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» How to put on a sling with double rings. How to properly put on slings (with rings, sling-scarf, may-sling) in the position on the mother's back. How to carry a baby in a sling

How to put on a sling with double rings. How to properly put on slings (with rings, sling-scarf, may-sling) in the position on the mother's back. How to carry a baby in a sling

Although it seems quite simple, it is necessary to be able to correctly position and carry a child in a sling. After all, it is extremely important to create the most comfortable conditions for the baby and not harm him. However, do not lose sight of the fact that mothers should also be comfortable carrying their baby.

First of all, when buying, you need to pay attention to the following important points:

  • The diameter of the rings should be large, about 7-8 centimeters. Since the large size of the rings allows you to easily and quickly adjust the size of the sling.
  • Rings made of metal are stronger than those made of plastic.
  • If the sides tighten the elastic bands, the possibilities of the sling will be limited if you want to place the baby horizontally there.
  • The tail part should be loose, or sewn up at a small distance from the very end, about 15-20 cm. Otherwise, it will be completely inconvenient to adjust the size of the sides.
  • A big plus would be the presence of a pillow for the shoulders of the baby.

Thanks to this table, you can easily find the correct ring size when buying slings:

However, based on personal experience, I advise you: if at the time of purchase you cannot determine exactly what size you need, then take the one that turns out to be smaller, this does not affect the strength of the baby’s fixation, but if the sling itself is too big, then fix Unfortunately, it won't work tight.

Mistakes when wearing ring slings

Cradle position

This position can be practiced from the very birth of the baby. There are two variations of this position: “head to rings” and “legs to rings”.

Common mistakes when wearing a sling with rings:

  1. Baby hanging very low

Possible problems:

  • hard to breastfeed
  • fear of dropping the baby
  • not comfortable to carry

Fix the sling higher, position the baby in a horizontal position.

  1. Fabric does not support baby's head

Possible problems:

  • hard to feed
  • The need to use hands to support the head

If there is enough fabric, then you need to straighten it more, and then fix the baby’s head in it by pulling up the upper side. If there is not enough tissue, shift the child again, leaving more tissue for the head.

  1. Legs above head

Possible problems:

  • baby is not comfortable

If the baby's head is at the level of the mother's abdomen, tighten the side, if the head is higher than the chest, on the contrary, loosen it.

  1. The strap rubs against the neck.

Possible problems:

  • It becomes uncomfortable to carry the baby;
  • back starts to hurt
  • increased pressure on the cervical spine.

Position the pillow closer to the shoulder, and spread the fabric on the back in the same way.

Correct location:
The head is at the level of the mother's chest, the child's back is straight, and the fabric is straightened under it. If the child is a newborn, his legs are completely in the sling, if older, the legs hang down.

Position "Clutched to the chest"

  1. Legs loosely spaced

Possible problems:

  • Baby's insecure position
  • The baby falls out of the sling a little when he tries to stretch his legs

Spread the baby's legs wider, place the lower side of the sling under the knees.

  1. Back not supported

Possible problems:

  • baby leans back
  • a baby under 6 months may have a curved back

Press the shoulder girdle closer to the mother, for this you should pull the upper side.

Correct location:

Position "On the hip"

  1. Baby's back is poorly supported

Possible problems:

  • the need to support the baby
  • the baby is thrown back

Press the shoulder girdle to the mother, pulling the upper side.

  1. Small angle under the knees of the baby

Possible problems:

  • the baby is not secure
  • the need to correct the lower side, because it constantly creeps up

Ensure that the bottom edge passes under the baby's knees so that the knees are located above the priests.

Correct location:
The baby's legs are spaced, the back fits snugly against the mother, the lower side is located under the baby's knees. The baby's arms are either outside or inside the sling.

Position "On the back"

This position is considered the most comfortable for the baby. However, it is possible to use it when the baby has already grown up, since this method is not suitable for newborns.

Errors in this position are similar to the positions "on the hip" and "clinging to the chest." However, by the time women use this position, they already have experience using slings, and therefore, in the “on the back” position, mothers place their babies without errors.

Correct location:
The positioning technique is the same as for the “on the hip” position.

In this article:

The first slings appeared more than a thousand years ago - on ancient frescoes there are images of women carrying children, tied to themselves with a cloth. Whether they were comfortable in those days is unknown, but now even the most demanding mother can find an option on her own. Sling with rings is one of the noteworthy representatives of the modern "sling family".

Many parents are familiar with this device or at least heard about it. This is a strip of dense fabric, 70 cm wide and about 2 m long. One of its ends is tucked into rings fixed on the second and serving as a fastener. How to choose and how to use a sling with rings? To answer this question, you need to learn more about such a sling.

Advantages and disadvantages of a ring sling

The design is multifunctional - it allows you to carry the child vertically on the stomach, hip or back. It is possible to put the baby in front, like in a cradle. In this position, even a newborn will feel comfortable.

Another argument in favor of a sling with rings is that the sides in it are tightened separately, which guarantees a secure fit. They can be adjusted even on the go. This is convenient if the baby has already grown up and often asks to run. Also, many mothers appreciated the opportunity to remove the product without waking the sleeping baby.

But there is a drawback in the design - the weight of the child falls on one shoulder of the wearer. This can cause pain with existing problems with the spine.

Selection rules

When choosing, you need to pay attention to several details. First, the rings themselves. They should be large: metal - 6-8 cm, and plastic - 8-9 cm in diameter.

With a smaller size, a normal tightening of the sides is not possible. Such a sling is especially dangerous for a newborn - loose fixation harms his spine. Durability is equally important - if the ring can be bent, this model is not suitable.

Second, evaluate the fabric. An ideal option for a baby is coarse calico (100% cotton). It does not cause irritation and allergies, it is strong enough, it passes air well. The fabric should have a scarf weave. To the touch, such material is denser than usual, it stretches well diagonally.

Thirdly, choose the right size. To do this, the product must be tried on. The edges of the sides should not reach the rings, the normal play is 3-10 cm. Usually the manufacturer has a dimensional grid, look at it and choose the appropriate option. If your size is borderline, take the one that is smaller.

Fourth, evaluate the edges. Experience shows that padded sides are often uncomfortable. If possible, it is better to take a thin product made of natural fabric, for example, a sling with Ellevill rings, "Bayushka" or "Mamarada".

How to put on a ring sling

How to use and how to put on a ring sling for newborns? This will require some skill and practice.

Instructions on how to tie a sling with rings for a newborn step by step:

  1. Fold the fabric in half so that the wrong side is inside.
  2. Pull the free edges of the material through both rings.
  3. Open the rings and pull the edges only through the second, while the first will be covered by a fabric loop.
  4. Carefully spread the material on the rings.
  5. You need to put on the sling over your shoulder so that the tail is in front, and the fastener is above the chest just below the collarbone. This is best done while standing.
  6. Check if the fabric is twisted on the back.
  7. Hold the sling in front, closer to the side, with your hand and pull it to the protruding pelvic bone. If there is too much or too little material in the front, correct it by adjusting the clasp.
  8. Take the baby and put it on your free shoulder with your tummy.
  9. Holding the baby by the back with one hand, slide the other under the sling and grab the baby's legs with it.
  10. Lower the baby to a horizontal position so that the fabric is under his knees.
  11. Pull the top edge and spread the fabric over the child's body, grabbing the head. The face must remain open.
  12. Gently holding the baby, pull the top edge of the sling so that it lies snugly on your back and fixes the baby's head and body in a natural position, as usual in your arms.
  13. Move the excess material from the top edge to the rings and pull them up. Do the same with the bottom edge.
  14. Tuck the fabric left in folds under the child's knees deep between him and you. This is important for wearing safety.
  15. Tighten the bottom edge again if necessary.

By putting on a sling with rings according to the instructions, you will keep your baby healthy and provide yourself with comfort. To prevent back problems, it is recommended to alternate the shoulders.

How to carry a baby in a sling

Now you know how to tie a ring sling and how to carry your baby in the cradle position. But it must be borne in mind that this provision has contraindications. It is impossible to wear a sling with rings for newborns horizontally if the child is premature, has pathologies of the hip joints, lung diseases, respiratory diseases, epilepsy or severe hypotension.

In addition to this position, you can try a few more. Common ways to carry a baby in a sling:

  1. On the hip. In this position, it is convenient to carry children from 4 months to 2 years. The baby is on the mother's side, the legs are widely separated and fixed by the lower edge of the fabric, and the upper one reaches his shoulder blades.
  2. On the back. How to wear a sling with rings on the back? There is nothing difficult in this, first the baby is seated on the thigh, and then, having brought the lower edge of the matter under his knees, and lifting the upper one to the neck, they carefully move it behind the back, pulling the tail of the sling towards itself.
  3. On the stomach. The baby is located in front, the legs are slightly apart, the lower edge of the fabric is under the knees, the upper one reaches the child's armpits if he already holds his head. Sling for a newborn with rings in this position is raised to the level of the neck (only the upper side).

Making a sling with rings at home

To make a sling on your own, it is enough to have basic sewing skills. For work you will need:

  • dense, not too stretchy fabric measuring 240 x 80 cm;
  • two metal rings with a diameter of 7-8 cm;
  • thread with a needle and a sewing machine.

Treat 3 sides of the fabric by tucking the edges and sewing them. The raw edge will hold the rings. Pass the fabric through them 20 cm and wrap it inside out. From the material near the rings, folds are formed in the form of a fan, then they are sewn with arc stitches. Your sling is ready - use it!

Overview of the most popular brands

Although it is not difficult to sew a sling on rings with your own hands, most mothers use ready-made, proven products. Popular brands involved in their release are presented below.

Go selby

These are sling-pockets of various colors with sintepon inserts on the sides and a stitched tail. Designed for children weighing more than 3.5 kg. The sling with Go selby rings is comfortable for newborns, but it is difficult to securely fix already sitting babies in it.

Moms note an inflated price that does not correspond to the quality of the goods. There are complaints about the excessive stiffness of the fabric and the difficulty of adjusting the length.


Sling with Active rings is made of denim or soft fabric, the second option has tight sides, there are pockets near the clasp. The design of the products is stylish and goes well with the clothes. These slings are more suitable for newborns.

Length adjustment is difficult due to tight sides, the price is above average. According to mothers, the fabric does not distribute weight well enough and does not allow air to pass through well enough.

"Wonder child"

Sling "Miracle child" with rings is made of coarse calico, there is a pocket, many bright colors. Products of this brand are inexpensive and suitable for both newborns and children who can sit.

But, despite the naturalness and good breathability, the material has disadvantages - it stretches weakly, loses color, and forms spools. The sides are made of folded fabric without a seal, but still make it difficult to move between the rings.


Sling "Bayushka" with rings has sides with filler, a pad under the shoulder and rings, convenient pockets. The kit may include a mattress under the head of a newborn. There are single-layer models for hot weather. Production materials are different - linen, coarse calico, jeans, velveteen.

Nothing prevents the correct wearing of the baby, but the models are still more comfortable for newborns. Wear resistance is high, the price category is medium.


Sling with rings "Kangurush" is made of 100% cotton, has sides, a pocket, a pad for the shoulder, a free tail made of fabric. Comes with a CD with instruction video. A sling with Kangurush rings is inexpensive and practical, but the sides make it difficult to adjust its length.


Sling with rings Ellevill (“Elleville”) of Norwegian production is especially popular. Products are sewn from natural jacquard fabrics (linen, cotton), the models are simple but concise, there are many interesting colors. Ellevill ring sling is an expensive product, but worth the money.

He has no objective flaws. Some mothers believe that the Elleville ring sling does not fit perfectly on the shoulder of slender girls and causes discomfort. This may be due to incorrect sizing.


Sling "Mamarada" with rings is made of satin, jeans, velveteen, there are models with sides and pockets, as well as without them. Medium price segment, the cost depends on the material. Products well tolerate washing and ironing, reviews about them are mostly positive.

What to buy a sling on rings and how to wear a newborn in it, the mother decides. But it is important not to forget about the possible contraindications and the convenience of the crumbs. A sling with rings, a cradle with sides, guarantees comfort to the newborn, and for a child who knows how to sit confidently, it is better to choose a simple product without seals.

Leave your feedback on the use of a sling with rings in the comments. Your opinion will help young parents make a choice.

Helpful video on how to carry your baby in a sling with hip and back rings

A small child is the most vulnerable creature in the world, and he needs his mother's care. It can be uncomfortable to constantly carry the baby in her arms, as he gains weight over time, and the mother also needs free hands. Therefore, it was invented How to put it on, each woman decides for herself, since there are a lot of options. This is a really great device for transporting small children. Why is it inferior in popularity to strollers and portable cradles?

To be close to mom

Modern strollers, of course, are good, but they still share the baby with the closest person and teach them to be independent. It turns out that the newborn immediately spends most of the time alone. On the one hand, this is not so bad, since the character is being formed, but it can be alarming, because the baby is far from the mother. As assistants, you can take a sling for newborns. How to put it on - intuition will tell, but there is nothing complicated a priori. In fact, a sling is a large piece of fabric that a mother wraps around herself in various ways and uses it to carry her baby. The constant closeness of the mother gives a feeling of security, warmth and confidence, which is especially important in the first months of life.

Origin of the term

The very concept of "sling" comes from the English sling, which means "hang on the shoulder." Agree, the word very accurately characterizes the visual picture. A similar method of transportation was offered to young parents by American pediatricians with many children William and Martha Cerza, authors of a series of books on the principles of raising babies. Their main belief is based on the fact that close contact with the mother is vital for a newborn, which, of course, is facilitated by breastfeeding, co-sleeping, and carrying on hands. For the latter, a sling scarf for newborns was invented. How you put it on doesn't matter. The main thing is that it is convenient for both mother and child. The Serzes studied the ways of transporting children from different ethnic groups and managed to prove in practice the fact that it is the sling that gives the best result for the favorable development of the baby.

Anti-wheelchair revolution

In the 1970s, German Erica Hoffman modified the traditional Central American sling and came up with the so-called sling scarf. Further, the baton was picked up by the Ergo company in the USA, which released a series of physiological backpacks-carriers. Slings became popular at the end of the twentieth century, but they did not become a trend, since all the peoples of the world have their own options for carrying children. For example, the Slavs used to wear babies in the hem. From here, by the way, came the famous phrase that a girl can “bring in a hem”. Vietnamese and Korean women wore children in an apron called "podegi". In China, the mai-tai (a thick square of fabric with straps) served as a carrier. In Africa, it was kang, in South America it was rebozo, and the gypsies simply used shawls.

Ethnic element of modernity

Let no one want to look rustic, but the ethnic style is still quite relevant. Therefore, city slingomams choose a fabric of original texture and unusual colors. Most often, high-quality and linen of double diagonal weaving is used. You can’t buy such a fabric in ordinary stores, but you can find jacquard weaving with natural additives of bamboo, silk, wool or other materials that are pleasant to the body. It is logical that synthetics are not used for slings.

How to put on a sling?

You can free your mother's hands with the help of not only a sling, but also common "kangaroos". The difference between them lies in the way they are worn. In the sling, the child is in the same position as in the mother's arms. And in the "kangaroo" the child hangs, as in a pocket, and there is always a hard back and straps. In this position, a large load is created on the spine and pelvis. Therefore, for newborns, "kangaroo" is not suitable. A maximum of it can be recommended, starting from 3-4 months and up to 8-9. It turns out that in fact the “kangaroo” can be used for only 4-6 months. With a sling, everything is easier and more pleasant, as it is aimed at the convenience of mother and child. The fabric maintains the natural curve of the spine without excessive blood flow.

Types of slings

I must say that there are more than a dozen types, but for newborns, a sling scarf and a model with rings are ideal. Let's figure out how to put on a sling with rings. This piece of fabric is approximately 2 meters long and 70 cm wide, and has two rings sewn into the end. When threading the edge of the fabric, they get a pocket, where the baby is located. can be worn on the shoulder, periodically changing position. The smallest ones are best worn horizontally. The six-month-old baby has already outgrown the sling with rings and needs support on both shoulders.

Next stage

With an older child, you can think about how to put on a sling scarf. This is a special piece of scarf fabric up to 5.5 meters in length. The ends of the sling are bevelled, and the width is limited to 70 cm. Such models can be knitted and woven. The difference is that knitwear is more commonly used for newborns due to weight restrictions. Woven models are much more comfortable and versatile at any age. By the way, such fabrics are used for hammocks and swings just for the reason that they can withstand any weight. Each sling is supplied with a corresponding instruction describing the main ways of winding a scarf and step by step illustrations.

The kid grows up

A grown-up child already looks at the world in a special way, seeks to know it and get in touch. He will not be content with a horizontal position, even if he constantly feels his mother's closeness. It's time to switch to a more active version with vertical carry. Most often, they use a May-sling, an ergo-backpack and a universal sling-scarf. With the last option, everything is already clear, but how to put on a May-sling? The original name is due to the connection with the Chinese version of the transportation of children. This is the same rectangle of fabric with straps covering the waist and shoulders. The load is distributed in the same way as in the version with a scarf, but the design is more ventilated. Therefore, this option is better suited for the summer. You can decide for yourself how to put on a sling, but for babies from a year old, the width and height of the back are usually increased. When going on a hike, you can try out a sling backpack, which allows you to comfortably position the baby and remove the main load from the back. It is very easy to use, especially if you use a model with anatomical straps.

So-called pseudo slings are now out of favor, as their use in the US has led to several infant deaths. These are carrier bags that are sewn so that the child is in a bent state without the normal attraction of the back and ventilation.

For the winter period, a sling jacket with an insulated insert for a child will be an actual purchase. The baby is hidden from the wind under his mother's jacket, and only his head in a hat or hood sticks out. With such attire, you can eliminate bulky winter overalls and take your baby even to a ski resort. By the way, it is very useful for a child to breathe fresh air. It strengthens the immune system and develops the lungs. How to put on a sling of this kind? You should always remember that the baby should be comfortable. No tight belts, closed view and tight robes. The baby should sit comfortably and firmly, without the risk of falling.

Slingomams and Slingopapas

Do you want to be a mobile parent? Then a sling is the way to go! Learn how to properly put on a sling, and you will be able to continue with your former active life, visit cafes and cinemas, arrange shopping days and walk in the park with friends. Hiding behind a sling, the child can even have lunch, and strangers will not be shocked by this spectacle. By the way, you can entrust a baby in a sling to a man. He will like to go for a walk without a huge stroller. Dads feel less connection with the baby due to the lack of tactile contacts, and walking with a child in a sling allows you to feel the closeness of a loved one, his warmth, heartbeat. At the same time, the child gets used to the fact that he has two close people whom he can trust and whom he loves. become those fathers who are not afraid to stay at home with their children, but the sling allows you to really monitor the baby and not be distracted from their "male" affairs. I figured out how to put on a sling - and you can play the console and talk on the phone. Of course, if a May-sling or a sling-scarf is used, then it is better to postpone household chores so as not to harm the baby, but with a backpack everything is possible. Baby slings grow up calm, they are less capricious and cry a little, as they initially feel closeness with their parents and inner self-confidence.

How to choose a sling for a newborn?

The first weeks after the birth of a child are always warmed by some special warmth, tenderness for a tiny creature lying in your arms ..

Sometimes mom wants to eat :)) . Go visit or shop. And in the end, how many circles can you wind around the house ?! :))

As many moms say, "sling gives mom wings!" And this is so - you become more mobile, you can go to the store, guests, cook dinner and do other things.

A small child needs close physical contact with his mother, the feeling of her warmth and smell, so when he is in his mother's arms, he feels more calm, relaxed, shows more interest in the world around him. In the arms of the mother, the child receives that basic feeling of security, warmth and trust, which are so important for the formation of a healthy psyche of the child. However, if the mother needs free hands (for example, to prepare dinner), then they need to be released somehow, for example, using a device for carrying a child.

Remember that a child is not a small copy of an adult. Therefore, in order to correctly choose a device for carrying a newborn, you need to know the features of his physiology, characteristic specifically for infancy and the first year of life.

Let's dwell on this in more detail.


As we have already said, a child is not a reduced copy of an adult, neither in terms of his skeleton, nor in terms of his functioning. Ossification and complete formation of the spine ends by the age of 25. Until the end of the second month of intrauterine life, the baby's skeleton consists only of cartilage. As it grows, it will harden and turn into bone. By the end of pregnancy, some parts of the skeleton ossify (for example, the femur), and from birth a second wave of ossification begins - at the ends of long bones (bone heads).

Our spine is not perfectly straight. If we look at an adult from the side, we will see four small bends, thanks to which the spine resembles the Latin letter S. Thanks to these bends, we have flexibility, we can balance and absorb loads while walking, running and jumping.

However, these spinal curves are not congenital. They are formed gradually as the child's physical development as a consequence of adaptation to gravity.

The spine of a newborn child is bent and resembles a slight arc or the letter "C". He still has no curves and not enough strength to hold his head. When carrying the baby in her arms, this function is performed by the mother for him: she supports his back and head. If we want to carry the baby in some kind of device, it should allow the child's head to be fixed at the same level with the body, or allow the mother to support her with one hand. From about 6 weeks, the baby begins to raise his head from a prone position and by 2.5-3 months he can confidently hold it already in vertical positions.

The newborn does not straighten itself, it is possible to straighten it only by force, for example, if you swaddle it with a “soldier”. If the child is placed on his back, he will reflexively pull his fists to his chest, and he sleeps with his legs wide apart in the “frog pose”. The fetal position is the most natural position for babies, it is calming and helps to adapt to the new world for the baby.

The vertical and horizontal position of the baby "belly to stomach" in the position of the embryo is very comfortable for the baby. In this position, children digest food better, thermoregulation is more effective, because the stomach area is closed. On the back, the subcutaneous fat layer is thicker, and the thermoregulatory cells are stronger.

When the child is picked up, his legs remain instinctively bent and divorced. Together with the grasping reflex, this posture helps the baby to cling to its mother. In this way, we provide him with a natural posture that his body instinctively adopts to ensure comfort, warmth and safety.

When choosing a carrier, it is important to choose one that will keep the spine in its naturally rounded position, while still supporting and cuddling the baby well to the mother, maintaining the "embryo" or "frog" position.


All kinds of kangaroos and pseudo-slings on "boards" are not physiological devices for carrying children, because they do not allow supporting the baby's back in its natural slightly bent state, either in a vertical or horizontal position.

Please note that the arched position of the child's spine does not mean the entire arched position of the child! The baby's head should continue the line of the spine, without pressing the chin to the chest. This position makes it difficult for the baby to breathe. This is often facilitated by the design of pseudo-slings: they do not have the ability to adequately regulate the tension of the fabric and look like a bag. The lacing attached to such a bag only exacerbates the matter - it presses the baby's chin even more to the chest and blocks the flow of fresh air.

Such devices are dangerous for the life and health of your baby!!

In vertical positions (carrying the baby in a column), neither kangaroos nor pseudo-slings can provide adequate attraction of the baby's back to the mother. As soon as the mother let go of her hands and begin to actively move, the child risks falling out of the miracle device or simply hanging on the crotch, dangling like a sausage.


Physiological devices include woven slings: on rings, slings-scarves, May-slings and physiological backpacks. However, not all of them are equally good for newborns.

The most optimal devices for carrying an infant and a newborn include a sling scarf and a sling with rings. Both the ring sling and the sling sling allow you to carry your baby both horizontally and vertically, while providing uniform support to the entire body of the baby. The uniform tension of the fabric and the possibility of literally jewelry adjustment of the fabric allows you to keep the child's spine in its natural position.

The most optimal fabrics for slings are fabrics of double diagonal and jacquard weaving. They are also often called scarves, because slings-scarves are mainly sewn from them. Such fabrics are not sold in ordinary stores, they are produced specifically for wearing by children. They are completely natural: most often it is 100% cotton, sometimes with additives in the form of linen, silk, bamboo, wool and cashmere for cool weather, etc. Like ordinary fabrics, scarf fabrics do not stretch either along or across: this gives stable support the position of the child. But they stretch slightly diagonally: this provides a comfortable distribution of the load, a special "hugging" - the fabric is slightly pulled up exactly where it is needed, gently and carefully fitting the body of mother and baby.

Slings with rings There are both from scarf fabrics, and from ordinary ones: coarse calico and linen. The latter are less plastic than scarves and require more effort to adjust. Ring slings can be worn both vertically and horizontally. In both cases, the sling allows you to maintain the natural arch of the baby's spine and support the head. The position of the child after a short workout can be easily changed on the go.

You can feed your baby both horizontally and vertically, but as long as the baby does not hold his head, it is easier to do this in the prone position. Attention! In order for the child to maintain the correct grip on the breast, his neck must be supported during feeding on the bend of the elbow - this is true for any type of carrying!

A feature of a sling with rings is the asymmetrical distribution of the load on the carrier (one shoulder and back), so the shoulders must be alternated regularly. This is important not only for the mother, but also for the uniform development of the child's muscular corset.

Sling scarf, perhaps the most versatile and optimal sling for wearing both a newborn and an older child. It allows you to carry the baby in horizontal and vertical positions from the first days of life. The baby is in the sling in the same position as in the mother's arms. For wearing newborns, it is preferable to use diagonal weaving fabrics: due to the peculiarities of their weaving, it is these fabrics that provide the best fit, the most uniform attraction, the possibility of point adjustment, and support for all parts of the baby’s spine, his head and neck.

In upright positions, the baby can be carried both with legs inward in the fetal position, while the innate tone causes the baby to draw in the legs, and with the legs out. Foreign babywearing schools recommend that you immediately wear your baby with the legs out. For this, single-layer windings ("kangaroo", "cross over the pocket" with unfolded canvases) and thin plastic scarves are used. Many mothers begin to bring the legs out as the congenital tone passes, this usually happens at 1-1.5 months. You can also feed your baby both horizontally and vertically.

Sometimes knitted scarves are used to wear newborns: they have the right to exist, but still, in our opinion, a woven scarf provides more adequate support for the baby's back and a much more comfortable distribution of the load on the mother. After the child reaches a weight of 6-7 kg, it is not recommended to wear knitted scarves: they are pulled back under the weight of the baby, creating excessive stress on the mother's back and do not provide proper support to the child's spine.

May sling.

If the choice of a parent stops at a May-sling, then for wearing newborns and children who are not sitting on their own, it is better to purchase a scarf-mai (Mai-sling made of scarf fabric) or a May-sling made of natural soft fabric - they are more plastic, and therefore better adapt to the physiological characteristics of the baby, this is especially important when carried vertically.

May-sling is good to have in addition to any sling, for example, a sling with rings. It is very convenient to carry the baby vertically in it: first with the legs inside, and as it grows, with the legs out. Thanks to the soft plastic fabric, the scarf allows you to adjust the height and width of the back just for your child, spreading the legs to a comfortable distance.

However, not all may-slings allow you to provide uniform support for the back and neck of the baby. Pay attention to the right photo: the top of the baby's spine is completely unattractive due to the rigid, non-plastic fabric of the sling. You can not wear a newborn and an infant in a may-sling if he does not have the opportunity to evenly support the child's body. All kinds of harnesses and knots on the back of the baby are also very undesirable, due to the fact that they create point pressure on the spine. May-sling straps should be straightened, crossed on the back of the child and brought back to the back of the mother, where they can be tied.

The horizontal position in the May-sling is not very convenient due to the peculiarities of its design: there is a danger of slightly warping the baby along the line of the spine. The excess tissue remaining when the baby is placed in a lying position in a May Sling creates the preconditions for this. It can be reduced by twisting the straps (see photo), but the twist should not create point pressure on the back of the baby. If you are sure that you are correctly putting your baby in the "cradle" in the May Sling, you can use it.

Physiological backpack.

A physiological backpack is now recommended by many manufacturers for wearing newborns or children from 2 months of age. How justified are these recommendations and should they be followed?

Most often, the backpack does not provide for a horizontal position, which is so relevant for a baby. And backpacks with an insert-mattress (for example, Ergo), although they make it possible to lay the baby correctly, look very cumbersome. Due to the presence of a voluminous mattress insert, both mother and child may be too hot, since in its thickness it is similar to a flannelette blanket.

Upright carrying of infants in backpacks is not recommended. Whatever the backpack is, it doesn't have as much room for adjustment (and therefore even support for the baby) as a woven sling. The backpack has only one possibility for adjustment - slings sewn into the middle of the back. At the same time, the tightest attraction of the straps guarantees you only one thing: the middle of the baby’s back will be pressed tightly. But the lower and upper spine may not have the necessary support, as it often happens even in backpacks that are "positioned" from birth.

For then, in order to reduce the extra volume of the backpack, and pull the baby tightly over the entire surface of the back, many manufacturers recommend putting a diaper on: they say, this will reduce the volume. This really allows you to remove excess volume and pull the baby more tightly, but !! After all, it is important for us not only to flatten the child to the mother, but to position it correctly, while maintaining the natural curve of the spine. Often, excessive tightening of the lines in an effort to achieve a tight attraction gives the effect of a "caterpillar" - the lumbar spine of the child bends like a child who knows how to sit on his own. Of course, before the moment of independent sitting, it is by no means possible to "artificially" form a lumbar deflection by tightening the lines. .

Another important feature of newborns is
immature hip joint.

The hip joint (HJ) is one of the largest joints in humans. It is formed by the acetabulum of the pelvic bone and the head of the femur. Along the edge of the acetabulum there is a cartilaginous tissue that increases the area of ​​the joint. From all sides, the joint is covered by muscles.

The articular cavity of the TB joint of the child is flattened, it is located more vertically, in comparison with the "adult joint", and the ligaments of the joint are excessively elastic. When the development of the joint is impaired (dysplasia), the excessively elastic ligaments and the articular capsule are not able to hold the head of the femur in the articular cavity, it shifts upward and outward. With certain movements, the femoral head can extend beyond the acetabulum. This condition of the joint is called "subluxation". In severe hip dysplasia, the head of the femur extends completely beyond the acetabulum, a condition called hip dislocation.

The angle at which the femoral head is inserted into the acetabulum is very important. If you draw a line through the edges of the acetabulum (AB) and a line through the middle of the head and neck of the femur (CF), then the line CF should pass through the middle (point O) of the line AB. The angle formed by these lines should approach a straight line (90 degrees): this ensures a uniform load on the head and acetabulum and the normal development of these structures.

As noted by Novosibirsk professor Yakov Leontyevich Tsivyan, one of the first in Russia who dealt with the problem of diseases of the hip joints, “when the hips are abducted, the femoral head is centered in the acetabulum. Due to the early and constant centering of the femoral head in the underdeveloped acetabulum, the latter, under the influence of such centering, begins to develop correctly ", and in the end, the former underdevelopment of the cavity is eliminated. Consequently, the conditions for the occurrence of dislocation disappear. And by the time the child stands on its own legs, dislocation cannot occur - the conditions for its occurrence have been eliminated."

A direct connection between increased morbidity and the tradition of tight swaddling of straightened baby legs was noted. In peoples who carry children in carriers with straightened legs (Indians of North America and Canada), there is an increased number of cases of hip dysplasia. But in those countries where newborns are not swaddled, their freedom of movement is not restricted, children are carried vertically with divorced legs, the incidence is much lower. For example, in Japan, as part of a national project in 1975, the national tradition of tight swaddling of straightened legs of babies was changed. Result: reduction in congenital dislocation of the hip from 1.1 - 3.5 to 0.2% (Yamamuro T, Ishida K. Recent advances in the prevention, early diagnosis, and treatment of congenital dislocation of the hip in Japan. J. Clinical orthopaedics and related research 1984 Apr;(184):34-40).

For the treatment of dysplasia, various orthopedic remedies are used to keep the baby's legs in a divorced state. All of them are designed to keep the legs of the child in the breeding position. In children of the first 2-3 months, if hip dysplasia is suspected, therapeutic and preventive measures are used - dilution of the legs with the help of soft pads (wide swaddling, Freik pillow, etc.), gymnastics with the use of abductor-circular movements in the joint, massage of the gluteal muscles.

Wearing in a sling with legs apart allows you to place the child's TB joints in a physiological position. Newborn babies are often worn in a sling with legs inside, while the position when the knees are above the priests is also preserved. This position (fetal position) can be used for the period when the innate tone of the baby's body is in effect.

From the moment the child's tone disappears, it is better to wear with the legs outward to avoid unwanted pressure on the feet and legs.

Remember that babies' joints are cartilaginous and very flexible. If the regular and long-term position of the child's legs does not imply the correct entry of the femur, then the cartilage may develop poorly.

What does it mean? This means that if you often and regularly carry your baby, for example, in a kangaroo, where the baby’s legs just hang and there is no question of any physiological leg spreading, then you create the preconditions for problems with the formation of a TB joint in a child. A baby in a kangaroo hangs on the perineum, legs dangle, a very large load is placed on the lower sections of the immature spine. Frequent wearing in a kangaroo can lead to flattening of the intervertebral spaces and problems with the spine in the future.

With prolonged and / or regular carrying of a child, it is necessary to provide him with a physiological location of the legs so that the femoral head is inserted into the acetabulum at a physiologically determined angle.

When carrying a baby in a sling, the hip is always involved in supporting the child. The main load point falls on the popliteal region of the baby, thereby removing it from the pelvic region. The TB joint is in a physiological position.

However, here it is important not to overdo it. The sling or backpack should allow the child to be bred to a comfortable distance, avoiding excessive spreading of the legs. In the "frog" position, the child's legs should not hug the mother's waist - there is a certain recommended angle of knee abduction. In newborns, it is 60-70 degrees.

As the tone subsides, the hip abduction angle gradually increases to 90 degrees. In order to comply with this requirement, the sling or backpack must match the physical parameters of the development of your particular child.

This is not how you can wear it:

The back of the backpack is bursting the legs, as a result we get a re-breeding of the legs and an incorrect angle of insertion of the femur. The child's legs are almost flattened into a "twine" - that is, 180 degrees. With a proper fit, the edge of the back should fall on the popliteal region, and the fabric on the pope and hips should fit snugly around them so that there is no excess fabric and folds. If the back is too wide, the baby's butt will not be able to sink to the desired depth in the pocket, and we will not get the classic fit in the sling - the M-position. The same effect occurs when worn vertically in may-slings made of rigid fabric: if the baby is still small, and the fabric is not soft and plastic, it will not fit well and may unnecessarily burst the baby's legs.

Everything is easier with slings :). Sling with rings, sling scarf and mai sling (made of soft plastic fabric) allows you to adjust the width of the back just for your child. If you want to carry a child in a backpack, it is important that the length of his legs allows you to cover the entire width of the back of the backpack, the butt has a certain volume and weight and allows you to completely fill the space inside the backpack - and for this you need to grow up.

A sling with rings and a sling scarf allows you to adjust the spread of the hips to a comfortable distance for the child, corresponding to his age, while the basic principle of the correct position - "knees above the priests" - is also observed.

Remember: the sling adapts to the child, the backpack adjusts the child to itself. If a sling is plasticine from which you can fashion anything, then a backpack is a rigid mold where the child either fits in or does not.

Let's sum up.

From the point of view of matching the age characteristics of the child, the best sling for a newborn and baby will be a sling scarf or a sling with rings.

They give excellent support to the entire body of the child in both vertical and horizontal positions. The sling scarf will be more versatile and convenient - it comfortably distributes the load on the carrier, makes it possible to adjust evenly and at any age of the child will provide a physiological position. For older children, it will give more freedom to move their hands - many babies love to sit in a sling with the handles out, grab their mother by the hair, nose, and, best of all, the beads that the mother wisely put on her neck :). If the baby falls asleep, you can hide the baby's arms in the sling. A sling with rings also has these advantages, but it loses in terms of mom's comfort: the load is distributed asymmetrically, the shoulders need to be alternated regularly, and therefore it is somewhat heavier to wear than in a scarf.

A less desirable, but possible, option to wear may be a May-sling (made of plastic fabric). Be sure to make sure that the May-sling you choose can provide uniform support to the entire spine and neck of the baby, and is also easily adjustable in width.

Physiological (=ergonomic) backpacks (including those positioned as "backpacks from birth") are not recommended for newborns and infants (up to a minimum of 4-5 months). Due to the lack of wide adjustment possibilities due to its design, it cannot provide the required support for the child in accordance with its age characteristics.

What else is worth paying attention to when choosing a device for carrying a child? Answer yourself the question, in what situations do you plan to carry a child, for how long, how much, how often?

If you need a sling for short-term wear (around the house, to the store, to the car), you can easily get by with a sling with rings. It is mobile, quickly removed and put on, it is easy to change position from vertical to horizontal in it, you can discreetly put off a sleeping baby. And remember that the asymmetrical distribution of the load on the mother's back is not conducive to long-term wearing.

If you have a very tame baby, you like to walk for a long time, you like to be mobile, go to the other end of the city to visit :))), and also if you have some back problems (scoliosis, for example), you better choose a sling scarf . It takes a little longer to wind it, but it will more than pay off the extra minute of your costs with subsequent comfort. This is the most ideal sling in terms of load distribution: it fits very comfortably on the shoulders and back, and also allows you to transfer part of the load to the waist and hips, often giving a concomitant weight loss effect :).

May-sling is quite easy to use, puts on quickly and is comfortable to wear, but as you remember, not every May-sling is suitable for a newborn. May-sling also distributes the load symmetrically: on two shoulders and back.

A backpack is one of the most mobile options, it distributes the load symmetrically, but the baby must grow up to it. More about backpacks.

Well, now you have the knowledge, based on which you can choose what is right for you! :) After all, a mother carrying her baby in her arms is something that meets the innate expectations of the baby. She radiates care and tranquility, warmth, reliability and steadfastness of this world - what is so necessary for a little man!

When writing the article, the following text and photo sources were used.

New mothers who have recently given birth to a baby are offered many different devices for carrying it on themselves. In stores you can see kangaroo bags, special scarves, slings of various modifications and pseudo slings. That's just when choosing a device, you should pay attention not so much to the design look, but to the convenience for the baby. The most recommended in this regard is a sling with large rings.

The name of the device itself is translated as “sling”, and is a fairly ancient way to carry a child on yourself. In our country, the sling has become popular only recently, and more and more mothers prefer the model with rings as the most convenient. It is a strip of fabric 2 m long, where one end is stretched for fixation through the rings and twists freely.

There are other models of slings - just a scarf and its analogue may-sling, as well as a sling-backpack. All of them create comfort for the baby, but mothers prefer to wear a baby in a sling with rings.

You can use this model from the first birthdays of the baby and up to 2 years. For most young families, the sling has even replaced the stroller as it doesn't require much storage space.

The baby, securely fixed on the mother, nevertheless feels comfortable - he can freely change his position. And mom does not have to remove the sling to move the baby. In addition, there are other advantages that make it possible to make a choice in favor of a sling with rings.

Why is ring sling better?

This model is very comfortable for both mother and child.

The main reason why moms love this model is that it is very easy to put on and just as easy to take off. The child assumes in him the position that he likes best.

  • When the baby is located in the sling lying down, he assumes a comfortable horizontal position, as if he were being held in his arms. At the same time, the baby's head is on the same plane with the back, which ensures comfort. Yes, and mom can constantly see the face of the little one.
  • In the sitting position in front of the mother, the child's knees are at a level above the priests, which is not observed in the "kangaroo". This allows the baby to take a more symmetrical position.
  • A sling with rings is better than a pseudo sling bag, as it allows the child to breathe normally, because the chin is not pressed against the chest.
  • It is very convenient to feed the baby in a sling on the street - the baby's posture is comfortable, and the scarf will hide this process from prying eyes.

How to wear a sling with rings

There are several options for carrying a child in this device. Mom does not just choose what is more convenient for her - she can periodically change the position of the baby without unfastening the sling. Here are some tips on how to carry your baby in a sling.

Any of the positions should be changed periodically so that the baby's muscle corset develops evenly. Yes, and my mother's posture will suffer less this way. The main thing is to learn how to put on the design correctly.

How to put on a ring sling

Before the baby is placed in this convenient device, the mother must put it on herself. At the same time, she should clearly know how to tie a sling with rings. This will envy the safety of the baby.

How to tie a ring sling

  • To begin with, mother carefully examines the fabric panel, at one end of which rings are sewn. They can be metal, wood or plastic. The second end is called the "tail", and it will be passed through these rings.
  • Having straightened the canvas, they take the “tail” in one hand, and hold the rings in the other. In this case, the scarf should not be twisted.
  • The “tail” is pulled through both rings at once, the fabric is stretched by about 0.7 m.
  • Then the “tail” is wrapped back and pulled through one ring again, evenly straightening the fabric.
  • Holding the rings in the right hand, the left is threaded into the sling.
  • Next, the bandage is thrown over the head, placing it on the right shoulder. In this case, the rings are located at the level of the collarbone, and the “tail” hangs forward.

This instruction on how to tie a ring sling is standard for all positions. If the mother masters it correctly, then it will not be difficult for her to place a toddler in such a device.

How to wear a baby in a sling with rings correctly

To make the baby feel comfortable in a scarf, mom needs to take into account some recommendations.

  • Firstly, the fabric from which the sling is made should not stretch, otherwise it will deform very quickly.
  • Putting on the device, the mother should carefully monitor that the fabric is not twisted or turned inside out. The canvas should be well straightened. Otherwise, the baby will experience discomfort, from which he will get tired very quickly.
  • If the sling is worn loosely, the baby will sag in it, taking the wrong position. This will affect the development of his musculoskeletal system. You can provide the desired tension with the help of the "tail".
  • When placing a baby in a sling, you need to make sure that his face is not covered by either his mother's clothes or the fabric of a scarf, otherwise the baby may suffocate.

It will depend only on the accuracy and attention of the mother how comfortable it is for her and the baby.

Sling with rings - how best to wear a newborn

It is especially important to carefully carry the baby in the first 3 months of his life, when each bone or cartilage is quite fragile. The best option here in using a sling would be the "cradle" position.

  • Having put on a sash, as described above, the woman forms a cozy “hammock” under her breast from it.
  • Taking the baby with the left hand under the back, hold the edge of the canvas with the right hand. In the pocket, the baby is placed on the side so that the sling holds the buttocks well.
  • Then the edge of the canvas is straightened, pulling it over the back and up to the head. It will be more convenient to do this if the mother leans forward a little.
  • To give the desired position to the baby, the inner edge of the pocket must be tightened. In this case, the baby is located across the canvas in such a way that his legs are at the rings, and his head is under his mother's breast on the opposite side. In newborns, the legs should be completely in the sling; in infants over 2 months old, they hang slightly outward.
  • Now tighten the "tail" of the scarf, adjusting the position of the child. At the same time, the baby's head should neither lean back nor bend down to the chest.

Before placing a baby in a comfortable design, learn how to wear a ring sling, preferably on a doll. Having practiced in this way, the mother can safely go for a walk with the baby.