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Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» How to properly make a staircase to the attic. Attic stairs: choosing the best. How to calculate the angles of inclination of a structure

How to properly make a staircase to the attic. Attic stairs: choosing the best. How to calculate the angles of inclination of a structure

Certainly, finished staircase It is quite possible to buy it in a private house. But the shape and size of the rooms differ markedly, and the factory design may not always fit in size.

You can, of course, make a staircase individual order, but this pleasure is not cheap. Therefore, many are interested in how difficult it is for them to climb into the attic with their own hands.

The best option is to do everything necessary work directly on site. This way you will be able to take into account the slightest nuances of the room configuration and promptly remove minor inaccuracies and flaws.

Any craftsman with carpentry skills will be able to competently construct a wooden staircase.

Marching staircase with winder steps.
Instead of a conventional turntable, this type involves the placement of special trapezoidal steps, facing the turning angle with the narrow side.
For such a design you need much less space than for the option with a platform. The comfort and safety of lifting are not reduced at all.

Metal attic stairs can be very impressive, emphasizing the originality and individuality of the house. Such structures are very durable and reliable. Metal can be painted any color suitable color, or you can order special chrome plating. Choice in in this case depends on the preferences of the owners and general style premises. It is not so easy to build such a staircase yourself - it is necessary welding machine and certain work skills.

DIY spiral staircase

Any spiral staircase It has characteristics, peculiar only to her.

When calculating stairs, designing and installing, it is extremely important to follow some rules.

What is important to consider?

  1. There are no risers in such structures.
  2. The main load when using the stairs falls on the middle of the steps:
    their width in this place should be at least 20 cm.
  3. Its narrowest part cannot be less than 10 centimeters.
  4. The most popular diameter of such stairs is 220 cm.
  5. The turns of the steps must be separated by a distance of at least two meters.
  6. The slight overlap of the steps provides the entire staircase structure with additional strength.
  7. Using brackets, the edges of adjacent steps are connected.

Work order

Spiral staircase on country attic assembled in the following sequence:

  1. First, the support stand is installed.
  2. The beam is fixed with special fasteners to wooden floor, concreted with braces to the cement base.
  3. Special holes are made in the treads, with which they are put on the support post.
  4. The individual steps are separated from each other by bushings of the required height.
  5. Safety washers must be installed between the bushings and steps.
  6. The steps are distributed as planned and securely fixed with brackets.
  7. Handrails and railings are installed.

This may seem surprising to you, but a spiral staircase can be made not only from traditional materials - wood and metal. Any ideas on how to do it?

It’s good if you think about the layout of the house in advance, which will include the presence of an attic floor - a rather advantageous and practical element that helps to effectively manage internal space. However, the owner of a house does not always have such an opportunity; most often, an already rebuilt building with an attic is available, which has to be converted into an attic.

And the first thing you should take care of is the staircase to the attic, the dimensions of which can be calculated according to these instructions.

Note! If you take on hand made stairs, its design must meet the basic requirements.

Such requirements include:

  • high level of strength;
  • ease of use;
  • ease of manufacture;
  • safety when climbing attic floor;
  • comfort of use.

Planning and execution of calculations

The planning stage for a future design consists of several points, each of which should be carefully calculated.

The planning stage includes:

  • selection of installation type;
  • selection of materials;
  • choosing the type of staircase structure.

Note! All calculations should be entrusted to an experienced design specialist.

But if you do take on all the work yourself, the answer to the question of how to calculate the size of the stairs to the attic will consist of answers to a number of questions related to its design and installation in your existing conditions.

First, determine for yourself how the stairs to the attic floor will be located. The most in a simple way To solve this problem, the installation of a staircase structure on the street side will be necessary.

The simplicity of this method lies in the fact that you will not worry at all about the size of the opening for the stairs to the attic, since the need for it completely disappears. In addition, you do not have to adjust the presence of the hatch to the interior of the room.

Although this approach also has its drawbacks:

  • the internal placement of the stairs is more practical;
  • the structure is exposed negative impact weather conditions;
  • restrictions are imposed on the use of certain materials that are not suitable for outdoor use;
  • when using a wet or icy staircase, not only the level of comfort is reduced, but also the safety of climbing to the attic;
  • you have to go outside to get to the attic floor;
  • a staircase with a street location implies the presence of an additional entrance door, which must be reliable to ensure the safety of your home from unauthorized entry.

Selection of material and type of construction

After you have decided on the installation location of the structure, you need to start selecting suitable materials. If the stairs to the attic, the size, diagram and photo of which are given in the drawings, correspond to the parameters of your room, then you can safely take on wood. It is best if you choose hard wood varieties.

Wood, as a material for making stairs, is quite easy to handle and malleable, and can be easily processed using ordinary tools that can be found in almost every home. As a result, you get an attractive design that fits perfectly into the interior of the room.

Note! Before use, all lumber must go through a curing procedure: the wood must lie for at least three days in the room in which you will install the staircase itself, so that the material can adapt to the conditions of the room. It is best to use wood after chamber drying.

Saving space plays an important role in choosing a suitable design. In addition to observing all basic safety standards, the addition of stairs to your home should not greatly obscure or obscure the area of ​​the room. The safest design option for lifting takes up the most space; these structures have a gentle angle of inclination.

You can make a staircase, as shown in the photo below, which shows a rotating structure with angular placement. As you can see, it takes up minimal space in the room and does not obscure it from light at all.

Spiral staircases also help save space in the room. They look quite impressive, but at the same time they have a design that is too intricate to manufacture, and the descent along such steps is not as comfortable as in the case of conventional flight stairs.

Parameters defining the staircase:

  1. The level of lifting height is the distance between the floor and the ceiling along with the thickness of the threshold of the upper ceiling.

  1. Area - the angle of inclination of the staircase, as well as the width of its structure and the size parameters of the hatch that will go to the attic floor will depend on this indicator.

  1. The tread width indicator is calculated so that when a person climbs the stairs, his foot can fully rest on the step, and there are no extra unused centimeters left. Optimal indicator The width of the tread is three tens of centimeters, the width of the march is from 80 to 100 cm, and the height of the riser should not go beyond the range of 15-19 cm.

It is these parameters that are used when calculating the staircase and its further manufacture. Assembly is quite simple, the main thing is to complete all the parts and reliably connect them in the required sequence.

Subject to proper arrangement, an ordinary attic space turns into a comfortable and perfect place for living. attic room. To ensure the safest and most easy access a reliable staircase must be installed to the attic floor. You can handle the assembly and installation of the stairs if desired. on our own. Read the instructions and get started.

There are several main types of stairs suitable for providing access to the attic space.

The most compact and easy to manufacture option. Such steps are assembled and hidden behind a lid that covers the entrance to the under-roof room.

The design is based on a spring mechanism, allowing quick and easy special effort open the stairs - you just need to pull the hatch down, after which the flights will smoothly unfold. Last flight of stairs Usually you have to lay it out manually.

To lift the structure, it is best to install special automation - with it, using the stairs will simply be more convenient and easier.

Traditional and most common option. Such ladders are extremely reliable and easy to use. The steps of the stairs can be fixed on bowstrings, bolts and stringers.

Installation of a conventional single-flight staircase is performed at a certain angle. The specific slope value is selected individually, taking into account the height of the ceilings in the room. If the distance from floor to ceiling is large, the staircase will have a rather steep descent, which is not very convenient.

Using stairs of two and three flights, you can organize the most safe and convenient ascent to the attic. However, to accommodate such rotating structures you need quite a lot of space. Typically, such stairs are provided at the attic design stage.

The spiral staircase to the attic can be equipped exclusively with the use of winder steps. This design allows for significant savings usable space, however, trapezoidal steps can hardly be called completely safe and very comfortable, especially for older people and small children.

A spiral staircase must be equipped with comfortable and stable railings.

Very beautiful and original design. Set up on a curved stringer. It is extremely difficult to independently calculate and assemble such a staircase without the proper skills.

However, provided that it is properly arranged, an involute staircase will be a wonderful addition to any interior.

Pay due attention to the design of the stairs to the attic. The optimal depth of steps is considered to be 30 cm. The most comfortable step between steps is about 15 cm. A staircase with such parameters can be climbed and descended comfortably and safely, resting the entire surface of the foot on the steps.

The most convenient width of the staircase is considered to be 80-100 cm. If the width of the staircase is more than 1.2 m, an additional central stringer must be included in the design.

One person of average build will feel comfortable even when using a ladder with a half-meter width.

Try to make the slope of the span no more than 45 degrees.

Current normative documents requires that the staircase steps have a depth of 25-40 cm, and the riser height is 12-22 cm.

Try to design the staircase so that there is at least 200 cm of free space between each step and the ceiling. Even tall people will not experience discomfort on such stairs.

For the rest, be guided by your own preferences, not forgetting about personal comfort and, of course, safety.

What to make a staircase from?

For arrangement attic stairs A wide variety of materials are used. Their list includes:

  • glass;
  • concrete solution;
  • wood;
  • metal.

In practice, stairs are most often made of wood or a combination of materials. At this point, you must make a decision yourself, focusing on the interior design features, personal preferences and available budget.

Each material has both a number of strong qualities and certain disadvantages.

Eg, metal stairs with glass steps they look very impressive, but are quite expensive.

Wooden structures bring a certain sophistication and comfort to the interior, but require competent and regular maintenance.

All metal and concrete structures They can withstand even very heavy loads, but do not fit very well into the interior of residential premises and create large loads on the base (floor).

In general, when choosing a material for making stairs, be guided by your personal preferences.

Where to install the ladder?

The staircase to the attic floor can be installed outdoors or indoors. Most convenient option– this, of course, is the internal placement of the stairs. In such a situation, you won’t have to go outside, which is especially valuable in bad weather.

However, in some situations there is a need for external staircase arrangement for isolation attic room. It is best to make an external staircase from metal. IN similar situation Be sure to install reliable burglary-proof doors at the entrance to the attic to protect your property from attacks by intruders.

You can come up with original options street staircase design. For example, quite often owners add a beautiful tower around the steps to the house. Such a solution adds its own flavor to the architecture of the site.

Select best option placement of the stairs to the attic, taking into account the above recommendations. If possible, try to give preference internal location designs.

DIY wooden stationary staircase

Most simple option For self-construction is a single-flight staircase, the design of which is based on stringers. This design is convenient and practical. She doesn't require much free space and settles down on his own without any difficulty. It is the order of assembly of such a structure that will be discussed further.

Set for work

  1. Glued laminated timber (preferably made of pine or other durable wood) for arranging stringers.
  2. Board for decorating steps. Use elements with a thickness of at least 4-5 cm. You can also buy steps ready-made. Do what is most convenient for you.
  3. Boards for making risers. Optimal thickness elements - 2 cm. In most cases (if the load on the stairs is not too large), the use of these structural components can be abandoned.
  4. Fastening elements.
  5. Railings to choose from.
  6. Balusters.

The manual in question provides instructions for making a staircase with embedded treads.

Start preparing the stringer. To do this, make markings on the original beam. The product must be divided into triangles. The hypotenuse of each such triangle will serve as the edge of the beam, one of the legs will be responsible for the depth of the step, and the second for the height of the riser.

Cut out triangles using suitable tool. The easiest and fastest way to do this is with a circular saw.

Mill the edges of the products. Optimal size chamfers – 2-5 mm.

To make marking work more convenient, you can pre-make a triangle template of the required size.

Proceed to install the stringer in the designated place. The top edge of the product should be adjacent to the end interfloor covering. The result will be a reliable and sustainable system.

Select the fixation method in accordance with the design features of the staircase, the thickness of the beams and other significant parameters.

The optimal option for fixing the stringer to the beam located above is using plunging. It is also possible to fasten the stringer by going under the surface of the site and without directly cutting into the beam.

The plunge-in technique is the most reliable and widespread. To make this connection, make a gash suitable size in the support beam and insert the edge of the stringer into it. The created gash should not be too large, because any depressions lead to a decrease in the strength and reliability of the structure.

Instead of cutting in, you can use options with bolts or angles. However, such installation options are only suitable for lightweight staircase structures.

The stringer must be secured as rigidly and reliably as possible so that the risk of shifting is completely eliminated. To attach the lower end of the stringer, you can use two methods.

In accordance with the first method, it is necessary to make a corner cutout for the supporting beam at the bottom of the element. A groove of the appropriate size is prepared directly in the beam. As a result, all you have to do is insert the stringer cutout into the groove prepared in the support beam and fix the element using the corners or tighten it with vertical pins.

In accordance with the second method, a cutout is created directly in the support beam, after which the lower corner of the stair stringer is inserted into it. This type of fixation is reliable, but the support beam in such a situation must have a fairly large cross-section.

If you plan to make a staircase of two flights, first determine the dimensions of the site. The platform must be fixed before attaching the stringers. To do this, provide stable and reliable mortgages in the walls. If it is impossible to attach the platform to the wall, use vertical support posts.

It is best to use screws and glue to connect treads and risers. The nails will weaken over time.

The fixing elements are placed hidden. You can also use corners and strips to fasten the structure. In addition, a fairly reliable and very durable connection option is installation using wooden dowels.

If the staircase is made of hard wood, it is recommended that the fastening pins be made of soft wood, and vice versa. Otherwise, the fasteners will split the base material.

Attach the steps so that their edges extend beyond the borders of the riser by 2-4 cm.

Secure all planned steps.

Finally, all you have to do is install the railings and balusters, and then process everything wooden elements designs antiseptic. It would be a good idea to coat the wood with a fire retardant. Also, the material can be subjected to such treatments even before final assembly stairs. Do what is most convenient for you.

If you wish, you can cover the stairs with paint and varnish or decorate it with another finishing material of your choice.

Good luck!

Often the desire to redo attic space into a practical attic appears during the operation of the house. Of course, this amount of space should be put to good use. And if you finally decide to start remodeling, then you should start by creating a staircase.

Staircase design should be durable, comfortable and easy to manufacture. Residents of the house should not have doubts about the comfort and safety of climbing to the attic floor. An excellent option is folding attic stairs, but we are not talking about them today.

We will look at how to make a staircase to the attic so that it meets all these requirements.

type of instalation

It is good when the layout of the stairs to the attic was carried out by the designer, and the design was made in accordance with precise calculations. But we are considering the case when everything needs to be done independently.

The first question that will arise even before the calculations begin is how to position the stairs to the attic? The easiest way is to install a ladder from the street. This method is simple because you don’t have to make a hatch and make changes to the interior.

However, the location of stairs in houses with an attic is often internal, since most owners of even small country houses prefer to install stairs in the house. Firstly, such a ladder is much more convenient to use. And secondly, it will not attract representatives of the criminal world as yet another front door, which, most often, is not reliable.


After you have decided on the installation location of the structure, you need to decide what material the staircase will be made of. Typically, homemade stairs to the attic are made from hard wood. This is due to the fact that it is much easier to work with wood, and the appearance of the structure will be more attractive. This staircase looks very beautiful.

Advice! Before constructing a staircase, lumber must lie for at least three days in the room in which it is planned to install the structure. It is recommended to use kiln-dried wood.

Stair type

Of course, the desire of any home owner is to save as much as possible more space. Also, homemade staircase to the attic must be carried out in compliance with all safety standards, and the structure should not greatly shade the room.

The safest and flattest staircase will take up a lot of space in the house. A steep staircase will take up less space, but will make climbing and descending difficult and dangerous. That's why excellent option, especially for small houses, is a compact folding ladder. It can be made from wood and several metal elements.

However, this is far from the only design option that can be located in a small area.

It also doesn’t take up much space:

  • Such structures can be built on the basis of a stringer, a bolt, and two supporting bowstrings can also be used. In order to save space, stairs are usually made with two flights, between which there are winder steps or landing. The single-flight option will take up a lot of space, but you can make a closet or utility room under it.
  • Spiral staircase. It looks great and takes up minimal space, but it is quite difficult to do yourself. Much easier to purchase ready set with a stringer. Collecting it does not seem difficult, since there is always detailed instructions from the manufacturer.
  • Staircase “Duck Step”. This is the simplest type of staircase, which we will discuss below.


The design of the future staircase is determined by the following parameters:

  • Lifting height. It consists of the distance from the floor to the ceiling plus the thickness of the top floor pie.
  • Area of ​​the structure in plan. The steepness of the stairs, its width and the size of the hatch to the attic depend on this.
  • Tread width. This is very important characteristic, which often forces you to change the type of construction and completely redo the project. Therefore, you should calculate in advance so that your foot rests completely on the step, but there should not be any extra distance. Most optimal width treads - 30 cm, march width - 80-100 cm, and riser height should be within 15-19 cm.

Construction of a flight of stairs


If there was no hatch of the appropriate size in the upper ceiling, and most often there is none, then the construction of the stairs to the attic begins with it. Overlapping and flooring cut using a circular saw according to precise markings. The size of the hatch is determined by the dimensions of the ladder. When the cut is completed, it is necessary to remove all excess.

Before you start marking materials and cutting, you need to make a drawing of the future staircase. It can even be done by hand. The main thing is that all the details and their dimensions are included in the drawing. This will simplify further work and prevent errors during marking.

Then, according to the data obtained during design, the stringers are marked. The easiest way to cut them out is with electric jigsaw. In this case, there should be a “clean cut” on the outside. The outer edges of the stringers must be milled and then processed sandpaper and bring it to perfection using a sanding machine.

Advice! It is extremely important to ensure that the cuts are parallel, even, and that the level of the recesses for the steps coincides. This determines how smoothly the steps will be installed.

The number of steps is also determined by design parameters. In accordance with this, the required number of cuts is made. To facilitate installation, a groove is made for the lock using milling. In this case, it is necessary to strictly observe the parallelism of directions.


The installation of the structure should begin with the installation of a wall stringer, which rests with its lower part on the floor and its upper part on a support. A similar opposite structural element is mounted according to the design dimensions opposite the first part, while checking the location and parallelism using a level.

Please note that when constructing a two-flight staircase, you will need powerful supports to which the flight of stairs will be attached. For these purposes, you can use timber or metal pipes. They can be concreted for strength.

Then the frame is completely constructed and its openings are finished. furniture panels, if their use was originally planned. At the end of the work, the risers are installed in the places prepared for them, and then the steps. After this, the fencing elements and balustrade are installed.

Advice! The space even under a two-flight staircase can be put to good use. For example, you can make a storage room there for all kinds of rubbish.

The assembly of a multi-flight staircase is a sequential connection individual parts. If all the elements were made exactly in accordance with the drawing, then the process occurs very quickly and resembles the assembly of a construction set. However, the possibility of adjusting parts locally cannot be ruled out.

If grooves were made on the stringers for fastening, and ridges were made on the steps, then the elements can be connected using two-component glue, for example - Titebond. Otherwise, screws are used.

To give the structure a more attractive appearance, it is varnished. However, it should be taken into account that a varnished staircase may be slippery, especially if you are going to climb it in socks. Therefore, it is better to simply coat the structure with a special composition containing antistatic and fire retardant substances.

Advice! While it's drying paintwork, the room must be ventilated.

Construction of the “Duck Step” staircase

Another way to save space and make a convenient design for descending and ascending is the “Duck Step” type staircase. Its peculiarity is that the tilt angle can be up to 65 degrees.

Safety and comfort of movement along such stairs is achieved due to specially shaped steps - one half of the step is wide, and the second is a third narrower. Such steps are installed on bowstrings and alternate - a wide one is installed above the narrow part of the step, and then vice versa. As a result, the wide and narrow parts are arranged in a checkerboard pattern.

When climbing such a staircase, the shin of the leg does not rest against the top step, and when descending, the foot can confidently stand on the wide part. Thus, the ascent and descent are carried out in a waddle, which is why this design received the name “duck walk”.

You should walk along such stairs carefully and not get confused in the alternation of steps. Of course, this design is less convenient than a flight of stairs, but it is more compact.

Manufacturing of staircase elements

First of all, you need two bowstrings. They must have a length capable of providing the required angle of inclination of the stairs. The thickness of the boards can be about 40 mm and the width about 150 mm. To install steps, it is necessary to make secret grooves 10 mm deep in them.

In accordance with the height of the future staircase, the required number of such grooves is determined. You can cut them out yourself using a hacksaw.

Advice! In order not to worry about the depth of the cuts, you should drill holes in the blade and screw on the limiter plate.

The width of the steps (wide part) is selected in accordance with the angle of inclination. The greater the slope, the wider the step should be. On average, the width of the step can be from 200 to 250 mm. In narrow places, wood should be chosen one-third the width of the step.

Then the treads must be inserted into the grooves on load-bearing beams and secure with screws. After installing all parts, the surfaces must be sanded. If you plan to paint the staircase, you may not need to sand it so thoroughly.


Now, knowing how to build a staircase to the attic, you can decide for yourself whether this procedure is worth undertaking. Your household will certainly enjoy the result of your work with pleasure and a sense of reliability.

However, if you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to purchase ready product. True, the price for it will be significantly higher than the cost of self-construction. Additional information information on this topic can be obtained from the video in this article.

The attic floor saves both money and Construction Materials, and location. Cold attic can be turned into useful space. You need to insulate the room, do the finishing, and you can build a staircase. Let's find out what options there are for such constructions, how to do it correctly so that the work is successful.

So, there are several types of stairs for the attic. The design layout depends on the type and size of the room. Important to do correct calculations so that the staircase is durable, comfortable, and reliable. A staircase of any shape is suitable for this purpose. Most often they make ordinary marching structures, the simplest ones. They also make various spiral staircases. They are beautiful and save space in the house.

How to choose the right location for the future structure? The choice depends on the room above. If it is heated, then the staircase can be made in the living room or in the hallway.

If the room is cold, the attic is summer, it is better to make a staircase on the veranda, or even on the street. The main thing in choosing a place is that the slope is forty-five degrees. Then the design will be convenient. If there is a lot of space, you can make a staircase with two flights. If space is limited, we will make a spiral staircase.

If there is only the opportunity to build a steep staircase with one flight, then we will make winder steps. They are more comfortable. The attic staircase should be comfortable and safe. It should also be placed so as not to steal a lot of space from the ground floor. It is also worth considering the height of the floor. Let's look at how to make a spiral staircase, because it is the best space saver. Let's take wood for materials. And let's decide on our design. The features of the staircase are such that there is a supporting octagonal post, as well as flat handrails. The steps go around the rack.

Such a staircase can be located in one of the corners of the room, taking up very little space. If it is the only way up, then the opening needs to be made a little wider.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to lift objects such as furniture when necessary. Having chosen the location and shape of the opening, we begin to calculate the diameter of the structure. We measure the height, find the lower level of the structure, and determine the direction of the spiral of our future staircase. We choose the height of the risers and decide on the number of steps. Installation is carried out from below. All parts are fastened with special pins.

The central support is made of a board about thirty millimeters thick. The octahedrons need to be glued together for it. The stand should come out level. The base of the rack is a sheet of steel, to which a metal pipe is attached. We fix the stand to the floor. Now we install the steps. They rest on octagons on one side, and on consoles on the second side. We also make the handrail in a spiral shape. Job is done.

Design of stairs to the attic

An attic space can be very useful. You can make any room in this room. There you can arrange a bedroom, a nursery, or a study. You can make a very comfortable room if you implement various design solutions. It is also important to take care of the stairs. It must be safe, first of all. You can also apply some design ideas, decorating it.

The attic staircase should be a durable, high-quality structure. It should also be aesthetically attractive. The design can be very different. Fantasy can work at its best.

Let's first think about what types of stairs there are for the attic. The choice depends on how often this room will be used. If this is a country house, it will do simple staircase. If the room itself has a sense of solidity, you can choose a more interesting option.

So, there are several types of stairs. There is a screw, folding, attic staircase. And there is a design with one or several marches. Most effective option, this is a spiral staircase. It allows you to implement many stylish ideas. Design depends on general style building, and personal preference.

A lot also depends on the materials. There are wooden and metal stairs. And there are also designs made of glass, which allows you to especially distinguish yourself in style. Those who love the classics prefer wooden options stairs But metal also allows you to make a sophisticated and unusually elegant design. Therefore, you can combine these two materials by combining them. You can decorate a wooden staircase with forged parts. This will be a delightful way to decorate your home. The stone staircase also looks very beautiful.

Well, you can calculate the sizes. Do not forget to take into account the angle of inclination, as well as the width of the steps. This is important for comfortable use of the stairs. Sometimes it is difficult to find the line between practicality and aesthetics. But it needs to be done. Since the most important thing is the safety of the users of the future design. The interior of the staircase can give the whole house an atmosphere of comfort and warmth.

Every private house has an attic. But for easy access to it, you need a reliable ladder. If the structure is made inside, it will be more comfortable and cozy, especially in the cold months. But it happens that the house has already been renovated, everything is in its place, and you don’t want to clutter up the space, especially if there is already not enough of it. Therefore, sometimes the stairs are made on the street. Let's talk about this staircase.

There are several types of outdoor attic stairs. We need to decide on it. Some types can only be installed in a spacious yard, while others are suitable for narrower spaces. The type of staircase also depends on the chosen material. There are stairs with electric drive. They extend vertically, which makes them very convenient. But making such a staircase is not easy. You need an electric drive, the ability to work with metal, and the ceiling height must be appropriate.

Another type is the accordion ladder. You can often see such designs in stores. The elements are connected and work like scissors. When the staircase is assembled, it attracts almost no attention. This design is simpler. Another type of staircase is a marching structure. It takes up enough space. Marches can be prefabricated or integral. They can be straight or curved. There may be one march, or maybe three platforms. They can be metal or made of wood. They are easy to make. It is this type of staircase that we will now consider in more detail.

It is important to follow safety precautions; this is the most important point in all work. The ladder must be made strong and also stable. Therefore, you need to think about it for her good material. There must be reliable railings. It is better to make the opening as wide as possible. It will need to be insulated. Also, the ladder must be load-resistant so that you can lift things and heavy objects along it.

The dimensions and characteristics of the staircase depend on the material.

Most available material, this is a tree. You don't need any special skills to make such a staircase. To prevent the wood from rotting over time, you just need to treat it by special means, and it will last. These products will help the material become resistant to fire and precipitation. What can you say about metal? This is the most popular material for outdoor stairs to the attic. It is very reliable and durable, can withstand heavy loads, and does not deform. But you need skills to make such a structure. Therefore, let's look at how to make a wooden staircase.

We create a drawing on which we indicate everything necessary calculations. We purchase materials for the construction. We choose wood so that it is not wet or overdried. Also, there should be no cracks or deformations on it. To make steps, we will need boards, and we will also need timber for stringers. We apply markings to the timber. We cut out the teeth and install the steps.

Assembly is easy. We fix our steps.

Glass spiral staircase

design and dimensions of the stairs to the attic in a private house - photo, attic houses outside and inside: external staircase to the attic - entrance from the street, interiors of designer attic rooms - photo gallery
