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» How to install door hinges yourself. Do-it-yourself door hinge installation. Video - Attaching hinges

How to install door hinges yourself. Do-it-yourself door hinge installation. Video - Attaching hinges

Greetings, my dear readers.

The topic of this article: “ How to embed correctly door hinges «

After we have learned how, we can move on to the next step and install door hinges.

The door hinge is essential element door frame, since it ensures the mobility of the door leaf.

Thanks to the competent and correct installation you can avoid future problems such as doors rubbing or jamming. Eliminate creaks and distortions of the door leaf.

After reading this article you will understand that cut door hinges you can do it yourself, without resorting to the help of craftsmen! I'm always for saving!Necessary tool

To insert the loops we need a simple tool:

  1. Loops
  2. Hammer
  3. Set of chisels
  4. Screwdriver or screwdriver
  5. Wedges if
  6. Pencil
  7. Construction corner
  8. Construction tape

Loop selection

The choice of loops should be approached very carefully.

They must not only match the doors in design, but also perform their functions to prevent the door leaf from breaking.

Let's look at the most popular types:

  • Straight loops

The most common. They are two rectangular plates on the sides; they are also called “card plates”.

  • Corner

Absolutely identical to “card” loops. The only difference is that the plates are made in the form of corners. Used for pendulum and rebated doors.

  • Hidden

The hinge on these hinges is “recessed” into the doors. Mainly used in the expensive door segment.

  • Screw-in

Consist of a rotary axis with pins. Such hinges hold very little weight and are mounted exclusively on lightweight doors, respectively.

According to the installation method, hinges are divided into:

  • Overhead hinges - no preparation of the hinge location is required. They are simply screwed into place with self-tapping screws. Such loops include butterfly loops.
  • Screw-in - simply screw into the door
  • Mortise hinges are hinges that require a recess. These include “card” and corner loops

Depending on the side of door opening, hinges are divided into:

  • left-handed
  • right-sided
  • universal

If everything is clear with the left and right hinges, then the universal ones can be used in both cases! (Captain obvious!) Their serious drawback is that they are non-separable. Therefore, inserting them will be a little more difficult.

Making markings on the door frame

Marking door hinges I always start with the door leaf. We retreat 20 cm from the top and bottom of the door and put marks.

We attach the hinges to the door so that the hinge rods just barely touch the door leaf. This is done to achieve free movement of the blade. You shouldn’t push the hinge too far either - loosen the fastening and the weight of the door will warp the hinge.

To prevent the loop from “walking” in your hands, you can grab it with a pair of self-tapping screws, having previously drilled holes of a smaller diameter for them.

Making markings on the loop beam

We transfer the size to the timber. How I do it is to combine the assembled door frame with the leaf on a flat horizontal surface, observing all the technological gaps.

Applying a loop, I transfer the marks directly to the beam.

We repeat the operation of tracing the contour.

All these steps are needed when installing overhead or corner hinges.

Installation of simple “card” loops

I start inserting the hinges from the door leaf.

After marking, you need to go along the contour with a chisel (I usually use 22 mm), carefully tapping it with a hammer.


If you are making a cut into wooden doors, then when marking it is necessary to inspect the rack and the canvas for the presence of knots. If there are any, then we retreat up or down to the distance of the knot.

Then we place the chisel flat - without an angle, side up and remove the material layer by layer, making a recess for the loop. Repeat all steps for the second loop.


Never turn the chisel over cutting angle down. When struck with a hammer, the cutting edge will not go along the material, but will go down, selecting large quantity material than needed. A heavily buried loop will result in door leaf will rest against the frame and gradually the door will deform.

On the door beam everything is done exactly the same. A little advice for you - for greater convenience, you can unscrew the stand from the door frame and along with the grooves.

Installing door hinges on an interior door - video

Installation of hinges - butterflies

For those who don’t want to “bother” with all the procedures described above, feel free to purchase butterfly hinges.

Due to the fact that when combined, one part of the loop goes into the other, no manipulation with chisels can be done. It is enough to attach the loop to the installation site, drill holes and tighten the loop.

Butterfly loops often captivate beginners with their main advantage - they do not require making a groove. But during installation you should also take into account several nuances:

  • The butterfly hinges must be absolutely well aligned before installation. As a result of distortions, the door hinges will spring back or a distortion will appear when closing.
  • Another disadvantage of such hinges is the inability to remove the door leaf without unscrewing the hinge. The same applies to universal loops.
  • Since the “butterflies” are mounted without a groove, an unesthetic gap is formed.

How to embed a loop - a butterfly - video

Installation of corner “card” hinges

My friends, all the steps for installing these hinges are similar to simple hinges. The only difference is in the shape of the loops themselves.

One of the sides is made in the form of a 90° angle. Usually interior doors They have a technological gap and when closing the door goes into the box, but if it is necessary to separate a cold room from a warm one, then doors with a rebate are used.

The narthex is a small protrusion along the entire length of the leaf that bridges the gaps, thereby significantly increasing the insulating properties of the doors.

Installing hidden hinges

Hidden loops have a number of advantages over others:

  • very easy care
  • they are practically invisible
  • increased resistance to burglary

So, in order to correctly embed hidden loops, you must adhere to this algorithm of actions:

  • First, we make the markings. It is similar to the methods described above.
  • We form a recess for the loop. There is a small nuance here - the whole point is that for the most part the shape of the hidden loops is not rectangular, but rounded. Therefore, if you don’t have a router, then “you’ll have to puff.” Use a small chisel.
  • Now, as when inserting locks, it is necessary to form recesses for the hinge system itself. To do this, use a drill with a crown or a drill. In order not to “overdo it” with depth, we first measure the loops. To ensure that the result of the work done does not disappoint you, approach it with all possible care. loops plastic windows, allow adjustment in three planes.

    Caring for door hinges

    Any mechanism requires maintenance and hinges are no exception.

    Before starting work, you need to clean the hinges from accumulated dust and dirt.

    The first enemy of hinges, which adversely affects their performance properties, is friction. Over time, the factory lubricant loses its characteristics, which leads to the appearance of squeaks and disruption of the ease of movement of doors.

    To avoid this, it is enough to carry out preventive maintenance once a year - lubricate the hinges. You can lubricate detachable hinges with machine oil or lithol, slightly separating the hinge.

    For universal hinges, you can use WD-40 spray.

    After these operations, the doors need to be opened and closed several times to ensure even distribution of the lubricant. If any dirt gets on the door leaf, you need to do it immediately.

    To prevent violation paint coating You should not wipe them with abrasive substances, and you should also not paint over the hinges, as was done before. Damage to the coating will lead to corrosion of the material and failure of the loop.

    How to lubricate door hinges - video


    Well, that's all, my friends.

    As you can see DIY door hinge installation It will require patience and attentiveness from you, but if you follow all the recommendations described above, then you will definitely succeed!

    All the best and see you soon!

Loops – an integral part of doors. They ensure their opening and closing. Installation methods door hardware depend on its type. To install the hinges correctly, you need suitable tool, skills to work with it and knowledge of the main stages of work.

Types of fittings

The hinges differ in design. They can be of the following types:

When choosing hinges by type, you should take into account the weight of the leaf and which way it opens. Double-sided ones are installed on pendulum-type doors, making it possible to open both inside and outside the room.

General rules

How to embed hinges depends on their type. But there is general rules, which should be followed during installation.

Regardless of the type of loops, the following installation stages are distinguished:

  1. Marking.
  2. Cutting recesses and/or holes for mounting.
  3. Installation of fittings.
  4. Adjusting the door operation.

Tool for the job

Proper installation with your own hands is impossible without the necessary tools for the job. These include:

  • pencil, tape measure;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • milling cutter;
  • chisel;
  • drill and bit.

Not all of the tools listed are strictly required. In most cases, it is quite possible to install fittings without using a screwdriver and a router, but with their help the work will be done faster and with better quality.

Overhead hinges

Overhead mortise hinges are the most common. Simple design ensures long-term and reliable operation. Such fittings will well withstand the weight of a heavy wooden interior door.

Overhead mortise hinges are installed in a specially made recess. To cut it out with your own hands, place the bar in the right place and trace it around the perimeter with a pencil. Next, a niche is cut out with a router or chisel. It should be of such depth that the hinge bar fits completely into it and is flush with the end of the door.

The hinges are attached to the self-tapping screws that come with the kit. If you are not confident in your skills, then it is better to first secure the fittings on two self-tapping screws, and screw in the rest after the structure is in place. In addition, this will make the adjustment process easier. It will be easier to remove the hinges and modify the niche in which they are planted.

You can adjust the operation of the hinges by deepening the recess, if it is not deep enough and the canvas rubs against the box from the handle side or does not close at all. When these shortcomings are observed from the fittings, the niche is too deep. The problem is eliminated by placing cardboard or elastic under the bar, which will raise it a little.

Height adjustment is made by moving the hinges up or down, respectively.

Installation of corner hinges

They differ from overhead ones only in the presence of a bend in the strip, the angle of which is 90 degrees. They are placed on interior doors with a vestibule.

The installation and operating principle of corner hinges do not differ from overhead hinges. One part of them is attached to the canvas, and the second to the box.

Butterfly loop installation

Butterfly hinges are an overhead type of fittings. Installing them yourself is easier than mortise ones. They do not require special recesses, but are simply placed on the end of the door and the frame in in the right places and are fastened with self-tapping screws.

Butterfly hinges are installed on a perfectly flat surface. Otherwise, the plank will not be completely adjacent to the canvas, and the interior doors will “play.” This deficiency can be corrected by placing a thin strip of cardboard under the bar on the side where it fits snugly against the door. The bar will rise and the butterfly loops will lie flat.

Butterfly hinges are not suitable for heavy structures. They may become deformed under the weight of the canvas. Therefore, take this feature into account before purchasing accessories.

Screw-in hinges

Screw-in hinges are usually installed on rebated doors. Their number depends on the weight of the canvas. It will be enough to mount two screw-in hinges on light ones. For heavier ones, sometimes three or even four are used. They also differ in the number of pins. There may be two, three or four.

Screw-in hinges are attached to the canvas and the box using pins that are screwed into the material. Recesses are pre-made for them. For this you will need special tool. The fittings are installed so that the thread fits completely into the frame post. After installing the counter part, the interior doors are mounted on pins and the structure is checked for functionality.

Screw-in hinges can be adjusted horizontally, height and clamping. Adjustment is made using specially provided holes with a hex key.

After installation and adjustment, decorative caps are placed on the screw hinges.

Installation of hidden hinges

Installing hidden hinges with your own hands is difficult. For this you need a tool such as a milling cutter. The fittings are completely hidden in the door leaf, so one chisel is not enough when working.

As with the installation of other types of fittings, we mark the installation location with a pencil. After this you need to cut out the recesses for hidden hinge. At this stage of work, a router is used. To make niches you will need a template for inserting door hinges, which comes complete with fittings. It is fixed on the tool, and cavities of the required size are cut out with a milling cutter.

One part of the hidden loop is inserted into the end of the canvas, and the other into the box. The location of the hinges inside the canvas protects the mechanism from external influence and extends the service life of hidden fittings. After installation is completed, the door operation is checked and adjustments are made.

Adjustment of the operation of hidden hinges, as well as screw-in hinges, is possible in three directions: horizontally, height and pressure. A hex wrench is used for this. After the adjustment is completed, the adjustment holes are hidden under decorative overlays.

If you do not have a tool such as a router, then it is better to entrust the installation of hidden hinges to a specialist. Alternatively, you can rent it.

Many furniture is equipped with doors. Correct location hinges ensures convenient use and long service life of the door. Sometimes it happens that the door does not open well or is slightly askew. Such moments cause unpleasant emotions when using the closet. Therefore, it is worth paying more attention and more seriously to the fact that when they are mounted furniture hinges Installation of markings must be carried out taking into account all the rules.

Do-it-yourself installation of hinges begins with disassembling the part itself. When making furniture, various cabinet hinges are used. The most popular hinges are overhead ones. They are used when attaching facades to the body. There are also semi-overhead, internal, corner, using a closer and spring ones. The question of how to install overhead furniture hinges will be discussed in more detail. In particular, the well-known four-joint model. The sizes of such loops vary. The most common with a diameter of 35 mm. The canopy includes the following parts:

  • cup;
  • mounting plate;
  • shoulder.

The cup is fixed to the facade, and the mounting strip is attached to the cabinet body. The shoulder is involved in bridging the connection of these two elements. To properly install furniture hinges with your own hands, you need to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • ruler;
  • construction level;
  • cutter;
  • pencil;
  • screwdriver;
  • screws.

The diameter of the cutter is 35 mm. When all the tools and materials are ready, the next stage begins.



Installing furniture hinges with your own hands involves precise markings. If you make poor markings, you can get defects when opening the door. The process of marking for furniture hinges involves finding the center of the hole for them. You should retreat 7-12 cm from the edge of the facade. The number of hinges installed on the door may vary. But you need to maintain a certain distance between the canopies, equal to 50 cm. There is a certain dependence of the number of canopies on the door parameters.

Facade weight, kg Front length, cm
Up to 50 50-100 100-150 150-200 More than 200
Number of canopies
4-5 2
6-9 2
10-13 3
14-18 5
Over 19 5

When the number of canopies is determined, the central holes are marked relative to the width of the door. Moreover, the distance from the side of the door should be 2.1-2.2 cm. It should also be taken into account that the fastening should not lie on the location of the shelves.

Thus, having measured the required distance from the top and bottom of the door, a mark is made. Next, keeping the indentation relative to the width, the point of the future location is also marked. At the intersection of the measured marks, a notch should be made using a self-tapping screw or nail. If the facade height is more than 100 cm, marks must be made every 50 cm.

Hole preparation

To understand how to properly install and hang hinges, it is important to follow all the required steps. The next installation stage is how to embed furniture hinges? Using a drill or screwdriver, you need to drill holes. In this case you need to use a cutter. The facade is laid on hard surface. Drilling is carried out in the place of the marking.

Installation of a furniture hinge is carried out taking into account the following conditions:

  • The hole depth is 12-13 mm. The insertion should not be deeper to avoid the appearance of cracks with front side doors;
  • the use of a sharpened cutter helps to avoid chipping or damage to the surface of the facade;
  • the drill or screwdriver should be vertical, corresponding to the drilling axis, to avoid damage to the surface;
  • Drilling should not be done in a hurry, otherwise the resulting hole will be sloppy.

After drilling for one hole, the following slots are drilled. When all the holes are made, the stage of laying the loop cups in them follows.

Hinge Attachment

Hinges are placed in the holes and, using a ruler or level, their position is adjusted relative to the height of the facade. Each canopy must tightly touch the surface of the facade. If the location of the awnings is not adjusted, the door may take an oblique position. When the hinges are aligned, you should make marks for the screws. This can be done with a pencil or with the screw itself. Next, use a screwdriver to screw the furniture hinges to the door.

Hanging the facade

When the marking and installation of the furniture hinge is completed, the most difficult stage begins - attaching the door being installed to the cabinet body. Door hanging stroke:

  • mark the installation sites for the mounting pads for the hinges;
  • attaching a platform for securing hinges that are installed on the facade;
  • hang the door to the side of the cabinet;
  • connecting two hinge parts;
  • adjusting the cabinet door relative to the cabinet using a screwdriver.

Hanging the door is best done on flat surface. In this case, the side of the cabinet to which the canopy bar is attached should be located in a horizontal position. This creates a certain convenience when trying on and screwing the facade to the sidewall. After screwing it to the body, you can place the cabinet in a vertical position and make adjustments relative to the body.


The final stage of installing furniture canopies is regulation. After the door is attached to the body, it is necessary to make adjustments in three planes. Of course, you will have to unscrew and tighten the screw several times, but a favorable outcome is guaranteed. Three planes are vertical, horizontal and relative to the depth of fixation:

  • adjustment relative to depth helps to press the facade closer to the body or weaken it. Use a screwdriver to tighten the oval hole. This type of adjustment is widely used in rooms where the floors have some unevenness;
  • Vertical adjustment helps move the façade in a vertical position. Adjustment is made by twisting the oval holes. After some time, the door may sag. Therefore, it is necessary to regulate canopies occasionally;
  • horizontal adjustment involves moving the door from left to right or vice versa. Its purpose is to avoid gaps between the door and the cabinet body. Let's apply this method in rooms with uneven walls and the floor.

The adjustment step can be performed when the cabinet is not yet hung. But, in order to immediately find your bearings regarding the walls and ceiling, it is best to hang the cabinet on the wall.

It turns out that in order to attach the hinges, you don’t need to have specialized knowledge or skills. Installing a furniture hinge is not difficult at all. The main thing is that when installing a furniture hinge, marking and installation were carried out taking into account all the rules. This allows you to avoid the appearance of cracks on the facade, gaps between the body and the door, and friction when opening. Moreover, work done with your own hands brings a lot of positive emotions.

At the final stage of furniture assembly, it is necessary to secure the facade part. From quality installation loops will depend on further operation. How to install furniture hinges correctly so that when opening the door there is no creaking and the facade is not warped?

Correct installation of hinges

Let's consider detailed instructions for installation of four-hinged type hinges.

Their design includes two parts:

  • The fastening element is mounted in the main body. When fastening, you must strictly follow the markings so that the door does not warp;
  • The main part with the hinge is installed in the factory hole on the door.

If the door has big size, which has at least three leaves, then they should be evenly distributed over the entire distance. Please ensure that the fasteners do not rest against one of the shelves.

At the edge of the façade, a standard indent of 10 cm is made. For overhead sashes, 98 mm are indented, and a point is marked, which is the center for drilling the blind hole of the bowl.

How to calculate the number of loops

It is difficult to say how many doors will be required for one swing door. It all depends on the recommendations of the furniture manufacturer and on the specific model. To calculate how many hinges are needed, you need to find out how much the door weighs and what its dimensions are.

The greater the height of the door, the more fastening points there should be. If there are few doors, then after some time the door and hinges will become deformed. It is recommended to avoid façades whose width is greater than their height.

No less important characteristic weight plays. If the swing door is made of laminated chipboard, and a mirror is fixed on its surface, then additional fasteners are simply necessary. Installation of the façade with regular number the sashes will not withstand the load. Heavy weight can tear out or deform the fasteners. Additional hinges will add rigidity to the structure.

On the Internet there is a photo of a table on which diagrams and rules for high-quality installation of swing doors are calculated. It is used if there are no installation notes from the manufacturer.

Overhead hinges: marking and installation

Each type of furniture has its own dimensions of furniture hinges and markings. Typically, manufacturers themselves mark the necessary marks for fasteners. But if there are none, you need to mark them yourself.

There are ready-made templates for installing furniture hinges with your own hands; if they are not at hand, then the markings are done using a ruler and pencil.

Please note the following:

The swing door cannot cover the main body from edge to edge. IN in this case the gap is taken into account. For example, if a kitchen cabinet has dimensions of 720x400mm, then the size of the facade will be 716x396mm. Therefore, the offset from the edge on the body for the fastener is 100mm, and the offset from the edge of the facade is 98mm.

The four-hinged type hinge must have a technological blind hole of 11 mm. To do this, install a Forstner cutter on the drill and start drilling.

The procedure is carried out on a solid base so that the front part of the facade is not pressed through. Experts can recommend special drills for milling. They are made with a limiter, this will help protect the facade from defects. But only if he has sufficient thickness 16 mm.

The fastening element is located in the depth of the cabinet from its edge at a distance of 37mm, and the segment between the marks for the screws is 32mm.

Installation of internal hinges

Inset-type furniture hinges are distinguished by the installation of fasteners to the side of the cabinet. If the thickness of the facade does not exceed 16mm, then the offset is 54mm. The marking features are obtained by adding the usual indentation to the thickness of the facade.

Types of loops

Manufacturers produce different types loops, and each of them has its own installation methods:

  • Overlay type. It is most often used in furniture in which the front part covers the side parts of the body;
  • Semi-overlay type. If several doors lie on one side of the body, then this type of door is used;
  • Internal type. Used if the door goes inside a niche;
  • Angular type. The facade fastening can have a certain angle, then similar sashes are used.

Self-adjustment of hinges

Installation of the sashes and mounting strip is carried out using self-tapping screws. Each part takes 2 pieces. Their dimensions are 3X16mm. Swing doors installed last. First of all, assemble the main structure and install it in the prepared place.

To properly secure the facades, the sash with the bowl should be attached to the mounting strip. A special screw is provided to secure them.

To properly adjust the fastening, do not press the screws of the fastening element tightly. Uneven floors can affect the pressing density of the façade to the main structure. The furniture doors are equipped with an adjustment mechanism that allows you to change the depth of their location. Therefore, you can safely adjust the tightness of the door.

Also, horizontal adjustment of the doors will help position the swing door more evenly. The main thing is not to overdo it with tightening, otherwise you can tear off the caps of the adjusting bolts.

Lateral adjustment adjusts the gaps between the end part of the main body and the front part. The corrective mechanism will eliminate squeaks that occur when the door moves.

As with any other mechanism, screws and screws in furniture doors should be periodically tightened. Under the weight of the door, and with frequent opening, their fixation weakens. A photo of installing furniture hinges will help you better understand the sequence of steps.

Photo of installing furniture hinges

Anton Tsugunov

Reading time: 4 minutes

If you decide to purchase new beautiful doors, please note whether the kit, which includes the door leaf, frame, handle and lock, includes door hinges. If the design is sold without hinges, you will have to select and install them on the door yourself. This process must be approached responsibly, since unsuitable fittings can ruin the appearance of the door, and incorrect installation– lead to distortion of the canvas and problems during operation.

  • simplicity and ease of installation;
  • opportunity self-installation without special skills and tools.
  • the design of the canopies does not allow, if necessary, to remove the doors without unscrewing the screws;
  • doors that are heavy cannot be hung on them.

IN Lately Particularly popular are overhead “butterfly” hinges – these are hinges without a mortise, the graceful shape of which resembles a butterfly’s wing. When folded, one part of the structure is nested within the other, ensuring minimal thickness.


By appearance They resemble overhead hinges, but differ from them in the installation method: to install mortise hinges, cutouts are made in the end of the door leaf and frame. The recesses must correspond to the thickness and dimensions of the wings of the structure.

  • relative ease of installation;
  • low price.

The downside is the need to cut recesses in parts of the door structure.

Overhead and mortise door hinges are detachable and universal. Universal designs are considered more reliable, as they have a rigid assembly that prevents the doors from sagging and loosening.


Not flat wing-plates, but corners are attached to the axial rod of such canopies. They are installed on interior doors in the same way as mortise doors.


They differ from all other designs because they are installed in pre-prepared recesses cut into the frame and door leaf.

  • invisible fastenings do not disturb aesthetic appearance door design;
  • make it possible to adjust the position of the door;
  • such loops cannot be cut.

The only drawback is the complexity of installation; without certain skills you are unlikely to be able to install such hinges correctly.


These door hinges, instead of wings, have pins on the axis that are screwed into the door leaf and frame. The device has a number of models with different amounts threaded pins designed for different weight doors.

  • versatility (no need to select right and left loops);
  • invisibility.
  • Only doors with a European door can be hung on such hinges;
  • when used on structures made of low-grade brittle material, they can lead to cracking and chipping.

Selection of canopies based on material of manufacture

Depending on the material, loops are divided into three types:

  1. Steel - considered the most reliable and durable. IN pure form not very attractive; chrome-plated models look more aesthetically pleasing.
  2. Brass - beautiful to look at, but less durable due to the plasticity of the material. Can be polished or chrome plated.
  3. Brass plated - made of zinc or steel alloys, with a layer of brass on top, often additionally coated with enamel or compounds that imitate noble metals.

A few words about “butterflies”

If you decide to go with the easiest-to-install hinge option, it is advisable to purchase them in specialized stores. When purchasing, make sure that the sides of the structure fold correctly, otherwise unevenness will form during installation and the door will not fit well or begin to spring.

Due to the overhead installation method and structural properties, butterfly awnings are intended primarily for lightweight interior doors. Thanks to its aesthetic form, a clean installation that takes place without disturbance decorative finishing door leaf, ideal for hanging modern doors with original design.

Let's consider the sequence of installing popular butterfly hinges on the door, which are mounted without inserting into the door leaf and frame.

An important advantage of butterfly hinges is their exceptional ease of installation: you do not need to know how to handle carpentry tools.

  • First, the initial marking of the location of the loop is made. To do this, you need to measure the distance from the top and bottom edges of the door leaf - it should be at least 200 mm. Attach the inside of the loop to the place where it will be attached to the canvas and trace the part with a pencil.

Note! The hinges are placed with hinges to the front of the door.

  • Holding the loop, mark the points for drilling holes for the screws using an awl or a thin drill, the diameter of which should not exceed the diameter of the screw axis.
  • Screw the inside of each hinge to the door leaf with self-tapping screws.
  • Install the canvas into the box, maintaining the required gap, make sure that the upper and lower ends are positioned correctly (strictly horizontal), and secure it with wedges.
  • Mark the location of the outer part of the hinge, remove the wedges and screw the top hinge to the box.

Important! To avoid breaking or distortion of the hinge, you need to support the door before installing the lower canopy.

  • Place the door leaf in a strictly vertical position.
  • Mark the position of the bottom hinge on the box and prepare holes for the screws.
  • Tighten the screws and secure the position of the bottom hinge correctly.