Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» How to install sliding interior doors with your own hands. How to install a sliding door with your own hands. Assembling carriages and installing limiters

How to install sliding interior doors with your own hands. How to install a sliding door with your own hands. Assembling carriages and installing limiters

There are dwellings on our planet whose inhabitants do not lock the door. We do not belong to this category. For us door lock- a reliable defender designed to protect the house from unwanted intrusions. There are different types of door locks, let's try to figure out how they differ and how they work.

Based on the type of installation, door locks are divided into three types:

  1. Invoices. The simplest option. It is easy to change the padlock yourself, because it is attached to the top of the door leaf. The kit also includes a metal jamb attachment, but the handle usually does not. Rim locks cannot be called reliable option.
  2. Mortise locks. They are placed inside the door leaf, both entrance and interior. Most modern castles can now be classified as this type.
  3. Built-in. Option for metal door. The lock acts as a direct part of the door leaf, that is, the door is sold with a closing mechanism.

Whatever the door lock, its structure includes the following parts:

  • pen;
  • halyard tongue;
  • retractable crossbars;
  • overlay panel;
  • a secret mechanism, which is also commonly called the larva.

We emphasize that the reliability of the lock will depend on the cylinder. The more combinations of the secret mechanism available, the more difficult it will be to pick the lock. Some modern models Locks cannot be opened with a master key at all; their level of secrecy implies opening exclusively with a native key.

So, the larva is the mechanism that blocks the structure in doorway, preventing unwanted guests from entering the premises. Based on the type of secret mechanism, it is customary to distinguish the following types of locks:

  • Cylinder locks. Familiar and fairly simple products. Secret part is located in the main part, which is shaped like a cylinder, which gives this type of lock its name. In this case, there are pins inside the cylinder; they block the mechanism when the lock is closed. The key must have notches that fit the pins and help move them out of place. Such castles are also often called English.
  • Disk. Experts consider such locks unreliable. Inside the lock there are disks that are moved with a special key, which looks like a rod cut in half with notches. The key moves the discs, they rotate, a tunnel is formed and the door opens. Such disc locks used to be often installed on iron entrance doors, but now this option is becoming a thing of the past.
  • Cross locks. As the name implies, the larva is cross-shaped, and the same key is attached to it. It is noteworthy that the degree of secrecy of cross locks is quite high - no less than 20 thousand combinations. However, such a device can be hacked even with an ordinary Phillips screwdriver, and the secret mechanism itself is attached to the lock body with only two screws and is not protected by an armored pad.
  • Deadbolt locks. From German the word “crossbar” is translated as “bolt or bolt.” This is the operating principle of this type of device - the key pushes or pushes a special metal bolt inside the lock, that is, the deadbolt. WITH reverse side deadbolt locks are equipped with a latch.

  • Level locks. Experts call them the most reliable option. Inside the lock mechanism there are plates - levers. The special key is shaped like a soldier or a butterfly. When you turn the key, the levers are raised to the level specified by the coding. The security of the lock can exceed 5 million combinations. The downside is that the hole for the key is quite large, but the security lever and false grooves can make the burglar’s ​​work difficult.
  • Code locks. In this case, instead of a key, a secret set of numbers is used, the entry of which opens the device.

All types of locks listed by us are of the mechanical type. However, door locks can also be electromechanical. In this case, the bolt will operate from electric motor. Such locks are not widely used in everyday life; they are more often used in massive bank safes, where it is too difficult to close the bolt manually.

In electromagnetic locks, a magnet acts as a locking mechanism. To the most modern options refers to an electronic lock, which has the following features:

  • there is a built-in controller;
  • you can use internal or street version;
  • opens with a key fob or contactless card;
  • protected from vandals.

In addition, electronic locks can simply be connected to an alarm system or complex “ smart House" It is impossible to open an electronic lock using conventional methods, keyhole No. You will have to use methods such as signal interception or code selection. Well, or break down the entire front door, saw through the metal rods locking the entrance, that is, use harsh force methods.

The main disadvantage of an electronic lock is that it is strictly tied to the power supply. Simply - there is no light - the door does not lock. You have to either provide a backup power source or additionally install a mechanical lock in case of a power outage.

As you can see, the choice of modern locks is very large, and the price, of course, will depend on the degree of reliability, the metal used, and the manufacturer. Let us clarify that our article concerned locks for entrance doors, interior doors have their own characteristics; far fewer requirements are put forward for them in terms of reliability.

Door lock - of course an integral part of Houses. This installation must be of high quality, durable, and reliable. All locks are conventionally divided into three groups - mortise, overhead, padded. Mortise lock for a doorway is chosen very often.

According to the type of mechanism, door locks can be lever, disk, cylinder, or biometric. The lever design includes components, including a secret part. It is presented in a set of several plates, and together it is a reliable protection mechanism. Such a secret mechanism ensures the coordinated operation of the plates with figured cutouts; when opened, they are aligned with protrusions where the key bit is.

The lever-type structure, although it is simple, nevertheless, the principle of operation ensures a high degree of reliability. True, this design still has a drawback. Namely, it is designed in such a way that it has big size wells, that is, a potential thief has the opportunity to check his master keys.

But there is no need to worry if you decide to choose a lever lock. Today they produce not only simple models, but also mechanisms equipped with a special protective system. Therefore, burglars are unlikely to be able to get into the required grooves. And the mechanism, when burglars try to open it, is blocked with a master key.

Cylinder and disc locks

Cylinder locks are called so because the design includes a cylinder. And the rotation of this cylinder, which means the opening is carried out by turning the base of the key. Such locks are often used in everyday life, some call them Soviet, which in in this case means not modern, with a low degree of reliability.

A disc lock cannot be called modern; turning the key sets the discs in motion, that’s the whole scheme. But if it is a disk type with a handle, then its anti-burglary protection is not the worst.

Thus, disc and cylinder locks:

  • They are not modern models;
  • Their elements are reliable, but not so reliable that experienced burglars could not cope with the mechanism;
  • A thief can simply pull out the lock cylinder to open the locking device;
  • Therefore, you should not spend money on expensive models with a cylinder or disk mechanism, they are not worth it.

If you need an inexpensive lock, and you are going to place it where there is a low probability of burglary, you can purchase something from cheap Chinese products. The elements are simple, easy to open/close, and easy to assemble. Looking at the cross-sectional model of such locks, you can be convinced that this is not the most reliable built-in mechanism.

Interior mortise lock: device and design

The circuit of such a lock is combined with a handle. That is, it is equipped not only with a latch, but also with an exit to the handle. It also sets the halyard tongue in motion, this happens due to its connection with the rotary pin. Mechanisms, depending on the type of handle, can be rotary round, push-type or noba type.

The locking structure of interior doors consists of:

  • Shutter;
  • Moving plate;
  • Lever;
  • Springs;
  • Latches;
  • Cases.

Interior door locks (or as this structure is otherwise called - internal lock) cannot be called a full-fledged locking structure. Still, this is not the same as a lock for the front door. Interior lock consists of a handle decorative overlays, bolt and locking mechanism. The details are that the larva of such a lock does not have an internal structure. That is, it is not difficult to unlock the mechanism, and it is not so difficult to assemble/disassemble it.

Metal entrance door lock

For input iron door(or wooden) structures of the overhead type, built-in and mortise are used. Most modern locks are mortise designs. It is inserted inside the door leaf and can be connected to the handle.

You can’t leave your front door without reliable locking hardware. The main part of the mortise model cuts into the door leaf. It turns out that only the key hole goes outside. The response part of such a bell has the form of a plate; it cuts into the box opposite. This is how the mortise system is installed on any entrance door.

Classification: types of keys for locks

The most common are English keys. But their reliability is low. An English lock has a flat key, with ridged grooves on one edge and a longitudinal dimple. In this case, the riflings rest against small pins in the lock, and then recess them to a certain depth.

Cross keys cannot be called reliable either. Only there are more secrets on the blank of such a key. In English castles there are only pins in the cylinder at the bottom. But in the cross castle they are on four sides. Such keys have four sides; if you look at the drawing, they resemble a screwdriver. Therefore, it is not difficult for a burglar to make a master key and open such a lock.

What are Finnish keys:

  • This is half a round rod, which is cut across, with shallow machined grooves;
  • This type of key lock is also not difficult to open;
  • On a strong iron rod you can repeat the shape of a key without secrets, and even a novice burglar can make such a master key with his own hands.

The most reliable keys are lever and perforated. Small pits, notches, and holes are applied to perforated keys. There are even keys with magnetic inserts and a floating pin. It is difficult to break into such a system, especially if the lock cylinder is protected by a special bracket, and the set includes perforated keys with the owner’s secret card.

Detailed picture: English door lock

This is the most reliable cylinder lock. On the other hand, it is believed that it is not exposed to special risks, that is, it is used in everyday life. But the design is simple, it is easy to repair.

What are the advantages of an English castle:

  • If the keys are lost or the core is broken, installing a new core is a snap;
  • The lock is compact, as are the keys to it;
  • You can insert another core into one mechanism.

The disadvantages include the same modest protection indicators. Therefore, more often such a lock is used with additional security systems, of course, not push-button-level designs, but some kind of duplicate, more reliable lock. And sometimes it makes sense to install security bolts on the front door.

Locking mechanism for a plastic door

The locking mechanism can be single-locking or multi-locking. A single-point lock has only one locking point, meaning it will not provide reliable protection and a tight fit of the door. The multi-point design is a locking mechanism for two- or even three-point door locking.

Locks for plastic doors Can be partially plastic or entirely metal. Last option more common because it has high strength. Otherwise, the choice is made according to the same criteria: type of lock, mechanism, etc. It can be an auto-lock, or a lock that can only be closed with keys.

Many experts assure that it is not a matter of whether the castle is English, Finnish or French. Most reliable way protection consists of a combined locking system. When combined different types locks, then theoretically it will be very difficult for a burglar to quickly deal with them. For example, a cylinder lock and a lever lock are installed. One set of master keys won't get you off here.

And it’s even easier to put a regular old latch inside. The latch is always easy to close. Yes and it will be additional protection when the owner is at home.

Well there is simple rules security: if there are three doors on the site, and yours looks the most expensive, this will not stop a burglar. He is not as scared of not being able to cope with the construction as he is of not trying his luck to get into this particular, apparently rich apartment. And, of course, there is no need to show the keys in public; modern burglars can make a master key simply from a photo taken on a phone. Be careful and prudent.

Types of mortise locks with handles for entrance doors (video)

A modern lock is equipped not only with a spring, a latch and other well-known elements, it can also be a device with the owner’s secret card, etc. Because the choice is great, it’s a matter of opportunities and priorities.

Good luck with your choice and strong locks!

In almost every apartment or house interior doors have locks various designs. At first glance, it seems, why do you need such a lock, and even on the doors separating your own rooms? But as they say, there are all sorts of cases, and as marketing statistics show, everything more people order the installation of interior doors with locks.

Locking devices may come complete with various additional elements, such as handles, unlocking devices, remote controls remote control, all this creates additional convenience in working with the lock. It should be noted that such a locking device is constantly in use and will have to be periodically cleaned and lubricated to avoid its failure, and for this you need to know the structure of the interior door lock, which will be the subject of our conversation today.

What locks are used on interior doors?

For some reason, most ordinary people believe that nothing other than simple mechanical locks are installed on interior doors. But really, why install a reliable lock on such a door, because no one will break it? different ways, its task, like a simple latch, is to indicate that the door is closed and you should not try to enter the room.

In fact, the most locks are installed on interior doors. different types and the point here is not in burglary resistance, but in features and ease of use. Of course, you can’t install bulky rim locks on an elegant interior door, but compact mortise versions of locking devices have not yet been canceled. So, what types of locks are suitable for installation on interior doors?

  • Mechanical locks are the undisputed leader. They are most often installed on interior doors because they are the cheapest and their service life is quite long. If the owner does not impose any special requirements for management door leaf, then a mechanical locking device is the most reasonable choice.
  • Electromechanical locks in Lately are increasingly used on interior doors. Their advantages are ease of control, including the possibility of remote opening and closing. Oddly enough, they last longer than mechanical locks, although the price of such locking devices is not at all low.
  • Electromagnetic locks on interior doors have recently been often installed in communal apartments. Consumers find it convenient to use such a lock to restrict access to premises common use, for example, to the kitchen. At the same time, the electromagnetic locking device for interior doors looks compact and aesthetically pleasing, and can be used for a long time even in conditions of significant traffic.

In addition to the indicated types of locking devices, locks are installed on interior doors. permanent magnets. These, it must be said, are quite exotic and rarely seen devices. Experts do not recommend using them because of an unpleasant drawback, which is expressed in residual magnetization, due to which the mechanism operates unstable.

Very often the opening mechanism or handles of such locks break when the magnet is unlocked from the mating part. Due to the complexity of the design, high cost and short service life, we also do not recommend that you install such a lock and we will not talk about it further.

Mechanical locks on interior doors and their design

As we have already noted, mechanical locks on interior doors are very common. It is precisely because of their popularity among consumers that quite a large number of companies produce and sell such devices. Moreover, each of the commercially available mechanical locks has its own design features. In this paragraph, we will look at the design of a popular mechanical mortise lock with an “L” shaped handle, which may already be installed in your interior door. This lock consists of the following elements:

  1. face plate;
  2. latch and its springs;
  3. handle springs;
  4. tetrahedral hole for the handle;
  5. latch lever and lever arm;
  6. locking device with a spring;
  7. crossbar;
  8. locking device housing;
  9. secrecy mechanism;
  10. mounting holes and mounting screws.

Components of electromechanical locks used in interior doors

Mortise electromechanical locks for interior doors require, in addition to quality installation also eyeliner electrical communications. Such a locking device consists of the following elements:

The device of electromagnetic locks

The electromagnetic lock installed on interior doors is designed quite simply. Its most complex part is represented by a control element, the diagram of which will not be considered within the framework of this text, since this is the subject of a separate article. Components electromagnetic lock are:

  1. Control block;
  2. reed switches made of transformer steel;
  3. dielectric housing;
  4. winding;
  5. steel plate acting as a counter part;
  6. pen;
  7. power connector.

Operation and maintenance of interior door locks

In conclusion, I would like to focus on the following thought. No matter how expensive and perfect your lock “standing guard” on the interior door may be, you should not forget about caring for it.

After all, there is nothing more detrimental to a locking device than room dust, lack of sufficient lubricant and loose fasteners. As practice shows, you need to spend about 20-30 minutes to remove the lock body, clean and lubricate the mechanism, tighten loose fasteners and put the device back together. Carry out this procedure once a year, thereby you will avoid troubles with serious damage and replacement of the interior lock.