to streamline the work of the school canteen, establish the following meal schedule:

at 1 big break - grades 1-4;

at the 2nd big break - grades 5-7;

at the 3rd break - grades 8-11;

Free meals at school in 2018: what documents are needed to receive the benefit

Kapitsa Yu.I., the school caretaker, daily monitor the serviceability of commercial, refrigeration, technological, electromechanical equipment and its components in the catering department and promptly inform the school administration about its malfunction.

- ensure the serviceability of equipment in the catering department, in utility rooms, serviceability of furniture, promptly carry out its capital repairs, Maintenance;

- carry out technical supervision of all engineering communications;

— ensure the availability of commercial, refrigeration, technological, electromechanical equipment and its components in the catering unit, the required amount of kitchen, tableware and special equipment;

— ensure the availability of the required amount of detergents and disinfectants for washing dishes, dining room furniture and cleaning premises;

- perform sanitary-hygienic, sanitary-technical and preventive actions, preventing the habitation, reproduction, and spread of domestic insects and rodents;

- ensure timely quality implementation wet cleaning catering facilities, dining room;

- carry out major and current repairs of all dining room premises.

6. To the duty administrator:

— monitor the compliance of the daily menu and prepared dishes offered to students;

7. To the teacher on duty:

— ensure an organized visit to the dining hall for students, accompanied by a teacher;

- do not allow students and school staff to enter the dining hall during outerwear;

- do not allow students to take food and cutlery out of the cafeteria;

— appoint duty officers to ensure that students’ tables are cleaned after eating and that discipline is observed.

8. To the subject teacher teaching a lesson in the class before the break established for the class students to eat:

- at the end of the lesson, escort the class students to the dining room in an orderly manner;

- ensure that students observe personal hygiene rules before eating;

- monitor the food intake of class students.

9. In order to check school documentation on catering at the school, appoint a commission consisting of:

1. Mukhkyurya G.N. — chairman of the primary elected trade union organization;

2. Tikhonova L.N. - deputy. Director of HR;

3. Zakharova I.A. - social teacher.

I reserve control over the execution of the order.

School director O.V. Lazareva

The following have been familiarized with the order:

The rules according to which a child has the right to qualify for free meals at school may vary slightly depending on the region. But, as a rule, school meals are free for the following categories of children:

disabled people;
children from large families;
children under guardianship, but not receiving benefits;
children from families where the average income per family member is significantly lower than the fixed subsistence level.

In some cases, food can be provided to children whose family is temporarily in difficult life circumstances.

Free school meals for children from large families

This may be a serious illness of one of the relatives, problems with housing, which may be damaged due to man-made disasters, natural disasters, fires. To confirm the situation, the school administration inspects the living conditions and draws up an appropriate protocol, on the basis of which a decision is made.
How to apply for free meals at school: necessary documents

If your child belongs to one of the above categories, then at the beginning of the school year you need to contact the school principal with an application for free meals. To complete the application, you need to collect a number of documents, the list of which varies depending on the situation. If you want to do this in advance, then paperwork for food, for example, from September 2014, should begin in May 2014.

List of documents:

Application according to the sample provided at school.
A copy of the passport of the applicant parent or guardian.
To apply for free meals for large families at school, copies of birth certificates of all minor children.
Certificate of family composition from place of residence.

If family members are registered in different places, then everyone must take a certificate from their place of registration.
Certificate of income for the last three months.
Certificate of benefits received from the social security department.
If one of the minor family members is a student, then those who are entitled to free meals at school must provide a certificate of the amount of the scholarship.
In case of divorce of parents - a copy of the divorce certificate and documents relating to alimony: a copy of the voluntary agreement, court order, checks, transfer receipts.
A copy of the death certificate if the child is an orphan.
Certificate of disability.
Certificate of the amount of survivor's pension.
A copy of a document from the department of social protection of the population stating that the family has been assigned low-income status.

The benefit is issued:

Kirov Center for Social Assistance to Family and Children (more details)

Thank you for contacting our service!

Financial assistance to certain categories of citizens is provided for a variety of reasons. different types. These include subsidies, and other types of government-appointed support. Such assistance also exists in the area of ​​school nutrition. Lunches and breakfasts are provided to children of families of certain categories. Who exactly is entitled to such assistance in the coming academic year and what documents are needed in order to apply for it?

Table of contents:

Types of free school meals

Exactly how much money is spent on unpaid food for children in schools, and who regulates the distribution of finances on this issue, is established in Federal law. It goes under the number 273-F3. The fourth paragraph states that free meals in schools are organized using revenues from regional budgets. The right to control and regulate this process is transferred to the management of these regions. And the food itself, its composition and the requirements that are put forward for it are regulated by general sanitary standards. Violation of these will result in severe penalties.

There are several types of free food. Which type operates in a certain territory depends on what budget the regional administration has allocated for social needs.

  • Breakfast is provided at the expense of budget funds.
  • The budget guarantees certain discounts on lunches and breakfasts in schools.
  • The regional office guarantees each student both free breakfast and free lunch.

Important fact

The legislation separately identifies families that fall into the category of low-income or vulnerable. For them, both breakfast and lunch are free, regardless of what type of subsidized food is available in the region.

Who is entitled to subsidized meals in schools?

It is worth noting that the legislation does not establish exact lists categories of children who have the right to registration preferential terms nutrition. Such lists are established at the regional level and, depending on the territory, can differ quite significantly. But, if you do a little research, you can note the most frequently mentioned categories of citizens entitled to free meals in schools:

You can find out exactly which categories of citizens fall under the preferential meal program from the administration of the educational institution. Also, such subsidies can be assigned to a family that does not fall under any of the categories, but finds itself in a difficult financial situation. To do this, it is necessary to officially notify the school management and indicate exactly what factors led to the fact that it is now impossible to pay for the child’s meals in full. Each such situation is decided on an individual basis. And such a benefit, in the above case, cannot last longer than one academic year.

How to apply for food benefits at school

This benefit, like any other type of financial assistance, does not come into force automatically. The fact that the family has the right to such a subsidy must be notified to the relevant authorities by sending there the necessary package of documents. The deadlines during which people have the right to apply for free meals are set at the regional level. But in the overwhelming majority of cases they last from the beginning of the school year until the end of May.

It is worth noting the case when a family receives the status of having many children in the middle of the year. In this case, documents can be submitted at the time of inclusion in this category, and food benefits will come into force from the beginning of the next month.

In order to apply for free meals, parents must provide the school administration with the following documents:

  • An application drawn up for the director of the educational institution. It needs to notify him of the right to apply for free food.
  • Help providing full details about the current composition of the family.
  • , confirming the birth of the child and his relationship with the applicant.
  • A copy of the identity documents of the applicant's parents or guardians.

Depending on which category the family applying for benefits falls into, the following documents may be needed:

The entire list of documents that need to be provided to the school administration for free meals can be found in the administration of the educational institution.