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» How to arrange a dressing room in a closet. DIY dressing room: photos, drawings and diagrams of interesting solutions. Ideas for a dressing room are presented in this video

How to arrange a dressing room in a closet. DIY dressing room: photos, drawings and diagrams of interesting solutions. Ideas for a dressing room are presented in this video

At first glance, it may seem that a dressing room is an unaffordable luxury by the standards of standard Russian apartments. In fact, losing precious meters by separating a relatively large part of the living space for “household needs” is quite a bold decision. However, this “product” of Western civilization appears everywhere more Russian apartments (increasingly penetrating into Russian homes) - and no wonder. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, a separate dressing room, even a small one, not only does not take away, but, on the contrary, saves space, allowing you to free up more space for living in the remaining rooms.

However, simply allocating space to store clothes is not enough. In this article we will talk about how to properly plan a dressing room, what nuances and details to take into account in order not only to use the space rationally, but also to use it as comfortably as possible.

Part one. Planning

Like all great things, organizing a walk-in closet must begin with planning and analysis.

Step 1. One person or several? We decide on the users of the dressing room - one person, spouses, the whole family or children. Ideally, each family member should have their own separate room (even if small), but, unfortunately, in most Russian apartments this is unrealistic. If the dressing room is used by 2-3 people, each should have their own “zone of influence”.

Step 2. We determine what exactly will be stored in the dressing room, what kind of things.
In the dressing room you can store both basic things, shoes, and blankets, pillows, suitcases, large bags, sports equipment, as well as jewelry. It all depends on the size of the room or the amount of space allocated for the dressing room.

Step 3. We sort things for storage: we divide them into those that are stored hanging and those that require shelves for storage. As a result we get A) how many hangers do you need? b) how many shelves do you need?

Important! Leave some stock! After all, the wardrobe is replenished, and with throwing away, taking into account the traditional Russian “thrift” and ingenuity in using unnecessary things, sometimes big problems arise :))

Step 4. We measure the most Long Dresses to understand which compartments to plan for long items. Again, a nuance - if your wardrobe has one super long Evening Dress, you should not adjust the height of the bar only to it. Such an outfit can easily be stored thrown over the bar of a hanger (in a dress case, of course).

Step 5. Having the dimensions available (both of the room and what needs to be placed there) and knowing exactly the number of shelves, you can begin to draw a sketch of the dressing room. Alternatively, you can simply draw on paper what needs to be placed, on a scale of, say, 1:10, cut it out, and visually move it back and forth, thinking through the optimal combination.

Ease of use must also be taken into account. The tables below show how much space a person occupies in what positions and what height he can reach.

When planning a dressing room, also take into account the zoning rules (posted at the end of the article).

“At the end” you will have a clear, well-thought-out diagram, on the basis of which you can order cabinets and shelving, and it will also become clear what hangers and additional accessories are needed.


Cabinet width

As for the width of the compartments for things stored on hangers: according to experts, the normal distance between hangers can be considered 5 centimeters, dense placement - 2 cm. When planning, please keep in mind that optimality is optimality, and no one has yet canceled ventilation. Even if you eat, you can be proud that you haven’t “wasted” a single centimeter; the price for such rationality will be an unpleasant musty smell in the dressing room (do you still remember the smells in grandma’s closets and chests?). In addition, clothes that are poorly ventilated are less durable.

The width of hangers is 34-51 centimeters. They are selected based on the size of your clothes. Considering the wide selection of this accessory (at least even in our online store), this is quite easy to provide (we have already told you)

The depth of the cabinet is from 50 to 60 centimeters. The European standard is 56 centimeters.

There are two types of items stored on hangers: long And short. For the former, a compartment of 1.5 meters is provided, for the latter – about 1 meter.

Trouser compartment – ​​120-130 cm

Some tips:

✔ The distance between the clothes rail and the top shelf should be at least 4-5 centimeters to make it convenient to remove clothes.

✔ It is better to store short items on two rods, one above the other, the optimal distance between them is 80-100 cm (the height of one short rod is approximately 100 cm)

✔ Shelves. The height of the shelves is 35-40 cm. According to furniture experts, it should be at least 32 cm.

✔ “Time-tested” shelf depth - 40 cm+

✔ If you make shelves 50-60 cm wide, 2 stacks of things will fit neatly and neatly on them. In our opinion, this is very convenient size. Long shelves (80 cm) must be “supported” from below with something so that they do not sag under the weight of the contents (provide a partition at the bottom).

✔ Storage boxes. Optimal width storage drawers - 40-70 cm, height - about 40. These dimensions provide optimal load on the retractable mechanism.

✔ Drawers and baskets should be placed at a distance no higher than 110 cm, otherwise it will be inconvenient to use them. As a last resort - no higher than 140 cm (take into account height! The average height of a Russian is 160-180 cm.)

As for the length of stored clothing, it is individual in each specific case. Before planning a dressing room, of course, it is better to measure the jackets, skirts, trousers, blouses available...

Table of approximate clothing sizes by height


1. Bars and pantographs

The fundamental, so to speak, element of the dressing room. As mentioned above, planning for this useful space always starts with choosing a place for long things, and for these purposes a high bar (165+) is used. For shirts, jackets, and blouses, shorter rods are needed, about 100 cm, and there are usually several of them.

- This is a bar with a special mechanism that allows it to be lowered to a convenient height. The pantograph is very convenient if you decide to use the entire wall for storing short items.

2. Pull-out trouser hangers

They should be approximately 60 cm high

3. Drawers

Used for storing underwear and bed linen, accessories and jewelry.
By stocking them and organizing the small things inside, you can avoid chaos and buy some of the time usually spent searching and cleaning. In addition, contemplating neat rows of laundry every morning will give you a sense of order for the whole day.

4. Shelves

They can be either stationary or retractable.

5. Boxes and baskets

In such an irreplaceable thing as, you can store anything you want. Magazines, albums, photographs, various small items, art and sewing supplies... Previously, the entire range of such packaging was limited to used shoe boxes made of bad cardboard. Now the boxes are produced in the most different sizes, colors and excellent quality; thanks to correct form you can fill any space with them so that not a single centimeter is lost.

Baskets, especially retractable cellular ones, are very convenient for storing bed linen and small items.

6. Shoe storage devices

Shoes, as you know, come with and without heels, open and closed, soft and molded, summer and winter (shoes and boots), as well as less common “special cases” in the form ski boots etc. And if there are no questions with the placement of rarely used or seasonal shoes (they will go to the mezzanine, soft ones - in, the rest - in boxes), then with everything else there are options.

To place shoes that you decide to store without boxes in the dressing room, you can do the following:

  • open shelves, both regular and inclined (suitable for shoes with flat soles),
  • special stands(keep high-heeled shoes),
  • special hooks for storing boots in a suspended state (to avoid creases in the top).

Before design begins, each pair is measured. The approximate dimensions of a pair of boots are 25cm wide and 30-40cm long, but everything, of course, is individual and depends on the size of the shoe.

7. Hangers for ties, scarves, belts and umbrellas

They can be retractable, circular (installed in a corner), or hanging (in this case, accessories are stored on a bar, like regular clothes; they come in a variety of shapes, sometimes quite interesting). Belts, scarves and umbrellas can also be placed on regular wall hooks.

8. Compartments for ironing board and dryer

9. Mirrors

If the dressing room is spacious and allows you to dress there, then a mirror in which you can see yourself in full length is a must. It’s good to have an additional, small one, so that you can evaluate your rear view.

This leads to an important sub-point: LIGHTING. Good lighting where you dress is just as necessary as large mirror. If the lighting is only artificial, install several spotlights.

10. If possible, the dressing room is well equipped ottoman, a cabinet or at least a console.

Part four. Zoning

When planning a dressing room there are rules. Some are recommended by experts, while others (such as, for example, the width of the aisle between cabinets) are dictated by reality and it is simply impossible not to comply with them.

Zoning rules

1. First we distribute long clothes. And then everything else. It is much easier to vary the combinations of small components than large ones.

2. The principle of distributing things: “as we carry, so we store”, i.e. We place shoes at the bottom and hats at the top.

3. What you wear should be visible: on rods or in the most accessible drawers (+/- 40 cm)

4. In the upper part (40-50 cm to the ceiling) mezzanines are usually arranged (where suitcases, seasonal items, blankets, etc. “will go to live”)

5. For pull-out elements (shelves, drawers, baskets) it is necessary to provide additional space (so that they have somewhere to pull out). As a rule, it is about 50 cm.

6. To make it convenient to move between cabinets and racks, the minimum recommended passage width is 60 centimeters. When planning, this “aspect” must be taken into account.

7. If the dressing room will be used by more than one person, then for each it is necessary to foresee and plan in advance their own “zone of influence” where they can place their things.

The text provides examples of storage system planning diagrams so that you can draw up general idea about the sizes of the various sections. Each case is individual and you may end up with something completely different from the samples, but exactly suitable for you - and therefore the ideal dressing room.

Materials used in the article:

"Useful tips" from the furniture brand Komandor

"Wardrobe room: content, location, organization of space", website "Your Designer"

For storing things, an ordinary closet in the bedroom or living room is not enough. If the area and layout of the home allows, it is most rational to equip a dressing room.

One of the most popular American TV series suggests that a small wardrobe is a good reason for divorce.

For owners of apartments located in multi-storey buildings built in Soviet time, dedicating a special room for storing clothes seems like a huge luxury.

A few years ago, people were pleased with a separate corner, fenced off with a screen in a small apartment, because in small-sized dwellings space is of particular value. But over time, the situation with limited housing square footage has improved somewhat - often due to useful ideas that came to us from the West.

One of the European traditions favorably received by our compatriots was the arrangement of space for placing and equipping a full-fledged wardrobe.

Dressing room: photo in the apartment

A dressing room is a space designed for hanging clothes and storing other wardrobe items.

Arranging a dressing room in an apartment or in a private house provides the following advantages:

  • allows you to ensure orderly storage of things;
  • masks defects on the surface of walls (lumps, cracks);
  • hides things from prying eyes.
DIY dressing room, photo

On a note! To arrange a dressing room, it is not necessary to allocate a separate room - you can use free space, for example, the space under the stairs. Such a dressing room will save space.

Not only the fair sex, but also men dream of having their own dressing room. But women, of course, feel the greatest need for a separate space to place wardrobe items, because for women the wardrobe is of particular importance.

How to arrange a dressing room, photo

Types of dressing rooms

Dressing rooms are divided into two types: they can be open or closed. The first type takes up less space.
Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Wardrobe system open type implies that the space intended for placing wardrobe items is not separated by partitions or doors, but is part of the interior.

Bedroom design with dressing room, photo

Advantages of a dressing room that continues the interior:

  • all things are in sight and within reach;
  • convenient to create in small-sized dwellings;
  • The area of ​​the room is not visually reduced.
  • things are open to the eyes of strangers - the most significant drawback;
  • Clothes should always be hung in an orderly manner so that the appearance of the room looks aesthetically pleasing.

How to make a dressing room in a small room, photo

Dressing rooms closed type placed in separate rooms or in a niche fenced off with a screen; Sliding compartment doors are also used for this purpose. Last option gained particular popularity.

Bedroom with dressing room, photo

Pros of a closed wardrobe:

  • the main space of the home is not cluttered with things;
  • in the absence of the ability to restore order, guests will not notice this due to the presence of doors;
  • if the size of the wardrobe allows, you can prepare space to place the clothes of each member of the household - this is very convenient.

Dressing room 4 sq. m: design, photo

Closed-type wardrobes provide the opportunity for the most ergonomic arrangement of space. In such dressing rooms you can do fittings, put things in order and not disturb family members (this is of particular importance if you have small children - you won’t have to disturb them while sleeping).

On a note! A closed wardrobe can be used not only to place things, but also as a fitting room; To do this, you just need to hang a mirror or put a dressing table.

Let's list the main disadvantages of a closed wardrobe:

  • the need for sufficient space to arrange it (installing a closed dressing room in a narrow closet will be problematic);
  • need for lighting;
  • visual and functional reduction of living space.

The photo shows an example of a dressing room in a room of 18 square meters. m:

Dressing room in a room of 18 sq. m, photo

Layout features

Despite the fact that the dressing room is a personal space, the options for organizing it can be different - the choice is yours. How to properly plan a dressing room?

Wardrobe rooms can have a corner layout, linear, shaped like the letter P, or parallel. Let's consider each option separately.

Dressing room with corner layout is suitable for any room and is usually shaped open. In order to conveniently equip and complete such a system, it is convenient to use racks, individual modules, as well as wall shelves.

For this purpose, “cellular” baskets presented in Ikea catalogs are also used: you can store T-shirts and other clothes in them.

Samples of small-sized wardrobe rooms, photos

A dressing room with a corner configuration is especially convenient if it is intended for several people. This layout allows you to divide the space into two parts, while the dressing room remains compact. Even if two people dress at the same time, they will not interfere with each other.

Linear layout- This is the simplest option for arranging a wardrobe. A dressing room with a linear configuration can be either open or closed. In the second case, the system will look like a large wardrobe occupying the entire wall. To organize a linear dressing room, you only need a free wall.

If you need to save space, the following organization method is suggested: linear system for placing things: the bottom of the wall is allocated for the location of chests of drawers with pull-out drawers and open shelves for placing shoes, the top can be equipped for hangers.

U-shaped configuration suitable for forming open system for placing things in a niche or a closed wardrobe in a separate room.

U-shaped dressing rooms

In the U-shaped system, you can use various objects for more convenient storage wardrobe items, for example, neckties.

Important! In a U-shaped system, regardless of its location, it is necessary to place additional lighting sources, otherwise it will be too dark. Finding things in the dark is difficult.

How to make a dressing room in a room, photo

To create a parallel layout, place two systems on opposite sides. For example, you can duplicate the linear system - this way you will create a place to place the clothes of two household members. As an option: one system is for adults, the second is for children.

Attention! To create the most comfortable conditions, cabinets with swinging doors should be located at a distance equal to the width of the door with a margin of a few centimeters, otherwise the operation of the dressing room will be inconvenient.

Having divided the spacious room in the middle with a dressing room, the entrance to which is located from different sides, you will receive three small rooms with a cozy atmosphere, and one of them will be intended for storing things.

Dressing room design small size, photo

Area, dimensions and preferred layout

For a wardrobe of 2 square meters. meters, linear and angular layouts are suitable.

For a complex of 3 sq. m - corner type and U-shaped.

For a system with an area of ​​4 sq. m - shaped like the letter P and parallel.

The minimum width of the dressing room is 1-1.2 m.

In private households when preparing the initial design project You can provide space specifically for a dressing room. It is advisable that it be located at a minimum distance from the bedroom.

Dressing room in the house, photo

If there are many people living in the house, then it should be positioned so that it is convenient for each member of the household, and no one embarrasses each other.

If the design project of a private house does not provide for a separate room, a place for clothes can be equipped under a flight of stairs, in the hallway (if it is spacious enough) and even in the attic.

Wardrobe room in the attic

Dressing rooms in specially equipped rooms in apartments are even less common than in households located in the private sector.

The photo below shows an example of creating a dressing room with your own hands from the pantry:

DIY dressing room from the pantry, photo

Thus, if the apartment area is small and the need for a dressing room is great, it can be made from a closet, in a corner separated by a screen, or placed in a niche.

To separate the wardrobe from the living space, screens, curtains or compartment doors are used.

How to correctly design with examples and ideas for the most current interiors bedrooms, new design trends - from fashionable colors to selection stylish accessories and textiles.

What painting to hang in the bedroom above the bed? Read the answer in . Details about choosing subject images depending on the style of room decoration

Dressing room decoration

The main requirement for arranging a wardrobe is functionality. Typically, the main blocks of wardrobe structures are made of wood. Cheaper systems include cabinets designed from chipboard or MDF.

Dressing a dressing room

Hinged doors are made of tempered glass. Glass doors allow you to see the things in the drawers.

It is preferable to choose plastic pull-out baskets: products made from this material are lightweight, do not require special care and look aesthetically pleasing.

Furniture for a dressing room, photo

It is advisable to purchase brackets for hangers from metal: they benefit in terms of reliability and do not lose their presentability for a long time.
If the dressing room is small, according to the rules for decorating small rooms, it is better to furnish it with pieces of furniture in light colors.

Dressing room: layout, photo


Wardrobes without windows require electric lighting: the lack of natural light makes them dark.

In the dressing room, you can hang a chandelier on the ceiling, but it is preferable to use local light sources above each wardrobe block.

Dressing room design, photo

An original solution is to design a large lighting panel behind the hangers to create interior lighting.

Recommendation! When creating lighting in a room intended for storing clothes, use LED lamps. LED light sources are safer; they will protect your home from fire due to ignition of clothing located in close proximity to the lighting fixtures.

Dressing room interior, photo

Style selection

If your home has an open wardrobe system that continues the interior of one of the rooms, then the choice of style for its decoration and design is obvious - it should be decorated in the same style as the room.

When separating the dressing room from the living spaces with doors or a screen, you can use your imagination in its design. Separate dressing rooms offer wide possibilities for decoration.

Ideas for a dressing room, photo

One of the advantages of a separate dressing room is that, unlike living quarters, it does not need to be shown to anyone. This means that the room can be decorated based on practical considerations, focusing on functionality rather than fashion trends and extravagance.

For this reason, designers advise deforming the rooms reserved for storing clothes in minimalist or classic styles, also suitable style direction loft.

But if you like a different style, feel free to implement it in the decor of your dressing room.

Small dressing room, photo


To conveniently place things in the dressing room, you should think about its contents. Hangers are used to store shirts, dresses, sundresses and jackets. To design them, horizontal rods are required, on which clothes will be hung.

As for trousers, they are also placed on hangers or on trouser racks.

It is convenient to place underwear and socks in retractable drawers.

Filling the dressing room, photo

Shoes and accessories are placed on the lower shelves.

Winter wardrobe items are placed in the upper compartment of the wardrobe system, on shelves with swinging doors or in special baskets.

Pull-out drawers with stands are also used to store accessories. It is more convenient to place accessories in one line.

Options for dressing rooms, photos


How to properly arrange a dressing room? A dressing room, regardless of its type, must have a massive mirror. The presence of a mirror will speed up the selection of an outfit and accessories, eliminating the need for fittings in other rooms.

To ensure comfortable conditions, designers advise placing a couple of poufs or a small bench in the dressing room.

The wardrobe must have a small table or chest of drawers so that there is somewhere to put things.

Corner dressing room, photo

If desired, the wardrobe system can be planned and optimally designed with your own hands; there is nothing complicated about it. There are wardrobes in all houses. To create a dressing room, combine them in one area, using a partition to divide the space, and you will have a small but cozy room for storing clothes.

All the elements and equipment necessary for arranging a dressing room can be purchased in online stores or furniture supermarkets.

Popular and new modern - all the secrets and subtleties of decorating small rooms, techniques visual expansion space.

You can see photos of beautiful bedrooms in a classic style.

DIY dressing room (video)

Thanks to modern materials and with their abundance, you can always decorate your dressing room with your own hands. Each house has wardrobes for storing clothes. Combine them in one place, separate them with a partition - and enjoy a full-fledged dressing room!

Photo gallery

A lot of photos with ideas, beautiful samples and new products for creating impeccable dressing rooms in an apartment or in a private house, including photos of samples of small-sized dressing rooms, in the photo gallery:

The presence of a dressing room in the house helps to free the living space from bulky furniture, optimizes life and allows you to quickly find the right thing. You can equip such a room by contacting professionals by ordering ready-made system storage according to individual sizes. A less expensive and at the same time interesting solution is a do-it-yourself dressing room: drawings, diagrams and photos with useful tips on arrangement will help make the process easy and fast.

For those who intend to assemble a wardrobe system with their own hands, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the size of the room itself, but also to the possibility of compact and efficient internal filling. To achieve maximum accuracy It is recommended to first develop drawings and diagrams of the future storage system. Ready-made design projects do-it-yourself dressing rooms, photos and diagrams will become a clear example when creating your own version.

The uniqueness of the corner layout lies in the fact that for a dressing room you can use places that are usually not used in any way and are difficult to access. For example, this could be a corner where doors or windows are located in the walls that form it at a short distance from the center of the corner. Such space is usually empty, so dedicating this area to a corner dressing room is the most successful and practical option.

Depending on the area allocated for the dressing room, the corner space can be separated from the main room in several ways. If there is enough space, a plasterboard partition is installed, and in the case of minimal dimensions, an open storage system project is suitable. Many people use a corner wardrobe in the hallway, which is a worthy alternative to a separate room. Photos of do-it-yourself dressing rooms will serve as a clear example of creating a storage area.

Helpful advice! When cutting off a corner for a dressing room, it is best to use plasterboard slabs: this material is quite light, it cuts well and is easy to install.

If you prefer a corner dressing room in the hallway, which will be separated from the main room, then you can arrange the interior in two ways: along one or two walls. The scheme of the first option is a storage system compactly assembled along one wall. It is recommended to leave the racks and shelves open, which will save space. The remaining space is used for movement around the dressing room, as well as a fitting room.

In the second option, the location of the filling is planned along two walls. The main advantage of this filling is its compactness with maximum capacity. However, it is worth considering that you can simply enter such a dressing room, but you will not be able to use it as a fitting room. This filling method is suitable for families of several people, where the main task is to fit the belongings of each member of the household as much as possible. For filling, storage systems with a set of corner components are used, which provide good ergonomics in a small space.

Corner dressing rooms in the hallway can be fenced off using swing doors, accordion doors or lightweight sliding partitions However, it is worth considering the features of the hallway. If the room is quite modest, the swing option is absolutely not appropriate. Radius sliding systems look impressive, the contents of which are selected in unison with the overall interior.

Arrangement of a dressing room in the bedroom

Photos of DIY wardrobe systems installed in the bedroom indicate that this is one of the most common and convenient options. The feasibility of creating a dressing room in the bedroom can be determined by calculating the area of ​​the sleeping area. If the size of the bedroom significantly exceeds this parameter, you can safely proceed to self-construction dressing room.

There are several schemes for organizing the internal space in a dressing room. This could be a design of a linear storage system, arrangement of modules in the form of the letter “P” or “L”, as well as parallel placement of racks and shelves. The most optimal version is a U-shaped dressing room. This layout maximizes the filling of the room and at the same time allows you to leave room for movement around it. As a rule, U-shaped dressing rooms require enough square footage, however, they can easily fit in modest areas.

Helpful advice!An interesting idea to arrange a dressing room in the bedroom behind the head of the bed: it is separated by a light fixed partition or sliding systems.

For small bedrooms, where it is not possible to isolate 1.5 - 2 m from the room, they are limited to a wardrobe in the bedroom. Such furniture is compact, it does not take up much space and is distinguished by well-thought-out filling. Methods for filling wardrobes can be found in catalogs of websites that sell and manufacture furniture. Ready-made kits storage systems with narrow specialization for clothing, shoes and accessories are characterized by unsurpassed ergonomics.

If the layout is such that the dressing room is a walk-through room, a parallel arrangement of storage systems would be the best option. Do-it-yourself drawings of racks and shelves in the dressing room indicate that with this filling method it is not difficult to move around the room, and the storage system can accommodate everything you need. The most convenient combination is a bedroom-dressing room-shower room. But there may be other options.

Related article:

Projects of small rooms. Storage space in the bedroom and hallway. Projects of rooms 3 sq.m. Storage systems and furniture for dressing rooms.

Design of a dressing room from a storage room 1.1 by 1.5 m

Many professional designers believe that using a space smaller than 2 sq.m. for a dressing room is inappropriate. However, photos of dressing rooms from small closets indicate that even such a small space can be successfully planned for functional system storage It is in such work that the professionalism of designers is tested. After all, it is necessary not only to transform the pantry into a dressing room, but also to take into account the interests of everyone who will use it, given the lack of square meters.

Projects and drawings of such dressing rooms require accurate calculations and optimal internal content. Shallow shelves are very relevant for filling a dressing room measuring 1.1 x 1.5 m. If you do not fence off the room with a door, the shelves can be moved outside the pantry and then they will become part of the furniture of the room and effectively complement the interior. In this case, shelves and racks are designed in such a way that they flow smoothly from the dressing room into the room.

A photo of small dressing rooms from closets clearly illustrates the options when the entire length of one of the walls is used for a storage system. With such a project, you can carve out additional space so that you can enter the dressing room to find the things you need. However, in order to make maximum use of the mini-wardrobe space, it is recommended to arrange them as a niche, which is separated from the main room by an accordion door or a sliding sliding door.

Helpful advice! When filling a small dressing room, you should place things so that the most frequently used ones are located in the middle part.

Dressing rooms in Khrushchev instead of a storage room

The main difference between modern dressing rooms and storage rooms is the presence of an ordered system of shelves, mezzanines, drawers, hangers and other components for convenient storage of not only personal belongings, but also items and equipment of various shapes and purposes. In addition, such systems are designed in such a way that all objects and things are visible and easily accessible. There are hundreds of options for dressing rooms, the layout and content of which depends on the area and budget of their owners.

Before making a dressing room with your own hands, it would be useful to familiarize yourself with the basic planning solutions for dressing rooms. The fact is that in large apartments, as a rule, separate rooms are already provided for dressing rooms. The owners can only equip them with suitable storage systems. But in apartments of the old housing stock, storage rooms are allocated for such needs, the dimensions of which are quite small.

To organize the space as correctly as possible small room, designers offer various techniques for arranging dressing rooms from storage rooms in Khrushchev-era buildings. Many different projects are offered for independent implementation. You can choose the most suitable one by reading the drawings, diagrams and photos of dressing rooms in a Khrushchev-era building instead of a storage room.

If initially there is no storage room in the apartment layout, a dressing room can be arranged anywhere. This can be a combination of a dressing room with a bedroom, hallway, hall, nursery and other rooms. Experts recommend dedicating several areas for storage systems, for example, in the bedroom and hallway, if possible. In an ordinary Khrushchev-era building, the space for a dressing room is determined at the stage of redevelopment, which is pre-approved by the relevant authorities.

Depending on the location in the apartment, configuration and area, the dressing room can be arranged along one wall, formed at an angle, or given an L- or U-shaped outline. Newest technologies make it possible to plan optimal system storage for any, even modest, dressing room. After all, the main advantage of internal filling is a huge range of components for every taste.

Schemes of dressing rooms from storage rooms: photo examples

How to make a dressing room out of a closet? A photo selection of various transformation techniques demonstrates many options for arranging storage rooms. There are two main conversion methods. The first is characterized by dismantling the pantry partitions and installing a cabinet of the appropriate size in this place. Typically, such cabinets are equipped with sliding sliding doors that have a mirror filling.

Another option involves completely emptying the contents of the pantry and equipping the room with modern compact storage systems. Updating the internal content will allow you to make maximum use of the pantry space with racks, shelves, baskets, rods and other elements of various shapes and sizes. The presence of many special hooks and holders will increase the level of comfort of the former pantry and extend the life of many things.

Before you make a dressing room from a pantry, you should carefully think through and draw up a diagram of its filling. Having made the appropriate measurements, it is necessary to calculate the number of shelves, tramples and drawers for small items, special holders for trousers, ties, hats and other accessories. Having a detailed project will help you avoid mistakes and unreasonable consumption of materials when converting a dressing room from a storage room with your own hands.

Helpful advice! You can make your dressing room as comfortable as possible by using a metal frame filling system, thanks to which you can adjust the height of shelves, baskets and trays.

The choice of a suitable dressing room project depends on the layout of the apartment itself. In many Khrushchev buildings, the standard apartment layout included a storage room in the bedroom. This room is formed by enclosing part of the bedroom with a partition across the entire width of the room. The entrance to the pantry can be from the bedroom or from the adjacent living room. In some apartments, the pantry is located at the end of a long corridor, part of which is fenced off with a partition. For example, on the Internet you can find many suitable projects and photos of dressing rooms from storage rooms in Khrushchev-era buildings.

How to make a dressing room from a pantry with your own hands

Before you make a dressing room in a room from a storage room yourself, you should choose the optimal project for such an area. In addition, the choice of option depends on the number of residents whose things will be stored in the future dressing room. You can find drawings and diagrams that suit the dimensions of your room by looking at a selection of photos of dressing rooms from the pantry. The drawings provide all the necessary dimensions, as well as samples of internal filling systems.

Do-it-yourself refurbishment of a dressing room from a storage room: photo ideas

For those who want to become the owner of a spacious and comfortable dressing room with minimal financial investment, the option of refurbishing the storage room to suit these needs is suitable. To get the job done, you will need a set of tools that any owner probably has in their arsenal:

  • construction tape, level, pencil;
  • screwdriver, hammer, pliers;
  • drill or hammer drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • jigsaw;
  • self-tapping screws

The selection of material for the interior filling of the dressing room depends on the intended storage system. It is calculated according to the drawings and diagrams of your project. Typically purchased for these purposes:

  • furniture pipes (metal and wood) for installing a wardrobe rod or frame;
  • durable lumber for shelves, mezzanines, cabinets (you can use, for example, chipboard with a laminated coating);
  • furniture fittings: guides, connection corners, handles, hinges, etc.;
  • drawers, baskets, boxes for storing things.

At the first stage, it is proposed to dismantle the entire contents of the pantry: remove the old shelves, remove all hooks, hangers, nails and other devices. Clean the walls from old wallpaper or paint, and then carefully level them. For a new design of the walls, you can use painting in light colors or wallpapering. In the photo there is a dressing room in the pantry, which has swing doors, it is shown that they can be used to fix a large mirror on the inside.

Helpful advice! If you have a project with drawings and diagrams of the interior filling of the dressing room, assembling a storage system is not difficult at all.

As soon as the design of the walls is completed, production and installation begin. internal systems storage The purchase of materials is carried out according to the developed drawings and sketches. They are used to calculate the required amount of chipboard, furniture pipes, fittings, fasteners, screws, as well as additional elements of storage systems.

Assembling a wardrobe system with your own hands: basic principles

Filling the wardrobe storage system depends entirely on the specific requirements of its owners. In addition, the budget allocated for these needs also plays a role. The filling of a dressing room can have several design options. Those who have certain skills in assembling furniture can independently assemble and install cabinet modules in the dressing room. Most often, such filling models are made to order according to individual sizes.

The cabinet structures are quite spacious, fit perfectly into the space and facilitate neat storage of things. Elements of housing modules have standard sizes. They are equipped with a choice of various accessories, which are assembled according to the type of construction set. But it is worth considering that cabinet-made shelves and racks are quite bulky and take up a lot of space, which is why they are not recommended for filling modest-sized dressing rooms.

For small dressing rooms, the assembly of mesh structures is suitable. This type of filling is compact, light and transformable. The design elements are easy to install with your own hands, do not visually overload the space and are inexpensive. For those who choose such filling, it is worth considering that cellular storage systems cannot be overloaded with too heavy objects.

Frame storage systems are appropriate both in small dressing rooms and in rooms with significant dimensions. The assembly diagram consists of metal racks that are mounted between the ceiling and the floor. Further, shelves, drawers, racks and crossbars are attached to them, which practically “float in the air”. This filling is characterized by ease of installation, lightness and strength of the structure itself.

Helpful advice! Whatever storage system you choose, in order to achieve maximum comfort when using the dressing room, you must follow the principles of ergonomics.

Check out the photos of do-it-yourself wardrobe rooms using various systems storage is possible on the Internet, where users share their works. In addition, it will be useful to ask about filling options from professionals.

Basic rules for organizing storage of things

Not only quick and convenient search, but also their service life depends on how correctly things are placed in the dressing room. Therefore, it is very important to properly organize inner space dressing room. To do this, it is necessary to plan in advance the storage areas for various things and objects. It is recommended to divide the wardrobe into several functional areas:

  • lower compartment - shoes, small accessories (umbrellas, bags) and trousers should be stored here. The height from the floor should be no more than 70-80 cm. It is better to store shoes on special inclined pull-out shelves (height about 30 cm - for summer shoes, 40-45 cm - for winter);

  • middle compartment - used primarily for storing frequently used items. There are rods, pantographs, and pull-out shelves for storing small toiletries. Depending on the length of the items, the height of the middle zone varies from 140 to 170 cm. Approximately 100 cm is allocated for compartments for storing shirts and jackets. Knitwear conveniently stored in baskets and boxes installed on shelves;

  • upper compartment - equipped with racks for storing bulky items and seasonal items: blankets, pillows, tote bags, suitcases, as well as sports and household equipment.

Modern storage systems are hard to imagine without innovative components. These include various holders for trousers and skirts, belts, ties, scarves, boxes for various small items, textile holders for bags and much more. The press hanger for trousers is very convenient to use: it is equipped with hangers for a jacket, a hanger for a belt and a tie. All holders are equipped with special soft clips that do not leave marks on clothing.

Self-conversion of the storage room allows you to minimal investment acquire a practical and functional dressing room for storing necessary household items and items. In addition, the personal transformation process will provide the opportunity to implement a personal interpretation to meet individual needs.

Any housewife dreams of a corner in which it is possible to arrange the storage of any things, both seasonal and everyday. In ordinary small apartments It is simply impossible to allocate such a place. In this case, a small dressing room from the pantry would be an excellent solution. It won’t take much time to implement your plan, but you need to follow the main points: decide on the configuration, break down the storage layout, set up zones and fill them with modules. We'll look at everything in detail in this article.

List of basic requirements

A dressing room in a Khrushchev-era building can be converted from a storage room, which was always intended in the layout of houses of this type. To understand whether the option of arranging a storage room is possible, you need to familiarize yourself with the general requirements in this area:

  • To arrange a dressing room you need certain area. The minimum dimensions of the pantry should be 1x1.5 m. This is quite enough to provide space for shelves and hanging rods.
  • Wardrobes come in single-sided and double-sided types. In the first case, a width of at least 1.2 m is required, and in the second - 1.5 m.
  • Wardrobe rooms, located in the pantry, are closed spaces, completely filled with things for optimal conditions storage of which must be provided with ventilation. The design of the ventilation system is a basic requirement.
  • If the dressing room is located near the bedrooms, then the fan should not create much noise.
  • For good review Once the storage area is full, the lighting system needs to be redesigned.
  • Typically, walk-in wardrobes have built-in wardrobes. This is impossible to do in mini storage rooms. They are replaced with simple racks and shelves.
  • The main task in a mini dressing room is the rational distribution of space. Every square centimeter must be used.

A dressing room like this needs good light and ventilation.

The main aspects of dressing rooms

When starting to arrange a dressing room in the pantry, they think through all the main aspects. First of all, the number of stored items is assessed and they are divided into categories. The method of their storage is also determined. For example, for large items, upper shelves are needed, for outerwear– rods with hangers for linen – drawers.

Configuration Types

How to distribute space in the dressing room? This directly depends on the shape of the pantry. There are several storage system design options. Here are some examples:

  • Linear storage system. You can arrange shelving along one wall of the pantry, which differs little in design from a regular cabinet. With this layout model, you need to think carefully about the number of rods, shelves, and drawers.

  • The storage system is arranged in an L-shape. For Khrushchev this is best option. Ideal for rooms with long rectangular shape. In addition to things, you can store a vacuum cleaner, ironing board, etc. in them.

  • U-shape configuration. It is the most practical and spacious. In this case, 100% utilization of space is ensured.

  • Corner option. Quite non-standard, but it allows you to correct problem areas of the room, getting a spacious storage room.

Modern storage systems

The functionality of the dressing room is determined correctly arranged system storage It is necessary to choose it based on the area of ​​the room. There are only three types of wardrobe systems; let’s look at their main advantages and design features.

Related article: Arranging a dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions


To manufacture cabinet furniture, you need exact dimensions, a developed project and a craftsman who will do everything to order. The advantages include functional placement of stored items, impressive volumes and reliable design. But, despite all the advantages, there are also disadvantages: firstly, shelves and drawers are bulky and take up a lot usable area, and secondly, it is impossible to change the layout of the furniture.


The mesh (honeycomb) type design is versatile and compact. It consists of lightweight shelving, the shelves have a mesh base, the same type of baskets are attached to hooks and brackets. This system is easy to install - installing such a dressing room in a closet with your own hands is not difficult. In addition, it is possible to change the configuration of the dressing room at any time.

Important! If a mesh type of construction is chosen for a dressing room in a pantry, take into account the fact that the storage system is not capable of supporting heavy items.


The frame-type design involves the installation of metal racks that are attached to the floor and ceiling. Racks and shelves are arranged on the crossbars. You can also attach rods for outerwear. The drawers are quite easy to install. The advantages of this design include ease of installation and the ability to change the project at any time. Visually, such a system looks light, this is ensured by the absence of side elements.

Breakdown into zones

The disadvantage of the functioning of a dressing room in apartments with an old layout is its small dimensions. To optimize this problem, carefully consider the planning of storage areas.

According to the standard, the wardrobe space is divided into three main zones:

  • Bottom. Boxes with shoes, umbrellas and other accessories are usually located here. The lower space occupies about 0.8 m from the floor. Height of shoe storage shelves summer period is 0.25 m, and winter - 0.45 m.
  • Average. Usually intended for things of permanent use. There is also space for outerwear here. The height of the zone should range from 1.5 to 1.7 m. In a certain place, the space should be further divided for placing shirts, trousers, and skirts.
  • Upper. Basically they are racks and are intended for arranging seasonal items. You can also place bed linen, blankets, pillows, suitcases, etc. Optimal height the top shelves are 0.2 m, and the depth is at least 0.25 m.

Proper division of the dressing room into zones will allow you to use this room comfortably

Convenient storage devices

Modern furniture market filled big amount devices designed for compact and convenient arrangement of things:

  • Devices for hanging trousers and skirts, which have special rubberized clips. This allows you to avoid leaving traces of bending, as with conventional hangers.

  • Hangers that have not one, but several crossbars will help you place several identical things, which will make the most of the space.

  • You should also take a closer look at systems for convenient placement of ties, belts, belts, scarves, etc.

  • Instead of a conventional crossbar, you can use a new idea - a pantograph elevator. It can be lowered down using the adjustment lever.

  • Various modules for shoes are very convenient to use. These can be platforms with special protrusions on which shoes are placed.

Finishing and lighting device

A dressing room in a closet is an enclosed space. Therefore, the next aspect that needs to be discussed in more detail when remodeling is lighting. In this direction, small spotlights or wall lamps with a device for free rotation in the desired direction are used.

Related article: Which sliding doors to choose for your dressing room [tips and design solutions]

You can think about lighting for clothes. In this case, mini LED bulbs attached to crossbars or other elements would be a good option. They should not be located too close to the shelves and cling to clothes.

It would be good if there was internal lighting for the drawers. This can be done using LED strips.

A separate discussion is wall decoration. There are several rules here: the surface must be smooth, painted or covered with both light colors. You can arrange a mirror surface or soft drapery in some areas.

Advice! Bright hues and mirror surfaces can visually expand the space. We try to follow this simple rule.

Decoration of the door department

Having finished with zoning and storage system, we move on to arrangement doorway. This is not an unimportant aspect, since it also carries a design burden.

Let's imagine several options for closing the doorway of the dressing room in the pantry:

  • The simplest and affordable way when remodeling, leave the opening open. Some shelves are moved outside the pantry. This option is suitable only for the hallway.
  • Screens are often used to divide space and sliding options doors. design sliding system order from workshops, having previously chosen the decor to suit your taste.
  • In the case of a conventional screen, you should make it stylish and creative. Select appropriate textiles and cornices that will be in complete harmony with the interior of the room.

DIY storage room conversion

Before remodeling a dressing room with your own hands from a storage room, take into account the fact that the space allocated for this is quite small. They start by drawing up a design for a dressing room in the apartment.

Drawing up a wardrobe plan

First, estimate the area of ​​the pantry. Typically, in Khrushchev-era buildings, the size of storage rooms is about 3 square meters. meters. If there is not enough space for consumers, then you can start by expanding it. That is, one of the walls needs to be demolished and then a partition made of plasterboard. But you should understand that in this case the space of the room itself will decrease.

Before making a dressing room from a pantry, they think through the storage system and display it on the plan diagram. The project must be done in exact accordance with the dimensions. Make sketches from different angles to make work easier. At the last stage of planning, the consumption of materials necessary for the alteration is calculated.


The configuration of the built-in dressing room is selected according to the shape of the pantry, although in this case the space can be adjusted. Standard scheme storage space involves using space around the entire perimeter. Several options for placing structures are presented in the photo below.


Recently, triangular-shaped wardrobes have gained popularity. They allow you to provide storage space even in the smallest rooms. Ideas and sketches of the device can be viewed in the photo below.

Evacuation and finishing of the premises

The arrangement of the dressing room begins with the preparation of the pantry. First, completely free it from old substances; you need to clean the floor and walls of dust using a vacuum cleaner and wet cleaning. The condition of the storage room walls is assessed, and if there are large defects, it is necessary to perform plastering or puttying. Level and paint the ceiling. Using a screed, level the floor and cover it with linoleum.

Experts recommend not to spend a lot of materials for finishing walls and ceilings, since they will not be visible behind the structures. The emphasis should be on leveling the surface. Otherwise, the furniture structures may become warped.

Every woman dreams of a comfortable and spacious dressing room in her apartment. In such a room you can store all your clothes, shoes and accessories. Contrary to popular belief, not only professionals, but also beginners can equip such a room.

Features of the arrangement

In a practical dressing room, every corner should be used productively. Initially, you need to decide how many things you are going to store in such a room. After this, you can more accurately calculate the dimensions of the shelves and niches.

When organizing the space, conditionally divide it into several zones for placing things, depending on the frequency of their use.

To fill the room, you should turn to the following storage systems for clothes and shoes:

  • The mesh (cellular) system consists of a support rail attached to the wall and shelves, drawers and compartments mounted to it. The popularity of such options is due to their dynamism. All functional elements in them can be rearranged to other places or supplemented with something new.

Mesh systems easily fit into any room. It can be either a spacious or a very small room. Often such units are equipped with dressing rooms, pantries or large cabinets.

  • A cheaper option is chipboard construction. It belongs to the budget category and is literally created for those who want to beautifully decorate their dressing room without spending big money. Drawers and shelves made of this material in dressing rooms look very harmonious and fresh, but in their practical characteristics they are inferior to cellular systems. When creating such structures, it is necessary to take into account the location of all objects in the room, since it will be difficult to make any changes later.

For more convenient storage of things in the room, you can install shelves, rods, hangers, hooks and baskets. With the help of such details, you can arrange outfits and accessories as neatly and practically as possible.

  • They have a beautiful design frame systems storage They are reliable and practical. The load-bearing parts in them are metal racks that rest against the floor and ceiling. These options look great in tandem with wooden shelves. Frame structures can be easily disassembled and reassembled.

When creating an attractive wardrobe design, consider not only its functionality, but also its external appearance. Recently, decorative baskets and wooden shelves, complemented by fabric details or straw compositions, have become very popular.

Large wardrobe rooms can accommodate not only clothes, shoes and accessories, but also various household items. This could be an iron, vacuum cleaner or ironing board. It is recommended to allocate a separate area for them.

Types of dressing rooms

Wardrobe rooms differ from each other in layout. Let's look at the most common options.

  • Corner wardrobes can be installed indoors without taking up a large area. Even in a small room you can choose a place for such a design. It is necessary to first distribute things over the remaining area and decide where the furniture will be located.

  • For spacious areas, linear options are suitable. Designers claim that such a dressing room is ideal for a room whose size is 3 by 1.5 m. This layout allows you to place things along one wall. Some people turn to another method: placing hangers and shelves along both walls opposite each other.

  • For the bedroom the best option will become an r-like structure. It is not necessary to have a separate room for it. You can simply select two walls in the corner without a window for this design. The dimensions of this option depend on the free space.

In the L-shaped design, there is no need to have open shelves. If such a design is located in the living room or bedroom, then it is better to give preference to closed specimens, because they will look more aesthetically pleasing.

For an elongated area, a U-shaped dressing room would be an excellent solution. If you want to make this structure an extension of the room, it will still look isolated since it has three walls.

Space zoning

  1. The lower zone can be reserved for storing things that are not used very often. It is better to place drawers there for bed linen and other small items. Shoes are often stored in this area. For such purposes, it is better to make high shelves so that Women's boots were stored on them without breaking.
  2. The middle zone should be allocated for the most frequently used items. Here you can install rods, hangers, shelves, etc. large areas can be supplied lifting mechanism with hangers, but it will be quite expensive. Such structures cannot withstand heavy weights. It is better to equip shelves and drawers at eye level so that you can see their contents. There is a place for hooks in the middle zone. They are useful for temporary storage of clothes (for example, while changing clothes).
  3. The upper zone is intended for storing things that you temporarily do not use. These could be hats, caps, etc. Most often, such an area is installed under the ceiling and can be reached using a ladder.

Doors and lighting

If a separate room is allocated for the dressing room, then it must be equipped with a door. They should be selected based on general style rooms:

  • Doors with glass surfaces are in demand today. They can be matte, transparent or decorated with patterns. Products with reflective inserts are practical.
  • Wooden or plastic copies will look no worse.
  • Constructions wardrobe doors They can be hinged, sliding or folding (accordion doors).

The selection of a suitable specimen depends on the available space, layout and preferences of the owners.

Lighting plays an important role in the dressing room:

  • Often in such rooms there are ceiling lamps that illuminate even the most distant mezzanines.
  • It would not be superfluous to hang it on the walls to illuminate the lower and middle zones. Light bulbs can be built into the drawers themselves or installed in wall brackets.
  • For corner dressing rooms, lamps with clothespins are suitable, changing the angles of inclination and directing the light to the right places.
  • For such rooms it is worth choosing LED options. They do not heat up and are fireproof.
  • Halogen lamps have a powerful light, but they get very hot, so it is better not to keep them near clothes.