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» How to properly bend plexiglass yourself at home. We quickly and effectively bend plexiglass at home. How to bend acrylic glass at home.

How to properly bend plexiglass yourself at home. We quickly and effectively bend plexiglass at home. How to bend acrylic glass at home.

Conventional glass, one of the most ancient and universally used materials, no matter how hard you try, cannot be bent. It will burst when heated. The situation is different with organic glass, thermoplastic transparent plastic, also called acrylic, acrylite.

In terms of its characteristics, high-quality synthetic polymer is practically no different from ordinary glass. However, it is convenient because it can be easily bent if necessary. What needs to be done to make plexiglass change shape? Of course, heat it up. But first it must be prepared.

Drying the material

Removing moisture is necessary to avoid bending damage. The fact is that the internal structure of glass contains water particles, which, when heated, turn into a gaseous state. The appearance of air bubbles nullifies all the work and the product becomes defective. Pre-drying eliminates point accumulation of the gas mixture.

The glass is dried at a temperature of approximately 80 °C. If the element being processed is not big size, then at home you can use the oven. The drying time is determined based on the thickness of the heated part. So, with a value of 1 mm, plexiglass should be exposed to temperatures for one and a half hours. To dry material with other cross section time increases proportionally.

Preparing for bending

To work you will need a table or workbench. The workpiece is fixed in such a way that it can be easily bent down. For this purpose, a piece of glass is placed on the table, with a heavy load placed on top. The area subject to deformation extends further beyond the edge of the device used. The glass is prepared for bending.

Next, a heating element is taken, with the help of which the plexiglass will be bent - a nichrome wire connected to electricity through a device for regulating the current power. This could be a ballast resistor, a ballast capacitor, or a triac regulator. In addition, a metal tube heated by a burner is also suitable. The distance between the instrument and the glass should not exceed 1.5 cm.

Deformation process

A wire or tube is placed under the intended bend line and heated, respectively, with electricity or a burner. As the temperature rises, the glass begins to soften. When the material at the bending point is heated to a certain value, it itself will begin to bend under the influence gravitational force and own mass. There is no need to take any action. All that remains is to wait and remove the heating tool at the right moment.

In order for the glass to bend as required, a limiter should be installed. In this case, the edge being processed will rest against the device, and the curvature will reach the desired degree. If you do not take care in advance to fix the free part of the plexiglass in the appropriate position, it will be more difficult to fix the problem.

You should not rush during the process; putting pressure on the workpiece is not recommended. The bending must take place naturally to avoid defects.

How to bend plexiglass at home video

Glass is a material that is often used in everyday life, but, unfortunately, it often breaks, therefore, today it is increasingly being replaced by a new artificial analogue - plexiglass. Plastic glass is a polymer that is not afraid of mechanical damage and is also very convenient to process.

Therefore, polymer glass is used in everyday life different options, especially when you want to get a variety of shapes from a smooth surface. The most important advantage of artificial glass is the ability to bend. On the one hand, bending glass is not at all difficult, but on the other hand, you just need to know the principles and techniques of bending.

Properties of plexiglass

The composition of plexiglass includes various polymers. They give the glass strength; polymer glass is even stronger silicate glass. Plexiglas – lightweight material, therefore, when it is used in structures such as roofs, canopies, solid supports are not required.

In everyday life, polymer glass can be found in a variety of options; just look at the photo with polymer products: aquariums, decorative design elements, shelves, TV stand, Coffee table. Artificial glass has excellent transparency, so it can be used to make interior doors and partitions. Probably the only disadvantage of plexiglass is its flammability and thermoplasticity, but the latter disadvantage can be turned into an advantage, because sometimes artificial glass has to be bent at home.

Bend rules

It is very simple to bend polymer glass with your own hands; you just need to know the principles that guide the processing of artificial material.

In order to bend the glass correctly, you will have to heat it, so it is important that the heating area is several times thicker than the material used. For example, if you have glass about 6mm, you need to apply heat to only one side, but with a higher density, it is better to apply heat to both sides. A outer side The product must be heated last.

If you do not have the task of melting the material, but you plan to simply change its shape, give the new kind product, there is no need to use high temperature. Receive only new form For example, to pour into molds you will need to heat the polymer glass to 160 degrees.

Sometimes when improper processing bubbles appear on plexiglass, this is the first sign that the glass was not cleaned before work. Therefore, before work, clean the glass, you can do this using detergents without abrasive particles. Just don’t forget to dry it after that, since only after drying can you use special equipment. In order to avoid damage to the glass, the bending movement must be performed smoothly and evenly. After you heat the area, it is better to wait a little until the glass heating temperature drops to 60.

How to bend glass?

Today you can find a lot of advice on the Internet about proper finishing plexiglass and even watch the video manual. But to systematize the information, it is better to first read our instructions. If you want to bend polymer glass at home, you will need the following tools and equipment.

Required equipment and bending methods

Before working with plexiglass, you need to cut finished part or product, its edges. Take bent plexiglass It is better to wear heat-resistant gloves.

In order to bend glass at home, you will need to heat it. This means you need to find a device that can quickly heat up the required area. Various devices are suitable for heating glass, from candles to a soldering iron. It all depends on the heating area, for example, small pieces of plexiglass can be heated by simply boiling them in water; for larger parts you cannot do without a tool. Let's look at the simplest and most convenient of them.

  1. Heating of glass can be done using a construction hair dryer. If your material exceeds 5 mm, then we will heat it from both sides. Before heating the glass, you need to prepare some kind of template for bending, a machine made of wood, or we will simply bend it, for example, on the surface of the edge of a table. So, we direct the hair dryer to the area needed for heating. Having made sure that our material has become softer, we immediately give it a shape without waiting for it to cool. It is necessary to bend in the opposite direction from the heated side. And if you heat both sides, it means external corner should be bent last. After the polymer glass is bent, you need to leave it aside for a while to cool.
  2. Nichrome wire can be used to heat the glass surface. For this process, you need to fix the glass on the edge of a workbench or table, and lay a 5 mm wire from the sheet under it. – we get a homemade thermobending machine. Nichrome is connected to a transformer and heated; after heating the wire, the polymer glass will begin to sag. You should not “help” the glass bend, as this can lead to internal stress.
  3. Sometimes the bend should not occur along the entire perimeter plane or the glass needs to be bent at 90 degrees. In this case, you can use a soldering iron. We mark the area with a pencil and run soldering irons over it, melting the surface a little. You need to bend the glass until it cools down.
  4. Sometimes glass needs to be not just bent, but given a rounded shape. For such purposes, we will need a certain remainder of the pipe around which our material will be twisted. In this case, it is better to use a blowtorch.

In the event that you need to bend a significant area of ​​​​artificial glass, then the masters advise practicing on small area. You can decorate your home using any folding technology beautiful crafts made of plexiglass.

Those novice craftsmen who have to work with organic glass are wondering how to bend plexiglass at home without compromising its technical characteristics.

Plexiglas is a popular material that is used when carrying out finishing works indoors and when decorating furniture.

Plexiglas is a popular material that is used for interior finishing work and furniture finishing. Using this material, you can add uniqueness to any interior. You can easily make photo frames and transparent cases for various devices from plexiglass at home.

The use of this material is due to the presence of a whole range of advantages compared to ordinary glass. The main ones are the following:

  • low density compared to silicate glass;
  • the material is less fragile due to the presence of an amorphous structure;
  • high resistance to weathering;
  • high impact resistance;
  • the polymer is a non-splintering material;
  • high level of transparency;
  • the ability to change the shape of the workpiece.

All these properties have determined the wide popularity in the use of this material both in everyday life and in industry.

What parameters should be taken into account when bending glass?

Plexiglas is a thermoplastic material, which ensures that it acquires plasticity when heated. Organic glass during its production process can be formed under the influence of different temperature conditions, which determines the method of its manufacture.

The difficulty of carrying out the process of bending a workpiece to the required angle lies in the specific use of a source of thermal influence on the material. When carrying out the bending process, the direction of action should be taken into account heat flow from a heat source.

The difficulty of bending organic glass lies in obtaining a bend at a predetermined angle in the required location of the workpiece. To simplify the bending operation, it is best to use a directional flow source warm air for heating and imparting plasticity to the deformation site on the surface of the workpiece.

To prevent the formation of bubbles during bending, proper drying should be carried out before performing the operation of deforming the workpiece. Before performing the operation, you should practice on a small piece of organic piece.

If the glass bending process uses blowtorch, you can quickly heat the plexiglass to the required temperature to give it the necessary plasticity. To give the required bending angle, you can use a pipe of the required diameter as a mandrel.

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Principles of bending organic glass

To bend the workpiece, it is best to use a heat source that has a narrowly directed air flow.

Such sources can be a blowtorch, a gas burner, construction hair dryer with the appropriate nozzle. You can use weak heat sources, located linearly, to warm up the bend line.

In the absence of a narrowly targeted heat source, you can use a material with a low thermal conductivity. This material will be required for insulation from thermal effects. For this purpose, plexiglass on the side of the warm air flow is insulated with heat-insulating material, leaving a narrow strip open at the point of bending. Applicable thermal insulation material must be non-flammable. Asbestos sheets can be used for the protective layer. It is best to use various templates in the process of bending the workpiece to give the workpiece the required bend. Various metal pipes, corners and similar blanks can be used as templates.

After bending the plexiglass is completed, smooth cooling of the workpiece should be ensured. This is required in order to minimize the occurrence of internal stress. After this, it is necessary to warm the workpiece to a temperature of 60-80°C for several hours to completely relieve the stress.

If nichrome wire is used to heat the glass, it may sag as a result of heating and increase the distance to the workpiece. This disadvantage can be compensated by using weights that allow the wire to be constantly in tension.

When carrying out the bending process, you should not put excessive pressure on the glass, as this may cause incorrect deformation.

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Method of bending organic glass

To carry out the glass bending procedure, you will need to be patient and careful; in addition, you should know how to bend plexiglass correctly in accordance with technological requirements requirements for the operation.

When carrying out work, you will need to have the following materials, tools and equipment available:

When carrying out the procedure of bending organic glass, several technological steps should be performed. The main stages of the operation are:

  • cleaning the workpiece;
  • drying the workpiece;
  • fixing the workpiece with tension on the nichrome wire;
  • heating the workpiece and deforming it according to the requirements.

Before carrying out work, clean the surface of the workpiece from possible contamination.

Before carrying out work, clean the surface of the workpiece from possible contamination. The glass should be thoroughly cleaned of dust. If there is heavy contamination, the glass should be washed. Then drying is carried out using cotton fabric. It is prohibited to carry out cleaning operations using abrasive agents. If there is contamination on the surface in the form of oil or grease stains, cleaning is carried out using gasoline or kerosene. The use of substances such as acetone or solvent during the cleaning process is prohibited, as they can damage the workpiece.

After cleaning the surface of the material, the plexiglass is thoroughly dried at a temperature of 80°C for one to two hours for each millimeter of material thickness. With a workpiece thickness of 3 mm, drying should be carried out for three to six hours.

After drying, the organic glass is fixed on a workbench, and the place of future bending is heated using nichrome wire. The wire should be fixed at a distance of 0.5 cm from the workpiece. After heating the bending area, bending is carried out. If it is necessary to maintain the bending radius, appropriate mandrels are used.

Durable and lightweight, plexiglass is gaining increasing popularity in modern design and the construction sector. This allows you to easily expand the possibilities when creating artistic solutions, because by giving it various, even the most bizarre, forms, you can achieve a fresh and elegant atmosphere in any room.

Plexiglas can be used not only for interior decoration; it also finds its application in creating unusual interior items. Unlike natural glass, its artificial counterpart boasts one amazing advantage. The fact is that it is easy to bend, so even at home you can get the necessary shape to realize any idea.

What should you stock up on before folding?

Before you get to work, it’s worth stocking up on some tools that will be useful for the described method. In addition to the workpiece itself, you will need:

  • a device for heating a sheet of plexiglass, such as a construction hair dryer, gas burner or a blowtorch;
  • a form or template for bending the type of shape you want to get from your workpiece;
  • hand protection - heating to high temperatures can result in burns, so it is better to protect yourself and prepare silicone grips or thermally insulating gloves.

Preparatory stage

The main stage of preparation of the workpiece is cleaning its surface. Any grease or oil stains must be removed from the surface to avoid negative consequences for plexiglass during its subsequent deformation, namely warping and the formation of air bubbles, which will no longer be possible to remove.

All these stains are quite clearly visible upon detailed examination, so removing them will not be difficult. Often it is enough to rinse the workpiece warm water with addition small quantity synthetic detergent. If there is a need to remove complex greasy spots, you can use kerosene or gasoline - they break down fat molecules at once.

Be sure to remember not to use hard abrasive materials when cleaning. They contribute to the appearance of scratches, from which there is practically no escape. An ordinary soft kitchen sponge will do a good job of cleaning plexiglass.

At the end of washing, the plexiglass should dry. At room temperature Drying time varies depending on the thickness of the workpiece. It is customary to proceed from the calculation of 1 hour per 1 millimeter of glass thickness. Only after the plexiglass has dried can you begin bending it.

Before bending plexiglass at home, make sure that you are satisfied with the size and shape of the workpiece. If desired, make a plexiglass blank using a hacksaw. Check that the hacksaw blade is not dull, because only well-sharpened teeth will allow you to obtain the required quality of the processed edge.

Rules and process of bending plexiglass

After preparatory work it is necessary to decide on the place that should be bent. Be sure to draw a line along which you want to bend the workpiece with a marker. Let us focus on several points that must be observed before starting work:

  1. Since plexiglass acquires the ability to bend when exposed to high temperatures, heating equipment should be selected based on the size of the surface that you are going to bend. This means that it is not necessary to heat the entire piece of glass if you have marked one fold line - local heating is sufficient for this.
  2. The area to be heated must have a width that is two or more times greater than its length. Compliance with this point will significantly reduce the internal stresses of the glass after it cools.

The choice of heating source also depends on the size of the piece of plexiglass. For example, for thin sheets (up to 3-5 mm), a simple electric stove is suitable. For thick workpieces, it is better to prepare a construction hair dryer, with which you can quickly achieve required temperature heating For plexiglass it is 150 degrees.

In addition, it is worth remembering that such thick workpieces must be heated on both sides - this is necessary in order to prevent cracks from appearing during bending.

Let's move on directly to how to bend plexiglass at home. The process can be divided into several stages.

  1. The entire piece of plexiglass or a separate section is heated. To do this, you should act on the material for some time. heating device, and so that the heated side is opposite to the direction of bending. In the case of thick sheets, the latter heats up the side on which the outer bending angle will be located.
  2. Reaching the required temperature is determined by eye - the material will become more pliable and slightly cloudy from the inside.
  3. Keep a prepared form or template on hand for bending, which can serve as either a rectangular or round surface.
  4. As soon as you understand that the material is ready, it must be bent immediately, it is advisable to use a minimum number of movements and obtain the required shape as quickly as possible, without allowing the material to cool. If you miss this moment, then microcracks may appear in the structure of the plexiglass, which subsequently begin to destroy the part from the inside.

The blanks are very small size can be modified by simply leaving them in boiling water for 5-7 minutes. The material will have time to soften so much that you can give it a completely different shape with your own hands. Required condition here is to work with special gloves that will not allow high temperatures to damage your limbs.

By the way, it is worth noting that plexiglass can also be melted at home. Only for this it needs to be heated even more - at least to 180 degrees. This can be done to make polymer glass castings.

The casting forms prepared in advance can be different, but the glass itself in the molten state spreads well and completely fills even the thinnest areas of the mold. Before casting, you need to ensure that the mold is cleaned of dirt in order to avoid both the unsightly appearance of the resulting casting and possible defects that dirt can cause.

After folding

You can finish the instructions on how to bend plexiglass at home with a description final stage, which is the cooling of the finished part. Special conditions There is no need to create it, just leave it at room temperature for a couple of hours. But it is important to isolate the material from possible sudden temperature fluctuations. Failure to cool slowly can lead to the formation of cracks on the surface or structure of the plexiglass.

After cooling, you receive a new product that has retained everything positive traits plexiglass. Safe and beautiful material, having received a new form, will be able to please its owner for a very long time, whereas it took very little time and effort to create it.

The use of materials from various construction groups in home improvement is caused by the desire of consumers to recreate in their own home unique interior With minimal investment. That is why in Lately This type of material such as plexiglass is increasingly being used. However, quite often there is a need to bend it, and we would like to talk about how to bend plexiglass yourself in more detail.

Advantages of organic glass

To begin with, it should be noted that plexiglass is sheet material(with a high degree of transparency), made on the basis of various polymers. It is thanks to the presence of artificial components in the composition of this material that it has received a lot of advantages compared to traditional glass.

So, for example, organic glass does not break (it is resistant to mechanical stress), easy to process (plexiglass is easy to cut, drill), can take the required shape (bends). It is thanks to all of the above advantages that the scope of application of plexiglass is constantly growing. After all, it is used when carrying out finishing work (decorations, frames), when zoning space (partitions), to complement furniture elements (shelves, racks, etc.).

Sometimes organic glass needs to be bent, so let's look at how to do this at home in the most optimal way.

Preparatory operations

In order to ensure high-quality bending of plexiglass, the first step is to perform a series of works of a preparatory nature. Namely:

  • Clean the plexiglass from any contaminants and foreign objects(transport film should be removed). The quality of subsequent work depends on this procedure, and if everything is not cleaned properly, then during the bending process, leaf surface Unevenness, defects (air bubbles), etc. may occur. deviations.
  • Dry the plexiglass thoroughly by leaving it for a couple of hours at room temperature.
  • Prepare a template (for example, made of cardboard or plywood) for easy bending control.

Plexiglas bending options

Currently, several methods are used to produce bending of organic sheet material.

Bending with an industrial hair dryer

It is the simplest and safest option for processing organic glass at home. After all, all you need for this is an ordinary hair dryer and a flat surface. The bending technology itself in this case assumes the following:

  1. Sheet material is laid on flat surface and using a construction pencil, mark the place of the intended bend;
  2. Using a construction hair dryer, the bending area is heated evenly along the entire length to a temperature of +80⁰С;
  3. Through a right angle of a surface (for example, a table), the sheet is smoothly bent.

Moreover, it should be remembered that when working with relatively thin materials(up to 5mm thickness), the sheet should be heated from the side, opposite direction bending Whereas for thicker products, double-sided heating is justified.

By the way, in order to keep the bending radius to a minimum, it is recommended to limit the heating area.

How to bend plexiglass

To do this, even before warming up, in all places that do not need heating, cover the plexiglass with a heat insulator. Thus forming only a small open area for heating the material.

To prevent the plexiglass from bending, it should be fixed in this position until it cools completely.

Boiling bend

Suitable for working with small-sized elements, and involves their complete immersion in a container of water. After which the liquid is brought to a boil (over low heat) and a piece of material is removed.

To avoid burns, all subsequent work should be carried out with special gloves.

And the element is simply bent by hand through any right angle of the tabletop or stool.

How to bend plexiglass using nichrome

Considering physical properties nichrome wire (heated by passing electric current), it can also be used to bend plexiglass. This is done as follows:

  1. Nichrome wire is stretched under the plane of plexiglass (at a distance of 5 mm from it);
  2. Passed through nichrome electricity by connecting the leads to a step-down transformer;
  3. As the nichrome heats up, the plexiglass will begin to bend on its own under its own weight.

The main thing in this case is to exclude direct contact of nichrome and plexiglass, and also to ensure the accuracy of the location of the heater (in a given place).

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Recycling or recycling glass at home.

Pages: 123Next »

There are quite a few half-liter glass jars accumulated at home. Throwing them away is, firstly, a pity, and secondly, it is dangerous and harmful to environment. Therefore, an interesting idea came to my mind - to try to somehow melt glass and play with glassblowing. As I understand it, the glass in jars is SiO2, which needs a non-acidic temperature to melt. But at home it is unlikely that you will be able to heat anything by more than 300º - 400º.
In general, I think in this direction and am ready to hear your thoughts.

I once played at the dacha, temperatures needed to reach 1000 and above.
In addition, glass is amorphous, it will not become liquid :) (at the temperatures and additives available to you, certainly). It smoothly softens and becomes like thick resin/gummy - viscous, sticky, and terribly out of control :)
It was funny to wet a stick and pull a long 2-meter “snot”, which quickly cooled, cracked and crumbled from internal stress.

In general, it’s fun to play around, but you won’t get anything useful.

Find where these banks are accepted and return them, receiving 3 kopecks and a feeling of moral satisfaction for your contribution to the preservation of nature.

> and secondly, it is dangerous and harmful to the environment.

10,000 years, but no one will be circumcised by it! And a seagull will build a nest in it!

Dig a deep hole in the yard and throw cans there. Place a note in each one. Projectile to the future. In 3 thousand years, your notes will be used to judge current history, so be impartial.

> Well, like a plastic “eco-friendly” cup will sit without decomposing,
> 10,000 years
Exactly? Who checked?

> Well, like a plastic “eco-friendly” cup will sit without decomposing,
> 10,000 years, but no one will be circumcised by it! And a seagull will build a nest in it!
Well, I've been trying to use polyethylene and plastic as materials for external coatings in contact with the environment. after 5 years there is nothing left of them, they crumble into dust. where they got the numbers of 200 years and more is a big mystery to me. And glass is generally mega-ecological. Fused sand. Glass in natural conditions into sand and turns from temperature changes after 10 years.

> where they got the numbers of 200 years and more is a big mystery to me.
Where did the assumption come from that there is no life on Mars? Who even decided that there is magma in the center of the earth?

> So as not to preserve cucumbers in them? Give it away somehow
> summer residents/gardeners.

Pages: 123Next »

/ Forum/ Flame / General

Archived topic.

> quite a few half-liter glass jars.

So as not to preserve cucumbers in them? Give it away for free to some summer residents/gardeners.

> Recycling or recycling glass at home.
Landfills recycle glass.
Transparent, green, red. — the battle is sorted.
Factories accept everything.
You can donate not by variety, but by bunch, but it will be cheaper.

There is a topic here somewhere about landfills.
I wrote there that it was being recycled.
Glass, iron, plastic, paper, wood.
Little remains in landfills.

This is big business!
They give you goodies at the landfill for purchases.
Your slaves sort for pennies and jail.
The factories themselves export everything and pay offshore to your personal account.
There are a lot of such trashy Oligarchs.

If you install a sorting and processing plant, it will not be profitable.
You have to pay taxes, maintain staff, and repair equipment.

And slaves in a landfill are freebies for the owner of the landfill.

> try to somehow melt the glass and play around with glassblowing.
Sign up for a glassblowing course.
read the tolmuts on this matter.
Very interesting however!

Get a job at a glass factory.
Complete this path in 2-3 years.
It's useful and educational.

The Christmas tree decorations factory has decent wages.
And an advanced glassblower gets more than a coder.

How to bend glass at home

This is a real skill from past centuries of humanity.

> Dig a deep hole in the yard and throw cans there. Place a note in each one.
> Projectile to the future. In 3 thousand years, your notes will be used to judge the present
> history, so be impartial.
Smart. You can use printouts of Morphia's posts and selected topics from the "Science" section as notes. Sergio
> glass half-liter jars. Firstly, it would be a shame to throw them away, and secondly,
> dangerous and harmful to the environment.

It is harmful to the environment to shit in space past Mother Planet. Not good.
But throwing silicon out of nature into nature is complete nonsense.

> which requires a non-acidic temperature in order for it to melt.
I melted in a stove, but in this stove I melted zinc, aluminum, and burned copper. but it was impossible to pour out anything (except for zinc, it is relatively fusible) it is very difficult to make a crucible that will withstand this, and when the aluminum was taken out of the furnace it began to boil strangely, it probably burned in the air, it was not poured into the mold but it made drops.
I melted a brown glass vitamin jar, it stretched into snot and then fell into the oven. I couldn’t get it back, I think it’s not realistic to pour it into a mold, it needs to be more liquid, unless pressed. I haven’t tried to blow, I have nothing.
I think the melting point (although it’s more likely not melting but softening) is somewhere around 500-600 degrees

> Glass naturally turns into sand and turns from temperature changes,
> in 10 years.
I think many times more. We once had a warehouse of bottles on the street, it lay there for 10 years in the rain and snow, I don’t remember the sand there, but some were broken.

Synthetic materials are increasingly becoming part of our lives - these are various plastics, fibers, and transparent polymers. These include plexiglass. At interior decoration and furniture production, the use of plexiglass is quite common. However, with the help of this material you can add zest not only to the interior; plexiglass is widely used in the manufacture of interesting items and souvenirs with your own hands, such as decorative frames for photographs, transparent cases for speakers and much more.

The use of artificial glass in everyday life is explained by a number of its advantages over natural glass.

  • Plexiglas has a lower density, which means it is much lighter than silicate glass.
  • It is less brittle due to its amorphous structure and is easier to process (for example, drill or cut). The impact resistance of such glass is almost 5 times higher compared to inorganic glass.
  • Plexiglas is a non-splintering material, so it is safer for household use.
  • High transparency allows transmission of up to 99% of ultraviolet radiation.
  • Plexiglas has increased resistance to atmospheric conditions, which allows it to be used in wide range temperature conditions.
  • But the most important advantage of such glass is that it can be easily given almost any shape, for example, you can bend plexiglass at home.

What is plexiglass, and why does it have such wonderful properties? Plexiglas is a range of transparent amorphous polymers consisting of linear or branched macromolecules. This structure makes plexiglass quite fusible and plastic, which allows it to be used in home interior(as a decorative tabletop or transparent shelves).

If you decide to use this polymer in the interior as a decorative element, and there is a need to give it a certain shape, this article will tell you how to bend plexiglass at home.


  • A vice or clamp for fixing the sheet.
  • Sharp saw.
  • Construction hair dryer for heating to the desired temperature.
  • Blank or mold.
  • Sanding material.

Preparatory work

Before you start bending a large piece, try bending a small piece of glass; if you succeed, you can start working.

1. To start working with plexiglass, you need to cut out the part the right size. To cut organic glass, you can use a clamp to firmly fix the sheet of polymer, and a sharp hacksaw for wood. To avoid overheating of the material during cutting, it is recommended to cool the cutting area with water. Do not forget to transfer the glass from the hard clamps of a clamp or vice with a soft cloth.

How to bend plexiglass correctly?

This will protect the plexiglass from scratches.

Attention! When cutting plexiglass, use only sharp blades. Using dull blades when cutting leads to melting of the glass edges.

If a crack appears on the plexiglass as a result of processing, you can use a little trick to remove it. Wet the damaged area with very cool acetic acid and move the edges of the crack slightly, which will allow the acid to penetrate deeper inside. Polish the damaged area. After this treatment, the crack will stick together and will not be noticeable.

2. Before you start bending any plexiglass, in order to avoid defects, you need to clean it. To do this, rinse it thoroughly with water and detergent.

Attention! When cleaning plexiglass, the use of abrasive materials is not allowed, as it can be easily scratched. Use only a soft sponge.

3. After wiping the glass, let it dry thoroughly (about one hour per millimeter of thickness). When the glass is dry, you can begin to shape the plexiglass.

Bending plexiglass

Attention! To avoid burns when heating plexiglass, use thermally insulating gloves or silicone oven mitts.

Depending on the desired result, follow temperature regime. If you are going to bend glass, you need a temperature of 150 degrees. Plexiglas is melted at a temperature of 170 degrees.

Attention! If you decide to melt the polymer and cast something from it, make sure that the casting mold is clean. Not enough pure form may lead to defects on the surface of the product.

To bend plexiglass, there are several heating methods. You can use electric hotplate. This method is good for shaping sheets of glass that are not too thick.

Heating plexiglass with a hair dryer

Small parts can be “cooked” by simply holding them in boiling water for some time. Once sufficiently heated, use heat-resistant gloves to shape the parts into the desired shape.

To work with large sheets, with greater thickness, it is most convenient to use a hair dryer.

Let's take a closer look at how to do this using a hair dryer:

  • The first thing to remember when bending plexiglass is that the material should be bent in the direction opposite to the heated side.
  • If you are bending a sheet whose thickness exceeds 5 millimeters, you need to heat it on both sides alternately, and the outer corner should be heated last.
  • Having made sure that the polymer has reached the desired temperature and has become sufficiently plastic, you need to immediately give it the desired shape without waiting for it to cool, otherwise cloudiness may form at the bend, a sign of microcracks in the material. If these measures are not followed, the glass will simply break at the bend.

Before you begin the process of bending plexiglass using a hair dryer, prepare a mold or template for bending.

It could be a tabletop, a piece of pipe, wooden block, some other surface whose shape you want to give to the glass. Heat the area needed for bending, then give it the desired shape. Next, the plexiglass product needs to be cooled properly. Do not expose glass to sudden temperature changes, as this can lead to cracking or other defects. Just leave it to cool at room temperature for a while.

Bending plexiglass according to a template

When the part has cooled sufficiently, process the edges of the product. This can be done either mechanically (using sandpaper) or thermally. For rough processing you will need sandpaper, and for finer grinding, abrasive pastes are used, for example, GOI paste, as well as toothpastes and powders. At mechanically When processing edges, do not forget to cool the glass surface with water.

Your product is ready, now you know how to bend plexiglass at home. We hope that with the help of this article you will be able to decorate your interior. big amount beautiful and unique decor items.


We bring to your attention a video that shows how to bend plexiglass correctly and what points you need to pay attention to.

The following video illustrates the process of bending transparent plexiglass by heating it with a gas torch.

Increasingly, in carrying out various repair work and construction began to be used artificial appearance glass Among wide variety One of the most popular types of glass is plexiglass. Since it is used in interior decoration decorative types such coatings, quite often people also think about the question of how to bend plexiglass at home and give an ordinary smooth surface various shapes.

What is plexiglass?

Plexiglas (organic glass) is quite durable artificial material, which has high transparency. It contains polymers that make this material very durable, and thanks to this, this type of glass does not break.

Organic glass is most often used for the manufacture of various stained glass windows in the interior, decorative tabletops, shelves, as well as fish aquariums and other containers. In addition, this material can be used to decorate interior doors and even make transparent walls. However, experienced craftsmen use such glass wherever possible.

Rules that must be followed when working with organic glass.

how to bend glass at home

In order to give the organic glass the shape you need, you need to bend it smoothly, but in relation to the main heat source only in the opposite direction.

Rules for bending organic glass

To prevent various bubbles from forming on the glass during operation, before starting this process, it is necessary to thoroughly clean it of contaminants. After this, you need to dry the glass very well. Plexiglas should only be bent after it has been completely dried and wiped. Next, you will need to use special equipment that can heat the glass to 80 degrees Celsius.

Worth paying attention! Everything must be heated for at least one hour based on one millimeter of glass thickness used.

To prevent the material from melting, do not use high temperatures for work. And in order to give the shape you need and form any products, about 150 degrees will be enough, but if you want to pour it into special forms, then 170.

In order to heat plexiglass at home, the area of ​​the entire area that can be affected must be at least three times the thickness of the material used. Moreover, when you use glass with a thickness of 5 mm, then it is possible to heat it only on one side, but when the density is greater, then it is best to do this on both sides.

Please note that the last side of such material should be the one that will protrude from the outer part of the fold.

How to bend organic glass?

The final result will depend on this kind of work. And in order to ensure that absolutely no internal damage occurs in it, the entire bending process must be smooth and uniform. After you have successfully bent any part of the plexiglass, you need to leave it for several hours until its temperature drops to 60 degrees Celsius.

The most common and ideal suitable equipment for bending plexiglass.

Construction hair dryer

To bend such a fairly dense material yourself at home, you will need to use an additional heat source, thanks to which you can quickly heat up the required area and make the bend. In this case, you need to be extremely careful and not heat the entire surface of the glass.

Please note that when working with very subtle types glass of this type, you need to cover all free areas with a special material that is not subject to combustion at all.

If you decide to use a hair dryer for your work, then before you start work, you need to prepare the base for this glass, that is, what kind of material you will use. Next, you need to turn on your hair dryer and very carefully warm up the bend area, and then give the glass the shape you need.

Cooking plexiglass

An equally convenient and reliable way to bend plexiglass is welding, but this option is only available when working with small parts of it. Put this material into a saucepan, add water and place on low gas.

The water should begin to boil, then put gloves on your hands and, with a little effort, bend the plexiglass. To do this, you need to use absolutely any right angle, for example, a tabletop or a piece of pre-prepared wooden beam. Upon completion of this process, the treated plexiglass can be polished.

Nichrome wire for bending

You can also try bending plexiglass at home using nichrome wire. To do this, we fix the required sheet of plexiglass on the edge of the table or workbench, directly under which it is necessary to tightly stretch the nichrome wire exactly along the bend line. Then it is fixed from the sheet at a distance of at least 5 millimeters. To protect yourself from the bending edge of the sheet, you can install a stop so as not to allow it to bend more than intended.

Nichrome should be connected to a transformer that regulates the voltage. Once the required heat has been achieved on the wire, the organic glass will gradually begin to bend under its own weight.

It is worth recalling that during the heating process of nichrome, it usually sags a little, which is why the distance to the plexiglass can greatly increase. To avoid this, you can make the so-called compensation for its sagging, for example, using a small load. Also, you should not help the plexiglass bend by applying physical pressure on it. Otherwise, this may lead to incorrect deformation of this material.

If there is a need to bend a certain radius at home, then in this case it is better to use not nichrome wire, but a simple metal pipe according to the diameter you need. Then, using a soldering torch, it warms up well to a certain temperature level. After which, a sheet of organic glass is bent along the pipe, thereby repeating its radius. Read also: how to glue plexiglass together.

When you need to bend large-sized plates of organic glass, before starting processing, the experts in this field advise to practice a little in advance so that in the future you will not have any difficulties with carrying out such work.

Video: HOW TO BEND Plexiglas

How to bend plexiglass at home

Glass is a material that is often used in everyday life, but, unfortunately, it often breaks, therefore, today it is increasingly being replaced by a new artificial analogue - plexiglass. Plastic glass is a polymer that is not afraid of mechanical damage and is also very easy to process.

Therefore, polymer glass is used in different ways in everyday life, especially when one wants to obtain a variety of shapes from a smooth surface. The most important advantage of artificial glass is the ability to bend. On the one hand, bending glass is not at all difficult, but on the other hand, you just need to know the principles and techniques of bending.

Properties of plexiglass

The composition of plexiglass includes various polymers. They give the glass strength; polymer glass is even stronger than silicate glass. Plexiglas is a lightweight material, therefore, when it is used in structures, for example, roofs, canopies, solid supports are not required.

In everyday life, polymer glass can be found in a variety of options; just look at the photo with polymer products: aquariums, decorative design elements, shelves, a TV stand, a coffee table. Artificial glass has excellent transparency, so it can be used to make interior doors and partitions. Probably the only disadvantage of plexiglass is its flammability and thermoplasticity, but the latter disadvantage can be turned into an advantage, because sometimes artificial glass has to be bent at home.

Bend rules

It is very simple to bend polymer glass with your own hands; you just need to know the principles that guide the processing of artificial material.

In order to bend the glass correctly, you will have to heat it, so it is important that the heating area is several times thicker than the material used. For example, if you have glass about 6mm, you need to apply heat to only one side, but with a higher density, it is better to apply heat to both sides. And the outer side of the product should be the last to be heated.

If you do not have the task of melting the material, but you plan to simply change its shape, give a new look to the product, then there is no need to use high temperature. Only to obtain a new shape, for example, for pouring into molds, you will need to heat the polymer glass to 160 degrees.

Sometimes, if plexiglass is processed incorrectly, bubbles appear; this is the first sign that the glass was not cleaned before work. Therefore, before work, clean the glass; this can be done using detergents without abrasive particles. Just don’t forget to dry it after that, since only after drying can you use special equipment. In order to avoid damage to the glass, the bending movement must be performed smoothly and evenly. After you heat the area, it is better to wait a little until the glass heating temperature drops to 60.

How to bend glass?

Today you can find a lot of advice on the Internet about the correct finishing of plexiglass and even look at the manual. But to systematize the information, it is better to first read our instructions. If you want to bend polymer glass at home, you will need the following tools and equipment.

Required equipment and bending methods

Before working with plexiglass, you need to cut out the finished part or product and its edges. It is better to take bent plexiglass with heat-resistant gloves.

In order to bend glass at home, you will need to heat it. This means you need to find a device that can quickly heat up the required area. Various devices are suitable for heating glass, from candles to a soldering iron. It all depends on the heating area, for example, small pieces of plexiglass can be heated by simply boiling them in water; for larger parts you cannot do without a tool. Let's look at the simplest and most convenient of them.

  1. Heating of glass can be done using a construction hair dryer. If your material exceeds 5 mm, then we will heat it from both sides. Before heating the glass, you need to prepare some kind of template for bending, a machine made of wood, or we will simply bend it, for example, on the surface of the edge of a table. So, we direct the hair dryer to the area needed for heating. Having made sure that our material has become softer, we immediately give it a shape without waiting for it to cool. It is necessary to bend in the opposite direction from the heated side. And if you heat both sides, then the outer corner should be bent last. After the polymer glass is bent, you need to leave it aside for a while to cool.
  2. Nichrome wire can be used to heat the glass surface. For this process, you need to fix the glass on the edge of a workbench or table, and lay a 5 mm wire from the sheet under it. – we get a homemade thermobending machine. Nichrome is connected to a transformer and heated; after heating the wire, the polymer glass will begin to sag. You should not “help” the glass bend, as this can lead to internal stress.
  3. Sometimes the bend should not occur along the entire perimeter plane or the glass needs to be bent at 90 degrees. In this case, you can use a soldering iron. We mark the area with a pencil and run soldering irons over it, melting the surface a little.

    How to bend plexiglass at home

    You need to bend the glass until it cools down.

  4. Sometimes glass needs to be not just bent, but given a rounded shape. For such purposes, we will need a certain remainder of the pipe around which our material will be twisted. In this case, it is better to use a blowtorch.

If you need to bend a significant area of ​​artificial glass, then the craftsmen advise practicing on a small area. Using any bending technology, you can decorate your home with beautiful plexiglass crafts.

Bent glass

The high popularity of glass in interior design has contributed to the emergence of new ways of processing it. One of these is bending or bending glass.

Bent glass is in great demand in the production of kitchen and office furniture, aquariums, windows, elements for shower cabins, as well as all kinds of interior designs.


Bending (bending) glass is a technology for forming curved products from sheet glass at high temperatures. Our company supplies bent glass for architectural and construction companies, and also carries out installation of glass structures.


Bending is carried out in a specially equipped flat tunnel furnace using controlled ceramic electric heaters and supporting surfaces (matrixes, molds) on which the glass sheet is installed.

How to bend plexiglass at home

With uniform heating, glass at a temperature of 600-700°C becomes plastic and gradually deforms under the influence of its own weight, taking the shape of the supporting surface, while maintaining the smoothness of the surface. After this stage, the glass is cooled in a controlled manner.

Glass can be tempered during the bending process, which significantly increases its mechanical strength and reduces the risk of thermal shock. To produce curved glass, it is often necessary to make a mold (template), which is paid separately, regardless of the cost of the product. If we have the required form in our production, we provide it for the production of the order free of charge. A mirror is not used to obtain bent shapes.

  • glass thickness 4-15 mm
  • maximum size 3000x1600 mm
  • minimum radius 250mm
  • assortment for the production of curved glass: transparent polished, matte colorless, lightened, dyed in the mass, K-glass (with a hard pyrolytic coating), patterned glass
  • production of bent triplex (laminated glass)
  • production of the required form (template)
  • complex glass processing: grinding, polishing glass edges, drilling holes, sticking safety film.
  • sandblasting (artistic matting)
  • photo printing on glass (direct printing or printing on film)
  • decorative protective films
  • Glass thickness, mm
  • Specified radius, mm
  • Acceptable values, mm
  • 4 – 10 From 800 to 1500 (more than 1500) 3.0 (2.0)
  • 12 - 19 From 800 to 1500 4.0

Bent glass is used in architecture and construction in the manufacture of building facades, partitions, doors, shower cabins, stair railings; double-glazed windows, glazing of balconies, loggias.

Bent glass is also used in the production of trade and exhibition equipment, showcases, glass furniture, aquariums and terrariums, decorative elements and artistic stained glass.


The price of curved glass depends on many parameters: thickness and grade of glass, bending radius, processing options (including decorative). Therefore, the final cost can be obtained based on terms of reference, which can be sent to