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» How to properly glue vinyl wallpaper (photo, video). How to glue non-woven wallpaper: detailed instructions for a novice master For which wallpaper glue is applied to the wall

How to properly glue vinyl wallpaper (photo, video). How to glue non-woven wallpaper: detailed instructions for a novice master For which wallpaper glue is applied to the wall

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 5 minutes

Wallpapering - simple and cheap way updating the decoration in any room. But even such a simple task can turn into torture if you don’t know all its subtleties. For those who plan to glue vinyl wallpapers, you will have to figure out where to apply the glue - on the canvas or on the wall - what tool to use, how to prepare the surface and how to finish hard-to-reach areas. All this is discussed in our article.

Features of gluing vinyl wallpaper depending on the base material

Vinyl-coated wallpaper can have a paper or non-woven base. Not only the characteristics of the coating, but also the principles of gluing depend on the substrate material.

  1. The adhesive mixture is impregnated with the wall, not the canvas, which simplifies the work process.
  2. This backing is much stronger than paper, has high wear resistance, and can hide small irregularities and cracks on the walls.
  3. The disadvantages of non-woven wallpaper include the rigidity of the material. The low plasticity of the panels does not allow for quick and efficient finishing of convex areas.
  • The glue is applied not only to the surface of the wall, but also to the canvases themselves.
  • The material stretches well, and can be used to quickly cover protruding surfaces, such as niches, columns or corners.
  • The disadvantages of vinyl wallpaper on a paper backing include the possibility of fibers breaking from a slight mechanical impact, increased glue consumption.

Tools and materials for work

For quality finishing works In addition to vinyl wallpaper and adhesive, you will need the following tools and materials:

  1. Paint brush or roller with soft bristles - for applying primer to the base and glue to the wallpaper or wall.
  2. Rubber rollers. A tool with a wide working surface is used for smoothing fabrics, a narrow one is used for high-quality joining of joints.
  3. Ruler, plumb line, building level, square and pencil - for marking.
  4. Masking tape - for protection individual elements from ingress of adhesive composition.
  5. Plastic spatula - for removing air bubbles and excess glue.
  6. A sharp stationery knife and scissors - for cutting strips.
  7. Wide metal spatula - for trimming canvases near the ceiling and floor.
  8. Container for glue mixture.

Advice! To speed up work, use glue with an indicator, which makes it easy to control the uniformity of application of the mixture to the surface of the walls or canvas.

Preparing the surface

Before gluing vinyl wallpaper, you must carry out the following operations:

  • remove the housings of switches and sockets, having previously de-energized the room, seal the areas with masking tape;
  • remove protruding fasteners (dowels, screws, nails);
  • clean the surface of the old coating;
  • repair uneven areas with plaster or putty;
  • apply primer to the base deep penetration and wait for it to dry.

Wallpaper can only be glued to dry and clean walls. Checking the dryness of the base is quite simple. To do this, take a small piece of polyethylene film 50 × 50 centimeters and secure it with tape on the wall so that a sealed space is formed inside. After a day, the polyethylene is checked. The protruding drops indicate that the wall has not dried out.

About all the nuances of preparation concrete surfaces How to hang wallpaper is described in detail.

Step by step instructions for treating a wall or ceiling made of plasterboard before gluing it with wallpaper material can be found in.

Important! Level surfaces to suit wide meter wallpaper you need to be especially careful; even with small differences, problems may arise with the joining of adjacent strips.

Making the markings

After preparatory stage Markings are carried out to allow the canvas to be correctly positioned on the surface. Mark the walls using a long ruler, chalk and plumb line.

  • The first line is aligned with the edge of the window, gradually moving to the left along the perimeter of the room.
  • Further lines are drawn taking into account the width of the wallpaper.
  • From the window to the left, markings are made to the corner of the wall with the doorway, numbering each section.
  • Next, lines are drawn to the right from the window to the door.

Preparing wallpaper for hanging

Before carrying out major work rolled materials cut into strips, the length of which corresponds to the height of the wall plus a margin of 5–10 centimeters. For greater accuracy, the height of the room is checked in different places. If the sizes match, several strips are cut, the total width of which allows you to cover the entire plane of the wall.

If the height of the ceiling in the room is not the same, each subsequent strip is cut off after gluing the previous one, or before cutting, each section between the marking lines is carefully measured.

When preparing strips with a pattern, make sure that the pattern matches. To do this, you need to combine adjacent canvases so that the image elements are joined in the correct order. The finished strips are stacked on top of each other in the required sequence.

Gluing vinyl wallpaper: step-by-step instructions

Work on covering walls with vinyl wallpaper is carried out in the following sequence:

  • We dilute the glue according to the instructions on the package. Ready solution should have a uniform consistency without clots or lumps.
  • Close the windows in the room tightly, turn off the air conditioners and fans.
  • Apply glue to the wallpaper canvas paper based or on the wall if the material is glued to non-woven fabric. In the first case, we fold the canvas into an “envelope” - the edges are aligned with the middle of the strip, and wait 5-10 minutes until the paper layer is saturated with glue. We glue the non-woven vinyl immediately after coating a section of the wall slightly larger than the width of the wallpaper.
  • We apply the prepared strips to the base along the drawn line, joining adjacent elements taking into account the pattern.
  • Using a rubber roller, smooth the fabric from the middle to the edges, getting rid of bubbles and achieving a perfect fit of the material to the surface. Remove protruding glue residues with a piece of foam rubber or clean cloth.
  • After drying, press the edges of the wallpaper with a wide metal spatula and trim with a sharp stationery knife.

How to hang wallpaper near window and door openings?

The process of gluing wallpaper near openings causes difficulties for inexperienced craftsmen. The canvases must be joined so that their edges do not touch the corners of the window or door opening.

If the door is located in the corner of the room, the discrepancy between the patterns on the wallpaper will remain invisible. If door design is located in the center of the room, the pattern should be combined both before and after the opening.

  • The last canvas is glued in such a way that it can cover the casing.
  • Then the limiting decorative element is secured and the hanging part of the canvas is cut off with a sharp knife.
  • Next, smooth out the wallpaper at the joints, as well as between the wall and the casing.
  • A short piece is glued to the top of the door, observing the sequence of the pattern.

Procedure for gluing near window openings:

  • The strip is glued so that it covers the slope.
  • Several horizontal cuts are made at the edges, which will allow the wallpaper to be bent downhill.
  • The edges of the canvases are trimmed along the border of the opening.
  • After gluing one of the side strips, fix short sections of wallpaper on the top and bottom of the opening.
  • After this, they begin finishing the other side of the opening.

Advice. Before wallpapering the second side of the window, apply an additional marking line. It's easier to get it right this way vertical arrangement canvases.

How to properly hang wallpaper in corners and hard-to-reach places?

There are two methods of gluing canvases in the corner part of the room: overlapping and end-to-end with trimming.

  • In the first case, we glue the strip, making an overlap of 1–2 centimeters on the other wall. Next, we draw a marking line along the width of the roll on a perpendicular wall and fix the second canvas so that its edge runs strictly along the corner of the room and does not interfere with another plane. After this, the wallpaper is carefully rolled with a roller.
  • The overlap and trim method is used to fix heavy vinyl wallpaper with a large pattern. The technology for carrying out the work is initially similar to the previous method, but at the junction the second sheet does not need to be coated with glue. Next, take a long rule and a sharp utility knife. We make an even cut, bend the edge of the rolled material, apply glue and roll this area with a roller.

IN hard to reach places Behind the heating radiators, the wallpaper is installed at the back. After fixing in the desired position, the blades are rolled with a narrow roller with a long handle.

In places where sockets or switches are located, rolled materials are glued over the boxes, then cross-shaped cuts are made with a knife. The resulting triangular tails are bent, all excess is trimmed, and the socket bodies are installed in place.

Gluing borders

Gluing the border or frame begins with inconspicuous areas, since at this point the elements will be combined. Usually decorative items fixed in the upper part along the entire perimeter of the room.

When combining two types of canvas horizontally, the border is glued at a certain height relative to the floor. In this case, markings are applied to the walls using a pencil and a building level: you cannot focus on the edges of the wallpaper being joined. Upper part decorative element fasten along a pre-drawn line, then smooth the border with a roller, remove any remaining glue soft cloth or a sponge. In the places where the tape joins, an incision is made with a sharp knife and the fabric is smoothed.

Non-woven wallpaper is the most popular finishing material. The high demand for this type of canvas is due to the fact that they are convenient in terms of gluing and care. Compared to traditional paper wallpaper, non-woven wallpaper has many advantages. In addition, this finishing material is not coated with glue, and this greatly simplifies the gluing process. For correct installation wallpaper, you need to know the main points of this procedure, and the skill will appear after gluing the first canvases. So why, when gluing wallpaper with non-woven fabrics, you don’t need to smear the canvases themselves, let’s figure it out.

Preparing the walls for gluing non-woven wallpaper

Why you shouldn't smear

The range of wallpaper products presented today is huge. There are wallpapers that are coated with glue before they are installed. They must swell, otherwise it will be impossible to stick them or after a while they will come off on their own. But non-woven wallpaper does not require compliance with this point. All you have to do is measure the size of the canvas and apply glue only to the wall.

At the same time, you must ensure that it does not have time to dry before gluing is carried out finishing material. For this reason, apply glue either in two layers or pre-treat the surface with a weak adhesive solution.

But before gluing, it is recommended to carefully study the markings on the roll. If you see an icon with a brush that is parallel to the wall, this indicates that the glue is applied directly to the wall. When the brush is depicted parallel to the horizontal plane, the adhesive composition is distributed onto the canvas.

Designations on the wallpaper

If you use paper-based canvases, then the glue is applied not to the wall, but to them. While you coat the canvases, they become saturated, swell, and there is no deformation after gluing has been done. If the adhesive composition is already distributed on the wall and the material is attached to a paper base, then they will begin to swell right on the surface, folds will begin to form, and air bubbles will appear under the wallpaper. In the assortment of stores you can see self-adhesive wallpaper. There is adhesive impregnation on their reverse side. Simply sprinkle the canvas with water and start gluing.

Glue application process

Before wallpapering, you need to decide on the type of glue to use. It's best to follow the directions on the wallpaper roll. There, manufacturers indicate the brand of adhesive composition that is optimally suitable for the selected type of finishing material. The process of gluing non-woven fabrics should only occur if the wall surface is clean.

If you previously used paint to decorate the walls, you must first sand it and then wash it with special cleaning compounds. Then rinse the walls with clean water. Wait until the surface is thoroughly dry. The quality of gluing of the canvases in question will depend on the correct preparation of the surface.

It is very important to properly prepare the walls for wallpaper.

Be sure to completely eliminate the previous wall decoration. If there are absorbent surfaces, such as wood, gypsum, drywall, then you must first apply a primer solution to them. To prepare the glue, you need to take a bucket, pour 5 liters of water intended for gluing the canvases in question or 4.5 liters cold water for canvases intended for subsequent dyeing.

When the water is thoroughly mixed, gradually add glue flakes or powdered composition. Leave them for 10-15 minutes, and when the flakes swell, mix them thoroughly.

Now you can start gluing non-woven wallpaper on the wall. According to the technology, only the finishing surface is coated with glue. Before execution this condition, from the window or doorway you need to draw a vertical line, the length of which is 50 cm. Thanks to this trick, it is possible to accurately determine the location of the cut of the panels at the level of the door frame. Apply glue onto the surface using a roller. It should have a short pile. You can use a wallpaper brush. The process of applying wallpaper glue should occur along the line shown earlier.

Work on gluing wallpaper on walls

It is important to understand that non-woven wallpaper cannot be coated with glue. Distribute the glue not only across the width of the roll, but slightly increasing the area on both sides. Be sure to carefully apply glue to all corners and places along the baseboard. To do this, use a small brush. If the non-woven wallpaper was glued correctly, according to the technology, then it will be impossible to notice that it is peeling off.

Non-woven wallpaper can be glued from a roll or by preparing strips in advance required sizes. The first method is best used by those who have been finishing with non-woven fabrics for the first time.

When the non-woven wallpaper has been attached to the wall, it is necessary to carefully smooth the surface, moving from the middle to the edge. During smoothing, it is necessary to remove accumulated air bubbles. Using scissors, mark the bottom fold along the baseboard and cut it off. But do this only after the non-woven wallpaper has dried thoroughly.

Although non-woven wallpaper does not need to be coated with glue, the process of gluing it is no less responsible than when finishing with other canvases. If you do not follow the technology and make your own additions, then over time you can start doing repairs again, as you will notice that your canvases are peeling off.

No matter how high-quality the renovation is in the apartment, after a while it will be necessary to replace the wall, floor and ceiling coverings. One of the reasons is the natural wear and tear of materials, but no less important - the artistic design of a particular room is simply boring, so you want to change it. Unfortunately, in our time, not every owner can afford to hire a team of qualified specialists to carry out quality repairs in your own house or apartment. Therefore, in this article we will try to figure out how to apply glue to wallpaper in order to properly glue it with our own hands.

Preparatory stage of gluing

Before wallpapering, you need to prepare the surface of the walls. For this:

  • It is necessary to remove old decorative coatings.
  • If the surface of the wall is uneven or there are cracks on it, you will definitely need to putty it, eliminating all visible defects.
  • Level the surface for gluing the new decorative covering Priming or gluing special paper to the surface of the wall will help.
  • After all the necessary manipulations have been carried out, the working surface should be smooth and slightly rough. Otherwise, decorative items will not hold up and will quickly become unusable.

What might be useful?

To properly hang wallpaper you will need the following materials and tools:

  1. Roller.
  2. Glue.
  3. Bath.
  4. Level.
  5. Putty knife.
  6. Ladder.
  7. Insulating tape.

Before gluing, decorative products must be carefully cut into strips of equal size. To solve this task you will need scissors or a utility knife. It is preferable to choose a knife, because if the blade becomes dull during operation, it is very easy to replace it; to do this, simply break the end of the knife. You will need scissors to trim wallpaper in hard-to-reach places, such as near sockets and switches.

Important! The stores also offer a large assortment of special wallpaper knives that you can use. However, if you are not a professional, we do not recommend using them, as you can ruin your wallpaper by making the wrong cut.

Types of wallpaper

After cutting the wallpaper into the pieces you need, you can start gluing them. There are several types of wallpaper that need to be saturated with glue:

  • textile;
  • paper;
  • vinyl.

To glue, you need to apply glue directly to their surface and let them lie folded for several minutes. In all other cases, the adhesive composition is applied directly to the wall surface.

Important! Also modern manufacturers can offer you a type of wallpaper on the surface of which an adhesive composition has already been applied. Such products just need to be slightly moistened with water.

The drawing on the picture will help you figure out what type of wallpaper you purchased. outside liner icon:

  1. If a vessel with water and a vertical stripe are drawn, this is the wallpaper that just needs to be moistened with water.
  2. A brush is drawn and vertical stripe- These are those coatings on which glue is not applied.
  3. The vertical strip and the tassel are items that need to be coated with glue and allowed to soak.

It is with the help of these designations that the manufacturer suggests how to apply glue to the wallpaper so that it adheres best to a previously prepared surface and pleases you for the longest possible time.

Applying glue

After purchasing a decorative wall covering, many people have a question: what is the best way to apply glue to wallpaper? To solve this problem you will need a brush or roller. In any hardware store You can choose the tool that best suits you in terms of price and quality.

Important! In terms of convenience, a roller is more preferable. And with a brush you can handle small details.

Choosing a roller for wallpapering

It's best to buy a wide one foam roller for wallpaper glue. If for some reason you do not have the opportunity to acquire such a tool, then a roller made of natural or artificial fur, velor or made of artificial wool can adequately replace it.

Important! Pay attention to the rollers from domestic manufacturer, because they have more affordable price than imported analogues, but in terms of quality they are not particularly different from them.

When choosing a tool, you must take into account that not every roller will fit your bucket. Therefore, you also need to purchase a special bath to completely saturate the instrument with glue. Some stores sell ready-made kits that include a roller and a bath.

Important! Try to purchase a collapsible roller so that after use and the fur coat loses its basic properties, this structural element can be replaced.

The gluing process itself

After the wallpaper is completely saturated with the coating applied to its surface adhesive composition, you can proceed directly to the gluing procedure:

  • Apply glue to the wall. You need to start gluing from the window area.

Important! Do not forget that the entire quality of the work done will depend on the correct gluing of the first sheet. Take this very seriously.

  • To glue the first strip, use building level, it is necessary to take into account the unevenness of the floor and ceiling. There are cases when the ceiling height in one corner differs significantly from the height in the other, so when cutting wallpaper, take a small margin.
  • After gluing, the length of the wallpaper can be easily adjusted to the required parameters using a stationery knife.
  • After gluing the wallpaper, you will also need a special plastic spatula - this is a tool with soft and elastic edges that will help get rid of unevenness and blisters on the surface. You need to use this tool carefully; applying too much pressure can tear the wallpaper. If you don’t have such a device, don’t worry, it can be replaced with a brush or rag.

Important! You will also need rags to remove excess glue from the surface of the wallpaper, but for this it is better to use a dry, clean dishwashing sponge.

  • Gluing wallpaper from a stool or table is quite inconvenient and dangerous, so experts recommend purchasing a stepladder. If you decide to make such a purchase, then you should choose a ladder made of aluminum, because it is quite durable and light.

Important! To avoid accidents, we recommend turning off the power to the room where wallpapering will be done. If this is not possible, then sockets and switches can be sealed with electrical tape.

2.1 Apply glue to wallpaper

If the wallpaper label shows this symbol, the adhesive should be applied to reverse side wallpaper

Place the wallpaper on the table, back side up.
Apply a thick layer of glue evenly with a brush.

The glue must be in a thick layer (approx. 2 mm) so that wallpaper cloth could slide on the surface and could be moved

2.2 Absorption time

After applying the glue, fold the left edge of the wallpaper strip towards the middle (adhesive sides). Then fold the right end into the middle, butting it with the left one. Now you can roll the strip (dry sides) and leave it for the glue to absorb. Read the wallpaper label to see how long the glue needs to sit on the wallpaper before it sticks to the wall.

2.3 Gluing the first wallpaper

Take the first strip and lay it against the chalk line/vertical pencil line for alignment. Leave about 5 cm of wallpaper at the top for adjustment. Using light pressure on the roller, smooth out wrinkles and bubbles under the wallpaper. Move the roller from the center up, then down.

The bulges formed by the glue will dry out overnight and disappear. If wrinkles or bubbles remain, peel off the wallpaper and re-glue it.

After the strip is well glued, cut the wallpaper exactly at the junction of the wall and ceiling with a utility knife. Immediately wipe off excess glue with a damp sponge.

2.4 Gluing the second wallpaper

Glue the next piece of wallpaper along the first one. Smooth out wrinkles and bubbles as described above.

Repeat this procedure until you have covered the entire work surface.

See the Difficult Areas section for additional tips on handling such areas. difficult places like doors, windows and radiators.

2.5 Cleaning and disposal/storage of adhesive

All excess glue must be removed immediately with a damp sponge. Residues of glue from clothes are removed by washing.

The remaining finished glue can be poured into the toilet or stored in a tightly closed container. room temperature up to 10 days.

If you are going to hang wallpaper, you need the following tools: a plumb line with a cord, which will be needed to control the verticality of the wallpaper being pasted, a wallpaper knife, a brush and a brush or a paint roller for applying glue to walls and wallpaper, a roller or wide spatula for smoothing wallpaper panels. A roller for processing corners and seams will not interfere with your work. The surface of the roller can be different: corrugated, smooth, narrow.

Surface preparation. Old wallpaper can be removed by dampening it warm water. You can also use a special wallpaper remover (for example, Quelyd Dissoucol from Bostik Findley). If walls or ceilings are covered with wallpaper for the first time, then the surface on which they will be glued must be pre-treated. After treatment, the walls should become smooth, dry and clean. It is advisable to completely remove the paint from the surface; if this is not possible, then at least smooth out the falling off pieces and uneven areas. Then apply a layer of primer to the wall surface.

Wallpaper should not be pasted on damp walls and ceilings. New residents can wait until the walls and ceilings dry (approximate time 6 weeks). If the walls remain damp, then priming the surface with a solution of wallpaper glue diluted for priming according to the manufacturer's instructions will help. Preparing wallpaper. At the moment, almost all types of wallpaper are made without edges, so there is no need to trim them. Please note the special symbols found on each package.

Preparing the rolls involves cutting them into strips corresponding to the height of the walls or the length of the ceiling in the room. If the pattern needs to be joined, allowances must be provided. Wallpaper is cut into sheets, the length of which should be slightly greater than the height of the surface to be pasted. The allowance is usually made at 10 cm; this length will be enough, even if in some place the floor near the wall is a little uneven. In addition, it is rare to find a room whose height is the same in all corners and whose ceiling is completely flat. It is more convenient to cut the panel with a sharp knife along a ruler; it will take less time, and the edge of the wallpaper will be smoother than when cutting with scissors. After cutting the panels needed for sticking on the walls, you can cut pieces from the remnants of the roll required sizes for pasting other, shorter sections.

Wallpapering walls. The cut panels (no more than 10) are placed one on top of the other with the pattern down, so that the panel placed on top is shifted relative to the bottom by 10-20 mm. There is a limit of 10 panels due to the possibility of contaminating the edges of the panels when applying glue. When applying glue, you must ensure that it does not come into contact with front side wallpaper To do this, waste paper is placed on the lower part of the canvas, and the stack is advanced with the longitudinal side to the very edge of the table. To properly attach the wallpaper to the wall surface, you need to prepare glue (in accordance with its manufacturer's instructions), apply it evenly to the strip and let it soak. The glue is applied with a brush or roller, evenly distributing it over the surface, and they do it this way: first, apply a strip of glue in the middle, then move to the ends of the panel, applying glue from the middle to the edges. The edges of the panels must be coated with glue especially carefully. The greased cloth must be folded with the greased surface inward, placed on the surface prepared on the floor and left to be impregnated with glue. The thicker the wallpaper, the more longer time they must be left to soak. The saturation time with glue for paper wallpaper (one- and two-layer) is approximately 5-7 minutes, for other types of paper-based wallpaper (including polymer coating) - 8-10 minutes. Wallpaper on fabric and non-woven bases and fiberglass wallpaper are very easy to paste: the glue must be applied directly to the wall, and not to the canvas. There is no need to impregnate the strips; they are applied dry. There are wallpapers that do not require impregnation at all, for example non-woven wallpaper. For such wallpaper, the glue is applied directly to the wall. Don't forget that thin paper wallpaper quickly absorb glue and become fragile, they can be easily torn when gluing. Vinyl wallpaper and silk-screen printing must be well saturated with glue; they are afraid of kinks, which can damage the top decorative layer.

Ideally, the temperature in the room during pasting should be no lower than 10 ° C and no higher than 23 ° C, relative air humidity - no more than 70%. The panels are glued using two methods: overlapping, overlapping the edges of the adjacent panel, or end-to-end, connecting the edges of adjacent panels without gaps For gluing by the second method, careful preparation of the wallpaper and preliminary marking using a plumb line of vertical lines on the wall are required. Begin wallpapering on the side of the wall with windows. Before gluing the first canvas, you must use a plumb line to mark a vertical line. And then the first panel is glued along this line. It is also advisable to check each subsequent glued panel using a plumb line.

It is more convenient to do wallpapering with two people. One carefully takes the folded cloth coated with glue with both hands. Standing on the stepladder, he unfolds it and places the top edge against the wall. Another participant in the work, standing on the floor, supports the lower edge of the panel and helps align the edge with the vertical line marked on the wall. After this, the panel is lightly pressed to the base with a clean rag, and then with a brush - air bubbles are expelled using movements from top to bottom and from the axis to the edges. If glue protrudes on the edges of the panels, it must be removed immediately with a clean rag. Do not brush any glue that has protruded from the seam, otherwise the wallpaper may become dirty. In the corners of the room, wallpapering should be done as follows: the panel is cut into two parts, so that the first part covers the wall to the corner, covering the corner by a few centimeters. The second part of the panel is glued butt to the first on the other side of the corner. Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the joints and places where the gluing overlapped. These places must be additionally rolled with a roller or pressed to the base with a clean rag so that they adhere well to the surface to be pasted.

To paste the canvases above the window and doorways, you can use the pieces left over from cutting, if necessary, selecting the compatibility of the pattern with the panels located along the windows and doorways. It is necessary to remind you about one more nuance that arises when gluing - this is gluing wallpaper in the installation areas of sockets and switches. To resolve this issue, it is necessary to turn off the voltage for the duration of the work, then remove the front covers covering the insides of switches and sockets. After this, the installation locations are completely covered with wallpaper, and when they are dry, they are carefully cut to the size of the installation locations for sockets or switches. Then the front parts need to be installed and voltage can be applied. Bubbles should not appear after the wallpaper has dried, but if they do appear, they can be dealt with using a regular medical syringe, with wallpaper glue inside. It is necessary to pierce the bubble and introduce glue under the wallpaper, after which it needs to be smoothed.

Wallpapering ceilings. For pasting ceilings, it is better to use light-colored wallpaper with a barely noticeable pattern or white wallpaper. Because ceiling wallpaper more than wall ones, they are subject to contamination; it is advisable to stick washable wallpaper. The best option wallpaper for the ceiling are non-woven coatings. Preparing the ceiling for pasting is similar to the preparation of the walls described above. It is advisable to use an acrylic primer - with it the canvases will stick much better. Produced by Henkel and Pufas (Germany), Eurolux and Monolit (Russia). The primer is available in bags of 1.5 and 10 kg. Consumption, according to the instructions, is 10 kg per 100 m2. It is advisable to apply the coating 2-3 hours after applying the primer. The composition of the glue is selected depending on the quality of the wallpaper. Gluing thick wallpaper is not advisable, since even well-glued wallpaper on the ceiling can come off under its own weight. Therefore, they are more suitable for gluing ceilings simple wallpaper, glued overlapping with a thicker adhesive composition. Wallpaper sheets are glued to the ceiling in the direction of the rays of light along the previously marked marking lines. It is better to glue the canvases to the ceiling crosswise - this way the panels are shorter and, therefore, easier to apply and hold on the ceiling. To form a visual cornice when gluing ceilings, wallpaper can be lowered onto the walls to a length of 100-300 mm.

In rooms with a height of 2.7-3 m, the ceilings are covered first. The canvases are cut 50-100 mm longer than the height of the room and lowered onto the wall. These slopes are then covered with wallpaper when pasting the walls. In rooms with a height of more than 3 m, it is advisable to leave a frieze 200-300 mm wide when gluing the canvases. IN in this case canvases on the ceiling are also glued down onto the wall, but the length margin must be at least 250-350 mm on both sides (depending on the width of the frieze). Then a horizontal top line is applied to the wall so that the panels of wallpaper on the wall overlap the wallpaper of the frieze. It is advisable to use three people to glue the ceilings. The glue-smeared cloth is folded like an accordion and served to those working above. One of the workers applies the first third of the panel to the ceiling, and the second carefully unfolds and applies the remaining two-thirds to the ceiling. You need to glue the wallpaper on the ceiling accurately and quickly so that it does not come off. If necessary, the canvas can be supported for some time at the ceiling surface using mops, etc., wrapped in a clean rag. To remove air bubbles from under the canvas, it must be smoothed from the middle to the edges using a brush. When gluing wallpaper on the ceiling by one person, they must be folded like an accordion and pressed one by one against the ceiling. With one hand you need to smooth the canvas, and with the other you need to hold the remaining part, folded into an accordion.