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» How to plant viburnum buldenezh in spring. How to plant viburnum seedlings with roots. Common viburnum Buldenezh

How to plant viburnum buldenezh in spring. How to plant viburnum seedlings with roots. Common viburnum Buldenezh

Editor Plants and trees 8914

Snezhnik, snow bush - viburnum boule de neige in Russia has had such names since the eighteenth century. It was at this time that passionate gardeners grew a wide variety of forms of this ornamental shrub. Viburnum could be seen in the gardens:

  • standard;
  • with double flowers;
  • variegated leaves.

What most attracted the eye were the bushes, whose flowers were collected in spherical, snow-white inflorescences.

Viburnum Boule de neide or snowball, is how the name of this magnificent shrub is translated from French.

Buldenezh, general description, varieties, where to plant

Viburnum boule de neige is an ornamental deciduous shrub, which is a sterile form of the common viburnum. All the flowers of this viburnum are sterile; they have neither pistils nor stamens. Enough large flowers collected in spherical inflorescences.

The shrub begins to bloom after the twentieth of May; at the beginning of flowering, the flowers are pale green, gradually opening and becoming white or pink. The flowering period lasts a whole month.

In some varieties of sterile viburnum, the snow-white inflorescences turn pink; this occurs in the forms Roseum and Pink Senation.

Important! The flowering branches of Bulldonezh are excellent for cutting. Bouquets of them remain fresh for a week. The plant is also suitable for forcing.

Buldenezh has five or three-lobed, pointed, green leaves; there are varieties with variegated foliage.

Many varieties of sterile viburnum reach a height of 2 m to 4 m; there are compact forms up to one and a half meters in size, but there are also dwarf plants, they are no higher than 60 cm. Viburnum boule de neige is grown:

  • in bush form;
  • in one trunk;
  • in the form of a standard tree.

To get healthy and beautiful bulldonezh bushes, you need to choose the right place to place this plant.

The optimal location is a sunny area, well protected from the wind. The plant can withstand partial shade, but at the same time loses part of its decorative effect.

Grows on any soil, but it is preferable to plant on loose, loamy and sandy loam soils. It is demanding on the amount of moisture, so in dry summers, viburnum boule de neige needs regular, abundant watering. A sufficient amount of moisture is especially important for young plants. During the rooting period of seedlings, in the first year following planting, the shrub needs regular watering.

Bulldonezh doesn't like much alkaline soils, it is optimal to plant shrubs on slightly acidic soils with a pH value from 5.5 to 6.5.

Reproduction, planting and care of viburnum boule de neige

Viburnum boule de neige in some cases can produce a small amount of berries that contain seeds, but this form of propagation is very difficult, since the seeds of Viburnum vulgaris have a long dormant period. And after many months of preparing seeds for sowing, seedlings do not appear immediately and grow very slowly in the first three years. Therefore it is advisable to use vegetative method breeding bulldonezh.

Important! Viburnum ordinary, sterile form, reproduces well by layering, dividing the bush, and summer green cuttings.

Green cuttings are best taken from three-year-old bushes. Cuttings approximately 10 cm long are cut from shoots cut between June and July. The upper cut is made straight, the lower cut obliquely.

Cuttings pre-soaked in a growth stimulator are placed in a box filled with peat and sand. At a temperature not lower than + 25 degrees, maintaining the humidity regime, almost all cuttings take root.

Viburnum boule do nezh, grown from cuttings, blooms in the second or third year.

Before planting viburnum seedlings on permanent place, you need to dig up the selected area while simultaneously adding up to ten kilograms of humus per square meter. meter and complex mineral fertilizer according to the instructions.

The size of the planting hole depends on the size of the root system of the bush, but should not be less than 40 cm in depth and width. A seedling installed in landing hole, straighten the roots, cover them with soil, lightly compact them and water with at least 15 - 20 liters of water. After watering, the tree trunk circle is mulched with compost.

In subsequent years, viburnum boules until tender in early spring needs to:

IN middle lane Young plants must be protected from frost. To do this, it is enough to cover the root zone in the fall with a layer of peat or garden soil.

If the bulldog needs formative pruning, then it can be done only after flowering has ended. Spring pruning can greatly weaken the bush, viburnum boule de neige will lose its decorative effect.

An important part of care is disease prevention and pest control. Basic preventive measure in the warning powdery mildew and spotting for buldenezh can be treated with a solution of copper or iron sulfate. This should be done in early spring, before the buds open. You can take one part of rotted manure, pour it with three parts of water and leave everything to infuse for three days. Then dilute the infusion with water in a ratio of 1 to 3. Viburnum treated with this solution receives additional resistance to disease.

Against the main pests of viburnum:

  • viburnum aphid,
  • viburnum leaf beetle,
  • sawyer,

Spraying with a solution of laundry soap, carried out before and after flowering, helps a lot.

IN landscape design buldenezh is indispensable when decorating reservoirs, in single and group plantings, in combination with deciduous and coniferous trees. The shrub grows well suburban areas, and in populated areas, so it can also be used in urban landscaping.

And this happens at the end of May, I remember snowy winter. Large inflorescences, spherical in shape and reminiscent of lumps of snow, cling to the branches so thickly that it is appropriate to compare the plant with a snow-covered one. They reach 20 cm in diameter. Opened flowers that have just begun to bloom have a greenish color, but change it to dazzling white and become like snow.

Due to the resemblance of the inflorescences to a snowball, a ball of snow, the plant received its Latin name Viburnum Boule de Neige. Viburnum buldenezh blooms profusely. If the plant is properly cared for, the “snow globes” set thickly and grow large.

The plant is sensitive to moisture and light. The bush grows well and looks great if planted in a sufficiently lit place where there is sun and shade during the day. Nutritious, moist soil is also important for it.

Viburnum roseum and buldenezh differences

Popular types of viburnum in landscape design are: common buldenezh roseum And decorative with several inflorescences bigger size , double flowers.

The inflorescences of roseum, like other types of viburnum, at the beginning of flowering have a greenish color, which changes to white as it blooms. But by the end of flowering, the flowers of viburnum roseum acquire a pinkish tint, in contrast to the snow-white inflorescences of decorative buldenezh.

Both viburnum flowers are used to collect white, spectacular bouquets, complement flower arrangements with buldenezh balls, and use shrubs in landscape design.

Viburnum buldenezh decorative and ordinary

Both varieties are close in appearance and growth.

Viburnum variety (Latin Roseum)

Bred in France by Lemoine. It is durable (lifespan up to 80 years). His maximum height(up to 5 m, although there are plants even more than 6 m) viburnum reaches in 5-10 years. The annual growth of the shrub is 0.3 m in height and 0.4 m in width. Globular inflorescences viburnum in diameter reach up to 10 cm. Their flowers are sterile due to the absence of a pistil, stamens and inflorescences that resemble snowball. At first, the greenish inflorescences then turn white and remain that way throughout flowering for 25-35 days, only turning pink when they fade.

The variety is frost-resistant and highly decorative. The light green foliage changes color to yellow, orange, red, and purple in the fall and stays on the branches until late fall.

Buldenezh decorative

Diameter of viburnum inflorescences buldenezh decorative larger – 12-15 cm, flowering lasts about 20 days. Compared to ordinary viburnum, it has larger double flowers, but loses in winter hardiness.

In garden design (photo)

In Europe, viburnum buldenezh has been used in landscape design for more than 4 centuries.

Historical reference. The European beauty came to Russia under Catherine II.

With the appearance of the snow beauty, rich aristocrats began to plant the plant in their gardens as a tapeworm, create buldenezh, and completely plant the garden area with a snow-white flowering plant. Kalina is still considered aristocratic culture, although anyone can plant shrubs.

Looks nice near the house single viburnum bush and group of plants. Beauty flowering bush emphasizes the neatly trimmed, its snow-white flowers are set off by the bright ones, broken around the plant. In summer cottages, viburnum bushes are used to create flowers that look spectacular throughout the year.

By shortening the young shoots, the plant is given a dome-shaped shape, the tops of the bushes are trimmed so that the hedge from the group of plants has an even horizontal top, and the bush is formed into a tree.

Advice. When choosing a place for a plant, you need to take into account the preferences of viburnum for soil, light, moisture and the chosen concept for buldenezh for many years.

Gardeners immediately determine the place of the plant in the landscape; often viburnum is planted alone, and the early flowers under the bush are changed every year - snowdrops, tulips, daffodils. They fade before the buldenezh begins to bloom and do not draw attention to themselves.

Over the years, the branches of the bush droop, and the plant begins to resemble weeping willow. If there is a pond on the site, perennial shrubs are planted near the water, like willow. In the shade of a single adult plant or group, buldenezh is installed.

In landscape design (photo)

Thanks to the delicate green color of the foliage, viburnum stands out among dark background coniferous plantings , and the plant separates the area with growing coniferous trees.

They use buldenezh in plant compositions, but the bush is a great soloist. Flowering plant looks bright during the day sun rays and they focus on it, leaving it in forested areas growing alone among other shrubs or planting it in a clearing. A hedge of trimmed viburnum bushes frames the buildings, and buldenezh is planted along alleys and pedestrian.

The flowering bush is beautifully reflected in the water surface and is planted at the water's edge in the park, near the fountain. In the shadow tall bushes When creating a recreation area, gazebos and benches are installed.

In the well-known Viburnum family, the Snow Globe, or Viburnum Buldenezh, is especially notable for its excellent decorative qualities. It looks gorgeous during flowering, when it is completely covered with large spherical inflorescences of dazzling whiteness. Without being distinguished by its capricious character, viburnum Buldenezh requires compliance with the basic rules of agricultural technology in planting and care.

Kalina Buldenezh: planting on the site

Snow globe - clean ornamental shrub, which is planted depending on the character planting material and time of work. Since this is a sterile plant, when planting, cuttings with a well-developed root system, layering from the mother bush, or an adult bush intended for division are used.

The time of placing the shrub on the site depends on the planting method. In the spring, bushes formed from last year's cuttings will be planted in the ground. And in the fall you can plant only those plants that are obtained as a result of dividing adult specimens.

For planting, choose an open place that is evenly illuminated by the sun throughout the day. The shrub will feel best near a pond or other source of water. If this is not the case, then you need to take care of regular watering of the plant in advance, since the lack of water will affect its decorative effect.

Snow globe does not make any special demands on the composition of the soil, but it grows well and produces especially large inflorescences on well-structured and fertile soils.

Before planting, a drainage layer is laid in a deep hole, up to half a meter, on top of which a nutrient mixture consisting of compost, garden soil and mineral fertilizers. They must include the required components - potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus. The future plant will respond well to the addition of wood ash.

When fertile layer it will settle and compact in the hole, make a depression in the middle, place the roots of the young seedling there and sprinkle them with earth, covering the neck by 4-5 cm. After slightly compacting the soil, water the plant abundantly and mulch the tree trunk circle.

Viburnum buldenezh: planting and caring for the plant after it

After planting, if everything was done correctly, the bush quickly takes root and begins to grow. Already in 2-3 years it will bloom profusely and give good growth. This is facilitated by regular care, which consists of the following activities: watering, fertilizing and bush formation.

Viburnum Buldenezh should be watered regularly and abundantly. Under no circumstances should the soil be allowed to dry out. This will affect the decorative appearance of the bush.

Young bushes need to be fed only 2-3 years after planting. First feeding nitrogen fertilizers Apply in early spring before buds open. The second is carried out in the fall and potassium and phosphorus are added. Dry ingredients are diluted with water and poured under the root or simply scattered over trunk circle and sprinkle with earth.

In autumn, before leaving for winter or in spring, lingering foliage and dry inflorescences are removed from the branches.

During the season, care is taken to ensure that pests do not appear on the bushes; the viburnum leaf beetle is considered the most dangerous, and they are not covered with powdery mildew. Timely treatment with special preparations can save you from both.

Kalina Buldenezh translated from French - Snow Globe. A lush, white inflorescence 7-15 centimeters in diameter will decorate any yard. The balls do not have a strong smell, but you can enjoy their appearance for up to 30 days.


Description of the variety

Buldenezh - perennial plant, which is popular throughout Russia. This shrub of the honeysuckle family is ornamental and does not produce berries, so it has a second name - sterile viburnum. The plant grows from 3.5 meters and above. It blooms from the end of May until the last days of June, and then delights with its large, carved leaves. In autumn the foliage turns purple.

Viburnum loves moist soil and partial shade, but the variety is drought-resistant.

Planting seedlings

When planting viburnum seedlings Buldenezh, you need to take into account that in the open sun the flowers will dry out faster, and in constant shade the plant will bloom later. Also, when growing, you need to pay attention to the soil, it must be quite fertile.

Disembarkation dates

It is better to plant viburnum in the spring; it is not recommended to do this in the fall - unexpected frosts and heavy rain will destroy the young plant. It needs to be planted in dry, warm weather.

Selection of a location on the site

The plant prefers to grow in moist, loose soil - in the lowlands, near water bodies. Viburnum has a spreading crown, so it needs to be grown where it will not interfere.

Technique for planting viburnum Buldenezh

Procedure for planting seedlings:

  1. Dig a hole large enough for the root system of the cutting.
  2. Add nutritious minerals and fertilizers to the pit.
  3. Add mixed sand, charcoal, peat.
  4. Fill the hole so that the ground is moist but there is no puddle.
  5. Trim the roots so they will grow faster.
  6. Plant the seedling and cover it with soil so that it stands stable.
  7. Tie and water.

Viburnum care

You need to care for viburnum Buldenezh by performing the following activities:

  • watering:
  • pruning;
  • fertilization;
  • treatment against diseases and pests.

Watering and mulching

The soil should not be allowed to dry out; it should always be moist. IN hot weather you need to take special care of moisture - water 1-2 times a week, 2-3 buckets.

After flowering, viburnum Buldenezh still needs watering; if it is limited, the plant will become dehydrated and will not survive the winter.

It is important to add mulch to the root soil. You should dig up the ground around the bush once a year, renewing the layers of mulch.

Pruning and pinching the bush

The rounded shape of the bush can be achieved by pruning the plant twice a year - in spring and summer. Inflorescences grow only on shoots of the second year of life. To enjoy flowers every summer, you need to take this feature into account when pruning branches. The first flowers are cut off, as they are initially small and frail. In subsequent years, you can prune the bush after flowering has ended, forming a crown. The shoots should be cut at the base, strengthening the trunk. For a multi-stemmed stem, you can leave no more than 4 shoots.

In the spring, weak and diseased branches are pruned and dry ones are removed. In autumn, the bushes are not touched; they need strength to survive the cold.

Pinching the plant regulates the desired height. Young shoots should be pinched so that 4-5 buds remain, this will make the bush lush.

Fertilizer application

In order to have lush snow globes, it is necessary to add the following fertilizers to the soil every spring:

  • urea;
  • superphosphate;
  • potassium sulfate;
  • peat;
  • compost.

Fertilizers must be applied according to the instructions; too much fertilization will have a bad effect on the flowering of viburnum.

Preparing for winter

In winter, plants are mulched to prevent the roots from freezing.

In autumn it is necessary to prepare the plant for wintering:

  • loosen the ground;
  • apply fertilizers (superphosphate, potassium nitrate).

Reproduction of viburnum Buldenezh

Buldenezh is a plant that does not pollinate; vegetative methods are used to propagate it.

Reproduction by layering

Reproduction by layering

Propagation by cuttings is done in the spring, before the viburnum actively begins to bloom. In this way, the plant can be restored by creating a new bush from the cutting.


  1. Dig a shallow, long hole in the area.
  2. Fertilize and add humus to form young plants.
  3. They choose to escape.
  4. Place it horizontally in the hole, securing the plant with wire.
  5. Cover with soil and water abundantly.

You can transplant a young shoot to a new place in 2-3 years, when it grows like the mother bush.

The clarity of the method is shown in the video from the Khabarovsk Gardeners Club.

Propagation by cuttings

Cuttings are best done in the summer. At this time of year, the plant will not experience severe stress, as in the spring at the beginning of flowering. And the cuttings themselves will be more viable than the autumn ones.

Prepare the cuttings as follows:

  1. Cut shoots 6-9 centimeters with 4 young buds.
  2. The lower leaves are removed from the branch.
  3. The top cut should be straight and pass under the bud.
  4. The lower one is oblique and passes over the kidney.

Plant the branch in a greenhouse with fertilized soil to a depth of 2-5 centimeters. The soil should be moistened regularly. By the end of summer it will form root system, which means the cutting is ready for transplanting into open ground.

Propagation by cuttings

Reproduction by dividing the bush

Dividing the bush

The division procedure is simple:

  1. Choose a young, strong shoot.
  2. Carefully separate from the main trunk.
  3. They dig it up.

Before planting, you need to keep the shoot in well-moistened and fertilized soil. Before planting, you need to spray it with anti-stress - epinon or zircon.

Pests and diseases of viburnum Buldenezh

Viburnum flowers and its leaves are susceptible to some diseases; the plant can become infected from ornamental bushes in the neighborhood or from vegetable crops, growing on the site:

  1. Powdery mildew. It affects leaves and shoots with a white coating. Helps against powdery mildew - Bordeaux mixture, foundation, ash tincture (3 kg per 10 liters).
  2. Rust. An orange coating appears on the leaves and bark, as if they were scorched. The disease is treated with drugs containing sulfur - polyram, strobe, Bordeaux mixture. Rust actively develops during the rainy season and during cold spells, it is necessary to take preventive measures in advance.

In order to prevent diseases, spring and autumn processing viburnum Buldenezh.

The most common viburnum pests are:

  • scale insect;
  • viburnum leaf beetle.

To ensure that spraying is not in vain, it should be done only in dry, windless weather. In the heat of the day, it is better not to process. In addition, to avoid plant burns, preventive maintenance should be carried out in the evening or early morning.

  • soap solution;
  • chlorophos;
  • karbofos;
  • Aktara;
  • agravertine.

It is necessary to use preparations for treating viburnum against diseases and pests in accordance with the instructions that come with them.

I was simply captivated by these lush flowers of Viburnum buldenezh when I saw them in botanical garden. I then firmly decided to grow such a beauty in my garden. summer cottage. I studied the rules of cultivation, prepared the most the best place in the garden. Now every year I look forward to the start of flowering of my viburnum bush.

Its flowers remind me of snowballs on a Christmas tree. And to this day the feeling of celebration never leaves me when I see the blooming viburnum buldenezh. The soul rejoices as if soon New Year and something wonderful is about to happen. These are the flowers!

Buldenezh (Boulede Neige) translates as snow globe. This variety of decorative viburnum received this name due to its wonderful flowers. They resemble large, snow-white snowballs with which the bush is strewn. The inflorescences, similar to balls, reach 20 centimeters in diameter.

The shrub came to Russia thanks to the efforts of Empress Catherine the Great and grew only in the imperial gardens, which is why it received the status of an aristocratic plant.

Buldenezh is also called Viburnum opulus, which means sterile. The flowers of this viburnum do not produce ovaries; they are sterile. The blossoming of snow-white balls, the weight of which bends thin branches, can be observed for just a couple of weeks at the very beginning of June.

Viburnum buldenezh is considered a capricious plant. However, observing the necessary conditions and rules for caring for it, even a novice gardener can grow a chic bush.

The buldenezh bush belongs to the Honeysuckle family and grows up to 3-4 meters in height. The branches are erect, branching at the top with many stems, forming a lush, spreading crown. If you do not prune, the viburnum grows up to one and a half meters in diameter.

Most often, the bush is cut in the shape of a hemisphere, thereby emphasizing the colorfulness of the spherical inflorescences. Buldenezh is also grown as a tree with a single trunk.

The bush is most attractive during flowering - the snow-white caps of inflorescences hang beautifully on thin branches. At this time, several semicircular petals bloom on each flower. But the stamens in the center of the bud are missing, which makes them infertile. In addition, the flowers are completely odorless.

The color of the buds gradually changes: at first slightly with a hint of green, then shades of pink or cream appear. And when fully opened, the inflorescence turns into a snow-white ball. Moreover, the bush is literally strewn with these white snowballs. Under their weight, the branches bend towards the ground itself, thereby making the bush absolutely charming.

In addition to beautiful ball flowers, viburnum has very decorative leaves. They are quite large, jagged along the edge. Coloring sheet plates bright green, with clearly defined veins on outside. With the onset of autumn, viburnum leaves acquire crimson shades, standing out among everyone with their catchy brightness.


In addition to the main variety, terry viburnum or Roseum has also been bred. It's different from decorative color buds, which by the end of flowering gradually turn from white to pale pink.

Terry viburnum grows as a lush bush, reaching three meters in height. Otherwise, it has the same characteristics as viburnum buldenezh.


Since the flowers lack stamens and pistils, the plant is completely sterile. Other methods are used for reproduction. This:

  • division using layering;
  • cuttings;
  • root division method.

Reproduction by layering

Sprinkling the cuttings with soil is a very simple way to propagate viburnum buldenezh. This procedure is best carried out at the very beginning of the growing season.

For this:

  • Make shallow rows in the soil (deepening the soil by 10 centimeters).
  • Young branches are pressed to the ground and placed in prepared rows.
  • Pin the cuttings to the soil using staples.
  • Sprinkle humus soil on top, compact it lightly and water thoroughly.
  • After the sprouts appear, hilling is carried out, not forgetting to keep the soil moist.
  • With the onset of autumn, rooted seedlings are separated from the mother bush and planted in a schoolhouse or in prepared pots.

They can be transplanted to a permanent place in two years.

Propagation by cuttings

It is best to propagate buldenezh from cuttings in summer time when pruning takes place. For this purpose, non-lignified branches with several pairs of buds are selected.

For this:

  • Select suitable branches, leaving one internode. Excess leaves are removed.
  • Prepared cuttings are kept in a stimulating solution for 8-10 hours.
  • Prepare a bed using turf soil with sand and humus in a 1:1:1 ratio.
  • The soil must be properly moistened, deepening the cuttings two centimeters.
  • After this, to root the cuttings, you need to build a greenhouse, covering them with a plastic bag or jar.
  • The soil in the mini-greenhouse must be constantly moist, and the seedlings must be periodically sprayed with warm, settled water.

New shoots will appear in late summer.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

To do this, carefully dig up the bush, and then separate a part of the root with a young daughter shoot. It is best to carry out this procedure at the end of autumn.


There are three conditions that must be met in order for the viburnum bush to quickly adapt to a new place and delight you with the luxury of abundant flowering:

  • define appropriate place for a bush;
  • pay attention to the soil when planting;
  • choose the right time.

When to plant

Depending on which method is chosen for propagating the bush, you need to choose the time of planting. This can be either early spring or late autumn.

In the spring it is best to start rooting the cuttings, and in the fall or spring they divide the bush. However, rainy and too cold weather can prevent normal rooting. Therefore, a safer time for propagating a bush by layering is the spring.

Selecting a location

For moisture-loving viburnum, it is best to choose a place in a lowland or on the shore of a reservoir. There is a lot of moisture in the soil, which will contribute to the normal growth and development of the shrub.

If the site is on a hill, then you need to find a shaded place, not forgetting to monitor the soil moisture around the bush.

But complete shade will affect the quality of flowering: the abundance will decrease, and the flowers will be crushed. Planting in full sun is also not recommended, as the delicate buds may get burned and the flowering period will be shorter.

It should also be taken into account that viburnum buldenezh lives for many years, so the bush must be given a spacious place in advance for a spreading crown.

How to plant

Having chosen a place for planting, you need to take care of preparing the soil for planting. Buldenezh prefers breathable, well-fertilized soils, with a drainage layer of at least 10 centimeters when planting.

Taking into account the future growth of the bush in width, an area of ​​at least 2x2 meters is allocated for each plant.

The root system of the bush is quite powerful, so the planting hole is made large and deep (60x60x80 cm).

During the first year, the growth of the bush is very weak, since the main forces are spent on rooting and development of the root system. But then the plant rapidly gains growth, reaching one and a half meters in three years.

When planting, seedlings are buried 4-5 centimeters to the root collar. After planting, abundant watering is carried out, and the soil on top should be mulched with sawdust or humus.

How to grow viburnum buldenezh, video:


The decorativeness and intensity of flowering of the bush depends on the thoroughness of its care. The plant needs regular watering and fertilization. The decorative effect of an adult bush depends on timely pruning. Disease prevention and pest control are also important


This shrub is moisture-loving and requires regular watering. Special attention This should be done during the summer heat, in the absence of rain. After all, from proper watering The quality and intensity of flowering directly depends.

For young plants, watering should be more frequent than for adults. Watering the bushes does not stop until late autumn to prevent the soil from drying out over the winter.

Top dressing

Feeding should begin a year after planting the bush in well-fertilized soil. Fertilizing is carried out twice a year - in spring and autumn

Spring feeding is carried out with nitrogen-containing complexes with the appearance of the first green leaves. You can also include organic matter, consisting of rotted compost and humus, adding one bucket at a time under the bush.

Second, autumn feeding carried out before the beginning of leaf fall.

During this period, potassium and phosphorus fertilizer complexes are applied. You can choose both liquid and dry forms. The soil should be loose, and after application the bush should be watered thoroughly.

Trimming and pinching

To preserve its decorative appearance, it is necessary to shape the crown of the bush every year by pruning. This is done after the end of flowering, cutting off the side branches and thinning the bush. And if it is necessary to form a plant in the shape of a tree, then cut off all the shoots, leaving the main one.

If the bush is trimmed to a stump, by 20 centimeters, this will stimulate the growth of lateral branches. In this way you can grow a multi-stemmed bush.

Pruning should not be postponed until the end of the growing season, as the plant begins to prepare for winter.

For better flowering By the end of summer, new shoots are pinched, since buds and buds grow only on old shoots.

Lush flowering bushes often collapse under their own weight, they should be tied up and supported