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» How to properly repair a garage roof. Rules for major repairs of a garage roof: advice from experienced craftsmen. Preparing the roof for repair work

How to properly repair a garage roof. Rules for major repairs of a garage roof: advice from experienced craftsmen. Preparing the roof for repair work

The garage is a second home. And if in the first place a woman maintains order and comfort, then in the garage, as a rule, a man watches everything. It doesn’t have to be warm and cozy here, but it is simply necessary to comply with the necessary requirements for dryness and reliability. A leaky roof can become a serious challenge for the owner if it is not patched in time. We will talk about how and how to repair a garage roof in this article.

The method of roof repair directly depends on the type of construction, the type of roof itself and, of course, the degree of its wear. Often, a garage is built a short distance from a residential building and is made from inexpensive roofing materials: corrugated sheets, metal tiles, ondulin and flexible tiles. As for collective garages, you can’t get by with tiles. Soft bituminous materials are more suitable for them.

There are several ways to repair garage roofs:

  • hot bitumen;
  • soft roofing materials;
  • tiles or corrugated sheets.

Preparatory work

First you need to determine how badly the roof was damaged and Special attention pay attention to failed elements that need to be replaced. The fastest DIY garage roof repair is carried out using rolled or sheet building materials. Piece ones will take much more time, so if the rainy season is upon us and the roof has gaping holes, then it is better to do everything quickly.

Stages of preparatory work:

  1. Clear the roof of leaves and debris.
  2. Inspect the surface to assess the extent of damage. It is quite possible that patches in problem areas will be enough for repairs.
  3. Remove problematic and leaky roofing elements for subsequent replacement.
  4. If old roof was covered with roofing felt, and you saw cracks or bubbles on it, then they must be eliminated before repair work begins. Use a sharp knife to cut the problem areas crosswise and fold back the edges. Clean the space inside from dust and dirt, if any. Later, you can simply fill these recesses with hot bitumen.

Repair with hot bitumen

Repair soft roof garage is usually produced using hot bitumen.

Required materials and tools:

  • bitumen;
  • bucket (it’s better to choose a bucket that you don’t mind, because it will be “disposable”);
  • a rope with a metal hook at the end to lift the bucket onto the roof;
  • ladder;
  • bricks to make an “oven” to heat the bitumen;
  • a stiff brush to remove dirt from problem areas;
  • construction gloves.

Stages of work:

  1. Clear the roof of leaves and dirt and heat the bitumen on an improvised barbecue made of bricks. When the mass becomes pliable and plastic, you can begin pouring.
  2. Using a rope with a hook, lift the bucket of molten bitumen onto the roof and spot-fill problem areas with it. If you have the desire and opportunity, you can completely cover the roof with bitumen to certainly eliminate the possibility of leakage.
  3. Set the direction of bitumen using a flat wooden board, leveling it over the surface.
  4. Wait for the material to dry.

Repair with soft materials

Soft roofing materials are quite often used to repair garage roofs (photo).

These include bikrost and roofing felt. And if the latter can be laid on bitumen mastic, then to lay bicrost you will need a gas burner. Despite this, working with bicrost is much easier and faster, because you don’t have to bother with preparing and pouring mastic.


Repairing a garage roof using roofing felt is not that difficult, especially if you just need to install a few patches. Just cut the required number of pieces and cover the prepared areas with it. The only caveat is that the measured piece must exactly match the size of the hole, otherwise all efforts will be useless.

Steps to create a patch:

If you decide to cover the entire roof with bitumen, the progress of the work will be somewhat different, and it will take much more time.

Stages of work:

  1. Clean the roof from dirt and dust.
  2. Apply a layer of tar, the width of which will correspond to the width of the roofing material.
  3. Lay the “strip” of roofing felt on the greased area.
  4. Cover the next section of the roof with tar, slightly overlapping the previous piece of roofing material (about 10-15 centimeters), and lay the canvas again.
  5. Continue in this manner until you cover the entire surface with roofing felt.

Helpful advice: if bubbles appear during installation, simply cut them with a knife, release the air and press firmly onto the tar. For 100% waterproofing, you can coat them on top again.

If your garage is adjacent to neighboring ones, then when laying roofing felt, pay special attention to the places where the material joins other roofs. Usually these are the “weakest” places where cracks most often appear.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with useful video about repairing a garage roof using roofing felt.

As a rule, one layer of roofing material is enough to ensure that your garage is reliably protected from moisture, but if the operating conditions are too harsh, or you live in a region with high humidity and frequent rains, it is better to lay two layers.

The cost of repairing a garage roof with roofing felt usually does not exceed 600-700 rubles. The material itself is inexpensive (from 200 to 300 rubles per roll), bitumen mastic or resin costs about 100 rubles per bag, and other materials and tools can be found in the same garage.


If roofing felt repairs seem too complicated and energy-intensive to you, we bring to your attention bikrost. To install it, you do not need to fill in bitumen mastic or resin. All you need is a gas burner and oxidized quick-hardening bitumen. This is a special type of bitumen that “sets” very quickly and is firmly attached to the base.

Stages of work:

  1. Roll out the bicrost roll to 50-60 cm and heat it with a burner from the wrong side.
  2. Quickly press the heated material onto the roof surface with a T-shaped stick.
  3. Stand with your feet on the freshly laid area, roll out the roll a little again and repeat the procedure, laying the second strip overlapping by 7-9 centimeters.

Such work will take a maximum of one and a half hours of work, and the quality of waterproofing will be no worse than from professional styling roofing felt

The price of repairing a garage roof with bicrost will be a little higher, but not so much that you won’t be tempted by the short deadlines for work. So, keeping your garage dry and cozy will cost about 1,500 rubles.

Repair with corrugated sheets and tiles

Detached garages are usually covered with metal tiles, flexible tiles or corrugated sheets. And if replacing a damaged segment of corrugated sheeting is not difficult, then you will have to tinker with the tiles.

Corrugated sheet

To repair a garage roof with corrugated sheets, you need to stock up on some simple tools. You will need the sheets of material themselves, a tape measure, a circular saw and a screwdriver.

Typically, individual garages are covered with solid sheets of corrugated sheets, which are not built up, as is the case with metal tiles. In this case, it is necessary to make a side overlap, and one such “wave” is quite enough to ensure proper waterproofing of the entire room.

Since the width of a corrugated sheet is approximately a meter, for an ordinary five-meter garage you will need 5 sheets.

Stages of work:

  1. Use a screwdriver to secure the first sheet of corrugated board in the upper corner. Do not tighten the fastener all the way so that if necessary, its location can be adjusted.
  2. In the same way, fasten a couple more sheets and check whether the line of the roof ridge coincides with their edges.
  3. Align the sheets and finally secure them with a screwdriver.
  4. Secure the upper and lower parts through a “wave”, and the middle part in a checkerboard pattern.

Metal tiles

Covering the garage roof with metal tiles will take a little more time. Despite the obvious labor intensity, today most people choose this method because metal tiles look beautiful and impressive. On the market you can choose absolutely any colors and turn your garage into the envy of all your neighbors!

Metal tiles should be fastened starting from the bottom and moving to the very top of the roof. To fix, use self-tapping screws with a rubber gasket so that the metal “does not move” and does not become loose. In addition, the gaskets will provide additional waterproofing at the fastening points.

Lay the elements overlapping, using special latches at the top and bottom of the sheets. This will give an even more reliable grip.

Repairing your roof is easy, especially if you have a passion for construction. Having done such work at least once with your own hands, you will gain valuable experience that will be useful to you more than once in the future.

For every car enthusiast, the garage is a sacred place where you can shelter your faithful “horse” from bad weather and theft, and, if necessary, repair or replace something. This building performs practical functions, so it is attached to the house or a free-standing rectangular box is built. To reduce the cost of time and money, simple but effective technologies and materials are used for construction. Most garage boxes come with a flat or pitched roof, which can be easily and inexpensively waterproofed with your own hands using roofing felt.

Ruberoid is a built-up roofing material, which is made on the basis of roofing cardboard and bitumen impregnation. It is produced in the form of rolls 15 m wide and 15 m long. It is a durable, inexpensive and easily laid material that is used for roofing garages and other outbuildings. Roof felt can be used to cover a roof of any shape and slope. To create a durable waterproofing coating, it is laid in several layers at intervals, heated with a gas burner and glued to the slope. Two types of roofing material are used in the work:

Important! The numbers in indicate the weight of one square meter cardboard on the basis of which it is produced. The higher this number, the stronger and more durable material. To cover the garage roof, roofing felt with coarse-grain dusting is used, the tensile force of which is 25-26 kgf.

Advantages of roofing felt

Builders claim that more than 80% of garages and outbuildings in Russia are covered with roofing felt. In response to high demand, manufacturers are introducing new grades of fiberglass-based material with improved performance characteristics. This material remains the most in a practical way isolate the roof from precipitation, thanks to the following qualities:

  1. High degree of waterproofing. Ruberoid perfectly protects the roof from moisture, as it contains bitumen impregnation.
  2. Low price. The cost of covering 1 square meter of roof with roofing felt is 200-300 rubles, which is 2 times less than the price of a roof made of corrugated sheets, tiles or ondulin.
  3. Easy installation. To lay roofing felt on the roof, you do not need to hire workers, due to this the costs of constructing a garage are reduced.
  4. Versatility. Built-up roofing material based on bitumen is suitable for installation on different types roofs with any slope angle.

Note! The disadvantage of bitumen-based roofing is the flammability of this material. And in order to achieve reliable waterproofing, you have to lay roofing felt in 2-4 layers.

Preparatory stage of work

The advantage of roofing felt is that it can be laid on top of old roofing or on a cleaned concrete base. In order to qualitatively cover the garage roof with weldable material with your own hands, you must first prepare the installation site:

Note! If the old garage roofing material is in good condition and does not require removal, you will still need to dry the roof before applying tar paper. To do this, the old coating is cut in several places with a sharp knife, pressing the accumulated liquid through the slits. The roof is left in this state for 1-2 days so that the moisture evaporates.

Installation of built-up roofing

To cover a garage roof with roofing felt, you need a gas burner, a sharp knife, protective gloves and dexterity. Can handle this kind of work alone experienced master, it is better to enlist the help of 1-2 assistants. The laying technology is as follows:

Provided you follow the technology for laying roofing felt with your own hands, use high-quality material and good preparation of the base, the weld coating will last 20-25 years, preventing moisture from penetrating inside the garage.

Video instruction

Any type of garage roof needs timely repairs, since leaks and other defects are a common occurrence during the operation of the premises. Before starting repairs, the scope of the necessary repairs is determined, materials are selected and a set of works is carried out.

Repairing garage roof leaks

As a result of prolonged exposure to climatic factors, any structure loses its performance characteristics, which contributes to the appearance of cracks, leaks, and deformation in the roof. This is typical for roofs of any type, and in each case certain materials, technologies and tools are used for repairs.

Leaks can also occur in winter time year due to partial thawing of ice and accumulation of water at the crossing point warm roof in the cold

For partial or complete renovation The following materials and tools are often used, selected depending on the type of roof:

  • cement mixture for concrete screed;
  • bitumen or mastics based on it;
  • roofing felt, technoNIKOL, hydroisol and other rolled materials;
  • polyurethane foam.

How to Repair a Concrete Garage Roof

Roofing from concrete slabs It is usually arranged with a slight slope towards the wall opposite the exit from the garage. This is necessary to ensure precipitation and prevent the accumulation of large amounts of snow. There are also buildings with flat roof, but in such cases it is important to thoroughly waterproof the surface and arrange for the removal of rain moisture.

If the garage roof has a slight slope, it must be waterproofed especially carefully.

Long-term use of a garage box leads to gradual wear of the waterproofing layer and disruption of the tightness of seams and slab joints. As a result, leaks occur and repairs are required. Most often, water enters the room through cracks in the joints. To solve this problem, several effective methods, selected depending on the situation and condition of the roof. The following problems are encountered and ways to resolve them:

  • on a new roof made of concrete slabs, not equipped with waterproofing, they make concrete screed to level the surface, which will prevent moisture accumulation. After this, roofing material is fused onto the dried surface or bitumen mastic is applied. Also effective liquid rubber. The entire surface is treated with these materials;

    Concrete screed eliminates all surface irregularities that could cause water accumulation

  • the roof, covered with old roofing felt, is cleaned of this material, cracks are found and they are covered with bitumen mastic. If necessary, you can treat the entire surface with a waterproofing compound;

    Ruberoid is fused using gas burner with the canvases overlapping each other

  • A practical solution for an old or new garage roof is to prime the concrete slabs and then apply roofing felt. To do this, the surface is cleaned of dirt and debris, dried, and thoroughly treated with bitumen mastic, first with one layer, and after it has dried, with a second. Next, the built-up roofing material is attached using a torch;

    For better sealing, the roof surface can be treated with two layers before fusing. bitumen mastic

  • Application of liquid rubber is an expensive but effective measure for repairing small cracks and waterproofing concrete slab roofs. The product is applied by spraying onto the entire roof, but high price material makes it cost-effective only for processing large areas.

    Liquid rubber is usually used on roofs with a large area

To apply any of the above repair technologies, you will need the following tools:

  • building level;
  • spatulas and hard brushes;
  • rules of different lengths for leveling liquid rubber;
  • industrial hair dryer or gas burner;
  • metal brush;
  • Master OK.

All tools must be reliable and safe, and when spraying liquid rubber or fusing roofing felt, personal protective equipment must be used.

Video: repairing part of a concrete garage roof

Metal Garage Roof Repair

Concrete, brick or metal garage may have a metal roof, but such material is susceptible to corrosion. As a result, rust, cracks and crevices appear, through which moisture enters the room. Before carrying out repairs, you should determine the location of the cracks and the scale of the necessary work.

A metal garage roof is most often made from sheet metal 3–4 mm thick

A metal roof can be made from sheets of metal, the thickness of which is about 3–4 mm. Leaks form in different places, depending on which the method of carrying out repair work is determined. The main situations are:

  • small gaps in the area where the roof and walls meet can be sealed with tow. The metal surface should be treated with waterproofing paint or liquid rubber to eliminate small cracks. All work is carried out on a dry surface;

    Liquid rubber is often used to waterproof large metal roofs

  • On a gable metal roof, holes can form in the area where the planes meet. In this case, the welding method is most effective, which requires special equipment, as well as sheets of metal slightly larger than the hole. Such patches are welded in places where cracks form, eliminating leaks;

    Small sheets of metal are welded in places where cracks and through holes appear

  • Leaks at the junction of walls and a metal roof can be neutralized with polyurethane foam and sealants for external use. The entire roof can be treated with rolled waterproofing materials.

    You can repair small defects in a garage roof made of corrugated sheets using polyurethane foam.

For elimination large holes Rolled materials are not suitable, but the welding method is optimal. To prevent leaks, roofing felt should be laid on the garage roof, having previously treated the surface with bitumen mastic.

Video: applying bitumen mastic to a metal garage roof

How to repair a garage roof made of corrugated sheets

A brick, concrete or metal garage may have a roof made of profiled sheets. The roof shape can be gable or flat with a slope. In any case, long-term use climatic conditions contribute to the appearance of holes and damage to the waterproofing layer. Rafter system often forms the basis of a corrugated roof and therefore roof covering must reliably protect the premises from leaks. If defects occur in the profiled sheets, the roof is repaired.

A roof made of corrugated sheets reliably protects the garage from precipitation until defects appear in it due to long-term use.

The main stages of corrugated roof repair are as follows:

Video: corrugated roof repair

A solid garage with a soft roof is especially susceptible to leaks and requires timely repairs. This is due to the fact that soft covering the roof is not high technical characteristics and long service life. A soft roof can be deformed as a result of strong climatic influences and mechanical damage.

If there are a large number of holes, cracks, or leaks, it is recommended complete replacement coverings. To do this, remove the old layer of material using an ax or other suitable tool, and then apply a new one. This method is suitable when replacing a soft roof with a more rigid covering.

Old roofing is removed with an ax

For partial repairs and small leaks, use an ax, knife, trowel and spatula. The technology of work is expressed as follows:

  1. To partially repair the garage roof, you will need bitumen mastic and roofing felt. A cross-shaped cut should be made in the damaged area, bend the edges of the old material and apply heated bitumen inside, and then lay a piece of roofing material the size of which corresponds to the hole.

    On inner surface bitumen is applied to the damaged area and a piece of roofing material is laid

  2. After laying such an internal patch, a layer of bitumen mastic is applied, and then the bent edges of the material are pressed. Then an outer patch is cut out, the size of which should be 15–20 cm larger than the incision.
  3. The patch is fixed with bitumen mastic, the edges are also coated with this compound, and sand is sprinkled on top.

    The outer patch should be 15–20 cm longer and wider than the damaged area

If the soft roof of the garage is covered with a network of small cracks that form leaks, then it is best to treat the entire roof with bitumen mastic or liquid rubber. The first composition is applied with a brush in several layers after each previous one has dried, and liquid rubber is applied by spraying.

Video: garage soft roof repair

Repair materials

There are several main universal types of materials for protecting the roof from leaks. They have a service life of more than 10 years, strength and resistance to mechanical stress. Such properties are typical for roll and coating options for waterproofing, which are optimal for a garage.

Modern roll roofing materials are often used to cover a garage.

The use of TechnoNIKOL roll materials for roof repairs

"Technonikol" is a rolled material for roof waterproofing various types. The structure of the canvas consists of several layers, and the bottom layer is bitumen, which melts during installation and ensures thorough fixation of the canvas. This material is optimal for a concrete roof, but it can also be used on a wooden roof with a continuous sheathing.

The TechnoNIKOL roll coating consists of several layers, the lowest of which is bitumen

The method of using this material on a concrete roof requires the following steps:

  1. The surface is cleaned of dust and dirt, dried and leveled with a concrete screed. After the leveling layer has dried, you can continue work.

    Before starting work, you need to remove dirt and old coating from the roof.

  2. A bitumen primer is applied to the roof, which is necessary to improve the adhesion of the material to the roof surface and wait until the composition dries. Next, roll out a small part of the roll from the corner of the roof and, using a gas burner or a hair dryer, heat the lower part of the sheet, rolling out the roll as needed.

    When installed on pitched roofs safety ropes should be used

  3. After installation, each strip is rolled with a roller. This is necessary for better adhesion of the material to the surface. Each subsequent strip must be laid with an overlap of about 8 cm on the previous one. Thus, the canvases are mounted in two or three layers. In the area of ​​parapets, the lower layer is raised by 25 cm, and the upper layer by 5 cm. All abutment areas are insulated with a special bitumen tape.

Video: installation of TechnoNIKOL coating

"Gidroizol" coating for garage roofing

Often, the bitumen-polymer composition “Gidroizol” is used to waterproof and prevent garage roof leaks. It does not require heating before use and easily eliminates crevices and small cracks in the surface. After drying, a solid coating is obtained that has a service life of tens of years and can withstand intense climatic influences. Using "Gidroizol" you can not only completely treat the surface, but also fill small gaps and cracks, eliminate holes in roofing felt, treat canopies and other areas of the garage roof.

Liquid “Hydroizol” is produced in containers of different volumes

The technology for working with liquid “Gidroizol” has the following features:

  1. The surface of a concrete or wooden roof is cleaned of dust and dirt, which helps to enhance the adhesion of the composition.
  2. The clean surface is primed with a primer based on “Hydroizol” and allowed to dry for 3 hours.
  3. Before use, the composition should be diluted with Solvent solvent in a ratio of 1:10.
  4. The product can be applied to the surface using a roller, brush and other painting tools.

After treatment, the surface does not allow moisture to pass through, which is why “Gidroizol” is widely in demand for waterproofing

Rolled material "Gidroizol" allows you to completely process the garage roof and ensure reliable protection from leaks. The material is a canvas rolled into a roll. High strength, simple installation, long service life and resistance to moisture make Gidroizol popular and effective for wooden or concrete roofs and metal coverings.

Rolled material "Gidroizol" consists of a bitumen-polymer binder, reinforced with fiberglass and topped with a special coarse-grained coating

The main stages of using rolled material:

  1. First, clean the surface, make a concrete screed on the slab roof and dry it.
  2. When mechanically installing the canvas on pitched roof the material is rolled out along the bottom of the roof and secured with staples and a stapler. Subsequent sheets are laid with an overlap of about 10 cm on the lower ones, and the joints are coated with bitumen mastic.
  3. The hot mounting method is optimal for flat roofs and is carried out according to the TechnoNIKOL waterproofing fastening method. The roll is gradually rolled out over the surface, the lower part of the web is heated, pressing it with a roller.

Video: roof repair from corrugated sheets using liquid “Gidroizol”

Repair using roofing felt

Roofing felt is often used to update the waterproofing layer of a roof without dismantling the old coating. With the help of such material you can protect against leaks like wooden roof with a continuous sheathing, and a slab concrete garage roof. However, it is still recommended to remove old layers of roofing material before installing a new sheet, which will ensure good protection roofs from moisture.

Ruberoid with a bitumen layer is often used for roof waterproofing

The method of treating a roof using roofing felt is as follows:

  1. The roof is cleaned of dust and dirt. Using polyurethane foam, roofing mastic or cement composition, seal all existing cracks.
  2. The day before installation, rolls of roofing felt need to be rolled out and allowed to rest. If there is not enough space for laying out, you can simply rewind the material in the opposite direction.
  3. The roof surface should be primed. To do this, use one of the composition options:
  4. From the lower edge of the roof, they begin laying the lining roofing material with an overlap of sheets of 10–15 cm. Fastening is carried out using bitumen or mastic. At least 2 layers of lining material are required, the edges of which are tucked under the roof eaves and secured with slate nails.
  5. The top layer is created from roofing felt with a coarse sand powder. The canvases are fixed with an overlap, coating all joints with mastic.

    For the top layer of a soft roof, roofing felt with sand is used

Video: roofing felt on the garage roof

Garage roof repair with mastic

Manufacturers waterproofing materials present wide range roofing mastics for roofing different types. Such products are viscous compositions based on polymers, bitumen, rubber, tar, and butyl rubber. Liquid formulations allow you to eliminate minor leaks in concrete, wood, and metal roofs. Their application consists of simply applying the product to a clean and dry surface using a brush or roller. It is possible to either completely treat the roof or spot apply it in several layers after each previous one has dried.

Mastics are presented in an assortment of different manufacturers

Waterproofing mastics often serve as the basis for installation roll materials. This ensures maximum protection of the roof from leaks so that repairs do not require a long time. It is possible to use mastics as independent waterproofing, but always in several layers.

Video: using mastic for roof waterproofing

Repair with bitumen

A classic and simple material - bitumen - is in demand for repairing concrete roofs. The product is presented in the form of solid rectangular blocks of black color. The material must be placed in a metal container and heated to a temperature of 120 °C. The molten composition hardens very quickly, but thoroughly eliminates all cracks. Therefore, using the product requires skill and dexterity. It is recommended to melt the material in small portions, filling the cracks one by one. If the entire roof is being treated, then the liquid is distributed over the surface with a long T-shaped stick.

Solid bitumen must be heated before use.

Video: preparing hot bitumen mastic

How to Fix a Roof Leak from Inside a Garage

Small leaks in the roof or where the roof meets the wall can sometimes be repaired from inside the garage. To do this, you need to examine the problem area and determine the size of the gap. Cracks up to 1 cm wide can be sealed with polyurethane foam. You should first dry the leak area. construction hairdryer or other suitable method.

You can easily seal small cracks with polyurethane foam

If the size of the gap is more than 1 cm in width, then it is worth using a cement composition. Apply the product onto the dried surface using a spatula. It is possible to apply several layers after each previous one has dried. Such methods are relevant for repairing a concrete garage roof. Leaks in a metal roof can be repaired by welding or installing waterproofing on the outside. If the coating is soft, then you can also use polyurethane foam, but it is best to repair the roof from the outside.

Leaks occur on all types of garage roofs and require elimination of the causes. Modern selection of materials that differ easy to use, makes it easy to repair the roof with your own hands without replacing the old covering with a new one.

Before repairing the roof of your garage, the structure on top is completely freed. They decide what type of repair the garage roof needs. He can be:

  • Pointed. When it is necessary to eliminate small defects scattered throughout different parts roofs.
  • Major renovation. When there are many defective places on the roof, there are leaks. Or the coating has become morally and physically worn out, has become old and invisible.
  • Complete replacement of coverage due to an unforeseen situation.

In this article

Selection of coating material

After determining the type of repair, they begin to select the material for the coating. On construction markets There are many materials for roof repair. The choice depends on the owner’s preferences and financial capabilities. Durability of the material, strength. There is no shortage of materials. Materials can be hard or soft. Most often, for garages, a material is used that is low in cost, but of good quality. Can choose:

  • profiled flooring;
  • slate - suitable for gable roofs;
  • mastic - used in regions where there are temperature changes, falls a large number of precipitation. The material is elastic;
  • metal tiles;
  • roofing felt - plastic, inexpensive material. Suitable for flat structures;
  • bikrost is an alternative to roofing felt. Has waterproofing properties. It is convenient to work with him;
  • TechnoNIKOL is a type of roll bitumen material, intended for roof waterproofing. Manufactured using special technology;
  • Other materials.

Each material is good in its own way. It has both advantages and disadvantages. Before choosing something, you need to compare the quality of materials. And know where to start the repair work. Repairing a garage roof yourself is a responsible job. Takes time modern instrument, special clothing. To start work correctly means to consider all actions one by one. Prepare for each of them. It’s even better to draw up a preliminary work plan and stick to it. You can even sketch it in pencil.

Advice: it is advisable to carry out roof repairs from the same material from which the roof was already created! This best option work!

Determination of defective places

Defective areas are subject to careful inspection and removal. If any place in the coating is unreliable, it must also be removed. It is useless to hope that slightly loose material will hold securely! Time will pass, the flaw will be revealed, it will need to be repaired again. After removal, problem areas are cleaned and swept with a broom. Mark with a marker the areas where you need to work. Using a tape measure, measure the amount of material that will be needed for repairs.

Let's assume the roof is made of profiled decking. And something unpredictable happened to the coating. It has completely fallen into disrepair; the corrugated flooring needs to be re-laid. In these unpredictable conditions, even the sheathing will have to be changed. It is made from wood. The material will be provided by a lumberyard located nearby, or a lumber store. Then repairing the garage roof yourself must be done together with the sheathing.

Working with profiled decking when completely replacing the covering

The profiled flooring is low. Using it, you can cover a huge coverage area using a small number of sheets. Before purchasing, you must accurately determine the brand of material elements. There are sheets with stamp C in the form of trapezoids or semicircular waves. This material is used when a light load is expected on the structure.

The durable structure is covered with material with a wave from 35 mm to 44. This is the HC brand. Corrugated sheeting, which has additional stiffening ribs and an increased wave height reaching up to 114 mm, is not intended for repair. And for designing a full roof with large parameters. If the garage is small and will have an insignificant load, you need to choose a material with the HC grade. It is with the elements of this brand that they perform garage roof repairs with their own hands.

Sequence of work execution

Some garages have a hard roof made from metal shingles or profiled decking. How to repair the garage roof of such a garage? It is easy to repair such a structure. Replacing a damaged sheet of material is easy. In rare cases, it is necessary to completely replace the coating on the garage. Sometimes garage roof repairs are done this way.

If you work with metal tiles, then the fastenings are made, on the contrary, from the bottom and up. They work with self-tapping screws with rubber gaskets for limitation. Its elements must be placed overlapping. To ensure fastening, locks are used, which are located at the bottom of the elements and at the top.

Working with roofing felt

A popular method of repair work in the garage is performed using roofing felt. This cheap material, will protect the roof well from leaks. To patch the holes, you only need a few pieces of roofing felt. They can be cut from rolls. The prepared piece must be placed inside the hole-flaw. It will act as a patch, then it must be pressed tightly to the base. Mastic is additionally applied on top of it.

You can also use resin for this. After this, the edges of the outdated covering are folded back and the joints are sealed with patches. The size of the piece of roofing felt should be about 15 or 20 cm larger than the damaged area. Only in this case can we hope that the waterproofing of the seams will be complete. This garage roof will not leak. Sometimes defects in garages are patched with TechnoNIKOL.

Then coat all areas with mastic again. This is not unnecessary work, but on the contrary, mandatory. Security high-quality waterproofing for the roof. Only then can a layer of roofing felt be placed. Fresh sheets of roofing felt on the roof are a guarantee of roof waterproofing for ten years.

The roofing felt needs to rest for a day before laying. For further work, tar is required. It will connect the outdated coating with the new one. Firmly protects joints from leaks. The resin is “made” in a tin container. First you need to melt the tar so that it acquires the consistency of thick sour cream.

Pour the composition onto a fragment of the roof and lay the first sheet on it. Walk around it a little. This is done to quickly set the resin. The second canvas is placed on the first, but with an overlap of 10 to 12 cm. When bubbles appear, it is necessary to make cuts on the material with a knife. And then press the canvas tightly to the base.

Attention: laying roofing felt begins from the lowest point of the roof. The first layer must dry for at least 12 hours.

Tool preparation

It should include modern views tools that are easy to use. Almost every garage owner has:

  • roulette;
  • battery-powered or mains-powered screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws with rubber seals;
  • hacksaw or metal scissors.

This list is basic. Each type of tool must be in good working order.


It is possible to carry out major roof repairs with your own hands. The main thing is to follow safety precautions. Then the renovated garage will have great view. Work on the roof requires a lot of attention and is performed at a height of two meters. We must not forget about this!

Car owners are trying to purchase garages, wanting to save on parking fees and at the same time preserve the vehicle. Like any other building, a garage requires periodic repairs. Today we will tell you how to properly repair a roof, without resorting to the help of professionals, with your own hands.

What could a garage roof look like?

Masters distinguish several types of garage roofing, each of which has its own individual characteristics:

  1. Soft - involves laying the roof with roofing material, bicrost, glass insulation and glass batt. There is no point in replacing the entire roof if a leak is found in one place or along a joint. When making a decision, carefully examine the surface. A rope, a knife, a ladder, a roof burner, gas in a cylinder, and, of course, the roofing felt itself or other basic covering material will help you cope with flaws and damage to your soft roof.
  2. Profiled sheeting.
  3. Metal tiles are distinguished by a whole list of advantages, which include light specific gravity, wear resistance and long service life; ease of transportation is ensured due to small proportions, which means installation will take place in record time and without much effort.

Among the shortcomings, experts note the lack of sound insulation and problems with snow retention.

Installation of corrugated sheets

In practice, the installation procedure is divided into several main phases:

  • preparatory stage - involves the purchase and transportation of material directly to the place of repair work;
  • preparing the garage and the area near it, laying or replacing hydro- and heat-insulating materials;
  • installation of corrugated panels.

To lift the corrugated sheeting onto the roof, you need to use logs. It is not recommended to lay several sheets at once; it is better to mount one first and only then start lifting the next one.

Repairing a garage roof using corrugated sheets looks like this:

  1. Drive the nails at a distance of 24 cm, starting from one edge of the panel and gradually moving to the other.
  2. If there is an area on the roof for a ridge or ledge, measure the part separately; you will have to spend a different amount of building materials on it.
  3. Drain pipes and snow retainers on the garage roof are indispensable devices.
  4. Handle the corrugated sheet carefully, otherwise it may split and crack. Put aside the hammer and other “impact” tools; ideally, screwdrivers, drills, and riveters are suitable.
  5. When approaching the edges of panels on slopes, use the hinged method, which does not involve additional types of connections.
  6. Roof repair is carried out in exactly the same way as the initial installation - the sheets overlap each other, self-tapping screws are used as fasteners.
  7. If there is a need to paint the roof the same color as the walls of the garage unit, use a paint and varnish product.

Bikrost cannot be fixed without first melting the bitumen; a gas burner can easily handle this. Self-respecting manufacturers always attach a hook with a wooden or metal component to bicrost; without it, it is very difficult to roll out rolls.

Garage roof repair using bicrost consists of sequential manipulations:

  1. An important condition for bicrost is a dry and at the same time solid base; to achieve this, you need to clean the cement screed from dust and dirt.
  2. Level the surface by treating the surface with a primer or bitumen to which gasoline or liquid nephras has been added.
  3. The roll unfolds in a direction perpendicular to the slope. When required area will be unrolled, cut a piece and roll on both sides towards the center.
  4. Now bring the burner to the roll and, using a hook, spread it over the roof surface.
  5. The second roll is placed on top so that the roll completely covers the first layer by 10-15 cm - such a connection will allow you to firmly match the first and top strips.

Step-by-step instructions for repairing a garage roof with roofing felt

Consistently repeat a series of manipulations with your own hands:

  1. After pre-cleaning the roof, dry it thoroughly.
  2. Heat the bitumen to the desired temperature.
  3. After waiting for the bitumen to melt, begin preparing the primer. To do this, gradually add liquid bitumen to the gasoline, remembering to mix the mixture.
  4. Optimal proportions for preparing the mixture:
    • if you need to achieve mastic - 70:30%;
    • if the desired consistency is liquid – 30:70%.
  5. Where the old coating is destroyed, roofing felt patches are placed. They can also be fixed using a torch.
  6. The lining material is placed from bottom to top, after which the roof is treated with bitumen mastic. The edges are sequentially tucked in and secured using special nails, designed for working with slate.
  7. Apply the mastic again.
  8. Lay down upper layer and check the quality of the fit, the quality of the overlap seams. If everything is in order, finally secure the edges.

Garage roof repair cost

To understand how much it costs to repair a garage roof yourself, you should first make a calculation, the so-called cost estimate. It is influenced by the materials used to furnish the premises, the size of the garage, the complexity construction work and, of course, the qualifications of the person who will be involved in the process. If a newbie takes on the job, you should lay down large quantity material, savings in in this case It’s worth remembering last.

Total price depends on:

  • transport costs;
  • preparatory work;
  • the size of the section of the garage roof that is being repaired;
  • cutting connections and pipes, parts.