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» How to grow a beautiful and delicate Dolce Vita rose. Rose Dolce Vita: description and cultivation Climbing rose of the Dolce Vita variety

How to grow a beautiful and delicate Dolce Vita rose. Rose Dolce Vita: description and cultivation Climbing rose of the Dolce Vita variety

Roses are especially loved by florists and gardeners. delicate shades Dolce Vita. Persistent, with a strong bud, it blooms in the garden for a long time and is actively used in bouquets and compositions.

Characteristics of the variety

Rose Dolce Vita is a hybrid tea flower with a dense, glass-shaped bud. About 40 petals gracefully frame each other. The color of the main petal is pale cream. Their wavy edges are soft pink, saturated towards the middle of the bud. The “glass” itself is in no hurry to open; the half-opened petals take a long time to create the feeling of a freshly cut flower. The petals are terry to the touch.

The trunk is strong, stable, perfect for the “one rose without packaging” gift option. A big plus is the absence of thorns on the trunk. Green foliage - lush, dense, shiny. The base of the flower head is strong, the heavy “glass” does not hang either on the root or when cut. The bush grows up to 1 meter - “one stem, one flower.” Such roses are wonderful for bouquets; they last a long time without losing their fresh appearance.

Rose has a light, pleasant aroma. Probably for this quality the variety was given the name Dolce Vita (Sweet Life - French). The aroma is more audible in the evening or at high humidity.

Advantages and features

The variety has been pleasing gardeners for more than 15 years - it was bred by Dutch breeders, but quickly took root in our country. It takes root well in a new place and successfully tolerates frosts - in most regions it does not need to be closed for the winter.

Good indicators of resistance to diseases and pests. It does not like rain; if moisture gets on the petals, it quickly rots.

It blooms for a long time due to the slow opening of the petals in the bud. After planting, during the first year no additional fertilizers are required; the first hole feeding is sufficient. At the site of “creases” or microdamages, the flowers quickly turn black. This does not affect the overall durability, but the flowers lose their aesthetics. The rose does not require frequent watering. On average, a bush takes about 10 liters of water, but in dry hot weather, the quantity can be increased.

The flower is not capricious to its neighbors; it can be combined with other varieties of flowering or shrub plants.

Growing conditions

Rose - tender plant, requiring strict adherence to the rules and recommendations for planting and care. If you do not ignore them, the Dolce Vita rose will delight you with lush “healthy” flowering for a long time. Basic growing rules:

  • Choosing a location. It should not be shady; it is advisable to provide good illumination in the first half of daylight.
  • Carefully inspect young rose seedlings before planting. They should not be broken; only those flowers that are free from damage, stains and rot should be planted.
  • Darkened areas must be cut back to the “living” area and immediately treated and disinfected with a manganese solution.

  • Suitable months for planting are May-June, September-October.

Attention! In the southern regions, planting can begin earlier.

  • The rose should be planted in a hole with previously prepared nutrient soil. It should consist of peat (this can be humus), coarse sand, and organic fertilizers. The soil should be loose.

Attention! It is not advisable to move an already established plant to another place.

Despite the good “resistance” to diseases, it is advisable to treat the rose several times a season protective compounds. In frosts of minus 35, the rose must be “buried” by covering it with earth and covered.

Thanks to his picky “temper”, beautiful appearance rose Dolce Vita is one of the most popular varieties. At easy care the plant will not disappoint, it will give abundant flowering and aroma.

Variety Dolce Vita: video

The two-color hybrid tea rose Dolce Vita was bred by foreign breeders and has long become a universal favorite in many countries. It is this variety that is used when decorating festive halls, arranging special events and composing wedding bouquets.

Description of the variety

Description of the Dolce Vita rose corresponds general characteristics all hybrid tea varieties. It is ideal for cutting and lasts a long time in bouquets, maintaining its original freshness. The variety was bred in the Netherlands 15 years ago. The flowers are very large, the petals are creamy white with a thin border of a delicate pink shade.

The bud and flower at the opening stage have a classic goblet shape. The bud is large, 8–10 cm in diameter, terry, consists of 38 petals, opens relatively slowly, remaining in a half-open state for a long time. Sometimes the central part of the bud has a violet or lilac tint. A special feature of the variety is the presence of snow-white terry petals at the base of the flowers.

Flowers can be collected in small clusters, but are more often located singly on the shoots. The flowering is very intense and bright, including a whole range of orange and pink shades. The underside of the petals is colored salmon-pink. The foliage is quite dense, leathery, with a glossy surface, dark green.

The aroma is not expressed, but very delicate and sweet; in fully opened flowers it intensifies in the evening and in cool weather. The bush is relatively compact, 1.2–1.5 m high.

How to trim a rose (video)

Features of cultivation

Compliance with planting rules and proper care at all stages of the rose's growing season guarantees its stable growth, full development and abundant and long-lasting flowering.

  • the area for growing Dolce Vita roses should be well lit in the first half of the day;
  • for planting, seedlings should be selected without external damage, dried areas and signs of disease;
  • before planting, the root system of the seedling must be trimmed down to living tissue and disinfected in a light pink solution of potassium permanganate;
  • plant a rose on permanent place in open ground it is recommended from May to June;
  • the planting hole must be half filled with a nutrient mixture from garden soil, coarse sand and organic fertilizers- manure, peat or humus;

  • Roses should be watered relatively rarely, but generously, with water heated in the sun, in the evening or morning;
  • For each adult bush you need to spend 10–12 liters of water;
  • thanks to pre-planting enrichment of holes nutrients, in the first year after planting root dressings no need to carry out;
  • from the second year in the spring, it is necessary to feed the bushes with nitrogen-containing fertilizers, which stimulate the plant growth process;
  • in summer and autumn it is advisable to apply special complex fertilizers or compounds based on phosphorus and potassium: this improves the winter hardiness of the crop;

  • in the first year, during pruning, it is recommended to shorten the shoots to 4–6 buds;
  • during pruning in preparation for autumn, the above-ground part of the plant should be shortened to 30–40 cm;
  • with the onset of steady cold weather, it is necessary to provide rose bushes with complete shelter, for which you can use spruce spruce branches and non-woven material, for example “Lutrasil”.

It should be remembered that pinching some of the buds and breaking the peduncles, which activates the growth of side shoots, helps improve the quality of cut products.

Combination with other plants

Today, hybrid tea roses are extremely popular among domestic and foreign amateur gardeners. The Dolce Vita variety goes very well with David Austin roses. Also winning are his various combinations with white or pastel flowers clematis. Rose Dolce Vita looks very good against the backdrop of beautifully flowering and beautifully fruited shrubs planted at a distance of at least a meter from the ornamental crop.

Compliance with the correct agricultural technology and taking into account the varietal characteristics of the rose allows you to obtain a long-lasting and abundantly blooming ornamental plant, which will become a real decoration of a personal or garden plot.

Reviews of rose growers

Most often you can find very flattering reviews about the Dolce Vita rose. This variety attracts the close attention of amateur flower growers, florists and landscape designers such advantages as:

According to experienced rose growers, cover should not be removed from bushes of this variety too early: it is return frosts that often cause the death of the plant. It should also be remembered that unfavorable weather factors can provoke the death of buds and the coloring of the border. Brown color.

Rose care: fertilizer (video)

Among the significant problems of most hybrid tea varieties, including the Dolce Vita rose, many rose growers consider it problematic to grow self-rooted seedlings in open ground. Usually, during the first two years after planting, plants build up a weak fibrous root system, which can suffer greatly from drying out in summer or freezing in winter.

One of the most popular and beloved by customers is the beautiful rose Dolce Vita. Although this hybrid was bred outside our country, garden plots Many people grow it. This flower is a constant companion to many celebrations. How to grow this delicate flower we will tell you in this article.

This rose is practically no different from its “friends”. It can stand in a vase, delighting with its freshness and captivating with its charm. Appearing in Holland about 15 years ago, it won the well-deserved love of our compatriots.

The rose is simply delightful: large buds in the shape of a pastel glass. A beautiful addition that adds charm and sophistication to the Dolce Vita is the pink border that frames the edges.

The bud has non-standard shape: It is widened at the bottom and slightly narrowed at the top. The flower consists of 38 petals tightly adjacent to each other. Even without touching the bud, you feel its terryness.

The bud remains half-open for a long time, so you will have to wait until it opens. Some buds are decorated with a purple center. Seeing the double petal at the base of the flower bowl, you will unmistakably determine that this is a Dolce Vita rose.

The plant blooms as a single flower, but sometimes the flowers are collected in an inflorescence. Hybrid rose Not only is it beautiful, its blooms are amazing. The buds are painted orange-pink. The bottom of the petals almost always has a pink tint. The leaves framing the flower are dark green and smooth to the touch.

The Dutch beauty has a delicate, calm aroma with notes of sweetness in the trail; when the buds open, the smell intensifies.

A cloud of delicate aroma surrounds this delightful flower in the cool of the evening. Charming “heads” flaunt on a bush 1.5 meters high.

Video “Pruning hybrid tea roses”

From this video you will learn how and when to prune hybrid tea roses.

Features of growing the variety

  1. It is worth noting that Dolce Vita will give you such a gentle charm if you take care of it properly. When leaving, you should follow some rules.
  2. The planting area should be well lit before lunch.
  3. Seedlings for planting must not be damaged.

Before choosing a seedling for a permanent place of “residence” in the ground, you should trim the roots by twenty centimeters and place it in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This procedure is necessary to disinfect the root system.

The rose is planted in the ground in late spring - early summer. Before planting, prepare a soil mixture of soil, sand and humus. Instead of humus, you can take peat or manure. Fill the planting hole with the prepared mixture.

Water the flowers twice a day with a moderate amount of warm and settled water at the rate of one bucket per bush. In the first year of growth, the rose does not need feeding; in the next year, the plant is fertilized nitrogen fertilizers

, which stimulate the growth of leafy greens. In the summer-autumn period, potassium and phosphorus fertilizers are suitable, which contribute to the formation of the flower. They will strengthen the plant and help it survive the winter.

The rose needs shelter for the winter. For this purpose, spruce branches are used. Don't rush to remove the shelter. Roses are afraid of return frosts. They can cause the buds to die, and the border turns brown if the temperature drops sharply. By following these simple rules, you can have beautiful, fragrant and healthy roses in your garden.

They are used for cutting, for forcing, . This flower rightfully serves as decoration garden plots. The rose is very viable, but after heavy and prolonged rains it can rot. As a preventative measure, you can use tearing off the lower leaves when even a hint of decay appears.

Combination with other colors

The tea hybrid, even when cut, retains its pleasant aroma and beauty for a long time. This rose is used to make bouquets. A flower of extraordinary beauty with tight, large buds and a light aroma of French perfume. She is the favorite of many women. Some even call it affectionately “strawberry ice cream.”

Gardeners perfectly combine this variety with David Austin roses. This charming two-tone flower looks great when combined with pastel clematis flowers. A neighborhood of beautiful flowering bushes only emphasizes the charm of Dolce Vita. A caveat is that shrubs should be grown at a distance of a meter from the rose.


Rose hybrid tea Dolce Vita Plus (Dolce Vita +)- the flowers are white with a lilac-pink edge, large, densely double, on a powerful peduncle, open slowly and stay on the bush for a long time, can deteriorate from rain. The bush is strong with straight shoots. The flowers are large with a high center, densely double, on a powerful peduncle, and practically do not open. The bush is dressed large leaves, which is very important for garden rose. The buds are located singly, occasionally in small clusters. Great cut.

Planting and caring for roses

Roses should be planted in warm, sunny places where there are no cold winds. Roses prefer moist and well-drained soils, with an acid-base reaction of 5.6-7.3 pH (see What is soil acidity: determining and adjusting pH). Planting pit should correspond to the clod of earth, so that the roots are located freely. The depth must be at least 50 cm, since it is necessary to make drainage from sand or gravel. Stagnation of water should not be allowed. For roses the following is suitable soil mixture: manure (3 parts), fertile layer soil (2 parts), sand (2 parts) and peat (1 part). Best time for planting the beginning of May, by this time the soil has already warmed up.

Before planting, it is better to keep the seedlings in water, especially if root system open. 4-6 hours is enough. If the roots have damaged shoots, it is advisable to remove them. It is better to shorten the shoots, cut off the weak ones, leaving the strong and medium ones. This will promote faster growth.

Roses need to be regularly fed, weeded and watered, choice complex fertilizers big enough. Typically, fertilizing is carried out in spring and mid-summer. Water abundantly, usually once a week. In the spring, roses are pruned, even before the buds awaken (see Standard roses - Care, grafting, cultivation).

It is advisable to cover roses for the winter (see How to cover climbing roses for the winter). To do this, it is usually enough to fill the bush with peat, and in the spring the ground is leveled.

The Vyatka roses we sell can grow without problems in any zone of the country on different climatic conditions. Our task is to grow seedlings that will delight you with pleasant flowering and excellent growth, while requiring you to spend a minimum of time and effort when growing them.

When you contact us you will always receive professional help care and proper cultivation all our seedlings from a garden specialist (16 years of experience in growing roses). All planting material roses can be bought in the online store and received in your locality at any post office. The rose seedlings you purchased will be sent to you by mail.

We have been growing and propagating seedlings of roses and other plants for a long time. During this time we have grown a large number of different varieties roses, each unique and beautiful in its own way. In the harsh northern winters it is very difficult to preserve rose seedlings, so only those rose seedlings that can withstand such unfavorable natural conditions grow and reproduce in our country.

Each of our plants survived at least one winter in such conditions, despite the fact that not every small seedling remains alive when spring arrives. Therefore, our next advantage is the very high survival rate and hardiness of roses. You get Vyatka roses that can survive in natural conditions a habitat. Every year our assortment increases and changes, because the task is to offer you those roses that can please beautiful color and excellent endurance.

Every year our assortment increases and changes, because the task is to offer you those roses that can please you with their beautiful color and excellent hardiness. Today, with joy and love, we grow over 100 types of roses different types- hybrid tea, park, ground cover, climbing (climbing), English, sprays.