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» How to choose wallpaper for a teenager's room? Criteria for choosing wallpaper for a teenage boy's room Wallpaper for a teenage bedroom

How to choose wallpaper for a teenager's room? Criteria for choosing wallpaper for a teenage boy's room Wallpaper for a teenage bedroom

Creating a comfortable room design for a teenage boy is a difficult task even for experienced professionals. It is very important to modernly transform the room so that everything in it looks harmonious and creates a complete picture.

Any little thing that was chosen incorrectly can ruin the entire interior. Therefore, it is especially important to pay attention not only to the creation of the overall design, but also to such an important element as wallpaper.

What should a boy's room be like?

Teen room design photo 2015: modern ideas, wallpaper

Before you start choosing wallpaper, you should figure out what the modern design of a room for a teenage boy should be and what is popular in 2015-2016. Having understood the main trends in the design of modern teenage rooms, you can begin choosing wallpaper.

What are the features of wallpaper for a teenage boy's room?

Fragility. It should be understood that adolescence is a fleeting period, and you are doing repairs not for a year, but, if possible, for a longer time. Therefore, you must be prepared for the fact that the child will want to express himself, therefore, you will have to do repairs, at least superficially, in a few years, when your son grows out of adolescence and he wants to decorate his room more seriously.

Room design for a teenage boy with photo wallpaper

Brightness and uniqueness. This is another factor to consider when designing a room for a teenager. The room should never be boring and monotonous. Try to make it as unique as possible so that it not only differs from other rooms, but is also rich and bright.

Completely bad taste. Many parents believe that a teenage boy’s room is necessarily ugly and tasteless. But it’s worth considering your son’s preferences. You shouldn’t go too far and force him to decorate the room the way you want. The child will outgrow this period, and you will ruin your relationship with him.

Photo wallpaper for a teenage boy's room
Let your child take part in creating the design and personal style, as he can add a touch of uniqueness on his own.

Selecting different wallpaper options

Today there is a wide variety of wallpaper on the market, and it would seem that it would not be difficult to choose them, but this is not easy to do for a boy’s room. The difficulty is manifested not only in the choice of color scheme and design, but also in who exactly from the family should select the wall decoration element: the parents or the child.

Room design with photo wallpaper for teenagers photo

Many parents believe that their child should not have his own opinion at the age of 14-15, so they allow themselves to make decisions even in such trifles as the choice of wallpaper for the walls of the room. You should still take into account the child’s opinions and listen to him. This is a chance to give him time to be independent and feel like an adult.

If you cannot allow your child to be so independent, you should familiarize yourself with what you should pay attention to, what the options are, and agree with the overall family decision on the best option.

Plain wallpaper. This option is suitable for those who do not have the opportunity to make repairs every few years. A wall is a place for a teenager to express himself, but it doesn’t have to be done in a bright and appealing style, which over time can bore even a child.

Wallpaper for a teenage boy's room photo
The ideal option is wallpaper of the same color, and much-needed accents can be placed on other things: for example, it could be furniture, curtains or other decorative elements, pillows, bedspreads, carpet.

Also on white wall You can glue posters of your favorite football players, actors or movie characters. This option is budget-friendly and a win-win for those who know how changeable their child’s tastes are.
Also, to ensure that the wallpaper in a children's room for teenage boys does not look boring, you can choose coverings with an unobtrusive but slightly contrasting pattern.

Geometric pattern. This option has already become almost a traditional design for teenage boys’ rooms. Using patterns of various shapes, you can create a unique style for the room, and despite the presence of patterns on the wallpaper, the room will look masculine.

Wallpaper for a children's room for teenage boys

Strip. A type of geometric wallpaper is stripes. This is a relatively neutral option that looks stylish. This design, even in black and white, suggests that it is also suitable for boys.

What wallpaper to choose for a teenage boy's room?
Advice! It is important to choose the right color for striped wallpaper. Here you can let your child choose his favorite shade.

What should you avoid?

It is best to avoid ornaments and classic designs not only of wallpaper, but also of the room as a whole. If your teenage child is not a fan of conservative views, you should refuse this option. You can watch the video below on how to properly decorate a boy’s room with wallpaper:

Highlight in the interior

When creating a unique design, it is important to find a highlight that will become a rich accent and will support the style of wallpaper in a teenage boy’s room, as in the photo:

Room for a teenage boy with photo wallpaper
Advice! Don't turn your teenager's room into a theater stage, even if he has many interests.

For example, if a boy prefers to play the guitar, you can hang it on the wall, and the wallpaper itself can be plain, or posters or photo wallpapers of your favorite musical group can hang on the opposite wall.

Wallpaper for the room of a teenage boy 16 years old

If your child is involved in boxing or another sport and has awards, you should focus on this. Instead of a guitar, you can make a shelf that will decorate the teenager's awards and remind him that he has found an activity that he is better at than others.

Photo wallpaper for a teenager’s room is a way to emphasize individuality

Today, thanks to the fact that technology is rapidly developing, such an element of wall decoration as photo wallpaper has appeared, which in 2015 again, after the triumph during the years of the USSR, is experiencing a surge in popularity. Previously, posters were common among teenagers, but young people still don’t mind decorating the entire free wall with the image of their idol.

Photo wallpaper on the wall is an ideal option for any children's room and good way decorate it with taste. You can order any image. Basically, all photo wallpapers are made to order, and on sale you can only find those with a neutral pattern, for example, with the image of flowers. Photo wallpapers are very easy to put up and easy to remove. Thus, you can easily change the design of a teenager’s room using photo wallpaper, especially if you choose self-adhesive canvases.

Design of a teenager's room with photo wallpaper

Advantages of photo wallpaper:

  • thanks to a wide selection of image themes, a teenager can express himself and choose what he likes;
  • Photo wallpapers can be replaced if they have lost their relevance. For example, in the case when a boy’s interests change with age. We also note that this is a budget option for changing the interior;
  • Photo wallpapers create an atmosphere of order. Since this option is a modern analogue of posters and photographs, it has a significant advantage: it keeps order on the wall. Posters are usually not hung in one copy, and when there are many of them, a feeling of chaos and disorder is created.

Room with photo wallpaper for a teenager photo
You should definitely pay attention to what your child likes. There are no boys without interests, and if your child has not decided what he likes, help him with this.

Wallpaper for various interior styles

If your son is 16 years old and you are choosing wallpaper for his room, you should start from interior styles that would be appropriate in a teenage boy’s room. Having chosen the right style, depending on the child’s preferences, it is worth buying the corresponding thematic images.
Loft, high-tech and avant-garde are suitable for athletes and computer scientists:

For fans oriental culture oriental, ethnic style is suitable:

For those who like to travel, African or maritime style will appeal to you:

Kitsch is suitable for creative individuals:

Of course, this list does not mean that a boy cannot have his own preferences, it will simply help him generate his own idea for decorating a room and selecting wallpaper.

Combining unique wallpaper design and practicality

Do not forget that in addition to the selection of wallpaper itself, you should not forget about practicality, which must be present in a boy’s room.

The room must be highlighted (by furniture, wallpaper color, partitions, etc.) work zone, sleep area and personal space.

For example, if you want to purchase wallpaper with geometric shapes, try to choose colors so that they visually either separate areas, or in places where the boy spends more time and can touch the wall, so that the wallpaper is darker there. The same can be done if you are decorating a room in a kitsch style and do not want to glue it to the walls plain wallpaper.

Many parents very often ask themselves the question of what wallpaper to choose for a teenage boy’s room. This is not easy to do, but if you take the interests of the child as a basis, it is quite possible to create beautiful room and choose the right wallpaper to match the overall style. In this case, you will get a successful combination of every little detail in the interior of the room, and the teenager will probably be grateful that his opinion was taken into account.

More photos of teenage rooms with photo wallpaper - for inspiration:

Photo gallery (42 photos)

Arranging a teenage room for a boy is a difficult task even for a competent and experienced designer. When decorating the interior in this case the most important thing is to carry out the transformation so that the room turns out to be modern, where all the elements support a single composition and everything looks as harmonious and stylish as possible.

And here any, even the most seemingly insignificant little thing can ruin the entire interior overnight. As you know, wallpaper has always been and remains the most popular finishing material, and therefore it is worth paying special attention to their choice.

Boy's room interior

Before you start choosing wallpaper, you should first decide on the interior of a teenager’s room and what will be in it. Only after you have understood the main points and directions that are suitable for arranging a room for a boy can you proceed to the selection of wallpaper.

It is worth noting the main features of wallpaper, which should definitely be taken into account when decorating teenage rooms:

  • Bad taste. Most parents think that a boy’s room at this age is necessarily tasteless and ugly. You should not forget about the wishes of your child, going too far, forcing your son to arrange the room as you plan. At the same time, the child will grow up, but the relationship will remain spoiled.
  • Unique and bright design . Another important point that must be taken into account in the design for a boy. After all, a teenager’s room should not turn out monochromatic and boring. Make every effort to make the interior original, so that the room stands out from the rest and remains bright and rich.

  • Fragility. It is important to realize that adolescence is fleeting, while repairs are carried out not for one year, but for an extended period. Therefore, it is worth preparing for superficial repairs, since soon the child will begin to express himself, and after a couple of years he will want to remodel the room in more serious colors.

Give your child the opportunity to participate in the organization too. unique style, this way you can achieve a certain individuality in the interior.

Choosing wallpaper

Today, a large assortment of wallpaper will easily allow you to choose the most suitable option, however, in the case of a teenager’s room, this same variety of products is “ reverse side coins,” preventing him from concentrating on a product suitable for the boy. At the same time, the difficulties lie not only in selecting the pattern and color of the wallpaper, but also in who exactly will decorate the room with decorative elements: the child or his parents.

There are parents who think that a child does not have an opinion until the age of 14-15, and therefore they themselves decide many issues for him, even little things like choosing wallpaper for a room. However, it is still worth listening to him, thus allowing the child to feel at least a little like an adult and independent.

If you cannot allow a boy to be so independent in adolescence, then it is worth showing him at least those options that, in your opinion, will be the most optimal.

Among the most common wallpapers for decorating a teenage room are:

  • Striped. This finishing option is considered more neutral and at the same time stylish. In this case, it’s even perfect for a boy.

A little advice! It is important to choose the color wisely. At the same time, you can always ask about the child’s favorite color, making a choice in his direction. After all, he has to live there.

  • With geometric pattern. This type of wallpaper can be considered traditional for the interior of a teenage room. At the same time, various geometric shapes allow you to organize original style. Here, despite the ornaments on the walls, the room will still look boyish.
  • Plain. This type of finishing is more suitable for parents who do not have the opportunity to carry out repairs every couple of years. At the same time, the wall is exactly the place where the child will begin to express himself over time, but this does not mean that its surface should be designed provocatively and brightly, which, quite possibly, will quickly get boring for the boy.

The most optimal solution for the design of a teenage room is considered to be plain wallpaper. At the same time, important accents in the room can always be achieved using other elements, for example, a carpet, a piece of furniture, decorative pillow, curtains, etc.

In addition, it would be a good idea to put posters of your favorite team, heroes or movie on the surface of the walls. This option is considered the most economical and win-win, since it allows you to quickly adjust the interior to the changing tastes of a teenager.

To prevent the wallpaper from looking too boring in the room, you can choose a material that has a slightly contrasting and unobtrusive pattern.

What should you avoid?

Should not be used classic design along with ornaments, not only on the surface of the wallpaper, but also generally inside the teenage room. If the boy does not hold conservative views, then it is better not to resort to such decisions.

An example of how you can decorate a room for a boy can be found in the video below:

Highlight in design

It is also important when arranging the interior of a room to create some kind of zest in it, which can, for example, act as a bright accent, creating and maintaining the desired wallpaper style, as shown in the photo:

A little advice! Even if the boy has many interests, you should not turn the room into a theater stage.

For example, if a teenager plays the guitar, then it should definitely be placed on the surface of the wall, where the wallpaper should be plain. Also on the opposite side you can place photo wallpapers or posters depicting your favorite band.

If a boy is interested in sports and has awards, then it makes sense to focus on this. In this case, in place of the guitar, it is worth setting up a shelf where all the teenager’s awards and certificates will be placed, reminding them of their achievements in the future.

Photo wallpaper for more individuality

Thanks to the rapid development of technology on the market today you can find unique solutions for decorating a teenager's room, we're talking about about photo wallpapers, which last year repeated the explosion of popularity after the triumph back in the Soviet years. In the old days, posters were often used in a boy’s interior, but modern youth are not against decorating the entire surface of the wall with their own idols.

Modern models of photo wallpaper can be called ideal option, which is suitable for any nursery, becoming an excellent method for good design with taste. At the same time, you can order absolutely any image onto the surface. In most cases, photo wallpapers are made to order, where only neutral products, for example, with flowers, are available for free sale. This finishing material is easy to stick on and remove. Thanks to photo wallpaper, you can quickly change the interior of a teenager's room, especially if you use self-adhesive material.

Advantages of using photo wallpaper:

  • A greater variety of images allows the boy to choose the option he likes best, allowing him to express himself;
  • If photo wallpaper becomes irrelevant, you can always quickly change it. For example, if a teenager’s life interests change over time. In addition to this, it is worth saying that this method finishing is considered the most budget-friendly if you want to change the interior;
  • Properly selected photo wallpapers contribute to a sense of order. After all, this method of decorating a room can be called a modern analogue of a photo with posters, and therefore it has one significant advantage: maintaining order on the surface of the wall. Moreover, in most cases, posters are not hung in a room in a single copy, and when there are a large number of them, a feeling of disorder and chaos arises.

When decorating the interior of a teenage room, take into account the interests of the boy himself. After all, there are no children who do not have interests, and if your son has not figured this out yet, it is worth helping him.

Interior style

If you are looking for wallpaper for a 16-year-old child's room, then you should make your choice based on the style that will be most appropriate for a teenage boy. Having made the right choice, based on the child’s wishes, it is necessary to purchase thematic images.

At the same time, for more creative people, the kitsch style is more suitable; those who like to travel will like either African; all fans of the East should be offered ethnic or East style, for computer lovers and athletes it is better to choose avant-garde or high-tech. May also be suitable.

Of course, all of the above does not indicate that the teenager does not have his own preferences; he can always form an idea himself that will help you choose wallpaper and arrange the room.

Practicality and uniqueness

It is important to always remember that when choosing wallpaper for the design of a boy’s room, you should take into account not only the appearance of the materials, but also how practical they will be in use.

In a teenager's bedroom, it is definitely worth organizing certain zones, for example, personal space, a place to sleep, a work area. This can be done using partitions, colored wallpaper, pieces of furniture, etc.

If you are planning to buy wallpaper with geometric shapes on the surface, then you should choose colors so that they visually separate certain areas or are darker in color where the boy will touch them or spend the most time. You can do the same if you are planning to decorate a teenage room in a kitsch style, without wanting to use plain wallpaper in the interior.

Most parents often ask what kind of wallpaper to use in their son's teenage room? Right choice It’s not easy to do, but if you take into account the boy’s interests, then in the end you can successfully select wallpaper based on general style premises, arranging the most beautiful interior. At the same time, you will be able to achieve the most successful combination in the design of the room, when the teenager himself will certainly be very grateful to you that his interests are taken into account.

For more inspiration, we offer a selection of photos from beautiful interiors teenage rooms:

Choosing a finish for the walls of a grown-up child’s room is a rather important moment, since it is one of the important elements of interior design in which a teenager should feel as comfortable as possible. Therefore, when choosing a particular material, it is necessary to take into account many diverse criteria, each of which is important in its own way.

The traditional decoration of the walls of apartment rooms is wallpaper, but if previously it was difficult to find the right option, today specialized stores offer a wide range of products that can satisfy the most sophisticated taste. If we consider only from the point of view of design, it is quite difficult to choose wallpaper for a teenage girl’s room without the participation of the “hostess”, since at this age the child develops his own taste, which often does not coincide with the preferences of the “ancestors”. This means that it is necessary that the girl also take part in the development of the project, or at least set the direction in the design theme. But as far as the performance qualities of the material are concerned, all responsibility now falls on adults.

Basic criteria for choosing wallpaper

There are not so many fundamental criteria for choosing this finishing material, so they can be easily remembered. So, the conditions that must be met when purchasing wallpaper include the following:

  • Environmental safety is a prerequisite for wall decoration, both for children's and teenagers' rooms. Wallpaper must be vapor-permeable, that is, breathable, not emitting any substances harmful to the human body and not attracting dust. Here, compromises in favor of decorativeness are unacceptable - safety is always in the foreground.
  • The design of the wallpaper should correspond to the chosen style of the room - this includes color and ornamental solutions.
  • When carrying out repairs yourself, it is advisable to take into account the complexity of gluing the selected wallpaper - this is the need to adjust the pattern, the thickness of the canvases and their method, the sizes of the rolls, possible technological difficulties characteristic of individual types.

Modern types of wallpaper

Modern wallpapers are made from various materials - paper, non-woven fabric, vinyl, fiberglass, textiles, cork, bamboo and some others.

In addition, the canvases differ in the number and material of layers, surface texture, moisture resistance, strength, abrasion resistance and a number of other characteristics.

Let's first consider the wallpaper based on the material it is made of - we will immediately get a fairly clear idea of ​​which of them are optimal for a teenager's room. Well, as the presentation progresses, it will be possible to simultaneously consider finishing options.

The article deliberately excluded them from consideration - they are generally not a good solution for any living room. Well, decorating a room for a child or teenager is out of the question, despite perhaps a very suitable design.

Questions correct selection sufficient attention will also be paid to wallpaper for its decorative qualities - in the corresponding section of the article.

Prices for wallpaper with a pattern

wallpaper with pattern

Paper wallpaper

It is difficult to suspect paper wallpaper of insufficient environmental friendliness, since the raw materials for them are natural cellulose fibers. This type of material has been used in decoration for a very long time, so it can be called traditional.

Modern paper wallpapers are produced using innovative technologies, so they are both more practical and durable than their predecessors. And due to the fact that paper webs have affordable price with high quality, presented in very wide variety designs and colors, they still do not lose popularity.

If you plan to choose this particular material to decorate a room, you will have to be careful before gluing it, otherwise the finish will look sloppy.

The negative qualities of such finishing include instability to mechanical stress, but not at all inexpensive options– and to ultraviolet rays, that is, they quickly lose their original color.

Gluing single-layer paper wallpaper (simplex) is quite difficult, since it is quickly saturated with the adhesive and can “creep”. Two-layer wallpaper (duplex) is denser and more durable, so it is easier to glue them.

High-quality modern paper wallpapers look great on flat walls, especially since their ornamental and color range is quite large. In addition to traditional ones, there are also paper wallpapers, which can have different quality and, accordingly, price.

In order to make sure that paper canvases look great on the wall and can transform a growing child’s room beyond recognition, you can consider examples of ready-made interiors.

In the design of this room for a girl, two types of wallpaper were used - paper, with a decorative pattern, and fiberglass or non-woven, intended for painting. In this interior top part one of the walls is painted in a color that, in different shades from green to light green, is used to decorate the wallpaper, so the composition looks like one whole. The chosen color has a good effect on vision and lifts your mood. Except different types wallpaper, for such decoration you can use the so-called companion wallpaper, which is sold as a set.

The presented version of paper wallpaper gives the teenager the opportunity to design his “possession” himself, filling the numerous frames depicted on the canvases with his own drawings or photographs of friends.

Since the wallpaper is paper, you can draw directly on its surface, or you can fix ready-made drawings or photographs in the drawn frames. In addition, squares and rectangles can be easily painted in different colors to suit your taste. Thus, a teenage girl with a creative nature will receive a double gift in the form of an updated room and a large album, which will be located on one of the walls or on all four.

Another advantage of this wallpaper is that it will suit any interior style - both modern and traditional.

Paper wallpaper is also good because its low price will not become an obstacle to updating the interior, say, in two or three years. Teenagers develop quickly, their tastes, interests and passions may well change, and wallpaper that is relevant at the age of 12 will no longer seem ridiculous to a 15-year-old girl. You need to be prepared for this...

Non-woven wallpaper

Non-woven fabric is the same cellulose, but has undergone a different processing cycle. Thus, similar wallpapers are also natural material, and they can rightfully be called environmentally friendly.

Non-woven wallpaper has good performance and aesthetic characteristics, its surface is warm and soft, and due to the elasticity of the canvas, it can stretch. Therefore, if cracks appear on the wall, they will not affect the finishing surface in any way.

Such canvases are very easy to glue to walls, and for this purpose the glue is applied only to the wall, which greatly simplifies the process.

Wallpaper can have a smooth or embossed decorative upper layer(from foamed non-woven fabric), be single-layer or double-layer. The advantages of this finishing material include the following:

  • The high vapor permeability of the material allows the finished walls to “breathe”, which means they will not create a favorable environment for the accumulation of dampness and the formation of mold.
  • Since wallpaper is an environmentally friendly material, it is great for decorating a child's room.
  • The moisture resistance of the cladding allows for regular wet cleaning.
  • Non-woven wallpaper is produced in different decorative options, including in the form of photo wallpapers and canvases intended for painting.
  • Thanks to the decorative foam layer on some types, the canvases perfectly hide small flaws on the wall surface.

The gluing of non-woven sheets is always done end-to-end, and this is quite simple to do, since the material is elastic, and accurately aligning the edges of adjacent sheets will not be difficult. If desired, when you get tired of the original color of the finish, the walls can be pasted over, more than once.

Prices for non-woven wallpaper

non-woven wallpaper

In this option, two colors of wallpaper are used to decorate the room, which are in perfect harmony with each other without overloading the interior. Cloths with a floral pattern at the head of the bed act as a carpet, and their colors are an excellent background for the rest of the room’s accessories. The blue color of the wall visually expands the space, adding “air” to the room.

When choosing an option with different wallpaper colors, it is very important to choose the right shades that are in harmony with each other. Another point that needs to be taken into account is that the wall decoration should organically fit into the overall style chosen to decorate the room.

This option uses non-woven photo wallpaper. Moreover, it should be noted that the design theme shown is perfect for a room, both for a girl and a boy. Presumably this interior was conceived as a game of day and night, that is, one wall is decorated with photo wallpaper depicting a cosmic landscape associated with the night sky, while the other, with a window located on it, has White color, representing daylight.

If the room is being decorated for a boy, then in this case it is quite possible to change the color of the walls of the bed, bedside table and chair. Moreover, the correctly selected shade of furniture accessories will enrich the overall color scheme of the interior. Juicy deep red or rich dark blue, which will harmonize wonderfully with the shades of photo wallpaper, are perfect as an accent.

Fiberglass wallpaper

Fiberglass wallpaper is made from purified mineral components by melting and drawing fibers, from which a canvas with a certain texture is then formed - “checkerboard”, “matting”, “herringbone”, “diamonds”, “parquet” and others. Next, these canvases are impregnated with modified starch, which gives them density and the necessary rigidity.

Very often they are produced in pure white form and are intended for painting, or with colored designs applied to them.

Thanks to the components used to make fiberglass, wallpaper is an environmentally friendly finishing option, making it well suited for covering the walls of any residential premises.

Such wallpapers are often used in combined options finishing, gluing them to one of the walls of the room, which will subsequently be painted in one or more shades.

The advantages of this material include the following:

  • The material is resistant to mechanical stress, as it has good strength - the wallpaper is difficult to tear or scratch.
  • High vapor permeability of sheets does not contribute to creating an environment favorable for the formation of fungus and mold.
  • Finished walls can easily withstand wet cleaning, since fiberglass wallpaper is moisture resistant.
  • Fiberglass does not accumulate static electricity, which is why it does not attract dust to its surface.
  • The non-flammability of the material makes it suitable for use in rooms where fire escape routes are located - hallway, loggia or balcony. This quality will not harm a children's room either.
  • Gluing such wallpaper is a fairly simple task, since the canvases fit perfectly on any surface, provided that high-quality glue is used.
  • The inherent potential of the material allows the exploitation finishing coating for about 30 years. When changing the interior design, the finishing can be repainted more than once in the desired color.

The main disadvantage of fiberglass is its high price. However, if the duration of operation and the opportunity to repeatedly change the appearance of the room, then the price will no longer seem excessively high.

Prices for glass wallpaper

glass wallpaper

In the interior of the room shown in the illustration, two different models of wallpaper were used - having a color geometric pattern plus a fiberglass cloth painted in three different colors. All color schemes of the room were done in pastel colors, and thanks to this, the interior creates a calm, balanced mood, which is very important for a teenage girl in this transitional period.

A wall decorated with wallpaper with a geometric pattern seems to limit the space, giving the room coziness, while a surface painted in three different colors, on the contrary, visually increases the width of the room. Such color effects are often used by designers in rooms that require spatial adjustments. For example, in narrow and long rooms with small area, with too high or low ceilings and so on.

In this case, a simple solution was used without complex design elements, so there will be no need to select different shades colors to each other, afraid to disturb the harmony. The walls are papered fiberglass wallpaper and painted in a calm milk chocolate color. In this version of the interior, they only serve as a background for furniture accessories that have bright colors.

The room is not cluttered with unnecessary elements, it contains only the necessary things, so it looks neat and quite strict. However, a plain version of the wallpaper gives the teenager the opportunity to design it himself, using his imagination. Paintings or drawings can be attached to the surfaces, which will determine the interior style.

Cork wallpaper

An excellent material for decorating a teenager’s room would be cork wallpaper, which has many advantages, including being very aesthetically pleasing. appearance. Canvases can have a different structural structure, as they are made from crumbs different sizes or from veneer with a beautiful cross-section. Such wallpapers are produced in numerous natural shades and are often decorated with splashes of different colors.

In addition, cork has all the qualities necessary for decorating a children's room:

  • One of its main advantages is the environmentally friendly finish.
  • The material has fairly high heat and sound insulation parameters. The latter will especially come in handy for those who like to listen to loud music, which many people do in their teens.
  • Easy to install the material due to the light weight of the panels.
  • The cork coating does not fade, maintaining its color throughout its entire service life, as it is completely inert to ultraviolet rays.
  • Cork has antibacterial properties, so it is not a favorable environment for mold to form. In addition, it does not absorb foreign odors.

Cork wallpaper, due to its specific qualities and natural ocher shades, can create a special coziness and warmth in the room. Canvases are produced equipped with an adhesive layer covered with a protective film, which is removed before installing them on the wall - this wallpaper option is good to use if you plan to create an applique pattern from material of different shades.

If you want to create high-quality sound insulation in a room, it is recommended to stick cork trim not only on the walls, but also to cover the floors with this material, as well as cover the surface of the ceiling - appropriate coatings are available for this.

Bamboo wallpaper

Another option ideal for children's rooms is bamboo. Bamboo wallpaper are made from the outer layer of plant stems that have undergone special treatment.

Narrow strips with a width of 3 to 20 mm are cut from this material, from which the canvases are assembled. They can consist of one layer (like a mat) or two - decorative and a backing made of fabric or paper.

Bamboo wallpaper can have a natural color or can be painted in other natural shades. Thanks to its environmental qualities, bamboo is able to create an environment in the room that is favorable for the physical and psychological health of a person.

Wall cladding becomes resistant to any mechanical stress, as well as the negative effects of moisture and ultraviolet radiation. Wallpaper is durable and does not lose its original aesthetic qualities over time. In addition, the material retains heat well in the room, and is even capable of accumulating it in its structure, and when the temperature drops, release it into the space of the room.

Wallpaper can be cleaned both wet and dry, which is carried out using a vacuum cleaner.

In the presented version of the room design, photo wallpaper with a marine theme was used in combination with bamboo.

This is a very good color combination. In addition, such a drawing can visually expand the space, and the image of water usually carries a positive message and has a calming effect on a person’s psychological state. The combination of the warm color of bamboo is reminiscent of the shades of a sandy shore, and in combination with the image of clear sea water, this composition will always remind you of summer and relaxation.

Photo wallpaper

Photo wallpapers would be an excellent option for decorating a teenage girl’s room, but they should still be chosen together with the “hostess” of the interior being created. The range of this type of finishing is quite large, so in specialized stores you can find canvases with any theme, and there should be no problems with the choice.

Interior color scheme

The choice of wallpaper shades for a teenage girl’s room is no less important than their appearance and the material from which they are made, since color affects not only a person’s mood, but also his general condition. This is especially important to take into account when choosing a color scheme for a teenager’s room, with all its problems inherent in this period of life.

Of course, first of all, you need to find out the preferences of the child himself, but if a desire is expressed to decorate the room in dark colors, then you should politely but persistently convince him to abandon such decisions and try to find a compromise option. Dark shades and patterns on wallpaper negatively affect the psyche of any person, especially in adolescence, when personality is being formed and future interests are being determined.

If earlier, when the child was small, it was decided for him what color his clothes and wallpaper should be in his room, now it’s time to give him the opportunity to independently decide on the design, and only if necessary, try to carefully guide his desire in the right direction.

If the living room has many large windows and it faces sunny side, then any shades can be chosen for finishing the surfaces, since in any case there will be enough light in it.

So, in order to finally decide on this parameter for choosing wallpaper, it is worth considering the most used color combinations.

Beige color

A room decorated in light beige shades will always be lighter than when using other colors. It is especially advisable to use such tones in the case when the windows of the room face the north side of the house, and there is practically no sun in the room.

Light shades promote relaxation and give the eye a rest. A teenage room is used not only for sleeping, but also for various activities or simply for privacy, so the interior should not be monochromatic and boring, and you should definitely add bright accents, uplifting. The advantage of this design is that, depending on desire, the color accents in the interior can change, and this will give the room an updated look.

Blue shades

Blue is a cool color and is best used for sunny, hot rooms. It is not chosen for rooms whose windows face the shady side of the house, since on cloudy days the room will look uncomfortable.

At the same time, blue shades do not strain the eyes, and also have a positive effect on mood, but only if the room decorated in these tones is well lit by the sun. Furniture accessories and decorative elements in black and red, gray and silver, yellow and white will fit well into such an interior, as they will dilute the blue shades and enrich the design.

Combination of light green and pink colors

Designers quite often use a combination of these colors to decorate rooms for girls of different ages, as they harmonize perfectly with each other. These shades are also combined in the production of wallpaper, so this combination is very popular.

Furniture accessories, as well as decorative interior elements, are matched to the selected wallpaper colors. Quite often, wallpaper with a pattern applied to it is combined with plain canvases with the same shades, placing them on adjacent walls.

It must be said that the use of green always brings a kind of balance to the interior - it rests the eye, and it also has a positive effect on nervous system person. Pink shades add energy and picturesqueness to the design. Light colors highlight and frame the main colors, so they can be called an integral element used to harmonize the decor.

Lilac shades

This design option looks very attractive and airy, but we must not forget that too much lilac and purple colors cause rapid eye fatigue and do not have a very good effect on mood. This is important for the teenage “unbalanced” period!

Therefore, the use of such shades is permissible only in combination with white or other colors lighter than the main background. Such inserts will smooth out the negative impact of lilac design.

Black-white-red combination

A rather controversial ensemble, but enjoying some popularity. Not everyone likes the play of sharply contrasting colors.

This combination can be called traditional; it makes the interior rich and harmonious, since red, white and black complement each other perfectly. Collected in harmonious combinations, these colors make the room elegant and quite expressive. It must be said that each of them individually does not have a positive enough effect on a person’s mood, but in the right combination increase performance and improve mood. The main thing is not to “overdo it” - there should still be much more white.

White and pink room

This design option can be called a “princess room”, since such an image is white and pink color created thanks to the animation and girls’ favorite outfits of the Barbie doll.

The white and pink combination personifies romantic moods, but does not set the mood for work, as it distracts from activities and relaxes. Therefore, if you need to motivate a teenage girl to study, then it is better to refuse this option. It should be noted that in Lately The fashion for such interiors is passing, and even before, not all teenage girls, without exception, liked them.

Black and white design

The combination of black and white colors in the right proportions and distribution will make the interior elegant and restrained. In such a room it is pleasant to engage in your favorite hobby, relax, and prepare for lessons. Colors are not distracting; on the contrary, they help to concentrate and do not contribute to mental fatigue and eye strain.

For those who are serious about studying, but at the same time not without a sense of romance, this option color design seems optimal, especially since, if desired, you can add a touch of expression to it by throwing a rich red or blue pillow or blanket on the bed.

Room Decoration Styles

Another factor that is worth discussing with the owner of the room is the style of the design. There are quite a lot of design styles, but not all of them are equally popular. To visually determine which of the frequently chosen options is suitable for a particular case, it is worth considering several style developments suitable for teenage girls.

Modern style

The modern style of decorating a room is one of the directions of minimalism, using only the necessary interior elements, that is, nothing superfluous, with the exception of a few paintings or photographs on the wall or shelves.

This style is characterized by clean lines and shapes, neutral colors and an open layout, without overly bright patterns and, of course, colorful rugs. It is acceptable to use only a few small color accents.

English style room

The English interior style is quite popular among teenagers, so you can find many ready-made design solutions based on it. The decor of this design direction is dominated by blue, light blue, white and red colors. Thanks to successful combinations of beautiful shades, the interior does not look boring, although there is a touch of severity in it. An integral attribute of this style is the flag of Great Britain or its imitation, that is, the use of the same colors, but in its own interpretation. This element can appear in the design several times, in the form of a rug in front of the bed, a cover for an armchair, a bedspread, a small painting on the wall, curtains or even a painting on the doors of the closet.

The style is quite restrained, not involving ruffles or frills on curtains or bedding, but despite this, the combination of colors and numerous highlighted lines are still a distraction. Therefore, if a child is not distinguished by the ability to quickly get ready and concentrate on a specific activity, then it is best, when choosing this design option, to provide for main attribute was small in size and was not constantly in the center of the field of view.

Sea style

The marine style of room decoration cannot be called too popular among teenage girls, but it’s completely in vain. After all, this direction includes the widest possibilities for decorating a room.

It is not at all necessary to hang anchors on the walls or make windows in the form of portholes. It is enough to use traditional colors for this style and choose them successful combinations. Yes, for marine theme Blue, indigo and turquoise colors are used, symbolizing water, white - sea foam, ocher shades - sand on the seashore. Photo wallpapers with seascapes are perfect for this area, and if they have a defined horizon line, this effect will help visually expand the space of the room. To enter into interior design accent, you can use a thick red color, but there should not be too much of it.

Blue shades in combination with white and blue have a good effect on vision and do not distract attention, so this decorative solution is quite successful for both a girl’s and a boy’s room.

Provence style

The Provence style can be called one of the most beloved by many designers, and it is perfect for creating cozy room for both girls and adults. This direction is different light colors, so the room turns out to be flooded with sunlight and remains bright even on cloudy days.

Wallpaper for this room is most often chosen to be paper, white or a color close to it. They are decorated with floral ornaments or a cage, which differs from the background of the canvas by only two or three tones, and therefore is practically invisible. Such wallpaper can be used in combination with other materials, for example, painted wood or imitation brickwork.

Calm pastel shades good for both relaxation and any activity. This style will especially appeal to girls who do handicrafts, as it encourages them to add handmade crafts to the decoration of the room - this could be embroidery, a knitted pillowcase, a blanket or a chair cover.

High-tech style

The high-tech style can be called the triumph of minimalism, since of all its directions, it has become the most famous and used in interiors for both adults and children. “High-tech” is characterized by laconicism and functionality, that is, the room contains only the items necessary for life and work - and nothing superfluous.

Decorative elements may be present in minimal quantities in the interior, but also made in the same style and having suitable shades. In a room decorated in this style, objects with smooth and chrome-plated surfaces and clearly defined shapes are welcome. “High-tech” is most often chosen to decorate the room of teenage boys, but some girls also welcome this trend.

Classic style

The classic style has not gone out of fashion for many decades and is distinguished by its luxury and comfort. For it, wallpaper of light shades is chosen - mainly pastel green, ocher and similar tones with large, but not very prominent plant patterns, located on canvases with large spacing.

Traditional pieces of furniture for this style are chests of drawers, wide beds, as well as floor lamps and tables with curly curved legs. In rooms designed in a classic style, any person feels comfortable. If you are decorating a small room and it is impossible to install big bed, then variations are quite possible, since this style does not establish a clear design framework with specific attributes.

We need to remember other trends suitable for the design of a teenage room - these are American, Scandinavian, country, loft, ethnic and other styles. Which one to choose will primarily depend on the owner of the room being renovated, as well as the desire of the parents to create a comfortable and healthy atmosphere for the child. But you shouldn’t get carried away with something completely exotic; it can give completely unexpected negative results.

In addition to the wallpaper material, its color and applicability to a particular style, it is necessary to keep in mind several more aspects of choosing a finish:

  • If allocated for a nursery narrow room, then if you want to visually expand its space, you can use several approaches. For example, wallpaper with a 3D effect is used, with an image on it with a visible horizon line or with a pronounced perspective. Photo wallpaper must be glued to the entire surface of the room's wall from floor to ceiling. Another option could be canvases with wide horizontal stripes - they are glued to one or both short walls of the room.

If it is necessary to visually make the room longer, wallpaper with horizontal stripes is pasted on one or both walls located on the right and left sides of the front door.

  • In a room with very high ceilings It is quite difficult to create comfort, and this problem can be solved in two ways. The first is to install a suspended or suspended ceiling system. The second is to stick a decorative border up to 100 mm wide on the walls along the entire perimeter of the room, retreating from the junction of the wall and the ceiling by approximately 150÷170 mm.

If, on the contrary, the ceiling needs to be visually raised, then for this purpose you can use the same striped wallpaper, but they need to be glued vertically to one or all walls of the room.

  • It is not recommended to purchase for a small children's room dark wallpaper or those that have a large geometric or floral pattern, as they have the property of visually compressing space. To get the opposite effect, you should use plain fabrics in light shades.
  • Cold tones of the finishing material create a cool effect in the room, so they can be used to decorate rooms whose windows face the sunny side of the house.

Warm colors make the room more comfortable and cozy to stay in.

  • Wallpaper with diagonal or large drawings are chosen when it is necessary to hide the curvature of the wall surface.

When following one or more of the recommendations listed, you must take into account everything mentioned above, that is, the chosen style and color scheme of the interior.

At the end of the publication, there is a video showing the design developments of the interior of rooms for teenage girls. Perhaps this will help someone immediately decide on the best option.

Video: options for finishing and interior filling of rooms for teenage girls

When our children grow up, they not only change their tastes and style in clothing, music and much more, they also yearn to change the interior of their personal space. And now we are faced with the difficult task of choosing the color of wallpaper for a teenager’s bedroom.

It is not necessary to choose expensive wallpaper for a teenager’s room, since their tastes change quite often and it is possible that in six months to a year, your child will want different colors. In addition, do not forget that the walls will be covered with posters of your favorite idols.

If your teenager really wants bright or dark colors, don’t categorically refuse them right away. In fashionable modern interiors these are very relevant color solutions, and combining wallpaper will help to dilute the colorfulness and gloomy darkness.

It is worth discussing with your child not only the color scheme of his room, but what kind of wallpaper it will be:

  • Plain wallpaper will look in the bedroom as a background either for furniture or for drawings and posters. It is good to choose wallpaper for painting, this makes it possible to change the color background over time.
  • Geometric wallpaper- This is the type of wallpaper often chosen by teenagers. The frequency of figures and their colors affect the mood of the entire room.
  • Wallpaper with stripes fit well into the interior of a child's bedroom. Its colors and intensity will make the room cheerful, rich and fresh.
  • Classic patterns suitable if your child wants a bedroom in a classic interior style. But this style is rarely chosen by teenagers.
  • Photo wallpaper Very good decision for a teenager's bedroom. He can choose the design himself, taking into account his preferences.

Advice! Wallpaper for painting a good choice for a teenager’s bedroom, with his constant changes in tastes and desires.

Photo wallpaper and wall decoration

Photo wallpapers are often used for a teenager’s room; their choice is huge, especially since in our modern times it is not a problem to create something of your own, to order, their price is quite reasonable.

Photo wallpaper in a teenager's room:

  • They give him the opportunity to express his inner world.
  • Show off your interests or hobbies.
  • Easy to replace if hobbies change.
  • You can change it if you want something new.
  • This is a good replacement for numerous posters.
  • They will last quite a long time and will make the room tidier.

Important! Giving your child the freedom to choose wallpaper for their room will earn their respect. And his self-esteem will noticeably increase, not only in his own eyes, but also in the eyes of his friends.

In this video, detailed instructions How to properly apply photo wallpaper with your own hands.

Photo wallpaper isn't the only choice for decorating a teenager's bedroom walls - it could be a large map of the world. Colorful, glossy and bright, covering the entire wall, the map will not only become a decoration and accent of the room, it also has a practical and useful application for a student teenager.

Graffiti or wall painting will delight the modern teenager. Especially if you let him do the painting himself. At the same time, you will see his self-expression as an individual.

Teen colors

Of course, every parent puzzles over what color to choose wallpaper for their child’s bedroom. After all, in our minds, it should be light and calming, but a teenager rebels and wants bright colors.

At the stage of choosing a color scheme for a child’s bedroom, it is very important to take into account his preferences, since color affects the psyche and emotional state. The color that will predominate in a teenager’s room determines how stable his inner world will be.

Teenagers are rebels who try to provoke us to make sure how much we trust their independence and choice. Therefore, you should not be surprised when, when asked what color the wallpaper should be in the bedroom, he answers - black.

Don’t be scared, keep in mind that children’s tastes change quite often, and multi-colored posters will soon be displayed on the walls, which will push black into the background. You can make one or two walls black and this will become a kind of compromise.

The color red is much more dangerous for teenagers; in children with unstable psyches it can cause irritation and anger. In addition, it is the color of intimacy and passion, which will not allow you to concentrate on your studies. If the child insists, try offering him calmer shades of this color.

You can also make red accents or inserts, and make the main color something calm. Combining wallpaper of any type, depending on the volume of the room, will help with this. It will also help to tone down the red color light furniture, warm shades.

The blue color, although dark and cold, is still a very good choice for a teenager's bedroom. It relieves feelings of irritation and relaxes. It also goes well with the color red and can calm its aggressiveness.

But blue color and its main blue shade are worth choosing for active children. If your child does not like to move a lot, is shy and quiet, such colors will relax him even more and it will be difficult for him to study and think about studying.

Psychologists say that perfect flowers for teenagers, green and yellow and their shades are considered. These colors are reminiscent of summer, nature and make you feel cheerful and active. At the same time, they do not negatively affect the mental and emotional state of the child.

Green has a calming effect on everyone, while yellow is very invigorating. Green color goes well with all other colors except purple and its shades. Yellow will visually enlarge the room and bring lightness and light into it.

Orange color is very good in its emotional impact, but it should be chosen carefully for a teenager’s room; it is best to choose calm shades of orange. This warm color raises activity and mood, but also increases appetite.

There are several basic concepts of teenage rooms:

  • Bright colors set the mood active image life, give energy and awaken enthusiasm.
  • Calm - calm and inspire confidence and stability.
  • Light colors encourage positivity and communication.

The following colors and shades are popular for guys:

  • Blue.
  • Green.
  • Brown.
  • Violet.
  • Grey.

Girls are divided into two groups:

  • Glamorous.
  • Boys.

Glamorous young ladies prefer bright and calm colors and their shades such as:

  • Lilac.
  • Lilac.
  • Pink.
  • Yellow.
  • Orange.
  • Light green.
  • Blue.
  • Beige.

Tomboyish girls choose richer and darker colors and shades:

  • Brown.
  • Grey.
  • Black.
  • Blue.
  • Green.
  • Violet.

The main thing is not to limit the teenager’s fantasies, but to help him combine it all. After all, his self-confidence depends on his decision on what color wallpaper to choose for the bedroom; for him, this is a demonstration of his inner world and perception of the outer world.

Selecting the style

Let's look at several bedroom interior styles that a teenager might like. The main thing is that you together select a style and bright accents for it; this is very important for your child.

Interior styles that suit your hobbies:

  • For future artists or musicians – loft, kitsch or avant-garde.
  • For athletes - avant-garde, hi-tech or loft.
  • For lovers of technology and the Internet - constructivism, avant-garde or high-tech.
  • For fans of Eastern teachings and cultures - all Eastern styles.
  • For future travelers - sea or safari, aka African style.
  • For fashionable glamorous young ladies - Paris.
  • For home handicrafts - shabby chic, country or Provence.
  • For princesses - baroque, rococo or classic.
  • For lovers of mysticism - gothic.
  • For those who are passionate about fairy tales and fantasy - Scandinavian.

Of course it's not full list and here you and your child can show your imagination and taste.

Types of bedroom styles for a teenager

More information about interior styles for a teenage bedroom:

  • Loft style

It's a mix of trendy and modern with old and shabby. It contains nearby:

  1. Snow-white walls and rough brick or shiny steel and rough shabby boards.
  2. Modern appliances and old, faded, but very comfortable furniture.
  3. Bright upholstered furniture and all kinds of trinkets.
  • Shabby chic style

A room in this style is covered with antiquity, there are no newfangled things and the decoration is made of natural rough materials. This style is more suitable for girls, as it involves a lot of handicrafts:

  1. Toys.
  2. Embroidery.
  3. Lace.
  4. Knitten things.
  5. Patchwork quilt.
  • Provence style

This style is a variation of country, but lighter and airier. This style is not suitable for a boy. Its characteristics:

  1. Light, warm colors and shades.
  2. Lots of floral textiles with ruffles.
  3. Natural shabby furniture.
  4. A huge variety of accessories.
  5. A large number of pillows.
  • Rock style

In adolescence, rock is one of the main hobbies and creating a room that matches the hobby is not so difficult. Suitable for him:

  1. Beige or gray wallpaper.
  2. Blinds instead of curtains.
  3. Simple furniture.
  4. Graffiti on the wall.
  5. Guitar on the wall.
  6. Lots of posters and magazine clippings of your favorite musicians on the walls.
  • Classic style

Classic is suitable for everyone, but the problem is that few teenagers will choose this style. Its characteristics:

  1. Wood in decoration and furniture.
  2. The walls are plain or with a discreet pattern.
  3. Formal textiles.
  • Paris style

This is the style of romantically minded girls. It is simple and at the same time sophisticated. Its characteristics:

  1. Light wallpaper.
  2. Black and white drawings or photos of Paris.
  3. Carved or forged furniture.
  4. Lots of cute little accessories.
  • New York style

Suitable for fashionistas both boys and girls. Its characteristics:

  1. Embossed wallpaper or plaster.
  2. Complex color scheme.
  3. Chesterfield style sofa.
  4. Furniture reminiscent of antiques.
  5. Accessories and accents of your hobbies.
  • Scandinavian style

This style will do. If your child loves order and restraint, light and as few trinkets as possible. It is characterized by:

  1. Light colors.
  2. Wooden furniture.
  3. Naturalness and simplicity.
  • Avant-garde style

This is a modern and experimental classic. Its characteristics:

  1. Pure bright contrasting colors.
  2. Large geometric shapes.
  3. Non-standard solutions in everything.
  4. Hanging bed.
  5. Shapeless chairs.
  6. Rotating shelves.
  • High-tech style

A bedroom in this style is functional and simple, for lovers of science fiction and space. Its characteristics:

  1. Minimum textiles.
  2. No drawings.
  3. Smooth or glossy surfaces.
  4. Cool colors.
  5. Shelves instead of cabinets.
  6. Functional furniture.
  7. Lots of metal surfaces.
  • Safari style

This style is suitable for those who dream of travel, adventure lovers and animal lovers. Its characteristics:

  1. Lots of pictures of exotic animals.
  2. Textiles reminiscent of animal skins.
  3. Natural wallpaper - bamboo or cork.
  4. All shades of brown in interior and design.
  5. Lightweight, better wicker furniture.
  6. Ritual masks for decoration.
  • Sea style

This style is also suitable for adventure lovers, but this time at sea. Sea romance is very suitable for a room for two boys, as bunk bed it will come in handy here. Its characteristics:

  1. Brown, blue and white colors and their shades.
  2. Dark wooden furniture.
  3. Plank flooring and wallpaper simulating planks.
  4. Metal legs for furniture.
  5. Chains and nautical accessories and accents.
  • Kitsch style

Good for a rebellious teenager. An incompatible room in decoration and color scheme is a kitsch style. But complete chaos, as it may seem, has something in common and creative children with artistic taste will choose this style. Its characteristics:

  1. Bright poisonous colors.
  2. Tasteless accessories.
  3. Incompatible furniture.
  • Constructivism style

Ideal for a child who loves perfectionism - organizing and classifying everything. It's good if it's a large room. Its characteristics:

  1. Minimum furniture.
  2. No accessories.
  3. Compact and simple.
  4. Thoughtful and functional storage spaces.

This is just a small selection of teen-friendly bedroom styles. Whatever style you and your child choose, there is always room for imagination and desires to come true. Help your child combine all this with taste.


We found out what color wallpaper should be in a teenager's bedroom, what interior styles would suit them, taking into account their interests and hobbies. Be patient and stock up on photos of sample interiors.